
  • Materi Belajar Kalimat Pasif-Aktif Bahasa Inggris+Contoh Kalimat

    Materi Belajar Kalimat Pasif-Aktif Bahasa Inggris+Contoh Kalimat

    Materi Belajar Kalimat Pasif-Aktif Bahasa Inggris+Contoh Kalimat

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Apakah kalian kesulitan dalam merubah kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris? Jika iya, Yuk disimak materi pembelajaran bahasa Inggris berikut ini:

     Materi Belajar Kalimat Pasif-Aktif Bahasa Inggris+Contoh Kalimat
    Materi Belajar Kalimat Pasif-Aktif Bahasa Inggris+Contoh Kalimat

    Passive Sentences

    Use of Passive

    Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not known, however, who or what is performing the action. Sometimes a statement in passive is more polite than active voice

    Form of Passive

    Subject + to be + Past Participle (V3)

    Example: A letter was written.

    When rewriting active sentences in passive voice, note the following:

    • the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence
    • the finite form of the verb is changed (to be + past participle)
    • the subject of the active sentence becomes the object of the passive sentence (or is dropped)


    • Passive Sentences with Two Objects

    Rewriting an active sentence with two objects in passive voice means that one of the two objects becomes the subject, the other one remains an object. Which object to transform into a subject depends on what you want to put the focus on.

      Subject Verb Object 1 Object 2
    Active: Rita wrote a letter to me.
    Passive: A letter was written to me by Rita.
    Passive: I was written a letter by Rita.


    As you can see in the examples, adding by Rita does not sound very elegant. That’s why it is usually dropped.

    • Personal and Impersonal Passive

    Personal Passive simply means that the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence. So every verb that needs an object (transitive verb) can form a personal passive. Example: They build houses. – Houses are built.

    Verbs without an object (intransitive verb) normally cannot form a personal passive sentence (as there is no object that can become the subject of the passive sentence). If you want to use an intransitive verb in passive voice, you need an impersonal construction – therefore this passive is called Impersonal Passive. Example: he says – it is said

    Impersonal Passive is not as common in English as in some other languages (e.g. German, Latin). In English, Impersonal Passive is only possible with verbs of perception (e. g. say, think, know). Example: They say that women live longer than men. – It is said that women live longer than men.

    Although Impersonal Passive is possible here, Personal Passive is more common. Example: They say that women live longer than men. – Women are said to live longer than men.

    The subject of the subordinate clause (women) goes to the beginning of the sentence; the verb of perception is put into passive voice. The rest of the sentence is added using an infinitive construction with ‘to’ (certain auxiliary verbs and that are dropped).

    Sometimes the term Personal Passive is used in English lessons if the indirect object of an active sentence is to become the subject of the passive sentence.

    • Active Sentences and Passive Sentences

    When we use an active verb, we say what the subject does. When we use a passive verb so we say what happens to the subject.

    Form of all passive verbs : Be + Past participle

    The passive is be (is/was)+ past participle.

    BE can be in any of its forms : am ,is ,are ,was ,were ,has been ,have been ,will be , etc . The past participle follows BE. for regular verbs , the past participle ends in (ed ) example : mailed , helped ,corrected . Some past participle are irregular , example : sent , written , read .

    Example : a) Yudi sent the letter

    1. b) The letter was sent by Yudi

    This sentences A and B have the same meaning. The object of an active sentence becomes the subject of a passive sentence . And in a passive sentence (b) after the verb following “ by- phrase” .

    • Tense Forms Of  Passive Verbs

    Simple Present : Active : The news surprises me

                             Passive : I am surprised by the news .

    Simple Past     : Active : The news surprises me

                             Passive : I was surprised by the news.

    Present Perfect : Active : Yudi has mailed the letter

                             Passive : The letter has been mailed by Yudi.

    Future              : Active : Tika wiil mail the letter

                             Passive : The letter will be mailed by Tika

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    Dongeng Singkat:  Tiga Anak Babi  (Three Little Pigs) Dalam Bahasa Inggris

  • Dongeng Singkat:  Tiga Anak Babi  (Three Little Pigs) Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Dongeng Singkat: Tiga Anak Babi (Three Little Pigs) Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Dongeng Singkat:  Tiga Anak Babi  (Three Little Pigs) Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris-Kisah petualangan Tiga Anak Babi dan serigala yang mencoba memakannya mengajarkan kita untuk bersikap cerdas di dalam keadaan terdesak meskipun kita lemah. Penasaran dengan dongeng kisah Tiga Anak Babi dan Serigala dalam bahasa Inggris? Yuk dibaca kisahnya disini:

    Dongeng Singkat:  Tiga Anak Babi  (Three Little Pigs) Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    Dongeng Singkat: Tiga Anak Babi (Three Little Pigs) Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    “Three Little Pigs”

    (Tiga Anak Babi)

    Once upon a time, there were three little pigs who lived together with their parents. Mother was Looking to his three children until they grew up, asked her children to live independently and built their own homes. Mother said before they went “Be careful, sons, because there is wolves out there.”

    Throughout the summer, they explored the woods, played games and had fun. No one is  don’t like three little pigs. They are easy to get along with anyone. Wherever they went, they were warmly welcomed. But when summer was almost finished, they realized that they needed a home to face the fall and winter. They finally discussed what they would do but the three pigs had a different opinion.

    The first little pig who believed that he would built a hut of hay.

    “It will only requires one day,” he said.

    But the two of his brother disagreed because the house was made of straw very fragile, but the first little pig did not listen.

    Not as the first little pig, the second pig found a plank of wood as a material to make his home. It would taken two days to make a house of wood, wooden home more robust than a house made of straw.

    But the third little pig did not like a house of wood. The third little pig argued that it took time, patience and hard work to build a house that was strong enough to stand out of the wind, rain, and snow, and most importantly, can protect from wolves. And finally the third little pig decided to make a house of bricks.

    One day had been changed, and the third little pig houses began to take form, brick by brick. From time to time, his brother visited him and laughed at him.

