Tag: contoh soal

  • 7 Section Kumpulan Soal Writing Bahasa Inggris Lengkap

    7 Section Kumpulan Soal Writing Bahasa Inggris Lengkap

    7 Section Kumpulan Soal Writing Bahasa Inggris Lengkap

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Apakah kalain sedang mencari referensi contoh soal writing bahasa Inggris? Jika iya? Admin punya beberapa section soal writing yang bisa kalian gunakan untuk berlatih mengerjakan soal. Yuk dikerjakan test writing berikut ini:

    7 Section Kumpulan Soal Writing Bahasa Inggris Lengkap
    7 Section Kumpulan Soal Writing Bahasa Inggris Lengkap


    The test can range from the writing of one word to the writing of an essay length passage. Unless you regard writing as a valuable performance objective, you should not overemphasis written tests.

    Sentence completion

    The students are given some incomplete sentences and have to provide at appropriate start or a finish. Marks are awarded for what is written and how well it is written. Reading comprehension is also involved, though it goes unrewarded. The sentences can be independent, as in the first example, in the second example, or in the form of a paragraph as in the third and then In the fourth example to make one paragraph.


    1. Complete the sentence below that is a perfect sentence.
    • …………………………than it was yesterday.
    • Budi got into library and ……………………..
    1. Complete the next sentence test knowledge of verb and clause patterns triggered by the use of I wish :
    • I am sorry that I didn’t get her an anniversary present.

                 I wish……………………………………………….

    1. Choose appropriate transition words to connect the steps in this paragraph about story of “At Home” by using verb.

      At Home

    • It is 6 o’clock in the morning. Everybody at home has woken up. Daddy is at the garage. He is ……….. the car. It is very dirty because of the heavy rain yesterday. Mom is busy …………… at the kitchen. My sister is……… her preparing the breakfast. I can smell their cooking from the living room. I am still mopping the floor. My brother is in the bathroom. He is ………… a bath. He has to go to school early today. Everybody seems busy.
    • This morning, I went to school, the school is still quiet. Then I …….. to class, I was waiting for my friends. Next, I ………… the class, because my class looks very dirty. When my friends ……………., my classroom became crowded. And then we chatted while waiting for the teacher to come. After our long wait, my teacher could not …………… and we decided to learn together.
    1. Recently, there was news about a staple the price started to rise due to fuel issues that would be raised from the usual price of it is also before the month of Ramadan and Idul Fitri. Write your opinion in a paragraph.
    2. Create a paragraph description of the artist veiled below.


    Guided Essay

    It is better to give lots of short written test over the year than to set one long essay at the end. To mark long essays is onerous, and it is difficult to be consistent in awarding marks. Also it is easier to make short tasks realistic. Below are three examples of practical written test.



    Dear Dad,

    How are you Dad? I dreamed about you last night. Do you have a trouble? Or what happen your health? I hope you always okay. Allah always blessed you. Love you Dad.

    Your Son



    • Man/Women. 20 years old
    • Good looking
    • English Teacher
    • Smart and discipline
    • S-1 English Literature

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    100 Contoh Recount Text Bahasa Inggris Terupdate

  • 15 Contoh Soal Ujian Semester Genap Kelas 3 SD

    15 Contoh Soal Ujian Semester Genap Kelas 3 SD

    15 Contoh Soal Ujian Semester Genap Kelas 3 SD

    Sekolahbahasainggris-Apakah adik-adik sedang mencari contoh soal bahasa Inggris untuk Kelas 3 SD semester genap? Jika iya, admin akan membagikan contoh soal bahasa Inggris, yuk berlatih dengan contoh soal dibawah ini:

    15 Contoh Soal Ujian Semester Genap Kelas 3 SD
    15 Contoh Soal Ujian Semester Genap Kelas 3 SD


    KELAS                                      :     III (Tiga)

    Semester                                 :Genap

    Berilah tanda silang (X) pada huruf a,b,c atau d pada jawaban yang paling benar!
    1.       Home artinya…….
    a.       Rumah                       b.   Dapur                            c.    Taman                       d.   Gedung

    2.       In artinya………
    a.       Dibawah                     b.   diatas                            c.   didalam                         d.   diluar

    3.       Under (artinya)
    a.       Dibawah                     b.   didalam                             c.  diatas                    d.   diluar

    4.       Sekarang jam 08.30 ( bahasa inggrisnya)
    a.    It is a half past eight   b.   It is eight o’clock           c.   it is five minutes        d.   it is ten minutes

    5.       It is four o’clock, artinya……….
    a.    Sekarang jam tiga          c.   sekarang jam lima
    b.    Sekarang jam empat   d.   sekarang jam tujuh

    6.       Jam berapa sekarang? (bahasa inggrisnya  adalah…….)
    a.       What it is time?       b. where are you?           c.   What time it is?     d.   what time is it?

    7.       She………a doctor
    a.       Is                              b.    Am                                 c.   Was                                 d.    Are

    8.       It is “12”, penulisannya dalam bahasa Inggris=…….
    a.       Three                                 b.  seven                  c. Four                                  d.   Tweleve

    9.         Nama saya adalah Budi ( bahasa Inggrisnya )
    a.       My name are Budi                     b.   I are Budi                       c.   My Budi                               d.   I is Budi

    10.   Annisa Dwi Putri is seven years old ( artinya)
    a.       Annisa berumur 7 tahun                                           c.   Annisa berimur 8 tahun
    b.      Annisa berumur 6 tahun                                           d.   Annisa berumur 9 tahun

    1.       Sekarang jam 10.00 ( bahasa inggrisnya)
    2.       I am eight years old ( Artinya)
    3.       It is three o’clock ( bahasa inggrisnya)
    4.       Lemari dan kursi ( bahasa inggrisnya)
    5.       Sepeda dan Mobil ( bahasa inggrisnya)

    Semoga Bermanfaat para pembaca SBI!!!

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