Tag: singkat

  • Cerita Rakyat Singkat “Lutung Kasarung” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Cerita Rakyat Singkat “Lutung Kasarung” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Cerita Rakyat Singkat “Lutung Kasarung” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Kisah lutung Kasarung dan Purbasari menjadi kisah yang begitu inspiratif bagi masyarakat di seluruh Indonesia. Penasaran dengan kisah “Lutung Kasarung” dalam bahasa Inggris? Selamat membaca kisah berikut:

    Cerita Rakyat Singkat “Lutung Kasarung” Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    Cerita Rakyat Singkat “Lutung Kasarung” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    “Lutung Kasarung”

    In ancient times in Tatar pasundan in West Of Java, there was an empire led by a wise king, he was known as the Prabu Tapa Agung.

    Prabu Tapa Agung had two beautiful daughters, they were Purbararang and Purbasari.

    At the time of his death approached King Prabu Court pointed Purbasari, which was the youngest daughter to replaced him. “I’m too old, it’s time I abdicated, Purbasari….” said Prabu Tapa.

    Purbasari had an older sister named Purbararang. She disagreed that her sister would replace their father. “I am the eldest daughter, father should choose me as his successor!” grumbled Purbararang to her fiancée, who was named Indrajaya.

    As big as her Fury which had been accumulating, made her wanted to harm her sister. She met a witch to spell Purbasari. The witch spell Purbasari so right then suddenly Purbasari skin became mottled-black spots. Then After the moment, Purbararang so had a reason to evict Purbasari. “People who cursed as she does, not deserve to be a queen!” Said Purbararang.

    Then she sent a Patih to alienate Purbasari into the woods. But Patih was still kind enough to make a hut for Purbasari. He also advised Purbasari, “Be courage princess! This ordeal would have ended, the Almighty will always together Daughter “.Said him “Thank you uncle”, said Purbasari.

    While in the forest she had many friends that animals were always good to her. Among the animals there was a mysterious black hairy ape. But the apes was the most kind which cared attention to Purbasari. Lutung Kasarung was always encouraging Flowers to Purbasari. He got beautiful flowers and fruits with her friends just only for her.

    At the time of the full moon night, Lutung Kasarung acting strange. He walked to a quiet place and meditate. He was pleading something to the Gods. This proved that Kasarung not ordinary creatures. Not long after, the land near Lutung Kasarung broke and created a small lake, the water was clear enough. The water was containing drugs which were very fragrant.

    The next day Kasarung met Purbasari and asked her to bathe in the lake. “What’s in it for me?”, Thought Purbasari. But she was willing to obey. Shortly after she threw herself. Something happened to her skin. Her skin became clean asbeautiful as before and he became beautiful again. Purbasari very surprised and excited when she mirrored in the lake.

    In the palace, Purbararang decided to see her sister in the woods. She went with his fiancee and the guards. When they reached the forest, she finally met her sister and looked at each other. Purbararang disbelief seeing her again as beautiful as before. Purbararang do not want to lose her greatness, she wanted took a competition to Purbasari. “Who has the longest hair she has won!”, Said Purbararang. Originally Purbasari he did not want to, but because she got forced by her sister. Then, the person ho had longer hair was Purbasari.

    “Well I lost, but now let us show our handsome fiance, he is my fiance”, said Purbararang while pointing to Indrajaya. Purbasari became restless and confused. Finally she looked, and pull the hand of Lutung Kasarung. Kasarung was bobbing as by this. Purbararang laugh out loud, “So it is your fiance, monkey?”.

    At that time also Lutung Kasarung went immediately meditated. Suddenly there was a miracle. Lutung Kasarung turned into a young man who was looking extremely handsome, more than Indrajaya. All were surprised to see the incident as cheered. Purbararang finally admitted defeat and guilt over this. She apologized to her sister and begged not to be punished. “I am so sorry Purbasari.” Said Purbararang. Purbasari kindly forgive her. After the incident ended they all go back to the Palace.

    Purbasari became a queen, accompanied by a young man of her dreams. The young man who turns out had always been with her in the forest in the form of a monkey “Lutung Kasarung”. The End.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

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  • Cerita Rakyat Singkat: “Keong Mas” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Cerita Rakyat Singkat: “Keong Mas” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Cerita Rakyat Singkat: “Keong Mas” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Kisah cantik putri Keong Mas sangat terkenal di seluruh provinsi di Indonesia. Yuk selamat membaca sahabat SBI:

    Cerita Rakyat Singkat: “Keong Mas” Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    Cerita Rakyat Singkat: “Keong Mas” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    “Keong Mas”

    Once upon a time, Kertamarta king was the king of the kingdom of Daha. The  King had two daughters, their named Dewi Galuh Ajeng ad Candra Kirana who was kind and beautiful. Candra Kirana had been betrothed by  prince who named Raden Inu Kertapati who was good and wise.

