Tag: Analytical Exposition

  • Contoh Analytical Exposition : Maintaining Marital Relationship Beserta Artinya Terbaru

    Contoh Analytical Exposition : Maintaining Marital Relationship Beserta Artinya Terbaru

    Contoh Analytical Exposition : Maintaining Marital Relationship Beserta Artinya Terbaru – Sahabat-sabat SBI kali ini saya akan memberikan contoh Analytical Exposition dengan topik yang sangat menarik. Ini tentang bagaimana memelihara sebuah hubungan tetapi admin menyajikannya dalam bentuk text analytical exposition. Check this out!!!!!


    Maintaining Marital Relationship

    There is no a smooth way that can be found in spouse relationship in our society. There must be obstacles that always become potentially crucial disturbances. Moreover, if we just let those things appear without solving those problems, these will create an inharmonious relationship and even trigger a divorce. Therefore, in order to avoid a divorce itself, here are several factors that can maintain the spouse relationship.

    The first important thing that should be put on the priority is that we have to care about the small thing that is very sensitive. We have to convey our dislikeness in a good manner. We cannot directly criticize because it can be an embarrassing thing for our wife or husband. We have to concern about their feeling because even if it is only a trivia, it is very important to maintain and develop the relationship itself. Moreover, we have to understand each other. If we have several suggestions about our problems from our wife or husband, we have to maximize it properly. Understanding each other is very important in resulting a good spouse relationship.

    The second factor that should be prioritized and considered is about being patient. In this level of maintaining the relationship, when we have successfully solved problems about the misunderstanding in our relationship, we also have to consider about our ego. There is a state when both of us don’t want to defer each other. Sometimes, we only care about our ego without caring other people and even our wife or husband. Men are mostly egoistic because it is their nature. It cannot be separated from them because it is their identity and nature as men. So, we should be more patient to our spouse because maintaining our relationship is more important than defending our ego.

    The last but not least is that about motivating and reminding each other. It is very important to have correctors in our life and also motivators that always encourage and remind us about our life and love. We need an inspiration and a suggestion from other people in order to make us realize that everything is just like a coin which has two sides. It is the same with us who have to consider everything not only from our perspective but also people’s perspective. Thus, it is very important to have our wife or husband as our correctors and motivators in our life because it can be a factor that can maintain a good relationship itself.

    In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that those factors actually are very crucial because it is the cores of the good relationship itself. Hopefully, it would be very helpful for those who want to maintain their relationship. Don’t forget to motivate our wife or husband. Don’t be hesitated to ask your wife or husband to remind you if you commit mistakes and vice versa because it is very important to maintain our relationship.

    Contoh text analytical exposition

    Artinya :

    Memelihara Hubungan Suami-Istri

    Tidak hubungan yang lurus yang dapat ditemukan dalam hubungan pasangan dalam masyarakat sekitar kita. Pasti ada kendala yang selalu menjadi berpotensi menjadi gangguan penting. Apalagi jika kita hanya membiarkan hal-hal muncul tanpa memecahkan masalah tersebut, ini akan menciptakan hubungan yang tidak harmonis dan bahkan memicu perceraian. Oleh karena itu, untuk menghindari perceraian itu sendiri, berikut adalah beberapa faktor yang dapat mempertahankan hubungan pasangan.

    Hal penting pertama yang harus dijadikan prioritas adalah bahwa kita harus peduli tentang hal kecil yang sangat sensitif. Kita harus menyampaikan Ketidaksukaan kita dengan cara yang baik. Kita tidak bisa langsung mengkritik karena bisa menjadi hal yang memalukan bagi istri atau suami kita. Kita harus menjaga tentang perasaan mereka karena bahkan jika itu hanya hal sepele, itu sangat penting untuk menjaga dan mengembangkan hubungan itu sendiri. Selain itu, kita harus memahami satu sama lain. Jika kita memiliki beberapa saran tentang masalah kita dari istri atau suami kita, kita harus memaksimalkan dengan benar. Memahami satu sama lain sangat penting dalam menghasilkan hubungan pasangan yang baik.

    Faktor kedua yang harus diprioritaskan dan dipertimbangkan adalah tentang menjadi sabar. Dalam tingkat ini mempertahankan hubungan, ketika kita telah berhasil memecahkan masalah tentang kesalahpahaman dalam hubungan kita, kita juga harus mempertimbangkan tentang ego kita. Ada keadaan ketika kita berdua tidak ingin menunda satu sama lain. Kadang-kadang, kita hanya peduli tentang ego kita tanpa peduli orang lain dan bahkan istri atau suami kita. Pria kebanyakan egois karena sifat mereka. Hal ini tidak dapat dipisahkan dari mereka karena itu adalah identitas dan sifat mereka sebagai laki-laki. Jadi, kita harus lebih bersabar untuk pasangan kita, karena menjaga hubungan kita lebih penting daripada mempertahankan ego kita.

