
  • Cerita Rakyat Singkat: “Kancil Dan Harimau” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Cerita Rakyat Singkat: “Kancil Dan Harimau” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Cerita Rakyat Singkat: “Kancil Dan Harimau” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris- Cerita rakyat yang berkisah tentang kancil ada berbagai macam. Ada yang berjudul “Kancil Dan Pak Tani”, ada yang berkisah “Kancil Dan harimau”. Nah kali ini admin akan membagikan cerita rakyat “Kancil Dan harimau” dalam bahasa Inggris. Selamat membaca:

    Cerita Rakyat Singkat: “Kancil Dan Harimau” Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    Cerita Rakyat Singkat: “Kancil Dan Harimau” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    On a day in the past, there was a deer met with tiger in the woods. Tiger said, “my cousin said to me that your meat is very tasty. Now I have a chance to taste it. “

    Deer turned to the right and left, he had to find a reason that tigers can not catch him. Then he saw a lump of mud under the tree.

    “Do not,” said the deer. “I’m keeping my king cake.”

    He shrugged toward the mud clumps.

    Tiger was very hungry, saw the mud clumps,

    “Cake king? It seemed very good. I wanted to try it. “

    “Do not. Later the king would be angry, “said the deer while facing tigers in front of the mud.

    “Just a little,” said the tiger.

    “You can not.”

     “Come on, the king would not know, I eat a little.”

    “Hmmm … Okay, but let me go first, I do not want to be blamed.”

     “Go.” Said Tiger.

    Deer did not waste the opportunity. He sped away.

    Tiger immediately swallowed king cake and took a bite.

    “Warrummmm!” Tiger mud spewing from his mouth.

    “It’s the mud?!” Said the tiger. “Deer you lied to me, if I see you again, I will not forgive you!”

    The next day, the deer back ran in the jungle and met the tiger.

    “Well. So I see you again deer meat. ” said tiger.

    Deer returned to find a way. He saw a beehive that is located not high from there.

    “You do not know, now I’m waiting on a drum king? If I leave my job, someone must hit it, and the king was furious.”

    “I don’t believe you, you’re liar. Where the drum king around here? “

    “Of course there is. That is over there! ” said deer pointing some place.

    Tiger saw a round object that was dependent on a low tree branch.

    “It’s also said the deer,” he said to himself. “Tambour belongs to the king, how the sound likes?”

    “Mouse Deer,” said the tiger, “I percussion hitting it huh?”

    “Do not, later king angry.”

    “Then you go first, I hit it. That way king does not get angry. ” said Tiger.

    “All Right. Remember, wait until I was a little far drums than you can hit it, huh? ” said deer.

    Deer was once again escape from danger. He immediately fled.

    Tigers wait a few moments later approached the bee hive. He hit hardest, hoping to hear the sound of melodious and loud drums. But the drums were shattered. From it emerged thousands of bees that stung him mercilessly.

    “Ngengg! Ngengg! Ngengg! “The bees continued to chase the tiger.

    “Ouch! Ouch! How dare you are deer, you tricked me again! “

    Tiger running but the bees were angry that keep pursuing and stung. Tiger finally jumping into the pool. Then the bees leaved. The whole body of the tiger was swelling due to bee stings.

    A few days later, the tiger saw deer was lying under a tree. Without waiting longer, he pounced on deer.

    Deer struggled, “Let me go! Because of you I scolded the King. He gave a last chance. If I failed again to run my job, finished my story. “

    “What kind of tasks? Do you think you can fool me again? This time I really wanted eat deer meat. ” said Tiger.

    “You do not see I’m keeping the belt the King?”

    “Belt? Where? “

    “See, under the tree.”

     Tiger approached the tree. True he saw a pretty big belt rolled up in there. Tiger approached the deer again.

    “Very good. I definitely fits wear it. I try it? “

    “Should not!” said deer.

    “Very soon, no one will ever know.”

    “Can’t I?.”

    “I’ll try to belt it and then put it back.”

    “Hmmm,” deer pretended to think hard.

    “Come On.” Said Tiger

    “You wanted to try the belt. I do not have the heart to refuse, “said the deer. “All right, but you have to be quick. Do not let anyone see you wear it “

    Tiger nodded vigorously. He immediately took the king’s belt and wrapped it around his waist. How shocked he saw that it was not a belt but a big snake! The snake was directly caught him and the longer the increasingly tight coils.

    Tigers struggled but could not escape. Her breathing began to feel claustrophobic. Finally he tried to bite the snake’s tail. Snakes in pain and relax the coils so that tigers can escape. Tiger had realized that Deer so smart.

    Deer had disappeared. The End.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

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    99 Contoh Teks Iklan Produk Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    99 Contoh Teks Iklan Produk Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbaahsainggris- Iklan begitu banyak jenisnya, termasuk dengan iklan suatu produk yang dapat berbentuk teks. Ada juga yang hanya berbentuk gambar, da nada juga yang merupakan kombinasi kedua-duanya.

