Tag: #penjelasan lengkap soal dalam bahasa inggris

  • Kumpulan Soal Reading Untuk Kelas 7 SMP Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap

    Kumpulan Soal Reading Untuk Kelas 7 SMP Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap

    Kumpulan Soal Reading Untuk Kelas 7 SMP Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap


    Kumpulan Soal Reading Untuk Kelas 7 SMP Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap
    Kumpulan Soal Reading Untuk Kelas 7 SMP Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap


    Hai sahabat SBI, bagaimana kabarnya? pada kesempata kali ini admin ingin menjelaskan kepada sahabat SBI mengani reading dalam bahasa inggris. Apa yang sahabat SBI ketahui mengenai reading dalam bahasa inggris? reading merupakan salah satu dari 4 skill bahasa inggris yang wajib dikuasi selain dari listening, speaking dan juga writing. Untuk menunjuang kemampuan dalam reading kita, kita wajib untuk sering berlatih soal reading.

    Oleh sebab itu, disini admin ingin memberikan contoh soal kepada sahabat SBI mengenai reading untuk anak kelas 7 SMP, seperti apa? check this out 🙂

    Working in a Dinner

    Juan finally got a job working in the kitchen at bill’s dinner on kennedy boulevard in jersey city. it is a tought job. Juan doesn’t make a lot of money, but at least he has a job. He’s making enough to pay his bills and save a little.

    Juan’s life isn’t all work and no play. On sundays, he goes with his cousin and some friends to liberty state park. they have a picnic and play soccer, their favourite sport.

    After the game, they walk along  the hudson river where there is a beautiful view of the statue of liberty and ellis island. The statue and the island remind juan thathe lives in a country of immigrants that this is his land, too.

    Juan phones sonia every sunday. the calls are expensive, but he hates to write and he has to talk to her. He misses her so much. Juan and Sonia plan to marry a year from now. She’ll fly to the united states ad they’ll  get married here. He’s saving every penny, so they can rent a nice apartment and sonia is studying English, so she can get a good job when she arrives.

    Answer these questions based on the text in task

    1.where does Juan work?

    2.what does he do with the money he makes?

    3.where does juan go on sundays?

    4.what does he do there?

    5.what do juan and his friends do after they play soccer?

    6.what does he remember when he sees the statue of liberty ad ellis island?

    7.why does juan phone sonia every sunday?

    8.What kind of the text is that?

    9.what is the main idea of paragraph 1?

    10.in which paragraph do you find juan’s occupation?

    11.Describe juan’s job briefly

    Happy Studying guys ! 🙂

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