Tag: practice

  • Materi Pronunciation 12: Latihan Listening Pronunciation CD 04

    Materi Pronunciation 12: Latihan Listening Pronunciation CD 04

    Materi Pronunciation 12: Latihan Listening Pronunciation CD 04

    www.sekolahbahasainggris.com – Semakin banayk berlatih maka akan semakin fasih. Itulah kata-kata pepatah yang benar buktinya. Jika sahabat sudah berlatih dan mempelajari materi Pronunciation dari yang pertama, maka sekarang saatnya kita berlatih CD 04 .

    Dalam CD KAali ini akan lebih advance lagi, dan sudah menggunakan diphthong. Untuk MP3 nya kalian bisa mendengarkan disini: 

    Dan untuks teksnya kalian bisa lihat gambar dibawah ini:

    Materi Pronunciation 12: Latihan Listening Pronunciation CD 04
    Materi Pronunciation 12: Latihan Listening Pronunciation CD 04

    Jika kalian sudah mendengarkan dan melihat contoh dari CD 04 maka sekarang kalian harus memahami dengan caar menganalisa kata-kata diatas. Seperti yang kalian lihat kata-kata diatas pun memiliki trik tersendiri sehingga kalian menjadi fasih dalam mengucapkan kata dalam bahasa Inggris.

    1. Boy

    Dari kata “Boy” kita bisa menelaah bahwa “Boy” terdiri dari phonetic symbol “b” dan “ϽI”. Huruf vocal yang terdapat pada kata boy dibaca “oi”.

    Nah untuk memeperlancarnya kita latihan praktek sepeerti ini;

    Buat pola “oi.. oi… oi… oi…” Lalu lafalkan “boi..” jadi: “oi… oi… oi… oi… boi…”

    Sehingga apa yang kalian ucapkan pun tak akan salah.

    1. Play

    Pada kata “Play’ kalian bisa mengecek phonetic symbolnya di kamus oxford “p-l-eI” maka kalian pun harus melafalkan sesuai phonetic symbol nya bukan abjad katanya. Untuk memperlancar pengucapan play kalian bisa mempraktekkan ini:

    “ei…ei… ei… ei…dan  plei…” Lakukan ini berulang-ulang.

    1. Key

    Pada kata kei pun begitu, terdiri dari suara “k” dan “i:” jika melihat “i:” seperti ini artinya dibaca 2 harakat, atau panjang nya seperti membaca “ii…”. Panjangnya 2 kali,

    Latihan praktek: “ii…ii…ii..ii..kii……..” bukan melafalkan “key” sobat, tapi seperti ini: “kii….”

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    3 Cara 11 Langkah Membaca Bahasa Inggris Yang Baik Dan Benar

    1000 Pengetahuan Tentang Hortatory Exposition Text

  • Materi Pronunciation 11: Latihan Listening Pronunciation CD 03

    Materi Pronunciation 11: Latihan Listening Pronunciation CD 03

    Materi Pronunciation 11: Latihan Listening Pronunciation CD 03

    www.sekolahbahasainggris.comApakah kemampuan kalian dalam materi Pronunciation sudah lebih baik? Jika belum, admin akan membagikan CD 03 dari Latihan Listening Pronunciation disertain pembahasan dan analisanya.

    Untuk MP3 nya kalian bisa mendengarkan disini:


    Dan untuks teksnya kalian bisa lihat gambar dibawah ini:

    Materi Pronunciation 11: Latihan Listening Pronunciation CD 03
    Materi Pronunciation 11: Latihan Listening Pronunciation CD 03

    Jika di CD 02 kalian mempelajari antara perbedaan jumlah suara dengan jumlah huruf dari suatu kata, sedangkan di materi CD 03 kalian kan mempelajari persamaan dari jumlah suara dengan jumlah huruf per kata.

    Nah untuk lebih jelasnya kita bis membahas dari no.1:

    1. So

    Pada kata pertama dari tabel diatas kita ketahui adalah kata “So”. Kata ini terdiri dari 2 uruf “s” dan “o”. Begitu juga dengn jumlah suara yang dilafalkan  “s” dan “əƱ” itu artinya dalam beberapa kata di bahasa Inggris, ada yang memiliki persamaan antara jumlah huruf dan jumlah suara.