    99 Contoh Teks Iklan Produk Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    99 Contoh Teks Iklan Produk Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Ketika kita melihat di suatu Koran pun begitu. Ada berbagai macam jenisnya. Penasaran dengan teks iklan suatu produk dalam bahasa Inggris? Yuk disimak contohnya disini:

    • Contoh Teks Iklan Perumahan

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    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

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  • Dongeng Singkat: “Harpa Ajaib” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Dongeng Singkat: “Harpa Ajaib” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Dongeng Singkat: “Harpa Ajaib” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Keajaiban harpa yang merupakan dongeng dari negeri Inggris ini sangatlah seru. Hikmah dari kisahnya pun dapat kita petik sehingga menjadi pelajaran di kemudian hari. Nah penasaran dengan kisahnya? Selamat membaca:

    Dongeng Singkat: "Harpa Ajaib” Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    Dongeng Singkat: “Harpa Ajaib” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    “Harpa Ajaib”

    Along time ago, there are the fairies are still often visited humans, they often went to the settlements residents in disguise. The goal was to determine the properties of the population. Those who behaved bad attitude when receiving the fairies, would get a disaster for the rest of their lives. Fortunately for those who behaved well, the fairies did not hesitate to award prizes to them.

    One night, Morgan Rhys, enjoyed solitude in front of the fireplace. He was enjoying a puff of smoke from his pipe with a cup of warm ginger water. The flow of warm water that breathed uplifting in him so unwittingly, he began to hum. It was not clear what song he sang, but his voice is beautiful made it so melodious humming. He was very careful in selecting the tone, because the slightest slip tone, then the song was no more meaningful than the sound of lowing cattle, so he thought.

    Morgan really enjoyed his songs. Unfortunately, no one was enjoying the song. Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

    “Well, apparently there are people who hear my song,” thought Morgan.

    Then he sang with more vigor.

    Back, came a knock at the door.

    “Hola! Come on! The door was not locked. Just come in, “said Morgan.

    The door opened, and in walked 3 wanderer who dressed shabby and messy. If you guess they were fairies in disguise, you were correct. They wanted to know how Morgan attitude when receiving guests who were not familiar.

    “Good night sir!” Said the fairy. “We were exhausted and starving. Can we ask for a little food to fill the pockets of our supplies. And after that we will go. “

    “Oh, of course! Of course! How about bread and cheese? Please take yourself as much as you want! “Said Morgan.

    While the travelers were eating and drinking with gusto, Morgan entertained them with sang to his guests feel comforted.

    The rover, fairy was very pleased with the treatment  by Morgan served to them. When the travellers would leave home, Morgan said: “Thank you. You are very kind! And because you are so good, we will give you a present. Mention one the most and we will fulfill of  your wish! “

    “Well actually, I wanted to have a harp. That is unlike any I pluck the strings, I will produce music that can make people happy and dancing. Although as you can see, there is no soul musician slightest in myself. But you’re just kidding …. “

    Wuzz !! Before Morgan finished, miraculously appeared that a beautiful harp came in front of him. He was surprised and then realized that his guests had disappeared. “They must be a fairy!” He thought.

    Morgan stroked the harp for fear it would be gone and he just hallucinating due to drinking water drunk of ginger as he thought. But of course, the harp was still there even though his mind was back as clear as water. So he began to tried to pluck the strings. So fingers touched the strings Morgan, flew stomping music. Then suddenly Morgan’s wife  came and several others too rush in and start dancing. And as long as the radius of Morgan still on his harp, they danced like crazy.

    News about Morgan who had a magic harp spread quickly. Many people came just to see and prove the truth of the news. Morgan would reap the harp so that those who came can not help but dance. People from distant places came to dance. Elderly people and even disabled man who was suddenly able to dance freely when he heard the music of the harp.

    One day when someone who never insulted Morgan and Morgan were still feeling hurt decided to take revenge. Plucked harp and the people start dancing. The longer the music faster and the person getting crazy dancing until he was exhausted and asked Morgan to stop by screaming. But instead stop the music, Morgan was getting excited and burst out laughing until tears. It was only after the person was lying unconscious from exhaustion, Morgan stop the music. He was satisfied with his revenge.

    But that was the last time Morgan playing the magic harp. When he woke up tomorrow, the harp was gone. Apparently the fairies were not happy with the misdeeds of Morgan and decided to take back the prize. That was a lesson for those who wasted or good luck gift from God. Do not get him angry and take back what had been given by him to us.

    The End.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

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  • Contoh Surat Untuk Teman dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Artinya Terupdate

    Contoh Surat Untuk Teman dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Artinya Terupdate

    Contoh Surat Untuk Teman dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Artinya Terupdate – Apakah sekarang Sahabat SBI masih sering mengirim surat kepada seorang teman atau kerabat? Saya pikir di zaman yang serba digital ini sudah jarang ya surat-menyurat. Di bawah ini adalah contoh surat untuk teman dalam Bahasa Inggris.  Surat ini dibuat oleh Melly. Dia bercerita tentang pengalamannya saat pergi ke Medan. Dia menceritakan tentang berapa lama dia sampai kesana, suasana, makanan dan tempat pariwisata di Medan.

    I can’t believe I’m here at last. The flight was really long. It took almost four hours Anyway North-Sumatra’s great. We arrived in Medan nearly four days ago. It was really hot. I went around the town to see some historical sires. Maimun Empire and the fish market are on my list.

    I have just arrived in Brastagi. It’s very cold here. We are staying at the hostel. It’s very cheap but the meal is a little bit terrible. So, I prefer eating out. Restaurant “99” offers delicious. So, We almost go there for breakfast, lunch and dinner. From the hostel I can see a beautiful view, especially in the morning it’s very fantastic.

