Contoh News Item Tentang Berita Kriminal Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap

Sahabat SBI pasti pernah menonton berita bukan? berita apa yang sering sahabat SBI tonton? apakah ekonomi, pemerintahan atau kriminal? apakah sahabat SBI juga pernah menonton berita dalam bentuk bahasa inggris? Ternyata jika kita menonton berita dalam bahasa inggris, akan berdampak baik pada kemampuan bahasa inggris kita juga loh sahabat SBI.
Nah, berikut ini admin akan coba memberi contoh kepada sahabat SBI mengenai bentuk News item text mengenai kriminal, lengkap. Seperti apa? yuk langsung aja kita simak 🙂
Jessica has long criminal record in Australia: Police
Murder suspect Jessica Kumala Wongso (left) poses with her friend Wayan Mirna Salihin in an undated photobooth photo. Former Jakarta Police chief Insp, Gen. Tito Karnavian revealed on Monday that based on reports from the Australian Federal Police, Jessica had a criminal record with 14 offences and previously underwent psychological treatment in Australia.(
Murder suspect Jessica Kumala Wongso has a long police record in Australia and underwent psychological treatment when she was studying Down Under, former Jakarta Police chief Tito Karnavian said on Monday
The Australian Federal Police (AFP) provided the Jakarta Police with relevant background information for Jessica, who has been named a suspect in the murder of Wayan Mirna Salihin, who died after drinking cyanide-tainted coffee, Tito said.
“We cannot yet make the information public, but it includes a criminal record and a suicide attempt,” he told journalists refusing to give more details as the Jakarta Police were bound by a Mutual Legal Agreement with the AFP in case coordination.
Police will receive the relevant documentation from Australia, which includes a criminal record detailing 14 offenses and her psychological treatment record.
Tito, who has been installed as head of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT), handed over the information to newly installed Jakarta Police chief Insp. Gen. Moechgiyarto.
The National Police chief Gen. Badrodin Haiti inaugurated Moechgiyarto, the former West Java Police chief, as Jakarta Police chief on Monday.
Police investigators submitted the updated dossier to the prosecutor’s office, following the first dossier being rejected by the office as it did not satisfy administrative requirements.
Jessica is the sole suspect in the murder case of her friend Mirna, who died after drinking a cyanide-tainted coffee at Olivier Café, Central Jakarta, in early January.
Semoga bermanfaat ya sahabat SBI sebagai referensi belajar 🙂
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