Reading Comprehension: Exercise Text 8
Sekolahbahasainggris– Soal reading ada berbagai bentuk, mulai dari short passage,long passage, dan juga fill the blank. Nah kali ini admin akan membagikan soal fill the blank. Yuk sahabat berlatih mengerjakan soal reading comprehension ini:

Complete the passageusing phrasal verbs. The words and phrases in brackets indicate the meaning of the verbs required:
Text 8
When war………….(1)(began) William Smith was……………….(2)(conscripted).He didn’t exactly…………(3) ? (accept with enthusiasm) the chance of being a soldier, but he hadn’t any choice in the matter. His mother, however,……………….(4)(anticipated with pleasure) seeing him in his uniform and his son would …………..(5)it like a duck to water, and…………..(6) very well.
They both………….(7) him…………at the station and waved handkerchiefs as the train pulled out. William ………..(8)his hat and waved that. Unfortunately a gust of wind blew it out of his hand and it fell on the platform. His mother ………..(9) it………………and called, “I will ………………(10) it…………” (post if to you/ forward it to you).
Don’t, shouted William, “I won’t need it.” But it was clear that his mother couldn’t ………..(11) what he was shouting so after a couple of attempts he………..(12)(ceased trying) and just waved.
He never really…………..(13) being a soldier. He learnt to …………..(14) his rifle and his uniform and to ……………..(15) (obey) orders, but it didn’t interest him very much and he was glad when peace was made and he was demobilized.
A week after return home Mr. White, a friend of his parents and the manager of the local grocery shop,………..(16) his house. “One of my assistants is leaving next week.” He said to William “How would you like to………………(17) his job?”
“I don’t know anything about the grocery trade.” Said William “Oh, you’d soon……. (18) it ……..?(learn it). It’s not difficult. Anyway,………….(19) it…………..(consider it) and…………..(20) it…………..(discuss it) with your parents and let me know soon . “Goodnight.”
William’s mother was pleased. “Don’t …………(21) it……………(refuse it), William”, she said. “It’s quite a good job to start with and should do you very well till something better……..(22) (appears). So William accepted and started work at once. At first he enjoyed it. He was a friendly, talkative man who………(23) well with the customers. He was allowed to bring his dog to the shop with him.” He’ll keep down the rats”, He said to Mr. White.
“There were rats a when I ……….(24) (assumed responsibility)”, said Mr. White, “but I soon got rid of them. Still, you can bring your dog.”
One da, however, Mr. White was moved to a bigger branch and new man, Mr. Green, was appointed. Unluckily he hada dog too, a bad-tempered animal which………(attacked) William’s dog. The customers……(26) (recoiled) from the fighting dogs and Williams leapt over the counter and separated them. Mr. Green told William that he must………….(27) bringing his dog to the shop.
Very soon Mr. green and Mr. William …………(28) (quarreled) over another matter. “You spend too much time talking to customers, Brown,” he said.
“But they like talking,” said William……..(28)
“Don’t …..(29) me…………(reply imprudently); from now on there is to be less talk and more work. You must………(30) (compensate) the time you’ve wasted.
“I was………….(31) (given too many commands) for five years in army,” said William angrily, “But I didn’t expect to have it civilian life, and I’m not going to ……….(32) (endure) it.”
“Smith sells as much as any of us,” said another assistant, trying to ………(33) (support) William.
“You ……….(34) of (remain outside) this,” said the manager.
William was angry enough about this but when he ,………(35)(discovered) that Mr. Green was advertising for a new assistant, he…………..(36) with rage (could not conceal his rage). “I’d like to……….(37) (destroy by explosives) the whole place,” he said to his mother.
His mother was horrified. “Couldn’t you and Mr. Green………(38) it ……………..(make peace)? She asked.
“No, Mother.” Said William, “he’s got this knife in me, and I may as well start………..(39) (seeking) another job.”
“Quite right, my boy,” said his father. “Always……….(40)(oppose) a bully. Anyway it’s time you …….(41) (considered the future) and began to think of a job with more prospects.”
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