Contoh Soal Reading Part II Lengkap Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawaban

Hai sahabat SBI yang sedang bersemangat belajar bahasa inggris, kali ini kita akan belajar bahasa inggris namun dalam bentuk soal bahasa inggris ya sahabat SBI? Soal yang akan kita bahas kali ini berkaitan dengan reading dalam bahasa inggris. Sahabat SBI mungkin sering bukan mengerjakan nya? Nah, untuk menambah kemampuan sahabat SBI semua dalam hal reading, kita langsung saja simak dan coba soal-soal berikut ini ya guys 🙂
Value judgement cannot be made in science in the way that such judgement are made in philosopy, religion, and the arts and indeed in our daily lives. Whether or not something is good or beautiful or right in a moral sense, for example, can not be determined by scientific methods. Such judgement, even though they may be a broad sonsensus are not subject to scientific testing.
At one time, the sciences, like the arts were persued for their own sake. They were pursued for pleasure and satisfaction of the instable curiosity with which we are both cursed and blessed. In the twentieth century, however, the sciences have spawned a host of giant technological achievements the hydrogen bomb, the polio vaccine, pesticides, indestructible plastics, nuclear energy plants, perhaps even ways to maipulate our genetic heritage-but have not given us any clues about how to use them wisely. Moreover, science, as a result of these very achievements, appears enormously powerful. it is thus little wonder that there are many people who are angry at sciance, as one would be angry at an omnipotent authority who apparently has the power to grant one’s wishes but who refuses to do so.
The reason that science cannot and does not not solve the problems we want it to is inherent in its nature. Most of the problems we now confront can be solved only by value judgements. For Example, Science gave us nuclear power and can give as predictions as to the extent of the biological damage that might result from accident that allowed varying levels of radioactivity to escape into the environment. yet it cannot help us, as citizens, in weighing the risk of damage from conceivable accident against our energy needs. it can give us data to weight our judgements on, but it cannot make those judgement for us.
1.Why does the author feel that science and the arts were similar?
A.Both were intensely sought after
B.Both had enormous power
C.Both made people angry
D.Both helped solve many problems
2.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.Technological achievements of the twentieth century
B.Science versus art
C.Art for art’s sake
D.Scientific investigation and value judgements
3.With which of the following statements would the author of the passage least, agree?
A.Science creates more problems than it solves.
B.Science is enermously powerful
C.Science can measure right and wrong
D.Science can make predictions about nuclear damage.
4.what is the author’s attitude toward science?
6.Which of the following would not be a subject of scientific inquiry?
A.Manipulating genetic heritage
B.Being right in a moral sense
C.Measuring levels of radioactivity
D.Developing indestructible plastics
Semoga beberapa soal tersebut dapat menjadi referensi belajar bagi sahabat SBI ya 🙂
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