Tag: speaking

  • Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kenakalan Remaja Dan Artinya Terbaru

    Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kenakalan Remaja Dan Artinya Terbaru

    Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kenakalan Remaja Dan Artinya Terbaru

    Berikut ini adalah contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Internet dan artinya terbaru. Simak baik-baik!!!

    Text 1

    Good Morning Everyone

    Firstly, Let us say thanks to Allah SWT, which has given grace, guidance and His blessing to us, so that we can gather in this room, without hindrance of any. Our Sholawat and greeting  always deliver  on our Uswah, the Great Prophet Muhammad, which has brought us from the dark ages to the age-lit.

    All of my friends  whom I respect and friends all that I love and I’m proud.

    As we know and realize today is so much going on so-called juvenile delinquency. Various negative or deviant acts committed by teenagers seem to be considered by them as mediocre and some even consider it as an honor. They say it shows a symbol of courage. This is very alarming.

    This is a social problem that is infecting our youth today that deviant behavior is often referred to juvenile delinquency.

    The cause of the problem of juvenile delinquency can vary. Could be due to one of the parents in how to educate or parents who are too busy with work. Also be due to incorrect choice of friends / milieu that can cause’s falling in with the wrong crowd. There is a feeling in the lives of teens that have a lot of friends is a form of the plume.

    Perhaps once we have a lot of friends as long as we have to be good at picking against which the behavior of friends is wrong and which behaviors are good and true friend.

    There are countless number of different kinds of deviant behavior as teens begin to recognize cigarettes and drugs that initially only try but it would make sense to try us become addicted so hard to quit smoking or drug dependence, which causes us to wean sakau and the should the way in rehabilitation (for drug addicts). And many more teenagers deviant behaviors such as entering a motorcycle gang, like fights, drunkenness etc.

    Let’s stay away from these deviant behaviors because it is self-inflicted, should we use our teenage years with positive things and also beneficial for themselves, parents and also the nation.

    My friends I’m proud of,
    Although our parents do not teach in full so that you become a good person but wish they had certainly want their children to be good-good. None of the parents also want their children to behave badly.

    Therefore you do not need to blame the parents or any other person but yourself alone must be able to keep yourself and can choose which ones are good and which are bad.

    Choose environments and friends hanging selectively. Do not just happy. If the environment that will plunge you better not approach him at all. Many slang positive place that you can choose both at school and outside the school environment.

    That’s all I have to say in this speech, if there is an error please be advised.

    Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

    contoh pidato dalam bahasa inggris tentang kenakalan remaja

    Terjemahan Dalam Bahasa Indonesia

    Selamat Pagi Semuanya

    Pertama, mari kita mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Allah SWT, yang telah memberikan rahmat, bimbingan dan berkat-Nya kepada kita, sehingga kita bisa berkumpul di ruangan ini, tanpa hambatan apapun. Sholawat dan salam kami selalu memenuhi Uswah kami, Nabi Besar Muhammad, yang telah membawa kita dari zaman kegelapan usia-menyalakan.

    Semua teman-teman saya yang saya hormati dan teman-teman semua yang saya cintai dan saya bangga.

    Kita tahu dan menyadari saat ini begitu banyak terjadi apa yang disebut kenakalan remaja. Aneka perbuatan negatif atau menyimpang yang dilakukan oleh para remaja sepertinya dianggap oleh mereka seperti biasa-biasa bahkan ada yang menganggapnya sebagai sebuah kebanggaan. Mereka mengatakan hal tersebut menunjukkan simbol sebuah keberanian. Ini tentu sangat memprihatinkan.

    Inilah masalah sosial yang menjangkit para remaja kita saat ini yakni perilaku menyimpang yang sering disebut kenakalan remaja.

    Adapun penyebab masalah kenakalan remaja bisa bermacam-macam. Bisa akibat salah orang tua dalam cara mendidik atau orangtua yang terlalu sibuk dengan pekerjaannya. Juga bisa karena tidak tepatnya dalam memilih teman/lingkungan pergaulan sehingga bisa menyebabkan terjerumusnya dalam pergaulan yang salah. Ada satu perasaan di kehidupan remaja bahwa memiliki banyak kawan adalah merupakan satu bentuk yang membanggakan.

