Tag: contoh kalimat menggunakan could

  • Pengertian Could dan Contoh kalimat Bahasa Inggrisnya dalam Berbagai Bentuk Lengkap

    Pengertian Could dan Contoh kalimat Bahasa Inggrisnya dalam Berbagai Bentuk Lengkap

     www.sekolahbahasainggris.com –nah sekarang rekan SBI sudah tahu apa itu “can.”Yuk kita lanjut lagi dengan saudara dari “can” yaitu “could.”

    “Could” digunakan untuk menyatakan kemungkinan atau kemampuan masa lalu serta membuat saran dan permintaan. “Could” juga biasa digunakan dalam kalimat kondisional sebagai bentuk kondisional dari “can.”


    • Heavy rain could cause Ciliwung river to flood Jakarta. kemungkinan
    • Nandy could swim like a pro by the age of 9. kemampuan masa lalu
    • We could see a movie or go out to party. saran
    • Could I use your phone to contact my boss? permintaan
    • She could go to New Jersey if she didn’t have to go to the hospital. bersyarat

    Pengertian Could dan Contoh kalimat Bahasa Inggrisnya dalam Berbagai Bentuk Lengkap

    Menggunakan “Could” dalam bentuk Present, bentuk Past, dan bentuk Future

    Kebanyakan modal verbs berperilaku tidak teratur di masa lalu dan masa depan. Pelajari tabel di bawah ini untuk belajar bagaimana “could” berperilaku dalam konteks yang berbeda.

    1 = Present   2 = Past   3 = Future

    Modal Bentuk Positif Bentuk Negatif Juga dapat menggunakan


    1. Jim could be the one who took the ring.

    2. Jim could have been the one who took the ring.

    3. Jim could go to jail for taking the ring.

    1. Mariam couldn’t be the one who took the ring.

    2. Mariam couldn’t have been the one who took the ring.

    3. Mariam couldn’t possibly go to jail for this.


    might, may


    of can

    1. If Tommy had more time, he could travel around the world.

    2. If Tommy had had more time, he could have traveled around the world.

    3. If Tommy had more time this winter, he could travel around the world.

    1. Even if Tommy had more time, he couldn’t travel around the world.

    2. Even if Tommy had had more time, he couldn’t have traveled around the world.

    3. Even if Tommy had more time this winter, he couldn’t travel around the world.





    2. They could have spent their vacation in Bali.

    3. They could spend their vacation in bali.



    past ability

    Edward could run ten miles in his twenties.

    Edward could speak Javanese when he was a kid.

    Could tidak dapat digunakan dalam kalimat positif dimana kita menjelaskan kemampuan pada saat tertentu.

    Yesterday, Edward could lift the stone by hisself. Not Correct


    Edward couldn’t run more than a mile in his twenties.

    Edward couldn’t speak Balinese.

    Could dapat digunakan dalam kalimat negatif dimana kita menjelaskan kemampuan pada saat tertentu.

    Yesterday, Edward couldn’t lift the stone by myself. Correct

    be able to

    polite request

    Could I have someone to talk?

    Could I borrow your laptop?

    Requests usually refer to the near future.

    Couldn’t she come with me?

    Couldn’t she help us for just a moment?

    Requests usually refer to the near future.

    may, might, can.


    INGAT: “Could not” vs. “Might not”

    “Could not” menunjukkan bahwa tidak mungkin sesuatu terjadi. “Might not” menggambarkan kemungkinan bahwa kita tidak tahu jika sesuatu terjadi.


    • Jane might not have the paper. Mungkin Jane tidak memiliki kertasnya.
    • Jane could not have the paper. Tidak mungkin jane memiliki kertasnya.


    Semoga ilmu yang kita pelajari hari ini dapat bermanfaat rekan SBI semua. Tetap belajar bahasa inggris.