    “Why do you work so hard? Why do not you just come and play with us?” But the third little pig was refusing to say “no”.

    “I have to finish my home first. This house must be strong and sturdy. And then I’ll come and play!” The third little pig said.

    One time, when the first little pig back, there was wolf footprints discovered near his home. At once he went into his house made of straw for shelter. And indeed there was a wolf coming and wanting to eat.

    “Come out little pig!” cried wolf. “I want to talk to you!”

    “No! I will stay here!” The first little pig replied with a small voice.

    “I’ll make you out!” The wolf growled angrily. The wolf then inflating his chest and took a deep breath. Then he blew it with all his strength, precisely in the direction of the straw house. And pig belonging to the first straw that was thrown, falling scattered.

    Stunned by the cleverness, the wolf did not realize that the little pig had crept under the haystack, and ran into a wooden house belonging to his brother. Armpit he realized that the little pig had escaped, the wolf grew wild.

    “Come back!” he cried, trying to catch the pig when he ran into the wooden house. Another little pig welcomed to his brother with trembling and fear.

    “I hope this house will not collapse! Let’s hold the door so he would not be exploited them!” The second little pig trying to survive.

    It was true, when the wolf tried to destroy the wooden house, failed. But the wolf did not give up so easily. He then took a deep breath in and exhale more strongly.

    “Whooooo … !!!!!!” The wooden house collapsed like a deck of cards.

    Fortunately, the third little pig who had seen the incident from the window on the stone-brick home. He quickly opened the door to his brother who were escaping from the clutches of the evil wolf. Seeing the two pigs escaped and took refuge in the next house, the wolf ran to catch up.

    This time, the wolf was in doubt. This house feels more powerful and robust than in the two houses which he had destroyed. The wolf tried to blow it once, twice, three times and so on, but all in vain. The house does not move even an inch. Seeing the wolf helplessness, fear they slowly began to fade.

    Quite exhausted by his efforts, the wolf decided to try another way. He climbed the stairs nearby and intends entered the house through the chimney. However, a small pig to three already guessed wolves will enter through smoke pipe. Then he had a direct rushed to two brother told to light the fire in fire place to deter wolves entered.

    When the wolf in through the chimney of the house, she slowly felt something warm on his tail. But because it is very hungry, he remained down the chimney. The deeper he crashed down in the smoke pipe, its tail was very hot and the smell of charred flesh. Sure enough it turns tail on fire. With tail on fire, wolf climbing in and out of the smoke pipe and then ran into the woods.

    The third little pig was happy, dance around the yard, and began to sing. “Tra-la-la! Tra-la-la! Yey!” Wolves never back …!”

    Of that terrible day, the two of little pigs said sorry to the third little pig who worked hard to build new home. They set up two houses made of bricks like his brother. The occasional wolf back to explore their yard, but when he saw the three chimneys, he recalled an incident when his tail on fire. he was scared and eventually went away. And the three little pig was living safely, and happily forever. The End.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

     Baca Juga:

    10 Contoh Kumpulan Berbagai Pengumuman Dalam Bahasa Inggris

  • 3 Tips Cara Yang Benar Agar Hasil Terjemahan Google Tidak Rancu?

    3 Tips Cara Yang Benar Agar Hasil Terjemahan Google Tidak Rancu?

    3 Tips Cara Yang Benar Agar Hasil Terjemahan Google Tidak Rancu?

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Seringkali kita kebingungan dengan kalimat hasil terjemahan google translate! Hal ini karena teknologi canggih google belum bisa menyamai kehebatan terjemahan alami seorang manusia secara manual. Bersyukurlah kita jika bisa menerjemahkan suatu kalimat apalagi teks dari Indonesia-Inggris atau sebaliknya.

    3 Tips Cara Yang Benar Agar Hasil Terjemahan Google Tidak Rancu?
    3 Tips Cara Yang Benar Agar Hasil Terjemahan Google Tidak Rancu?
    • Lalu Bagaimana Jika Kita Tidak bisa Menerjemahkan Teks layaknya Translator?

    Sering terfikir oleh kita begitu bahagianya mereka sang translator hingga dapat menerjemahkan suatu teks dengan baik dan benar. “Andai saja bisa menerjemahkan teks dari Indonesia-Inggis dan sebalikny?” Tenang saja, jika hal ini yang kalian pikirkan, kalian juga bisa kok. Caranya?

    • Cara Menerjemahkan Tanpa Perlu Menjadi Translator Terlebih Dahulu?

    Sering kita enggan untuk menggunakan google translator dalam menerjemahkan suatu kalimat ataupun teks. Kita enggan bukan berarti kita tidak memanfaatkan teknologi canggih ini. Tetapi karena hingga saat ini teknologi translator dari google masih buth pengembangan. Tetapi ada caranya loh sobat agar terjemahan dari google translate (terjemahan) kalian sebaik terjemahan translator jika kalian mau coba. Penasaran dengan caranya? Yuk disimak artikel dibawah ini:

    #CARA 1:

    Siapkan teks Yang Ingin Kalian Terjemahkan, Misalnya Teks bahasa Indonesia yang ingin diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris:

    Di sebuah desa yang indah dengan suasana persawahan yang hijau terhampar luas selaras dengan kicauan burung-burung yang merdu menambah sejuknya udara di pagi hari.  Setiap yang melewati perkampungan ini maka akan mendapatkan kesan yang istimewa karena penduduk nya yang ramah dan bersahabat.  Ya itulah suasana desa yang jauh dari pusat kota , jauh dari suasana bising , tidak ada bangunan tinggi yang bisa menghalangi mata memandang indahnya hijau pegunungan.  Nama desa itu adalah Kotajawa.

    Di desa itulah hidup sepasang suami istri yang bahagia.  Mereka di pertemukan karena kesederhanaan nya masing-masing. Walaupun mereka berbeda suku tapi hidup mereka sangat rukun. Tidak pernah terjadi keributan antara mereka. Mereka hidup saling melengkapi penuh dengan cinta dan kasih sayang. Sang suami yang sangat mengerti akan kekurangan istrinya , tidak pernah cerewet , ketika marahpun hanya diam sesaat yang di lakukannya.

