Tag: English text

  • Penjelasan Hortatory Exposition Text Beserta Contoh

    Penjelasan Hortatory Exposition Text Beserta Contoh

    Penjelasan Hortatory Exposition Text Beserta Contoh  – Buat Sahabat SBI yang pernah membaca sebuah artikel dan isi artikel tersebut merupakan sebuah ajakan atau bujukan untuk melakukan sesuatu?? Tidak salah lagi itu adalah teks yang tergolong Hortatory Exposition Text.

    Untuk lebih memahami mengenai apa itu hortatory exposition text dan bagaimana cara membuat teks jenis ini. Baca dan Pahami Kerangka dan Text hortatory tentang mempunyai sebuah perpustakaan pribadi dirumah seutuhnya. Check this out!!!


    Thesis Statement : Having a private library at home is a good decicion.

    1. It brings satisfaction by collecting books. ( Paragraph 1 )

    – It is challenging.

    –  Collecting books is an interesting hobby.

    2. It ornates our home.  ( Paragraph 2)

    – A home which has a private library looks more artistic.

    – It brings people who visit the home exited.

    3. Get more knowledge.  ( Paragraph 3 )

    – By collecting book we will be motivated to read book.

    – Get communicated with world.

     hortatory exposition

    It is a good decision for people who have extra-money to shop some books and make a private library at their homes. What many Indonesian people  might never strive to complete their beautiful life is making a library at their homes. Library which many people consider as a boring place to visit or to spend their time for actually is a nice interesting place which in some modern countries has been set in their homes. Having a library at home can bring many advantages. The first is it brings satisfaction for us when we can collect many books like collecting stamps. Next it ornates our homes. It also makes us get more knowledge.

    Why I said that it brings satisfaction is that because when we have successfully collected many good books, there is a kind of feeling proud of ourselves, because collecting books which have good quality is not easy, such these books must be expensive or difficult to find. It is like collecting something which needs effort to get it. It is challenging and amusing. Many people spend their money to buy stamps, paintings, pictures, or something unique. So are books, books are considered as valuable, useful, and precise things to be collected which are arranged  in the bookshelf tidily, then it becomes a library. So that’s why I said that it is an interesting hobby.

    No matter whether we have read all our books collection or not, having many books keeps giving advantages. People who have read many books are considered have much knowledge, so are we if we have a library at our home.we will be considered intellectual by people who visit our home and see our books collection, eventhough we haven’t read the books, at least for first impression. It can be a good ornament for our homes and it makes our homes looks more artistic. Although it can fool people who visit our home but it makes them exited to our home.

    The most important thing that we must set as a main purpose of having a library at our home is getting the contents of the books. Having many books without reading the books is like saving garbages at our homes. For many people, reading book is a boring activity and some think that it makes sleepy, but having many books will drive us feel guilty to not reading the books. It will motivate us to read more and more, and finish all the books. The more we have  books that we have not read the more we feel guilty. Beside that we can also broaden our knowledge. Books give many information about world. We can get communicated with world as if we open the window of the world.

    Having a library at home is however considered important. Collecting books and building a library at home offer many profits. Those who have had their own library with their favourite books spend their leisure time to increase their knowledge. They tend to speak confidently since they are more intellectual. No matter they have consumed all their collection, it keeps giving profit. Those who displayed their collection get more respect from people who visit their home. So there is no doubt to make a library at home.


  • Penjelasan Recount Text Terlengkap Beserta Contoh

    Penjelasan Recount Text Terlengkap Beserta Contoh

    Penjelasan Recount Text Terlengkap Beserta Contoh – Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membahas Recount Text bahasa inggris. Pada umumnya recount text ini merupakan English Text yang sering selalu dipelajari baik tingkat SMP maupun SMA.Untuk lebih jelasnya mari kita pelajari bersama recount text dibwah ini.

    Here is another example of recount text:

    Hello, All of my friends. Let me tell you something. Last night I went to my cousin’s wedding party with my family. As you know, it was the wedding party of my mom’s older brother’ son.

    Well, in the party I had rendang  and soto betawi. It is really excited to have them in a traditional wedding like that one. Then I had, you know what, some Ice Cendol. After that, I sang a my favorite song  for the lovely couple.

     At about 16.15 my family and I went to home. We arrived home late because the road was so crowded. But I felt very happy on that day.


    Artinya dalam Bahasa Indonesia:

    Halo, Semua teman-teman saya . Biarkan saya menceritakan kalian sesuatu. Tadi malam aku pergi ke pesta pernikahan sepupu saya dengan keluarga saya. Anda tahu, itu adalah pesta pernikahan putra kakak ibuku ‘.

    Nah, dalam pesta itu saya makan rendang dan soto betawi. Ini benar-benar mengagumkan datang ke pernikahan tradisional seperti itu. Kemudian aku, kau tahu apa, meminum Ice Cendol. Setelah itu, aku menyanyikan lagu favorit saya untuk kedua pasangan.

     Pada sekitar 16.15 saya dan keluarga saya pulang ke rumah. Kami tiba di rumah terlambat karena jalan begitu ramai. Tapi aku tetap merasa sangat senang pada hari itu

     Penjelasan recount text terlengkap Beserta Contohh

    General structure dari recount text diatas adalah sebagai berikut :


    Hello, All of my friends. Let me tell you something. Last night I went to my cousin’s wedding party with my family. As you know, it was the wedding party of my mom’s older brother’ son.

