Tag: writing

  • Contoh Surat Untuk Teman dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Artinya Terupdate

    Contoh Surat Untuk Teman dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Artinya Terupdate

    Contoh Surat Untuk Teman dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Artinya Terupdate – Apakah sekarang Sahabat SBI masih sering mengirim surat kepada seorang teman atau kerabat? Saya pikir di zaman yang serba digital ini sudah jarang ya surat-menyurat. Di bawah ini adalah contoh surat untuk teman dalam Bahasa Inggris.  Surat ini dibuat oleh Melly. Dia bercerita tentang pengalamannya saat pergi ke Medan. Dia menceritakan tentang berapa lama dia sampai kesana, suasana, makanan dan tempat pariwisata di Medan.

    I can’t believe I’m here at last. The flight was really long. It took almost four hours Anyway North-Sumatra’s great. We arrived in Medan nearly four days ago. It was really hot. I went around the town to see some historical sires. Maimun Empire and the fish market are on my list.

    I have just arrived in Brastagi. It’s very cold here. We are staying at the hostel. It’s very cheap but the meal is a little bit terrible. So, I prefer eating out. Restaurant “99” offers delicious. So, We almost go there for breakfast, lunch and dinner. From the hostel I can see a beautiful view, especially in the morning it’s very fantastic.

    Tomorrow I am going to Samosir Island. I’ll go water skiing. People say that skiing on the Toba Lake can be unforgettable experience. Other thing I’m planning to do is fishing in the lake. There are a lot of kinds of fish. I hope I can catch a lot of fish and I will bake them for dinner.

    I am arriving home on 16 July, in time for school. See you then.

    With love,


     Contoh surat untuk teman dalam bahasa  inggris

    Artinya :

    Aku tidak percaya akhirnya aku bisa berada di sini juga . Penerbangan yang sangat panjang. Butuh waktu hampir empat jam untuk mencapai Sumatera Utara yang besar. Kami tiba di Medan hampir empat hari yang lalu. Cuacanya benar-benar panas. Aku pergi di sekitar kota untuk melihat beberapa tempat-tempat sejarah. Maimun Empire dan pasar ikan ada di daftar yang ingin saya kunjungi.

    Aku baru saja tiba di Brastagi. Sangat dingin di sini. Kami tinggal di asrama. Sangat murah tapi makananya  sedikit aneh. Jadi, saya lebih suka makan di luar. Restaurant “99” menawarkan menu lezat. Jadi, kami hampir pergi ke sana untuk sarapan, makan siang dan makan malam. Dari asrama aku bisa melihat pemandangan yang indah, terutama di pagi hari.

    Besok saya akan ke Pulau Samosir. Aku bermain ski air. Orang mengatakan bahwa ski di Danau Toba dapat menjadi pengalaman yang tak terlupakan. Hal lain yang saya rencanakan adalah memancing di danau. Ada banyak jenis ikan. Saya harap saya bisa menangkap banyak ikan dan saya akan memanggang ikan-ikan itu untuk makan malam.

    Saya tiba pulang ke rumah pada tanggal 16 Juli, karena sudah waktunya untuk sekolah. Sampai jumpa lagi.

    Dengan cinta,


  • Contoh Procedure Text Bahasa Inggris How To Make Spaghetti

    Contoh Procedure Text Bahasa Inggris How To Make Spaghetti

    Contoh Procedure Text Bahasa Inggris How To Make Spaghetti – Berikut ini adalah contoh procedure text how to make Spaghetti dalam bahasa Inggris. Dimana artikel sebelumnya sudah membahas tentang apa itu procedure text. Artikel ini sangat berguna sekali untuk membantu anda memahami lbih dalam tentang procedure text. Oke…. ini dia Contoh Procedure Text how to make spaghetti dalam bahasa inggris.

    How to Make Spaghetti at Home

    The materials needed :
    500 grams of spaghetti
    250 grams of minced meat
    3 tablespoons tomato sauce
    500 grams of fresh tomatoes, blended + a little water
    Flour 2 tablespoons cornstarch
    100 grams of grated Cheddar cheese
    2 cloves Onion, thinly chopped
    8 cloves garlic, finely chopped up
    1 tablespoon Oregano Powder
    Cooking oil
    Olive oil
    Beef sausage and other additives (if required)

    procedure text how to make spaghetti

    Procedure :
    1. Boil tomatoes in a blender with an additional glass of water, use a small fire to boil. Wait until the boil then add the minced meat and powdered oregano powder, stir gently until evenly until textured thick like gravy. If it is less viscous, add cornstarch and dissolve with water, pour the sauce ingredients.

    2. Enter the tomato sauce and sugar include salt to taste. Add grated cheese to taste alone (leaving) the sauce mixture. Taste sauce have you created earlier to be sure the results are stable, then lift the sauce.

    How to cook Spaghetti:
    1. First boil 1 liter of water mixed with 2 tablespoons of cooking oil, boiled until boiling and then enter the spaghetti, and stir until blended.

    2. Once in the sense of spaghetti already cooked (Try in eating 1 seed), remove and drain. Adding 5 tablespoons of olive oil to make it more palatable, stir again until well blended.

    How to eat Spaghetti:
    1. Prepare a frying pan containing oil for frizzling onions and garlic until softened and fragrant aroma out. Pour spaghetti sauce have you created earlier, cook again until aromatic fragrant is out.

