Tag: exercise

  • Soal No 1-15 Soal TOEFL Structure And Written Expression

    Soal No 1-15 Soal TOEFL Structure And Written Expression

    Soal No 1-15 Soal TOEFL Structure And Written Expression

    Sekolahbahasainggris- Yuk sahabat berlatih soal TOEFL Structure and Written Expression dibawah ini:

    Soal No 1-15 Soal TOEFL Structure And Written Expression
    Soal No 1-15 Soal TOEFL Structure And Written Expression


    1. ______ at 212 degrees F. And freezes at 32 degrees F.

    (A) Waters boils

    (B) The water boils

    (C) Water boils

    (D) Waters boil

    1. The religion attempts to clarify mankind’s relationship with a superhuman power

                       A                                      B               C                                                   D


    1. When Franklin Roosevelt became very ill. Is wife began to take a more active role in politics, and many people believed that_________ and the president shared his responsibilities.

    (A) She

    (B) Her

    (C) Herself

    (D) Hers

    1. We know that in 1000 AD LEIF Eriksson landed on the north American coast, and that him and

                                               A                                                B

    his Norwegian companions were the first white men to see the New World.

                                                          C                                             D


    1. _________Trees is a custom that many people engage in to celebrate Arbor Day.

    (A) The plant

    (B) Plant

    (C) Planting

    (D) To planting

    1. Spell correctly is easy with the aid of word processing programs for personal computers.

                    A           B                                                    C                                           D


    1. ________at home requires only three types of chemicals, several pieces of simple equipment,

    and running water.

    (A) For the development

    (B) To develop Film

    (C) When film is developed

    (D) In developing Film

    1. Use a stethoscope enables a physician to hear sounds produced in the body, especially heart

                  A                                    B                               C                                      D

    and lung sounds.


    1. _______large natural lakes are found I the States of South California.

    (A) There are no

    (B) No the

    (C) Is not

    (D) No

    1. One of the primary cause of accidents in coal mines is the accumulation of gas.

             A                                      B           C                                        D


    1. ________was caused by breathing impure air was once a common belief.

    (A) Malaria

    (B)That Malaria

    (C) Why malaria

    (D) Because malaria

    1. What do Ecologist call a “gallery Forest” is a narrow strip of woods along a stream in an open

                           A                                                          B  C                         D



    1. Arizona_____ a very dry climate

    (A) Has

    (B) Being

    (C) Having

    (D) With

    1. The theory of continent Drift assumes that there______ long term climatic change in many areas during the past.

    (A) Must have been

    (B) Must be

    (C) Must have

    (D) Must

    1. The money needed to start and continue operating a business know as capital.

                              A                          B                                  C                                    D

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!

    Further Reading:

    1000 Contoh Procedure Text dalam Bahasa Inggris+Penjelasannya

    100 Contoh Recount Text Bahasa Inggris Terupdate

  • Reading Comprehension: Exercise Text 8

    Reading Comprehension: Exercise Text 8

    Reading Comprehension: Exercise Text 8

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Soal reading ada berbagai bentuk, mulai dari short passage,long passage, dan juga fill the blank. Nah kali ini admin akan membagikan soal fill the blank. Yuk sahabat berlatih mengerjakan soal reading comprehension ini:

    Reading Comprehension: Exercise Text 8
    Reading Comprehension: Exercise Text 8

    Complete the passageusing phrasal verbs. The words and phrases in brackets indicate the meaning of the verbs required:

    Text 8

    When war………….(1)(began) William Smith was……………….(2)(conscripted).He didn’t exactly…………(3) ? (accept with enthusiasm) the chance of being a soldier, but he hadn’t any choice in the matter. His mother, however,……………….(4)(anticipated with pleasure) seeing him in his uniform and his son would …………..(5)it like a duck to water, and…………..(6) very well.

    They both………….(7) him…………at the station and waved handkerchiefs as the train pulled out. William ………..(8)his hat and waved that. Unfortunately a gust of wind blew it out of his hand and it fell on the platform. His mother ………..(9) it………………and called, “I will ………………(10) it…………” (post if to you/ forward it to you).