    Series of events:

    Event 1:

    Well, in the party I had rendang  and soto betawi. It’s really excited to have them in a traditional wedding like that one.

    Event 2:

    Then I had, you know what, some Ice Cendol.

    Event 3:

    After that, I sang a my favorite song  for the lovely couple.

    Event 4:

    At about 16.15 my family and I went to home.


    But I felt very happy on that day..

    Nampaknya recount text memiliki beberapa aspek seperti dibwah ini : Introduction yang dapat dilihat di dalam Orientation, Series of Event termasuk dalam kalimat penjelas dan Conclusion dapat ditemukan di Re-Orientation.

    Terima Kasih.

    Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

  • Contoh Discussion Text tentang Kenaikan BBM 2015 Beserta Artinya

    Contoh Discussion Text tentang Kenaikan BBM 2015 Beserta Artinya

    Contoh Discussion Text tentang Kenaikan BBM 2015 Beserta Artinya – Baik sahabat SBI yang super, Dalam kesempatan ini saya akan mencoba berbagi contoh discussion text singkat tentang kenaikan BBM 2015. Berikut ini adalah contoh discussion text kenaikan BBM 2015. Semoga bisa membantu teman-teman dalam mempelajari discussion text.

    Fuel prices in Indonesia are always an interesting topic for discussion. There are various viewpoints out community respond to the fuel price hike in 2015 during the last few months.

    Community groups who agree with premium fuel price increase from Rp 6,800 / ltr to Rp 7,300 / ltr while diesel from Rp6.400 / ltr to Rp 6,900 / ltr of the opinion that the allocation of subsidies for this misses the point. They told the government subsidy should be allocated into other budgets, such as health, education and infrastructure development. Jokowi President has also prepared three magic cards to approximately 16 million poor and near poor. three magic cards are prosperous family card (PSC), Indonesia smart card (KIP), and healthy Indonesia card (KIS).

    But for community groups who balked fuel price hike saying that automatically rise in fuel will create rising prices of basic necessities, even today some food commodity prices began to rise. In addition, there are many small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are the losers and it is definitely a lot of termination of employment (FLE) in enterprises increasingly high unemployment. They also have the opinion that the Indonesian government is currently deceive the people by plotting the state budget (Budget) for based on the assumption of oil price of 108 dollars per barrel, whereas the current world oil prices fell to 85 dollars. Even still expected to drop again around 70 dollars As. However, why pemerintahIndonesia actually increase fuel prices?

    It seems that the Indonesian government policy surrender fuel prices to the world market price would be a debate that continues from year to year. As an intelligent society we must still respond to the government’s policy for the welfare of the people regardless of its form well.

    Contoh Discussion Text Kenaikan BBM 2015

    Terjemahan Dalam Bahasa Indonesia

    Harga BBM selalu menjadi topik yang menarik untuk dibicarakan. Ada berbagai macam sudut pandang masyarakat keluar menanggapi kenaikan BBM 2015 selama beberapa bulan terakhir ini.

    Golongan masyarakat yang setuju dengan kenaikan harga bbm premium yang semula Rp 6.800/ltr menjadi Rp 7.300/ltr sedangkan solar dari Rp6.400 /ltr menjadi Rp 6.900/ltr memiliki pendapat bahwa alokasi subsidi BBM selama ini tidak tepat sasaran. Mereka mengataka subsidi pemerintah seharusnya dialokasikan kedalam anggaran yang lainnya, seperti kesehatan, pembangunan infrastruktur dan pendidikan. Presiden Jokowi juga sudah mempersiapkan tiga kartu sakti untuk sekitar 16 juta rakyat miskin dan hampir miskin. tiga kartu sakti tersebut adalah kartu keluarga sejahtera (KKS), kartu Indonesia pintar (KIP), dan kartu Indonesia sehat (KIS).

    Namun untuk golongan masayarakat yang menolak keras kenaikan harga BBM mengatakan bahwa secara otomatis kenaikan bbm akan membuat harga kebutuhan pokok naik, bahkan saat ini sejumlah komoditas pangan harganya mulai naik. Selain itu, banyak terdapat usaha kecil menengah (UKM) yang merugi dan sudah pasti terjadi banyak pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK) di perusahaan-perusahaan angka pengangguran semakin tinggi. Mereka pun memiliki pendapat bahwa pemerintah Indonesia saat ini sedang menipu rakyat dengan menyusun rencana anggaran pendapatan dan belanja negara (RAPBN) berdasarkan asumsi harga minyak dunia sebesar 108 dollar AS per barrel, padahal harga minyak dunia saat ini turun menjadi 85 dollar AS. Bahkan masih diperkirakan akan turun lagi kisaran 70 dollar As. Namun, kenapa pemerintahIndonesia  justru menaikkan harga BBM ?

    Kelihatannya kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia yang menyerahkan harga BBM ke harga pasar dunia akan menjadi sebuah polemik yang terus berlanjut dari tahun ke tahun. Sebagai masyarakat yang cerdas kita harus tetap merespon kebijakan pemerintah untuk kesejahteraan rakyat apapun bentuknya dengan baik.

