Tag: Bahaya Merokok

  • 8 Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Bahaya Merokok Dan Artinya Terbaru

    8 Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Bahaya Merokok Dan Artinya Terbaru

    Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Bahaya Merokok Dan Artinya Terbaru

    Teks 1

    Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

    Firstly, i would like to thank to God for having given health and blessing, so I am able to stand on this pulpit in order to convey an important message.

    Ladies and Gentlemen

    not only so secret anymore, and do not necessarily dupungkiri again when among some smokers actually know ataupu feel the effects of the dangers of smoking, but they seemed to turn a blind eye to a variety of reasons, even though, cigarette smoke has been scientifically provable result in at least 25 type of disease. It means, a variety of countries – accounting for developing countries – to tighten the provisions of cigarettes problems make protection of people’s health, but Indonesia it into a paradise for the tobacco industry.

    Ladies and Gentlemen ..

    although it has a lot of rules and regulations issued has many regulations and restrictions that have been imposed, for example, a ban on smoking in public places, but not the least well or much some smokers do not comply with the provisions already in force, by because of that, we as a good citizen and also can ignore health, let us achieve a healthy life without smoke starting from ourselves.

    ladies and Gentlemen.
    in the system which is indeed not at risk in the physical appearance of smokers is a problem in the blood circulation system, which in turn lead to heart disease. This is because the subject because in cigarette dala there are some chemicals that are in cigarettes. including, acrolein, is a colorless liquid, like aldehyde. This substance contains more or less alcohol content. means, acrolein is a liquid alcohol already taken. This fluid is very detrimental to health.

    ladies and Gentlemen

    due to the very limited time, I would like to thank the committee who has given me time to present this brief speech. hopefully tobacco-free on the day of the world, we can be loving ourselves and started on a healthy self.

    Hopefully this description will be useful. sorry if there is a sentence that is less willing.
    Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

    Terjemahan Dalam Bahasa indonesia:

    Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

    Pertama, saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Tuhan karena telah diberikan kesehatan dan berkah, jadi saya bisa berdiri di atas mimbar ini untuk menyampaikan pesan penting.

    Bapak Ibu

    tidak hanya begitu rahasia lagi, dan tidak harus dupungkiri lagi ketika di antara beberapa perokok benar-benar tahu ataupu merasakan efek dari bahaya merokok, tapi mereka tampaknya menutup mata untuk berbagai alasan, meskipun, asap rokok secara ilmiah telah Hasil dibuktikan dalam setidaknya 25 jenis penyakit. Artinya, berbagai negara – akuntansi untuk negara-negara berkembang – memperketat ketentuan masalah rokok membuat perlindungan kesehatan masyarakat, namun Indonesia menjadi surga bagi industri tembakau.

    Bapak Ibu ..

    meskipun memiliki banyak aturan dan regulasi yang dikeluarkan memiliki banyak peraturan dan larangan yang telah diberlakukan, misalnya, larangan merokok di tempat umum, namun tidak sedikit juga atau jauh beberapa perokok tidak memenuhi ketentuan yang sudah berlaku, oleh karena itu, kita sebagai warga negara yang baik dan juga dapat mengabaikan kesehatan, mari kita mencapai hidup sehat tanpa asap mulai dari diri kita sendiri.

    Bapak Ibu.
    dalam sistem yang memang tidak berisiko dalam penampilan fisik perokok adalah masalah dalam sistem sirkulasi darah, yang pada gilirannya menyebabkan penyakit jantung. Hal ini karena subjek karena di dala rokok ada beberapa bahan kimia yang ada di rokok. termasuk, akrolein, adalah cairan tak berwarna, seperti aldehyde. Zat ini mengandung kurang lebih kandungan alkohol. berarti, akrolein adalah alkohol cair sudah diambil. Cairan ini sangat mengganggu kesehatan.

    Bapak Ibu

    karena waktu yang sangat terbatas, saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada panitia yang telah memberi saya waktu untuk menyajikan pidato singkat ini. mudah-mudahan bebas tembakau pada hari dunia, kita bisa mencintai diri sendiri dan mulai pada diri yang sehat.

    Semoga penjelasan ini akan berguna. maaf jika ada kalimat yang kurang bersedia.
    Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

    pidato bahaya merokok dalam bahasa inggris

    Teks 2

    Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

    Good morning everyone …

    Dear judges, my esteemed teachers, seniors honored and beloved friends. We must thank god we, because thanks to God we could stand here until today. First of all, I would like to introduce myself. My name is ……., I sat at ………..,.
    My beloved teacher and friend,
    Today I will deliver a speech on smoking titled “Smoking is a bad habit in our lives”.
    My best friend,
    As we all know smoking is one part of the daily activities of the majority of Indonesian society. most smokers know the dangers of smoking but they never tried to quit smoking. Therefore, we as young people have to believe that smoking is a bad habit in life. Smoking is a bad habit because of three factors, among others:
    1. Contains toxic substances
    2. cause diseases such as cancer.
    3. expensive.

    Teachers honored and friends,
    The first factor is smoking is a bad habit is to contain toxic substances. we must not take up smoking, because it is not good for health. I’m sure you know there are many substances in cigarette smoke is dangerous. As an example of the substance, nicotine .. That is a very dangerous substance and can cause a variety of diseases. not only harmful to smokers, too dangerous for us if we are near the smoker. so if there are smokers around you. Tell him to shut him / cigarette for a moment with a decently good.
    My friend,

    Next, I will talk about the second factor. That is, smoking causes various diseases such as cancer, disorders of pregnancy, fetal disorders, etc. One of the factors of many Indonesian people who died of smoking. The majority are students! Many students who die from smoking and drugs. It was very disappointed.! one of the younger generation died in the wrong way. !

    smoking habit also produces behavioral effects that are bad for smokers. And so many negative effects of smoking.
    My beloved teacher and friend, Then, cigarettes are expensive. Do You Know? Price cigaratte is 7-10000 dollars or more than that for a single pack. Can you imagine a student or a smoker spend money to buy a pack of cigarettes every day and counted every week, every month and every year.? If one day to buy a pack of cigarettes is 8 thousands, so in a week he spent 56 thousand, in amonth he spent 240thousands and the years he spent 2.88 million. it is only for one pack a day. If 2, 3, or 4 packs a day? How many? So much money, to smoke. This led to the economic crisis and the family got a student can not use the allowance to school.

    Smoking is not positive activities for our younger generation. Guys.Mulai So now, let’s say “Go Learn to Quit Smoking!”. And be the best for our country’s students and schools. I think that’s all, thank you for your attention.
    Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

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