    Saat kita mengucapkan kata ;So” maka suara yang dilafalkan itu seperti “Seu” tetapi dengan “e’ seperti “kemana” atau “kerbau” bukan e seperti “nenek”.

    Hal hal ini yang perlu diperhatikan untuk mengantisipasi sahabat yang ingin berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan fasih.

    1. Sad

    Pada kata “Sad” yang berarti ‘sedih” kita dapat melihat terdapat 3 jumlah huruf per kata dan 3 jumlah suara. Dan pengucapannya pun bukan “sad’ tapi seperti kita mengucapkan “saed” dengan aksen”mbek”.

    Lebih jelasnya maka sahabat bisa mempraktekkan seperti ini:

    Buatlah pola kata”mbek… mbek.. mbek” lalu langsung melafalkan “saed”.

    Lagi ya; “Mbek.. mbek.. mbek… saed”

    Seperti itulah. Lalukan latihan berulang-ulang kali agar mendapatkan pola pelafalan yang benar.

    Semoga Bermanfaat para pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    1000 Contoh, Pengertian, dan Rumus Kalimat Present Perfect Tense

    Contoh Percakapan(Conversation) Bahasa Inggris Antara 4 Orang

  • Sentence Structure Test:The Exercise Part 1

    Sentence Structure Test:The Exercise Part 1

    Sentence Structure Test:The Exercise Part 1

    Sentence Structure Test:The Exercise Part 1
    Sentence Structure Test:The Exercise Part 1

    www.sekolahbahasainggris.com-Only one of the following is correct. In the other four there should either be two sentences where there is now one, or one where there are now two. Rewrite them correctly.

    1. The repeated drenching in the icy water had had this effects on him his handsome coat was bedraggled.
    2. He feraed the beating. He knew to be waiting for him.
    3. John trembled. Waiting for the punishment to fall upon him.
    4. Each dog was fastened to the sled by a single rope. And also No two ropes were of the same length.
    5. Fortune seemed to favour him always when hardest pressed for food he found something to kill.


    Bearing in mind that a sentence expresses a complete thought and must have a subject and verb, whilst a phrase expresses an incomplete thought, has no verb and does the work of an adjective or adverb, decide which each of the following is:

    1. In the abandoned lair.
    2. He settled down
    3. During the early summer months
    4. He meet Lip-lip!
    5. Beware!
    6. Along the base of a high bluff
    7. How they fought!
    8. With a patience huge with hunger
    9. Into the scrawny throat of Lip-lip
    10. Clara resumed her course along the base of the bluff.


    Below is a list of condensed sentences. They are really complete, though certain words are omitted and have to be understood. When these understood words are inserted you will see that each sentence has its usual subject and verb. Thus you must be quick! Insert in square brackets the understood words in each sentence overleaf.

    1. Quick!
    2. Many happy returns!
    3. At once!
    4. All together!
    5. Jam, please.
    6. Thank you!
    7. Not today, young man!
    8. Gangway, please!
    9. Heads under!
    10. Where?


    Good Luck SBI’s Friends!!!

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  • English Learning: Practice Spelling Test Part 1

    English Learning: Practice Spelling Test Part 1

    English Learning: Practice Spelling Test Part 1

    www.sekolahbahasainggris.com– Remember that in adding the prefix mis- or dis- (which usually give a word its opposite meaning) you never get a double “s” unless the word to which you are adding already begins with an “s”;

    English Learning: Practice Spelling Test Part 1
    English Learning: Practice Spelling Test Part 1

    e.g: fire- misfire; please- displease; but spell- misspell; satisfy- dissatisfy.

    Can you spell these words?

    1. Misprint
    2. Disrespect
    3. Dissatisfy
    4. Disqualify
    5. Misinform
    6. Misbelieve
    7. Miscalculate
    8. Misstatement
    9. Disrelish
    10. Misgovernment
    11. Displacement
    12. Mispronunciation
    13. Disservice
    14. Misshapen
    15. Dissimilar


    Form new words from these by using the prefix dis- or mis. Check your answer with a dictionary.