    Tomorrow I am going to Samosir Island. I’ll go water skiing. People say that skiing on the Toba Lake can be unforgettable experience. Other thing I’m planning to do is fishing in the lake. There are a lot of kinds of fish. I hope I can catch a lot of fish and I will bake them for dinner.

    I am arriving home on 16 July, in time for school. See you then.

    With love,


     Contoh surat untuk teman dalam bahasa  inggris

    Artinya :

    Aku tidak percaya akhirnya aku bisa berada di sini juga . Penerbangan yang sangat panjang. Butuh waktu hampir empat jam untuk mencapai Sumatera Utara yang besar. Kami tiba di Medan hampir empat hari yang lalu. Cuacanya benar-benar panas. Aku pergi di sekitar kota untuk melihat beberapa tempat-tempat sejarah. Maimun Empire dan pasar ikan ada di daftar yang ingin saya kunjungi.

    Aku baru saja tiba di Brastagi. Sangat dingin di sini. Kami tinggal di asrama. Sangat murah tapi makananya  sedikit aneh. Jadi, saya lebih suka makan di luar. Restaurant “99” menawarkan menu lezat. Jadi, kami hampir pergi ke sana untuk sarapan, makan siang dan makan malam. Dari asrama aku bisa melihat pemandangan yang indah, terutama di pagi hari.

    Besok saya akan ke Pulau Samosir. Aku bermain ski air. Orang mengatakan bahwa ski di Danau Toba dapat menjadi pengalaman yang tak terlupakan. Hal lain yang saya rencanakan adalah memancing di danau. Ada banyak jenis ikan. Saya harap saya bisa menangkap banyak ikan dan saya akan memanggang ikan-ikan itu untuk makan malam.

    Saya tiba pulang ke rumah pada tanggal 16 Juli, karena sudah waktunya untuk sekolah. Sampai jumpa lagi.

    Dengan cinta,


  • Contoh Lesson Plan Bahasa Inggris ( English For Traveller ) Terbaru

    Contoh Lesson Plan Bahasa Inggris ( English For Traveller ) Terbaru

    Contoh Lesson Plan Bahasa Inggris ( English For Traveller ) Terbaru –  Lesson plan atau dalam Bahasa Indonesianya disebut rencana pembelajaran atau RPP  sangat berguna untuk guru atau pengajar dalam memudahkan dan melancarkan proses belajar mengajar didalam kelas. Berikut ini adalah contoh lesson plan atau RPP untuk English Spesific Purpose.




    Class                           : ESP for Traveler

    Participant                 : 6

    Time allocation         : 1 X 90 Minutes

    Topic                          : Greeting



    General Instructional Objective

    The learners are able to develop their English language skills and language components


    Specific Instructional Objective

    The learners are able to listen a paragraph and write a letter correctly and know how to use English relating to the topic in the correct utterance and pronunciation fluently and properly.

    The learners are able to do the exercises given both orally or written.


    Teaching Methodology

    Community language learning and direct method


    Teaching aids

    A tape recorder

    A cassette player

    A text of letter


    Procedures of Teaching and Learning Process:

    Pre activities

    The teacher greets the learners.

    The teacher tells the learners about the topic that is going to be learnt and the objectives of the materials.


    While activities

    The teacher asks the learners to mention some steps needed as the preparation, such as “How to make a correct letter and what should they do in writing a letter.

    The teacher writes the learner’s answer down and explain the case.

    The teacher plays a cassette recording of the letter.

    The teacher asks some question related to the conversation.

    The teacher check the learner’ answer.

    The teacher repeats the cassette again until some learners find the answer correctly.

    The teacher asks the students to retell the main point in the letter.

    The teacher checks the students answer and give more explanation if the students made any mistake.

    The teacher asks the students to write the letter in the cassette and identify it.

    The teacher gives the text of the letter.

    The teacher asks the learners to make a letter in their own words.

    The teacher checks the learners work and correct it if there is an error


    Post activities

    The teacher asks the learners how they feel during the activity

    The teacher asks the learners whether they find some problems

    The teacher concludes the material

    The teacher closes the class





    This is an letter which is made by Melly. She told about his experience to go to Medan. She told about the how long was she arrived there, atmosphere, meal and tourisms place.


    I can’t believe I’m here at last. The flight was really long. It took almost four hours Anyway North-Sumatra’s great. We arrived in Medan nearly four days ago. It was really hot. I went around the town to see some historical sires. Maimun Empire and the fish market are on my list.

    I have just arrived in Brastagi. It’s very cold here. We are staying at the hostel. It’s very cheap but the meal is a little bit terrible. So, I prefer eating out. Restaurant “99” offers delicious. So, We almost go there for breakfast, lunch and dinner. From the hostel Ican see a beautiful view, especially in the morning it’s very fantastic.

    Tomorrow I am going to Samosir Island. I’ll go water skiing. People say that skiing on the Toba lake can be unforgettable experience. Other thing I’m planning to do is fishing in the lake. There are a lot of kinds of fish. I hope I can catch a lot of fish and I will bake them for dinner.

    I am arriving home on 16 July, in time for school. See you then.


    With love,






    Translate these sentences into English!

    Saya tidak percaya akhirnya saya tiba disini.

    Kami bisa melihat pemandangan yang indah di pagi hari.

    Dia (perempuan) tiba dirumah minggu depan.

