Tag: exercise

  • Grammar Exercise 2: Combination With Look and Keep

    Grammar Exercise 2: Combination With Look and Keep

    Grammar Exercise 2: Combination With Look and Keep

    www.sekolahbahasaingggris.com – Grammar adalah submateri yang mengharuskan kitauntuk banyak berlatih mengerjakan soal. Nah kali soalnya tentang Look dan Keep.

    Grammar Exercise 2: Combination With Look and Keep
    Grammar Exercise 2: Combination With Look and Keep


    1.Adi looks…… me because I spend my holidays in Blackpool instead of going abroad.

    Jawab: Adi looks down on for me because I spend my holidays in Blackpool instead of going abroad.

    Yuk berlatih soal dibawah ini:

    1. Rony wanted to talk to Sony but Sony kept…….. working and refused to listen.
    2. Aldi is a good secretary but Aldi is kept……. By his ignorance of languages.
    3. The country was in state of rebellion in 1945 and was only kept…….by in 1945 repressive measures.
    4. Look……. The cute boy baby while I am out.
    5. Budi kept…… all the persons who had come to school late.
    6. You must look….. and make plans for the future.
    7. ‘Keep……..!’ he said. ‘Don’t come any nearer.’
    8. If Budi and I look……it carefully Budi and I will see the mark.
    9. Rara told the children in room 202 to keep……….the room 201 that was being painted yesterday.
    10. Looking……..Dody and I see now all the mistakes Sony and I made when we was younger.
    11. I have started getting up at Four a.m. to study but I don’t know if I can keep this………
    12. Renaldy had an unhappy childhood and Renaldy never looks……. On it every moment with any pleasure.
    13. The man with red T-shirt walked so fast that Budi couldn’t keep………him.
    14. Anita looked……..to see who was following her.
    15. There were so many panes of glass broken that the windows in our green class couldn’t keep…….the rain on last Monday.
    16. We’ve been looking……. a cup to match the one we broke.
    17. Look…….. him at the station. He’ll be at the bookstall.
    18. Look………. You and Willy nearly knocked my cup out of my hand.
    19. He was kept……in his research by lack of money.
    20. Look….. on your way home and tell me what happened.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    1000 Tips Belajar Grammar Bahasa Inggris Mudah dan Cepat!

    100 Slogan dalam Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pendidikan+Artinya

  • Grammar Exercise 1: Combination With Get and Be

    Grammar Exercise 1: Combination With Get and Be

    Grammar Exercise 1: Combination With Get and Be

    www.sekolahbahasaingggris.com – Grammar adalah sub materi yang mengharuskan kita untuk banyak berlatih mengerjakan soal. Nah kali ini soalnya tentang Get dan Be.

    Grammar Exercise 1: Combination With Get and Be
    Grammar Exercise 1: Combination With Get and Be

    Yuk berlatih soal dibawah ini:

    1. A: Is Annisa in?

              B: No,She is………. And will not be……..till 7.20a.m

    1. A: What shall Doni and I do now?

              B: You all are ……… keeping quite and saying nothing

    1. If Susi got……..Susi works instead of talking, she’d be finished in half the time
    2. Sammy promised to act as keeper, so Sonny afraid he can’t get…………it now.
    3. Sally wants to do all the work herself but I don’t think she is………….it.
    4. Agil leaves her car at a parking meter for over three hours and always gets ………it. When I do that, I am fined.
    5. Father doesn’t think they’ll be……yet. It’s only 6 o’clock in the morning.
    6. They didn’t want the news of their party to get…….till it was officially announced.
    7. The office closes early on Saturday and we get……… at Six o’clock instead of six.
    8. If Mina and Soib don’t give the children something to do in that case, it’ll be……….. some mischief.
    9. The red bike stopped in front of the exchange office and three men with revolvers got….
    10. Winda is a friendly girl who gets…… everyone she meets.
    11. As soon as the examinations are…… We are going awayon holiday.
    12. It took her along time to get……. A case of the death of her father.
    13. We usually get…….a play among ourselves at the end of the term.
    14. I’m going to Berlin on business and I shall be….. for aweek.
    15. Tommy hasn’t been working; Tommy won’t get…….. his exams.
    16. The police knew Budi had committed the crime but Budi got……. As there was not enough evidence on the investigation against him.
    17. A: Shall I marry her?

              B: Well it is…… you. I can’t very well decide for you.