    1. Doing (mis)
    2. Arm (dis)
    3. Direct (mis)
    4. Courage (dis)
    5. Connect
    6. Believe
    7. Deed
    8. Fortune
    9. Continue
    10. Place
    11. Comfort
    12. Spell
    13. Understand
    14. Arrange
    15. Demeanour
    16. State

    “c” and “g” are usually pronounced as hard sounds beore “a”, “o” and “u”;

    e.g. : cat, cousin,custard, gander, gondola,gush. But before “I”.:e: and “y” they are usually pronounced as soft sounds: e.g. cine,a, certain,cycle, giant, gentle, gymnast.

    Consequently if a word ends in a hard “c” (mimic) and we wish to add “ing”, we insert a ‘k” first, to keep the “c” hard; e.g. mimic-mimicking; but mimic-mimicry.

    Similarly, we insert a “u” to keep a “g” hard; e.g. Portugal-portuguese.

    On the other hand if we wish to keep a “c” or “g” soft, we insert an “I” or “e”; e.g. courage-courageous; malice-malicious.

    1. Exams:

    Can you spell these?

    1. Musical
    2. Picnic
    3. Picknicking
    4. Frolic
    5. Frolicking
    6. Frolicsome
    7. Guest
    8. Guilty
    9. Guard
    10. Guinea
    11. League
    12. Vengeance
    13. Catalogue
    14. Dialogue
    15. Fatigue
    16. Tongue
    17. Rogue
    18. Roguish
    19. Religious
    20. Outrageous
    21. Gracious
    22. Arctic
    23. Portuguese
    24. Guarantee



    Good Luck SBI’s Friends!!!

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    1000 Contoh CV Professional Dalam Bahasa Inggris



  • Learning And Practice English Punctuation Grammar Rules Part 1

    Learning And Practice English Punctuation Grammar Rules Part 1

    Learning And Practice English Punctuation Grammar Rules Part 1


    Learning And Practice English Punctuation Grammar Rules Part 1
    Learning And Practice English Punctuation Grammar Rules Part 1

    Giver the following their correct punctuation, paying particular attention to the use of commas:

    1. The harnessing of atomic energy should produce a super-abundant supply of the electrical power this should make it possible for every home to become all electric with cooker water heater central heating flat iron vacuum cleaner washing machine refrigerator and probably dozens of other labour-saving devices not yet invented.
    2. Kit was a shock-headed shambling awkward lad with an uncommonly wide mouth very red cheeks a turned up nose and certainly the most comical expression of face I ever saw.
    3. Rupert Broke loved white plates and cups clean-gleaming ringed with blue lines.
    4. A dust whom England bore shaped made aware gave once her flowers to love ways to roam a body of England’s breathing English air washed by the rivers blest by suns of home.

    The writer of the following description of the wind used seventeen commas, where did he inserted them?

    The winds rush fly swoop down dwindle away commence again; hover above whistle roar and smile; they are frenzied wanton unbridled or sink at ease upon the raging waves to……..and also Their howlings have a harmony of their own.

    They make all the heavens sonorous so awesome. If seeing them they blow in the cloud as in a trumpet; they sing through the infinite space with the mingled tones of clarions horns bugles and trumpets-a sort of promethean fanfare. Such was the ancients music of pan.

    Their harmonies are terrible. They have a colossal joy in the darkness. They drive and disperse great ships. Night and day in all seasons from the topics to the poles there is no truce; sounding their fatal trumpet through the tangled thickets of the clouds and waves they pursue the grim chase of vessels in the distress.

    Good Luck SBI’s Friends!!!

