Tag: Review Text

  • Materi Review Text, Pengertian, Tujuan dan Contohnya “LENGKAP” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Materi Review Text, Pengertian, Tujuan dan Contohnya “LENGKAP” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Materi Review Text, Pengertian, Tujuan dan Contohnya “LENGKAP” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Materi Review Text, Pengertian, Tujuan dan Contohnya “LENGKAP” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Secara harfiah, review bermakna tinjauan, ringkasan, atau tinjauan ulang. Jika ada frasa book review berarti bermakna tinjauan buku. Oleh karena itu, Review Text dapat diartikan sebagai teks yang bertujuan untuk meninjau, mengkritik, atau mengulas suatu karya atau kejadian di masyarakat, seperti buku, film, acara tv, produk kecantikan, mobil, hand phone, laptop, rekaman, konser dan sebagainya.

    Tujuan Review Text

    Sebagian tujuan besar dari review text adalah memberikan ulasan, tinjauan, bahkan kritik terhadap suatu karya seni, ilmiah, buku ataupun bentuk-bentuk lainnya agar diketahui oleh khalayak umum.

    Generic Structure

    • Introduction

    Pada bagian mi (paragraf pertama), penulisan berisikan P genalan terhadap pokok atau gambaran umum tentang sebuah karya/benda yang akan ditinjau. Gambaran umum tersebut dapat berupa nama, kegunaan, dan sebagainya.

    • Evaluation

    Bagian ini berisi gambaran detail dari sebuah karya, antara lain menceritakan kelebihan, keunikan, kualitas, serta hal- hal yang membuatnya menarik. Namun demikian, jangan terlalu banyak memberikan deskripsi mengenai karya atau benda tersebut karena seakan-akan mengajari calon pembeli karena hal itu tidak bagus. Jadi, evaluasi karya/benda sejauh yang dibutuhkan oleh pembeli adalah paling tepat. Bagian ini biasanya terdiri lebih dari satu evaluasi.

    • Interpretation

    Pada bagian interpretasi, penulis memberikan pendapat atau pandangannya terhadap sebuah karya. Tentu saja fase ini dilakukan setelah melakukan evaluasi yang cukup terhadap karya atau barang tersebut. Tidak jarang untuk mendukung, memperkuat, atau lebih meningkatkan kualitas/ hasil mengenai karya atau benda yang diulas, penulis dapat membandingkan dengan jenis lainnya. Pada fase ini. penulis juga menuliskan kelebihan dari karya atau benda tersebut. atau sebaliknya yang menjadikannya kurang bernilai.

    • Summary

    Pada bagian summary, penulis memberikan kesimpulan kepada pembaca terhadap karya atau benda yang telah diulas. Setelah memberikan penjelasan di evaluasi dan pan- dangan penulis sendiri di bagian interpretasi, di bagian ini penulis memberikan komentar mengenai karya atau benda yang diulas berharga atau tidak untuk calon pembeli.


    Pada Review Text terdapat beberapa ciri kebahasaan yang menonjol seperti berikut ini.

    1. Menggunakan Present Tense.
    2. Banyak menggunakan adjective (kata sifat) seperti bad, good, valuable, dan sebagainya.
    3. Sering menggunakan long clause (klausa panjang) dan kompleks.

    Contoh Review Text

    Product Review

    Acer Iconia Tab A100 (Reviewed By Mike Andrew)

    While the 10-inch tablet market is very crowded and highly competitive right now, when it comes to 7-inch powerful and reliable slates, there are still some gaps that need to be filled. The Iconia Tab A100 wants to do just that, being a very interesting, portable, and snappy gadget.

    Evaluation 1: Design and Display
    When talking about 7-inch tablets, the aspect is very important. The Tab A100 does not disappoint from this point of view, being elegant and classy. The front face is surrounded by glossy black plastic, while the back of the tablet is a dark gray plastic with Acer’s logo in the middle. In terms of portability, the Iconia Tab A100 is also a more than a satisfying device, being about the same size and weight as the HTC Flyer, for example.

          The 7-inch touch screen with 1024×600 pixels resolution offers great image quality, contrast, and brightness, but does more of a mediocre job when talking about viewing angles. Still, the display is overall decent and holds the comparison with the HTC Flyer or the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.