    1. Shinta and I tried to ring him up but we couldn’t get…….. Shinta and I think some of the lines in that moment are down after last night’s storm.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Further Posts:

    20 Vocabulary Corner: Around home (Di Sekitar Rumah)

    1000 Contoh, Pengertian, dan Rumus Kalimat Present Perfect Tense

  • Latihan Translation 1: Mengidentifikasi Unsur-Unsur Kalimat

    Latihan Translation 1: Mengidentifikasi Unsur-Unsur Kalimat

    Latihan Translation 1: Mengidentifikasi Unsur-Unsur Kalimat

    SekolahbahasainggrisPada artikel kali ini kalian kan berlatih soal-soal grammar bahasa Inggris dengan mengidentifikasikan unsur-unsur kalimat di dalamnya.

    Soal translation bukanlah soal yang mudah untuk dikerjakan tanpa adanya latihan berulang-ulang kali sehingga mendapatkan gaya penerjemahan yang baik dan benar. Jika kalian melihat penerjemahan suatu bahasa itu merupakan pekerjaan yang dibayar cukup mahal, karena pekerjaan itu harus membutuhkan pengetahuan yang cukup tentang suatu bahasa.

    Latihan Translation 1: Mengidentifikasi Unsur-Unsur Kalimat
    Latihan Translation 1: Mengidentifikasi Unsur-Unsur Kalimat

    Nah, admin kali ini akan memberikan tips dan contoh sebelum kalian mengerjakan soal.


    • In 2015, The Careless wasting of Indonesian natural resources is a great loss


    In 2015=Adverb

    The Careless wasting of Indonesian natural resources= Subject

    Is= To be

    A great loss= Kata Benda

    Yuk dikerjakan soal dibawah ini:

    Latihan 1; Identifikasikanlah unsur-unsur “Subjek”, “To be”, “PP”, dalam kalimat dibwah ini, lalu artikanlah kalimatnya:

    1. The President Candidates who apply for the position in the election taking a rest.
    2. Are we approaching the limit of the number of people the earth can hold in the next 100 years?
    3. If the advancement of modern technology like smartphone is not controlled, human beings are in danger.
    4. Some of the fallen Rambutan trees along the street were not brought by the trucks
    5. The important and critical point in a child’s growth that they must have is observed by scientists.
    6. The characteristics in social dimension that society have that we know are thoroughly compared.
    7. When are the results of the poet’s competition announcement?
    8. The marketer is mainly interested in seeing that supply in some product and also its demand are equal to each other.
    9. We are to finish the decoration work as soon as boss wants.
    10. The problem is how much the physic teacher could motivate his students to get good mark.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    1000 Tips Belajar Grammar Bahasa Inggris Mudah dan Cepat!

    1000 Pengetahuan Tentang Hortatory Exposition Text

  • Kumpulan Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawaban Terbaru : WH Question

    Kumpulan Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawaban Terbaru : WH Question

    Kumpulan Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawaban Terbaru : WH Question

    Sekolah Bahasa Inggris – Halo sahabat SBI yang baik hatinya, Sebelumnya admin telah memosting penjelasan tentang WH Question dan kali ini admin akan memberikan contoh soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 SMP.

    1. A: ………….. do you save your money?                               6. A: ………….do you come late?

        B: I save my money in a bank                                                      B: Because my bicycle was broken

    1. A:……………bag is it?                                                              7. A: …………do you go to school?

        B: It is Daniel’s bag                                                                         B: I go to school on foot

    1. A:…………..will you go to Jakarta?                                      8. A: ………….will you stay in Jakarta?

        B: I will go to Jakarta next month                                              B: I will stay there for a week.

    1. A: ……………gives you this T. Shirt?                                   9. A:…………..do you play foot ball in a week?

        B: My father gives me this T. Shirt                                              B: I play foot ball twice in a week

    1. A:…………….do you prefer, orange or apple?                    10. A: ………..butter do you need for cake?

        B: I prefer apple to orange                                                              B: I need two spoonful of butter

    11.A: ………students are there in your class?                                 14.A: ……….do you put in your bag?

          B: There are 32 students                                                              .B: I put a new hand phone in my bag

    12.A: ……….is your house from school?                                         15.A: ………..is this parcel for?

          B: It is 2 kilometers from school                                                   B: It is for my sister

    13.A: ………is Handoko?                                                                       16. A: ………..is Rian?