    Yang terakhir adalah bahwa saling memotivasi dan mengingatkan satu sama lain. Hal ini sangat penting untuk memiliki korektor dalam hidup kita dan juga motivator yang selalu mendorong dan mengingatkan kita tentang kehidupan dan cinta kita. Kita perlu menampung inspirasi dan saran dari orang lain untuk membuat kita menyadari bahwa segala sesuatu adalah seperti koin yang memiliki dua sisi. Hal ini sama dengan kita yang harus mempertimbangkan segala sesuatu tidak hanya dari sudut pandang kita, tetapi juga perspektif masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, sangat penting untuk memiliki istri atau suami kita sebagai korektor dan motivator kita dalam kehidupan kita karena dapat menjadi faktor yang dapat mempertahankan hubungan yang baik itu sendiri.

    Kesimpulannya, saya ingin menekankan bahwa faktor-faktor tersebut benar-benar sangat penting karena merupakan inti dari hubungan yang baik itu sendiri. Mudah-mudahan, itu akan sangat membantu bagi mereka yang ingin menjaga hubungan mereka. Jangan lupa untuk memotivasi istri atau suami kita. Jangan ragu-ragu untuk meminta istri atau suami untuk mengingatkan Anda jika Anda melakukan kesalahan dan sebaliknya karena sangat penting untuk menjaga hubungan kita.

  • 10 Contoh Analytical Exposition Beserta Penjelasan Terlengkap

    10 Contoh Analytical Exposition Beserta Penjelasan Terlengkap

    10 Contoh Analytical Exposition Beserta Penjelasan Terlengkap – adalah jenis teks yang bertujuan memngungkapkan sesuatu hal agar dianggap penting oleh pembaca dengan cara memberikan pendapat atau argument yang mendukung ide pokok atau topik. Text ini termasuk kedalam jenis Argumentation Text yang berisi tentang pemikiran  penulis tentang sebuah fenomena – fenomena yang terjadi di sekitar kita.

    Generic Structure (Struktur umum) Analytical Exposition
    1. Thesis (Paragraf pertama yang berisi ide pokok atau topik)
    2. Arguments( Paragraf selanjutnya yang berisi kalimat pendukung)
    3. Reiteration/Conclusion (Kesimpulan)

    Contoh text analytical exposition

    Contoh Text Analytical Exposition

    Untuk lebih memahami lagi, berikut ini adalah contoh teks Analytical Exposition

    Compromise in Our Live

    In daily live, every people faces many problem. To solve the problem, there are alot of ways that can be used, one of them is compromise. Compromise is one of the way people solve a problem by making a win-win solution to each side. Although not all the problems can be solved by compromise, but compromise can be choosen as the way to solve a problem sometimes such as in the traditional market between seller and buyer, between two or more people when they are working in a group and in traffic acccident. In many situation, compromise is necessary.

    In the traditional market, a lot of sellers and buyers meet to do trading process. In this place, the problem they have to solve is about how to get the deal about the price of some goods. Seller and buyer usually use compromise to solve the problem of the goods’ prices which the seller sells or the buyer wants to buy. In this case, compromise occur when buyer asks the price of goods.If the price is too high for the buyer, the buyer do not agree of the price and she or he will bargain for the lowest price they can get. If there is a deal between two sides, compromise has done. Both sides will get the advantages of the transaction they have done, but if there is no deal, the reverse happens. In the transaction above, both seller and buyer want the benefit from it. To get benefit from trading process, whether they are aware or not, they use compromise. After there is a deal between the two sides, both of the get advantages. Compromise makes both seler and buyer can solve the problem withuot one of them be disappointed.

    Compromise also necessary when we work in group and discussing a problem. A group consist of two or more people with different behaviour and emotional. They have their own way or idea to solve the problem. In this situation, compromise is needed to get the best way to solve the problem. Compromise happens when every part of te group give their idea about how to solve the problem they are discussing. After all the idea received, there is just one idea reputed as the best way. Sometimes we do not agree to the result of the dicussing, but we have to accept it. When we can accept the result of the discussing whether or not agree to the result, we also do compromise. Compromise in this situation can solve the problem in a group, the problem about the difference of idea. Sometimes we can not think about just ourselves, we also think about group, because we are the group’s part.

    In traffic accident situation compromise also can be the best way for us to solve our  problem. When people get accident in the road, sometimes they prefer to do compromise than bring the problem to the police office. Compromise in this situation is the best way to solve the problem. If they bring this problem to the police office, it will make the problem more complex than before. Compromise done when the victim and the suspecy of the accident get the deal about the way they solve the problem, such as by giving some money to the victim. Compromise make the problem between the victim and suspect are solved in peace. The victim of the accident got the money for recovery and for his or her car repair. The suspect can avoided by getting some more problem with the police. There we can see that compromise can used as the simplest way to a problem. Compromise makes both sides, the victim and the suspect of the accident csn solve the problem well.

    In conclusion, although not all the problems can be solved by using compromise, it is important for us to use it as the best and first way to solve the problem. The problem such as in the traditional market, work in gruop, and in the traffic can solve by using compromise. Compromise makes the problem solved in simple way and also give benefit to both sides. We should consider to use compromise as the way we solve our problem.