Tag: Procedure text

  • Contoh Procedure Text Bahasa Inggris How To Make Spaghetti

    Contoh Procedure Text Bahasa Inggris How To Make Spaghetti

    Contoh Procedure Text Bahasa Inggris How To Make Spaghetti – Berikut ini adalah contoh procedure text how to make Spaghetti dalam bahasa Inggris. Dimana artikel sebelumnya sudah membahas tentang apa itu procedure text. Artikel ini sangat berguna sekali untuk membantu anda memahami lbih dalam tentang procedure text. Oke…. ini dia Contoh Procedure Text how to make spaghetti dalam bahasa inggris.

    How to Make Spaghetti at Home

    The materials needed :
    500 grams of spaghetti
    250 grams of minced meat
    3 tablespoons tomato sauce
    500 grams of fresh tomatoes, blended + a little water
    Flour 2 tablespoons cornstarch
    100 grams of grated Cheddar cheese
    2 cloves Onion, thinly chopped
    8 cloves garlic, finely chopped up
    1 tablespoon Oregano Powder
    Cooking oil
    Olive oil
    Beef sausage and other additives (if required)

    procedure text how to make spaghetti

    Procedure :
    1. Boil tomatoes in a blender with an additional glass of water, use a small fire to boil. Wait until the boil then add the minced meat and powdered oregano powder, stir gently until evenly until textured thick like gravy. If it is less viscous, add cornstarch and dissolve with water, pour the sauce ingredients.

    2. Enter the tomato sauce and sugar include salt to taste. Add grated cheese to taste alone (leaving) the sauce mixture. Taste sauce have you created earlier to be sure the results are stable, then lift the sauce.

    How to cook Spaghetti:
    1. First boil 1 liter of water mixed with 2 tablespoons of cooking oil, boiled until boiling and then enter the spaghetti, and stir until blended.

    2. Once in the sense of spaghetti already cooked (Try in eating 1 seed), remove and drain. Adding 5 tablespoons of olive oil to make it more palatable, stir again until well blended.

    How to eat Spaghetti:
    1. Prepare a frying pan containing oil for frizzling onions and garlic until softened and fragrant aroma out. Pour spaghetti sauce have you created earlier, cook again until aromatic fragrant is out.

    2. Enter the spaghetti into the still hot sauce and heat over low heat while stirring gently until the sauce and spaghetti completely blended. If you want to add sausage or other additives to taste. Having considered the lift was spaghetti and spaghetti Serve with a sprinkling of grated cheese.

    The portion of the above recipe is for 8-10 people.
    Always better make their own spaghetti sauce at home instead of using ready-made sauces because the more assured of quality and cleanness.

    Demikianlah contoh procedure text how to make spaghetti. Semoga bisa membantu kita dalam memamahami lebih dalam tentang procedure text dan membuat kita bisa membuat Spaghetti sendiri dirumah. Selamat Bekerja!!!

  • Contoh Procedure Text “How To Make Chocolate Pudding” Beserta Artinya

    Contoh Procedure Text “How To Make Chocolate Pudding” Beserta Artinya

    Contoh Procedure Text “How To Make Chocolate Pudding” Beserta Artinya


    Hallo sahabat SBI pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan membahas suatu materi bahasa inggris yang berhubungan dengan sebuah text dalam bahasa inggris yaitu procedure text.  Sahabat SBI masih ingat apa yang dimaksud dengan procedure text dalam bahasa inggris? Kali ini kita bukan akan membahas mengenai pengertian nya, namun mengenai contoh procedure text dalam bahasa inggris yang berkaitan dengan cara membuat pudding coklat dalam bahasa inggris. Check this out ya 🙂

    Check Juga Materi Penting SBI Lainnya :

    Contoh Procedure Text "How To Make Chocolate Pudding" Beserta Arti
    Contoh Procedure Text “How To Make Chocolate Pudding” Beserta Arti




    Sebelum memberika contoh mengenai how to make chocolate pudding dalam bahasa inggris, sahabat SBI harus paham terlebih dahulu apa yag dimaksud dengan procedure text dalam bahasa inggris. Apa itu procedure text?

    Dalam bahasa inggris,  Procedure Text Procedure text is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps.

    Dalam bahasa indonesia, procedure text merupakan sebuah text dalam bahasa inggris yang berfungsi untuk menjelaskan cara atau langkah membuat ataupun menggunakan sesuatu.

    Procedure text sendiri terdiri dari 3 bagian yaitu Material, equipment dan yang terakhir adalah step atau langkah.

