www.sekolahbahasainggris.com –Hay rekan SBI semua. Yuk kita lanjut lagi diskusi kita tentang Modal Verbs.
Dalam artikel kali ini kita akan membahas tentang May, Might, dan Must. Langsung aja.
“May” paling sering digunakan untuk mengekspresikan kemungkinan. “May” juga dapat digunakan untuk memberikan atau meminta izin walaupun penggunaan “May” untuk jenis kalimat ini kurang umum.
- Frans may be at home, or perhaps at school. Frans mungkin di rumah, atau mungkin di sekolah. kemungkinan
- Benny, you may leave the room when you have finished your job. Benny, Kamu dapat meninggalkan ruangan ketika kamu menyelesaikan tugasmu. memberikan izin
- May I use your desk? Bolehkah aku menggunakan mejamu? meminta izin
Menggunakan “May” dalam kalimat bentuk Present, bentuk Past, dan bentuk Future
Kebanyakan modal verbs berperilaku tidak teratur dalam bentuk kalimat masa lalu(past) dan masa depan(future). Pelajari tabel di bawah ini untuk belajar bagaimana “may” berperilaku dalam konteks kalimat yang berbeda.
1 = Present 2 = Past 3 = Future
Modal Use | Positive Forms | Negative Forms | You can
also use: |
1. Lidia may be upset. Her mother can’t really tell if she is tired or annoyed.
2. Lidia may have been upset. Her mother couldn’t really tell if she was annoyed or tired. 3. Lidia may get upset if her mother don’t tell her the truth.
1. Lidia may not be upset. Perhaps she is annoyed.
2. Lidia may not have been upset. Perhaps she was annoyed. 3. Lidia may not get upset, even if her mother tell her the truth |
might |
give permission
1. Valentine may leave the table now that she is finished with her dinner.
2. SHIFT TO “BE ALLOWED TO” Valentine were allowed to leave the table after she finished her dinner. 3. Valentine may leave the table when she finish her dinner. |
1. Valentine may not leave the table. Valentine is not finished with her dinner yet.
2. SHIFT TO “BE ALLOWED TO” Valentine were not allowed to leave the table because Valentine hadn’t finished her dinner. 3. Valentine may not leave the table until she finished with her dinner.
can |
request permission
May I have your email address?
May I leave the room? Requests usually refer to the near future. |
Apa rekan SBI sudah paham tentang penggunaan “May”?
Kalau sudah paham, yuk kita lanjut ke penjelasan tentang Might dan Must. Check it out!!