33 Contoh Surat Lamaran Pekerjaan dalam Bahasa Inggris
www.sekolahbahasainggris.com- Surat lamaran kerja amatlah penting untuk dibuat seperfect mungkin, mengapa? Karena para HRD yang ada di perusahaan akan menyeleksi para pelamar sesuai surat lamaran kerja dan CV yang mereka buat. Menaraik kah? Qualifieed kah kita?

Nah disini para pelamara dituntut untuk kreatif untuk menarik hati para HRD yang ada diperusahaan dengan surat lamaran kerja yang professional. Oleh kartena itu, jika kalian emang sedang kebingungan dalam membuat surat lamaran kerja apalagi berbahasa Inggris, kalian bisa lihat disini.
Semoga referensi surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris ini berguna ya sahabat sebagai referensi kalian:
Bandar Lampung, January 24, 2015
Dandelion Ltd,
Human Resources Department
Jalan Z.A Pagar Alam No. 91 Labuhan Ratu
Bandar Lampung
Dear Sir,
I am so happy to express that I interested to applying the position of Manger Of Marketing as posted on the Wamay Newspaper on January 15th, 2015.
I had completed a Diplom degree at STEKOMINDO Institute in 2014. A leadership, good time management, and confident are my capability to solve on the problem on working that I have. My academic skills like management on database, PHP, Oraqle, Java, and Website design been attributed with my interest scholarly in Management Informatics.
I had been on the Interantional Organization AIESEC as the staff of External Relations which has the role to manage all the relations between the AIESEC neither Company nor School in our project. Fund raising, Index of proposal spread and collaboration had been on my periodical services that develop my professionalism and passion on Marketing.
In addition, I as the freshmen served a good experienced and marketing on project to enhance efficiency on working.
Please you can find my CV for further information and details freely and call my number +81524536721 or email me at [email protected] to have a meeting. I look forward for you!
Yours Faithfully,
Patrick Star
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