    Berikut ini contohnya dan juga terjemahan nya 🙂


    Chocolate pudding ingredients :
    1 packet gelatin powder
    150 g granulated sugar
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    1/2 can of sweetened condensed milk chocolate
    1 tablespoons chocolate powder
    1 liter of water to Cook (pakek fresh milk can also be)
    Vla sauce ingredients:
    1 can evaporated milk
    200 ml fresh milk
    4 tablespoons granulated sugar
    2 teaspoons flour custard.
    1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
    2 teaspoons cornflour
    How to easily make chocolate pudding
    A rather large sized bowl, put all the chocolate pudding ingredients (except sugar and salt), stir until well blended and into solution, then filter. After that, pour into the pan.
    Add granulated sugar and salt, then mix until well blended. Cook until boiling on medium heat while stirring occasionally. Lift and let stand until steam heat to dissipate.
    Pour a solution of chocolate pudding into the mold that has been moistened with a little water before.For mold/loyangnya to suit your taste.
    After that, enter the mold baking pan containing the pudding into the fridge and wait until the pudding is really hard.
    For the sauce vlanya, put all the ingredients (except sugar) into a different container. Mix until well blended and slick, then filter.
    Put in a saucepan, add sugar, and cook until it explodesletup and thickened. Remove from the stove and let the sauce cool vlanya first.

    Semoga bermanfaat Untuk Sahabat SBI semua ya 🙂

  • Contoh Procedure Text How To Make “Cara Membuat Omelet” Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Artinya

    Contoh Procedure Text How To Make “Cara Membuat Omelet” Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Artinya

    Contoh Procedure Text How To Make “Cara Membuat Omelet” Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Artinya


    Sahabat SBI pasti sudah tidak asing lagi bukan dengan materi bahasa inggris mengenai cara membuat ataupun menggunakan sesuatu? disebut apakah text yang  berhubungan dengan membuat ataupun menggunakan sesuatu dalam bahasa inggris? Yaps! procedure text.

    Procedure text merupakan sebuah text dalam bahasa inggris yang paling banyak di bahas, mengapa? karena text tersebut berhubungan dengan cara melakukan suatu hal. Dalam bahasa inggris, procedure text diartikan sebagai sebuah text yang menjelaskan atau memaparkan cara melakukan sesuatu.

    Generic structure dari procedure text pun terdiri dari goal yaitu tujuan dari pembuatan, material needed yaitu bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan dan yang terakhir adalah steps atau langkah-langkah.

    Check Juga Materi Penting SBI Lainnya :

    Contoh Procedure Text "Cara Membuat Omelet" Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Arti
    Contoh Procedure Text “Cara Membuat Omelet” Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Arti


    Berhubungan dengan materi mengenai procedure text dalam bahasa inggris, kali ini kita akan mencoba menjelaskan mengenai cara membuat omelet ataupun yang biasa kita kenal dengan telur dadar dalam bahasa inggris.

    Bagaimanakah cara sahabat SBI menjelaskan cara membuat sebuah omelet dalam bahasa inggris? Jika belum mengerti, yuk langsung saja kita simak materi berikut ini, semoga bisa bermanfaat ya 🙂

    How To Make An Omelet?

    Goal            : How To Make An Omelet

    Materials   :

    4 eggs
    150 grams minced beef
    2 pieces of sausage cut into pieces
    2 tablespoons butter
    15 grams of beans sliced thin
    30 grams of carrots
    Fried onions
    1 discard onion, chopped
    Cheese to taste
    Pepper powder to taste
    Salt to taste
    20 g powdered milk
    Steps       :
    1. First, make sure the materials you use hygienic already from exposure to harmful chemicals. To ensure the hygienic materials, we recommend that you wash the first materials that you want to use to really clean.
    2. If all of the ingredients already hygienic, then heat the butter in a pan, then input the pieces of onion, stir-fry until aromas wafted input then harumnya carrots, beans, chopped meat then Sauté until vegetables became more wilted and materials again become ripe.
    3. After that, prepare egg mix with milk powder, green onion, fried onion and salt and pepper powder.
    4. then mix until the dough comes off the eggs and all the spices to be well blended.
    5. After that, the new omelet can we make. How, heat butter in a pan just a little egg batter, then pour it, sprinkle stuffing the last we have created in it then sprinkle cheese to taste.
    6. Wait while the eggs are becoming more mature. After that, roll the omelet and a little back it until the front part is becoming more mature.
    7. After that, pick up and serve. This omelette dishes can also give you other appendages like sauce and mayonaise for eat it.

