Tag: noun

  • 101 Tips Menguasai Materi Adjective, Adverbial,Noun Clause

    101 Tips Menguasai Materi Adjective, Adverbial,Noun Clause

     101 Tips Menguasai Materi Adjective, Adverbial, Noun Clause

    www.sekolahbahasainggris.com– Materi Adjective/Relative Clause terkadang bagi beberapa orang merupakan materi yang sulit. Apalagi jika ditambah dengan Adverbial Clause dan juga Noun Clause yang sama-sama membuat pusing kepala.

    101 Tips Menguasai Materi Adjective, Adverbial,Noun Clause
    101 Tips Menguasai Materi Adjective, Adverbial,Noun Clause

     Lalu bagaimana membedakan ketiganya? Dan tips ajib bagaimnakah agar kita menguasai ketiga materi tesebut? Disini kalian akan dapat mengetahuinya segera bagaimana menguasai materi clause dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris.

    Lihat Tabel berikut:

    ADJ. CLAUSE * *
    ADV. CLAUSE * *

    JADI : Adjective clause : R O , Noun clause : A O , Adverbial clause : R A

    Reducing: menghilangkan dan mengganti

    Reducing merupakan teknik menghilangkan atau mengganti dari adjective clause agar grammar writing kita terlihat lebih advance. Orang-orang yang sudah memahami materi ini teknik writing nya terlihat natura, advance dan tidak kaku.

    Adapun 2 hal yang perlu diperhatikan:

    1. REDUCING DARI ADJECTIVE CLAUSE : Ving , V3, To infinitive ( no. 5 (RPO) dan 9 (RPS) )

    2. Form reducing adj. clause in RPS

    verbal Nominal
    Active Vt/in passive
    1. present
    Ving V3 (omitting) complement
    1. past
    Pr. Cont Being + V3
    Ps. Cont
    Pr. Perfect Having + V3 Having + been + V3 Having + been + SC
    Ps. Perfect
    Pr. Perf. cont Having + been + Ving
    Ps. Perf.cont

    Meaningnya akan menjadi passive dan setelah to infinitive tidak diikuti object.

    I need some food which I can eat.I need some food to eat.

    (saya butuh makanan untuk dimakan)


    Merupakan reducingan dari adjective clause di RPS

    To infinitive bermakna “yang”

    e.g. He was the first man who loved me.

    => He was the first man to love me.

    He is the cleverest student who has studied here.

    =>He is the cleverest student to have studied here.

    He is the only one who knows the case.

    =>He is the only one to know the case.


    • ( VING/ V3 , S + V )

    Syarat : subject di main caluse dan sub clause harus sama.

    Concepts Meaning Events
    Berpotongan Ketika
    Berurutan ( cause and effect )

    KarenaBerurutan ) tanpa cause and effect )Setelah BersamaanSambil

    • FORM : S + V ( O ) + VING
    Concepts Meaning Events
    Berpotongan Ketika
    Berurutan ( degn atau tanpa cause and effect )

    Kemudian / sebelum

    Form : s + v + (o) , VIng /v3BersamaanSambil

    Reducing dari adjective clause

    1. The man who is talking to John is my friend > the man talking to John is my friend.
    2. The man who runs in the corner is my brother > the man sitting in the corner is my brother.
    3. The ideas which are presented are interesting > the ideas presented are interesting.
    4. The topics which are being talked are hot news > the topics being talked are hot news.



    1. While the students were walking down the street, they saw beautiful architecture.

    Walking down the street, they saw beautiful architecture. (memiliki arti KETIKA)

    1. They saw beautiful architecture while they was walking down the street.

    They saw beautiful architecture walking down the street.(memiliki arti KETIKA)


    1. While she was watching TV, she was eating breakfast.

    Watching TV, she was eating lunch.(memiliki artiSAMBIL)

    1. She was watching TV while she was eating breakfast.

    She was watching TV eating lunch.(SAMBIL)



    When Budi finished his homework, Budi went home.

    Budi went home when Budi finished his homework.

    Finishing his homework, Budi went home (setelah)

    Before Budi finished his homework, Budi went home

    Budi went home before Budi finished his homework.

    Budi went home, finishing his homework. ( kemudian/sebelum)

    Note :

    Kalau reducingan di awal akan menjadi kejadian pertama.

    Kalau reducingan di akhir akan menjadi kejadian kedua.


    When/after I had finished my work, I went home

    I went home when/after I had finished my work.

    I went home, having finished my work (kemudian)

    Having finished my work, I went home. (setelah)

    Note : keajaddian pertama diatndai dengan tenses perfect.