    Boleh sekali kita mempunyai banyak kawan asalkan kita harus pandai memilih-milih terhadap mana perilaku teman yang salah dan mana perilaku teman yang baik dan benar.

    Ada banyak sekali macam-macan perilaku menyimpang remaja seperti mulai mengenali rokok dan narkoba yang awalnya hanya coba-coba tapi rasa mencoba itu akan membuat kita menjadi ketagihan sehingga susah untuk berhenti dari ketergantungan rokok atau narkoba tersebut, yang menyebabkan kita sakau dan untuk menghentikan ketergantungan tersebut harus dengan cara  di rehabilitasi (untuk pencandu narkoba). Dan masih banyak lagi perilaku-perilaku menyimpang remaja lainnya seperti masuk geng motor, suka tawuran, mabuk-mabukan dll.

    Mari kita jauhi perilaku-perilaku menyimpang tersebut karena hal tersebut akan merugikan diri sendiri, sebaiknya kita gunakan masa-masa remaja kita dengan hal-hal yang positif dan juga bermanfaat bagi diri sendiri, orangtua dan juga bangsa.

    Teman-temanku yang saya banggakan,

    Walaupun orang tua kita tidak mengajarkan secara penuh agar kalian menjadi orang baik tetapi keinginan mereka sudah pasti ingin anak-anaknya menjadi orang yang baik-baik. Tidak satu orang tua pun menginginkan anaknya berprilaku buruk.

    Karenanya kalian tidak perlu menyalahkan orang tua atau pun orang lain tetapi diri kalian sendirilah yang harus sudah bisa menjaga diri dan bisa memilih mana yang baik dan mana yang buruk.

    Pilihlah lingkungan dan teman-teman gaul secara selektif. Jangan asal senang. Jika lingkungan itu akan menjerumuskan kalian lebih baik tidak mendekatinya sama sekali. Banyak tempat gaul yang positif yang bisa kalian pilih baik di sekolah maupun diluar lingkungan sekolah.

    Sampai disini yang bisa saya sampaikan dalam pidato ini, kalau ada kesalahan mohon maklum.

    Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

    Baca Juga:

  • Dialog Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Antara Dua Orang di Saat Liburan

    Dialog Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Antara Dua Orang di Saat Liburan

    Dialog Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Antara Dua Orang di Saat Liburan – Sahabat-sahabat SBI yang super, Berikut ini adalah sebuah contoh dialog percakapan bahasa Inggris antara dua orang pada saat liburan. Check This Out!

    A: “It is a beautiful day.”
    B: “Yes. It is a sunny day.”
    A: ” By the way, do you live around here or are you vsiting?”
    B: “I am on holiday from Malaysia.”
    A: “That is cool. Are you having a quality time when you are here?”
    B: “Yes. There are many view to see and I am taking many pictures. Do you live in this city?”
    A: “Yes. I am just here with my son. He wanted to come to the park today.”
    B: “What is a nice place to visit in here?”
    A: “Where have you been sofar?”
    B: “This is my first stop. I am going to look at my gps.”
    A: “I recommend you to going to the Ancol in downtown. They have a boat that you can ride, some nice restaurants, and a beautiful beach for a walk.”
    B: “How can I get there from here?”
    A: “You see Kamboja street over there? Go straight for 6 blocks. When you see 7th Avenue, turn right. Follow the street for about 5 miles and you should see it.”
    B: “Thank you so much. I will go check it out. It was glad talking to you.”
    A: “It was nice meeting you. Have a nice holiday.”

    dialog bahasa inggris dua orang saat liburan

    Artinya :

    A: “Ini adalah hari yang indah.”

    B: “. Ya ini adalah hari yang cerah.”

    A: “Ngmong-omong, kau tinggal di sekitar sini atau Anda hanya berkunjung?”

    B: “Saya disini berlibur dari Malaysia.”

    A: “.Keren Apakah Anda memiliki waktu yang berkualitas ketika Anda berada di sini?”

    B: “. Ya Ada banyak pemandangan yang telah saya lihat dan saya mengambil banyak gambar. Apakah Anda tinggal di kota ini.?”

    A: “. Ya saya hanya di sini dengan anak saya Dia ingin datang ke taman hari ini..”

    B: “Apa tempat yang bagus untuk dikunjungi di sini?”