  • Contoh Explanation Text About Ultraviolet Beserta Artinya Terupdate

    Contoh Explanation Text About Ultraviolet Beserta Artinya Terupdate

    Contoh Explanation About Ultraviolet Beserta Artinya Terupdate – Pastinya Sahabat SBI sudah akrab dengan namanya Explanation Text atau penjelasan. Karena dalam dunia pendidikan yang namanya penjelasan atau Explanation banyak kita temui. Penjelasan tersebut adalah salah satu contoh dari Explanation Text.  Explanation Text adalah teks yang berisi tentang proses yang berhubungan dengan fenomena-fenomena alam, sosial, ilmu pengetahuan, dan budaya. Explanation text biasanya berasal dari pertanyaan penulis terkait what‘why’ dan ‘how’ terhadap suatu fenomena yang ada. Untuk itu, kesempatan kali ini admin akan mencoba memberikan  contoh Explanation Text dan artinya. Check this out!!!

    Reading Text

    Ultraviolet (UV) is an electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength from 10 nm (30 PHz) to 400 nm (750 THz), shorter than that of visible light but longer than X-rays. UV radiation is present in sunlight. It is also produced by electric arcs and specialized lights.

    Ultraviolet light means the invisible part of the spectrum beyond violet. This light has always been regarded as very useful because it is used to cure certain skin diseases, kill bacteria, detect counterfeit money, from vitamins, etc.

    Along with the increasingly extensive use of computers in financial activities, ultraviolet light has been widely applied by banks to identify the signatures of the costumers in passbook. When the card is removed, the trace of his signature will be left; this can be used to compare with the signature on the customer’s withdrawal slip under ultraviolet light.

    Ultraviolet light certainly has many practical applications, but it may also be harmful to human being on some occasions. To everyone’s knowledge, the direct impact of the light on the yes for an excessive length of time may blind a person.

    Even though it can cure certain skin disease, it is also very harmful to the skin. A study just completed in the United States says that the light may cause skin cancer. The ultraviolet rays of the sun have been ranked as the third most dangerous cancer-causing agent after alcohol and tobacco.

    It is high time to warn sun-worshippers in the quest for a bronzed look to be careful of excessive and uncontrolled exposure to the sun.

    contoh explanation text sinar ultraviolet

    Artinya :

    Sinar ultraviolet (UV) merupakan radiasi elektromagnet dengan panjang gelombang dari 10 nm (30 PHz) sampai 400 nm (750 THz), lebih pendek daripada cahaya tampak tetapi lebih lama dari X-ray. Radiasi UV ada sinar matahari. Itu juga diproduksi oleh busur listrik dan khusus lampu.

    Sinar ultraviolet berarti bagian yang tak terlihat dari spektrum luar violet. Cahaya ini selalu dianggap sebagai sangat berguna karena digunakan untuk menyembuhkan penyakit kulit tertentu, membunuh bakteri, mendeteksi uang palsu, dari vitamin, dll

    Seiring dengan penggunaan yang semakin luas komputer dalam kegiatan keuangan, sinar ultraviolet telah banyak diterapkan oleh bank untuk mengidentifikasi tanda tangan dari pelanggan di buku tabungan. Ketika kartu dihapus, jejak tanda tangannya akan ditinggalkan; ini dapat digunakan untuk membandingkan dengan tanda tangan pada slip penarikan pelanggan di bawah sinar ultraviolet.

    Sinar ultraviolet tentu memiliki banyak aplikasi praktis, tetapi juga dapat membahayakan manusia pada beberapa kesempatan. Untuk pengetahuan semua orang, dampak langsung dari cahaya pada ya untuk jangka waktu yang berlebihan dapat membutakan seseorang.

    Meskipun dapat menyembuhkan penyakit kulit tertentu, hal ini juga sangat berbahaya bagi kulit. Sebuah studi baru saja menyelesaikan di Amerika Serikat mengatakan bahwa cahaya dapat menyebabkan kanker kulit. Sinar ultraviolet dari matahari telah menjadi agen penyebab kanker yang paling berbahaya yang ketiga setelah alkohol dan tembakau.

    Sudah saatnya untuk memperingatkan pecinta matahari yang suka berjumar dalam upaya membuat kuliat kemerah hitaman untuk berhati-hati terhadap paparan berlebihan dari tidak terkendali dari matahari.

  • 10 Contoh Analytical Exposition Beserta Penjelasan Terlengkap

    10 Contoh Analytical Exposition Beserta Penjelasan Terlengkap

    10 Contoh Analytical Exposition Beserta Penjelasan Terlengkap – adalah jenis teks yang bertujuan memngungkapkan sesuatu hal agar dianggap penting oleh pembaca dengan cara memberikan pendapat atau argument yang mendukung ide pokok atau topik. Text ini termasuk kedalam jenis Argumentation Text yang berisi tentang pemikiran  penulis tentang sebuah fenomena – fenomena yang terjadi di sekitar kita.

    Generic Structure (Struktur umum) Analytical Exposition
    1. Thesis (Paragraf pertama yang berisi ide pokok atau topik)
    2. Arguments( Paragraf selanjutnya yang berisi kalimat pendukung)
    3. Reiteration/Conclusion (Kesimpulan)

    Contoh text analytical exposition

    Contoh Text Analytical Exposition

    Untuk lebih memahami lagi, berikut ini adalah contoh teks Analytical Exposition

    Compromise in Our Live

    In daily live, every people faces many problem. To solve the problem, there are alot of ways that can be used, one of them is compromise. Compromise is one of the way people solve a problem by making a win-win solution to each side. Although not all the problems can be solved by compromise, but compromise can be choosen as the way to solve a problem sometimes such as in the traditional market between seller and buyer, between two or more people when they are working in a group and in traffic acccident. In many situation, compromise is necessary.