    Bagaimana sahabat SBI mudah bukan menjelasakan cara membuat omelet dalam bahasa inggris? semoga sahabat SBI dapat memahaminya denga baik dan mempraktikanya ya 🙂

  • Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Coffee Beserta Artinya Terbaru

    Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Coffee Beserta Artinya Terbaru

    Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Coffee Beserta Artinya Terbaru

    Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Coffee Beserta Artinya – Adakah Sahabat SBI dirumah yang gemar minum kopi? Kebanyakan orang akan merasa lebih semangat ketika sudah meminum kopi. Makanya tidak jarang kita melihat kedai kopi selalu ramai dengan pengunjung. Naa pada kesempatan kali ini admin akan memberikan satu lagi contoh procedure text cara membuat kopi yang enak, Artikel ini dilengkapi dengan arti Bahasa Indonesia selain bisa berguna untuk sahabat SBI yang ingin mencari refrensi belajar sekaligus berguna untuk teman-teman yang ingin tahu cara membuat kopi yang enak. Oke langsung saja perhatikan contoh procedure text how to make coffee beserta terjemahanya dalam Bahasa Indonesia.

    contoh procedure text thow to make coffe
    contoh procedure text thow to make coffe

    Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Coffee

    How to make a cup of coffee

    Materials needed:

    • Ground Coffee Black 1 Sdm
    • Sugar
    • Cocoa powder 1/2 tsp

    Steps to Make Black Coffee:

    1. Heat the water to the fire was not too small and not too big.
    2. If the water is hot or nearly ripe black insert coffee powder into the water and then stir until boiling and then enter the cocoa powder.
    3. Prepare the coffee filter of fine fabrics, and the cup was.
    4. Pour coffee Black Heat earlier to the one mug of filter coffee was then start another Black to mug up high lift
    5. mug when filtering and do repeatedly until foaming black coffee.
    6. Prepare a cup with sugar then strain again for the last time into a cup of sugar which has been prepared. Ornamental Coffee with everything as you like. The taste will be different depending on the coffee powder you use.

    Artinya :
    Bahan yang dibutuhkan:

    • Kopi Bubuk Hitam 1 Sdm
    • Gula
    • Coklat Bubuk 1/2 sdt

    Langkah – Langkah Membuat Kopi Hitam :

    1. Panaskan air dengan dengan kompor. Ukuran api sedang jangan terlalu kecil dan jangan terlalu besar.
    2. Jika air sudah mendidih atau hampir matang masukkan bubuk kopi hitam ke dalam air kemudian aduk hingga air mendidih kemudian masukkan bubuk coklat.
    3. Siapkan sebiah saringan kopi dari kain halus, dan cangkir ukuran sedang.
    4. Tuangkan Kopi Hitam tadi ke salah satu cangkir berukuran sedang kemudian mulailah menyaring Kopi Hitam ke cangkir yang lain dengan mengangkat tinggi-tinggi cangkir ketika menyaring dan lakukan berulang-ulang sampai kopi hitam mengeluarkan busa.
    5. Siapkan cangkir dengan gula kemudian saring lagi untuk terakhir kali ke dalam cangkir gula yang telah disiapkan. Hias Kopi dengan apapun sesuka anda. Rasanya sudah pasti berbeda-beda tergantung dengan bubuk kopi yang anda masukkan.

    Demikan contoh procedure text how to make coffee beserta artinya terbaru. Semoga bisa bermanfaat buat sahabat SBI dimanapun. Nantikan materi terbaru Bahasa inggris hanya di Sekolah Bahasa Inggris.

  • Contoh Procedure Text How To Make A Noodle

    Contoh Procedure Text How To Make A Noodle

    Contoh Procedure Text How To Make A Noodle – Hai sahabat SBI, Have you ever make Indomie fried noodle? Oke, here I want to explain about how to make it, I think everyone has ever made a noodle in your own house. So don’t worry, because It is not difficult to make it.