    A: “Dari mana saja kau sejauh ini?”

    B: “. Ini adalah pertama saya berhenti saya akan melihat gps saya.”

    A: “Saya sarankan Anda untuk pergi ke Ancol di pusat kota Mereka memiliki perahu yang dapat Anda naiki, beberapa restoran yang bagus, dan pantai yang indah untuk berjalan-jalan..”

    B: “Bagaimana saya bisa ke sana dari sini?”

    A: “Anda lihat Kamboja jalan di sana Langsung untuk 6 blok Bila Anda melihat 7th Avenue, belok kanan Ikuti jalan selama sekitar 5 mil dan Anda harus melihatnya..”

    B: “Terima kasih banyak saya akan pergi check it out itu senang berbicara dengan Anda…”

    A: “Itu pertemuan bagus Anda Memiliki liburan yang menyenangkan..”

  • Contoh Wawancara Dengan Seorang Artis Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawabannya

    Contoh Wawancara Dengan Seorang Artis Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawabannya

    Contoh Wawancara Dengan Seorang Artis Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawabannya – Buat sahabat SBI yang ingin belajar memewawancari bintang tamu dari luar negeri. Kali ini admin memberikan contoh wawancara dengan seorang artis. Chekidot!!!!


    Good night Indonesia! Welcome back with me, Aris Purba, in our favourite program family star show.
    Today theme is about superstar heartthrob. As we know, Every era has a superstar heartthrob, such as Frank Sinatra, Stevie Wonder, Elvis Presley, Paul Mcartney, in this era, there is a young star, his name is Justin Beiber. Four years ago, he was only an ordinary boy from small town, until his mother upload his singing video on youtube. Now, he is a biggest superstar on earth and million peoples around the world know him and many girls love him.
    Ok, please welcome and give him applause ‘ Justin Beiber ‘!

    contoh wawancara dengan seorang artis dalam bahsa inggris
    Host : Welcome to my show Justin,
    JB : Ya, thank you for your invited. What a pleasure for me.
    Host: Have a sit, please.
    Ok. Justin, as we know, you are a biggest star and have many girls fan. Did you dream about what happen to                  you?

    JB: No, I never dream about this. I only love to sing in everytime, even in the bathroom and my mother took my video, posted up on website and people love my voice. This is such a gift from the god to me.
    Host: Talking about another celebrity, Who’s your favourite celebrity?
    JB: Of course, Usher, he has helped me to make my dream come true.
    Host: Do you have any dream job?

    JB: I’d like to be an architect. That would be cool. I like drawing.
    Host:Who in your family are you closest to?
    JB: My mom. I really love my mom,she help me to became a star,without her help, i will be nothing.
    Host: Your mother is in here,is there any thing you want to say?
    JB: Mom,Thank you for everything you have done for me, i love you so much.
    Host: What’s your worst habit?

    JB: Eating too much candy. I like Sour Patch Kids. This is my bad habit from i was child. I can’t fix it.
    Host: Based on our team information, you never bring your wallet. Is it true?
    JB: It is true, I don’t own a wallet. I just stuff it in my pocket. And I don’t carry money, I carry my credit card.
    Host:Before I end this show. I have one more question. what will you do in the future?
    JB:I would like to have a second album out and be touring, and hopefully have my own charity.
    I hope your another dream will come true.

    Host: Ok Justin, thank you for coming in my show and also thank you for my interactive audiences, I love you all. See you again with me in the next show, Good Night!.

  • 50 Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Di Sekolah Dan Artinya

    50 Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Di Sekolah Dan Artinya

    50 Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Di Sekolah Dan Artinya – Para Sahabat SBI pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membeikan contoh percakapan dalam Bahasa inggris disekolah setelah sebelumnya sudah memberikan Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Di Rumah Sakit (Hospital) Dan Artinya. Tentunya sebuah percakapan di sekolah akan melibatkan Guru dan murid. Untuk lebih jelasnya langsung saja simak contoh percakapan Bahasa Inggris Di Sekolah berikut ini beserta artinya.

    Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Di Sekolah Dan Artinya

    Students: Good Morning Sir,

    Teachers : Good Morning, sit down.

    Leader : Here is the attendance sir.

    Girl : Excuse me sir.

    Teachers : Yes, what’s the time now?

    Girl : Its 9.40 am Sir.