    Evaluation 2 : Performance and Software

    The Iconia Tab A100 features the already classic Nvidia Tegra 2 dual-core processor with 1 GB of RAM memory and is therefore at least as snappy and powerful as any other 7 or 10-inch tablet on the market right now. The cameras are surprisingly decent, the 2 MP front­facing and the 5 MP rear-facing devices offering pretty much the best image quality you might hope to find on a slate.

    In terms of software, Acer’s 7-inch tablet is set to be a pioneer, being the first slate of its category to be powered by the Android Honeycomb OS. Not only that, but it will run on the latest 3.2 version of the operating system, which means that you will get loads of apps and snappy performance.

    Evaluation 3: Connectivity and Pricing

    The Iconia Tab A100 is set to feature WiFi and Bluetooth compatibility, as well as a micro-USB port and a micro SD slot card. It would have been perfect if it would have featured HDMI as well, but still it is pretty decent for a 7-inch tablet.


    As far as pricing is concerned, the Acer Iconia Tab A100, which has not yet been released on the market, will be available for 329 dollars (the 8 GB version) or for 349 dollars (the 16 GB version). This is consistently less than HTC Flyer’s or Blackberry Playbook’s prices, to name two of the important 7-inch tablets right now.

    Wrap up, while the Iconia Tab A500 is still struggling to become one of the important names in the tablets’ world, the from this Android tablet review it looks like a winner right away. Packing good technical specifications, as well as a decent display and a revolutionary software for a 7-inch tablet, Acer’s new slate also comes at an affordable price tag and will probably mesmerize technology fanatics all around the world.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Sahabat SBI 🙂

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  • Contoh Review Text (Sinopsis) Film Fast & Furious 7 2015 Terbaru

    Contoh Review Text (Sinopsis) Film Fast & Furious 7 2015 Terbaru

    Contoh Review Text (Sinopsis) Film Fast & Furious 7 2015 Terbaru – Tepat tanggal bulan april 2015 ini, bioskop di seluruh Indonesia menayangkan film “Fast & Furious 7 terbaru, tentu film ini sangat mengundang antusiasme masyarakat. Karena kita tidak asing lagi dengan cerita Film ini. Berikut ini contoh review text “Fast & Furious 7. Check This out!


    Fast & Furious 7. Quality and excitement in the movie “Fast & Furious” is not in doubt. In each series the movie Fast & Furious is waited andby  anticipated million lovers all over the world. The film featured a suspenseful and action scenes ingenuity in any resolve the problem, it is natural if the fans are expecting a continuation and for the continuation of the Fast & Furious.

    On November 1, the official trailer continuation Fast & Furious series officially released, but this time series titled “Furious 7”. The news of this was the emergence of the official trailer makes the whole lovers can not wait to watch the full drama in this film. This trailer can be regarded as the best trailer of “Fast & Furious”, this trailer showing thrilling action series of premium class cars that parachuted from a plane to hunt down cargo trucks carrying people in it. Not to forget, the late Paul Walker as Brian O’Conner who plays appear in the scene. Hollywood Movies List Released April 2015

    Curiosity in the Furious series 7 will also present a new action that replaces the late actor Paul Walker. Because we all know, Paul Walker got tragic accident that caused his life was not saved. It makes management Fast & Furious looking for a replacement actor Paul Walker as much as possible to have similarities.

    review text


    Synopsis Furious 7. Because this is an ongoing series of films, of course we all know, the film Furious 7 will continue the story of the previous movie, namely Fast & Furious 6 previous Acts tells where the team leader named Dom (Vin Diesel) successful rescue his beloved Ortiz ( Michelle Rodriguez) out of the hands of criminals, Owen Shaw (Luke Evans).

    The success of Dom (Van Diesel) in rescue his girlfriend and beat Shaw (Luke Evans) it raises a new problem, it is true revenge will not solve a problem. However, without rancor, the series an action movie would not be sustainable. Family is everything, perhaps the fact that the underlying nature of the actor who played Jason Statham. Feeling not accept the defeat received by his brother, Owen, played by Jason Statham was getting revenge.

    The film ‘Fast and Furious 7’ still with Dominic Toretto and Brian O’Conner implement new missions, namely rescue a girl. While the girl who will be saved, played by Michelle Rodriguez. In order to prevent the story becomes disoriented, Screenwriter Chris Morgan decided to make a departure scene character Brian O’Connor (Paul Walker).