    2. Enter the spaghetti into the still hot sauce and heat over low heat while stirring gently until the sauce and spaghetti completely blended. If you want to add sausage or other additives to taste. Having considered the lift was spaghetti and spaghetti Serve with a sprinkling of grated cheese.

    The portion of the above recipe is for 8-10 people.
    Always better make their own spaghetti sauce at home instead of using ready-made sauces because the more assured of quality and cleanness.

    Demikianlah contoh procedure text how to make spaghetti. Semoga bisa membantu kita dalam memamahami lebih dalam tentang procedure text dan membuat kita bisa membuat Spaghetti sendiri dirumah. Selamat Bekerja!!!

  • 4 Tips Langkah Sukses Belajar Bahasa Inggris  Dari Dasar!

    4 Tips Langkah Sukses Belajar Bahasa Inggris Dari Dasar!

    4 Tips Langkah Sukses Belajar Bahasa Inggris  Dari Dasar!

    www.sekolahbahasainggris.comBelajar bahasa Inggris tidak bisa langsung ke tingkat yang expert-nya! Sahabat jika ingin sukse dalam menguasai bahasa Inggris harus diawali dari yang dasar.

    4 Tips Langkah Sukses Belajar Bahasa Inggris  Dari Dasar!
    4 Tips Langkah Sukses Belajar Bahasa Inggris Dari Dasar!

    Lalu langkah apa saja sih dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris dasar. Nah jika kalian memang sedang bingung dan mencari hal itu mari disimak tips dan langkah-langkah sukses yang sudah diuji coba admin khususnya dan berhasil dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris dari dasar. Yuk disimak:

    1.     Belajarlah Pronunciation

    Dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris dasar memang yak terpenting ketika kita berbicara adalah apakah orang lain mengerti apa yang kita ucapkan, jika pengucapannya salah, bagaimana mau berhasil.

    Nah jika bingung dengan pronunciation, kalian bisa belajar di sini:

    Full Learning: What is Pronunciation, Files Practice(1)

    1. Belajarlah Words

    Pelajaran ini dianggap pelajaran anak TK dan banyak orang dewasa yang ingin belajar bahasa Inggris yang tidak mau belajar dari sini. Padahal tahukah kalian kata-kata yangkita ucapkan baik secara lisan maupun tulisan berasal dari pengetahuan kita tentang apa bahasa Inggrisnya kata tersebut.

    Admin punya kumpulan kosa kata bahasa Inggri sesuai pengelompokkannya : [Read:Daftar Kata-kata dalam Bahasa Inggris Sesuai Pengelompokkannya +Artinya]

    Nah kalian pelajari 1 hari minimal 30 layaknya anak sekolah dasar maupun TK belajar. Jika 1 hari 30 kata, bayangkan jika 100 hari, maka kita sudah hafal 3000 kata, dan begitu seterusnya.

    1. Belajarlah Simple Speaking

    Klaian bisa mempraktekkan berbicara bahasa Inggris dari hal-hal yang simple atau sederhana loh sobat SBI! Misal nih:

    Kamu: Halo my friends, Jenengku Budi.

    I tinggal di Lampung.

    Miskipun terlihat setengah-setengah tapi cara ini efektif buat kamu yang ingin berbicara baahsa Inggris lancar. Bagaimana bisa kita berbicara kepada orang lain dengan baahsa inggris dengan lancer jika kita saja tidak bisa berbicara dengan kata-kata yang simple, ya ndak?

    Kalian bisa melihat di referensi artikel speaking ini [Read:6 Trik Jitu Sukses Belajar Bahasa Inggris Dengan Mudah (Terbukti)]

    1. Menulis Simple Writing

    Kalian suka tidak mengirim pesan atau update status di med-sos dengan baahsa Inggris campuran. Nah cara ini sanagtlah alamiah dan dasar loh belajar bahasa Inggris. Apalagi menggunakan bahasa inggris merupakan salah satu car yang anak muda gunakan dalam berineraksi dengan tem,an, keluarga, bahkan juga pacar tercinta.

    Misal: Budi, your mother mencari you in this pagi?

    (terlihat berantakkan, dan campur-campur, tapi bayamgkan jika 3 tahun lagi pasti akan meningkat gaya bicaranya menjadi; Budi, your mother had just looked for you in this morning)

    Nah bukankah tips dan langkah diatas efektif dalam belajar bahasa inggris? Simpla dan gampang bukan?

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Further Posts:

    20 Vocabulary Corner: Around home (Di Sekitar Rumah)

    1000 Contoh, Pengertian, dan Rumus Kalimat Present Perfect Tense

  • Contoh Analytical Exposition : Maintaining Marital Relationship Beserta Artinya Terbaru

    Contoh Analytical Exposition : Maintaining Marital Relationship Beserta Artinya Terbaru

    Contoh Analytical Exposition : Maintaining Marital Relationship Beserta Artinya Terbaru – Sahabat-sabat SBI kali ini saya akan memberikan contoh Analytical Exposition dengan topik yang sangat menarik. Ini tentang bagaimana memelihara sebuah hubungan tetapi admin menyajikannya dalam bentuk text analytical exposition. Check this out!!!!!


    Maintaining Marital Relationship

    There is no a smooth way that can be found in spouse relationship in our society. There must be obstacles that always become potentially crucial disturbances. Moreover, if we just let those things appear without solving those problems, these will create an inharmonious relationship and even trigger a divorce. Therefore, in order to avoid a divorce itself, here are several factors that can maintain the spouse relationship.