    Note : kalau hasil reducingan AVC berada di awal maka akan bermakna “setelah” tapi kalau berada di akahir akan bermakna “kemudian/sebelum


    1. Simple vs simple ( because, since, as)

    (active)   Because I felt tired, I took a rest. > feeling tired, I took a rest

    (passive) because she was visited by him, she was glad

                     Visited by him, she was glad.

    (nominal) because she was sick, she was absent.

                            Being sick, she was absent.


    Bisa semua type

    1. If he were given money, he would do anything.

    Given money, he would do anything.


    1. He saves his money in order that he can buy new bicycle.

    He saves money to buy new bicycle.


    1. I am so weak that I can not lift that box.

    I am too weak to lift that box.

    1. I am so strong that I can lift that box.

    I am strong enough to lift that box.

    1. Omitting : menghilangkan conjunction dan” be” ketika nominal
    2. form omitting adj clause in RPO
    1. present / past
    Syarat : adj /noun yg pnya bound
    Pr. Cont / ps. Cont
    Verbal All tenses
    1. Noun clause : all tenses

                            E.g. I think that you are kind. I think you kind.



    VERBAL ( RPO )

    1. I saw a handsome boy whom I love

    I saw a handsome boy I love

    1. The movie that we saw was wonderful

    The movie we saw was wonderful

    1. He is the man about whom I told you last night.

    He is the man I told you about last night.

    1. The house where he lives is so old.

    The house he lives is so old.

    1. The house in which he lives is so old.

    The house he lives in is so old.

    1. I will never forget the day when I met you.

    I will never forget the day I met you.

    1. She will never forget the day on which Doni met her.

    She will forget the day Doni met her.


    1. Ann is the woman who is responsible the budget.

    > Ann is the woman responsible the budget.

    1. The books that are on the table are min.

    > the books on the table are mine.


    1. I think that he is teacher.

    I think he is teacher.

    1. That students do not understand about physic is obvious.

    Note : jika noun clause mengambil posisi subject ‘conjunction” tidak bias di omitting.

    1. Everybody knows that the world is round.

    Everybody knows the world is round.



    ABRIDGEMENT : process penyingkatan kalimat tapi masih menyisakan conjunction.

    1. AVC OF TIME

    When you are here, you must obey my rule.

    When here, you must obey my rule


    I can sleep whenever I stay.

    I can sleep whenever I


    Although he was sick, he went to study

    Although sick, he went to study


    He teaches me English as if he were teacher.

    He teaches me English as if teacher.


    Since he was sick, she looked thin.

    Since sick, she looked thin.


    If he were given money, he would do anything.

    If given money, he would do anything.


    you are as handsome as my father (is)


    I don’t know what I must do.

    I don’t know what to do.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!!


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  • 1000 Kata Benda dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Artinya

    1000 Kata Benda dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Artinya

    1000 Kata Benda dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Artinya

    www.sekolahbahasainggris.com- Hai sahabat, apakah sahabat sedang mencari kata benda dalam bahasa Inggris? Nah jika memang iya, admin ingin berbagi pada kalian kata-kata benda yang admin susun secara abjad.

    1000 Kata Benda dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Artinya
    1000 Kata Benda dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Artinya

    Jangan lupa, jika kalian emang ingin cepat pinntar dan fasih berbahasa Inggris secara nyata. Bukan hanya membaca, diperaktekkan sehari-hari. Kalau bisa benda-benda di sekitar sahabat SBI ditulis atau dilabelkan dengan bahasa Inggris.

    Yuk disimak materi dibawah ini sebagai referensi bahasn belajar kalian.