  • Contoh Review Text (Resensi) Film Terbaru “Insurgent” (2015)

    Contoh Review Text (Resensi) Film Terbaru “Insurgent” (2015)

    Contoh Review Text (Resensi) Film Terbaru “Insurgent” (2015) – Pada tanggal 20 maret ini, bioskop di seluruh Indonesia mulai menayangkan film Terbaru “The Divergent Series : Insurgent”, – Film “The Divergent Series : Insurgent” adalah film terbaru Hollywood yang diproduksi di tahun 2015 ini. Film berjudul “The Divergent Series : Insurgent” mengangkat genre drama fantasi yang dicampur dengan petualangan. Film “The Divergent Series : Insurgent” ini dibintangi oleh actrees favorit mimin Shailene Woodley, Theo James, Ansel Elgort, Jai Courtney, Kate Winslet, Mekhi Phifer, Miles Teller, Naomi Watts, Octavia Spencer dan Zoe Kravitz.

    Informasi Film Terbaru “The Divergent Series : Insurgent” (2015)

    • Judul : Insurgent (2015)
    • Tanggal Rilis Perdana : 20 Maret 2015
    • Genre : Fantasi, Petualangan
    • Sutradara : Robert Schwentke
    • Penulis : Akiva Goldsmab, Brian Duffiled
    • Produser : Doug Wick, Lucy Fisher, Pouya Shahbazian
    • Produksi : Summit Entertainment
    • Durasi : 119 Menit
    • Rating : Remaja (R)
    • Cast : Shailene Woodley, Theo James, Ansel Elgort, Jai Courtney, Kate Winslet, Mekhi Phifer, Miles Teller, Naomi Watts, Octavia Spencer dan Zoe Kravitz.

     review insurgent

    Sci-fi western titled “The Divergent Series: Insurgent (2015)” This tells the story of a rebel (Insurgent) which raises the stakes Tris seeking allies and answers in the ruins of Chicago futuristic dystopian. Tris, played by (Shalene Woodley) along Four played by (Theo James) being a fugitive.

    They are hunted by Jeanine played by (Kate Winslet), a leader of the Erudite (Scientific) power-hungry elite. With a race with time, they have to figure out what Tris family sacrificed their lives to protect and why leaders Erudite always trying to do anything to stop them.

    Tris themselves dancing allies at once answers related to the destruction of a futuristic Chicago. Tris and Four (Theo James) is now a fugitive being sought by the elite scientific leaders Jeanine (Kate Winslet). Jeanine itself is a scientific leader of the elite who are hungry for power.

    With the selection of flavors haunted past and desperate to protect loved ones, along Tris Four face an impossible challenge for the sake of opening the truth about the past and future end of their world.

  • Contoh Review Text Film Soekarno Dan Artinya Terupdate

    Contoh Review Text Film Soekarno Dan Artinya Terupdate

    Contoh Review Text Film Soekarno Dan Artinya Terupdate – Apabila para sahabat SBI sedang mencari sebuah contoh review text film-film Indonesia yang berkualitas, film Soekarno bisa menjadi pilihan teman-teman. Berikut ini adalah review atau resensi film Soekano dalam Bahasa Inggris. Check this out!

    Contoh Review Text Film Soekarno Dan Artinya

    Sukarno eventually filmed. After Gie, the Enlightenment, Soegija, The Kyai, of biographical films Soekarno a matter of time. Tomorrow’s probably going to be more, of Tan Malaka, Amir Sjariffudin, Sjahrir, and God knows who else. Certainly not bother explaining who Sukarno. He is not Haji Amir Misbach or Sjarifoeddin that if died yesterday afternoon, would have welcomed surprised by our school children, as they respond to the death of Mandela in social media.

     Sukarno his most Hanung is first raised the proclaimer figure on the big screen as a biopic. Previously, Sukarno character more often part of a larger story. Usmar Ismail long ago, in 1955, made a mock Supreme Guest Sukarno as a potential dictator. Surprisingly, when the number of voices asking for the film was banned, Sukarno even laughing watching it in the palace. Several times also in the television mini-series entitled history proclamation rotated around August 17. The story is not new: Soekarno and Hatta middle pressed the radical young children who can not wait that declared independence in the face of Japan.