    Teachers : At what time does the bell ring?

    Girl : The bell rings at 9.30 am.

    Teachers : When should you come?

    Girl : I should have come before 9.30.

    Teachers : Yes, but you came at 9.40.

    Girl : Sorry sir.

    Teachers : What is the reason?

    Girl : I missed the bus.

    Teachers : You should have started earlier.

    Girl : My mother is ill.

    Teachers : Did you do the house hold things?

    Girl : Yes sir,

    Teachers : Why does not your father do it?

    Girl : My father is a farmer. He has gone to the field early morning.

    Teachers : Oh I see! Here after avoid coming late.

    Girl : Yes sir,

    Rahul : Show me your essay note-book.

    Surya : I kept in my home.

    Rahul : Then show me your work-book.

    Surya : Take it.

    Teachers : What’s the noise there? Who’s talking?

    Rahul : Sorry sir.

    Teachers : Don’t you know about discipline?

    Rahul : I am preparing for the English test during the period.

     10 Contoh percakapan bahasa ingggri Di Sekolah


    Artinya :

    Siswa : Selamat Pagi Pak,

    Guru :  Selamat Pagi, silakan duduk.

    Ketua Kelas: Berikut adalah daftar kehadiran Pak.

    Gadis: Permisi Pak.

    Guru: Ya, Jam berapakah sekarang?

    Gadis: 09:40 Sir.

    Guru: Jam berapakah cincin lonceng berbunyi?

    Gadis: The bel berbunyi pada pukul  9:30.

    Guru: Pukul berapa seharusnya sebaiknya Anda datang?

    Gadis: Aku harus datang sebelum 9,30.

    Guru: Ya, tapi Anda datang pada 9.40.

    Gadis: Maaf pak.

    Guru: Apa alasannya?

    Gadis: Aku ketinggalan bus.

    Guru: Anda harus berangkat lebih awal.

    Gadis: Ibu saya sakit.

    Guru: Apakah Anda melakukan pekerjaan rumah tangga?

    Gadis: Ya Pak,

    Guru: Mengapa tidak ayahmu yang melakukannya?

    Gadis: Ayah saya adalah seorang petani. Dia telah pergi ke sawah pagi-pagi.

    Guru: Oh, aku mengerti! Jangan datang terlambat lagi.

    Gadis: Ya Pak,

    Rahul: Tunjukkan esai catatan-buku Anda.

    Surya: Aku meninggalkannya di rumah saya.

    Rahul: Lalu buku PR Anda mana.

    Surya: Ambillah.

    Guru: Ada suara orang berbicara? Siapa yang berbicara di sana?

    Rahul: Maaf pak.

    Guru: Apa kau tidak tahu tentang disiplin?

    Rahul: Saya sedang mempersiapkan untuk tes bahasa Inggris selama untuk periode ini.


  • 10 Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Di Rumah Sakit (Hospital) Dan Artinya

    10 Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Di Rumah Sakit (Hospital) Dan Artinya

    10 Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Di Rumah Sakit (Hospital) Dan Artinya – Para Sahabat SBI pasti pernah berkunjung ke sebuah Rumah Sakit atau puskesmas. Disana kita akan berinteraksi dan bertemu dengan perawat dan dokter. Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan memberikan contoh dialog dalam Bahasa Inggris. Simak baik-baik contoh dialog dibawah ini.


    Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Di Rumah Sakit (Hospital)

    Nurse: I’m afraid visiting hours are over, sir
    Visitor: My wife’s in room 3B.
    Nurse: Sorry, you’ll have to come back in the morning.
    Visitor: And leave her all alone overnight?
    Nurse: I’m afraid that’s the policy, sir.
    Visitor: Surely you can make an exception? What if she needs me in the night?
    Nurse: Don’t worry, we’ll look after her. What she really needs is her rest.
    Visitor: Some of her friends want to see her too. When can they come?
    Nurse: Visiting hours are from 9 to 11 in the morning and 4 to 7 in the evening, but I’m afraid while your wife is on bedrest the doctor has requested that only immediate family members come in to see her.
    Visitor: Can’t her friends even stop by to bring her flowers?
    Nurse: Flowers are not permitted in this ward. We just can’t risk any germs that might come in with them.
    Visitor: Well, I guess it’s all in her best interest.
    Nurse: Thanks for understanding. Now, I’m going to bring your wife her dinner. Why don’t you head home and get something to eat yourself?
    Visitor: Okay. I really hate to leave her, but that’s probably a good idea.
    Nurse: She’s in good hands here. I’ll tell her you were here and that you’ll see her in the morning.

    contoh percakapan bahasa inggris di rumah sakit


    Artinya :

    Perawat: Aku takut jam berkunjung telah usai, Pak

    Pengunjung: Istri saya di kamar 3B.