    In the traditional market, a lot of sellers and buyers meet to do trading process. In this place, the problem they have to solve is about how to get the deal about the price of some goods. Seller and buyer usually use compromise to solve the problem of the goods’ prices which the seller sells or the buyer wants to buy. In this case, compromise occur when buyer asks the price of goods.If the price is too high for the buyer, the buyer do not agree of the price and she or he will bargain for the lowest price they can get. If there is a deal between two sides, compromise has done. Both sides will get the advantages of the transaction they have done, but if there is no deal, the reverse happens. In the transaction above, both seller and buyer want the benefit from it. To get benefit from trading process, whether they are aware or not, they use compromise. After there is a deal between the two sides, both of the get advantages. Compromise makes both seler and buyer can solve the problem withuot one of them be disappointed.

    Compromise also necessary when we work in group and discussing a problem. A group consist of two or more people with different behaviour and emotional. They have their own way or idea to solve the problem. In this situation, compromise is needed to get the best way to solve the problem. Compromise happens when every part of te group give their idea about how to solve the problem they are discussing. After all the idea received, there is just one idea reputed as the best way. Sometimes we do not agree to the result of the dicussing, but we have to accept it. When we can accept the result of the discussing whether or not agree to the result, we also do compromise. Compromise in this situation can solve the problem in a group, the problem about the difference of idea. Sometimes we can not think about just ourselves, we also think about group, because we are the group’s part.

    In traffic accident situation compromise also can be the best way for us to solve our  problem. When people get accident in the road, sometimes they prefer to do compromise than bring the problem to the police office. Compromise in this situation is the best way to solve the problem. If they bring this problem to the police office, it will make the problem more complex than before. Compromise done when the victim and the suspecy of the accident get the deal about the way they solve the problem, such as by giving some money to the victim. Compromise make the problem between the victim and suspect are solved in peace. The victim of the accident got the money for recovery and for his or her car repair. The suspect can avoided by getting some more problem with the police. There we can see that compromise can used as the simplest way to a problem. Compromise makes both sides, the victim and the suspect of the accident csn solve the problem well.

    In conclusion, although not all the problems can be solved by using compromise, it is important for us to use it as the best and first way to solve the problem. The problem such as in the traditional market, work in gruop, and in the traffic can solve by using compromise. Compromise makes the problem solved in simple way and also give benefit to both sides. We should consider to use compromise as the way we solve our problem.

  • Cerita Legenda 7 Manusia Harimau Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Artinya

    Cerita Legenda 7 Manusia Harimau Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Artinya

    Cerita Legenda 7 Manusia Harimau Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Artinya – Para Sahabat SBI yang Super, tentunya kalian tau dong tentang kisah legenda 7 manusia harimau yang berasal dari Sumatera, Indonesia. Apalagi sekarang sudah dibuatkan versi sinetronnya. Oke Berikut ini adalah Review singkat mengenai kisah legenda 7 manusia harimau.


    Background Story the Legend of 7 Tiger Man 

    Story the Legend of 7 Tiger Man taken from a novel by Motinggo Busye, Born in Kupang City, Lampung 21 November 1937. The novel written by Motinggo Busye had a cultural background that is in a village called Village Kumayan Jati in rural areas of South Sumatra.

     The story tells about The Legend of 7 Tiger Man in  Kumayan village. Their lunge make the village as most feared villages everyone especially those new people who want to live at the village.

     Because for those who want to stay in the village must comply with all applicable rules at the will of the ruler that there is none other smart people who can transform to be a tiger. The story began since the arrival of a young man named ‘Gumara’ a young man worked as a high school teacher who was assigned in the village.

    Gumara itself is one of the 7 Tiger Man or human embryo of a tiger Man in Kumayan village. But, Gumara who since childhood living in Jakarta with his mother does not realize that he is part of a tiger man in the village.

     Figure handsome and humble young man was never revealed that he has advantages and can be transformed into a tiger, so he was always humble and friendly to anyone. He also always try to refrain from angry that can trigger man himself transformed into a tiger.

     But since Gumara Kumayan stay in the village and became a teacher in one of the high schools, there are many things that happened to him and including the need to deal with people who do not want her in the village as in witchcraft by the wife of a former teacher where he taught and despised by youth which put the heart on Lebai Karat because of beaing jealous.

     To know the legend of 7 Tiger Man, you see it directly in one of the private television every day. Legend of 7 Tiger Man is a fantasy tale Indonesian cultural background with the theme of things unseen are believed most of the people in Indonesia.


     Artinya dalam bahasa indonesia :

    Latar Belakang Kisah 7 Manusia Harimau

    Kisah 7 manusia harimau diambil dari sebuah novel Karya Motinggo Boesje, Lahir di Kupang Kota, Lampung 21 November 1937. Novel karangan Motinggo  Boesje berlatar belakang sebuah budaya yang ada di sebuah Desa bernama Desa Kumayan Jati di wilayah pedalaman Sumatera Selatan.

    Kisah itu menceritakan tentang 7 manusia harimau yang ada di Desa Kumayan. Sepak terjang mereka membuat desa tersebut sebagai desa yang paling di segani dan ditakuti semua orang terutama orang-orang orang baru yang hendak menetap didesa tersebut.