    The first important thing that should be put on the priority is that we have to care about the small thing that is very sensitive. We have to convey our dislikeness in a good manner. We cannot directly criticize because it can be an embarrassing thing for our wife or husband. We have to concern about their feeling because even if it is only a trivia, it is very important to maintain and develop the relationship itself. Moreover, we have to understand each other. If we have several suggestions about our problems from our wife or husband, we have to maximize it properly. Understanding each other is very important in resulting a good spouse relationship.

    The second factor that should be prioritized and considered is about being patient. In this level of maintaining the relationship, when we have successfully solved problems about the misunderstanding in our relationship, we also have to consider about our ego. There is a state when both of us don’t want to defer each other. Sometimes, we only care about our ego without caring other people and even our wife or husband. Men are mostly egoistic because it is their nature. It cannot be separated from them because it is their identity and nature as men. So, we should be more patient to our spouse because maintaining our relationship is more important than defending our ego.

    The last but not least is that about motivating and reminding each other. It is very important to have correctors in our life and also motivators that always encourage and remind us about our life and love. We need an inspiration and a suggestion from other people in order to make us realize that everything is just like a coin which has two sides. It is the same with us who have to consider everything not only from our perspective but also people’s perspective. Thus, it is very important to have our wife or husband as our correctors and motivators in our life because it can be a factor that can maintain a good relationship itself.

    In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that those factors actually are very crucial because it is the cores of the good relationship itself. Hopefully, it would be very helpful for those who want to maintain their relationship. Don’t forget to motivate our wife or husband. Don’t be hesitated to ask your wife or husband to remind you if you commit mistakes and vice versa because it is very important to maintain our relationship.

    Contoh text analytical exposition

    Artinya :

    Memelihara Hubungan Suami-Istri

    Tidak hubungan yang lurus yang dapat ditemukan dalam hubungan pasangan dalam masyarakat sekitar kita. Pasti ada kendala yang selalu menjadi berpotensi menjadi gangguan penting. Apalagi jika kita hanya membiarkan hal-hal muncul tanpa memecahkan masalah tersebut, ini akan menciptakan hubungan yang tidak harmonis dan bahkan memicu perceraian. Oleh karena itu, untuk menghindari perceraian itu sendiri, berikut adalah beberapa faktor yang dapat mempertahankan hubungan pasangan.

    Hal penting pertama yang harus dijadikan prioritas adalah bahwa kita harus peduli tentang hal kecil yang sangat sensitif. Kita harus menyampaikan Ketidaksukaan kita dengan cara yang baik. Kita tidak bisa langsung mengkritik karena bisa menjadi hal yang memalukan bagi istri atau suami kita. Kita harus menjaga tentang perasaan mereka karena bahkan jika itu hanya hal sepele, itu sangat penting untuk menjaga dan mengembangkan hubungan itu sendiri. Selain itu, kita harus memahami satu sama lain. Jika kita memiliki beberapa saran tentang masalah kita dari istri atau suami kita, kita harus memaksimalkan dengan benar. Memahami satu sama lain sangat penting dalam menghasilkan hubungan pasangan yang baik.

    Faktor kedua yang harus diprioritaskan dan dipertimbangkan adalah tentang menjadi sabar. Dalam tingkat ini mempertahankan hubungan, ketika kita telah berhasil memecahkan masalah tentang kesalahpahaman dalam hubungan kita, kita juga harus mempertimbangkan tentang ego kita. Ada keadaan ketika kita berdua tidak ingin menunda satu sama lain. Kadang-kadang, kita hanya peduli tentang ego kita tanpa peduli orang lain dan bahkan istri atau suami kita. Pria kebanyakan egois karena sifat mereka. Hal ini tidak dapat dipisahkan dari mereka karena itu adalah identitas dan sifat mereka sebagai laki-laki. Jadi, kita harus lebih bersabar untuk pasangan kita, karena menjaga hubungan kita lebih penting daripada mempertahankan ego kita.

    Yang terakhir adalah bahwa saling memotivasi dan mengingatkan satu sama lain. Hal ini sangat penting untuk memiliki korektor dalam hidup kita dan juga motivator yang selalu mendorong dan mengingatkan kita tentang kehidupan dan cinta kita. Kita perlu menampung inspirasi dan saran dari orang lain untuk membuat kita menyadari bahwa segala sesuatu adalah seperti koin yang memiliki dua sisi. Hal ini sama dengan kita yang harus mempertimbangkan segala sesuatu tidak hanya dari sudut pandang kita, tetapi juga perspektif masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, sangat penting untuk memiliki istri atau suami kita sebagai korektor dan motivator kita dalam kehidupan kita karena dapat menjadi faktor yang dapat mempertahankan hubungan yang baik itu sendiri.

    Kesimpulannya, saya ingin menekankan bahwa faktor-faktor tersebut benar-benar sangat penting karena merupakan inti dari hubungan yang baik itu sendiri. Mudah-mudahan, itu akan sangat membantu bagi mereka yang ingin menjaga hubungan mereka. Jangan lupa untuk memotivasi istri atau suami kita. Jangan ragu-ragu untuk meminta istri atau suami untuk mengingatkan Anda jika Anda melakukan kesalahan dan sebaliknya karena sangat penting untuk menjaga hubungan kita.