    But her siblings, Galuh was very jealous of Candra Kirana, because Galuh put the heart on Raden Inu. Galuh met a witch to curse Candra Kirana. She also slandered Candra kirana,  so expelled from the palace. When Candra kirana walk down to the beach, the witch appeared and bewitched her into the golden snail and threw into the sea. But the magic would lost when Keong Mas met with her fiancee.

    One day an old woman were fishing with nets, and the Keong Mas transported. The Keong Mas be brought home and placed in jars. The next day the old woman fishing at sea again but not anything obtained. But when she arrived she was shocked because in her home already available cooking nice meals. The grandmother wondering who sent her this cuisine.

    Similarly, the following days  the grandmother undergo a similar incident. The next morning grandmother pretends she peered into the sea what happened, the golden snail turned into a beautiful girl, and directly cooked, then admonished grandmother “who the hell are you, beautiful daughters?”  “I am the daughter of the enchanted kingdom of Daha became Golden snail by my sister because she was jealous to me” said the Keong Mas, then turned back into the golden snail. Grandma was stunned to see it.

    While Inu Kertapati did not want to stayed without doing anything when kirana moon disappeared. He came to look for a way disguised as a commoner. The witch kne and turned herself into a crow to made a harm to Raden Inu Kertapati. Raden Inu Kertapati Shocked to see a crow that can speak and identify its purpose.

    He considers the raven was magic and believe in to obey it, but given the wrong direction. On the way, Raden Inu met with a grandfather who was starving, he gave grandfather meals. But the grandfather was a good man and had magic. Then he knew the crows was bad, and got away Raden Inu from crows.

    Grandfather was hit crows with his stick, and the bird turned into smoke. Finally Raden Inu was told where Candra Kirana was, he sent it away to the some village. After walking for days he arrived to Dadapan village. He approached a hut he saw to ask for water because hie was exhausted. But he shocked and very surprised, because he saw through the window of his fiancee.

    Finally, the magic was lost due to an encounter with Raden Inu. But at the moment it appeared that the granmother told him. In the different way, Candra Kirana turned again from golden snail to herself, she introduced grandma to Raden Inu who helped her before. Finally Raden Inu brought Candra Kirana into the king, and Candra Kirana told Galuh was the person behind this.

    King apologized to Candra Kirana and vice versa. Galuh got punishment. Galuh afraid to be thrown to the forest. She ran. But she stumbled and falls into the abyss. They shocked and lost Galuh. Years after that moment Finally Candra Kirana and Raden Inu Kertapati got married. They brought the good-hearted grandmother from Dadapan village to stayed in palace. They lived happily.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

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  • Dongeng Singkat: “Aladdin dan Lampu Ajaib” Dalam bahasa Inggris

    Dongeng Singkat: “Aladdin dan Lampu Ajaib” Dalam bahasa Inggris

    Dongeng Singkat: “Aladdin dan Lampu Ajaib” Dalam bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Siapa yang pernah dengar atau membaca kisah tentang Aladdin dan Lampu Ajaib dari negeri 1001 malam? Kisahnya yang unik dan banyak mengajarkan kebaikan sangat menginspirasi bagi kita semua. Penasaran kisah Aladdin dan Lampu Ajaib dalam bahasa inggris? Yuk baca kisahnya disini:

    Dongeng Singkat: “Aladdin dan Lampu Ajaib” Dalam bahasa Inggris
    Dongeng Singkat: “Aladdin dan Lampu Ajaib” Dalam bahasa Inggris

    “Aladdin dan Lampu Ajaib”

    Once upon a time, in the city of Persia, there were a mother lived with her son called Aladdin. One day a man approached Aladdin went to go outside. Then the man was his uncle.

     Men invited Aladdin go out of town and with the permission of Aladdin’s mother they went to out of the town. The ways they were taken so far. Aladdin complained of exhaustion to his uncle but instead he shouted at and told to look for firewood, if not Aladdin would be killed. Aladdin finally realized that the man was not his uncle but a witch. Male witch was then lit a fire with firewood and began to utter the incantation. “Kraak …” suddenly became hollow ground like a cave.

    In the opening of the cave, there were stairs to the bottom. “Come on down! Get me an antique lamp in the bottom of the cave, “cried the witch. “No, I’m afraid to go down there,” replied Aladdin. The magician then took out a ring and gave it to Aladdin. “It is a magic ring, this ring will protect you,” said the witch.  Finally Aladdin down the stairs it with fear.