    #Cara 2:

    Terjemahkan Teks ter sebut Dengan Google Translate:

    In a lovely village atmosphere sprawling green rice fields aligned with the birds chirp tunable add the cool air in the morning. Each of which passes through this village will get a special impression because its residents are welcoming and friendly. Yes that’s the village atmosphere away from the city center, away from the noisy atmosphere, there are no high-rise buildings that could hinder the eye can see beautiful green mountains. The village name is Kotajawa.

    In that village lived a happy married couple. They arrange a meeting because of its simplicity in each. Although they are different tribes but their life is very harmonious. Never unrest among them. They live a full complement each other with love and affection. The husband who is very understanding of the shortcomings of his wife, never nag, when marahpun was silent for a moment that in doing it.

    #CARA 3:

    Setelah Teks Yang kalian terjemahkan kalian copy, sekarang tugas kalian adalah mengedik kata-kata dalam kalimat yang ada di teks kalian agar menjadi tidak rancu. Yang kalian butuhkan adalah:

    1.Maksud Kalimat kalimat dqari teks tersebut.

    2.Kamus, sehingga kata yang kurang tepat bisa kalian ganti.

    3.Pemilihan kata yang tepat.

    4.Latihan, ya… karena menerjemahkan teks membutuhkan sedikit latihan dan ketekunan.

    Misalnya Saja, admin sudah memberi contoh kata mana saja yang rancu dari teks diatas dengan tanda bercetak tebal(bold) dan bergaris bawah (underline). Lalu admin edit menjadi teks seperti dibawah ini:

    #Hasil Editing Terjemahan Kita:

    In a beautiful village, whose has green atmosphere, is sprawling green rice fields with the birds chirp tunable adding the fresh air while in the morning time. Every visitor, who passes through this village will be getting special impression because people are welcoming and friendly there. That is the village’s atmosphere which is away from the city center, away from the noisy atmosphere, and there are no high buildings that could hinder the eye to see beautiful green mountains. The name of the village is Kotajawa.

    In that village lived a happy married couple. They met because of  their simplicity. Although they are different tribes but their life is very harmonious. Never get mad each other. They live with a full complement each other with love and affection. Husband is a person who understands more of the shortcomings of his wife, never nag, even when gets angry  just keeping silent for a moment.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

     Baca Juga:

    Cerita Rakyat Nusantara: “Telaga Pasir” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

  • Cerita Rakyat Nusantara: “Telaga Pasir” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Cerita Rakyat Nusantara: “Telaga Pasir” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Cerita Rakyat Nusantara: “Telaga Pasir” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Begitu banyak cerita rakyat yang ada di Nusantara yang begitu terkenal. Begitu juga dengan cerita rakyat tentang “Telaga Pasir”. Penasaran dengan kisah “Telaga Pasir” dalam bahasa Inggris? Yuk baca disini:

    Cerita Rakyat Nusantara: “Telaga Pasir” Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    Cerita Rakyat Nusantara: “Telaga Pasir” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    “Telaga Pasir”

    Once upon a time, there lived a married couple of farmer named Ki and Nyai Pasir. They lived alone because they did not have children. They lived happily even simpler.

    One day, Ki Pasir sit unwind after digging in the fields. He leaned against a large of tree on the outskirts of the rice fields. Suddenly his hand touched something round and slippery in his side. He saw an egg turned unusual. The eggs were larger than a goose egg.

    “What kind of Eggs is this?” He said to himself. “Ah, may be Nyai wants. “

    He  brought egg home. Ki Pasir could not even remember to finish hoeing fields. He wanted to give it to his wife’s egg.

    Arriving home, he called his wife, “Nyai. Look what I have. “

    Nyai also amazed to see the strange egg.

    “Where you found it, Ki? What egg? “She asked.

    “It is……..,” replied Ki Sand, “Do not ask me, I also do not know what it is.”

    “Better get you cook it. I’m hungry. “

    Nyai Pasir cooked the eggs and served it on the dinner table. He divided the eggs into two and they also ate it with rice. The eggs were delicious once, more savory than chicken eggs.

    Sometime, after eating, they both took rest and sleep. Around midnight Nyai Pasir woke up feeling the heat of his body and his skin itch. She saw her husband was not there at her side, so she wanted to look for help.

    When she could not find her husband in the house, she went to the home page. She saw Ki Pasir was rolling on the ground. Apparently her husband also felt the heat and itching due to the large egg eating.

    Nyai approached her husband wanted to help. But her arrival was late, she arrived beside Ki Pasir would hold a burning sensation and itching all over his body. She also threw herself on the ground and rolled around like Ki Pasir.

    They kept rolling on the ground to form a hole widening and in. Then from the hole in the ground out of the water to form a lake. Ki Pasir and NyaI drowned in the lake, but instead appeared a pair of big scary dragon. People often see couples dragon around the lake which was then known as Telaga Pasir. Telaga Pasir is now known as Sarangan lake, a tourist spot located on the slopes Lawu, Magetan East Java.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

     Baca Juga:

    88 Contoh Surat Balasan Permintaan Barang Yang Baik Dalam Bahasa Inggris+Artinya

  • Cerita Rakyat Singkat: “Kancil Dan Pak Tani” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Cerita Rakyat Singkat: “Kancil Dan Pak Tani” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Cerita Rakyat Singkat: “Kancil Dan Pak Tani” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris-Apakah sahabat SBI pernah mendengar lagu “Si kancil anak nakal… Suka curi-curi mentimun…..”. Nah ternyata lagu itu memang berdasarkan cerita rakyat yang beredar loh!!Penasaran dengan kisah kancil dan pak tani dalam bahasa Inggris? Yuk disimak:


    Cerita Rakyat Singkat: “Kancil Dan Pak Tani” Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    Cerita Rakyat Singkat: “Kancil Dan Pak Tani” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    “Kancil Dan Pak Tani”

    Along time ago, a deer was living on the edge of the forest. The deer liked to eat fruits, roots and branches. But deer prefered vegetables at farmer’s field pack.