    Perawat: Maaf, Anda harus datang kembali di pagi hari.

    Pengunjung: Dan harus meninggalkannya sendirian semalaman?

    Perawat: Aku takut, itu sudah jadi kebijakan, Pak.

    Pengunjung: Tentunya Anda dapat membuat pengecualian? Bagaimana jika dia membutuhkan saya di malam hari?

    Perawat: Jangan khawatir, kami akan merawatnya. Apa yang dia benar-benar butuhkan adalah beristirahat.

    Pengunjung: Beberapa teman-temannya ingin melihat dia juga. Kapan mereka bisa datang?

    Perawat: waktu kunjung jam yang 9-11 di pagi hari dan 4 sampai 7 di malam hari, tapi aku takut sementara istri Anda sedang beristirahat dokter telah meminta agar hanya anggota keluarga dekat yang boleh datang untuk menemuinya.

    Pengunjung: Tidak dapatkah teman-temannya bahkan mampir untuk membawa bunga untuknya?

    Perawat: Bunga tidak diizinkan di tempat ini. Kami hanya tidak bisa mengambil risiko apa pun termasuk kuman yang mungkin datang dengan mereka.

    Pengunjung: Baik, saya kira itu semua yang terbaik.

    Perawat: Terima kasih atas pengertian. Sekarang, aku akan membawa istri Anda untuk makan malam. Mengapa Anda tidak pulang untuk makan malam juga?

    Pengunjung: Oke. Aku tidak senang untuk meninggalkan dia, tapi itu mungkin ide yang baik.

    Perawat: Dia di tangan yang baik di sini. Aku akan mengatakan padanya anda ada di sini dan bahwa Anda akan melihat dia di pagi hari.


  • Contoh Naskah Drama Dalam Bahasa Inggris Untuk 8 Orang Tentang Cerita Rakyat

    Contoh Naskah Drama Dalam Bahasa Inggris Untuk 8 Orang Tentang Cerita Rakyat

    Contoh Naskah Drama Dalam Bahasa Inggris 8 Orang Tentang Cerita Rakyat – Hi Sahabat-Sahabat SBI, pada kesempatan kali ini, saya akan memberikan contoh naskah ada sebuah drama yang dibuat oleh sebuah kelompok makahasiswa seni pertunjukan dari Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris di Universitas Lampung. Drama yang berjudul “Radin Jambat” ini mengangkat dari cerita rakyat Lampung.

    The Script of Radin Jambat

    Once upon a time there was a beautiful land namely Punigaran that was governed by a wise and great king namely Kyai Sang Ratu Jambi who had a dauntless and strong son namely Radin Jambat. This story started when the king held a celebration for his one and the only son who had grown up. At that time, that son who became a man would sail along the reaches of an ocean, looking for a wife.

    One day, when the king and his wife, Pelita Raja Nyawa were sun bathing, Mangku Bumi came and planned to do the same thing, and here the story began..

    The King         : Hey Mangkubumi!

    Mangkubumi   : Yes, your majesty.

    The King         : You know that my son, Radin Jambat now has grown up and he has to look for a wife, didn’t you?

    Mangkubumi   : I really apologize your majesty. But I have an idea why don’t we put Radin Jambat in our troops? I will be ready to accompany him.

    The King         : It is not necessary. I don’t want to see my son looked so spoiled in other kingdom.

    The Queen       : Hold on dear, if there is no troop who will be accompanying our son, I will not allow him to go by himself.

    Mangkubumi   : Pardon me your majesty, I have an idea how if I accompany him in his journey?

    The King         : Allright. Please, Mangkubumis guard him!

    Mangkubumi   : Yes, your Majesty. Let me take leave.