    Kami lebih menyukai makan di luar.

    Mereka berharap mereka bisa menangkap banyak ikan.


    Fill in the blank by appropriate answer in the box below

    The restaurant … delicious meal.

    He is … in Medan next week.

    I am … to go to the lake

    She hopes she cans … many fish.

    We are … at apartment.



    It is done orally and written




    a) I can’t believe I’m here at last.

    b) We can see beautiful view in the morning.

    c) She is arriving home next week.

    d) We prefer eating out.

    e) They hope they can catch a lot of fish


    a) Offers

    b) Arriving

    c) Planning

    d) Catch

    e) Staying



    Repeat the subject materials

    1. Doing the reflection of the knowledge that has received by the student
    2. Give some home work


  • 100 Preposition Yang Paling Sering Digunakan

    100 Preposition Yang Paling Sering Digunakan

    100 Preposition Yang Paling Sering Digunakan – Preposition (Kata Depan) adalah kata yang mendahului kata benda (atau kata ganti) untuk menunjukkan (atau kata ganti itu) berhubungan dengan kata lain dalam kalimat. (Preposition berasal dari ide yang diposisikan sebelumnya. Hal ini tidak benar untuk mengatakan bahwa sebuah preposisi selalu mendahului kata benda atau kata ganti, tetapi itu terjadi di sebagian besar waktu.

    Berikut ini adalah contoh semua preposisi:

    above, about, across, against, along, among, around, at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, beyond, by, down, during, except, for, from, in, inside, into, like, near, of, off, on, since, to, toward, through, under, until, up, upon, with and within.

    Dalam bahasa Inggris Anda menggunakan preposisi untuk menghubungkan kata benda atau antara kata benda dan kata ganti. Bayangkan bahwa Anda menghadapi dua kata benda: gajah dan buku. Anda dapat menggunakan preposisi dalam banyak cara untuk menghubungkan dua kata benda untuk mengekspresikan ide-ide yang berbeda:

    the book about the elephant

    the book by the elephant

    the book behind the elephant

    the book in front of the elephant

    the book near the elephant

    the book under the elephant


    Peran Preposition

    Preposition (kata depan) itu penting ketika membuat kalimat. Sebuah preposition duduk sebelum kata benda(noun) untuk menunjukkan hubungan kata benda (noun)  dengan kata lain dalam kalimat.



    It is a container for butter.

    (The preposition for shows the relationship between butter and container.)

    The eagle soared above the clouds.

    (The preposition above shows the relationship between clouds and soared.)


    Kata-kata yang dicetak miring menghubungkan dua kata benda satu sama lain.  Hubungan kata-kata ini disebut preposition atau kata depan. Preposisi dapat didefinisikan sebagai setiap kata atau kelompok kata yang berhubungan dengan kata benda atau kata ganti kata lain dalam kalimat.

    Lihatlah tabel berikut untuk daftar beberapa preposition secara umum:

    Common Prepositions
    about Above according to across
    after against along amid
    among around at before
    behind Below beside besides
    between Beyond by concerning
    down During except for
    from In into like
    of Off on over
    past Since through toward
    underneath Until up upon
    with Within without


    Preposisi pernah berjalan sendirian; mereka selalu ditemani dengan objek. Dalam contoh sebelumnya, objek dari setiap preposisi adalah gajah. Hanya untuk mendapatkan semua terminologi yang mengganggu dapat berjalan sekaligus, frasa preposisional terdiri dari preposisi dan objek. Objek preposisi selalu kata benda atau kata ganti, atau mungkin satu atau dua dari masing-masing. (Kata ganti adalah kata yang mengambil tempat kata benda, seperti dia untuk Eggworthy, it for omelet, dan sebagainya.)

    Contoh :

    In the afternoon the snow pelted Eggworthy on his little bald head.

    Kalimat ini memiliki dua preposisi: in dan on. Afternoon adalah objek dari preposisi in, dan head merupakan objek preposisi on.

    Mengapa, Anda mungkin bertanya, objek head dan not little or bald? . Oke, inilah penjelasannya. Anda dapat membuang beberapa hal lain di dalam frase preposisional – kata terutama deskriptif. Lihat variasi pada frase dataran gajah:

    of the apologetic elephant

    of the always apoplectic elephant

    of the antagonizingly argumentative elephant

    Meskipun deskripsi yang berbeda, masing-masing frase dasarnya berbicara tentang “elephant”. Juga, gajah adalah kata benda, dan hanya kata benda dan kata ganti yang diizinkan untuk menjadi objek preposisi. Jadi dalam kalimat Eggworthy, Anda perlu memilih kata yang paling penting sebagai objek dari preposisi. Juga, Anda perlu memilih kata benda, bukan kata sifat. Periksa “his little bald” (kata-kata, bukan kepala yang sebenarnya Eggworthy, yang lebih baik dilihat dari sebuah jarak). “Head” jelas konsep penting, dan “head” adalah kata benda. Jadi “head” adalah objek dari preposisi.

    Demikianlah penjelasan singkat Preposition. Semoga bermanfaat.

    Assalamualikum Wr. Wb.