    On one day the deer went into farmers’ fields pack. He saw cucumbers that are ready to be picked. He immediately took one and eat it. Deer then run to take a longer, but her feet hit the snare. Deer struggled and tugged the noose but not managed to escape.

    Then deer saw a pack of farmers approaching. Deer lay down on the ground and confess him as if dead.

    The farmer tried touching the body of the deer with his legs. Deer did not move. The farmer was releasing the snare of foot deer and deer body threw out the fields. As soon as deer hit the ground, deer jump and run.

    Behind the deer heard pack farmer shouted, “Hey you……naughty, you tricked me!”

    A few days later the deer came back to go to the fields. Deer wants to eat a cucumber again. He saw a pack of farmer standing in the corner of the field. When he noticed it was not the pack farmer but a scarecrow.

    “Just a doll!” Said the deer. “The farmer stupid, he thinks I’m afraid of this doll? I’ll show you how scared I was! ” added deer.

    Deer came scarecrow it and hit it hard. But his stick on the scarecrow. The farmer had the doll smeared with sticky rubber latex.

    “Let go of me!” Said the Deer. He thrashed. Then he pushed the doll with his other hand. Hand was also attached to the scarecrow.

    Deer continued to struggle, and finally did he push the doll with his legs. His feet are also attached. He was trapped.

    Then he saw a pack of peasants, he tried to find a way to be able to escape, but failed.

    “You come again,” said the farmer pack.

    He let go of the mouse deer scarecrow and take it home. The farmer was confining Deer in an empty chicken coop in your backyard.

    “You wait here wrote,” Mr. farmer, “Tomorrow you will be our dinner.”

    Deer can not sleep. He searched sense to escape, but no one any idea popped into his head. At sunrise, the deer lay despair.

    “Well, well, the deer. You caught at last!”

    It was the sound of a pet dog pack farmer.

    “What do you mean? The farmer did not catch me. “

    “Then why are you in the chicken coop?”

    “Because there are no vacant rooms in the house. You know, farmer having a party tomorrow. I will be the guest of honor. “

    “You, the guest of honor?” Said the dog. “I have many years of service to him and you’re just a thief. I’m the one who is supposed to be a guest of honor! “

    “That’s true,” said the deer. “Then, you just replace me here. If the farmer pack to see you here, you’re the one who will be the guest of honor. “

    “You do not mind?” Asked the dog.

    “Of course not.”

    The dogs like to thank many times the deer.

    Then the dog was raised chicken coop and let the deer out, then dog took himself went into it.

    Deer ran to the edge of the forest. He observed the farmer pack house. He saw a pack of farmers approached the chicken coop and then he heard a pack of farmer said. “You stupid dog. You escaped the deer.”

    The End.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Further Reading:

    Penjelasan Hortatory Exposition Text Beserta Contoh

  • Dongeng Singkat: “Jack and the Beanstalk” Dalam Bahasa inggris

    Dongeng Singkat: “Jack and the Beanstalk” Dalam Bahasa inggris

    Dongeng Singkat: “Jack and the Beanstalk” Dalam Bahasa inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Kisah jack yang menginspirasi kita bahwa lebih baik kita bekerja keras dari pada harus mencuri sangatlah bagus sekali. Penasaran seperti apa kisahnya? Selamat membaca:

    Dongeng Singkat: “Jack and the Beanstalk” Dalam Bahasa inggris
    Dongeng Singkat: “Jack and the Beanstalk” Dalam Bahasa inggris

    “Jack and the Beanstalk”

    In the past, there ware a mother and a young child who lived in a village. The young boy named Jack. Their lives were poor. Their property that there was only one cow, which over time has been reduced milk production. Realizing this, the mother was planning to sell their cattle, then the money would be used to buy grain. The plan, the wheat would be planted in a field near their home.

    The next day, Jack brought his cattle to market. On the way to the market, Jack met a grandfather. Grandfather admonished him, “Hi Jack, would you swap your herds with these magic beans?”. “What, swap pea with my cow?” Said Jack surprised. “Do not insult! This is the magic beans. If you plant it and let it overnight, then the next morning this bean will grow up to the sky,” said the old man explained. “Ok, I will see,” replied Jack.

    At home, Mother’s Jack was shocked and angry. “How stupid you are! How could we live only with a grain of beans? “I was so angry,” the mother throws the beans out the window. But what happened the next day? Apparently there was a giant tree that grew to reach the sky. “Well, it is true what the old man, he muttered”. Then carefully he immediately climbed the giant tree. “Oh, why I can’t see well into the end of the tree, ?” Said Jack in his mind.

    Not long ago, Jack looked down. He saw the houses to be very small. Jack finally get to the cloud. There he could see a strange giant palace. “I’m thirsty and hungry, perhaps in the palace I found the food,” he muttered. Arriving at the palace door, he knocked loudly. “Kriek …” great door was opened. When he looked up, there is a great woman. “What is it, son?”, She said. “Good morning, I was thirsty and hungry, may I ask for a little food?” Well, you’re very polite boy. Come on! Eating! “Said the woman friendly.

    While eating, suddenly heard loud footsteps, Duk Duk! It turned out that the woman’s husband who came. He was a giant man-eaters. Quickly she said to Jack. “Son, quickly hide! My husband is coming. “” Huaaa …. I am home. Quickly prepare a meal! “Cried the giant. Jack held his breath in the furnace. The giant suddenly smell human. Then he peered into the furnace. Quickly she said, “It stinks that we burn yesterday’s man. Come relax. This food is ready. “

    After eating, giant issued a purse containing gold coins stolen, while drinking. Then he started counting Soon he was drunk and fell asleep. Seeing this, he immediately came out of hiding. Before leaving, he took the gold coins stolen the giant as he crept.

