Tag: #paragraf dalam bahasa inggris tentang quotes

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    Contoh Pembuatan Paragraf Tentang ‘Quotes’ Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Contoh Pembuatan Paragraf Tentang ‘Quotes’ Dalam Bahasa Inggris



    Sahabat SBI pasti sudah tidak asing lagi bukan dengan bentuk quotes dalam bahasa inggris? Quotes atau bahasa lainya kita sebut dengan kata mutiara merupakan sebuah kata yang memiliki arti atau makna yang tersurat.

    Quotes sendiri memiliki banyak contoh, salah satunya adalah yang akan kita jabarkan berikut ini menjadi sebuah paragraf.

    Quotes kali ini akan membahas mengenai Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow, apa kira-kira makna yang terdapat pada proverb tersebut? Langsung saja yuk kita bahas berikut ini!


    This proverb “Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow” is relevant. The meaning of that words are about  life which unpredictable. If we reject the chance at hand hoping to get better chances tomorrow, we are liable to get dejected. So, it is always wise to accept and utilize whatever is at hand than being over-ambitious hoping to get bigger things tomorrow.

    The first example a beautiful girl had a relationship with an ugly boy but he was very kind. Someday that girl was shy because the condition of that boy. She started to think that she wanted to break the relationship and got another boyfriend. finally she broke the relationship. She got a new boyfriend but not kind as her first boyfriend. It means that it would be better if the girl kept the relationship that she had now than she expected someone else.

    The second example, an english student tried to move in medicine faculty, so she followed the task again. But, the fact she was not accepted in medicine faculty, after several time she leaved her english class. It means, hopes unpredictable thing for the next is not wise if she never keeps what she has now.

    The third example, a finalist of singing contest decided to out from his job and follow the singing contest. He hoped he could been rich man after been a singer. But, actually he was not accepted in the singing contest.

    So, from the examples, these means that it is wiser to keep something that we have than hope unpredictable one.

    Happy studying SBI !


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