Tag: Contoh Soal Dan Kalimat Causative Verb

  • Materi Causative Verb, Pengertian, Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat Dan Soal “LENGKAP”

    Materi Causative Verb, Pengertian, Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat Dan Soal “LENGKAP”

    Materi Causative Verb, Pengertian, Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat Dan Soal “LENGKAP”

    Materi Causative Verb, Pengertian, Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat Dan Soal

    Materi Ini Kami Ambil Dari Buku Diambil Dari Buku Toefl Self Preparation Course.


    Kata kerja kausatif dalam bahasa Inggris adalah want, help, let, allow, make, have, get, permit. Kata kerja tersebut memiliki makna meminta seseorang untuk melakukan suatu kegiatan tertentu.

    a. Kata kerja kausatif have dan make


    • My mother makes me sweep the floor.
    • Mr. Rio has his students submit the assignments on his desk.
    • I have my little sister study English vocabulary.
    • Rangga makes me wait at juanda international airport.


    Kata kerja kausatif dalam bentuk pasif


    • My mother makes my bedroom decorated.
    • My brother has his old motorcycle sold.


    b. Kata kerja kausatif allow, get, dan permit


    • Maria allowed me to stay in her boarding house yesterday.
    • Mario gets me to join English debate club. 
    • My father permits me to drive his car.

    Kata kerja kausatif dalam bentuk pasif


    • Sarah allows her new novels borrowed.
    • Michael gets his car fixed.
    • My mother permitted her old piano sold.


    c. Kata kerja let dan help

    • My paren ts let me to study abroad.
    • My parents let me study abroad.
    • My assistant helps me to tidy up my documents.
    • My assistant helps me tidy up my documents.


    Kata Kerja Kausatif dalam bentuk pasif.

    Contoh :

    • I let my motorcycle borrowed.


    Rumus Causative Verb Lihat Pada Materi DiBawah Ini :


    Contoh Soal Dan Pembahasan Tips Dan Strategi Menyelesaikan Soal Causative Verb :


    1. A: Wow… your bedroom is very neat and clean. Do you clean it by yourself?

    B: No,………………..

    • A. I had cleaned it.
    • B. I have had cleaned it.
    • C. 1 have my maid cleaned it
    • D. I has my maid cleaned it.


    Jawaban : C

    Kalimat I have my maid cleaned it memiliki arti aku menyuruh pembantuku member-sihkannya. Sehingga, di dalam pola kalimat causative, kata have dapat memiliki arti menyuruh.


    2. My brother will be transferred to Singapore for the time being by his office. Since there is none who’s staying in his apartment, he

    • A, Have his apartment rented
    • B. Has his apartment rented
    • C. Rented his apartment
    • D. Rents his apartment

    Jawaban: B

    Pola kalimat di atas adalah pola kalimat kausatif bentuk pasif.


    3. Samuel………………… the field trip tomorrow.

    • A. Has his students join
    • B. Have his students join
    • C. Has his students joins
    • D. Have his students joins

    Jawaban: A

    Kalimat di atas, terutama kata has memiliki makna menyuruh. Karena subjeknya berupa subjek tunggal, maka kata kerja yang mengikutinya juga tunggal, has.


    4. Since my sister will get married soon,………………..

    • A. My parents has the house renovated
    • B. My parents have the house renovate
    • C. My parents has the house renovate
    • D. My parents have the house renovated

    Jawaban: D

    Pola kalimat yang digunakan adalah pola kalimat causative berbentuk pasif.

    5. A: I think my personal computer is broken. I can’t open my files.

    B: Let me see it.

    A: Sure. Can you repair it?

    B: I think we have to bring this computer to the technician and…….

    • A. Has it repaired
    • B. Have it repaired
    • C. It is repaired
    • D. It is repairing

    Jawaban: B

    Pola kalimat yang digunakan adalah pola kalimat causative berbentuk pasif.


    6. Mr Daniel has………………. handwriting English essay on his desk.

    • A. His students submit
    • B. His students submits
    • C. His students submitting
    • D. His students are submitting

    Jawaban: A

    Bentuk kalimat di atas pola kalimat kausatif aktif dan kata has memiliki arti menyuruh.


    7.   A: What are they doing?


    • A. I have them install the fountain.
    • B. I had them installing the fountain.
    • C. I has them install the fountain.
    • D. I has them installing the fountain.

    Jawaban: A

    Bentuk kalimat di atas pola kalimat kausatif aktif dan kata have memiliki arti menyuruh.


    8.   We have many old stuffs in our house which are not used anymore. Finally, my mother permits those old stuffs………..

    • A. Sell
    • B. Sells
    • C. Selling
    • D. Sold

    Jawaban: D

    Pola kalimat yang digunakan adalah pola kalimat causative berbentuk pasif.


    9. Mrs. Sena had her daughter accompany her to the beauty salon.

    What does this sentence mean?

    • A. Sena asked her daughter to accompany her to the beauty salon
    • B. Sena asks her daughter to go to the beauty salon
    • C. Sena goes to the beauty salon.
    • D. Sena comes to the beauty salon with her daughter.

    Jawaban: A

    Bentuk kalimat di atas pola kalimat kausatif aktif dan kata had memiliki arti menyuruh.


    10. My father is very busy with his new investors. So, he……………….at the airport.

    • A. Pick me up with his secretary
    • B. His secretary pick me up
    • C. Gets his secretary pick me up
    • D. Made his secretary pick me up

    Jawaban: C

    Bentuk kalimat di atas pola kalimat kausatif aktif dan kata gets memiliki arti menyuruh atau meminta.


    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Sahabat SBI 🙂