    Having reached the bottom he found the trees bear fruit gems. After the fruit gems and lamp, and he brought it, he immediately climbed the stairs back. However, the door was closed most holes. “Quickly give the lamp to me!”, Cried the witch. “Hell No! These lamp will give after I got out, “replied Aladdin. After debate, the witch became impatient and finally “Slam!” Entrance hole is closed by the magician then leaved Aladdin trapped in an underground pit. Aladdin be sad, and sat. “I’m hungry, I want to meet my mother, God, help me!”, Said Aladdin.

    Aladdin pressed his hands and rubbed his fingers to the lamp. Suddenly, around it became red and smoke rising. Along with that came a giant. Aladdin very frightened. “Forgive me, because it was shocking me”, “I was a fairy lamp” said giant. “Oh, then take me back home.” “Good Lord, go to my back, we’ll get out of here,” said the fairy ring. In a short time, Aladdin already up in front of his house. “If You want to call me just require rubbing the ring master.”

    Aladdin told all things in the natural to her mother. “Why the witch wanted this filthy light huh?”, Said Aladdin while rubbing cleaning the lamp. “Syut!” Suddenly smoke rose and appeared a giant fairy lights. “Yes sir”, said the fairy lights. Aladdin who’ve never experienced anything like this gave the order, “we are hungry, please prepare food for for us”. In a short time the fairy lights brought a delicious meal-delicious then. “If anyone wants anymore, just call me by rubbing the lamp,” said the fairy lamp.

    Thus the day, month, changed, Aladdin live happily with his mother. Aladdin had became a young man. One day there was a princess in front of his house. He was fascinated and fell in love with that gorgeous girl. Aladdin told to his mother about his desire to marry the king’s daughter. “Quiet Aladdin, Mother’ll try”. Mom went to the royal palace by bringing jewels belonging Aladdin. “Sire, it is a gift to  you majesty from my boy.” The king was very pleased. “Well …, son certainly a handsome prince, tomorrow I will come to your palace to take along my daughter”.

    Upon arriving at her house immediately rub the lamp and asked the fairy lamp to bring a palace. Aladdin and his mother waited at the top of the hill. Soon the fairy lamp came with a magnificent castle on his back. “Sir, this is your palace”. The next day the King and his daughter came to visit the magnificent Palace of Aladdin. “Will you make my daughter as your wife?”, Asked the King. Aladdin was very happy to hear it. Then they both performed weddings.

    Far away, the witch turned seeing it all through a crystal ball. He then went to the Aladdin and pretending to be a seller in front of the Aladdin’s palace. He shouted, “Change your old lights with new lights!”. Aladdin saw magic lamp obsolete soon come out and exchange it for a new lamp. Soon magician rubbed the lamp and ordered the fairy lamp and brought the castle and its contents to his wife Aladdin.

    When Aladdin came home from touring, he was very surprised. Then call the fairy ring and asked him what had happened. “Then please return it back everything to me,” cried Aladdin. “Sorry sir, my power was not as big as fairy lamp,” said the fairy ring. “Well, then I’ll take it. Please Deliver you there “, exclaimed Aladdin. Arriving at the Palace, Aladdin sneak in looking for a room where the princess locked up. “The witch was sleeping due to drinking beer,” said the Princess. “Well, do not worry I’ll take back the magic lamp, we will be victorious,” replied Aladdin.

    Aladdin settled approached the sleeping witch. Turns magic lamp sticking out of his pocket. Aladdin then picked it up and immediately rubded. “Get rid of these criminals,” cried Aladdin to the fairy lamp. Witch woke up, then attack Aladdin. But fairy lamp slammed witches to death. “Thank you fairy lights, and bring us back to the Persian Palace”. Arriving in the Persian Aladin happy life. He uses the magic of fairy lights to help the poor and distress.

     The End.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Further Reading:

    77 Contoh Teks  Abstrak Skripsi Terjemahan Bahasa Inggris Yang Baik&Benar

  • Dongeng Singkat: “Beauty And The Beast” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Dongeng Singkat: “Beauty And The Beast” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Dongeng Singkat: “Beauty And The Beast” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Cerita dongeng si cantik dan si buruk rupa mengajarkan kita akan cinta sejati terhadap siapapun. Penasaran dengan perjuangan si putri dan si buruk rupa dalam bahasa Inggris? Yuk disimak disini:

    Dongeng Singkat: “Beauty And The Beast” Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    Dongeng Singkat: “Beauty And The Beast” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    “Beauty And The Beast”

    Once upon a time, in a beautiful place there was a merchant who had three beautiful daughters named, Pretty, Sweety, and Beauty. One day, when the traders would gone to the market, all three daughters asked for something when he returned. Pretty asked him to buy a pretty dress, Sweety asked pearls but Beauty only wanted a rose.

