Tag: #contoh soal dalam bahasa inggris

  • 25 Contoh Soal Sejarah Untuk SD Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap

    25 Contoh Soal Sejarah Untuk SD Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap

    25 Contoh Soal Sejarah Untuk SD Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap


    25 Contoh Soal Sejarah Untuk SD Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap
    25 Contoh Soal Sejarah Untuk SD Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap


    Kumpulan Soal SD Dalam Bahasa Inggris


    Saat kita masih berada di sekolah dasar, pasti kita juga belajar mengenai sejarah bukan?, Apakah sahabat SBI juga amasih ingat kira-kira soal apa saja yang kita pelajari pada saat berada di sekolah dasar? bagaimana dengan soal sejarah namun menggunakan bahasa inggris? seperti era sekarang yang menggunakan metode billingual? Nah, agar lebuh jelasnya bagaimana contohn soal nya, langsung kita simak saja ya contoh berikut ini sahabat SBI 🙂

    1.Images of the Earth’s surface created on flat areas that use a certain scale is called ….

    a. globe b. scale c. d. atlas map

    2.The book contains a collection of map called a. ..

    a. b. encyclopedia dictionary c. reference d. atlas

    3.One of the goals is to make the map zoom in. ..

    a. more practical c. can be seen further
    b. the appearance more obvious d. is not easily lost

    4.The following is not a component of map is included ….

    a. title map b. scale c. legend d. latitude

    5.Comparison of distance on a map with distance is called real ….

    a. index legend b. c. d. scale symbol

    6.City distance A-B is 4 cm. If the map scale 1:100,000. How much is the actual distance ….

    a. 4 km b. 450,000 cm c. 40 cm jt d. 400 km

    7.Volcano symbols are marked with a colored triangle ….

    a. White b. c. Black yellow red d.

    8.The following are not included in sight of nature is. ..

    a. school b. Mountain c. d. Island Beach

    9.A big hill that has valleys, slopes, and the peak called. …

    a. Mount b. c. Beach Lake d. Strait

    10.A strait connecting the Java island and Sumatra island is the Strait ….

    a. Madura, Lombok b. c. d. Sumba Sunda

    11.Part of the ocean protrusion to the Mainland and often built port in the call ….

    a. b. River Beach c. d. Strait Gulf

    12.Here’s one of the natural events that ever happened ….

    a. play b. earthquake c. d. robbery scam

    13.The advantage of the occurrence of volcanoes is. …

    the fertile land around a. c. people received compensation
    b. evacuation d. the area around the destroyed

    14.The process of removal of topsoil by water called. …

    a. Greening forestation b. c. d. erosion terracing

    15.The behavior of society that could cause catastrophic floods. …

    a. do greening
    b. planting crops
    c. deforestation
    d. fertilizing plants
    16.One of the institutions that made the map is Office ….
    17.The scale on the map is written alphabetically called. …
    18.Components of map function for. ..
    19.Peta1 scale: 1,500,000 cm means 1 cm on the map is equal to the real distance of … km
    20.A large natural stream of water that flows from the upstream area (top) to downstream (below) is called ….
    21.An earthquake could result in. ..
    22.Bare forests cause. …
    23.Lake Toba is located in the province of …
    24.Due to a high tide, the fishermen did not dare ….
    25.The earthquakes that occur beneath the sea bergolaknya sea water cause called. …

    Semoga bermanfaat 🙂

  • 20 Contoh Soal “But vs And” Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawaban

    20 Contoh Soal “But vs And” Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawaban

    20 Contoh Soal “But vs And” Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawaban


    20 Contoh Soal "But vs And" Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawaban
    20 Contoh Soal “But vs And” Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawaban


    Kumpulan Soal But vs And Dalam Bahasa Inggris


    Materi mengenai ad da but, pernah kita bahas sebelumnya dalam bahasa inggris, sahabat SBI masih ingat bukan bagaimana penggunaan but dan and dalam bahasa inggris? Nah, pada kesempatan kali ini, kita akan langsung membahas mengenai contoh soalnya beserta dengan jawaban nya dalam bahasa inggris ya sahabat SBI? Langsung simak yuk 🙂

    1. I will go to school, ______my motorcycle was broken
    2. I____you are bestfriend from we were young
    3. They wanna be happy,______they never act like happy people
    4. I wanna close with you,_____you never wanna close with me
    5. She____me are not close anymore
    6. I love him,____he loves me too
    7. She can sing a song, _____she never sing anymore
    8. You____I are couple
    9. It is not only a book____also an interesting media
    10. She is not only a singer______ also a dancer
    11. She is not only a teacher______ also a model
    12. I will be with him,_______he never wanna be with me
    13. I love him____I hates him too
    14. I will pass the examination,_____I never study
    15. Diana _____her mom are so friendly
    16. They call me_____  I don’t hear
    17. I____my father are so proud with him
    18. She loves me,_______I never know her
    19. Tiara_____sinta are siblings
    20. I miss him,_____I can not be with him


    1. But
    2. And
    3. but
    4. but
    5. and
    6. but
    7. but
    8. and
    9. but
    10. but
    11. but
    12. but
    13. but
    14. but
    15. and
    16. but
    17. and
    18. but
    19. and
    20. but

    Semoga bermafaat untuk sahabat SBI semua 🙂

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  • 20 Contoh Soal ‘Because vs Because of” Beserta Jawaban

    20 Contoh Soal ‘Because vs Because of” Beserta Jawaban

    20 Contoh Soal ‘Because vs Because of” Beserta Jawaban


    20 Contoh Soal 'Because vs Because of" Beserta Jawaban
    20 Contoh Soal ‘Because vs Because of” Beserta Jawaban


    Kumpulan Soal Because Dan Because Of Dalam Bahasa Inggris


    Sahabat SBI masih ingat materi mengenai because dan because of dalam bahasa inggris? Pada materi sebelumnya, kita pernah membahas mengenai materi tersebut.

    Sedikit mengulas mengenai materi because dan because of, because digunakan pada awal sebuah klausa, sebelum subjek dan kata kerja, sedangkan because of digunakan sebelum kata benda atau kata ganti.

    1. I can not come to your house______it is rain
    2. I am afraid_______a ghost
    3. Sinta makes a cake______her mom likes it
    4. we will join that community______you
    5. _______we never realize him anymore in our life
    6. I don’t bring an umbrella______it is not rain
    7. That girl is so smart______she never be lazy to study
    8. Diana can not come to the party_______her mom never let her
    9. My life has changed and it is_______you
    10. I let him to go ______ I care with you
    11. we were bored_______the space was too long
    12. We decided to stay at office______the weather was bad
    13. ________the weather was bad, she stayed at office
    14. she lets me go_____she never care with me
    15. I am not happy______the film is not so good
    16. Alex was worried______the rain
    17. we were bored______the speech
    18. I am so happy______I always with you here
    19. _______this cake, he loves me so much
    20. I will wear a jacket______the weather was so cold


    1. Because
    2. Because of
    3. Because
    4. Because of
    5. Because
    6. Because
    7. Because
    8. Because
    9. Because of
    10. Because
    11. Because
    12. Because
    13. Because
    14. Because
    15. Because
    16. Because of
    17. Because of
    18. Because
    19. Because
    20. Because

    Cukup Mudah untuk dipahami sahabat SBI semua kan? semoga bermafaat ya 🙂

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