    Don’t, shouted William, “I won’t need it.” But it was clear that his mother couldn’t ………..(11) what he was shouting so after a couple of attempts he………..(12)(ceased trying) and just waved.

    He never really…………..(13) being a soldier. He learnt to …………..(14) his rifle and his uniform and to ……………..(15) (obey) orders, but it didn’t interest him very much and he was glad when peace was made and he was demobilized.

    A week after return home Mr. White, a friend of his parents and the manager of the local grocery shop,………..(16) his house. “One of my assistants is leaving next week.” He said to William “How would you like to………………(17) his job?”

    “I don’t know anything about the grocery trade.” Said William “Oh, you’d soon……. (18) it ……..?(learn it). It’s not difficult. Anyway,………….(19) it…………..(consider it) and…………..(20) it…………..(discuss it) with your parents and let me know soon . “Goodnight.”

    William’s mother was pleased. “Don’t …………(21) it……………(refuse it), William”, she said. “It’s quite a good job to start with and should do you very well till something better……..(22) (appears). So William accepted and started work at once. At first he enjoyed it. He was a friendly, talkative man who………(23) well with the customers. He was allowed to bring his dog to the shop with him.” He’ll keep down the rats”, He said to Mr. White.

    “There were rats a when I ……….(24) (assumed responsibility)”,  said Mr. White, “but I soon got rid of them. Still, you can bring your dog.”

    One da, however, Mr. White was moved to a bigger branch and new man, Mr. Green, was appointed. Unluckily he hada dog too, a bad-tempered animal which………(attacked) William’s dog. The customers……(26) (recoiled) from the fighting dogs and Williams leapt over the counter and separated them. Mr. Green told William that he must………….(27) bringing his dog to the shop.

    Very soon Mr. green and Mr. William …………(28) (quarreled) over another matter. “You spend too much time talking to customers, Brown,” he said.

    “But they like talking,” said William……..(28)

    “Don’t …..(29) me…………(reply imprudently); from now on there is to be less talk and more work. You must………(30) (compensate) the time you’ve wasted.

    “I was………….(31) (given too many commands) for five years in army,” said William angrily, “But I didn’t expect to have it civilian life, and I’m not going to ……….(32) (endure) it.”

    “Smith sells as much as any of us,” said another assistant, trying to ………(33) (support) William.

    “You ……….(34) of (remain outside) this,” said the manager.

    William was angry enough about this but when he ,………(35)(discovered) that Mr. Green was advertising for a new assistant, he…………..(36) with rage (could not conceal his rage). “I’d like to……….(37) (destroy by explosives) the whole place,” he said to his mother.

    His mother was horrified. “Couldn’t you and Mr. Green………(38) it ……………..(make peace)? She asked.

    “No, Mother.” Said William, “he’s got this knife in me, and I may as well start………..(39) (seeking) another job.”

    “Quite right, my boy,” said his father. “Always……….(40)(oppose) a bully. Anyway it’s time you …….(41) (considered the future) and began to think of a job with more prospects.”

    Semoga Bermanfaat para pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    100 Kosa Kata Bahasa Inggris + Cara Pengucapannya

  • 1001 Contoh Soal Latihan Grammar Bahasa Inggris Part 3

    1001 Contoh Soal Latihan Grammar Bahasa Inggris Part 3

    1001 Contoh Soal Latihan Grammar Bahasa Inggris Part 3

    Sekolahbahasainggris-In this section you have to understand the grammar in english on these following questions. So, choose the best answer:

    1001 Contoh Soal Latihan Grammar Bahasa Inggris Part 3
    1001 Contoh Soal Latihan Grammar Bahasa Inggris Part 3
    1. You may…………..had and initial stroke. I will report this to your doctor.






    1. This symptoms………………that you have pneumonia.






    1. They are the symptoms of MI. Let’s………………..to your cardiologist.






    1. Is this the first healthproblem you have……?




    D.Had been


    1. Apatient with anemia complains: “I have difficulty……………fatigue and a bit headache.


    B.To breath




    1. I don’t know why these injections scare me, but…………..do






    1. A patient with Angina complains: I have…………pain under my breastbone.




    D.Has Pressed


    1. Initiating an interview: “Just trust me this will be………………..confidential. I won’t tell everything

    we’ve just talked to anyone else, except your doctor.