  • 10 Contoh Analytical Exposition Beserta Penjelasan Terlengkap

    10 Contoh Analytical Exposition Beserta Penjelasan Terlengkap

    10 Contoh Analytical Exposition Beserta Penjelasan Terlengkap – adalah jenis teks yang bertujuan memngungkapkan sesuatu hal agar dianggap penting oleh pembaca dengan cara memberikan pendapat atau argument yang mendukung ide pokok atau topik. Text ini termasuk kedalam jenis Argumentation Text yang berisi tentang pemikiran  penulis tentang sebuah fenomena – fenomena yang terjadi di sekitar kita.

    Generic Structure (Struktur umum) Analytical Exposition
    1. Thesis (Paragraf pertama yang berisi ide pokok atau topik)
    2. Arguments( Paragraf selanjutnya yang berisi kalimat pendukung)
    3. Reiteration/Conclusion (Kesimpulan)

    Contoh text analytical exposition

    Contoh Text Analytical Exposition

    Untuk lebih memahami lagi, berikut ini adalah contoh teks Analytical Exposition

    Compromise in Our Live

    In daily live, every people faces many problem. To solve the problem, there are alot of ways that can be used, one of them is compromise. Compromise is one of the way people solve a problem by making a win-win solution to each side. Although not all the problems can be solved by compromise, but compromise can be choosen as the way to solve a problem sometimes such as in the traditional market between seller and buyer, between two or more people when they are working in a group and in traffic acccident. In many situation, compromise is necessary.

    In the traditional market, a lot of sellers and buyers meet to do trading process. In this place, the problem they have to solve is about how to get the deal about the price of some goods. Seller and buyer usually use compromise to solve the problem of the goods’ prices which the seller sells or the buyer wants to buy. In this case, compromise occur when buyer asks the price of goods.If the price is too high for the buyer, the buyer do not agree of the price and she or he will bargain for the lowest price they can get. If there is a deal between two sides, compromise has done. Both sides will get the advantages of the transaction they have done, but if there is no deal, the reverse happens. In the transaction above, both seller and buyer want the benefit from it. To get benefit from trading process, whether they are aware or not, they use compromise. After there is a deal between the two sides, both of the get advantages. Compromise makes both seler and buyer can solve the problem withuot one of them be disappointed.

    Compromise also necessary when we work in group and discussing a problem. A group consist of two or more people with different behaviour and emotional. They have their own way or idea to solve the problem. In this situation, compromise is needed to get the best way to solve the problem. Compromise happens when every part of te group give their idea about how to solve the problem they are discussing. After all the idea received, there is just one idea reputed as the best way. Sometimes we do not agree to the result of the dicussing, but we have to accept it. When we can accept the result of the discussing whether or not agree to the result, we also do compromise. Compromise in this situation can solve the problem in a group, the problem about the difference of idea. Sometimes we can not think about just ourselves, we also think about group, because we are the group’s part.

    In traffic accident situation compromise also can be the best way for us to solve our  problem. When people get accident in the road, sometimes they prefer to do compromise than bring the problem to the police office. Compromise in this situation is the best way to solve the problem. If they bring this problem to the police office, it will make the problem more complex than before. Compromise done when the victim and the suspecy of the accident get the deal about the way they solve the problem, such as by giving some money to the victim. Compromise make the problem between the victim and suspect are solved in peace. The victim of the accident got the money for recovery and for his or her car repair. The suspect can avoided by getting some more problem with the police. There we can see that compromise can used as the simplest way to a problem. Compromise makes both sides, the victim and the suspect of the accident csn solve the problem well.

    In conclusion, although not all the problems can be solved by using compromise, it is important for us to use it as the best and first way to solve the problem. The problem such as in the traditional market, work in gruop, and in the traffic can solve by using compromise. Compromise makes the problem solved in simple way and also give benefit to both sides. We should consider to use compromise as the way we solve our problem.

  • Kumpulan Puisi Cinta Dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

    Kumpulan Puisi Cinta Dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

    Kumpulan Puisi Cinta Dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya – Hi sahabat SBI, memang sebuah puisi sarana yang sangat cocok dan romantic untuk mengungkapkan isi hati atau  apapun semua yang berhubungan dengan cinta dan kasih sayang. Dan berikut ini adalah contoh Puisi dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta artinya.


    In a Waiting

    In a Waiting
    Which was originally some Hope
    Embedded in a Journey of Human
    Run on The world with exams
    What does It says
    If covered Selfishness
    There is no Tolerance in any sense
    That Humans should not be distinguished
    I’m just a jealous Human
    Who has compassion It  has been ignored
    And have missed but not get It back

    Artinya :

     Dalam Keadaan menunggu

    Dalam Keadaan menunggu

    Yang semula beberapa Harapan

    Tertanam dalam Perjalanan Manusia

    Jalankan pada dunia dengan ujian

    namun Begitu

    Apa Dikatakan

    Jika Keegoisan tertutup

    Tidak ada Toleransi dalam setiap arti

    Bahwa Manusia tidak harus dibedakan

    Aku hanya seorang manusia yang cemburu

    Seorang Penyayang yang Telah diabaikan

    Dan telah terjawab tetapi tidak mendapatkan itu kembali


     kumpulan puisi dalam bahasa inggris dan artinya

    Black, It is …..

    Why did you make me black?

    Black is the color of dirty clothes

    The color of grimmy hands and feet

    And black is the color of darkness


    Why did you give me thick lips,

    Broad nose, and curly hair?

    Black is the color of shadows cast

    Black is the end of the day


    I just don’t understand

    What is it about my skin?

    Don’t you think it’s time

    For you to make a change?