    Word Meaning
    afternoon sore
    agency lembaga
    agreement perjanjian
    airport bandara
    alcohol alkohol
    arrival kedatangan
    article artikel
    aside pengesampingan
    aspect aspek
    assist bantuan
    assistant asisten
    ball bola
    bank Bank
    base dasar
    basis dasar
    bat kelelawar
    bathroom kamar mandi
    beach pantai
    beauty kecantikan
    bedroom kamar tidur
    beginning awal
    belt sabuk
    concept konsep
    concert konser
    condition kondisi
    conference konferensi
    confusion kebingungan
    connection koneksi
    consideration pertimbangan
    construction konstruksi
    contest kontes
    contract kontrak
    contribution kontribusi
    conversation percakapan
    cook masakan
    damage kerusakan
    dance tarian
    database Database
    date kurma
    day hari
    deal kesepakatan
    death kematian
    debate debat
    decision keputusan
    definition definisi
    degree gelar
    delivery pengiriman
    demand permintaan
    departure keberangkatan
    education pendidikan
    efficiency efisiensi
    effort usaha
    egg telur
    election pemilu
    elevator lift
    emergency darurat
    emphasis penekanan
    employee karyawan
    employer majikan
    employment kerja
    energy energi
    engineer insinyur
    entertainment hiburan
    entrance entrance
    entry entri
    fact fakta
    factor faktor
    fall jatuh
    family keluarga
    farm pertanian
    farmer petani
    father ayah
    fault kesalahan
    feature fitur
    fee biaya
    feedback umpan balik
    feel perasaan
    few beberapa
    field lapangan
    game permainan
    gap jarak
    garbage sampah
    garden kebun
    gas gas
    gate gerbang
    gene gen
    general umum
    gift hadiah
    girlfriend pacar
    glad kesenangan
    glass kaca
    glove sarung tangan
    god Tuhan
    hair rambut
    hall aula
    harm bahaya
    hat topi
    head kepala
    hearing sidang perkara
    heart jantung
    height tinggi
    hell neraka
    help bantuan
    highway jalan raya
    historian sejarawan
    hold pegangan
    hole lubang
    increase peningkatan
    independent independen
    indication indikasi
    industry industri
    inflation inflasi
    information informasi
    initiative inisiatif
    injury cedera
    inside bagian dalam
    inspection inspeksi
    instance contoh
    instruction instruksi
    intention niat
    interaction interaksi
    job pekerjaan
    joint persendian
    judge hakim
    juice jus
    junior junior
    jury juri
    keep terus
    kid anak
    kind jenis
    kitchen dapur
    knee lutut
    knife pisau
    lab laboratorium
    lack kekurangan
    lady wanita
    lake danau
    land tanah
    language bahasa
    law hukum
    layer lapisan
    leadership kepemimpinan
    league liga
    leave cuti
    lecture kuliah
    leg kaki
    lesson pelajaran
    letter surat
    library perpustakaan
    life kehidupan
    light cahaya
    line baris
    lip bibir
    list daftar
    machine mesin
    mail surat
    main utama
    maintenance pemeliharaan
    major utama
    mall mal
    man pria
    manager manajer
    manner cara
    manufacturer produsen
    map peta
    mark mark
    marketing pemasaran
    marriage pernikahan
    match pertandingan
    nail kuku
    name nama
    nation bangsa
    native penduduk asli
    nature alam
    necessary keperluan
    neck leher
    negotiation negosiasi
    net jaring
    network jaringan
    news berita
    newspaper koran
    noise bunyi gaduh
    north utara
    nose hidung
    note catatan
    object objek
    obligation kewajiban
    offer Penawaran
    office kantor
    oil minyak
    one satu
    opening pembukaan
    operation operasi
    opinion pendapat
    opportunity kesempatan
    option pilihan
    orange jeruk
    organization organisasi
    origin asal usul
    oven oven
    owner pemilik
    quantity kuantitas
    queen Ratu
    question pertanyaan
    radio radio
    range Kisaran
    ratio rasio
    reality realitas
    reason alasan
    reception penerimaan
    recipe resep
    recommendation rekomendasi
    record rekor
    recording perekaman
    reference referensi
    reflection refleksi
    refrigerator kulkas
    region wilayah
    register daftar
    regular biasa
    relation hubungan
    rent sewa
    replacement penggantian
    safe aman
    salad salad
    salary gaji
    sale diskon
    salt garam
    sample contoh
    sand pasir
    sandwich Sandwich
    satisfaction kepuasan
    scale skala
    scene Tema
    schedule jadwal
    scheme skema
    school sekolah
    science ilmu
    score nilai
    screen layar
    script Script
    sea laut
    season musim
    seat kursi
    secretary sekretaris
    section bagian
    security keamanan
    selection pilihan
    tale kisah
    talk pembicaraan
    tank tangki
    task tugas
    taste rasa
    tea teh
    teacher guru
    team tim
    technology teknologi
    telephone telepon
    teller penutur kisah
    temperature suhu
    tension ketegangan
    term istilah
    test uji
    uncle paman
    understanding pemahaman
    unit Unit
    university universitas
    user pengguna
    vacation liburan
    value nilai
    variation variasi
    variety varietas
    vegetable sayuran
    vehicle kendaraan
    version versi
    video video
    view Tampilan
    village desa
    virus virus
    voice suara
    volume Volume
    walk jalan kaki
    war perang
    warning peringatan
    watch arloji
    water air
    wave gelombang
    way cara
    weakness kelemahan
    wealth kekayaan
    weather cuaca
    web web
    weight berat
    while sementara
    wife istri
    wind angin
    window jendela
    wine anggur
    wing sayap
    winner pemenang
    winter musim dingin
    witness saksi
    wood kayu
    word kata
    worker pekerja
    world dunia
    worth layak
    writer penulis
    you Anda
    young muda
    youth pemuda
    zone zon


    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!


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