Tag: Surat resmi bahasa inggris

  • 4 Contoh Surat Resmi Bahasa Inggris Singkat Padat Dan Jelas

    4 Contoh Surat Resmi Bahasa Inggris Singkat Padat Dan Jelas

     Dibawah ini admin akan membagikan beberapa contoh surat resmi yang memakai bahasa Inggris yang dikeluarkan oleh perusahaan dan juga sekolah.


    Contoh Surat Resmi dalam Bahasa Inggris (1)


    Jl. Jenderal Sudirman no. 94 Bandar Lampung

    No telp. (0721)4721067

    Number: 065/Nov/2015 eighteenth April, 2015

    Subject: Meeting Request

    Reference section: –


    Mr. Haris Adnan

    Director Marketing PERSADA RAYA

    With deference,

    To praise the commemoration function of our organization, through this letter we welcome all administrators of PT. PERSADA RAYA to go to the arrangement meeting which will be hung on:

    Day/date: Thursday/twentieth April 2015

    Hours: 9:00 to 12:00 pm

    Venue: LCC Hall

    Since you are a panel in this plan, we trust that you will have the capacity to come. Much obliged for your consideration.


    Rozi P

    Administrator of the Committee


    Contoh Surat Resmi dalam Bahasa Inggris (2)

    No: 14/N21.6.8/DIN/KP/1.2015

    Subject: Follow-up Workshop

    Reference section: 2 (two) Sheets



    Jl. Raya Gele Harun No. 06 Bandar Lampung


    Having examined about the thought of leading workshops together with PT ANGKASA RAYA, through this letter we welcome PT BINTANG SEJAHTERA to direct the workshop together.

    The workshop will be hung on 30th September 2015 in Angkasa Raya Hall. The material which will be examined in this workshop is the procedure of making a glimmer activity. For more detail, we will give additional data about the aggregate expense and the specialized execution of the workshop.

    For additional data, we join a proposition Workshop with this letter.

    The principle executive of PT. ANGKASA RAYA

    Dr. Jumlianto, M.pd

    Contoh Surat Resmi dalam Bahasa Inggris (3)

    SMA Negeri 7 METRO

    Jalan Ir. Sidoel No. 24 METRO TENGGARA

    No. Telephone. (0725) 4321633

    No: 65/SMAN 7 METRO/17/2015

    Connection: –

    Subject: Announcement


    Folks of Class XII

    SMA Negeri 7 Metro

    With deference,

    To expand the understudies’ learning of SMA Negeri 7 Metro particularly class XII. So as of now we expect to lead a field study for understudies of both social studies and science outside of school. The occasion will be hung on:

    Day/Date: Saturday, August twentieth, 2015

    Time: 8:45 till 12:45

    Place: Botanical Gardens, Metro

    Occasion: Rare Plants Research

    We trust you can offer consent to your kids to join this action. Much obliged for your consideration.

    The Principal of SMAN 7 Metro

    Sunanto Dihardjo, M. pd

    Contoh Surat Resmi dalam Bahasa Inggris (4)

    SMA Negeri 7 Metro

    Jalan Ir. Sidoel No. 24 METRO TENGGARA

    No. Telephone. (0725) 4321633

    No: 92/SMAN 7 Metro/18/2015

    Connection: –

    Subject: warning


    Folks of Class XII

    SMA Negeri 7 Metro

    With deference,

    Through this letter we declare that on Saturday, 28thAugust 2015 will be holding a dissemination understudies” reports book to all understudies of SMA Negeri 7 Metro. Accordingly we trust you could come to take your kids’ reports book.

    Much obliged to you for your consider

    The Principal of SMAN 7 Metro

    Sunanto Dihardjo, M. pd

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