    Artinya :

    Hitam, Ini …..

    Mengapa Anda membuat saya hitam ?

    Hitam adalah warna pakaian kotor

    Warna tangan dan kaki grimmy

    Dan hitam adalah warna gelap


    Mengapa Anda memberi saya bibir tebal,

    Hidung yang luas , dan rambut keriting ?

    Hitam adalah warna sebuah bayangan

    Hitam adalah akhir hari


    Aku hanya tidak mengerti

    Ada apa dengan kulit saya ini ?

    Jangan Anda pikir sudah waktunya

    Bagi Anda untuk membuat perubahan ?


  • Kumpulan Cerpen Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru Tentang Misteri

    Kumpulan Cerpen Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru Tentang Misteri

    Kumpulan Cerpen Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru Tentang Misteri – Ada banyak sekali manfaat jika kita sering membaca Cerpen (short Story) Dalam Bahasa Inggris  salah satunya adalah melatih kemampuan berbahasa kita. Tidak jarang juga sahabat SBI sering mendapat tugas untuk membuat sebuah Cerpen. Agar lebih mudah dalam mencari referensi saya berbagi Kumpulan Cerpen Dalam Inggris Indonesia Terbaru dan lengkap dibawah ini.

    2 a.m.

    A diligent, calm, and smart boy began his journey from his village to the town where he continued his study at a university. Bagus Alghani was a pride of the small village as he was familiar with his faith and he was also a son of the village chief. One of his weaknesses was that he was a snail. He rarely got out of his house and had only a few friends.

    Riding an old ugly vehicle, he confused where to find a dormitory as he knew nothing about this town and he never came there before. It was a week before the lecture started. He wandered near the campus, but all dormitory around there were full.

    A boy came to him when he took a rest in front of a mosque.

    Hi boy, can I help you?

    Are you a new student?

    ‘Yes, I am. I’m looking for a dormitory, but all of dormitory are full’, said bagus.

    My name is abdul.

    I’m bagus.

    You are too late, every dormitory near here has been full. You must go bit far from here. I can show you the dorm if you wish’,said bagus.

    Bagus received his offer because he really needed to find a dorm as soon as possible.

    It was cheap, small and a bit disorder. He got no idea for finding another place.

    He forced himself to stay at this hell. He was the only one occupant of the dormitory. Not only far from the campus, it was also dirty, silent, and stinky. Nothing’s good of this place excepted the owner who was patient and sociable.

    The first night he slept at the dorm, he was awaken at 2.15 am, one thing that habitually happened when one occupied a new home. He then went on his sleeping.

    A nice morning Bagus started his activity as a new student at a favorite university, he smiled along his way to campus.

    He got tired of his activity at the campus. In his first day, he was introduced to the regulation of the campus. Rector, deans, and some professor also attended the event. He got no friend at that time because he was a closed boy.

    At the second night he was awaken again with no reason at the same time 2.15 am. He couldn’t continue his sleeping. He was anxious and feeling something strange toward himself.

    In the class, his lecture got mad of him because he was asleep. He was lucky that he was not sent out by the lecture. He was still forgiven by the lecture.

    After the class, a beautiful girl came to him and began a conversation with him. He got his first friend from his class.

    Why are you so sleepy?

    Didn’t you sleep tonight?

    My name is Imelda. Can I know your name?

    Sure! I’m Bagus. I couldn’t sleep tonight. I’m not used to living at a dormitory. Are you my  classmate?

    Yes, I am. I saw you were mocked by the lecture.

    After having dinner at the dormitory. He went sleeping as he was very  tired and sleepy.

                In the third night he stayed at the dorm, he was awaken again at 2.15 am. He couldn’t sleep again until the sun knocked on my door.

                 He had a class at 10 am at that day. He spent his leisure time at library to find some books he needed for doing his assignment. Suddenly someone called on his name.

                Hi gussss. How’s life?

                Just so so. What are you doing here?

                I need some books for reference of my scripts.

                ‘Owh I don’t know you are a student too.

                What about your dormitory?

                I’m still not used to it. I met some strange there. May be it is just my feeling, but it is so stronge.

    Abdul didn’t know anything about this. He felt sorry to bagus.

                Bagus went to his class after getting some books for his assignment. He underwent his boring class with his boring professor named Tutu. An old professor who had served the university for fifty years.

                At the evening when he wanted to take a bath, he felt something from room 7. He slept at night because he had a lot of assignment.

                His three friends visited him to discuss about assignment. They were one group with Bagus. Bagus was the best student among them. He was persuaded by them to finish all the assignment himself while they were playing game.

                So many assignments so that they must stay at his dormitory that night. Bagus was so tired that he must give up and went sleeping while his friends had already slept.

                Again after he slept only for an hour, he was awaken at 2.15 am. He looked so tired with his eyes like panda’s eyes. He then slept again.

                He woke up at morning while his friends had gone. He decided to clean his dormitory by himself. At the store he found a bottle of anaesthetic which had been expired. He put it back just in case it was still needed.

                It was time for him to have lunch. At the canteen near his dormitory, the waitress ask him about his dormitory. The waitress told something about his dormitory.

                There was a boy used to live there, said the waitress.

                I felt something strange there too. What has happened? Asked Bagus.

                There was a boy who always brought his friend. they seemed to have a close brelationship. They looked so closed’, the waitress told him. But I never see them again for  about six month. Bagus left the canteen while thinking about waitress’s story.