    Mangkubumi immediately left the king and queen and then he gathered all people from all over Punigaran Land to celebrate Raden jambat’s party. After the celebration party was over, Radin Jambat asked his parents’ blessing.

    Radin Jambat   : Father, May i have  permitted to look for a wife. Hopefully, I will get an adorable wife.

    The King: Please, stand up my son. Wander and explore this world and find a nice wife and take her to Punigaran.

    Radin Jambat: Mother, I ask your permission to look for a wife. Hopefully, I can get an adorable wife like you.

    The Queen       : Go my son! Don’t come home if you still don’t get your ideal and adorable wife. I will always pray for you.

    After getting blessing from his parents, Radin Jambat was boating together with Mangkubumi. Day by day passed, till they were arriving at the edge of a limitless ocean. The boat that became Radin Jambat’s life passed. It didn’t take any longer when they were arriving in a place named “Beringin Tanah Mayat”, a place that was used to test the divine power. In this place, they were stopping and resting. The next morning, Radin Jambat meditated under a banyan tree to ask his will to Dewa. He burned incense. This thing made the door of heaven was full of smoke. Suddenly, there was a Dewa who was coming to see him.

    Dewa   : Hey, Haga ngapi niku dija?

    Radin  : Pardon me for what has been done by me, Dewa. I,Myself, Radin Jambat, would like to look for a wife. Would u mind help me, Dewa.

    Dewa   : Okay, I will tell you there is a woman who’s perfectly matching you. I have acquaintance in the north. I believe that she is really matching you because she has a gentle heart and sweet heart. How about that?

    Radin  : If I marry her, she only will primp herself everyday and it will waste the time.

    Dewa   : All right if don’t like this woman but I still have one more. She is in the north-west. She is very rich and you’ll be happy with her.

    Radin  : Not really, Dewa. If I marry her, her riches will exceed my riches.

    Dewa   : Fine then. What types of wife do you look for?

    Radin  : I only want Betik Hati Princess, daughter of Ratu Rebut Agung.

    Dewa   : What did you say? Putri Betik Hati? Seemingly you cannot fulfill your will. You know that she has 40 fiances. You can’t handle it.

    Radin  : I don’t even care about that. I still want her for sure.

    Dewa   : All right then, I understand if you still insist. I will give you many kinds of divine powers.

    Radin  : Thanks, Dewa.

    Dewa   : Follow me.

    After that, Dewa Subiji immediately transfered his divine power to Radin Jambat with all his strength It didn’t take any longer after transfering his power, Dewa Subiji left him. Then Radin Jambat and Mangkubumi continued their journey. The next day, Radin Jambat and Mangkubumi were arriving in “Simpang Laut Tiga”. They were confused to choose which one will lead them to their destination. In the middle of the sea, they saw mythical bird that was eating branches. Then, what happen next??

    Radin  : Hi mythical bird! Do you know the way to the daughter of Ratu Rebut Agung’s place?

    Bird     : If that way that you mean, just walk in the middle of the road you’ve chosen before. It is the most appropriate way.

    Radin  : Thanks mythical bird.

    After that Radin Jambat and Mangkubumi were starting to paddle the boat to pass the middle way.

    Bird     : What a fool men!! They were tricked by me!! hahaha

    Radin  : Hey mythical bird! Did you think we don’t know that you wanted to trick us?

    Bird     : Seemingly you heard what I was saying, didn’t you?

    Radin  : Oh c’mon , I can hear your louse’s voice even less!!

    Mangkubumi: how dare you?! Trying to fool us??

    Bird     : So you’ve all noticed it, haven’t you? Okay, I’ll go!!

    Then, they were wandering about and boating without any clear destination and indefinite direction. But, Radin Jambat can find the way by himself. Finally, they immediately headed to the upper course of the river, the place where Betik Hati princess usually took a bath. When arriving in the upper course of the river, they left the boat. Then they have been resting for 2 nights. The condition remained silent and there was nothing happened. But when it was coming close to the third night, in the middle of the day, Radin Setangkai Ali, one of the princess’s fiancés was taking a bath in the river while he was seeing Radin Jambat’s boat.

    Setangkai  : Who are you?! Dare to belay here without any permission from me.

    Mangkubumi : Hey you! Dare you breaking our boat’s rope! I will smash you down!

    Setangkai  : come here and fight me!

