Tag: Contoh procedure text

  • Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Sayur Asem yang Enak dan Gurih

    Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Sayur Asem yang Enak dan Gurih

    Berikut ini SBI akan berbagi contoh Prosedural Text. Rekan-rekan SBI akan melihat contoh text membuat suatu makanan yang sangat familiar dalam keseharian rekan-rekan semua. Dalam artikel kali ini kita akan membuat satu Prosedural Text yaitu How to Make Sayur Asem dalam bahasa inggris. Yuk kita liat saja prosedur textnya.

    Materials needed:

    • 100 grams of green papaya, cut into pieces
    • 50 grams melinjo
    • 50 grams of melinjo leaves
    • 5 rods long beans, cut into pieces
    • 4 pieces of cabbage, cored severity, cut into pieces
    • 2 tablespoons peanut
    • 2 liters of water
    • 1 piece of sweet corn, cut into 3 parts
    • ½ fruit squash, diced
    • ½ stem eggplant, cut into pieces

    Vegetable seasoning sour (mashed)

    • 6 grains hazelnut
    • 5 red onions
    • 3 cloves of garlic
    • 2 red chilies
    • 2 teaspoons tamarind
    • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
    • ½ teaspoon shrimp paste
    • salt to taste

    Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Sayur Asem yang Enak dan Gurih


    • 2 bay leaves
    • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
    • 1 knuckles galangal, crushed

    How to Make

    1. Cook the water until boils, put the material in advance
    2. First of all, put the hard vegetables such as corn, betel nut and peanuts, boiled until the vegetables soft
    3. Put a spice that has been mashed, bay leaves and galangal, wait until the water boil.
    4. Add the remaining vegetables that have not been included. Taste it.
    5. Add when less – salt or fresh tamarind
    6. Remove from stove and serve it.

    In addition to vegetable seasoning tamarind, tamarind can also be replaced with the tomatoes which are still green. Brown sugar can also be replaced with sugar, but the result is the so more clear … for spicy flavors can be added or subtracted by removing red chili seeds.

    Nah seperti itulah contoh Prosedur Text how to make sayur asem. Simak terus sekolah bahasa inggris untuk contoh-contoh Prosedural Text berikutnya, Semoga bermanfaat.

  • Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Cappucino Cincau Choco Latte yang Manis dan Segar

    Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Cappucino Cincau Choco Latte yang Manis dan Segar

    Kali ini Kita akan membuat Prosedure Text lagi mengedai How to Make Cappucino Cincau Choco Latte

    Penasaran? Yuk langsung aja kita buat cappucino cincaunya sambil belajar bahasa inggris. Sambil Menyelam Minum Cappucino Cincau.

    How to Make Drinks:

    • Enter the material powder (25 grams) into a blender
    • Add 30 ml of liquid sugar
    • Enter the appropriate cup size ice cubes are made (using a cup servings).
    • Blender, adding water little by little until it is a thick beverage
    • Pour into a cup that has been filled with black grass jelly / grass jelly / bubble.

    How to Make Black Cincau:

    • Mix the 1 pack grass jelly powder with 400 ml of water, stir 5-10 minutes until late at no deposits (If you want more quickly able to blend)
    • Cook 800 ml of water to boil.
    • Pour the solution of grass jelly powder (no. 1) into the boiling water.
    • Wait until the boil again, stirring so as not to overflow.
    • Remove and pour into a container to be cooled. Once cool grass jelly is ready for use.

     Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Cappucino Cincau Choco Latte yang Manis dan Segar

    How to cook BUBBLE by RICE COOKER

    • Cook water (1/2 container of rice cooker) until boiling.
    • Enter ½ kg bubble (1/4 wrap or as needed sales) into the rice cooker, stir so that nothing sticks at the bottom.
    • Cook for 1 hour every 15 minutes while stirring.
    • Remove and pour into a colander.
    • Rinse with clean water until the mucus is lost.
    • Enter the jar, soak with water + a little liquid sugar.
    • Bubble ready for use.


    • Bubble cooked to taste, adjust to the needs of sales.
    • The rest of the crude bubble should be wrapped tightly and should not be disimpa in the refrigerator.
    • The rest of the bubble ripe if not finished can be used for the next day. If it still does not run out can not be used anymore (wasted).
    • The rest of the bubble ripe otherwise discharged should not be stored in the refrigerator.

    How to cook with GAS STOVE BUBBLE

    • Cook until the water boils.
    • Enter pearls, stir until the float.
    • Reduce the heat to taste (to not overflow if the pot is closed), cover the pan. Cook for 1 hour, stirring every 10 minutes.
    • After 1 hour – Turn off the heat, let the pot covered for 15 minutes.
    • Rinse with clean water until the mucus is lost, drain.
    • Enter in a jar, soak with sugar water, ready to wear – resistance of 2 days.

    Seperti itulah Prosedure textnya.

    Gimana rekan-rekan SBI. Sudah bias membuat Prosedure text sendiri?
    Bagaimana CIncaunya juga, enak bukan?

    Selamat Menikmati. Tetap semangat belajar bahasa inggrisnya.

  • Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Ice Cappucino Cincau yang Enak dan Segar

    Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Ice Cappucino Cincau yang Enak dan Segar

    Apa kabar Rekan-rekan SBI semua?

    Ada yang haus, Lagi haus begini enaknya minum es capucino cincau.

    Rekan-rekan SBI tahu capucino cincau kan? Ya, minuman ini belakangan sangat digandrungi masyarakat. Nah kalau sudah begini apa salahnya jika kita menggunakan capucino cincau sebagai materi untuk belajar bahasa inggris.
    Dalam artikel kali ini kita akan memberi contoh Prosedure Text How to Make Ice Cappucino Cincau Jelly. Yuk kita lihat contohnya sama-sama.

    Recipe Ice Cappuccino Cincau

    Its fabric:

    • 2 packs of cappuccino (powder)
    • Grass jelly taste / replaced with 1 packet of grass jelly flavored nutrijel
    • 1 pack of sweetened condensed milk.
    • 1 tablespoon sugar (dissolve it into sugar water)
    • Water (raw) and cold water (ice) to taste
    • Ice cubes (shaved) to taste

    Essential tools needed:

    • Blender
    • Serving glasses / bowls
    • Spoon
    • Knife

    Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Ice Cappucino Cincau yang Enak dan Segar

      How to make a cappuccino grass jelly:

    1. First of all, boil water with grass jelly nutrijel flavor, then remove and let it to become jelly and cold.
    2. After it become jelly, cut jelly into squares / cubes shaped. Or may also suit your taste.
    3. After that prepare blender. Then pour the sugar into it water, cappuccino powder, cold water (ice), and shaved ice. Then blender it until all the material was smooth and evenly mixed.
    4. Next. Prepare serving glasses / bowls. First fill with jelly, then pour cappuccino and iced cappuccino into the grass.
    5. Finally Cappuccino cincau jelly is ready to be served.


    Apakah rekan-rekan SBI semua sudah paham cara membuat Prosedural Text sendiri tentang cara membuat sesuatu yang rekan-rekan suka?

    Jangan lupa, Belajar Bahasa Inggris butuh praktek agar kita benar-benar dapat menggunakan bahasa inggris untuk berkomunikasi. Cobalah untuk membuat Prosedural text mengenai makanan kesukaanmu rekan-rekan SBI.
    Oke, semoga berhasil dengan Prosedural Text kamu ya, Jangan lupa dishare Prosedural Text buatannya ya.
    Terus Belajar Bahasa Inggris dan tetap semangat.