6 Contoh Memo Resmi (Formal) dan Tidak Resmi (Informal) Dalam Bahasa Inggris
Sekolahbahasainggris– Hai sahabat SBI, semoga keadaan sahabat baik-baik saja. Nah di materi kali ini admin akan membagikan contoh dari memo yang resmi (formal) dan juga memo yang tidak resmi (informal). Selamat Membaca referensi berikut:

Pengertian Memo Resmi
Memo Resmi merupakan suatu neon yang ditujukan kepada seseorang di dalam ruang lingkup yang formal seperti perusahaan, sekolah, dan juga suatu institusi.
Contoh Ke 1:
Department of Education and Culture Jakarta
SMAN 99 Jakarta
Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan No 19 Jakarta Timur
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To: Mr Budi (Head Of English Teacher)
From: Mrs. Annisa (Headmaster)
Subject: English Debate Competition
Mr. Budi please help training student who participate on the National High School English Debate Competition 2015. Meet me on meeting next Friday.
March 24th, 2015
Mrs. Annisa
Contoh Ke 2:
Ministry of Information And Communication Of Indonesia
Jalan MH. Tamrin No 90 Jakarta Pusat
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To: Mr Rayhan (Head Of marketing)
From: Mrs. Maya (Head Of Informatic and Communication Research)
Subject: Annual event of Poster Of Marketing
Tomorrow is the meeting for our annual event of Poster of Marketing. I hope you can prepare all the stuffs we need. Thank you.
March 24th, 2015
Mrs. Maya
Contoh Ke 3:
STEKOMINDO Institute Lampung
Jalan Pagar Alam Bandar Lampung
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To: Mrs. Andi (Director Of STEKOMINDO Institute)
From: Mrs. Yuli (Vice Director Of STEKOMINDO Institute)
Subject: Festival Of Indonesian Culture 2015
Mr. And, Please make a schedule for meeting as soon as possible based on our event; Festival Of Indonesian Culture 2015.
March 24th, 2015
Mrs. Maya
Pengertian Memo Tidak Resmi
Memo Tidak resmi merupakan memo yang ditujukan kepada seseorang baik itu tujuannya pribadi ataupun kelompok yang berada di ruang lingkup yang informal.
Contoh Ke-1:
To: Maya
From: Tri
May, when we will have a date? I hope you will be free on this Friday. Thanks
Contoh Ke 2:
To: Dewi
From: Yusuf Dedek
Dew, can we discuss our homework together with Yogi and Wisnu this afternoon? Please tell me if you can.
Contoh Ke 3:
To: Ajeng
From: Lestari
Can you give me the schedule of our party on my room. Please contact me as soon as possible.
Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!
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