    Karena bagi mereka yang hendak tinggal di Desa tersebut harus tunduk dengan segala aturan yang berlaku sesuai kehendak penguasa yang ada di sana yang tak lain adalah orang-orang pintar yang bisa menjelma menjadi manusia harimau. Kisah itu bermula sejak kedatangan seorang pemuda bernama ‘Gumara’ seorang pemuda berprofesi sebagai guru SMA yang di tugaskan di Desa tersebut.

    Gumara sendiri tak lain adalah salah satu dari 7 manusia harimau atau cikal bakal Manusia harimau Desa Kumayan. Hanya saja Gumara yang sejak kecil tinggal di Jakarta bersama ibunya tidak menyadari kalau dirinya adalah bagian dari harimau yang ada di Desa tersebut.

    Sosok pemuda ganteng dan rendah hati itu tak pernah menampakkan bahwa dirinya memiliki kelebihan dan bisa menjelma menjadi harimau, sehingga ia selalu bersikap rendah hati dan ramh pada siapapun. Ia juga selalu berusaha untuk menahan diri agar tidak marah yang dapat memicu dirinya berubah wujud menjadi manusia harimau.

    Namun sejak Gumara tinggal di Desa Kumayan dan menjadi guru di salah satu sekolah menengah atas, ada banyak hal yang menimpa dirinya dan termasuk harus menghadapi orang-orang yang tidak menginginkan kehadirannya di Desa tersebut seperti di teluh oleh istri mantan guru tempat ia mengajar dan dimusuhi pemuda yang menaruh hati pada anak Lebai Karat karena cemburu.

    Untuk mengetahui kisah legenda 7 manusia harimau bisa anda melihatnya langsung di salah satu tv swasta dan tayang setiap hari. Cerita legenda 7 manusia harimau merupakan sebuah kisah fantasi berlatar belakang budaya Indonesia dengan tema hal-hal ghaib yang dipercaya hampir sebagian besar masyarakat di Indonesia.

  • Contoh Review Text Film Soekarno Dan Artinya Terupdate

    Contoh Review Text Film Soekarno Dan Artinya Terupdate

    Contoh Review Text Film Soekarno Dan Artinya Terupdate – Apabila para sahabat SBI sedang mencari sebuah contoh review text film-film Indonesia yang berkualitas, film Soekarno bisa menjadi pilihan teman-teman. Berikut ini adalah review atau resensi film Soekano dalam Bahasa Inggris. Check this out!

    Contoh Review Text Film Soekarno Dan Artinya

    Sukarno eventually filmed. After Gie, the Enlightenment, Soegija, The Kyai, of biographical films Soekarno a matter of time. Tomorrow’s probably going to be more, of Tan Malaka, Amir Sjariffudin, Sjahrir, and God knows who else. Certainly not bother explaining who Sukarno. He is not Haji Amir Misbach or Sjarifoeddin that if died yesterday afternoon, would have welcomed surprised by our school children, as they respond to the death of Mandela in social media.

     Sukarno his most Hanung is first raised the proclaimer figure on the big screen as a biopic. Previously, Sukarno character more often part of a larger story. Usmar Ismail long ago, in 1955, made a mock Supreme Guest Sukarno as a potential dictator. Surprisingly, when the number of voices asking for the film was banned, Sukarno even laughing watching it in the palace. Several times also in the television mini-series entitled history proclamation rotated around August 17. The story is not new: Soekarno and Hatta middle pressed the radical young children who can not wait that declared independence in the face of Japan.

     In another film, Gie for example, a self-portrait Sukarno tend negative: an old ruler who like to marry, even in his power when entering the twilight of post-G30S. The depiction of this kind reinforced by the construction of a social setting such as a queue of rice and small people sickly. In short, bad panorama ‘Guided Democracy. “A similar picture can be found in the film Years of Living Dangerously (Peter Weir, 1982), in which Sukarno, seen from the perspective of an American journalist, was in the midst of political polarization between the PKI and the army, while ceaselessly developing Jakarta become a beacon for the city of New Emerging Forces. Inevitably, this is the popular imagination of Sukarno and his era: the magnificent monuments of the revolution in mass starvation and ‘offensive PKI.’

    Then figure Soekarno who like what is offered Hanung Bramantyo?

    Story of Soekarno: Indonesia Merdeka  extending from childhood Sukarno to moments where the text of the proclamation was read. However, the biggest part of this film takes a period in which the exiled Sukarno, the Japanese Occupation, to the preparation of the proclamation of independence. At the beginning, we are witnessing childhood Sukarno. In accordance popular historical narrative: he was sick so had to change the name, of Kusno to Sukarno. Brief description of childhood was immediately switched to the period in which the intellectual and political orientation Sukarno formed. Staying in a boarding-san legendary belong together Tjokroaminoto Musso and Kartosuwiryo, brief encounter demonstrated political thought in his era.

     “Kusno, whether you are a Marxist?” Asked Mien, a Dutch girl friend Sukarno school. Kusno-name small Soekarno-no answer. Instead, he immediately targeted Mien lips. Unfortunately, puppy love scene was interrupted by his father tosses slippers secretly peek. Kusno also did not bother with the attitude of the father. He is depicted with a high sense of simply believing in yourself as to think that the girl londo be subdued. Mien did look kesengsem weight. But her idol was even expelled by his father when it come to his house. “You do not deserve dating my son, we are not a party.” Sukarno teen expelled. Two brown-skinned servant dragged him out of the house Mien. This experience apparently left a deep trauma. Kusno immediately aware of his position as third-class citizens in the Dutch East Indies, so that in this film he immediately learned speech in his rented room every late night, with fiery.