     In another film, Gie for example, a self-portrait Sukarno tend negative: an old ruler who like to marry, even in his power when entering the twilight of post-G30S. The depiction of this kind reinforced by the construction of a social setting such as a queue of rice and small people sickly. In short, bad panorama ‘Guided Democracy. “A similar picture can be found in the film Years of Living Dangerously (Peter Weir, 1982), in which Sukarno, seen from the perspective of an American journalist, was in the midst of political polarization between the PKI and the army, while ceaselessly developing Jakarta become a beacon for the city of New Emerging Forces. Inevitably, this is the popular imagination of Sukarno and his era: the magnificent monuments of the revolution in mass starvation and ‘offensive PKI.’

    Then figure Soekarno who like what is offered Hanung Bramantyo?

    Story of Soekarno: Indonesia Merdeka  extending from childhood Sukarno to moments where the text of the proclamation was read. However, the biggest part of this film takes a period in which the exiled Sukarno, the Japanese Occupation, to the preparation of the proclamation of independence. At the beginning, we are witnessing childhood Sukarno. In accordance popular historical narrative: he was sick so had to change the name, of Kusno to Sukarno. Brief description of childhood was immediately switched to the period in which the intellectual and political orientation Sukarno formed. Staying in a boarding-san legendary belong together Tjokroaminoto Musso and Kartosuwiryo, brief encounter demonstrated political thought in his era.

     “Kusno, whether you are a Marxist?” Asked Mien, a Dutch girl friend Sukarno school. Kusno-name small Soekarno-no answer. Instead, he immediately targeted Mien lips. Unfortunately, puppy love scene was interrupted by his father tosses slippers secretly peek. Kusno also did not bother with the attitude of the father. He is depicted with a high sense of simply believing in yourself as to think that the girl londo be subdued. Mien did look kesengsem weight. But her idol was even expelled by his father when it come to his house. “You do not deserve dating my son, we are not a party.” Sukarno teen expelled. Two brown-skinned servant dragged him out of the house Mien. This experience apparently left a deep trauma. Kusno immediately aware of his position as third-class citizens in the Dutch East Indies, so that in this film he immediately learned speech in his rented room every late night, with fiery.

     Periods of exile in Bengkulu and the Japanese occupation era took the largest share of Sukarno. Here we witness the vacillation-vacillation Sukarno, especially regarding women. Faithful wife, Inggit Garnasih, shown with sincere support, ranging from Banceuy he was put in prison, Bandung, up to disposal in Bengkulu. In Bengkulu also captivated by his Sukarno, Fatmawati, which led to his relationship with his wife broke down. After Japan’s entry into the Dutch East Indies and Sukarno invited to work helping Japan to face the Allies, they were divorced. Shortly thereafter, Sukarno, who has been charged grandchildren by her parents, eventually marrying Fatmawati.

     The story of a love triangle Soekarno-Inggit-Fatmawati-blue that intersperse with indecision other Soekarno-indecision when it should cooperate with the armies of the Japanese occupation. In the historical record that had been known, he chose to work together to avoid bloodshed. Bad choice. He must convince the students to accept prostitution organized impromptu Japanese in their environment, so that the local girl was sacrificed. Some labor-intensive activities such as Romusha-labor which claimed many victims-then encouraged. Soekarno asked to collect power of the people. Dirty jobs are done with this compulsion to make Soekarno targets of radical youths, who immediately branded as a stooge of Japan. Sjahrir, one of the representatives of the anti-Japanese youth group, had an argument with Sukarno and Hatta. For Sjahrir, collaboration with Japan’s actions will only encourage Indonesia to the brink of fascism. But as early as possible Hanung asserts that regardless of their tensions, there is mutual understanding between the Soekarno-Hatta and Sjahrir, so that their difference is a matter of tactics: Sukarno and Hatta choose the path of cooperation, while Sjahrir and others went underground, spreading anti-Japanese propaganda.