    Just as usual when he went to take a bath , he passed room seven. On the ventilasi of room seven he found a piece of letter which is the content as follow :

                            If only you knew how painful my heart was when I saw you with her. I can not let you belonged by someone else. I  prefer God taking you out from this earth to letting you be not mine.

    Yonar P

     cerpen bahasa inggris

    It was Yonar the one who was told by the waitress written in the paper. Bagus was getting more curious to know what was actually happening .

    The fourth night was the most scary night. He got a dream which told him something.

    There was a boy who fell in love with his friend. He often invited his friend to come to his dormitory. Friend of the boy said that his name was Joulhack. Joulhack seemed to be his friend. They spent all the day together, going to the same campus, playing playstation, even going to beach to see sunset. One day Joulhack was attracted by a girl in his class. He was planning to approach the girl. Yonnar switched to hate him due to it. If only Joulhack knew it. Yonnar was getting crazier when he knew Joulhack shot the girl.

    Yonnar ask Joulhack to came to his dormitory. He made a party for Joulhack who had had a girlfriend. He served him some foods and wine. Joulhack turned to be very sleepy. He couldn’t bear anymore and fell asleep.

    In his dream Joulhack asked Bagus to enter room 7 and dig the ground under the table. Bagus then woke up from his sleep and entered violently room seven. He began to dig. He was socked when he found a pile of skeleton. Immediately he took his phone and call Mr. Muji the owner of the dormitory. The next day he decided to move faraway from the dormitory.

    Oke Demikianlah Cerpen dalam bahasa inggris .

    Semoga bermanfaat buat para sahabat SBI yang baik hatinya.

  • Contoh Naskah Drama Dalam Bahasa Inggris Untuk 8 Orang Tentang Cerita Rakyat

    Contoh Naskah Drama Dalam Bahasa Inggris Untuk 8 Orang Tentang Cerita Rakyat

    Contoh Naskah Drama Dalam Bahasa Inggris 8 Orang Tentang Cerita Rakyat – Hi Sahabat-Sahabat SBI, pada kesempatan kali ini, saya akan memberikan contoh naskah ada sebuah drama yang dibuat oleh sebuah kelompok makahasiswa seni pertunjukan dari Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris di Universitas Lampung. Drama yang berjudul “Radin Jambat” ini mengangkat dari cerita rakyat Lampung.

    The Script of Radin Jambat

    Once upon a time there was a beautiful land namely Punigaran that was governed by a wise and great king namely Kyai Sang Ratu Jambi who had a dauntless and strong son namely Radin Jambat. This story started when the king held a celebration for his one and the only son who had grown up. At that time, that son who became a man would sail along the reaches of an ocean, looking for a wife.

    One day, when the king and his wife, Pelita Raja Nyawa were sun bathing, Mangku Bumi came and planned to do the same thing, and here the story began..

    The King         : Hey Mangkubumi!

    Mangkubumi   : Yes, your majesty.

    The King         : You know that my son, Radin Jambat now has grown up and he has to look for a wife, didn’t you?

    Mangkubumi   : I really apologize your majesty. But I have an idea why don’t we put Radin Jambat in our troops? I will be ready to accompany him.

    The King         : It is not necessary. I don’t want to see my son looked so spoiled in other kingdom.

    The Queen       : Hold on dear, if there is no troop who will be accompanying our son, I will not allow him to go by himself.

    Mangkubumi   : Pardon me your majesty, I have an idea how if I accompany him in his journey?

    The King         : Allright. Please, Mangkubumis guard him!

    Mangkubumi   : Yes, your Majesty. Let me take leave.

    Mangkubumi immediately left the king and queen and then he gathered all people from all over Punigaran Land to celebrate Raden jambat’s party. After the celebration party was over, Radin Jambat asked his parents’ blessing.

    Radin Jambat   : Father, May i have  permitted to look for a wife. Hopefully, I will get an adorable wife.

    The King: Please, stand up my son. Wander and explore this world and find a nice wife and take her to Punigaran.

    Radin Jambat: Mother, I ask your permission to look for a wife. Hopefully, I can get an adorable wife like you.

    The Queen       : Go my son! Don’t come home if you still don’t get your ideal and adorable wife. I will always pray for you.

    After getting blessing from his parents, Radin Jambat was boating together with Mangkubumi. Day by day passed, till they were arriving at the edge of a limitless ocean. The boat that became Radin Jambat’s life passed. It didn’t take any longer when they were arriving in a place named “Beringin Tanah Mayat”, a place that was used to test the divine power. In this place, they were stopping and resting. The next morning, Radin Jambat meditated under a banyan tree to ask his will to Dewa. He burned incense. This thing made the door of heaven was full of smoke. Suddenly, there was a Dewa who was coming to see him.

    Dewa   : Hey, Haga ngapi niku dija?

    Radin  : Pardon me for what has been done by me, Dewa. I,Myself, Radin Jambat, would like to look for a wife. Would u mind help me, Dewa.

    Dewa   : Okay, I will tell you there is a woman who’s perfectly matching you. I have acquaintance in the north. I believe that she is really matching you because she has a gentle heart and sweet heart. How about that?

    Radin  : If I marry her, she only will primp herself everyday and it will waste the time.

    Dewa   : All right if don’t like this woman but I still have one more. She is in the north-west. She is very rich and you’ll be happy with her.

    Radin  : Not really, Dewa. If I marry her, her riches will exceed my riches.

    Dewa   : Fine then. What types of wife do you look for?