    D.Is keeping


    1. To help patients express their feeling you can say: What……..your health concerns?






    1. “A man got chicken pox when he was ten years old”. The questions is:How old…..you whenyou got the chickenpox.






    1. His pulse rate is……………..it was yesterday.


    B.As high as




    1. The The baby’s pulse is 90 bpm. It is……………………..than normal.






    1. “Nurse, my heart beats…………………,what’s happening?



    C.More faster



    1. If you follow the doctor’s advice, you will recover………………….than you expected



    C.More quickly

    D.As quick as


    1. We can checkthe radialpulse…………………than apical pulse



    C.More easily

    D.Very easy


    Part II

    1. Have you ever got………..
    2. Have you ever been………against polio?
    3. Have you ever had……….
    4. Are you allergic to……….
    5. My mother suffered from………..

    The words:


    B.A certain disease

    C.A kind of immunization


    E.Food or a certain medication




  • Reading Comprehension: Exercise Text 7

    Reading Comprehension: Exercise Text 7

    Reading Comprehension: Exercise Text 7

    Sekolahbahasainggris-Soal reading itu mudah kan sahabat SBI? Siapa yang setuju? Kenapa admin bilang mudah? Karena jika kita banyak berlatih mengerjakan soal reading pasti semakin lama akan semakin mudah. Nah admin kali ini ada soal reading tentang kesehatan text 7 loh. Selamat mengerjakan:

    Reading Comprehension: Exercise Text 7
    Reading Comprehension: Exercise Text 7

    Text 7:


    What are the symptoms

                    The main symptoms is breathlessnesss accompanied by a feeling of painless tightness in the chest, along with wheezing, the amount of varies gratly. Sometmes only a doctor’sstethoscope can catch the sound of wheezing- or it maybe loud enough to carry across a crowded room. In severe cases, the effort of breathing out (which is when the wheezing is most pronounced) may causean increase in pulse rate, sweating and severe anxiety. Often, he sufferer finds that it helps to sit up straight, with the arms held stiff to support the chest. With increased breathlessness, breathing becomes increasingly shallow and fast, and wheezing sounds grow louder. In very severe attracks, the face and lips may turn bluish (cyanosis), because of the diminishingsupply of oxygen in the circulation, or the skin mamy become very pale and clammy. In very severe attacks, the wheezemay lessen.

                    Sometimes, a dry cough may be the only or the most obvous symptoms of asthma. A cough may also occur duringattacks of obvious asthma, when the sufferer may cough up sputum that has accumulated in the lungs.

    1. All of the symptoms listed below found in the one who suffers from asthma, except:


    B.Tightness in the chest


    D.The arms held stiff to support the chest

    1. The one who has difficulty breathing (in asthma case)may have these related symptoms except,


    B.Severe anxiety


    D.Increasing pulse rate

    1. When someone suffers from asthma, he oor she may produces abnormal sounds from the respiratory track, the sound is known as:


    B.Dry cough


    D.Coughing up sputum

    1. When does the braethingbecome increasingly fast and shallow?

    A.When the breathlessness increases

    B.When suffering from dry cough

    C.When suffering from cough with phlegm

    1. When the supply of oxygen is diminishing

    What parts of body obviously turn bluish when there is severeattack of asthma


    B.Face and lips



    Semoga Bermanfaat para pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    Reading Comprehension: Exercise Text 6

    1000 Contoh, Pengertian, dan Rumus Kalimat Present Perfect Tense

  • Reading Comprehension: Exercise Text 6

    Reading Comprehension: Exercise Text 6

    Reading Comprehension: Exercise Text 6

    SekolahbahasainggrisHai sahabat SBI How’s everything? Kali inikita berjumpa lagi dalm soal-soal reading yang sering keluar dalam test baik test SBMPTN ataupun soal TOEFL. Dalam soal bahasa Inggris kita sering menemui soal-soal tekst Short Reading Passage. Oleh karena itu admin ingin membagikan soal berikut, selamat mengerjakan:

    Reading Comprehension: Exercise Text 6
    Reading Comprehension: Exercise Text 6

    Text 6:

    The symptoms of appendicitis are variable enough to make diagnosis difficult at times, even for the ost experienced of doctors. Usually, the symptoms come on quite quickly, often within 24 hours of the onset of the inflammation of the appendix.

