Contoh Lesson Plan ‘Giving Invitation’ Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap

Sahabat SBI pasti sudah pernah mendengar mengenai lesson plan dalam bahasa inggris bukan? lesson plan tersebut berhubungan dengan materi atau bahan ajar. Dalam bahasa indonesia, lesson plan disebut dengan RPP. Nah, pada kesempatan kali ini admin akan memberikan contoh lesson plan bahasa inggris yang berhubungan dengan giving invitation atau memberikan undangan atau mengajak seseorang, lesson plan ini untuk sekolah menengah atas tingkat satu, mari kita perhatika semoga bisa mejadi referensi bagi sahabat SBI 🙂
Unit of Education : Senior High School (SMA)
Subject : English
Class/ Semester : X/ 1
Material : Expressing Invitation
Topic : Would you come to my house?
Focusing Skill : Speaking
Genre : Conversation Dialog
Time Allocation : 2 x 45 Minutes
- Standard Competence
- Expressing meaning at short simple transactional and interpersonal
conversation and sustained in daily life context.
- Comprehend the short functional text and essay (conversation dialog)
in daily life and to access science.
- Basic Competence
- Expressing meaning at short simple transactional (to get things done) and interpersonal (to socialize) conversation by using spoken language accurately, fluently, and acceptable to interact and involve spoken language accurately in daily life to access knowledge.
- Responding the meaning and the procedure of written text (conversation dialog) accurately in daily life to access knowledge.
- Indicators
- Students are able to present their own dialog according to the topic in front of the class (going to the holiday place).
- Students are able to communicate with their pair well about their conversation dialog..
- Students are able to understand the information given by their pair.
- Learning Objectives
Students are able to:
- Understand the procedure of making dialog by using the expressions of agree and disagreement with the topic going the the holiday place..
- Understand the structure and the content of the topic in their dialog.
- Present their dialog according to the topic in front of the class.
- Communicate with their pair well in the dialog that they deliver.
- Understand the information given by their pair.
- Learning Material
Dialogue 1
Fadli : Do you have a plan tomorrow?
Ilham : No, I don’t
Fadli : Would you like to come to my house? There is a small party celebrating my brother’s graduation.
Ilham : Sure. I’d love to. What time?
Fadli : 10 o’clock. Please ask your sister to come with you
Ilham : All right
Fadli : Well, be there!
Dialogue 2
John : It’s a boring day!
Thomas : Why?
John : I have a lot of homework
Thomas : Me. Too. Would you come to my house tonight?
John : I’m sorry I don’t think I can
Thomas :Why? You say that you have a lot of homework. Let’s learn together.
John : I’m not feeling well. I think I will not go to school tomorrow.
Thomas : Poor you. You’d better to get some rest.
John : Thanks for your advice.
John : You’re welcome.
- Technique
- Dialogue
- Drilling
- Speaking exercise
- Teaching Learning Activities
Pre Activities
- The teacher warms up the students by giving several questions
related to the topic. It is aimed to brainstorming the students‟
background knowledge. The questions are as follows:
- Did you ever get an invitation?
- Did you ever invite some your event?
- The teacher reads a brief summary of the content of the dialogue.
Whilst activities
- The teacher reads a short dialogue. The dialogue is about invitation dialogue.
- The teacher asks the students to repeat the dialogue together line by line after the teacher.
- The teacher asks the students to repeat the dialogue individually and in chorus. Each sentences may be repeated a half dozens of times, depending on its length and on the alertness of the language learner. If the teacher detects an error, the offending learner corrects and repeats the sentence.
- The teacher asks the students to replace one word with another. They may replace a word of the model sentence with a pronoun, number, or gender and make some the necessary change.
For example: Would you come to my house tonight?
The students replace the word into Would you come to my birthday party tonight?
I have a lot of homework, the students replace the word into I have a lot of tasks.
- The teacher asks the students to replace the subject into their friend’s name.
For example: I have a lot of homework
The students replace the subject into Rini has a lot of homework.
- The teacher reads each sentence of the dialogue, for example:
I have a lot of homework
The teacher asks the students to changes the sentence into interrogative sentence “ Do you have a lot of homework?”
- The teacher reads each sentence of the dialogue, for example:
I’m not feeling well.
The teacher asks the students to changes the sentence into positive sentence “I’m feeling well.
Post Activities
- The teacher writes the text of the dialogue on the whiteboard. The students now are allowed to look at their textbooks.
- The teacher asks the students to make their own dialogue. The dialogue contains of key structure.
- All of the students‟ speech performance in each pair is recorded by
the researcher.
- Learning Resources
- Look Ahead Book 1 (an English Course for Senior High School Students Year X), Publisher Erlangga.
Semoga bermanfaat ya sahabat SBI 🙂
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