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  • Speech Training: Practice Tongue Twister For Kids, Adults Part 2

    Speech Training: Practice Tongue Twister For Kids, Adults Part 2

    Speech Training: Practice Tongue Twister For Kids, Adults Part 2


    Speech Training: Practice Tongue Twister For Kids, Adults Part 2
    Speech Training: Practice Tongue Twister For Kids, Adults Part 2

    Use each of these phrases in an interesting sentence of your own making:

    1. Near the wood
    2. By the sea shore
    3. Across the lake
    4. Under the tree
    5. Over the rocks
    6. Beneath the wall
    7. Against the wind
    8. With skill
    9. At this moment
    10. In ancient days
    11. At the window
    12. After great exertion
    13. Of pleasant appearance
    14. Of cheerful looks
    15. In a moment
    16. With podgy hands
    17. With a plump face
    18. With freckles
    19. Of bright complexion
    20. Over the bridge
    21. Beyond the meadow
    22. Down the4 river
    23. Till midnight
    24. Until dawn
    25. Before sunrise
    26. Through the wood
    27. With your permission
    28. Towards the end
    29. On the television
    30. With great relief

    Lines from these mocking verses, Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, may be allocated round the class:

    Oh, make not game of sparrows, nor faces at the ram,

    and ne’er allude what to mint-sauce when try calling on a lamb!

    Don’t bread or some the thoughtful oyster,

    don’t dare to the cod to crimp,

    And John worry not the winkle but scarify the shrimp,

    tread lightly on the table on the turning worm, also don’t bruise the butterfly,

    First and important that don’t ridicule to the wry-neck nor sneer at salmon-fry;

    oh ne’er delight is funny case to make dogs fight, whether bantams disagree—

    Be always like kind to animals whenever but don’t forget also wherever you may be.

    Be patient with blackbeetles, be courteous to cats, and be not harsh with haddocks nor rigorous with rats;

    Give welcome unto wopses and comfort to the bee,

    And be not hard upon the snail- let blue bottles go free.

    Be lively with cricket, be merry with the grig,

    And never quote from Bacon in the presence of a pig!

    Don’t contracdict the moo cowm nor argue with the gee

    Be always kind to animals wherever you may be!

    Good Luck SBI’s Friends!!!

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  • Speech Training:Practice Tongue Twister For Kids, Adults Part 1

    Speech Training:Practice Tongue Twister For Kids, Adults Part 1

    Speech Training: Practice Tongue Twister For Kids, Adults Part 1

    Speech Training:Practice Tongue Twister For Kids, Adults Part 1
    Speech Training:Practice Tongue Twister For Kids, Adults Part 1

    www.sekolahbahasainggris.com-The importance of clear speech in illustrated by the following, which are to be spoken in such a way as to bring out the difference of meaning:

    1. He likes somber boats.

    ->He likes summer boats

    1. Tell them all I’m only lonely.

    ->Tell them all in lonely olney.

    1. She lost some salted almonds, chief.

    ->She lost some assorted almonds, chief.

    1. Hurst was heard right to the back of the room.

    ->Hurst was hurled right to the back of the room.

    1. I questioned him time and time again.

    ->Aye, question him time and time again.

    1. They were entrapped for hours.

    ->There were entrapped four powers.

    These tongue twisters and “sound” sentences will help you to develop clear, bold consonant sounds:

    1. Be bold batsman,baulks body bowlers, but bash bouncing balls bravely.
    2. Groering, the gory gangster, gored the gaggling, gurgling goose.
    3. Are you copper-bottoming them, my man, or alumuniuming them?
    4. One of the rocks bounded over the edge of the hill and went pounding down into the nest vally.
    5. How the wild winds blow it; they whip it about as the torn shreds of sails lash the tossed ship they cling to.
    6. They kickit, and jumpit with mettle extraordinary, the whiskit, and friskit, and toed it, and go’d it, and twirled it, and wheeled it, and stamped it and sweated it, tattooing on the floor like mad.

    Clarity and vigour in your speaking of these lines will enable you to hear the rainstorm;

    Now the words go bumping round the sky,

    Like huge empty pearl box on the cobbles of the clouds

    Bursting the water butts and tipping the gutters of the sky

    On the fells and the gel and the dale with the jelly.

    Now the thirsty mouths of the trees are licking their tongues

    Into the wet soil, and the grasses suck the rain

    Into their stems, and the great humps of hills

    Gulps the water like whales and spurt it out

    Through the many snouts of springs and fountains.

    Good Luck SBI’s Friends!!!