    Radin  : I only want Betik Hati Princess, daughter of Ratu Rebut Agung.

    Dewa   : What did you say? Putri Betik Hati? Seemingly you cannot fulfill your will. You know that she has 40 fiances. You can’t handle it.

    Radin  : I don’t even care about that. I still want her for sure.

    Dewa   : All right then, I understand if you still insist. I will give you many kinds of divine powers.

    Radin  : Thanks, Dewa.

    Dewa   : Follow me.

    After that, Dewa Subiji immediately transfered his divine power to Radin Jambat with all his strength It didn’t take any longer after transfering his power, Dewa Subiji left him. Then Radin Jambat and Mangkubumi continued their journey. The next day, Radin Jambat and Mangkubumi were arriving in “Simpang Laut Tiga”. They were confused to choose which one will lead them to their destination. In the middle of the sea, they saw mythical bird that was eating branches. Then, what happen next??

    Radin  : Hi mythical bird! Do you know the way to the daughter of Ratu Rebut Agung’s place?

    Bird     : If that way that you mean, just walk in the middle of the road you’ve chosen before. It is the most appropriate way.

    Radin  : Thanks mythical bird.

    After that Radin Jambat and Mangkubumi were starting to paddle the boat to pass the middle way.

    Bird     : What a fool men!! They were tricked by me!! hahaha

    Radin  : Hey mythical bird! Did you think we don’t know that you wanted to trick us?

    Bird     : Seemingly you heard what I was saying, didn’t you?

    Radin  : Oh c’mon , I can hear your louse’s voice even less!!

    Mangkubumi: how dare you?! Trying to fool us??

    Bird     : So you’ve all noticed it, haven’t you? Okay, I’ll go!!

    Then, they were wandering about and boating without any clear destination and indefinite direction. But, Radin Jambat can find the way by himself. Finally, they immediately headed to the upper course of the river, the place where Betik Hati princess usually took a bath. When arriving in the upper course of the river, they left the boat. Then they have been resting for 2 nights. The condition remained silent and there was nothing happened. But when it was coming close to the third night, in the middle of the day, Radin Setangkai Ali, one of the princess’s fiancés was taking a bath in the river while he was seeing Radin Jambat’s boat.

    Setangkai  : Who are you?! Dare to belay here without any permission from me.

    Mangkubumi : Hey you! Dare you breaking our boat’s rope! I will smash you down!

    Setangkai  : come here and fight me!

    Mangkubumi : what an insolent person you are!

    Radin : Stop it Mangkubumi! What are you doing?! Don’t be so harsh like that. We are guest here. Just bind our boat with rope.

    Mangkubumi : But, radin. He is really annoying by cutting our ropes 7 times. May i kick his ass?

    Radin        : okay fine, you fight him.

    Mangkubumi:              Okay Radin!

    The fight was so sardonic. Unfortunately, Radin Setakai Ali was defeated and back home. In the next day, Radin Jambat and mangkubumi headed to Kampong to look around. And Radin Jambat continued his trip to investigate 40 fiances of Putri Betik Hati. Then he arrived at a booth.

    Radin Jambat  : “Excuse me.”

    Villager 1        : “Yes what can I do for you?”

    Radin Jambat  : ”Where is Putri Betik Hati’s house?”

    Villager 2        : “Yes That’s Right. Please come into the house first.”

    Radin Jambat  : Introduce myself. I am Radin Jambat. Do you know where Putri Betik Hati’s house is ?

    Villager 3        : Putri Betik Hati was the princess With prettiest heart I’ve ever seen. Until now no one able to get her heart.

    Villager 2        : “That’s right, it was hard to get Putri Betik Hati’s  heart.

    Radin Jambat  : I’m more curious, can you show where Putri Betik Hati’s  house is?”
    Villager 1        : Well if you want to go to Putri Betik Hati’s house, follow my path.

    Radin Jambat  : okay

    Radin Jamban  invited  Mangkubumi to get around. Suddenly, he saw a man who was sitting at pepadun.

    Radin Jambat  : “Excuse me, good afternoon, sir. I radin jambat, the handsome prince of the country punigaran.”

    Emak : Oh Why do you come here?

    Radin Jambat  :” I want to meet Putri Betik Hati.

    Emak : Well there is a time you can come here.

    Radin Jambat  : “well then we’ll excuse Maam, We will wander.

    Emak came into the house and met her husband.

    Emak : I had met Radin Jambat, my darling.

    Bapak : where? Then what is his purpose?”

    Emak : He said he wants to marry our daughter.”

    Bapak : Really? I should see him first”

    The next day, Radin Jambat met Putri Betik Hati’s mother again and asked for permission to too see Putri Betik Hati.

    Radin Jambat  : “excuse me, Your Majesty.”

    Emak   : “yes, Jambat. Why do you come here?”

    Radin Jambat  : ”I want to meet and talk to your daughter.”

    Aunt    : ”come with me.”

    Radin jambat and Ratu Rebut Agung walked towards the residence of Putri Betik Hati, when he got there, he found her was sitting in a chair with a look full of tenderness, bright and seductive expression. Her smile would make every man enchanted.

    RADIN JAMBAT      : “Hi, I am Radin Jambat. Are you Putri Betik Hati?”

    PBH    : “Yes, I am Putri Betik Hati.” (shaking hand)

    RADIN JAMBAT      : “You’re so beautiful.”

    PBH    :“Ouch you hurt my hand.”
    RADIN JAMBAT      : “Oh I’m sorry.”

