Penjelasan Tentang Some and Any Beserta Contoh Kalimat
Penggunaan some and any
Some and any digunakan untuk sebuah kuantitas ( quantity ), jumlah dari sesuatu. Jumlah secara tepat suatu benda tidak penting jika disandingkan dengan some dan any.
Some and any dapat digunakan ketika:
- Jumlah secara tepat tidak diketahui.
- Jumlah secara tepat tidak penting dan relevan.
- Some and any dapat digunakan pada countable and uncountable nouns.
Simak Tabel Di Bawah ini:
Interrogative ( Kalimat Tanya ) | Affirmative | Negative |
Are there any bananas on the table? | Yes, there are some. | No, there are not any. |
Is there any apple juice? | Yes, there is some. | No, there is not any. |
Offering | Responding |
Would you like some tea? | Yes please I’d like some. |
Making a request | Responding |
Would you mind to lend me some money? | Of course here you are. |
some and many:
Gunakan lah “Some” dalam kalimat positif atau afirmatif. “Some” dapat digunakan countable and uncountable nouns.
I have some books .( friends is countable)
I have some sugar. (sugar is uncountable)
Penggunaan “Any” untuk countable and countable nouns dalam
- interrogative sentences ( Kalimat Tanya ).
Have you got anywater?
Have you got any pencils? - negative sentences ( Kalimat Tanya ).
She hasn not got anysugar
She has not got any friends in Metro.
Penggunaan “some” sebuah pertanyaan ketika menawarkan atau meminta sesuatu.
- Would you like sometea? (offer)
- Can I have somecheese, please? (request)
Something, anything, somewhere, anywhere, someone ,anyone:
Peraturan yang sama berlaku juga untuk “something” dan “anything”, “someone” dan “anyone”dan “somewhere” dan “anywhere.”
A: | Is there anyone at your house? |
B: | Yes there is someone Sir. |
A: | Is there anything in your bag? |
B: | Yes there is something. A money! |
A: | Did you go anywhere yesterday? |
B: | Yes I went somewhere. I went to my uncle’s house to borrow his money. |