    He continued down the beanstalk and finally got home. “Mom … look at this gold. From now on we are so rich. “” You can not get this money easily. What are you doing? “Then Jack told the events of his mother. “How dare you are, Jack! What if a giant had come to take it back, “she said anxiously. Since getting gold coins, each day Jack just relax alone with stolen money. Not long ago, the money ran out loot. Jack back to climbed the tree, to go to the palace. “You come again. What is it? “Said the giant’s wife. “Good afternoon ma’am. Since I have not eaten from the morning, my stomach was so hungry.” A good mother was silent, but he still gave Jack lunch. Suddenly …. Duk Duk Duk! Sound of footsteps of giants. As before, Jack retreated furnace.

    Upon entry into the house, the giant eating greedily. After that he put his cock loot on the table and said, “Chicken, give your golden eggs.” Then the cock crowed, “kukuruyuuk ….,” The cock gave a golden egg. Giant satisfied, he drank sake until he finally fell asleep. “The golden egg? Well great! ” Thought Jack. Secretly he caught the chicken and quickly ran back to the house.

    By laying cock gold, Jack returned to back alone. “Than you steal it, had better to work in the fields”, said Mother. Because every day chicken eggs issued more than it should, chicken and even then die. He returned again to the giant palace.

    Again he was hiding in the furnace, when the giant male home while carrying a harp. While drinking sake, the giant said, “O harp, played a beautiful melody.” Even miracles happen, harp that plays itself a beautiful melody. The song was made the sleeping giant.

    Jack had the intent to steal the harp. He also extended his hand, but … “Sir, there is a thief …” suddenly shouted harp. The giant awoke. He soon chasing Jack the running while carrying a giant harp it. Giants continue to pursue, down the beanstalk.

    When they came down, he shouted to Mother. “Mom …. Bring me the axe from the shed! fast! fast! How shocked mother saw a giant figure who comes chasing Jack, he trembled with very afraid. Once down from the tree, Jack immediately cut down the nut tree with his axe.

    With a loud voice, tree nuts collapsed. The giant fell to the ground, and die. Mother was very relieved to see Jack survived. While crying she said: “Jack, do not do it anymore… you do creepy things like this. No matter how poor we work with earnest. With gratitude to God, surely we both shall live well.” ” I’m sorry Mom, from now on I am going to work in earnest, said Jack to his mother. “

    Since then, Jack worked diligently every day. Beside him, harp played beautiful melodies that add to the spirit of Jack. The story of the magic harp had spread throughout the country. One day, a beautiful daughter came to visit him. Unusually, the harp played a beautiful melody that made the princess enchanted. Then harp was singing: “If Princess and Jack were married, will be happy.” Hearing that song, the Princess flushed cheeks. Jack eventually married the beautiful princess with the help of his harp. Since then Jack became a king who loves to help people in distress.

    The End.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

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    Langkah – Langkah Belajar Translate Inggris Indonesia

  • Dongeng Singkat: The Pinocchio (Pinokio) Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Dongeng Singkat: The Pinocchio (Pinokio) Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Dongeng Singkat: The Pinocchio (Pinokio) Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris-Kita bisa belajar dari kisah Pinokio bahwa berbohong itu tidak baik. Penasaran seperti apa ceritanya dalam bahasa Inggris. Yuk disimak bacaan berikut di bawah ini. Selamat membaca:

    Dongeng Singkat: The Pinocchio (Pinokio) Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    Dongeng Singkat: The Pinocchio (Pinokio) Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Along time ago, in small city, there was a shop doll maker whose Grandfather named Geppetto. He made kid doll an said “How wonderful this sweet kid doll.”

    One day after the grandfather finally made the doll he whispered “If I had a boy it would be great”.  Thus, a miracle happened. “Good afternoon, Papa.” The doll turned to be like a human and was talking and start walking. In the first time he shocked what happened. But after that he felt very happy. The grandfather said, “Thanks God, from now you will be my son. I’ll give you the name. The best is Pinocchio. ” ” Because you are a smart kid, you will start to go to school tomorrow!”

    The next morning, Grandpa Geppetto sold clothes and with that money he bought Pinocchio an ABC book. “You can learn to from this book. This is good for you Pinocchio!” “Thank you, Papa. I will go to school, and work hard. ” “Be careful!”said grandfather.

    But when Pinocchio went to the school he did opposite, he went to other direction then saw the school’s voice, “Drum, dum, dum, dum.” He was curious about that and wanted to go inside. But he did not have enough money. Pinocchio then sold his ABC book, buy a ticket with the money and go inside. In the play tent, a doll girl would have besieged soldiers swords. “Look! All evil soldiers …

    “Pinocchio took the stage, and crashing puppet soldiers. Rope had broken doll and the doll fell. The Owner got angry immediately tried to caught Pinocchio and would throw him into the fire. “I am sorry. If I were burned, sorry old papa, “said Pinocchio. Pinocchio so scared. He said “I promised to papa to learning at school diligently. Please forgive me!” The owner felt so sad, then give him a few coins. “Just go and use this money to buy your lesson books.” said the owner of the play.

    Then Pinocchio went to buy the book. But on the way, Fox and Cat saw the situation. They were greeted with a friendly Pinocchio. “Good afternoon, good Pinocchio. If your gold was increased, surely your father would feel happy?! “

    How do I add this gold money? “Asked Pinocchio. “Easy…. You can put it under the magic tree. Then go to sleep, so when you wake up, the tree will bear fruit including much money.” Then Pinocchio escorted by Fox and the Cat, invested the money under the gold in a magical tree. When Pinocchio began to take a nap. Foxes and cats dig gold and hang it on the tree Pinocchio, then they fool him and just went.

    “Please … .. “cried Pinocchio when he woke up and discovered he was hanging on a tree. A goddess, who saw the state of Pinocchio, sent an eagle to help him. Eagle brought Pinocchio with his beak, and took him to the room where the Goddess had been waiting for. Goddess lull Pinocchio in bed and gave him medicine.

