100 Contoh Recount Text Bahasa Inggris Terupdate
www.sekolahbahasainggris.com Apa yang dimaksud recount text? Recount text adalah sebuah teks dalam bahasa Inggris yang menceritakan pengalaman di masa lalu atau masa lampau yang berisikan suatu peristiwa, aktivitas, dan hal menarik lainnya.
![100 Contoh Recount Text Bahasa Inggris Terupdate](https://www.sekolahbahasainggris.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/recount-text-300x96.png)
Apa tujuan dibuatnya sebuah Recount Text? Tujuan teks recount adalah agar para pembaca dapat merasa terhibur serta mengetahui apa maksud cerita yang disampaikan oleh si penulis kepada si pembaca.
Struktur Recount Text
Dalam pembuatan recount text kita harus memperhatikan struktur apa saj yang menjadi bagian dalam teks tersebut, yakni:
Adalah bagian pada recount text yang memperkenalkan tokoh, karakter, tempat, serta waktu dalam cerita tersebut. Jadi and cukup memikirkan “who”, “where”, “when”, “what”, and “how”.
Event dibuat setelah bagian Orientation. Karena bagian events berfungsi untuk menjelaskan lebih rinci peristiwa-peristiwa yang berlangsung dalam cerita trsebut. Disini biasanya letak isi pokok dalam suatu peristiwa yang ingin penulis sampaikan.
Re-orientation adalah bagian akhir dari recount text. Isinya pun bebas. Jadi si penulis berhak menceritakan kesimpulan ataupun “personal opinion” dalam bagian ini.
5FC Forever
Summer after high school, after graduated from junior high school 5FC had made. This is the lovely name which is created by the leader of the gang, who is named Patrick. He met 4 other members so unexpectedly who were named, Mojo, Bubble, Buttercup, and Blossom.
It was a unique friendship ever known. We grew together from the worst condition to the best. It was about the time, which we came and doing the things together how we solve intelligently. Patrick was a smart boy in Senior High School, he got good marks on his exam. The Mojo was the lucky and ignorant boy. He didn’t smart, but everything was near him was simple was he wanted. Bubble was a strong leadership as girl, she did many thing in her own ways. Buttercup was spoiled. She was nice, but so innocent to do the best ways for her problem, at least she could decided to speak what must be distinct.
Blossom was a little bite ignorant, she was vicious as the first time everyone met her. But she was kind as well. They five person was being tight in 9 years. It’s hard to grow together in different major of faculty, different university, and different condition.
If everything was as clear as in the fairy tales it is not true. They also got the big problem as human beings as well. In the third years of senior high school there was some falling in love between one person to another person. The others got angry and the friendship was broken. It was okay for getting calm each others.
But this condition taught them that it was so silly to break the friendship just because of the love of them. They thought twice to replace it. And they got the way how to be as moist as it cleared faster.
In some condition, that economical problem which happened to someone was disturb the car on the way. The Mojo now was unlucky person. He got many problems of life. He was angry with others why they didn’t help him in the worst condition. He got false. They tried to help him, but it was a few. In his own mind they were so unimportant just because they couldn’t help much. But he realized soon that not how much money should they spend on the floor. But how strong and much they were for him to solve the problem even not only money spent.
This taught them always that things we got together is just because they were different. But the differences of things they had were completed each others in the ways they run. At least 5FC will be Forever until the time closed.
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