    When the merchant finished his business, he quickly went home. However, a sudden storm hit that forced him to stop on the way and seek shelter. Then he saw a large palace but he did not meet to one there, the merchants finally decided to take refuge in the castle.

    On the next day, when the storm that blow subsided, the traders decided to continue the return journey. When he wished to get out of the palace, he saw a very beautiful rose contained in the palace garden. Remember his promise to Beauty, he ventured to pluck the roses. But suddenly a figure was with terrible beast out. Beast was angry because he found someone who dared to steal his roses.

    Animals that wanted to kill the merchant. But traders beg to apologize to him. Then he told him that he promised to give a rose to her youngest daughter when she returned home.

    “I will spare your life, but with one condition, bring your child to me!” The beast word.

    The traders came back to his home with his face looked sad. He told the story to his family belong to Beauty.

    “Dad, I’ll do anything for my father. Do not worry. I’ll live with it and save the lives of animals Dad!” Beauty said willingly.

    Then Beauty began to live with the wild animals in the palace. At first, Beauty afraid of the beast, but then he knew that the beast was actually kind. In a short time, Beauty and the beast had became good friends.

    The wild animals felt glad there were women who wanted to live with him. Loneliness experienced by many years was now gone. One day, the wild animals ventured weeks to ask Beauty to be his wife. Surprised, Beauty said no to the proposal from the wild animals. But the beast was not angry about it. Even the next day, the Beast brought the magic mirror to see his family were far away as a gift for her.

    And one day, when Beauty was seeing the magic mirror she saw her father was seriously ill. He asked permission from the wild animal to let him take care of his father. Beast that could not refuse the request of the woman he loved. But the beast was requesting Beauty must be returned with in 7 days. Beauty was very grateful and rushed home to his family and take care of his father.

    The merchant felt ill because of a broken heart knowing his beloved youngest daughter went and lived with wild animals because they wanted to protect him, his father. When Beauty stayed with him, the trader condition began to improve. However, Beauty forgot his promise to return to the palace within 7 days. In the evenings, Beauty got nightmares. He dreamed that the animals were dying.

    Beauty scared, so she decided to return to the palace immediately. In the palace, she found the animal lying on the ground with his eyes closed. Beauty sad, then she hugged the animal and said that she would be her couple. Suddenly a miracle happened. The wild animals magically transformed into a handsome man.

    “Actually, I was a prince of the palace. An evil witch turned me into an animal and only true love of a girl who was willing to accept me for that could turned me back to normal. Then the Beauty and the prince got married and lived happily in the palace forever.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Further Reading:

    Penjelasan Recount Text Terlengkap Beserta Contoh

  • 14 Cerita Rakyat Singkat: “Timun Mas” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    14 Cerita Rakyat Singkat: “Timun Mas” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    14 Cerita Rakyat Singkat: “Timun Mas” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Cerita rakyat Timun Mas banyak sekali mengajarkan kita akan pesan moral yang terkandung di dalamnya. Nah selamat membaca ya cerita rakyat Timun Mas berikut dalam Bahasa Inggris:

    14 Cerita Rakyat Singkat: “Timun Mas” Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    14 Cerita Rakyat Singkat: “Timun Mas” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    “Timun Mas”

    In ancient times in Java, there lived a couple of farmers. They lived in a village near the forest. They live happily. Unfortunately they have not only blessed with a single child.

    Every day they pray to the Almighty. They prayed for having a child. One day a giant pass their residence. The giant heard the prayer of the couple. A giant then gave her Timun seed.

    “Plant this seed. Later you will get a girl, “said the Giant. “Thank you, Giant,” said the husband and wife. “But there are conditions. At age 17 the child should leave you and come to me, “said the Giant. Just because the husband and wife were waiting so long for having  a child, they agrred without thought twice.

    The farmer’s wife husband then plant the seeds of the Timun in the garden. Every day they took care of the plants start to grow it as good as possible. Months later grew a golden Timun.

    Timun was increasingly became large and heavy. When the fruit was ripe, they pick it. They carefully cut the fruit. How surprised they were, in the fruit they found a very beautiful baby girl. The husband and wife were very happy. They named the baby Timun Mas.

    Years passed. Timun Mas had grown into a beautiful girl. Both parents are very proud of her. But they became very afraid because when the anniversary Timun Mas reached 17th, the giant would come back. The giant asked their promise to take Timun Mas.

    The farmer was trying to calm down. “Wait a minute. Timun Mas Should go to the forest!” “My wife would you call her” he said. Timun Mas cameto her father. “Daughter, take this,” he said, handing a cloth bag. “It will help you fight the giant. Now flee as soon as possible, “he said. So Timun Mas immediately fled.

