
  • 12 Arti Kata Idiom Yang Digunakan Saat Bekerja+Contoh Kalimatnya

    12 Arti Kata Idiom Yang Digunakan Saat Bekerja+Contoh Kalimatnya

    12 Arti Kata Idiom Yang Digunakan Saat Bekerja + Contoh Kalimatnya

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Idiom banyak digunakan saat Bekerja. Apa sajakah itu? Yuk disimak materi berikut tentang kat-kata idiom yang digunakan saat kita sedang bekerja beserta contoh kalimatnya:

    12 Arti Kata Idiom Yang Digunakan Saat Bekerja+Contoh Kalimatnya
    12 Arti Kata Idiom Yang Digunakan Saat Bekerja+Contoh Kalimatnya
    • Shake hands=>> Berjabat tangan

    You introduced them and they shook hands.

    When two men meet for the first time, they do usually shake hands

    Meeting with boss in the office, every employees must shake hands among another.

    • Look out=>> Hati-hati

    “Look out Budi!” Husin cried his friend almost stepped in front of the approaching car.

    Why did the driver tell Joko to look out as he was getting off the bus?

    Look out for the cars turning in your direction.

    • Think of=>> Berpendapat tentang

    What did you think of that accident which you saw last week?

    I don’t think much of him as a football player.

    • Get back=>>Kembali

    Mrs. Kenny got back from Indonesia last evening.

    When do you expect to get back from your trip to Tokyo?

    Can you get us beck by 5.30 a.m.

    • Catch cold=>>Demam

    If you go out in this rain, you will surely catch cold.

    How did she ever catch cold in such warm wether?

    • Make up one’s mind=>> Memutuskan

    Muhammad had made up his mind not to go to school this year.

    Have you made up your mind yet as to where you are going to spend your vacation in this summer?

    • Change one’s mind=>> Mengubah pikiran/Pendapat.

    They have changed their mind and are going to Bali instead of to Bandung on their vacation.

    Emtris has changed his mind about proposing to Jean atleast three times.

    • The time being=>> Sekarang

    For the time being my brother is clerking in Supermarket.

    They are living in a apartment for the time being, but later they will try to find a small house.

    • Get over=>> Pergi dari/Sembuh

    It took him more than one week to get over his cold.

    They do not think she will get over the loss of her husband.

    • Call off=>> Membatalkan

    The Adventure game was called off on account of lightness.

    The doctor had to call off all her appointments for the day and rush to the hospital.

    At first the workers planned to strike, but later they called it off.

    • For good=>> Selamanya/Permanen

    Tamin has gone back to Lampung for good. He will not return to Jakarta.

    Has your friend returned to Palembang for good?

    • In a hurry=>> Terburu-buru

    Michael is in a hurry to catch his bus.

    Gerald is the kind person who always seems to be in a hurry.

    Semoga Bermanfaat para pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    1000 Contoh Degrees of Comparison Beserta Penjelasan Lengkap

  • Latihan Soal Idiom 1: Find The Right Expression Of Idiom

    Latihan Soal Idiom 1: Find The Right Expression Of Idiom

    Latihan Soal Idiom 1: Find The Right Expression Of Idiom

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Setelah mempelajari idiom yang telah admin berikan, inilah saatnya kalian memahami nya lebih dalam dengan menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan dibawah ini mengenai idiom. Selamat Mengerjakan sahabat SBI:

    Idiom Exercise 1: Find The Right Expression Of Idiom
    Idiom Exercise 1: Find The Right Expression Of Idiom

    Subtitute in place of the italicized word or words the corresponding idiomatic expression partially indicated in parentheses.

