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  • 1000 Contoh +Cara Menulis Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang Ekonomi dan Bisnis

    1000 Contoh +Cara Menulis Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang Ekonomi dan Bisnis

    1000 Contoh +Cara Menulis Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang Ekonomi dan Bisnis

    www.sekolahbahasainggris.com- Pernakah sahabat SBI mengalami kesulitan dalam menulis artikel bahasa Inggris? Menulis artikel dalam bahasa Inggris tidaklah begitu sulit. Terlebih jika kita sudah mengetahui bagaimana tips-tips ajib seperti yang akan kami berikan dalam artikel ini.

    1000 Contoh +Cara Menulis Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang Ekonomi dan Bisnis
    1000 Contoh +Cara Menulis Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang Ekonomi dan Bisnis

    Tahap-tahapan nya pun ada. So, Perhatikan dengan seksama ya artikel dibawah ini:

    • Tentukan Tema

    Dalam menulis semua artikel bahasa Inggris, konsep dasar yang harus dilakukan pun sama. Tentukan tema. Dengan menentukan tema, maka kita sudah mendapatkan parameter apa saj yang akan kita tuangkan dalam artikel kita.

    Kebetulan, dalam artikel ini kita akan membuat tentang Ekonomi dan bisnis. Maka tema artikel yang akan dibuat tentang Ekonomi dan bisnis.

    • Tentukan Sub tema/ruang lingkup yang lebih kecil.


    Ekonomi-Tentang Para pengusaha di Jakarta

    • Isi

    Big rain and tornado came yesterday to Indonesian capital City, Jakarta. It hit several regions in East of Jakarta, Pulogadung as the biggest Industry region in Jakarta. It impact the food and beverage industry Pulogadung which makes several company lost of the benefits. For only the Jabodetabek area, the floods after the rain is predicted suppress the turnover to 40 percent.

    Adhi Lukman, The Chairman of the Food and Beverage Association of Indonesia (Gapmmi) said, a decrease of revenue is due to the heaviness of the product’s distribution from factory to all the market which blocked by the flooding. Thus, it spreads on the decline in consumption.

    In result, Adhi estimated the food and beverage companies in Jabodetabek lost about Rp 200 billion per day in this cases. And later “By seeing in the normal of economic situation, the income per day for this Jakarta reached Rp. 750 billion,” he said on Wednesday (11/25/2014).

    • Lalu Buatlah Judul Yang Menarik:

    The Foods And Beeverages Merchants in Jakarta: 200 Billion rupiahs lost by Flood

    The Foods and Beverages Merchants in Jakarta Lost Their Income Until Rp 200 billion


    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!


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    100 Contoh Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pendidikan Terbaik

    100 Contoh Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pendidikan Terbaik

    www.sekolahbahasainggris.com- Apakah sahabat memiliki keluhan dalam membuat tugas-tugas sekolah ataupun kuliah tentang artikel bahasa Inggris tentang Pendidikan, Nah kali ini admin SBI akan membahas tentang contoh Artikel Bahasa Inggris tentang Pendidikan.

    100 Contoh Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pendidikan Terbaik
    100 Contoh Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pendidikan Terbaik

    Yuk disimak contoh artikel pendidikan dibawah ini:


    Humans is the grows from time to time Come from the kingdom Animalia, In class Mammalia, and Family Hominida. Included in the order in Primates in Genus Homo, and in Homo Sapiens Species. This is the scientific classification of human. Homo sapiens is found in years before now, exactly in 1758.

    Modern human has a unique and greater part of body than primates or any human before recent years. We are the only extant members of the homonym clade. The only things that make human different from animals is brain and feeling.

    The human has an unique brain which can solve any problem the human faces. The scientist found that the evolutionary success that human’s brain grows bigger and bigger. So that is why our brain is larger than before. The others great news is we have prefrontal cortex, a particularly well-developed neocortex, and temporal lobes which is as the why human can has levels of abstract reasoning, problem solving, language, sociality, and culture.

    Human use any tools higher and better than any animals in the world. Other unique things of humans are they can adept on utilizing aome systems of symbolic communication. The communication can be language and art for the as well as they can have self-expression.

    Humans can also create a complex structure of sociality like groups such as family and also kinship networks. The interaction between human to human will form a values like social norms, rituals, and any activity they made. This phenomena has been running since the thousands or million years ago.

    Semoga Bermanfaat para pembaca SBI!!!

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    100 Contoh Artikel Essay Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kebudayaan Terbaik

    100 Contoh Artikel Essay Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kebudayaan Terbaik

    www.sekolahbahasainggris.com- Artikel ataupun essays bahasa Inggris tentang suatu kebudayaan memiliki kesamaan dengan yang lain. Biasanya berisi bagaimna sih keaadaan kebudayaan yang terjadi dis uatu daerah, apakah baik, atau buruk, dan bagaimanakah sikap kita terhadap masalah itu sebagai penulis.

    100 Contoh Artikel Essay Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kebudayaan Terbaik
    100 Contoh Artikel Essay Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kebudayaan Terbaik

    Kemampuan dalam berargumen sangatlah penting dalam hal ini, sehingga sahabat bisa memberikan baik kritikan akan suatu permasalahan hingga solusi apa sih yang sahabat berikan terhadap permasalahan itu.

    Nah jika sahabat masih bingung dalam membuat artikel atau esay bahasa inggris tentang kebudayaan, yuk disimak referensi dibawah ini:

    A Tressure Which Never Shown Off To The World Named Indonesian Culture

    Indonesia is a 1000 unity which is called by its various cultures. The nation which has motto as national motto “Unity in diversity” is a slogan that Indonesians want to foreign know about them. But so much reparation in fixing the problem which causes why “this treasure” never shown off to the world.

    Through this paper, I am as the author wants to show the problem behind this so we can have the solution for further in purpose to increase the quality of cultures that UNESCO wants and what are the criterias to making others countries love our culture.

    Indonesia is archipelago from Sabang to Merauke. We have 34 provinces with various local languages. It is about hundreds local languanges which be spoken in Indonesia with one national language called Indonesian. The roots of the Culture is Languages, Traditional clothes, traditional dance and Crafts.

    Traditional language which is be spoken in Indonesia is a unique things that we can understand more than only one languanges in one country, so if we keep all this and shown off to the world by many event and advertising, we will lost our pearl identity.

    Neither various language, nor its traditional clothes. We, in every region, has our different traditional clothes, from Aceh, Lampung, Jakarta, Jawa tengah, and other. We have an uniwue traditional clothes which reflect our tradition in the past.

    Traditional Dance and crafts are others forms of how culture in Indonesia still exist, but pale. This means we as Indonesian first must love and use those kind of tradition to show off to the world. So if we love our tradition, the foreigner will love too. Learn from Japan, Korea, and China which live along with the tradition and cultures but still modern.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

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