    The husband and wife were saddened by the departure of Timun Mas. But they were not willing to have their daughter became a food of giant. Giant waited long enough. He became impatient. He knew that they had lied to him. Then he destroyed the farmer’s cottage. In addition, he chased Timun Mas into the woods.

    Giant immediately ran after Timun Mas. Giant was closer and closer. Timun Mas scared. She immediately took a handful of salt from the cloth bag. Then she thew salt, and the salt was sprinkled in the direction of the Giant. Suddenly a vast sea was spread. Giants forced had to swim with difficulty. But he stiil could run after her.

    Timun Mas ran again. But then the Giants almost caught up her. Timun Mas back take a magical object from his pocket. She took a handful of chili. The chili was thrown in the direction of the giant. Instantly tree with branches and sharp thorns giant trap. Giant was screaming in pain. Then Timun Mas still ran to save herself.

     But the Giant was really strong. He ran and again almost caught Timun Mas. So Timun Mas also issued the third magical objects. She casted a magic cucumber seeds. Instantly grew very wide cucumber field. Giant very tired and hungry. He also ate a fresh cucumber it with gusto. Because of too much eating, giant fell asleep.

    Timun Mas back escape. She ran hard. But over time the power runs out. Worse because the giant awoke from his sleep. Giant again almost caught her. Timun Mas very almost frightened. She also threw the last weapon, a handful of shrimp paste. Again, a miracle occurred. An extensive mud lakes lied. The giant fell into it. Hands almost reached Timun Mas. But the lake was pulled to the bottom mud. Giant panic. He could not breathe, and then sank.

    Timun Mas relief. She had survived from giant. Timun Mas was returned to her parents’ house. Mom and Dad Timun Mas was so happy to see Timun Mas survived. They greet him. “Thank God. You saved my daughter, “they said happily.

    Since then Timun Mas could live in peace with her parents. They could live happily without fear again.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Sahabat SBI!!!

    Further Reading:

    Metode Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Yang Efektif Dengan Menggunakan Teknik Jigsaw Teknik

  • Dongeng Singkat: “Daedalus Dan Icarus” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Dongeng Singkat: “Daedalus Dan Icarus” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Dongeng Singkat: “Daedalus Dan Icarus” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris- Kisah Daedalus dan Icarus dari negeri Yunani memang telah mendunia. Penasaran dengan kisah dongeng Daedalus dan Icarus dalam bahasa Inggris? Yuk dibaca kisah berikut:

    Dongeng Singkat: “Daedalus Dan Icarus” Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    Dongeng Singkat: “Daedalus Dan Icarus” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    “Daedalus And Icarus”

    Daedalus lived in ancient Greece in Europe, during the reign of King Minos. He was very intelligent and created a lot of stuff. He was the inventor of the leading at that time.

    One day, King Minos ordered Daedalus to build a Maze for confining stepson, Minotaur. The labyrinth was a sort of cave with a narrow winding road and had many turns were confusing. People who go into it would get lost and could not find a way out.

    After Daedalus finished building a Labyrinth, King Minos did not want him to divulge the secrets of the Maze to others, then he imprisoned Daedalus together with young son, Icarus on a remote island.

    Of course they did not want to live forever imprisoned. Every time they figured out on how to escape. Daedalus saw the birds flying. He thought. “How can birds fly? It would free if like them. “

    He continued to pay attention to how the bird was flapping its wings and lifted into the air.

    Finally he decided to make a pair of wings for Icarus and another pair for himself. They collected feathers and shaped it into a large wing. They used wax to glue the feathers of the bird. They bind the wings on their shoulders and arms. It’s totally as a new hopes of them.

    They tried the wings and it worked! They fly!

    Daedalus warned Icarus, “Son, remember, you could not fly too close to the sea, because I’m afraid you’ll fall into the water and drowned.”

    “And,” Daedalus continued, “You also did not fly too high. If you’re too close to the sun, the wax will melt your wings and feathers would have been released. “

    “Do not worry, father,” said Icarus, “I’ll be careful.”

    They also departed. At first everything went smoothly and okay. They flied over the vast sea. Eventually Icarus bored due to fly straight. He started playing around and flied up and down. His father continued to warn him to be careful.

    But Icarus was having fun and did not want to stop. He flew higher and higher. Suddenly he realized that he was a little difficult to fly. Apparently, right, wax on his wings melted and some feathers had been detached. He flew modestly, but too late, feather wings more and more loose and could no longer support the weight of his body. Icarus fell into the sea and drowned.

    Daedalus was very anxious to see his son fell into the sea. He was looking for Icarus and only found his body. Finally Daedalus sadly brought the body of Icarus ashore and buried. The End.