    The principal symptoms is severe abdominal pain, which usually starts as vague discomfort around the navel but sharper and more localized during the course of a few hours. If you have appendicitis, you will probably feel pain in a small spot in the lower right part of your abdomen (the site of the inflamed appendix). Even slight pressure on the spot will increase the pain. You also will feel feverish, will have nausea and may actually vomit. In addition, you will lose your appetite; and you may either be constipated or- less likely-have diarrhea. If you have a dull, recurrent pain in the lower part of your abdomen, this may lead you to suspect that you have what is sometimes called a “grumbling appendix”. However, most doctors would agree that there is nosuch condition.

    1. To make a diagnosis to the patient suspected with appendicitis is….

    A.Easy for all medical practitioners


    C.Slight difficult

    D.Easy for themost experienced of doctors

    1. When dothe symptoms of appenditis come?

    A.In 24 hours beforethe inflammation of the appendix

    B.It comes very quickl, it can be 24 hours after the inflammation of the appendix

    C.It is unpredictable

    D.It is in 24 hours continuously

    1. What is the initial symptoms thatis usually felt by a person inflamed by appendectis?



    C.Vague discomfort around the navel

    D.Severe pain around the lower right part of the abdomen

    1. What is the main symptoms of the appendectis?

    A.Severe pain of the lower right part of the abdomen




    1. These are the symptoms that usually accompany the main symptoms of appendectis, except:




    D.Pain of the ankle when squatting

    Semoga Bermanfaat para pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    1000 Contoh, Pengertian, dan Rumus Kalimat Present Perfect Tense

    Materi Pronunciation 11: Latihan Listening Pronunciation CD 03

  • English For Nursing-Unit 2: Suffix

    English For Nursing-Unit 2: Suffix

    English For Nursing-Unit 2: Suffix

    SekolahbahasainggrisIn this section you will have a n exercise in purpose to enrich your knowledge about Suffix (-or,-er,-ist,-ian,-ant,-al,-ic,-ical,-ward,-wards).


    • The students of nurses are hoped to be able tusing the words of: involve, confine, therapy, investigate.
    • The students are hoped to be able using the suffix as mention above.
    English For Nursing-Unit 2: Suffix
    English For Nursing-Unit 2: Suffix


    • Please say the following words and find the meanings of the blank


    1. Clinic->> Klinik (kata sifat)
    2. Clinical->>
    3. Clinician->> Doktor yang menangani paien
    4. Diagnostic->>
    5. Diagnose->>
    6. Minor->>
    7. Major->>
    8. Therapeutic->>
    9. Therapy->>
    10. Therapist->> Orang yang memberikan terapi
    11. Psychotherapy->>
    12. Chemotherapy->> Terapi Kanker
    13. Physiotherapy->>
    14. Radiotherapy->>Terapi penyinaran


    • Please memorize the following vocabularies


    1. Diagnose->> The result test from laboratory is used to diagnose a variety of diseases.
    2. Minor->> The minor case that patient has will be completely done.
    3. Major->>He will get mayor major operation oh his appendicitis.
    4. Therapy->> The therapy of diabetes needs a long term medication.
    5. Therapist->> dr. Patrick is therapist.
    6. Therapeutic->> A therapeutic medication has been done since 2 years by her.
    7. Clinic->> The Urip hospital has a paediatrician clinic.
    8. Clinical->> The clinical acts by dr.Sam is better.
    9. Clinician->> I am forget the name of clinician at that room.
    10. Clinical trials->> The clinical trial seems has a new hope.
    11. Nappies->> Give the nappies to Mrs. Sangkut, please!
    12. Drip->> Put the drip into the patient, please!