    1. She doesn’t like to go the movies alone. (by______________)
    2. Suddenly the man removed a revolver from his pocket and began to shoot.(took_______)
    3. They discussed their plan for several hours. (talk____)
    4. You always like to recline for a half-hour or so after lunch.(lie________)
    5. It is always difficult for him to select a good present for my wife. (pick_________)
    6. Herry always works leisurely in everything that he does. (take_______)
    7. How is Marriam doing in her new English class? (get_______)
    8. It is of little importance to her whether she passes her French examination or not. (make_______)
    9. I am sure that Doni didn’t leave that cigarette there intentionally. (on__________)
    10. They spent the entire day looking for a new car. (all______)
    11. Answer these following questions, making use in your answers of the idiomatic expressions studied in this lesson.
    12. How are you getting along in you study of Math?
    13. Which student in your Class B seems to be getting along best?
    14. How is your friend getting along in her new job?
    15. Do you prefer to go to the Cinema by yourself or with your girlfriend?
    16. Does your friend live by herself or with someone?
    17. Did you come to Indonesia by yourself or with your family?
    18. Do you like talk over your personal problems with someone or do you prefer to decide these things by yourself?
    19. Is it easy or difficult for you to pick out gifts for your friends?
    20. Does someone help you to pick out your shirt or do you like to pick them out by yourself?
    21. What did you do all day long last night?
    22. When the music is played, what should you do: stand up or sit down?
    23. Do you take your time when you are writing an examination or do you prefer to finish quickly?
    24. What did Mr. Norman just take out of the drawer of his desk?
    25. During the lesson of Math do you prefer to sit in front of the room or in the back- or doesn’t it make any difference?
    26. Why must Doni lie down for several hours each afternoon?

    Semoga Bermanfaat para pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    Contoh Percakapan Greeting Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Penjelasannya Terbaru

  • Contoh Percakapan Greeting Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Penjelasannya Terbaru

    Contoh Percakapan Greeting Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Penjelasannya Terbaru

    Contoh Percakapan Greeting Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Penjelasannya Terbaru – Ada beberapa cara untuk memberi salam pada orang dalam Bahasa Inggris. Salam berarti menyambut seseorang atau sekelompok orang dengan kata-kata tertentu atau tindakan tertentu. Ketika bertemu orang-orang secara resmi untuk pertama kalinya , kami menyambut dengan berjabat tangan dan berkata ” How Do You Do? ” atau ” I am so glad to meet you.”
    “How Do You Do?” bukan benar- benar sebuah pertanyaan , itu hanya berarti “Hello” dan hanya di pakai untuk orang yang baru pertama kita jumpai. Ketika orang-orang muda bertemu secara informal mereka kadang-kadang menyapa dan berkata ” Give me five! ” yang berarti mengajak tos tangan. Umumnya kita tidak menyapa dengan berjabat tangan dengan orang yang kita kenal dengan baik . Kami menyambut dengan hanya mengatakan ‘ Hi ‘ atau ‘Hello’
    Berikut adalah beberapa ekspresi atau ungkapan yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk menyapa seeorang .

    Greeting ( Memberi Salam )
    • Hi, Hello.
    • Good morning, (Selamat Pagi)
    • Good afternoon, (Selamat Sore)
    • Good evening. (Selamat Malam)
    • How are you? (Apa Kabar)
    • How are you doing? (Apa KAbar)
    • How do you do? ( For the first time )

    Responding to greeting ( Membalas Salam )
    • Hi, hello.
    • Good morning
    • Good afternoon
    • Good evening.
    • I’m fine thank you (thanks) (Saya baik-baik saja, Terimakasih)
    • Okey! Thank you (thanks)
    • Not so bad. (Tidak Terlalu buruk)
    • How about you?
    • And you? (Dan kamu?)
    • How do you do?
    Hal-hal yang perlu diingat dalam memberi salam (Greeting):
    Ketika kamu menyapa seseorang dan berkata:
    “How do you do?”
    Ini sesungguhnya bukan sebuah pertanyaan, tapi ini berarti Hello.

    Contoh percakapan bahasa inggris dan penjelasan terlengkap

    Ada beberapa perbedaan ekspresi atau ungkapan pada saat mengucapkan selamat tinggal dalam Bahasa Inggris. Ekspresi atau ungkapan yang digunakan dalam ucapan selamat tinggal tergantung dari situasi dan kepada siapa kita berbicara, status sosial mereka.
    Mengucapkan selamat tinggal
    • All right, it is time to head off.
    • Ok, it is time to leave you all.
    • See you later.
    • Talk to you later!

    Jika kamu ingin mengucapkan selamat tinggal dengan terburu-buru
    • I am so sorry, I have got to hurry!
    • I am going to have to rush off

    Mengucapkan Selamat Tinggal Dengan Sopan
    • Nice to see you/meet you
    • It is been lovely to meet you.
    • It was great to meet you.
    • Good to see you.
    • Have a nice day.