          B: He is 150 cm                                                                                   B: He is 12 years old




    3.whenkumpulan soal bahasa inggris





    8.how long

    9.how often

    10.how much

    11.how many

    12.how far

    13.how tall



    16.how old

  • Kumpulan Soal-Soal Cerdas Cermat Bahasa Inggris SMA Beserta Kunci Jawabannya

    Kumpulan Soal-Soal Cerdas Cermat Bahasa Inggris SMA Beserta Kunci Jawabannya

    Kumpulan Soal-Soal Cerdas Cermat Bahasa Inggris SMA Beserta Kunci Jawabannya –  Sahabat SBI yang super, kali ini agak berbeda ya, tentunya sahabat SBI sering mendengar lomba cerdas cermat atau LCT dalam berbagai bidang ilmu, dari tingkat SD sampai SMA. Disini saya akan memberikan contoh soal Cerdas cermat atau LCT Bahasa Inggris SMA. Chekidot!!


    Paket 1

    1 What are the generic structures of a descriptive text? ·         General Identification

    ·         Description


    Paket 2

    1 Arrange this noun phrase into correct order!

    (Japanese, a, red, new, luxurious, car)

    A luxurious new red Japanese car


    Paket 3

    1 What is the purpose of writing a descriptive text? To describe particular person, place, or thing in detail.


    Paket 4

    1 Please combine these two sentences by using relative pronoun!

    1.      I admire Rosa.

    2.      She won Math Olympic last month.

    I admire Rosa who won Math Olympic last month. /

    I admire Rosa that won Math Olympic last month.


    Paket 5

    1 Please make a conclusion about Rahman from the illustration below!

    Ana is not older than Ali, and Rahman is younger than Ana.

    Rahman is the youngest among the three.


    Paket 6

    1 Please mention three examples of Narrative story which are famous in Indonesia! Sangkuriang, The Queen of South Sea, The Mouse Deer and The Crocodile, etc.


    Paket 7

    1 Complete the sentence below!

    “I would prefer to write ……… read.

    Rather than


    Paket 8

    1 What is the purpose of Discussion Text? To look at more than one side of an issue.


    Paket 9

    1 Change the sentence below into indirect form!

    “I will tell you a secret”, my brother whispered.

    My brother whispered that he would tell me a secret.


    Paket 10

    1 “If Wayne Rooney played well, his team would win the match”.

    What does this sentence mean?

    Wayne Rooney does not play well, so his team does not win the match.

     contoh soal lct bahasa inggris SMA

    Paket 11

    1 “Mr. Rafi would have bought a new sport car, if he had had enough money”. This sentence means… Mr. Rafi didn’t buy a new sport car because he didn’t have enough money.


    Paket 12

    1 “Siti was reading a hot issue when I met her yesterday”.

    The passive form of this sentence is….

    A hot issue was being read by Siti when I met her yesterday.


    Paket 13

    1 “My mother gave an apple for me”.

    The passive form of this sentence is….

    An apple was given for me by my father.


    Paket 14

    1 What is the communicative purpose of Recount Text? To retell the readers about past experience.


    Paket 15

    1 Rearrange the jumbled words bellow into a good order!

    Al Qur’an – Sandi – reads – always – everyday – in – the – bedroom – his – seriously.

    Sandi always reads Al Qur’an in his bedroom seriously everyday.


    Soal Rebutan SMA/MA 4 paket @1

    Paket 1

    1 What is the synonym of the word“Amazing” ? Incredible / marvelous / wonderful etc.


    Paket 2

    1 I would prefer to read Al Qur’an …………. play playstation. rather than


    Paket 3

    1 TEGUH TV

    Monday, October 2014

    05.30  Morning News

    08.30  Reality Show : Islamic Journey

    09.30  TV Drama

    11.30  Reality Show : Ethnic Foods

    01.30  Crime Report

    02.30  FTV

    04.30  International News

    06.00  Reality Show : Read Qur’an Yuuk

    07.00  Box Office Movie

    What TV program has the most time?


    Reality Show


    Paket 4

    1 The day ……. . we have the flag ceremony is Monday. when





    Soal Kualifikasi SMA/MA 1 paket @5

    Paket 1

    1 My father shouted at me …….. he was very angry.

    a.       but                       c. so

    b.      because               d. or

    2 The policeman wanted to know ……. a driving license.

    a.       did I have           c. if I had

    b.      has I had             d. have I had

    If I had
    3 Either his friends or his teacher …….. him.

    a.       admire                c. to admire

    b.      admires              d. admired

    4 “Don’t do it again!” the teacher …….. Ahmad.

    a.       warned                c. talked

    b.      said                     d. thanked

    5 Today, many teachers let the students solve …….. own problem.

    a.       theirs                   c. themselves

    b.      them                    d. their