    • Put the Suffix into the following word (-or, -ist, -ian,-ant, -er) and Give the meanings


    1. Visit->>Visitor (Pengunjung)
    2. Direct->>……….(………………..)
    3. Office->>……….(………………..)
    4. Science->>………(………………)
    5. Physics->>……..(……………….)
    6. Dentistry->>……..(…………….)
    7. Intern->>……………(……………)
    8. Obstetrics->>………(…………..)
    9. Physics->>……………(…………..)
    10. Assist->>……………..(…………….)
    11. Consults->>………….(……………)



    • Make an adjective of these following words (-al,-ic,-ical)


    1. Medicine->> Medical
    2. Surgery->>
    3. Dentistry->>
    4. Psychiatry->>
    5. Gynecology->>

     Semoga Bermanfaat Sahabat SBI!

    Further Reading:

    Contoh-contoh Kalimat Reporting Speech dan Penjelasannya Lengkap






  • English For Nursing-Unit 1: Affirmative

    English For Nursing-Unit 1: Affirmative

    English For Nursing-Unit 1: Affirmative

    SekolahbahasainggrisIn this section you will have a n exercise in purpose to enrich your knowledge about affirmative (is, are, and also am).


    • In this unit of English for nursing, the nurse students are hoped to be able to differentiate between auxulary verb and its noun.
    • Students are also hoped to be able to use the correct form of: the ‘am’, ‘are’, ‘is’
    English For Nursing-Unit 1: Affirmative
    English For Nursing-Unit 1: Affirmative


    • Study the following case. Fill in the blanks with the correct to be.

    1. It…….. quite bit normal for child to have several winter and cough.
    2. The students………nothing for you, Bunga, to worry about.
    3. At the school, the child………..being exposed to all kinds of new viruses.
    4. The nurse students…………doing exercise now.
    5. There……..many parents worry about their children’s food at SDN 2 Surabaya.
    6. The syringes………putting on the trolley.
    7. The symptoms of the disease………..not clear to be seen.
    8. If recurrent cough………not accompanied by a cold, you should consult to your doctor.
    9. Budi’s mother…….getting better now.
    10. I……one of the newest students in the Bunda Delima Nursing Academy.
    • Say it after your lecturer

    1. Cough
    2. Allergic
    3. Recurrent
    4. Irritate
    5. Indicate
    6. Temperature
    7. Insulin
    8. Abdominal
    9. Cold
    10. Symptoms
    • Please memorize the following vocabularies

    1. Recurrent= Terjadi secara berulang-ulang
    2. Irritate(v)= Menyebabkan perih, irritation (n)
    3. Allergy(v), allergic(adj)=alergi terhadap
    4. Expose=membiarkan
    5. Hay fever=Alergi terhadap serbuk tumbuhan tertentu.
    6. Runny nose=Hidung berair
    7. Gangrene=Sel-sel kulit yang mati
    8. Hyperbaric=Terapi oksigen bertekanan tinggi
    9. Mucus=Lendir atau Ingus atau Dahak
    10. Restless=Rewel
    • Writing

    Please rite the full sentences about your self

    1. (Name)…………………………
    2. (Hometown)…………………
    3. (Age)…………………………….
    4. (Job)……………………………..
    5. (Marital)……………………….
    6. (Interested in)………………
    7. (Hobby)………………………..

     Semoga Bermanfaat Sahabat SBI!

    Further Reading:

    Contoh-contoh Kalimat Reporting Speech dan Penjelasannya Lengkap

  • Latihan Soal Idiom 1: Find The Right Expression Of Idiom

    Latihan Soal Idiom 1: Find The Right Expression Of Idiom

    Latihan Soal Idiom 1: Find The Right Expression Of Idiom

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Setelah mempelajari idiom yang telah admin berikan, inilah saatnya kalian memahami nya lebih dalam dengan menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan dibawah ini mengenai idiom. Selamat Mengerjakan sahabat SBI:

    Idiom Exercise 1: Find The Right Expression Of Idiom
    Idiom Exercise 1: Find The Right Expression Of Idiom

    Subtitute in place of the italicized word or words the corresponding idiomatic expression partially indicated in parentheses.

