Tag: background of problem

  • 5 Cara Mudah Membuat Latar Belakang Skripsi Bahasa Inggris+Contoh Terbaik

    5 Cara Mudah Membuat Latar Belakang Skripsi Bahasa Inggris+Contoh Terbaik

    5 Cara Mudah Membuat Latar Belakang Skripsi Bahasa Inggris + Contoh Terbaik

    www.sekolahbahasainggris.com- Membuat latar belakang skripsi dalam bahasa Inggris bukanlah hal yang mudah untuk dilakukan. Mengapa? Karena tanpa teknik yang baik, hasil tulisan pun tidak kan jadi bagus.

    5 Cara Mudah Membuat Latar Belakang Skripsi Bahasa Inggris+Contoh Terbaik
    5 Cara Mudah Membuat Latar Belakang Skripsi Bahasa Inggris+Contoh Terbaik

    Nah jika sahabat SBi memang sedang kebingungan bagaiaman membuat latar belakang skripsi tersebut, bisa melihat step by step adan contoh terbaik dari skripsi berbahasa Inggris dibawah ini;

    Langkah-Langkah Mmembuat Latar Belakang Skripsi Bahasa Inggris:

    1. Tentukan Judul skirpsi

    Sahabat yang sudah menentukan judul skripsi yang sahabat ajukan pada dosen pembimbing adalah langkah baik dalam memulai menulis latar belakang skripsi. Karena bagaimana kita mau tahu latar belakang apa yang harus kita bahasa, jika judulnya saja belum ada.


    Misal Judul Skripsi : “How To Maximize Every Potent of Student In The Class In SMKN 2 Bandar Lampung By Making Weekly Outdoor Class”

    1. Cari Kata Kunci (Keywords) dari Judul Skripsi

    Jika sahabat melihat Judul diatas sahabat harus menentukan kata kunci nya apa sih? Nah hal ini sangat lah simple tapi tak mudah. Jika sahabat salah menentukan kata kunci maka pembahasan dalam latar belakang skripsi yang sahabat buat pun akan berantakkan.

    Misalnya sahabat: “How To Maximize Every Potent of Student In The Class In SMKN 2 Bandar Lampung By Making Weekly Outdoor Class

    Dari contoh Judul diatas ada kata kunci penting yang harus digari s bawahi:

    1. Maximize
    2. Student’s Potent
    3. Making
    4. Weekly outdoor class.

    Mengapa hanya 4 hal tersebut? Tahukah anda yang disebut kata kunci adalah kata yang mewakili apa yang menjadi pembahasan kita. Nah ke empat kata diatas sangat mewakili latar belakang pa yang akan kita buat.

    1. Elaborasi Definisi

    Dari kata kunci yang ada, shabat harus mengelaborasikan atau mengembangkan menjadi definisi-definisi yang sesuai dengan topic pembahasan.


    Maximize= How to increase the number of quantity of qualified students\

    Every Potent of Student= The potente that every student has

    Making=The mechanism on how to making the new things

    Weekly Outdoor Class= It is the class that is made in every week in outdoor place.

    1. Berikan Fakta yang sesuai

    Fakta yang sesuai dengan pembahasan sangatlah penting. Karena hal ini yang menunjang diadakannya penelitian tentang judul skripsi yang akan kita bahas.

    Contoh; Based on the study which held in…….. in 19…. The number of student which graduated from Vocational school is in low quality. The Proffesor of….. in University…..

    1. Mulailah menulis Latar Belakang Masalah

    Tahukah anda jika skripsi itu akan dilihat terlebih dulu dari Latar belakang masalah nya terlebih dahulu, lalu barulah ke bagian isi yang sahabat bahas. Jadi latar belakang masalah amatlah penting untuk diperhatikan.

    Nah ketika sahabat sudah melakukan langkah-langkah diatas maka shabat sudah mendapatkan point-point penting saat menulis latar belakang masalah dari skripsi sahabat. Antar paragraph harus ada korelasi yakni paragraph selanjutnya membahasa kalimat terakhir di paragraph sebelumnya. Dan di paragraph terakhir buatlah kesimpulan latar belakang sahabat

    Contoh Latar Belakang Skripsi /Background Skripsi Bahasa Inggris:

    Nowdays the number of qualified student in Indonesia especially who graduated from vocational high school runs lower and lower. The study in 2001 in university of California, The students who graduated from the vocational high school is still unqualified in order to submit their akill in the company in all United States.

    Neither the company in the United State, nor the company in Indonesia. They more believe that a vocational high school still not accepted yet to be employed. This is because of the quality of the Student in their majos still low.

    The reason behind this case is that the student can not explore their potents they have to increase the skill they have in the school. In addition, If the potent has not been explored they will work in a nothing creativity.

    The background why I am writer in this paper want to take the title of my paper “How To Maximize Every Potent of Student In The Class In SMKN 2 Bandar Lampung By Making Weekly Outdoor Class” because by this why, the number of quality of studen’t potent will explored and reached in high grade (Qualified).

    Students in SMKN 2 Bandar Lampung will be the object of this research, and I will take same sample from each class, 5 person per class form 20 different classes. It means the student will be attending to my research is 100 students. They will be called from the random name in the class. So I will get the random sample.

    The program of weekly oudoor class will be taking 7 days or 1 week. So in every day, the students will get different training in the outdoor to explore their potent. The purpose of this research is making their potent maximize their skill from their major.

    For the example, student from automotive engineering with music skills will explore how to work in the company in especially in the big car dealers to enjoy in every particular part of the working.

    Students from Computer and Networking Engineering with language skills will be explored to increase their skills like communicate in Foreign language, so it will be the plus point that they will have after this training.

    By asking what potent they have and collaborate to their skill in their major, the quality of every studenta will be increased. And after they graduated from the school, the company will accepted their potent and skill.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

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