Penggunaan Would dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris dan Contoh Kalimatnya Lengkap

Penggunaan Would dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris dan Contoh Kalimatnya Lengkap –Setelah rekan SBI membaca tentang penggunaan kata Will, sekarang yuk kita teruskan ke penggunaan kata Would.

“Would” paling sering digunakan untuk membuat bentuk-bentuk kata kerja kondisional. “Would” juga berfungsi sebagai bentuk terakhir dari modal verbs  “will.” Selain itu, “would” dapat digunakan untuk menunjukkan pengulangan di masa lalu.


  • If Mendi were a doctor, she would be a dentist. Conditional
  • Jika Mendi seorang dokter, dia akan menjadi dokter gigi.
  • Everybody knew that Raharjo would be successful in his career. Bentuk lampau dari “akan”
  • Semua orang tahu bahwa Raharjo akan sukses dalam karirnya.
  • When we first met, we would always have dinners on this restaurant. Repetisi
  • Ketika kami pertama kali bertemu, kami selalu makan malam di restoran ini.

Penggunaan Would dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris dan Contoh Kalimatnya Lengkap

Using “Would” in Present, Past, and Future

  1. = Present   2. = Past   3. = Future
Modal Bentuk Positif Bentuk Negatif Dapat juga menggunakan
would conditional  1. If my father were president, he would cut the drug smuggling off.2. If my father had been president, he would have cut the drug smuggling off.3. If my father were elected president next period, he would cut the drug smuggling off.


1. If my father were president, he would not give drug smuggler forgiveness.2. If my father had been president, he would not give drug smuggler forgiveness.3. If my father were president, he would not give drug smuggler forgiveness.
would past of “will” Bambang said he would help me.Bambang told us he would be here by 10:00.  Bambang said he wouldn’t help me.Bambang told us he would not be here by 10:00.
would repetition in past When Bagas was in elementary, he would always go to the movie with his grandpa.When Bagas was young, he would always sleep at 9.00 PM. When Bagas was in elementary, he wouldn’t go to the movie by himself.When Bagas got older, he would never sleep at 9.00 PM. used to

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