    Cara Lain Untuk Mengucapkan Selamat Tinggal
    • Take care
    • Bye Bye!
    • It is time to be going!
    • So Long!
    • I am out!
    • See you later

    Contoh – Contoh Percakapan Greetings dalam Bahasa Inggris

    • Bayu : Hi Beni. How are you today?
      Beni : Hi Bayu I am fine, thanks. How about you Bay?
      Bayu : Not so bad, Did you watch football match” Barcelona vs Real Madrid” tonight?
      Beni : No, I don’t. I am so tired, so I slept tightly tonight. How about the result?
      Bayu : What a surprise result!. Real Madrid can defeat Barcelona 2-1.
      Beni : Well… Who has scored a goal from Real Madrid?
      Bayu : Goal from Real Madrid has been scored by James Rodriguez and Gareth Bale. Beni : Wow, It must be a great match tonight. I am so sorry. I have got to hurry. My mother asked to buy something.
      Bayu : Well, never mind. I also want to go home.
      Beni : Ok, See you later. Bye!
      Bayu : Bye!


    • Dirna : Good morning, Merri.
      Merri : Good morning, Dirna.
      Dirna : How are you?
      Merri : I am fine today, thank you and how about you Dirna?
      Dirna : Just so so, By the way. Where’re you going Merri?
      Merri : I’m going home. What about you? Where are you going?
      Dirna : Where are you going?
      Merri : I want to go home. And you? Where are you going now?
      Dirna : I wanna go home too. But, I have to wait for my sister first.
      Merri : Where are yourr sister now?
      Dirna : She is buying something in market over there.
      Merri : Oh I see. I am sorry I must go now Dirna.
      Dirna : It is alright. Good bye, See you soon.
  • Sejarah Asal Mula Bahasa Inggris Yang Menjadi Bahasa Internasional

    Sejarah Asal Mula Bahasa Inggris Yang Menjadi Bahasa Internasional

    Sejarah Asal Mula Bahasa Inggris Yang Menjadi Bahasa Internasional

    Sekolahbahasainggris- Pernakah Terpikir oleh sahabat SBI “Dari mana asal mula bahasa Inggris?” Hayo…. Ada yang bisa menjawabnya tidak? Untuk mengetahui kenap bahasa Inggris menjadi bahasa Internasional kita harus mengetahui terlebih dahulu sejarah bahasa Inggris.

    Sejarah Asal Mula Bahasa Inggris Yang Menjadi Bahasa Internasional
    Sejarah Asal Mula Bahasa Inggris Yang Menjadi Bahasa Internasional

    Nah untuk lebih jelasnya yuk disimak penjelasan dibawah ini:

    • Awal Mula Bahasa Inggris

    Bahasa Inggris memiliki awal mula kenap bisa digunakan di seluruh dunia loh. Walnya bahasa Inggris lahir di pulau Britania tepat 1500 tahun yang lalu. Bahasa Inggris itu sebuah bahasa Jermanik Barat loh yang berasal dari sialek-dialek Anglo-frisia. Lalu bahasa tersebut dibawa ke pulau Britania di Eropa oleh para imigran Jermanik dari beberapa wilayah barat laut yang sekarang kalian ketahui sebagai Negara Belanda dan Jerman.

    “Wah berarti Jerman dan Belanda masih satu kerabat dong dengan bahasa Inggris?” Ya benar sekali, oleh Karena itu banyak sekali persamaan kata dari bahasa Jerman dan Belanda dengan bahasa Inggris.

    • Kerajaan Anglo-Saxon

    Pernah dengar tentang kerajaan Anglo-Saxon? Wah kalau belum pernah dengar admin kasih tahu deh. Buat yang sudah pernah dengar yuk disimak lagi sejarahnya. Pada awalnya bahasa Inggris kuno itu aslinya adalah sekumpulan dialek-dialek yang mencerminkan asal usul kerajaan Anglo-Saxon di Inggris.

    Lalu ada dialek Saxon Barat yang begitu mendominasi yang dipengaruhi oleh dua gelombang invasi apda masa itu yakni:

    1. Invasi pertama yang berasal dari para penutur bahasa dari cabang Skandinavia yang merupakan keluarga bahasa Jerman. Pada abad ke 8 dan ke 9 mereka menaklukkan dan menghuni beberapa bagian di Britania.
    2. Invasi kedua yang berasal dari suku yang bertuturkan dialek bahasa Perancis pada abada ke-11.

