Tag: pengertian Commenting Adverbs

  • Contoh Kalimat Viewpoint dan Commenting Adverbs dan Penjelasannya Lengkap

    Contoh Kalimat Viewpoint dan Commenting Adverbs dan Penjelasannya Lengkap

    Ada beberapa adverbs dan ekspresi adverbial yang memberitahu kita tentang sudut pandang atau pendapat pembicara tentang suatu tindakan, atau membuat beberapa komentar pada tindakan. Adverbs ini berbeda dari adverbs lain karena mereka tidak memberitahu kita bagaimana tindakan terjadi. Adverbs Sudut Pandang dan Pendapat memodifikasi bukan hanya verbs, adverbs, atau adjective, tetapi seluruh katanya. Tidak ada perbedaan nyata antara adverbs sudut pandang dan adverbs pendapat, kecuali dalam penempatan mereka. Banyak keterangan yang dapat digunakan sebagai adverbs sudut pandang dan juga dapat digunakan sebagai adverbs pendapat. Namun, dalam beberapa kasus, adverbs jauh lebih umum sebagai salah satunya.


    Adverbs sudut pandang ditempatkan di awal kalimat atau di akhir kalimat dengan frekuensi lebih jarang. Adverbs sudut pandang biasanya dipisahkan dari kalimat dengan tanda koma. Adverbs pendapat ditempatkan sebelum kata kerja utama kecuali kata kerja menggunakan “to be”, dimana adverbs dapat ditempatkan baik sebelum atau sesudah kata kerja. Dalam beberapa kasus, adverbs pendapat dapat ditempatkan sebelum kata kerja utama dan juga akan dipisahkan dari kalimat dengan tanda koma, meskipun dalam kebanyakan kasus mereka tidak akan dipisahkan. Dalam contoh di bawah ini, Adverbs sudut pandang dan pendapat akan ditampilkan dalam penempatan kalimat yang benar. Akan tetapi penempatan kalimat ini tidak biasa, kaku, atau terlalu formal untuk diucapkan dalam bahasa lisan, hal ini ditandai dengan tanda bintang.

    Contoh Kalimat Viewpoint dan Commenting Adverbs dan Penjelasannya Lengkap

     Sudut pandang atau komentar adverbia Pada awal kalimat Sebelum kata kerja utama Pada akhir kalimat

    Adverbs Sudut Pandang dan Pendapat Pada awal kalimat Sebelum kata kerja utama Pada akhir kalimat
    clearly Clearly, Sandy doesn’t know what she is doing. Sandy clearly doesn’t know what she is doing. Sandy doesn’t know what she is doing, clearly.
    obviously Obviously, we are acting silly. We are obviously acting silly We are acting silly, obviously.
    personally Personally, you’d rather go by bus. You’d personally rather go by bus. You’d rather go by bus, personally.
    presumably Presumably, Patrick didn’t have time to go to the library. Patrick presumably didn’t have time to go to the library. Patrick didn’t have time to go to the library, presumably.
    seriously Seriously, Patrick can’t give this speech. Patrick seriously can’t give this speech. Patrick can’t give this speech,seriously.
    surely Surely Squidward tried to get here on time.  Squidward surely tried to get here on time.  Squidward tried to get here on time, surely.
    technically Technically, Spongebob cannot fly to Mars and back. Spongebob technically cannot fly to Mars and back. Spongebob cannot fly to Mars and back,technically.
    undoubtedly Undoubtedly, Mr. Crab has a good reason not to eat. Mr. Crab undoubtedly has a good reason not to eat. Mr. Crab has a good reason not to eat, undoubtedly.
    bravely Bravely, Sandy kept on walking. Sandy bravely kept on walking. *Sandy kept on walking, bravely.
    carelessly Carelessly, Patrick threw his book into the pond. Patrick carelessly threw his book into the pond. *Patrick threw his book into the pond, carelessly.
    certainly Certainly they should be here. They certainly should be here. / They should certainly be here. They should be here, certainly.
    cleverly Cleverly, Spongebob hid the jellyfishes. Spongebob cleverly hid the jellyfishes. *Spongebob hid the jellyfishes, cleverly.
    definitely *Definitely, Sandy is smart. Sandy defintely is smart. / Sandy is definitely smart. *Sandy is smart, definitely.
    foolishly Foolishly, you cried out. You foolishly cried out. You cried out, foolishly.
    generously Generously, Mr. Crab donated the money. Mr. Crab generously donated the money. *Mr. Crab donated the money, generously.
    stupidly Stupidly, the children played football in the street. The children stupidly played football in the street. *The children played football in the street, stupidly.
    obviously Obviously, They are lost. They are obviously lost. / *They obviously are lost. They are lost,obviously.
    kindly Kindly, Ikhwan fed the cat first. Ikhwan kindly fed the cat first. Ikhwan fed the cat first, kindly.
    luckily Luckily, you got there on time. You luckily got there on time. You got there on time, luckily.
    fortunately Fortunately, you found the boat. You fortunately found the boat. You found the boat, fortunately.
    naturally Naturally, Patrick cannot be in the movie now. Patrick naturally cannot be in the movie now. Patrick cannot be in the movie now, naturally.
    wisely Wisely, Pearl stayed home to take a rest. Pearl wisely stayed home to take a rest. Pearl stayed home to take a rest, wisely.
    confidentially Confidentially, Squidward never gave him the patty. Squidward never gave him the patty, confidentially.
    theoretically Theoretically, we could send Spongebob to Mars. We could theoretically send Spongebob to Mars. / We theoretically could send Spongebob to Mars. We could send Spongebob to Mars,theoretically.
    truthfully Truthfully, They don’t like patty much. They truthfully don’t like patty much. They don’t like patty much, truthfully.
    disappointingly Disappointingly, Plankton got sixth place. Plankton disappointingly got sixth place. Plankton got sixth place, disappointingly.
    thoughtfully Thoughtfully, Patrick turned away. Patrick thoughtfully turned away. Patrick turned away, thoughtfully.
    simply *Simply, Patrick doesn’t want to come. Patrick simply doesn’t want to come.
    unbelievably Unbelievably, Sandy showed up late again. Sandy unbelievably showed up late again. Sandy showed up late again, unbelievably.
    unfortunately Unfortunately, there is no more table. There is unfortunately no more table. / There unfortunately is no more table. There is no more table, unfortunately.