    PBH    : “Never mind.”

    Because were still shy they decided to communicate by letter. But, Radin Setakai Ali realized that Putri Betik Hati felt in love with Radin Jambat. And he was very angry, so that he planned to persuade other fiances to attack Radin Jambat.

    Emak   : “Let’s go, Putri! Your fiances will come here to attack Radin Jambat.”

    Radin Jambat  : ”What happen? Why do you want to go?”

    Putri    : “Look, they are my fiancés! They looked angry and carrying many weapons. I’m afraid if something happens to you, Radin.

    Radin Jambat  : “But I am the most handsome man in my Kingdom that have powerful strength, Your Majesty and Putri, please go from here!”

    Then radin jambat proudly stood facing his opponents.

    Setakai Ali      : “Jambat, if you still want to live, leave this kingdom and leave Putri Betik Hati!”

    Radin Jambat  : “If you’re brave enough, now we fight.”

    Raden Jambat and Radin Setakai Ali fought each other. But then, Radin Jambat defeated Radin Setakai Ali. Radin Jambat didn’t go back to his biduk, but, he went to meet Putri Betik Hati and Ratu Rebut Agung to ask a permission.

     contoh naskah drama bahasa inggris

    Emak               : “Putri, there is someone who looks for you.”

    Putri                : (Putri came closer) “Radin jambat, what are you doin here? It’s still early in the morning.”

    Radin Jambat  : “I have something to tell you.”

    Putri                : “What is it? Tell me now.”

    Radin Jambat  : “I will go back to Punigaran. But, before that, i will tell you that i want to marry you. Would you marry me?”

    Emak               : “Accept it putri, he is so adorable.”

    Putri                : “oh, come on Mother.”

    Radin Jambat  : “I hope you could be mine.”

    Putri               : “But i have 40 fieances.”

    Radin Jambat  : “Whatever, I want you to be my wife. If there is someone who tries to  bother us, I’ll kill him.

    Putri    : but you have a requirement to marry me. You should request an approval to marry me from my parents.”

    Radin Jambat  : allright, it is easy.

    Putri    : wait wait. It should be done in one night.

    Radin Jambat  : okey, i’ll do it tonight

    Night came gradually, radin jambat started his magical words and burned incense. Then, suddenly he went to putri’s house like a thunder.

    Radin Jambat  : excuse me, good night.

    Ratu    : who is that?

    Radin Jambat  : my name is radin jambat.

    Ratu    : oh radin jambat. Come in. Wah, you are so handsome. Kanda, putri, jambat is coming.

    Raja     :jambat, what do you want by coming here  at night?

    Radin Jambat  : here I come to tell you about my feeling to your daughter. I’m falling in love with your daughter, and I want to marry her.

    Raja     : What?! How dare you to talk like that?! Who do you think you are?! If you really love my daughter you must pass my challenge first!! You must defeat all her 40 fiances!

    Radin : Pardon me, my majesty. Not intending to be impolite, I just want to ask your permission to take your daughter as my wife. With a honour, I, Radin Jambad would like to accept your challenge.

    Ratu    : Hold on my dear. Is that too much for him to be burdened by your challenge? Please, consider it wisely before you give him that challenge.

    Raja : Please, don’t worry my dear. I only want to measure his power. I have to make sure how far he can protect our daughter. It is his responsibility to protect our daughter.

    Ratu    : Okay, but I want to make sure again. I want to ask our daughter. How putri? Would you marry him?

    Putri    : if radin loves me, so i couldn’t refuse it coz i want to accompany radin too till the end

    Raja     : okey, if each of you are falling in love too.

    Radin Jambat  : thank you my majesty. Now i will bring putri to punigaran.

    Raja     : okey, be carefull my son.

    Radin Jambat  : now we should go.

    Radin Jambat went to Negeri Tanah Mayat. In that place, Mangkubumi was waiting for him. They were ready to beat 40 fiancees of Putri Betik Hati. First rival is Radin Setakai Ali.

    Setakai Ali      : hey jambat! Who do you think you are? What do you mean by taking Putri Betik Hati from me. I won’t let you go easily. I’ll kill you.

    Radin              : “I love Putri Betik Hati and she had agreed to marry me.”

    The fight was started and Radin Jambat succeeded to kill Radin Setakai Ali. Seeing his friend was death, other fiances started showing their strength to beat Radin Jambat. Didn’t take any longer, the fiances were  killed by radin jambat too. Then, he met Mangkubumi. They walked to go to biduk. They ate and changed their clothes. After taking a rest for 3 days, they once again made sure that there was no one of Putri Betik Hati’s fiances alive.

    Radin Jambat, Putri Betik Hati, And Ratu Rebut Agung went to Punigaran. On the way, Putri Betik Hati got sick.

    PBH    : my body is faint and i feel dizzy.

    Radin Jambat  : You look so pale. Can i see your hand. (taking her hand and saying his magical words). How do you feel now? Better?

    PBH    : thank you radin, i feel better now.

    They went to radin jambat’s kingdom, Punigaran. After several days, they arrived. All people in this place accepted them happily.

    Radin Jambat  : father, mother….

    Ratu    : jambat, is she the one who you need and you want ?

    Radin Jambat  : yes it’s true ibunda, she isputri betik hati.

    Raja     : you take a good choice, jambat. She is very polite and soft. My citizen, Tomorrow we will held my marriage party of my son and putri betik hati.

    Citizen : horeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    Forza Roma