    Well, took this medicine then you would get better soon. After this he returned it to goddess and he said “Better to die than drink the bitter medicine.” Pinocchio continued to refuse. Finally Goddess became angry, “Plaque plaque!” He slapped. Then came four rabbits that carried the coffin. Pinocchio surprised at all, he quickly drank the bitter medicine. “Pinocchio, why do not you go school?” Asked the Goddess. “Hmm .. on the road, I sold my books to poor children who hunger and bought bread for him. Therefore I could not go to school …. “Suddenly” syuut “Pinocchio’s nose began to elongate. “Pinocchio!” If you lie, your nose will stretch up to the sky.” “I’m sorry. I will not lie anymore.” Pinocchio apologized. Goddess smiled, and ordered a woodpecker pecking at Pinocchio’s nose, restore it to its original shape. “Come back to the house, and learning to school!”

    On the way home, he met with the train. Pinocchio could not hold his desire to play but go up. Pinocchio had forgotten his promise to the Goddess, every day he just playing around anyway.

    There one day, Pinocchio surprised to see his face on the water surface. “Ah! So my ears donkey ears! I also entailed! “He shouted. It turned out that other children had become a donkey. Finally Pinocchio becomes a donkey and sold to the circus. Pinocchio had broken his promise to the Goddess, then he got the punishment.

    Each day he was whipped, and had to jump over a hot fire circle. Although fear, Pinocchio still jump. Eventually he fell that his leg was broken. The Owner circus became angry.  “Donkey, imbecile! You had better thrown into the sea.” Then Pinocchio was thrown into the sea.

    “Blup blup blup” Pinocchio sank to the bottom of the sea, the fish came to bite. Then the donkey skin apart, and from it emerged the Pinocchio. “Thank you for the fish.” Actually Goddess saw that Pinocchio has realized his mistake and ordered the fish to help him.

    While swimming, Pinocchio promises to myself “This time when I go home I will go to school and study hard. I will also help with housework and keeping papa.” At that moment “Hrrr …., A large shark came closer with the creepy voice. “Ohhh …. Please. “Pinocchio swallowed by the big sharks. “Hap” In the belly of a shark really dark. But in the distance visible beam of light. Turns out it was the grandfather Geppetto.

    “Papa! ” c” Pinocchio! “They both hugged each other. “I went to the sea to look for you, and I swallowed by this shark. But it turns out here I met you. Luckily we survived! “

    “Let’s get out of here! “” My body is weak. You’ll go. ” ” I do not want to if not with you Papa. “When the shark was sleeping, Pinocchio escape from the mouth of a shark with Geppetto grandfather carrying on his back.

    With all his strength he swam until finally arriving at the beach. They rented a cottage nearby farmers. While taking care of his grandfather, Pinocchio work every day. Finally grandfather became healthy again. “Pinocchio, because of you I get well soon like this. Thank you! “

    Papa, from now on I’ll be in again. “Suddenly around them into shining light,” Pinocchio, you have to be a good boy. “Goddess appears, and change the puppet Pinocchio became a real human child.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

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  • 100 Ungkapan dalam Bahasa Inggris Yang Sering Dipakai Didalam Kelas Beserta Artinya

    100 Ungkapan dalam Bahasa Inggris Yang Sering Dipakai Didalam Kelas Beserta Artinya

    100 Ungkapan dalam Bahasa Inggris Yang Sering Dipakai Didalam Kelas Beserta Artinya – Bagi para sahabat SBI yang sedang belajar untuk menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dalam kelas. Berikut ini adalah Ungkapan yang sering dipakai didalam kelas.

    100 Ungkapan Bahasa inggris yang sering dipakai dalam Kelas

    Expressions in The Classroom:

    Expression Meaning ( Arti )

    Good morning, students!

    Good afternoon, class!

    How’re you feeling today??

    How’re you today?

    How have you been?

    What a nice day

    What have we learnt so far?

    What we are learning today?….

    First of all, I’d like to talk about….

    Today’s topic is…

    What I want to do today is….


    Giving command

    Please sit down, everyone!

    Look at me!

    Sit down please!


    Pay attention to me!


    Open your book page…!

    Get out your books and pencil!

    Take a paper for quiz!

    Open your book!

    Enough, now..

    Raise your hand!

    Come in front!

    Listen to your friend!

    Now, let us come to page….

    Open page….

    Explain it by your own words



    Asking for Request

    Please repeat!

    What is the example?

    Speak up, loud your voice

    Please speak louder

    I don’t speak in bahasa

    Please wait

    Please help your friend

    Please hand out

    Please exchange your seat position

    Please clean the room first

    Please open/ close the door

    Please slow down/ hurry up

    Please turn on/off the lamp

    Please turn on/off the fan

    Please open/close the window

    Please move your seat out

    Please read it carefully

    Please read your answer number….

    Asking for Question

    Anyone knows?

    Any question?

    Do you understand?

    Now please submit your homework!

    Do you bring your book?

    Are you ready?

    have you finished?

    Pardon me!

    What is the answer for question number…?

    What do you think?

    What is this about?

    Can you guess?

    What happened?

    Can you help me?

    What do you think?

    Is this correct?

    Is it okay?

    What is our homework?

    Could you repeat that?

    What does it mean?



    Asking permission

    Can I sit here?

    Can I go to the bathroom?

    Can I start it?

    Can you help me, please?

    Can we do this?

    Can I borrow….?

    May I borrow your pencil?


    Giving Examples

    For example….

    Take….for example

    To be more specific

    Let me give you an example

    For instance

    Giving Conclusion

    In summary…

    To conclude…

    In conclusion…

    The conclusion we can draw from this are…

    What we have been talking about…

    Okay, we have discussed…

    So far, I’ve been trying to show you…

    Ending The Lesson

    There will be no homework for today

    For homework, please do the exercise on page…

    Today’s homework is…

    Tomorrow, we’ll study…

    That’s all for today…

    The lesson is over for today.

    Time is up.

    Good job today.