     Periods of exile in Bengkulu and the Japanese occupation era took the largest share of Sukarno. Here we witness the vacillation-vacillation Sukarno, especially regarding women. Faithful wife, Inggit Garnasih, shown with sincere support, ranging from Banceuy he was put in prison, Bandung, up to disposal in Bengkulu. In Bengkulu also captivated by his Sukarno, Fatmawati, which led to his relationship with his wife broke down. After Japan’s entry into the Dutch East Indies and Sukarno invited to work helping Japan to face the Allies, they were divorced. Shortly thereafter, Sukarno, who has been charged grandchildren by her parents, eventually marrying Fatmawati.

     The story of a love triangle Soekarno-Inggit-Fatmawati-blue that intersperse with indecision other Soekarno-indecision when it should cooperate with the armies of the Japanese occupation. In the historical record that had been known, he chose to work together to avoid bloodshed. Bad choice. He must convince the students to accept prostitution organized impromptu Japanese in their environment, so that the local girl was sacrificed. Some labor-intensive activities such as Romusha-labor which claimed many victims-then encouraged. Soekarno asked to collect power of the people. Dirty jobs are done with this compulsion to make Soekarno targets of radical youths, who immediately branded as a stooge of Japan. Sjahrir, one of the representatives of the anti-Japanese youth group, had an argument with Sukarno and Hatta. For Sjahrir, collaboration with Japan’s actions will only encourage Indonesia to the brink of fascism. But as early as possible Hanung asserts that regardless of their tensions, there is mutual understanding between the Soekarno-Hatta and Sjahrir, so that their difference is a matter of tactics: Sukarno and Hatta choose the path of cooperation, while Sjahrir and others went underground, spreading anti-Japanese propaganda.

     contoh review text film soekarno dalam bahasa inggris

    Dilemma of Moral

     Applause for Hanung because Sukarno Sukarno’s displayed is not completely independent of moral dilemmas in emergency situations, as well as trend-romanan romance with a woman. But there is a big issue here, regarding the composition of the image that is built Hanung, especially in sequences proclamation seconds. Reading the text of the proclamation-blue interspersed by a flash back to the past Sukarno, began when he was thrown out of the house Mien Hessel, his experience as an exile in Bengkulu along Inggit, meeting with Fatmawati, and so on. Perhaps the director intends to present an idea that colonialism had a very profound effect and private for Sukarno. But the barrage of flashes behind it instead of other implications: as if Sukarno involved in the struggle for independence for failing courted Dutch girl, as if Indonesia’s independence because sincerity Inggit in exile, and as if the history of Indonesian nationalism is a mysterious synthesis between myth Gajah Mada-which several times alluded to Soekarno with fiery-and ups and downs of romance Sukarno.

     Narrative pattern relationship between the protagonist and the environment falls on the socio-political context personalization around the protagonist. Exploitation that occurs in inlander is the exploitation of the extent to which Sukarno witness and experience it directly. Difficulties faced when having to decide Soekarno cooperation with Japan is directly proportional to his love life, so that when tig households completed with divorce and continues with the wedding for the umpteenth time, the work of flames on the ground, too wrong.

     Again, these issues are often raised in trend hero films. The position of the hero as the protagonist of the story is very central, if not the most important as to forget that building a narrative about the historical context independent outside figure. Figure is the beginning and end of the representation of the objective conditions of the past that created the character of the protagonist, a source of influence and motivation, as well as the obstacles that hinder or dilampauinya. In the biographical films in Indonesia, this historical narrative rarely-perhaps never-explored further. Like a chess game, we were busy moving the king, queen, horse, castle, pawn, and so on, all the while forgetting the existence of the board and the basic rules of the game of chess itself.

     In the case of Sukarno, the intellectual atmosphere and movement in the 1920s were very influential on Sukarno, ideas, choices taken in politics, to the dynamics of inter-group ahead of the proclamation, it does not stand out from the duration of the film’s 137 minutes. In fact, any dispute about strategy and tactics to fight the Japanese, can be explained by the more intact, not only in relation to the affairs of avoiding bloodshed, but also as a continuation of the ideological debates between activists in the movement of the 1920s era. A brief overview of the intellectual formative period Soekarno spoken by a stammer was not completed. Limited lipstick, echo is not found during 110an minutes remaining duration of this movie. We are indeed witnessing persona Sukarno was born on the podium, in prison and in exile, but unexplained how he came to that position, how does it proceed with other movement activists inside and outside the PNI before the Japanese occupation, and so on. What we know from this film: 1) Soekarno diligently honed oratorical, and 2) Soekarno crazy myths Palapa Oath. Thus, in Sukarno Sukarno Sukarno style is Mario, ie someone who narrated born from below, has a magnificent personal ambition, take it alone through bloody struggle, and finally, came out as the winner.

     The emergence of films about historical figures can later be read as a response to growing social problems in the community. Soegija and the Kyai was hit by a commentary on society sectarian conflicts. Conflicts are present in the present projected far into the past, then settled through the utterances heroic figures usually on the cover-that magic is a commentary on the future rather than on the concrete situation that they face. No wonder if the periods are taken still around momentums such resounding proclamation.