    1. She doesn’t like to go the movies alone. (by______________)
    2. Suddenly the man removed a revolver from his pocket and began to shoot.(took_______)
    3. They discussed their plan for several hours. (talk____)
    4. You always like to recline for a half-hour or so after lunch.(lie________)
    5. It is always difficult for him to select a good present for my wife. (pick_________)
    6. Herry always works leisurely in everything that he does. (take_______)
    7. How is Marriam doing in her new English class? (get_______)
    8. It is of little importance to her whether she passes her French examination or not. (make_______)
    9. I am sure that Doni didn’t leave that cigarette there intentionally. (on__________)
    10. They spent the entire day looking for a new car. (all______)
    11. Answer these following questions, making use in your answers of the idiomatic expressions studied in this lesson.
    12. How are you getting along in you study of Math?
    13. Which student in your Class B seems to be getting along best?
    14. How is your friend getting along in her new job?
    15. Do you prefer to go to the Cinema by yourself or with your girlfriend?
    16. Does your friend live by herself or with someone?
    17. Did you come to Indonesia by yourself or with your family?
    18. Do you like talk over your personal problems with someone or do you prefer to decide these things by yourself?
    19. Is it easy or difficult for you to pick out gifts for your friends?
    20. Does someone help you to pick out your shirt or do you like to pick them out by yourself?
    21. What did you do all day long last night?
    22. When the music is played, what should you do: stand up or sit down?
    23. Do you take your time when you are writing an examination or do you prefer to finish quickly?
    24. What did Mr. Norman just take out of the drawer of his desk?
    25. During the lesson of Math do you prefer to sit in front of the room or in the back- or doesn’t it make any difference?
    26. Why must Doni lie down for several hours each afternoon?

    Semoga Bermanfaat para pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    Contoh Percakapan Greeting Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Penjelasannya Terbaru

  • Grammar Exercise 3: Combination With Go and Come

    Grammar Exercise 3: Combination With Go and Come

    Grammar Exercise 3: Combination With Go and Come

    www.sekolahbahasaingggris.com – Grammar adalah sub materi yang mengharuskan kita untuk banyak berlatih mengerjakan soal. Nah kali soalnya tentang Go dan Come.

    Grammar Exercise 3: Combination With Go and Come
    Grammar Exercise 3: Combination With Go and Come


    1. She goes………a lot because she is popular and has a good many friends.

              Jawab: She goes out a lot because she is popular and has a good many friends.

    Yuk berlatih soal dibawah ini:

    1. It was some time before Sonny came……. last year after being knocked out.
    2. Hendry had to wait for permission from Town Council before Hendry could go……..with his plans.
    3. He came………..to my way of thinking after a good deal of argument.
    4. The bull went……the dog and tossed him over the wall.
    5. He had a sandwich and a cup of coffee, then went……… working till twelve.
    6. It’s no use trying to keep it secret; it’s sure to come…………in the end.
    7. I went…….the proposal very carefully with my solicitor and finally decided not to accept their offer.
    8. The gun went…….by accident and wounded him in the leg.
    9. The question of salary increase will be coming……….at the next forum meeting.
    10. Long skirts went…… years ago.
    11. She went………. A beauty contest she only got a consolation prize.
    12. Those rust marks will come…… if you rub them with lemon.
    13. The price of fruit usually goes……in summer in England.
    14. If there isn’t enough soup to go in this breakfast…….just put some juices in it.
    15. She saw me across the room, she came……..me, and said that someone wanted to see me.
    16. The early colonist went…….many hardships.
    17. You can’t go…….your promise now; we are depending on you.
    18. I have changed my mind about marrying him; I simply can’t go………it.
    19. The aeroplane crashed and went……in flames.
    20. He came…….. a fortune last year.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!


    Baca Juga:

    1000 Penjelasan Lengkap Spoof Text Dan Contohnya

    1000 Tips Belajar Grammar Bahasa Inggris Mudah dan Cepat!