    Contoh Procedure text:

    How to make Fried Noodles


    • You must prepare two slices of red onion and white onion.
    • It will make your food so delicious, because I think it is a main of material.
    • Don’t forget to prepare salt.
    • Something inside (fried-egg, a sausage, slice of cucumber, slice of tomato and etc.)
    • And also it will make your fried noodle fresh and make your body health.

    contoh procedure text how to make noodle

    Procedure or Steps:

    • The First, boil two glasses of water in a pan.
    • Then, You open the package of Indomie fried noodles.
    • Wait for the water to boil, pour the seasoning chili sauce, soya sauce and oil into a bowl.
    • After that, the water is boiled, drain the noodles.
    • Next, You throw away the water.
    • And then, pour the noodles into the bowl.
    • Mix the noodles with the seasoning, sauce, and the other ingredients such as slice some onion fried. And then pour it into a noodles.
    • Now, your noodles are ready.
  • Contoh Procedure Text Cara Membuat Donat Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Contoh Procedure Text Cara Membuat Donat Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Contoh Procedure Text Cara Membuat Donat Dalam Bahasa Inggris – Dalam artikel sebelumnya sudah dijelaskan tentang pengertian procedure text beserta generic structure dan social functionnya. Namun dalam artikel ini  kita akan langsung belajar tentang cara membuat donut. Cara membuat donut atau how to make a doughnut adalah salah satu contoh procedure text, karena di dalamnya memuat langkah-langkah bagaimana cara membuat donut. Dalam procedure text, tentunya kita harus menjelaskan bahan-bahan atau materials apa saja yang kita butuhkan dahulu. Baru setelah itu kita menjelaskan step atau langkah pembuatannya dengan kalimat yang singkat namun jelas dan mudah dimengerti. Seperti apa cara membuat donat dalam bahasa Inggris itu? Check This Out.

    procedure text how to make doughnut

    Materials and how to make cake donuts.

    Materials :

    • Wheat flour ½ kg
    • 11 grams of instant yeast ½ pack
    • 4 tablespoons sugar
    • Chicken eggs 2 eggs
    • Boiled water 200 ml
    • Milk powder 3 tablespoons
    • 3 tbsp butter
    • 3 tsp salt
    • butter cream (that donut has a dry texture)
    • Cooking oil to taste.

    As for the decoration of donuts, you can use sugar or flour can also with other ingredients such as cheese, butter, peanuts (chopped), and meisis brown.

    Steps to make the donuts:

    1. Prepare a container (bowl or other) to mix the ingredients for donuts.
    2. Enter the eggs in a container, add also flour, sugar, milk, butter, butter cream, and salt, then whisk all ingredients until well blended. (First batter)
    3. Enter the yeast in the other container, add water, stir
    4. Enter the yeast water into the first mixture, stirring until smooth.
    5. Knead the dough by hand until smooth.
    6. Close the container, let stand about 30 minutes (until the dough).
    7. Form the dough into small spheres (use a tablespoon of that same size), and then save the dough which has been formed on the container that has been previously sprinkle flour. Complete these steps until all the dough is formed.
    8. Let stand back about 20 minutes until dough which had been formed earlier looks swell.
    9. Heat the pan using a small fire, and enter the cooking oil to taste.
    10. Take the dough which had been formed earlier, bolongi middle (donut shape in general), and fry until soft and slightly brown color, remove and drain.
    11. Sprinkle donut that has been fried with flour sugar, or if you want, can also smear the surface with butter then sprinkled on top toping using meisis, cheese, or peanut.
    12. Artificial Doughnut you ready to be served.

  • Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Fried Chicken Terbaru

    Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Fried Chicken Terbaru

    Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Fried Chicken Terbaru – Sahabat SBI, admin masih akan memberikan contoh procedure text dalam Bahasa Inggris, Dan kali ini admin akan memberikan contoh procedure text cara membuat fried chicken ( ayam crispy ala KFC ). Seperti biasa dalam sebuah procedure text terdapat  Judul (Title), Materials (bahan-bahan) dan Step.

    How To Make Fried Chicken

    Materials :

    Rinse chicken 0.5 kg. If possible everything was thigh meat.

    Cooking oil for frying chicken taste

    one teaspoon of salt

    pepper powder as much as one teaspoon

    as much as 2 cloves garlic

    Materials to Make Liquid Coating:

    1 whole chicken eggs. Take yellow only

    quarter teaspoon of pepper powder

    quarter teaspoon of salt

    quarter teaspoon of MSG

    quarter teaspoon of baking soda, used sebegai developers and fried chicken perenyah

    wheat flour 150 grams (one hundred and fifty milli grams)

    cold water 150 ml (one hundred and fifty milli liter)

    cornstarch 20 gr (twenty grams)

    procedure text how to make fried chicken

    Materials to Make Dry Coating:

    wheat flour 200 grams (two hundred grams), select high protein

    cornstarch 50 g (fifty grams)

    quarter teaspoon of baking soda, as a developer and fried chicken perenyah

    instant bouillon powder quarter teaspoon, select the flavor of chicken

    2 cloves garlic

    quarter teaspoon of MSG, as a flavor enhancer

    Steps :