  • Contoh Pidato Singkat Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pendidikan+ Artinya

    Contoh Pidato Singkat Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pendidikan+ Artinya

    Contoh Pidato Singkat Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pendidikan Dan Artinya

    Sekolahbahasainggris hi, are you looking for short speech Sahabat SBI? Pidato bahasa Inggris memang banyak kegunaan nya, tetapi tema yang admin kali ini bawa tentang pendidikan tentu saja untuk ranah dunia pendidikan.

    123 Contoh Pidato Singkat Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pendidikan+ Artinya

    Atau sahabat yang berencana berpidato singkat di hari-hari pendidikan tertentu di sekolah atau Universitas sahabat akan semakin baik jika melihat referensi disini. Tenang, kalian yang tidak bias membuat pidato bahasa Inggris cukup melihat bahan pidato disini untuk dipelajari.

    Nah untuk lebih jelasnya yuk disimak materi Pidato bahasa Inggris Yang singkat tentang Pendidikan:


    Good Morning

    In this lovely occasion May Allah SWT bless us and always give his mercies. And I would like to deliver my speech which titled “Teachers are hero too”.

    Ladies and Gentlemen

    Indonesia is an absolutely rich in source and human. So we must say thanks a lot to the God who made us here. But we also must keep both of these resources being maximized and respect all which is contained in.

    Teacher is one of the occupation in Indonesia. They are also as the human resources. Being a independent generation which develop the main character of student as the next generation is not a easy. This is why the task of the teacher is heavy.

    They are as one of the main factor of the developing countries. Bad or not can be by how teacher in one country. So the fully take a role in education. In case many of the teacher don’t get enough facilities and salary by their occupation.

    By seeing in the small region, teacher, to eat some rice is hard. They blamed by their salary can not covered their live cost. In result, other people do not want to be teacher as poor as this situation.

    It needs more support from the government to fulfill their live cost, increase their incentive, salary, and other for their wife and children. So they can survive in this hero occupation called “teacher” like in the other developed country, Swiss, Finland, UK.

    So, respect teachers by studying hard!

    Thanks for your attention.

    Wassalamualaikum wr. Wb.




    Selamat Pagi

    Pada kesempatan yang berbahagia kali in semoga Allah SWT memberkahi kita dan selalu memberikan rahmatnya. Dan saya kali ini ingin menyampaikan pidato saya yang berjudul “Guru juga Pahlawan”.

    Bapak-bapak dan Ibu-ibu

    Indonesia adalah Negara yang kaya akan sumber daya baik alam maupun manusia. Jadi kita seharusnya bangga dan bersyukur karena kita telah berada disini kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Tetapi kita juga harus menjaga kedua sumber daya ini semaksimal mingkindan menghargai semua yang terkandung di dalamnya.

    Guru adalah salah satu bidang pekerjaan di Indonesia. Mereka juga sebagai sumber daya manusia. Menjadi generasi mandiri yang membangun karakter utama para siswa sebaia generasi selanjutnya itu tak mudah. In adalaha tugas yang berat.

    Mereka adalah salah satu factor utama di Negara berkembang. Baik buruknya itu dipengaruhi bagaimana gurtu di suatu Negara. Jadi mereka berperan penuh dalam pendidikan. Dalam hal banyak, guru tidak mendapat fasilitas yang cukup dan gaji yang cukup atas pekerjaannya.

    Coba lihat di daerah terpencil, guru, untuk makan saja susah! Mereka menyalahkan atas gaji mereka yang tak dapat menutupi buaya hidup. Akibatnya, orang lain yang mengetahui hal ini tidak mau menjadi guru jika keadaan memprihatinkan seperti ini.

    Itu membutuhkan dukungan dari pemerintah untuk mencukupi biaya hidup, menaikkan insentif, gaji, dan juga tunjangan anak dan istr. Jadi mereka bias bertahan seperti pahlawan yang berjulukan “Sang Guru” seperti di Negara maju layaknya Swiss, Finlandia, dan Inggris.

    Jadi kita sebagai murid juga harus menghargai mereka dengan belajar yang giat!

    Terimakasih atas perhatiannya.

    Wassalamualaikum wr. Wb.

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  • Cerita Rakyat Nusantara: “Ande Ande Lumut” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Cerita Rakyat Nusantara: “Ande Ande Lumut” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Cerita Rakyat Nusantara: “Ande Ande Lumut” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris-Kisah Ande-Ande Lumut sangat terkenal di seluruh penjuru Nusantara. Belum pernah mendengar atau membaca kisahnya? Yuk dibaca kisah Ande-Ande Lumut dalam bahasa Inggris di bawah ini:

    Cerita Rakyat Nusantara: “Ande Ande Lumut” Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    Cerita Rakyat Nusantara: “Ande Ande Lumut” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    “Ande Ande Lumut”

    Once upon a time, there were two kingdoms, Kediri and Jenggala. The two of kingdoms that came from a kingdom called Kahuripan. The grants King in the kingdom splitted into two part in order to avoid civil war. But before dying king advised that the kingdom was to be put back together.

