4 Task Kumpulan Soal Latihan Bahasa Ingggris Untuk Kelas 2 SMK Semester 1
Sekolahbahasainggris– Bagi semua siswa menengah khususnya siswa SMK yang orientasi pendidikannya untuk memasuki dunia kerja, bahasa Inggris merupakan hal yang penting. Hal ini untuk menunjang segala sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan dunia kerja. Karen sekarang dunia kerja sudah sangat berkembang pesat dalam bahasa Inggrisnya terutama di perusahaan-perusahaan multinasional.

Oleh karena itu siswa SMK dituntut untuk bisa menguasai pelajaran bahasa Inggris yang berorientasikan dunia kerja. Nah sebagai bahan belajar, yuk berlatih soal-soal dibawah ini:
Task 1.
Study the following picture. In your opinion, what are the people doing? What do they usually talk about in such a situation!

Task 2
Here below are some words you are going to find in task 3 and task 4. Find their meanings in the dictionary and then repeat after your teacher.
Task 3
In Part 3, you are going to listen the dialogues twice. Listen to them and take notes for the important information there. Then, you answer the question and compare your answer with your classmates
Dialogue 1
- What is the man looking for?
- What scarf does the shop assistant offer?
- Which scarf does the man choose?
- What does the man want the shop assistant to do?
- What does he say to ask for the shop assistant’s shop?
Task 4
Study the dialogue below between professional at work. This kind of conversation occurs in a day of professionals. After that, answer the questions that follow.
Dialogue 1
Annisa is speaking to Mr. Rayhan, the direct supervisor at PT. Dandelion. She would liker to ask Mr. Rayhan to analyze a annual report she has written.
Annisa: Excuse me, Mr. Rayhan. Could I talk to you for a while?
Rayhan: Sure, how can I help you?
Annisa: I’ve finished the annual report of our company you requested and I wonder if you wouldn’t mind taking a look at it.
Rayhan: That’s great to hear. I’d be happy to look through the report you’ve prepared.
Annisa: I’d also appreciate it if you could give me feedback of report I written.
Rayhan: Sure, I’ll let you know tomorrow as soon as possible.
Annisa: Thank you
Rayhan: You’re welcome
The questions:
- Why does Annisa want to talk to Mr. Rayhan?
- Does Mr. Rayhan want to help Annisa?
- What does he say?
- What else does Annisa ask Mr Rayhan to do?
- In what context is their conversation? Personal or professional?
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