  • 5 Contoh Percakapan Dalam Bahasa Inggris Untuk 4 Orang Beserta Artinya

    5 Contoh Percakapan Dalam Bahasa Inggris Untuk 4 Orang Beserta Artinya

    5 Contoh Percakapan Dalam Bahasa Inggris Untuk 4 Orang Beserta Artinya – Kesempatan kali ini saya akan memberikan contoh percakapan bahasa inggris untuk 4 orang beserta artinya setelah pada artikel sebelumnya saya sudah memberikan Contoh percakapan bahasa inggris untuk 3 orang.

    Percakapan pertama menceritakan tentang seorang wanita yang bernama Elsye yang merasa kurang sehat akhir-akhir ini. Hari ini dia pergi untuk menemui dokter untuk pemeriksaan secara fisik. Pertama dia berbicara kepada Luki dan seorang perawat sebelum bertemu dokter.


    Elsye: Good Afternoon, I have an appointment with Doctor Tobing at 8:30.

    Luki: Let me pull your record. In the meantime, please sign-in and have a seat.

    Nurse: Elsye Nicholson.

    Elsye: Here.

    Nurse: Follow me to Room A please.

    Nurse: Here we are. What are your reasons for seeing Doctor Tobing today?

    Elsye: Well, lately I have been feeling tired, and occasionally I have had really bad headaches and an upset stomach. On top of that, I have had this persistent cough for the last two weeks.

    Nurse: When did you start having these symptoms?

    Elsye: I started feeling tired about two months ago; then, a little bit after that the headaches came. I got the upset stomach long before feeling tired.

    Nurse: Are you taking any medications?

    Elsye: Only my vitamins.

    Nurse: What vitamins are you taking?

    Elsye: I am taking a multi-vitamin tablet and extra Vitamin C every day.

    Nurse: OK, let me take your vital signs.

    Elsye: How am I doing?

    Nurse: Everything is good—normal blood pressure and no high temperature. Please wait here for a minute. Doctor Tobing will be with you in a moment.

    Elsye: Thank you.

    Doctor: Good morning, Elsye.

    Elsye: Good morning, Doctor.

    Doctor: I see here that you started feeling tired two months ago, and then you started having bad headaches. You also have had an upset stomach and a persistent cough. Did you run a fever too?

    Elsye: No, doctor.

    Doctor: Let me do a quick physical check up.

    Doctor: Please take a deep breath, hold your breath, and exhale. Do it again please.

    Doctor: Were there any changes in your diet or your weight lately?

    Elsye: I ate the usual things, but I lost five pounds recently.

    Doctor: Did you suffer from insomnia?

    Elsye: Well, it is pretty hard for me to fall asleep when I go to bed. I also woke up many times during the night.

    Doctor: Do you drink? Do you smoke?

    Elsye: No.

    Doctor: How are things at work?

    Elsye: There was a change of ownership three months ago, and I had to work a lot of overtime, even during the weekend.

    Doctor: It looks like you have pneumonia. Other than that, I do not see any problems. You are probably under stress from changes at work, and the stress causes headaches, upset stomach, and sleeplessness. For now, try to relax and exercise. It may solve your problems. Come back to see me again if the symptoms persist, and I will do further tests. I am going to give you a prescription for your pneumonia. Are you allergic to any medications?

    Elsye: Not to my knowledge.

    Doctor: OK, take this medication three times a day after you eat. Also, I want you to have some blood tests. Stop by the laboratory on your way out and have the nurse draw your blood.

    Elsye: I am anxious to know my cholesterol level. When will I get the results of the blood test?

    Doctor: The results will be available in two weeks. Don’t stress yourself. I think everything will be OK.

    Elsye: Thank you, Doctor.

    Doctor: You are welcome.


    Percakapan ini menceritakan tentang seorang wanita yang bernama Elsye yang merasa kurang sehat akhir-akhir ini. Hari ini dia pergi untuk menemui dokter untuk pemeriksaan secara fisik. Pertama dia berbicara kepada Luki dan seorang perawat sebelum bertemu dokter.


    Elsye: Selamat pagi, saya telah membuat janji dengan Dokter Tobing pada pukul 8:30.

    Luki: Biarkan saya membuat catatan tentang Anda. Sementara itu, silahkan sign-in dan duduk di kursi yang telah disediakan.

    Perawat: Elsye Nicholson.

    Elsye: Ya Disini.

    Perawat: Ikuti saya ke ruangan A silakan.

    Perawat: Inilah ruanganya. Apa keluhan Anda sehingga ingin bertemu Dokter Tobing hari ini?

    Elsye: Well, akhir-akhir ini saya merasa lelah, dan kadang-kadang saya merasa sakit kepala yang sangat buruk dan sakit perut. Selain itu, saya batuk terus-menerus selama dua minggu terakhir ini.

    Perawat: Kapan Anda mulai mengalami gejala-gejala tersebut?

    Elsye: Aku mulai merasa lelah sekitar dua bulan yang lalu; kemudian, setelah itu sakit kepala datang. Aku telah sakit perut jauh sebelum rasa lelah ini datang.

    Perawat: Apakah Anda sudah minum obat?

    Elsye: Hanya minum vitamin saja.

    Perawat: Apa vitamin yang Anda minum?

    Elsye: Saya minum tablet multi-vitamin dan Vitamin C ekstra setiap hari.

    Perawat: OK, biarkan aku memeriksa tanda-tanda vital Anda.

    Elsye: Bagaimana keadaan saya?

    Perawat: Semuanya tekanan darah baik-normal dan tidak ada suhu tinggi. Silakan tunggu di sini sebentar. Dokter Tobing akan datang kepada Anda dalam sekejap.