     The same applies also for Sukarno. Sukarno’s speech sequences directly Pancasila is commenting on, say, the more conservative communities are now in religious affairs. As for talks ahead of Sukarno and Hatta August 17th is a direct comment on the pre-2014 election pessimism wrapped with questions cliches like, I quote from memory, “Could we lead the nation of its own people?”

    It is hard to imagine how historical narratives can be present without the presence of a large figure with a motivational speech in the history of Indonesian films. Films of the 1965 tragedy that plural manufactured after 1998 actually provides a good example of how history can be told without heroes. But perhaps such could occur because these films construct the antithesis of the New Order cinema has become a hero polish mass-murderer of course without including information about the massacre itself. When to get out of the Indonesian movie themes nationalist struggle around 1945, and then lift the invasion and occupation by Indonesia in East Timor, Peter operations and other dark episodes in the history of the nation? Or to biographical narrative, Indonesian films can now tells the figures of the past in its worst, the failures in addressing major events beyond its control, or in its crimes are unforgivable? I am here not just to talk about, for example, the last days of Gus Dur-president last progressive-owned Indonesian at the Palace, but also criminals untouched.

  • Kumpulan Cerpen Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru Tentang Misteri

    Kumpulan Cerpen Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru Tentang Misteri

    Kumpulan Cerpen Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru Tentang Misteri – Ada banyak sekali manfaat jika kita sering membaca Cerpen (short Story) Dalam Bahasa Inggris  salah satunya adalah melatih kemampuan berbahasa kita. Tidak jarang juga sahabat SBI sering mendapat tugas untuk membuat sebuah Cerpen. Agar lebih mudah dalam mencari referensi saya berbagi Kumpulan Cerpen Dalam Inggris Indonesia Terbaru dan lengkap dibawah ini.

    2 a.m.

    A diligent, calm, and smart boy began his journey from his village to the town where he continued his study at a university. Bagus Alghani was a pride of the small village as he was familiar with his faith and he was also a son of the village chief. One of his weaknesses was that he was a snail. He rarely got out of his house and had only a few friends.

    Riding an old ugly vehicle, he confused where to find a dormitory as he knew nothing about this town and he never came there before. It was a week before the lecture started. He wandered near the campus, but all dormitory around there were full.

    A boy came to him when he took a rest in front of a mosque.

    Hi boy, can I help you?

    Are you a new student?

    ‘Yes, I am. I’m looking for a dormitory, but all of dormitory are full’, said bagus.

    My name is abdul.

    I’m bagus.

    You are too late, every dormitory near here has been full. You must go bit far from here. I can show you the dorm if you wish’,said bagus.

    Bagus received his offer because he really needed to find a dorm as soon as possible.

    It was cheap, small and a bit disorder. He got no idea for finding another place.

    He forced himself to stay at this hell. He was the only one occupant of the dormitory. Not only far from the campus, it was also dirty, silent, and stinky. Nothing’s good of this place excepted the owner who was patient and sociable.

    The first night he slept at the dorm, he was awaken at 2.15 am, one thing that habitually happened when one occupied a new home. He then went on his sleeping.

    A nice morning Bagus started his activity as a new student at a favorite university, he smiled along his way to campus.

    He got tired of his activity at the campus. In his first day, he was introduced to the regulation of the campus. Rector, deans, and some professor also attended the event. He got no friend at that time because he was a closed boy.

    At the second night he was awaken again with no reason at the same time 2.15 am. He couldn’t continue his sleeping. He was anxious and feeling something strange toward himself.

    In the class, his lecture got mad of him because he was asleep. He was lucky that he was not sent out by the lecture. He was still forgiven by the lecture.

    After the class, a beautiful girl came to him and began a conversation with him. He got his first friend from his class.

    Why are you so sleepy?

    Didn’t you sleep tonight?

    My name is Imelda. Can I know your name?

    Sure! I’m Bagus. I couldn’t sleep tonight. I’m not used to living at a dormitory. Are you my  classmate?

    Yes, I am. I saw you were mocked by the lecture.

    After having dinner at the dormitory. He went sleeping as he was very  tired and sleepy.

                In the third night he stayed at the dorm, he was awaken again at 2.15 am. He couldn’t sleep again until the sun knocked on my door.

                 He had a class at 10 am at that day. He spent his leisure time at library to find some books he needed for doing his assignment. Suddenly someone called on his name.

                Hi gussss. How’s life?

                Just so so. What are you doing here?

                I need some books for reference of my scripts.

                ‘Owh I don’t know you are a student too.

                What about your dormitory?

                I’m still not used to it. I met some strange there. May be it is just my feeling, but it is so stronge.

    Abdul didn’t know anything about this. He felt sorry to bagus.

                Bagus went to his class after getting some books for his assignment. He underwent his boring class with his boring professor named Tutu. An old professor who had served the university for fifty years.

                At the evening when he wanted to take a bath, he felt something from room 7. He slept at night because he had a lot of assignment.

                His three friends visited him to discuss about assignment. They were one group with Bagus. Bagus was the best student among them. He was persuaded by them to finish all the assignment himself while they were playing game.

                So many assignments so that they must stay at his dormitory that night. Bagus was so tired that he must give up and went sleeping while his friends had already slept.