    1. All liquid coating material and stir until evenly mixed. Add the egg yolk and a little water, stir again until evenly. Then put in the fridge or if not, place it on a rather cold.
    2. The materials used to make dry coating also mixed it all.
    3. Sprinkle chicken with salt, garlic, and pepper, and stir until evenly distributed. Let stand for about 10 minutes until completely meresep.
    4. Combine meat on dry coating with a roll-gulingkannya until all the meat is coated with flour. Then enter the meat in liquid coatings.
    5. Then the overthrow meat-roll again into the dry coating. If it is completely mixed with the coating material, it’s time to fry.
    6. Heat oil in a skillet and then enter the chicken pieces and fry until yellowish. Remove and serve.
  • Contoh Procedure Text Mengendarai Mobil Gigi Manual Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Contoh Procedure Text Mengendarai Mobil Gigi Manual Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Contoh Procedure Text Mengendarai Mobil Gigi Manual Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Bagi kalian yang sedang mencari contoh proceure text, setelah sebelumnya kalian membaca artikel procedure text “How to make crunchy chicken”, “Sayur asem”, dll di web Sekolah Bahasa Inggris. Nah sekarang saatnya kalian belajar procedure text “How to driving manual car.”

    Contoh Procedure Text Mengendarai Mobil Gigi Manual Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    Contoh Procedure Text Mengendarai Mobil Gigi Manual Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Jika kita melihat cara membuat makanan menggunakan “Ingredients” yakni bahan-bahan apa saja yang diperlukan, nah kalu untuk benda menggunakan alat, memperbaiki alat kita biasanya menggunakan seperti “Tools” dan “equipment”. Nah untuk lebih jelasnya yuk disimak contoh dibawah ini:



    1.Manual type Car


    • Turn on the car in gear clutch at zero

    1) Attach the strap / seatbelt

    2) Turn the key to start the engine (On position)

    3) Turn on the AC

    4) Lower Brake Hand (Brake hand free)

    5) Hit the clutch runs out, move the gear to gear 1

    6) Remove the clutch slowly

    7) Step on the gas while little by little until you feel the car moving. Attention: you must do it slowly, so that you don’t get accident.

    • Increase / decrease tooth

    1) Hit the clutch runs

    2) Lift gas

    3) Move the gear teeth to a desired

    3) Paste gas

    4) Lift the foot off the clutch slowly

    • Rewind car

    1) Hit the clutch runs out, move the gear to gear R

    2) Lift the clutch slowly. Feel until the car was moving back off. Set the pullback move the car by stepping and lift Half clutch (not more and not raised too quickly so that the engine does not stopped working).

    • Replace gear when the car is running (right foot still stepped on the gas)

    1) Hit the clutch runs

    2) Lift gas

    3) Move the gear into position you want

    4) Lift the clutch slowly

    5) Hit the gas slowly, to the way the car feels stable in accordance with Speed.

    6) Remove the foot off the clutch, set the course of the car only with

    Just step on the gas and lift.

    • Through the bumps

    1) Lift gas, outboard brake pedal

    2) Hit the clutch runs out, move into 1st gear

    3) Lift clutch slowly, the car run just by lifting half clutch or clutch it goes without trodden,

    let the car move

    4) if it is considered too high a speed bump, Step on the gas a little to perceived cars can pass through bumps

    5) Once you can pass the bump stomp the gas slowly

    • Stop the car suddenly (when the car is running fast)

    1) Hit the brakes slowly to feel the car stop

    2) Hit the clutch runs

    3) Move the gear to gear 0

    4) Lift the handbrake (moving up)

    • Facing stalled in the red light using the brake

    1) Hit the clutch runs

    2) Place the foot on the brake (played according to the situation the way)

    3) Move the gear to gear 1

    3) Lift the clutch slowly to run the car creep

    • Facing jammed at a red light without using the brakes, or when going out of the alley to the highway

    1) Hit the clutch runs

    2) Place the foot on the brake

    3) Move the gear to gear 1

    3) Lift the clutch slowly to run the car creep

    4) or stepped on the clutch runs just let the car run

    5) Paste foot on the gas

    • Turn back (U-turn 180 °) to the right П

    a) If the car is going too fast, outboard gas

    b) Hit the clutch runs

    c) Gas Lift

    d) Move the gear to gear 1

    e) Remove the clutch slowly to run the car creep (= moving slowly).

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