Penjelasan Active Voice and Passive Voice Terbaru

Penjelasan Active Voice and Passive Voice Terbaru

Penjelasan Active Voice and Passive Voice Terbaru

Verb ( Kata Kerja ) dapat menjadi kalimat aktif maupun pasif dalam Bahasa Indonesia maupun Bahasa Inggris. Di dalam Active voice or kalimat aktif, hubungan antara subjek dan Verb lurus terus. Disini subject sebagai pelaku. Di dalam passive voice, subject dari kalimat bukan pelaku. Ini ditunjukkan dengan by+doew tidak ditunjukkan dalam kalimat. Passive Voice atau Kalimat Pasif digunakan dengan kegiatan yang menjadi focus. Tidak penting siapa yang melakukannya. Berikut ini adalah contoh Active and Passive Voice.

  • The table is broken. (It is not known who broke the table, or it is not imprtant to know who broke the table.)
  • The flight has been delayed. (The focus is on the flight being delayed. It is not important to know who delayed it.)

Penjelasan Active Voice dan Passive Voice

The passive voice is often used. (The focus is on the passive voice. It is not important to explain who the writer is.)Passive voice atau kalimat pasif harus dihindari ketika kalian ingin lebih jelas dalam menulis.Bagaimanapun, dalam beberapa kasus kalian memerlukan passive voice atau kalimat pasif untuk menekankan kegiatan bukan pelaku. Passive voice atau kalimat pasif juga terdengar lebih sopan dan terdengar tidak agresif

  • That company was built in 1991.
  • The lamp was invented about a hundred years ago.
  • I was told that Amy moved to a different city.
  • Your achievement is appreciated.
  • He was elected to city council.
  • It was rumored that the building would lay off a few people soon.
  • It is recomended that the process can be shortened.

Anda dapat dengan mudah menulis ulang kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif. Objek dalam kalimat aktif menjadi subjek dalam kalimat pasif . Kata kerja ini berubah menjadi “to be ” verb (kata kerja) + past participle . Subjek kalimat aktif berikut dengan atau dihilangkan juga bisa. Simak baik-baik contoh dibawah ini.

  • Amy wrote a letter to Dani. (Active Voice)
  • A letter was written to Dani by Amy. (Passive Voice)
  • The citizen built a new bridge. (Active Voice)
  • A new bridge was built by the citizen. (Passive Voice)
  • I suggest that you apply for this vacancy. (Active Voice)
  • It is recommended that you apply for this vacancy. (Passive Voice)