    So both the king also agreed to reunite the two kingdoms by marrying the heir apparent Jenggala, Raden Panji Asmarabangun with daughter from Kediri, Dewi Sekartaji.

    Sekartaji’s stepmother, the king’s concubines from Kediri, did not want to get married with Raden Panji Sekartaji because he wanted only her own biological of daughter later when became queen Jenggala. Then Stepmother locked up and hide Sekartaji.

    At the time of Raden Panji come to Kediri to marry Sekartaji, the daughter had disappeared. Raden Panji very disappointed. Stepmother Sekartaji persuade him to remain married to his daughter as a substitute Sekartaji, but Raden Panji refused.

    Raden Panji then ventured. He changed his name to Ande Ande Lumut. One day he arrived at the village of Dadapan. He met a widow who was called Mbok Randa Dadapan. Mbok Randa liked him as her child and since then he lived at Mbok Randa’ house.

    Ande Ande Lumut then ask her adoptive mother (Mbok Randa) to announce that he was looking for a candidate’s wife. So came all the girls from villages around Dadapan to apply to the Ande Ande Lumut’s invitation. No one he received as his wife.

    Meanwhile, Sekartaji managed to get free of herself from captivity  of stepmother. She intended to find Raden Panji. He traveled to arrive at the house of a widow who had three daughters, Klething Abang, Klething Ijo and the youngest Klething Biru.  The widowed mother accepted  her as a child and named Klething Kuning.

    Klething Kuning asked to complete daily work of cleaning the house, doing the laundry and cleaning kitchen appliances. On a day because of fatigue Klething Kuning cried. Suddenly a large crane came. Klething Kuning almost running scared. However stork said, “Do not be afraid, I have come to help.”

    Stork flick their wings and all the clothes that should be washed by Klething Kuning changed into clean. Kitchen utensils were also be cleaned. After that, the crane flied back.

    Stork was back every day to help Klething Kuning. On one day the stork told about Ande Ande Lumut to Klething Kuning and told her to go apply.

    Klething Kuning asked permission to the adoptive mother to go to Dadapan. Her mother let her go when the job was finished. He then sent Klething Kuning washing clothes as much as possible so that he could not go.

    Meanwhile, the widow took three daughters to Dadapan to apply Ande Ande Lumut. On the way they came to a very wide river. There was no bridge or boat passing. They were confused. Then they saw a giant crab  came to them.

    “My name is Yuyu Kangkang. You want get acrossed? “

    They of course wanted.

    “Of course, you have to give in return.” Said Yuyu

    “You want money? How much? “Asked the widow.

    “I do not want your money. Your daughters were beautiful. I wanted them to kiss. ‘

    They were shocked to hear the answer Yuyu Kangkang. But they have no other choice. Finally they agreed. The giant crab was ferrying them one by one and they also gave a kiss in return.

    At home mbok Randa, they requested a meeting with Ande Ande Lumut.

    Mbok Randa knocked Ande Ande Lumut room, he said, “My son, behold, these beautiful girls want to propose as one as your wife. “

    “Mother,” said Ande Ande Lumut, “Tell them, I do not want to take a lover Yuyu Kangkang as my wife.”

    Widow and three daughters were surprised to hear the answer Ande Ande Lumut.

    How the young man knew that they had met with the giant crab? With them went home disappointed.

    At home, Klething Kuning had completed all of its work with the help of a magical stork. Stork was giving her a piece of stick.

    When the stepmother back Klething Kuning once again asked permission to go see Ande Ande Lumut. Stepmother was forced to allow, but she deliberately applying chicken manure Klething Kuning back to.

    Klething Kuning went. He came in large rivers. Giant crab that came to offer services to take her across the river.

    “Pretty girl, you want to go other side? Let me get you accrosed, “said Yuyu Kangkang

    “No, thanks” Klething Kuning said as she walked away.

    “Come on, you do not have to pay,” Yuyu Kangkang said again. “No…!”

    Klething Kuning was whipping stick giving Yuyu Kangkang with storks. Giant crab was running scared.

    Klething Kuning approached the edge of the river and hit it once again.  The water of the river opened, and she was able to walk in the bottom of the river to the opposite.

    Klething Kuning finally arrived  to Mbok Randa’s houase. Mbok Randa accepted it, wrinkling his nose as the Klething Kuning’s clothes that there was a smell of chicken manure. She also invited the girl came and she went into the room Ande Ande Lumut.