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    Practice Sentence Structure Part 1

    Practice Sentence Structure Test Part 2

  • Practice Sentence Structure Test Part 2

    Practice Sentence Structure Test Part 2

    Practice Sentence Structure Test Part 2


    Practice Sentence Structure Test Part 2
    Practice Sentence Structure Test Part 2

    Make interesting sentences in which you relate the two words of each of these pairs by means of a preposition;


    • The car along the road had broken down
    • Without more ado we drove down the road at top speed.
    1. Car Road
    2. Drove Road
    3. Boat Bridge
    4. Sailed Bridge
    5. Bull Tree
    6. Bellowed tree

    Sentence Revision

    1. There are four kind of sentence. Name them, and give an example of each.

    Insert the missing words;

    A sentence is a complete…….. in words. Every sentence must therefore have two parts, expressed or understood. The part that tells us whom or what the sentence is talking about is called the……; the part thet tells us something about this latter part, such as what it does or is, we call the………

    Divide the following sentences into subject and predicate:

    1. Shinta is working hard
    2. Is Shinta working hard?
    3. Work hard.
    4. How hard Shinta is working!

    One example of each of the four kinds of sentence is given in Exercise C. Distinguish them; then make the other three kinds of sentence from each of these:

    1. This chef cooks well
    2. Is the sun shining brightly?
    3. How fast she runs1
    4. Climb up that ladder

    With what punctuation mark doe: each kind of sentence end? Decide what kind of sentence each of the following is, and then punctuate accordingly:

    1. Have you seen The Merchant Of Venice
    2. What an extraordinary play this is
    3. Look before you leap
    4. A rolling stone gathers no moss
    5. How time flies
    6. I am wondering whether to take the right fork or n

    In each of these, two sentences have been written as one. Separate the two sentences and insert the correct punctuation:

    1. That night when all was still, Shinta remembered her mother and sorrowed for her she sorrowed too loudly and woke up John, who beat her.
    2. Shinta became hated by man and dog during this period of his development he never knew a moment’s security.

    Good Luck SBI’s Friends!!!

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    100 Kosa Kata Bahasa Inggris + Cara Pengucapannya

  • Practice Sentence Structure Part 1

    Practice Sentence Structure Part 1

    Practice Sentence Structure Part 1


    Practice Sentence Structure Part 1
    Practice Sentence Structure Part 1

    Expand these sentences by adding a phrase to each italicized word. Remember that it is an adverb phrase you add to a verb, and adjective phrase you add to a noun.

    1. I caught a fish (of what size?)
    2. The pupil works (when?)
    3. You behaved (how?)
    4. The mouse ran (where?)
    5. Darkness
    6. The patient remained…………..throughout the day.
    7. The man………….was arrested.
    8. The wind howled scornfully.
    9. There……….stood an old water wheel.
    10. The names…….. have been announced.

    Complete these sentences by supplying the correct prepositions:

    1. The path……the wood makes a short cut……..the villages
    2. The canoe sank……….the lake…………the valley below.
    3. They were up…………their eyes……..work.
    4. I shall attend……..your request……..the earliest opportunity.
    5. The cat………the tree was…..difficulty.
    6. ………the glen rode armed men.
    7. ……doubt one might fall……thieves…….one journey…….europe………the dark ages
    8. Such behavior is………..contempt.
    9. This is little different………..the rest……….the sentences.
    10. ……….the rugged rock the ragged rascal ran.


     Complete these phrases by adding the usual preposition:

    1. Any rate
    2. Your service
    3. The whole
    4. No means
    5. The lurch
    6. Dint of
    7. Spite of
    8. The most part
    9. Dear life
    10. Black and white
    11. All appearances
    12. His heart’s content

    In each of these sentences there is one preposition. Draw three columns. In the first place the preposition, in the second the phrase it introduces, and in the third the two words it relates.

    1. We rushed down the hill.
    2. Heavy seas drove against the cliff.
    3. Mist hid the path across the marsh
    4. The invalid on the settee groaned horribly.
    5. The child behind him suddenly screamed.
    6. The stranger gazed with suspicion.
    7. Heavy seas drove against the crumbling cliff.
    8. His knife and fork fell noisily to the floor.

    Good Luck SBI’s Friends!!!

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