123 Grammar Corner:Fungsi Simple Presesnt dan Present Continuous!
www.sekolahbahasainggris.com– -Apa sih fungsi dari simple present tense? dan juga apa fungsi dari present continuous tense. Pelajari selengkapnya disini:

- General Truth
Natural (biology, physics, mathematics, medical science, chemistry, geography, botany, zoology, dan juga astronomy)
e.g. water consist of hydrogen and oxygen
- General Truth
– Sosial study (politics, theology, law, culture, economy, sociology, anthropology, linguistic)
e.g. economics contains demand and supply laws
– Human interset (belief, character, origin, condition, some, residence, opinion, situation, sense, residence, opinion, situation, language, skill/ profession) → S. Present / Pres. Continuous
e.g. Mr. Adi comes from Bandung
Mr. Adi is coming from Bandung
- Short Habitual Action (short term verbs + specific time signal + adv. of frequency)
e.g Ms. Tri always studies in the class everyday
- Long habitual Action (long term verbs + general time signal + adv of frequency)
SBY often drafts new rules now
- Future Time Signal (short term verbs + specific time signal)
Aktvitas yang dilakukan masa mendatang, terjadwal, segera, formal dan tidak pribadi
e.g. The plane arrives at 9 o’clock tonight
- Future Time Signal (long term verbs + general time signal)
Aktvitas yang dilakukan masa mendatang, terjadwal, agak lama, formal dan tidak pribadi
e.g. The final examination is carried out next week
- At The Moment of Speaking action (short term verbs + specific time signal)
e.g I am writing a letter now
- Long temporary Action (long term verbs + general time signal)
e.g She is studying in university today
- Short Annoying Habitual Action (short term verbs + specific time signal + adv. of frequency)
e.g she is always calling me at this time
- Long Annoying Habitual Action (long term verbs + general time signal + adv of frequency)
e.g our government is often building a new prodject today
- Future time signal (short term verbs + specific time signal)
Aktivitas yang akan dilakukan, sudah terencana, segera, bersifat pribadi
e.g I am meeting him tonight
- Future time signal (long term verbs + general time signal)
Aktivitas yang akan dilakukan, sudah terencana, agak lama, bersifat pribadi
e.g We are playing football next week
Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!
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