    Elsye: Terima kasih.

    Dokter: Selamat pagi, Elsye.

    Elsye: Selamat pagi, Dokter.

    Dokter: Saya melihat di sini bahwa Anda mulai merasa lelah dua bulan yang lalu, dan kemudian Anda mulai mengalami sakit kepala yang buruk. Anda juga memiliki sakit perut dan batuk terus-menerus. Apakah Anda merasa demam juga?

    Elsye: Tidak, dokter.

    Dokter: Biarkan aku melakukan pemeriksaan fisik secara cepat.

    Dokter: Silakan mengambil napas dalam-dalam, menahan nafas, dan menghembuskan napas. Lakukan lagi silahkan.

    Dokter: Apakah ada perubahan dalam diet Anda atau berat badan Anda akhir-akhir ini?

    Elsye: Aku makan seperti biasa, tapi aku kehilangan £ 5 baru-baru ini.

    Dokter: Apakah Anda menderita insomnia?

    Elsye: Yah, itu sangat sulit bagi saya untuk jatuh tertidur ketika saya pergi tidur. Saya juga terbangun berkali-kali di malam hari.

    Dokter: Apakah Anda minum minuman keras? Apakah Anda merokok?

    Elsye: Tidak.

    Dokter: Bagaimana keadaan di di tempat kerja?

    Elsye: Ada perubahan kepemilikan tiga bulan yang lalu, dan saya harus bekerja banyak lembur, bahkan selama akhir pekan.

    Dokter: Sepertinya Anda memiliki (pneumonia) radang paru-paru. Selain itu, saya tidak melihat ada masalah lain. Anda mungkin di bawah tekanan dari perubahan di tempat kerja, dan stres menyebabkan sakit kepala, sakit perut, dan sulit tidur. Untuk saat ini, cobalah untuk bersantai dan olahraga. Ini dapat memecahkan masalah Anda. Datang kembali untuk melnemui saya lagi jika gejala terus terjadi, dan saya akan melakukan pemeriksaan lebih lanjut. Saya akan memberikan resep untuk pneumonia (radang paru-paru) Anda. Apakah Anda ada alergi terhadap obat?

    Elsye: Tidak  sepengetahuan saya.

    Dokter: OK, minum obat ini tiga kali sehari setelah Anda makan. Juga, saya ingin Anda untuk mengambil beberapa tes darah. Berhenti di laboratorium di jalan keluar dan biarkan perawat mengambil darah Anda.

    Elsye: Saya ingin tahu kadar kolesterol saya. Apakah saya akan mendapatkannya setelah mendapat hasil dari tes darah?

    Dokter: Hasil akan tersedia dalam dua minggu. Jangan stres sendiri. Saya pikir semuanya akan baik-baik saja.

    Elsye: Terima kasih, Dokter.

    Dokter: Sama-sama silakan.


    Percakapan kedua menceritakan tentang keluarga yang akan menyambut halloween

    Conversation about 4 people talking about Halloween

    Abdul:  Wow!  Today is October 30th! Halloween is tomorrow already!  Have you decided what you will be dressing up for Halloween yet, Mia?

    Mia: I’m not sure what I want to be yet.  I want to be either a butterfly or a pumpkin.  But why do we dress up for Halloween?

    Abdul:  Halloween is a festival for children, and costumes make it more special. I think we have much more fun going from house to house asking for candies (trick-or-treating) after sunset dressed in our favourite costumes.

    Mia: Yes, I remember having a lot of fun last year when mom took me around in a bunny outfit. Do you know what you want to be yet, Abdul?

    Abdul:  I want to be Batman!  I like wearing the cape and the mask.  I think you should be a butterfly.  You are so much shorter than me, and dressed in a pumpkin costume, someone might think you really are one and try to make a pie out of you.

    Mia: How could anyone mistake me for a real pumpkin?  Real pumpkins do not have a head or arms or legs.  But I suppose I will be a butterfly anyway.  I can have pretty wings.

    Abdul:  Great!  So you will be a butterfly and I will be Batman.  Let’s go ask Mom if we can go trick-or-treating tomorrow night by ourselves.  Although you are still young, I think I am old enough to watch over the both of us.

    Mia: OK, let’s go ask mom!

    Abdul:  MOM!  Can Mia and I go trick-or-treating by ourselves tomorrow?  I can watch over Mia and make sure she stays out of trouble.

    Mia: Yes, Mom.  If we go by ourselves, then you can stay home and relax.  You will not have to get cold waiting for us.

    Mom: Thank you for offering, Abdul.  However, I will be worried and I will not be able to relax if you and your brother go by yourselves while I stay home.  Let me ask Dita or Ian if one of them can go with both of you.  Then I can stay home and relax.  Dita!  Ian!

    Dita Ian:  What, Mom?  You called us?

    Mom: Do you have any free time tomorrow night?  Can one of you take Abdul and Mia around the neighbourhood so that they can trick-or-treat on Halloween?

    Dita:  I can take them, Mom.  I do not have any plans tomorrow.

    Ian:  Mom, I heard you wanted to go watch a movie tomorrow night with Dad.  If you want, I can stay at home and give out candies to any trick-or-treaters who come by while Dita takes Abdul and Mia trick-or-treating.

    Dita:  Then you and Dad can have a little fun on Halloween too.