    Mangkubumi : what an insolent person you are!

    Radin : Stop it Mangkubumi! What are you doing?! Don’t be so harsh like that. We are guest here. Just bind our boat with rope.

    Mangkubumi : But, radin. He is really annoying by cutting our ropes 7 times. May i kick his ass?

    Radin        : okay fine, you fight him.

    Mangkubumi:              Okay Radin!

    The fight was so sardonic. Unfortunately, Radin Setakai Ali was defeated and back home. In the next day, Radin Jambat and mangkubumi headed to Kampong to look around. And Radin Jambat continued his trip to investigate 40 fiances of Putri Betik Hati. Then he arrived at a booth.

    Radin Jambat  : “Excuse me.”

    Villager 1        : “Yes what can I do for you?”

    Radin Jambat  : ”Where is Putri Betik Hati’s house?”

    Villager 2        : “Yes That’s Right. Please come into the house first.”

    Radin Jambat  : Introduce myself. I am Radin Jambat. Do you know where Putri Betik Hati’s house is ?

    Villager 3        : Putri Betik Hati was the princess With prettiest heart I’ve ever seen. Until now no one able to get her heart.

    Villager 2        : “That’s right, it was hard to get Putri Betik Hati’s  heart.

    Radin Jambat  : I’m more curious, can you show where Putri Betik Hati’s  house is?”
    Villager 1        : Well if you want to go to Putri Betik Hati’s house, follow my path.

    Radin Jambat  : okay

    Radin Jamban  invited  Mangkubumi to get around. Suddenly, he saw a man who was sitting at pepadun.

    Radin Jambat  : “Excuse me, good afternoon, sir. I radin jambat, the handsome prince of the country punigaran.”

    Emak : Oh Why do you come here?

    Radin Jambat  :” I want to meet Putri Betik Hati.

    Emak : Well there is a time you can come here.

    Radin Jambat  : “well then we’ll excuse Maam, We will wander.

    Emak came into the house and met her husband.

    Emak : I had met Radin Jambat, my darling.

    Bapak : where? Then what is his purpose?”

    Emak : He said he wants to marry our daughter.”

    Bapak : Really? I should see him first”

    The next day, Radin Jambat met Putri Betik Hati’s mother again and asked for permission to too see Putri Betik Hati.

    Radin Jambat  : “excuse me, Your Majesty.”

    Emak   : “yes, Jambat. Why do you come here?”

    Radin Jambat  : ”I want to meet and talk to your daughter.”

    Aunt    : ”come with me.”

    Radin jambat and Ratu Rebut Agung walked towards the residence of Putri Betik Hati, when he got there, he found her was sitting in a chair with a look full of tenderness, bright and seductive expression. Her smile would make every man enchanted.

    RADIN JAMBAT      : “Hi, I am Radin Jambat. Are you Putri Betik Hati?”

    PBH    : “Yes, I am Putri Betik Hati.” (shaking hand)

    RADIN JAMBAT      : “You’re so beautiful.”

    PBH    :“Ouch you hurt my hand.”
    RADIN JAMBAT      : “Oh I’m sorry.”

    PBH    : “Never mind.”

    Because were still shy they decided to communicate by letter. But, Radin Setakai Ali realized that Putri Betik Hati felt in love with Radin Jambat. And he was very angry, so that he planned to persuade other fiances to attack Radin Jambat.

    Emak   : “Let’s go, Putri! Your fiances will come here to attack Radin Jambat.”

    Radin Jambat  : ”What happen? Why do you want to go?”

    Putri    : “Look, they are my fiancés! They looked angry and carrying many weapons. I’m afraid if something happens to you, Radin.

    Radin Jambat  : “But I am the most handsome man in my Kingdom that have powerful strength, Your Majesty and Putri, please go from here!”

    Then radin jambat proudly stood facing his opponents.

    Setakai Ali      : “Jambat, if you still want to live, leave this kingdom and leave Putri Betik Hati!”

    Radin Jambat  : “If you’re brave enough, now we fight.”

    Raden Jambat and Radin Setakai Ali fought each other. But then, Radin Jambat defeated Radin Setakai Ali. Radin Jambat didn’t go back to his biduk, but, he went to meet Putri Betik Hati and Ratu Rebut Agung to ask a permission.

     contoh naskah drama bahasa inggris

    Emak               : “Putri, there is someone who looks for you.”