    Have a good day!

    Have a nice weekend!

    Have a nice holiday!

    See you on…

    See you next week…

    Good bye.


    Selamat pagi anak-anak !

    Selamat siang kelas !

    Apa kabar kalian hari ini?

    Apa kabar kalian hari ini?

    Apa kabar kalian hari ini?

    Hari yang sangat indah

    Hal apa saja yang sudah kita pelajari sejauh ini

    Apa yang kiita pelajari ini

    Ok, saya akan membicarakan tentang…

    Hari ini topiknya adalah…

    Yang ingin saya lakukan hari ini adalah…


    Memberi perintah

    Silahkan duduk semuanya!

    Perhatikan saya!

    Silahkan duduk semuanya!


    Perhatikan saya!


    Buka buku kalian!

    Keluarkan buku, dan pensil

    Siapakan kertas untuk ulangan!

    Bukalah buku kalian!

    Cukup. Sekarang…

    Angkat tangan kalian!

    Maju kedepan kelas!

    Dengarkan teman kalian!

    Sekarang, mari kita buka halaman!

    Buka halaman!

    Jelaskan dengan kata-kata kalian sendiri




    Tolong ulangi!

    Berikan contohnya!

    Silahkan berbicara, keraskan suara anda

    Tolong bicara dengan lebih keras!

    Aku tidak bicara dalam Bahasa Indonesia

    Harap Tunggu

    Tolong bantulah teman anda

    Tolong angkat tangan kalian

    Tolong tukar tempat duduk kalian

    Tolong bersihkan ruangan terlebish dahulu

    Tolong tutup atau buka pintunya

    Tolong lebih lambat / lebih cepat

    Tolong hidupkan/matikan lampu

    Tolong hidupkan/matikan kipas angin

    Tolong buka/atau tutup jendelanya

    Tolong pindahkan kursimu keluar

    Bacalah dengan teliti

    Bacalah jawaban nomor….



    Adakah yang tau?

    Ada pertanyaan?

    Apakah kalian mengerti?

    Sekarang kumpulkan PR kalian?

    Apakah kamu membawa buku kamu?

    Apakah kalian siap?

    Sudah selesaikah kalian?


    Apakah jawaban nomor… ?


    Apa yang kamu pikir

    Ini membicarakan tentang apa?

    Dapatkah kamu menjawab?

    Apa yang terjadi

    Bisakah kamu menolong saya

    Apa yang kamu pikirkan

    Apakah ini benar?

    APakah ini Ok?

    Apakah PR kita kemarin?

    Bisakah kamu mengulangi?

    Apakah maksudnya?




    Bolehkah saya duduk disini?

    Bolehkan saya pergi ke toilet?

    Bolehkah saya memulainya?

    Dapatkah kamu menolongku?

    Bisakah kita melakukan ini?

    Bisakah saya meminjam…..?

    Bolegkah saya memnjam pensil kamu?




    Sebagai contoh…..

    Ambilah… Sabagai contoh

    Untuk lebih jelasnya

    Biarkan saya memberi kamu contoh




    Kesimpulannya adalah…



    Kesimpulan yang bisa kita ambil adalah


    Apa yang telah kita bicarakan…

    Oke kita telah mendiskusikan…

    Sejauh ini, saya telah menunjukkan kepadamu



    Tidak ada PR untuk hari ini,

    Untuk PR, tolong kerjakan latihan pada halaman….

    PR untuk hari ini….

    Besok kita akan belajar tentang…

    Itu saja untuk hari ini…

    Pelajaran telah berakhir untuk hari ini

    Waktu habis

    Bagus sekali hari ini

    Semoga hari kalian meneyenangkan

    Semoga akhir pecan kalian menyenangkan

    Semoga liburan kalian menyenangkan

    Sampai jumpa lagi pada

    Sampai jumpa lagi minggu depan

    Sampai jumpa



  • 10 Teknik Mengajar Speaking Dalam Bahasa Inggris Yang Efektif

    10 Teknik Mengajar Speaking Dalam Bahasa Inggris Yang Efektif

    10 Teknik Mengajar Speaking Dalam Bahasa Inggris Yang Efektif – “Speaking” (berbicara) adalah “proses membangun dan berbagi makna melalui penggunaan simbol-simbol verbal dan non-verbal, dalam berbagai konteks (Chaney, 1998:13). “Speaking (Berbicara) adalah bagian penting dalam proses belajar dan mengajar bahasa asing sebagai bahasa kedua. Meskipun penting, selama bertahun-tahun, pengajaran “speaking” berbicara bukan menjadi hal yang penting dan guru bahasa Inggris terus mengajar ( speaking ) berbicara hanya sebagai pengulangan latihan atau menghafal dialog. Namun, dunia saat ini mensyaratkan bahwa tujuan pengajaran berbicara harus meningkatkan kemampuan komunikatif siswa, karena, hanya dengan cara itu, siswa dapat mengekspresikan diri mereka dan belajar bagaimana untuk mengikuti aturan-aturan sosial dan budaya yang tepat dalam setiap berkomunikasi. Dalam rangka untuk mengajar pembelajar bahasa kedua bagaimana berbicara dengan cara yang terbaik, beberapa aktivitas yang dapat meningkat kan Skill berbicara ada di bawah ini dan dapat diterapkan segera dikelas. Untuk itu para guru harus menciptakan lingkungan kelas di mana siswa memiliki komunikasi seperti kehidupan nyata, kegiatan otentik, dan tugas-tugas bermakna yang meningkatkan skill berbicara dalam Bahasa Inggris. Hal ini dapat terjadi ketika siswa berkolaborasi dalam kelompok untuk mencapai suatu indikator atau menyelesaikan sebuah tugas.
    Dibawah ini adalah Kegiatan Di Kelas Yang Bisa Meningkatkan “Speaking Skill”