    Mia: So Mom and Dad can relax!

    Mom: Sounds like a plan, kids.  Thanks a lot!

    Abdul:  Well, I think I am old enough to take Mia around by myself, but maybe we can get more candy if Dita comes.  Hey Dita, how about you trick-or-treat with us, and give us your candy afterwards?

    Dita:  No way, Abdul.  I will eat every Hershey’s, Reese’s, Snickers, and Twix I get.  You can have my Jolly Ranchers though.

    Ian:  Well, it seems as though everything is settled and everyone will have some Halloween fun. I think I am going to have the most fun of all though.  I get to eat all the candies that I do not give away, and I do not even have to trick-or-treat for it!

     contoh percakapan bahasa inggris untuk 4 orang

    Percakapan untuk 4 orang tentang Hallowen dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Abdul: Wow! Hari ini tanggal 30 Oktober! Besok adalah Halloween! Apakah kamu sudah memutuskan apa yang akan anda pakai untuk Halloween, Mia?

    Mia: Saya tidak yakin saya ingin menjadi apa. Aku ingin menjadi kupu-kupu atau labu. Tapi kenapa kita harus berdandan untuk Halloween?

    Abdul: Halloween adalah festival untuk anak-anak, dan kostum membuatnya lebih istimewa. Saya pikir akan menyenangkan jika kita pergi dari rumah ke rumah untuk meminta permen (trick-or-treat) setelah matahari terbenam dengan mengenakan kostum favorit kita.

    Mia: Ya, saya ingat sangat menyenangkan sekali tahun lalu ketika ibu memberi saya berpakaian kelinci. Apakah kamu sudah tahu apa ingin menjadi apa, Abdul?

    Abdul: Saya ingin menjadi Batman! Saya suka memakai jubah dan topeng. Saya pikir kamu harus menjadi kupu-kupu. Kamu jauh lebih pendek dari saya, dan jika mengenakan kostum labu, seseorang mungkin berpikir kamu benar-benar adalah labu dan mencoba untuk membuat kue dari kamu.

    Mia: Bagaimana orang bisa mengira saya adalah labu nyata? Labu nyata tidak memiliki kepala atau lengan atau kaki. Tapi saya kira saya akan kupu-kupu saja. Saya bisa memiliki sayap yang cantik.

    Abdul: Great! Jadi, Kamu menjadi kupu-kupu dan saya akan menjadi Batman. Mari kita pergi untuk bilang ke Ibu jika kita bisa pergi trik-atau-treating besok malam tanpa ibu. Meskipun kamu masih muda, saya pikir saya cukup tua untuk mengawasi kita berdua.

    Mia: OK, mari kita pergi untuk bilang pada ibu!

    Abdul: MOM! Bolehkah Mia dan saya pergi sendiri ke trik-atau-treating besok? Saya bisa mengawasi Mia dan pastikan dia jauh dari kesulitan.

    Mia: Ya, Mom. Jika kita pergi sendiri, maka Ibu bisa tinggal di rumah dan bersantai. Kamu tidak akan harus menunggu kedinginan untuk kita.

    Ibu: Terima kasih untuk penawaran, Abdul. Namun, saya khawatir dan aku tidak akan bisa bersantai jika kamu dan saudara kamu pergi sendiri sementara aku tinggal di rumah. Izinkan saya bertanya Dita atau Ian jika salah satu dari mereka bisa pergi dengan kalian berdua. Lalu aku bisa tinggal di rumah dan bersantai. Dita! Ian!

    Dita & Ian: Apa, Ibu memanggil kami?

    Ibu: Apakah Kalian memiliki waktu luang besok malam? Bisakah salah satu dari kalian menemani Abdul dan Mia di sekitar lingkungan sehingga mereka dapat mengikuti Halloween?

    Dita: Saya bisa ikut mereka, Bu. Saya tidak punya rencana besok.

    Ian: Mom, aku mendengar kau ingin pergi menonton film besok malam dengan Ayah. Jika kamu ingin, aku bisa tinggal di rumah dan memberikan permen kepada trick-or-treaters yang datang sementara Dita menemani Abdul dan Mia melakukan trik-atau-treating.

    Dita: Kemudian Mom dan Dad bisa bersenang-senang sedikit di Halloween juga.

    Mia: Jadi Ayah dan Ibu dapat bersantai!

    Ibu: Kedengarannya seperti rencana bagus, anak-anak. Terima kasih banyak!

    Abdul: Well, saya pikir saya cukup tua untuk mengajak Mia pergi berkeliling sendiri, tapi mungkin kita bisa mendapatkan lebih banyak permen jika Dita datang. Hei Dita, bagaimana dengan kami, dan berikan kita permen kamu setelah itu?

    Dita: Tidak mungkin, Abdul. Aku akan makan setiap Hershey, Reese, Snickers, dan Twix saya dapatkan. Kalian dapat meminta Jolly Rancher saja.

