Tag: present

  • 123 Grammar Corner:Fungsi Simple Present Tense dan Present Continuous!

    123 Grammar Corner:Fungsi Simple Present Tense dan Present Continuous!

    123 Grammar Corner:Fungsi Simple Presesnt dan Present Continuous!

    www.sekolahbahasainggris.com– -Apa sih fungsi dari simple present tense? dan juga apa fungsi  dari present continuous tense. Pelajari selengkapnya disini:

    123 Grammar Corner:Fungsi Simple Present Tense dan Present Continuous!
    123 Grammar Corner:Fungsi Simple Present Tense dan Present Continuous!


    1. General Truth

    Natural (biology, physics, mathematics, medical science, chemistry, geography, botany, zoology,  dan juga astronomy)

    e.g. water consist of hydrogen and oxygen

    1. General Truth

    – Sosial study (politics, theology, law, culture, economy, sociology, anthropology, linguistic)

       e.g. economics contains demand and supply laws

    – Human interset (belief, character, origin, condition, some, residence, opinion, situation, sense,       residence, opinion, situation, language, skill/ profession)   → S. Present / Pres. Continuous

       e.g. Mr. Adi comes from Bandung

             Mr. Adi is coming from Bandung

    1. Short Habitual Action (short term verbs + specific time signal + adv. of frequency)

    e.g Ms. Tri always studies in the class everyday

    1. Long habitual Action (long term verbs + general time signal + adv of frequency)

    SBY often drafts new rules now

    1. Future Time Signal (short term verbs + specific time signal)

    Aktvitas yang dilakukan masa mendatang, terjadwal, segera, formal dan tidak pribadi

    e.g. The plane arrives at 9 o’clock tonight

    1. Future Time Signal (long term verbs + general time signal)

    Aktvitas yang dilakukan masa mendatang, terjadwal, agak lama, formal dan tidak pribadi

    e.g. The final examination is carried out next week


    1. At The Moment of Speaking action (short term verbs + specific time signal)

    e.g I am writing a letter now

    1. Long temporary Action (long term verbs + general time signal)

    e.g She is studying in university today

    1. Short Annoying Habitual Action (short term verbs + specific time signal + adv. of frequency)

    e.g she is always calling me at this time

    1. Long Annoying Habitual Action (long term verbs + general time signal + adv of frequency)

    e.g our government is often building a new prodject today

    1. Future time signal (short term verbs + specific time signal)

    Aktivitas yang akan dilakukan, sudah terencana, segera, bersifat pribadi

    e.g I am meeting him tonight

    1. Future time signal (long term verbs + general time signal)

    Aktivitas yang akan dilakukan, sudah terencana, agak lama, bersifat pribadi

    e.g We are playing football next week

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!


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  • 1000 Contoh, Pengertian, dan Rumus Kalimat Present Perfect Tense

    1000 Contoh, Pengertian, dan Rumus Kalimat Present Perfect Tense

    1000 Contoh, Pengertian, dan Rumus Kalimat Present Perfect Tense

    • Pengertian Present Perfect Tense

    Sekolah Bahasa InggrisPresent perfect tense adalah bentuk kata kerja yang meyatakan suatu aksi (action) yang dimulah di masa lalu, dan telah selesai pada waktu tertentu sebelum detik ini (sekarang).

    • Rumus Present Perfect Tense

    Present perfect tense dibentuk dari Subject ditambah auxiliary verb seperti “have” (untuk I, You, They, We) dan “has” (untuk She, He, It) dan ditambah dengan bentuk kata kerja ke-3 atau “Past Participle” (Baik Irregular verb maupun regular verb). Dan Selebihnya dapat ditambah Objek kalimat dan Adverb (Kata keterangan)

    Maka rumus present perfect tense yakni:

    Kalimat Rumus Contoh Present Perfect Tense
    S + have/has+ V-3/past participle+O+Adverb I have talked to her
    He has tried to do it
    S + have/has+not+ V-3/past participle+O+Adverb I have not talked to her
    He hasn’t tried to do it
    Have/has+S+ V-3/past participle+O+Adverb Have I talked to her
    Has he tried to do it

    Grafic Present Perfect Tense

    Untuk mempermudah mengetahui waktu present perfect tense dapat dilihat dari grafik dibawah ini:

    1000 Contoh, Pengertian, dan Rumus Kalimat Present Perfect Tense
    1000 Contoh, Pengertian, dan Rumus Kalimat Present Perfect Tense

    Contoh-contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Tense:

    -They have walked to the cinema.

    (Mereka telah berjalan ke bioskop)

    -She has not (hasn’t) wanted me coming here.

    (Ia perempuan tidak ingin saya dating kesini)

    -The students have studied physic well.

    (Murid-murid itu telah belajar pelajaran Fisika dengan sungguh-sungguh)

    -The teacher has not come yet.

    (Guru itu belum datang)

    -You have come to the school .

    (Kamu telah datang ke sekolah)

    -Nobody has done well.

    (Tak seorangpun telah melakukan dengan benar)

    -I have gotten much money.

    (Saya telah memiliki banyak uang)

    -The rabbits have not found their community.

    (Kelinci-kelinci itu belum dapat menemukan kelompoknya)

    -Hayam has drown a beautiful picture.

    (Hayam telah menggambar sebuah gambar yang indah.

    -The flies has flied above my head

    (Serangga-serangga itu telah terbang diatas kepalaku)

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!


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