    “Ande… my son, there was a beautiful girl, but you do not need to see her. Her clothes is so smell at all, like the smell of chicken manure. Should I sent her home?. “

    “I will see her first, Mom,” said Ande Ande Lumut.

    “But … she …,” said Randa Mbok.

    “She was the only girl who crossed without help Yuyu Kangkang, mother. She is the girl that I’ve been waiting for… “

    Mbok Randa was silent. She followed Ande Ande Lumut  to meet the girl.

    Klething Kuning was surprised to see Ande Ande Lumut is her fiancé, Raden Panji Asmarabangun.

    “Sekartaji, finally we meet again,” said Raden Panji.

    Raden Panji then brought  Sekartaji and Mbok Randa Dadapan to Jenggala. Raden Panji and Sekartaji were married. Kediri kingdom and Jenggala also reunited. The End.

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  • Dongeng Dari Negeri Yunani: “Theseus Dan Minotaur” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Dongeng Dari Negeri Yunani: “Theseus Dan Minotaur” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Dongeng Dari Negeri Yunani: “Theseus Dan Minotaur” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris-Begitu banyak dongeng dari negeri Yunani (Greece) yang begitu menginspirasi dan dapat diambil pelajaran bagi kita. Penasaran bagaimana kisah “Theseus Dan Minotaur” dalam bahasa Inggris? Yuk dibaca disini:

    Dongeng Dari Negeri Yunani: “Theseus Dan Minotaur” Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    Dongeng Dari Negeri Yunani: “Theseus Dan Minotaur” Dalam Bahasa Inggris


    “Theseus Dan Minotaur”

    Once upon a time, there lived a king named Minos in Crete, Greece. Minos made the sea of god, Poseidon, getting angry because they did not present the white bull that was sent to him. As the punishment, Poseidon sent the goddess of love, Aphrodite to make Minos’s wife, Pasiphae, who fell in love with the white cow. Pasiphae gave a baby who has a human body, but his head was a cow. The baby was named Minotaur. As a child, Minotaur like ordinary human babies, but bigger, more savage nature and he liked so strange.

    Minos then imprison of the Minotaur in a labyrinth. The labyrinth was a building like a cave with lots of narrow winding streets and branching. People who get into the labyrinth would be lost. They could not get out again and fell prey to the Minotaur.

    King Minos belligerent and he often attacked Athens. King Minos finally defeated the king of Athens, Aegeus in the war. He threatened to destroy the king Aegeus of Athens except sent seven boys and seven girls every seven years. They would be sacrificed to the Minotaur.

    King Aegeus had to agreed. Every seven years Minos sent a ship with a black screen to picked the victims. When he arrived in Crete, the teens were given a beautiful clothes and were treated to a very tasty meal. But then they were ushered into the maze and never returned.

    Theseus, son of the king Aegeus wonder why every seven years old by his father looked so sad. When king Aegeus told treaty with the king Minos, Theseus decided to go to Crete as one of the prisoners and killed the Minotaur. King Aegeus disagreed, Theseus was the only son and heir to the kingdom. And nobody back after leaving for Crete.

    Theseus king insisted and reluctantly let him go. Arriving in Crete Theseus with the other teens were treated to sumptuous food. He sat next to the daughter of the king Minos, Ariadne. Ariadne fascinated by the beauty and bravery of Theseus and he decided to help him killed the Minotaur. He gave a sword and a ball of silk thread to Theseus, and he asked the young man took her back to Athens and marry her.

    When Theseus and his friends arrived in the maze, he tied the ends of the thread on the door of the cave. He ordered his friends waiting there and kept it in order to remain bound threads there.

    Theseus walked into the labyrinth while outlining the thread, so that later he could find a way out. He could hear snoring Minotaur in the distance, but then he did not hear the snoring anymore.

    Theseus kept going further and further into the maze to arrive in a large cave that was very dark. Minotaur was standing in front of him. Theseus frightened Minotaur looked so great and creepy, but he managed to killed the Minotaur with his sword. He then walked back out as he followed silk line that had left behind.

    Theseus and Ariadne back to Athens with the ship. On the way, the god Dionysus visited him in a dream and said that Theseus must not marry the princess Ariadne because it had chosen to be his wife. Theseus must leave Ariadne on Naxos island where Dionysus would pick him up.

    Theseus brought the ship docked on the island of Naxos. He took Ariadne fell to the island. After a Ariadne  fell asleep. Theseus left her there.

    Theseus was so sad because of parting with Ariadne that he forgot to lower the ship’s black screen and replace it with a white screen. King Aegeus who was waiting for his return saw the black sail boat and thought his son had died. He also plunged into the sea. The sea until now called the Aegean sea.

    Theseus became king. He ruled with wisdom and love to help people. The End.

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