Tag: Penjelasan So

  • Penggunaan So dan Such dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris Lengkap

    Penggunaan So dan Such dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris Lengkap

    www.sekolahbahasainggris.com – Rekan SBI, dalam artikel kali ini kita akan membahasa tentang Penggunaan So dan Such dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris.

    Berikut ini adalah sebuah mini-tutorial tentang penggunaan “So” dan “such.”

    Penggunaan Bentuk So + Adjective

    “So” dapat dikombinasikan dengan kata sifat untuk menunjukkan “sangat.” Bentuk ini sering digunakan dalam seruan.


    • The sound is so loud! I wish he would turn it down.
    • The ice cream was so good! It was worth the money.

    Bentuk di atas dapat dikombinasikan dengan “that” untuk menunjukkan “sangat” yang menyebabkan hasil tertentu. “that” biasanya bersifat opsional.


    • The sound is so loud that he can’t sleep.
    • The sound is so loud he can’t sleep.
    • The ice cream was so good that I decided to have it again tonight.
    • The ice cream was so good I decided to have it again tonight.

    Penggunaan Bentuk So + Adverb

    “So” dapat dikombinasikan dengan adverbia untuk menunjukkan tindakan yang ekstrim. Bentuk ini sering digunakan dalam seruan.


    • He run so slowly! He sounded like an snail.
    • She cooks so well! I am sure she is going to become a great chef.

    Bentuk di atas dapat dikombinasikan dengan “that” untuk menunjukkan tindakan ekstrim yang menyebabkan hasil tertentu. “That” biasanya bersifat opsional.


    • He run so slowly that I couldn’t catch him.
    • He run so slowly I couldn’t catch him.
    • She cooks so well that I wanted to eat her cuisine again.
    • She cooks so well I wanted to eat her cuisine again.

    Penggunaan Bentuk So + Many/Few + Plural Noun

    “So” dapat dikombinasikan dengan “many” atau “few” ditambah kata benda jamak untuk menunjukkan jumlah yang ekstrem. Bentuk ini sering digunakan dalam seruan.


    • I never knew she had so many dogs!
    • She has so few books! It’s really hard for her.

    Bentuk di atas dapat dikombinasikan dengan “that” untuk menunjukkan jumlah yang ekstrem yang menyebabkan hasil tertentu. “That” biasanya bersifat opsional.


    • I never knew she had so many dogs that she had to buy tons of dog food.
    • I never knew she had so many dogs she had to buy tons of dog food.
    • She has so few books that she often got difficulties in her study.
    • She has so few books she often got difficulties in her study.

    Penggunaan Bentuk So + Much / Little + Non-countable Noun

    “So” dapat dikombinasikan dengan “Much” atau “Little” ditambah Non-countable Noun untuk menunjukkan jumlah yang ekstrem. Bentuk ini sering digunakan dalam seruan.


    • Jane earns so much money! And she still has trouble paying the rent.
    • He has so little food! We need to help him.

    Bentuk di atas dapat dikombinasikan dengan “that” untuk menunjukkan jumlah yang ekstrem yang menyebabkan hasil tertentu. “That” biasanya bersifat opsional.


    • Jane earns so much money that she can buy everything.
    • Jake earns so much money she can buy everything.
    • He has so little food that he is starving to death.
    • He has so little food he is starving to death.

     Penggunaan So dan Such dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris Lengkap

    Penggunaan Bentuk So + Much / Little / Often / Rarely

    “So” dapat dikombinasikan dengan kata-kata seperti “Much,” “Little,” “Often” atau “Rarely” untuk menggambarkan seberapa banyak atau seberapa sering seseorang melakukan suatu tindakan. Bentuk ini sering digunakan dalam seruan.


    • Aron eats so much! It’s not good for his health.
    • His sister visits us so rarely! We really miss her.

    Bentuk di atas dapat dikombinasikan dengan “that” untuk menunjukkan hasil dari tindakan ekstrim. “That” biasanya bersifat opsional.


    • Aron eats so much that his belly is getting bigger.
    • Aron eats so much his belly is getting bigger.
    • His sister visits us so rarely that our kids wouldn’t even recognize her.
    • His sister visits us so rarely our kids wouldn’t even recognize her.

    Penggunaan Bentuk Such + Adjective + Noun

    “Such” dapat dikombinasikan dengan kata sifat dan kata benda untuk menunjukkan sesuatu yang ekstrem. Bentuk ini sering digunakan dalam seruan.


    • Denis has such a big house! I think it’s a little too much for her.
    • She has such beautiful hair! I have never seen that glorious hair before.

    Bentuk di atas dapat dikombinasikan dengan “that” untuk menunjukkan sesuatu yang ekstrem yang menyebabkan hasil tertentu. “That” biasanya bersifat opsional.


    • Denis has such a big house that I don’t know the way to the bathroom.
    • Denis has such a big house I don’t know the way to the bathroom.
    • She has such beautiful hair that she got a job as a model.
    • She has such beautiful hair she got a job as a model.

    CATATAN: Ingat bahwa tanpa kata benda Anda perlu menggunakan “begitu.”


    • such beautiful hair that
    • so beautiful that

    Penggunaan Bentuk Such + Judgemental Noun

    “Such” juga dapat dikombinasikan dengan kata benda untuk menghakimi dan penekanan. Bentuk ini sering digunakan dalam seruan.


    • She is such an idiot! She says the stupidest things.
    • Ronny is such a genius! We could never do this without him.

    Bentuk di atas dapat dikombinasikan dengan “that” menunjukkan hasil tertentu. “That” biasanya bersifat opsional.


    • She is such an idiot that nobody would hire her.
    • She is such an idiot nobody would hire her.
    • Ronny is such a genius that he immediately accepted at the famous university.
    • Ronny is such a genius he immediately accepted at the famous university.

    Penggunaan Bentuk Such + Noun (This type of…)

    “Such” juga bisa berarti “this type of…” atau “that type of…”


    • They had never seen such writing before we discovered the tablet.

    this/that type of writing

    • He usually doesn’t receive such criticism.

    this/that kind of criticism

    • Fred has never made such mistakes so far.

    these/those kinds of mistakes

    Demikian penjelasan penggunaan So dan Such dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris Lengkap dalam kali ini. Tetap semangat belajar rekan-rekan SBI!!