Tag: Kalimat Tanya Bahasa Inggris

  • Contoh Kalimat Tanya Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Contoh Kalimat Tanya Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Contoh Kalimat Tanya Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Kalimat Tanya adalah kalimat yang mengungkapkan pertanyaan akan suatu hal. DI dalam Bahasa Inggris. Terdapat dua jenis kata Tanya dalam Bahasa Inggris. Yes or No Question and Wh beberapa kata Tanya Question  antara lain : What ( Apa), Who( Siapa ), Where ( Dimana), Why ( Mengapa ), dan How ( Bagaimana ).

    Untuk lebih jelasnya liat table  WH Question dibawah ini.

    Question words Arti Contoh Kalimat
    who Siapa ( Menanyakan orang ) Who is that person? That’s Nandita.
    where Dimana ( Menanyakan Tempat ) Where do you live? In Metro
    why Mengapa ( Menanyakan alasan
    Why do you come late? Because I have got to get up late
    when Kapan ( Menanyakan Waktu
    When do you go to school? At 8:00
    how Bagaimana (Menanyakan cara) How do you get there? By motor cycle
    what Apa ( Menanyakan Subject, Ide) What do you do? I am an teacher
    which Yang mana
    ( Menanyakan pilihan)
    Which one do you like most? The blue one.
    whose Kepemilikan Whose is this pen? It is Alanbiya’s.
    whom Objek dari kata kerja Whom did you meet? I met my lecturer.
    what kind Penjelasan What kind of food do you like? I like traditional food
    what time Waktu What time did you come here?
    how many Menanyakan Jumlah How many people are there? There are twenty seven.
    how much Menanyakan Jumlah dan harga How much the cost of this item? five bucks
    how long Menanyakan durasi How long did you stay in that place? For three weeks.
    how often Menanyakan keseringan How often do you go to the this park? Once a week.
    how far Menanyakan Jarak How far is your office? It is 5 mile far from here.
    how old Menanyakan usia How old are you? I am 19 years old.
    how come Alasan How come I didn’t see you at the ceremony?

    Comtoh kalimat tanya bahasa inggris

    Semoga bermanfaat untu sahabat SBI dirumah!!!!

    Terima Kasih !!!