                Again after he slept only for an hour, he was awaken at 2.15 am. He looked so tired with his eyes like panda’s eyes. He then slept again.

                He woke up at morning while his friends had gone. He decided to clean his dormitory by himself. At the store he found a bottle of anaesthetic which had been expired. He put it back just in case it was still needed.

                It was time for him to have lunch. At the canteen near his dormitory, the waitress ask him about his dormitory. The waitress told something about his dormitory.

                There was a boy used to live there, said the waitress.

                I felt something strange there too. What has happened? Asked Bagus.

                There was a boy who always brought his friend. they seemed to have a close brelationship. They looked so closed’, the waitress told him. But I never see them again for  about six month. Bagus left the canteen while thinking about waitress’s story.

    Just as usual when he went to take a bath , he passed room seven. On the ventilasi of room seven he found a piece of letter which is the content as follow :

                            If only you knew how painful my heart was when I saw you with her. I can not let you belonged by someone else. I  prefer God taking you out from this earth to letting you be not mine.

    Yonar P

     cerpen bahasa inggris

    It was Yonar the one who was told by the waitress written in the paper. Bagus was getting more curious to know what was actually happening .

    The fourth night was the most scary night. He got a dream which told him something.

    There was a boy who fell in love with his friend. He often invited his friend to come to his dormitory. Friend of the boy said that his name was Joulhack. Joulhack seemed to be his friend. They spent all the day together, going to the same campus, playing playstation, even going to beach to see sunset. One day Joulhack was attracted by a girl in his class. He was planning to approach the girl. Yonnar switched to hate him due to it. If only Joulhack knew it. Yonnar was getting crazier when he knew Joulhack shot the girl.

    Yonnar ask Joulhack to came to his dormitory. He made a party for Joulhack who had had a girlfriend. He served him some foods and wine. Joulhack turned to be very sleepy. He couldn’t bear anymore and fell asleep.

    In his dream Joulhack asked Bagus to enter room 7 and dig the ground under the table. Bagus then woke up from his sleep and entered violently room seven. He began to dig. He was socked when he found a pile of skeleton. Immediately he took his phone and call Mr. Muji the owner of the dormitory. The next day he decided to move faraway from the dormitory.

    Oke Demikianlah Cerpen dalam bahasa inggris .

    Semoga bermanfaat buat para sahabat SBI yang baik hatinya.

  • Latihan Translate Bahasa Inggris Ke Bahasa Indonesia

    Latihan Translate Bahasa Inggris Ke Bahasa Indonesia

    Latihan Translate Bahasa Inggris Ke Bahasa Indonesia – Para Sahabat SBI Translation atau terjemahan adalah suatu kegiatan atau aktivitas yang berhubungan dengan proses pengalihan atau pergantian Bahasa dari bahasa sumber atau “source language” ke bahasa sasaran “target language”. Namun translation atau terjemahan suatau Bahasa  tidaklah mudah meskipun kita sudah meguasai grammar sekalipun karena unsur contextual harus tetap dipertahankan sehingga maknanya tidak menyimpang jauh dari teks asli. Selain itu, ada beberapa unsur penting yang harus diperhatikan dalam penerjermahan antara lain phrase atau kelompok kata, complex sentence atau kalimat kompleks, idiomatic, dan terminology atau istilah – istilah khusus karena unsur – unsur tersebut tidak bisa ditafsirkan secara langsung. Berikut adalah contoh hasil terjemahan Bahasa Inggris ke Bahasa Indonesia.

     latihan translate bahasa inggris indonesia

    English Text

    Under this discourse on modernity, powerful nations often exert a considerable influence in shaping the perceptions of what constitutes reality, which is often manifested in different tangible forms, one being the use of language.

    Such is the case where we are now celebrating the craze of the use of the English language or, to borrow American linguist Stephen Krashen’s term, “English fever” in our education landscape.

    There is a growing tendency among both the elite classes and society at large to consider   everything with an international-sounding name as a panacea for our troubling education system, which has long been marred with never-ending unnecessary and often counter-productive disputes.

    While there is no question that as a nation in the pursuit of modernity we need to be progressive in our efforts to advance our education system, we must not allow ourselves to become enmeshed and disoriented in this globalized world.

    Indonesian Text

    Dalam pembahasan mengenai modernitas ,negara-negara besar seringkali memberikan pengaruh yang besar terhadap persepsi didalam kehidupan nyata  yang sering diwujudkan dalam bentuk yang berbeda-beda, salah satunya dalam penggunaan bahasa.

    Seperti kasus kegilaan dalam penggunaan bahasa inggris pada ruang lingkup pendidikan kita atau yang disebut “demam bahasa inggris” seperti  istilah dari linguis amerika, stephen krashen.

    Ada kecenderungan yang berkembang diantara masyarakat kelas atas dan masyarakat menengah kebawah dalam mempertimbangkan segala sesuatu yang bersifat internasional sebagai solusi dari sitem pendidikan kita yang bermasalah ,yang telah lama dirusak oleh perselisihan yang tidak perlu dan sia-sia.

    Meskipun tidak ada pertanyaan bahwa sebagai bangsa yang mengejar modernitas kita harus bersifat progresif didalam usaha kita untuk memajukan sistem pendidikan, Kita tidak boleh membiarkan diri kita terperangkap dan bingung didalam dunia global.