    Putri                : (Putri came closer) “Radin jambat, what are you doin here? It’s still early in the morning.”

    Radin Jambat  : “I have something to tell you.”

    Putri                : “What is it? Tell me now.”

    Radin Jambat  : “I will go back to Punigaran. But, before that, i will tell you that i want to marry you. Would you marry me?”

    Emak               : “Accept it putri, he is so adorable.”

    Putri                : “oh, come on Mother.”

    Radin Jambat  : “I hope you could be mine.”

    Putri               : “But i have 40 fieances.”

    Radin Jambat  : “Whatever, I want you to be my wife. If there is someone who tries to  bother us, I’ll kill him.

    Putri    : but you have a requirement to marry me. You should request an approval to marry me from my parents.”

    Radin Jambat  : allright, it is easy.

    Putri    : wait wait. It should be done in one night.

    Radin Jambat  : okey, i’ll do it tonight

    Night came gradually, radin jambat started his magical words and burned incense. Then, suddenly he went to putri’s house like a thunder.

    Radin Jambat  : excuse me, good night.

    Ratu    : who is that?

    Radin Jambat  : my name is radin jambat.

    Ratu    : oh radin jambat. Come in. Wah, you are so handsome. Kanda, putri, jambat is coming.

    Raja     :jambat, what do you want by coming here  at night?

    Radin Jambat  : here I come to tell you about my feeling to your daughter. I’m falling in love with your daughter, and I want to marry her.

    Raja     : What?! How dare you to talk like that?! Who do you think you are?! If you really love my daughter you must pass my challenge first!! You must defeat all her 40 fiances!

    Radin : Pardon me, my majesty. Not intending to be impolite, I just want to ask your permission to take your daughter as my wife. With a honour, I, Radin Jambad would like to accept your challenge.

    Ratu    : Hold on my dear. Is that too much for him to be burdened by your challenge? Please, consider it wisely before you give him that challenge.

    Raja : Please, don’t worry my dear. I only want to measure his power. I have to make sure how far he can protect our daughter. It is his responsibility to protect our daughter.

    Ratu    : Okay, but I want to make sure again. I want to ask our daughter. How putri? Would you marry him?

    Putri    : if radin loves me, so i couldn’t refuse it coz i want to accompany radin too till the end

    Raja     : okey, if each of you are falling in love too.

    Radin Jambat  : thank you my majesty. Now i will bring putri to punigaran.

    Raja     : okey, be carefull my son.

    Radin Jambat  : now we should go.

    Radin Jambat went to Negeri Tanah Mayat. In that place, Mangkubumi was waiting for him. They were ready to beat 40 fiancees of Putri Betik Hati. First rival is Radin Setakai Ali.

    Setakai Ali      : hey jambat! Who do you think you are? What do you mean by taking Putri Betik Hati from me. I won’t let you go easily. I’ll kill you.

    Radin              : “I love Putri Betik Hati and she had agreed to marry me.”

    The fight was started and Radin Jambat succeeded to kill Radin Setakai Ali. Seeing his friend was death, other fiances started showing their strength to beat Radin Jambat. Didn’t take any longer, the fiances were  killed by radin jambat too. Then, he met Mangkubumi. They walked to go to biduk. They ate and changed their clothes. After taking a rest for 3 days, they once again made sure that there was no one of Putri Betik Hati’s fiances alive.

    Radin Jambat, Putri Betik Hati, And Ratu Rebut Agung went to Punigaran. On the way, Putri Betik Hati got sick.

    PBH    : my body is faint and i feel dizzy.

    Radin Jambat  : You look so pale. Can i see your hand. (taking her hand and saying his magical words). How do you feel now? Better?

    PBH    : thank you radin, i feel better now.

    They went to radin jambat’s kingdom, Punigaran. After several days, they arrived. All people in this place accepted them happily.

    Radin Jambat  : father, mother….

    Ratu    : jambat, is she the one who you need and you want ?

    Radin Jambat  : yes it’s true ibunda, she isputri betik hati.

    Raja     : you take a good choice, jambat. She is very polite and soft. My citizen, Tomorrow we will held my marriage party of my son and putri betik hati.

    Citizen : horeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    Forza Roma