    Ian: Yah, tampaknya seolah-olah semuanya sudah diselesaikan dan semua orang akan memiliki Halloween yang menyenangkan. Saya pikir saya akan memiliki Halloween yang paling menyenangkan dari semua. Saya bisa makan semua permen yang saya tidak memberikannya pada siapapun, dan aku bahkan tidak perlu trik-atau-treating untuk itu!(ASR)

  • 1 Triliun Angka: Belajar Penulisan Angka 1-1 Triliun Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    1 Triliun Angka: Belajar Penulisan Angka 1-1 Triliun Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    1 Triliun Angka: Belajar Penulisan Angka 1-1 Triliun Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris- Apa sih bahasa Inggrisnya angka dari 1 sampe 1 triliun? Berarti banyak dong yang harus dipelajari? Jangan dibayangkan ya kalau kita bakal benar-benar belajar satu per satu dari angka 1 hingga 1 triliun.

    1 Triliun Angka: Belajar Penulisan Angka 1-1 Triliun Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    1 Triliun Angka: Belajar Penulisan Angka 1-1 Triliun Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Lalu bagaimana cara menghafalnya? Tenang saja konsep nya sangat mudah sahabat! Nah untuk lebih detail nya yuk kita sama-sam belajar dari angka 1- 1 triliun yang mudah:

    [table id=37 /]

    [table id=38 /]

    • Keterangan:

    (*)=>> Pada table diatas terdapat tanda bintang yang berarti kata one bisa diganti dengan kata “a”


    One Hundred=>> A Hundred

    One Thousand=>> A Thousand

    One Million=>> A Million

    One Billion=>> A Billion

    One Trillion=>> A trillion

    • Penulisan Angka diatas 100

    Apakah kalian bingung bagaimana m,enyebutkan angka 1.235.0450.890.500?

    Tenang saja, konsep yang harus kalian pelajari dulu itu yakni:


    • Angka Ratusan

    100=>> One hundred

    101=>> Maka menjadi; One hundred and one atau bisa juga One hundred, one.

    Kalian bisa menggunakan kata “and” atau hanya tanda (,).

    • Angka Ribuan

    1000=>> One thousand

    1980=>> One thousand and Ninety hundred, eighty. Atau kalian bisa juga berkata Nineteen, Eighty.

    • Angka Jutaan

    1.000.000=>> One million

    1.350.251=>> One million and three hundred fifty thousand and two hundred fifty one.

    • Angka Milyaran>> One billion

    1.456.050.955=>> One billion and four hundred fifty six million and fifty thousand and ninty fifty five.

    • Angka Triliunan>> One trillion

    1.235.450.890.500=>> One trillion and two hundred thirty five billion and four hundred fifty million and eight hundred ninety thousand and fife hundred.


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    Dongeng Singkat: “Narcissus and Echo” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

  • Dongeng Singkat: “Narcissus and Echo” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Dongeng Singkat: “Narcissus and Echo” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Dongeng Singkat: “Narcissus and Echo” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Pernah denger kisah dongeng Narcissus dan Echo yang begitu melegenda di seluruh dunia. Itu loh asal mula kata narsis dan juga echo. Penasaran dengan kisahnya? Yuk silahkan disimak materi berikut:

    Dongeng Singkat: “Narcissus and Echo” Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    Dongeng Singkat: “Narcissus and Echo” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    “Narcissus and Echo”

    Narcissus was a very handsome young man. Many girls like him but Narcissus rejected everyone. Narcissus like to be noticed and praised. Nobody comparable with himself, thus always ringing in his ears and he likes watching envy on the faces of people who looked at his face.

    A fairy of forest named Echo like Narcissus. Her love for the young man was comparable to avenge his favorite words than others. Echo was always talking to her interlocutor can not answer anymore.

    On one day the goddess Juno Jupiter was looking for her husband in the forest. Echo invited Juno Jupiter chatting so who wants to avoid his wife could escape. Juno upset, Echo who really like to talked it condemns so it could only imitate the voice she heard.

    Echo often wait Narcissus in the woods, hoping Narcissus saw. One day Narcissus heard Echo’s footsteps that followed in the forest. He called out, “Who?” And Echo replied, “Who?”

    “Come here!” Cried Narcissus.

    “Come here!” repeated Echo.

    Echo get closer  to Narcissus. Echo was very happy and because she can not say who she is and her love for Narcissus, she hugged him. Narcissus pushed with angry and threw.

    Profound sadness by his act brought Echo to death. Her body turned to a mountain stone, but she still answered all the sounds she heard.

    Narcissus still liked to approach the fairies and the instantly he leaved. The God were upset with his behavior. He wanted to punish him so that he felt a deep love but do not get a reply. They create something that will be loved by him. It was Something that is not real and will never returned the love.

    One day Narcissus walk in the woods and find a pool. He looked at the water surface of the pool and saw a shadow. “She’s beautiful,” he said to himself. “Surely she is mermaid who live in this pond.” He did not recognize his own reflection.

    Narcissus staring at his own reflection, he became more and more fascinated. He held out his hand and the shadow it also reached out to him. But when Narcissus’s hand touched the water, the shadow passed. Narcissus was very disappointed. A few moments later the water was calm again and the shadows reappeared. Narcissus tried to touch his shadow again and it returned the same. Eventually he was lying face down, only looked at her alluring figure.

    Narcissus was screaming in agony. Each time he screamed, Echo also screaming. Narcissus did not move from the edge of the pool, do not eat or drink. The fairies tried to persuade him to leave. Voice Echo to repeat everything he said. He did not budge until he died of grieving. His body was transformed into a flower plant that is now called the Narcissus flower.

    Now people who like to admire himself excessively called narcissistic taken from the name of a handsome young man who was arrogant.  And Echo name used to label the sound that bounces and become an echo.

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