    1. Diskusi
    Setelah pelajaran berbasis dengan content, diskusi dapat di terapkan untuk berbagai macam alasan. Para siswa dapat berdiskusi sampai pada sebuah kesimpulan, berbagi ide tentang suatu peristiwa, atau mencari solusi dalam kelompok diskusi mereka. Sebelum diskusi, sangat penting bahwa tujuan dari kegiatan diskusi diatur oleh guru. Dengan cara ini, titik diskusi yang relevan dengan tujuan ini, sehingga siswa tidak menghabiskan waktu mereka mengobrol satu sama lain tentang hal-hal yang tidak relevan. Sebagai contoh, siswa dapat terlibat dalam setuju / tidak setuju diskusi. Dalam jenis diskusi, guru dapat membentuk kelompok siswa, sebaiknya 4 atau 5 di masing-masing kelompok. Kemudian masing-masing kelompok bekerja pada topik masing-masing sesuai kelompok untuk jangka waktu tertentu, dan menyajikan hasil diskusi mereka di depan kelas

    2. “Role Play” (Bermain Peran)
    Salah satu cara lain untuk meningkatkan skill berbicara siswa adalah dengan bermain role-playing. Siswa berpura-pura bahwa mereka berada dalam berbagai konteks sosial dan memiliki berbagai peran sosial. Dalam kegiatan “Role-Play ( bermain peran ), Guru memberikan informasi kepada siswa atau peserta didik seperti siapa mereka dan apa yang mereka pikirkan atau rasakan. Dengan demikian, guru dapat memberitahu siswa bahwa “Anda adalah Ariel, Anda pergi ke dokter dan menceritakan apa yang terjadi semalam, dan …” (Harmer, 1984)

    3. Simulasi
    Simulasi yang sangat mirip dengan permainan peran, tapi apa yang membuat simulasi berbeda dari peran memainkan adalah bahwa mereka lebih rumit. Dalam simulasi, siswa dapat membawa barang-barang ke kelas untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang realistis. Misalnya, jika seorang siswa bertindak sebagai penyanyi, dia membawa mikrofon untuk bernyanyi dan sebagainya. Memainkan peran dan simulasi memiliki banyak keuntungan. Pertama, karena simulasi menghibur dan memotivasi siswa. Kedua, menurut Harmer (1984) menunjukkan, Simulasi meningkatkan kepercayaan diri siswa, karena dalam bermain peran dan simulasi kegiatan, mereka akan memiliki peran yang berbeda dan tidak perlu berbicara sendiri, yang berarti mereka tidak harus mengambil tanggung jawab yang sama.


    4. Informasi Gap
    Dalam kegiatan ini, siswa harus berpasangan. Seorang siswa akan memiliki informasi bahwa pasangan lain tidak memiliki dan mitra akan berbagi informasi mereka. Kegiatan kesenjangan informasi melayani berbagai tujuan seperti pemecahan masalah atau mengumpulkan informasi. Juga, masing-masing pasangan memainkan peran penting karena tugas tidak dapat diselesaikan jika mitra tidak memberikan informasi yang lain butuhkan. Kegiatan ini efektif karena setiap orang memiliki kesempatan untuk berbicara secara luas dalam Bahasa inggris.

    5. Brainstorming
    Pada suatu topik tertentu, siswa dapat menghasilkan ide-ide dalam waktu yang terbatas. Tergantung pada konteks, baik setiap pendapat individu atau kelompok “brainstorming” yang efektif dan peserta didik menghasilkan ide-ide dengan cepat dan bebas. Karakteristik yang baik dari brainstorming adalah bahwa siswa tidak dikritik karena ide-ide mereka sehingga siswa akan terbuka untuk berbagi ide-ide baru.

    6. Story Telling (Mendongeng)
    Siswa dapat secara singkat meringkas kisah atau cerita yang mereka dengar dari orang sebelumnya, atau mereka mungkin membuat cerita mereka sendiri untuk memberitahu teman-teman sekelas mereka. Story telling menumbuhkan pemikiran kreatif. Hal ini juga membantu siswa mengekspresikan ide-ide dalam bentuk awal, pengembangan, dan hasil akhir, termasuk karakter dan setting sebuah cerita harus dimiliki. Siswa juga dapat memberitahu teka-teki atau lelucon. Misalnya, pada awal setiap sesi kelas, guru dapat memanggil beberapa siswa untuk menceritakan teka-teki pendek atau lelucon sebagai pembuka. Dengan cara ini, guru tidak hanya akan meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa siswa, tetapi juga mendapatkan perhatian dari kelas.

    7. Interview (Wawancara)
    Siswa dapat melakukan wawancara pada topik yang dipilih dengan berbagai orang. Ini adalah ide yang baik bahwa guru memberikan rubrik kepada siswa sehingga mereka tahu apa jenis pertanyaan mereka dapat meminta atau apa jalan untuk mengikuti, tetapi siswa harus mempersiapkan pertanyaan wawancara mereka sendiri. Melakukan wawancara dengan orang-orang memberi siswa kesempatan untuk berlatih kemampuan berbicara mereka tidak hanya di kelas tetapi juga di luar dan membantu mereka menjadi lebih bersosialisasi.

    8. Story Completion
    Teknik ini sangat menyenangkan, seluruh kelas, bebas berbicara kegiatan yang mana siswa duduk membentuk lingkaran. Untuk kegiatan ini, guru mulai bercerita, tapi setelah beberapa kalimat dia berhenti bercerita. Kemudian, setiap siswa mulai melanjutkan dari titik di mana sebelumnya berhenti. Setiap siswa harus untuk menambah 4-10 kalimat. Siswa dapat menambahkan karakter baru, peristiwa, deskripsi dan sebagainya.

    9. Reporting
    Sebelum datang ke kelas, siswa diminta untuk membaca koran atau majalah dan di kelas, mereka melaporkan kepada teman-teman mereka apa yang mereka temukan sebagai berita yang paling menarik. Siswa juga dapat berbicara tentang apakah mereka telah mengalami apa pun yang layak untuk diberitahu teman-teman dalam kehidupan sehari-hari mereka di depan kelas.(ASR)