     contoh review text film soekarno dalam bahasa inggris

    Dilemma of Moral

     Applause for Hanung because Sukarno Sukarno’s displayed is not completely independent of moral dilemmas in emergency situations, as well as trend-romanan romance with a woman. But there is a big issue here, regarding the composition of the image that is built Hanung, especially in sequences proclamation seconds. Reading the text of the proclamation-blue interspersed by a flash back to the past Sukarno, began when he was thrown out of the house Mien Hessel, his experience as an exile in Bengkulu along Inggit, meeting with Fatmawati, and so on. Perhaps the director intends to present an idea that colonialism had a very profound effect and private for Sukarno. But the barrage of flashes behind it instead of other implications: as if Sukarno involved in the struggle for independence for failing courted Dutch girl, as if Indonesia’s independence because sincerity Inggit in exile, and as if the history of Indonesian nationalism is a mysterious synthesis between myth Gajah Mada-which several times alluded to Soekarno with fiery-and ups and downs of romance Sukarno.

     Narrative pattern relationship between the protagonist and the environment falls on the socio-political context personalization around the protagonist. Exploitation that occurs in inlander is the exploitation of the extent to which Sukarno witness and experience it directly. Difficulties faced when having to decide Soekarno cooperation with Japan is directly proportional to his love life, so that when tig households completed with divorce and continues with the wedding for the umpteenth time, the work of flames on the ground, too wrong.

     Again, these issues are often raised in trend hero films. The position of the hero as the protagonist of the story is very central, if not the most important as to forget that building a narrative about the historical context independent outside figure. Figure is the beginning and end of the representation of the objective conditions of the past that created the character of the protagonist, a source of influence and motivation, as well as the obstacles that hinder or dilampauinya. In the biographical films in Indonesia, this historical narrative rarely-perhaps never-explored further. Like a chess game, we were busy moving the king, queen, horse, castle, pawn, and so on, all the while forgetting the existence of the board and the basic rules of the game of chess itself.

     In the case of Sukarno, the intellectual atmosphere and movement in the 1920s were very influential on Sukarno, ideas, choices taken in politics, to the dynamics of inter-group ahead of the proclamation, it does not stand out from the duration of the film’s 137 minutes. In fact, any dispute about strategy and tactics to fight the Japanese, can be explained by the more intact, not only in relation to the affairs of avoiding bloodshed, but also as a continuation of the ideological debates between activists in the movement of the 1920s era. A brief overview of the intellectual formative period Soekarno spoken by a stammer was not completed. Limited lipstick, echo is not found during 110an minutes remaining duration of this movie. We are indeed witnessing persona Sukarno was born on the podium, in prison and in exile, but unexplained how he came to that position, how does it proceed with other movement activists inside and outside the PNI before the Japanese occupation, and so on. What we know from this film: 1) Soekarno diligently honed oratorical, and 2) Soekarno crazy myths Palapa Oath. Thus, in Sukarno Sukarno Sukarno style is Mario, ie someone who narrated born from below, has a magnificent personal ambition, take it alone through bloody struggle, and finally, came out as the winner.

     The emergence of films about historical figures can later be read as a response to growing social problems in the community. Soegija and the Kyai was hit by a commentary on society sectarian conflicts. Conflicts are present in the present projected far into the past, then settled through the utterances heroic figures usually on the cover-that magic is a commentary on the future rather than on the concrete situation that they face. No wonder if the periods are taken still around momentums such resounding proclamation.

     The same applies also for Sukarno. Sukarno’s speech sequences directly Pancasila is commenting on, say, the more conservative communities are now in religious affairs. As for talks ahead of Sukarno and Hatta August 17th is a direct comment on the pre-2014 election pessimism wrapped with questions cliches like, I quote from memory, “Could we lead the nation of its own people?”

    It is hard to imagine how historical narratives can be present without the presence of a large figure with a motivational speech in the history of Indonesian films. Films of the 1965 tragedy that plural manufactured after 1998 actually provides a good example of how history can be told without heroes. But perhaps such could occur because these films construct the antithesis of the New Order cinema has become a hero polish mass-murderer of course without including information about the massacre itself. When to get out of the Indonesian movie themes nationalist struggle around 1945, and then lift the invasion and occupation by Indonesia in East Timor, Peter operations and other dark episodes in the history of the nation? Or to biographical narrative, Indonesian films can now tells the figures of the past in its worst, the failures in addressing major events beyond its control, or in its crimes are unforgivable? I am here not just to talk about, for example, the last days of Gus Dur-president last progressive-owned Indonesian at the Palace, but also criminals untouched.