    Kedua invasi inilah yang menjadikan bahasa Inggris memiliki banyak kata serapan dari bahasa Jerman dan Perancis. Meskipun tidak pernah menjadi bahasa campuran loh secara harfiahnya. Sehingga kelompok invasi anggota suku bangsa Skandinavia dan suku Norman menciptakan simplikasi tata bahasa baru yang kita kenal sekarang sebagai bahasa Inggris.

    • Bahasa Inggris Purba ( Proto)

    Bahasa Inggris Purba atau sering juga disebut bahasa Inggris Proto berasal dari suku bangsa Jermanik yakni Saxon, Anglia, Frisia, Jute, dan juga Frank yang pada masa itu berdagang dan berperang di wilayang Eropa dengan rakyat Kekaisaran Romawi yang menuturkan bahasa Latin saat invasi ke Eropa bagian timur.

    Oleh karena itu banyak sekali bahasa latin yang terserap juga di bahasa Inggris, dan diantaranya sebagai berikut:

    Camp (kamp), Dragon (naga), Cheese (Keju), Fork (garpu), giant (raksasa), inch (inci), pillow (bantal), pound (pon), soap (sabun), dll.

    • Menurut Pakar Modern

    Menurut pakar modern, mereka berpendapat bahwa yang paling mendekati dengan bahasa Inggris adalah Anglo-Saxon yang juga mirip dengan bahasa Frisia.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    Materi Pronunciation 9: Belajar Consonant Sounds- Africates

  • Menggunakan Adjectives dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Contoh Kalimatnya

    Menggunakan Adjectives dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Contoh Kalimatnya –Yuk kita lanjut lagi pembahasan tentang adjectives kita.
    sekarang kita akan mambahas bentuk-bentuk dari adjectives.

    Kata sifat dalam bahasa Inggris tidak berubah-ubah. Mereka tidak mengubah bentuk mereka tergantung pada gender atau jumlah kata benda.


    • This is a hot noodle.
    • Those are some hot noodles.

    Untuk menekankan atau menguatkan makna dari kata sifat, gunakan kata keterangan very atau really di depan kata sifat yang ingin diperkuat.


    • This is a very hot noodle
    • Those are some really hot noodles.

    Kata sifat dalam bahasa Inggris biasanya muncul di depan kata benda yang mereka ubah atau jelaskan.


    • The beautiful girl ignored every handsome man.
    • The fast red ferrari drove away.

    Kata sifat juga dapat muncul setelah kata kerja berbentuk seperti to beto seem , to look & to taste.


    • Venish is beautiful.
    • I don’t think he seems nice at all.
    • Mr. Jerry look tired.
    • This corn tastes funny.

     Menggunakan Adjectives dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Contoh Kalimatnya


    Kata sifat muncul setelah kata benda dalam beberapa bentuk kalimat.


    • The Princess Royal is visiting our campus today.
    • The President elect made a speech tonight.
    • She received a court martial the following day.

    Kata sifat  involvedpresent & concerned  dapat muncul baik sebelum atau setelah kata benda yang mereka ubah, tapi dengan arti yang berbeda tergantung pada penempatannya.


    Adjective placed after the noun Meaning Adjective placed before the noun Meaning
    Mr. Detective want to see the people involved. Mr. Detective want to see the people who have something to do with this matter. It was an involved discussion. The discussion was detailed & complex.
    Here is a list of the people present at the lobby. Here is a list of the people who were at the lobby. The present situation is not sustainable. The current situation is not sustainable.
    Mr. Detective need to see the man concerned by this accusation. Mr. Detective need to see the man who has been accused. concerned father came to see Mr. Detective yesterday. A worried father came to see Mr. Detective yesterday

    Seperti itulah penggunaan adjectives dalam kalimat bahasa inggris. semoga rekan SBI semua dapat mengerti.
    Sampai ketemu lagi di artikel selanjutnya.

  • Macam-macam Adjectives dan Cara Penggunaannya Lengkap

    Macam-macam Adjectives dan Cara Penggunaannya Lengkap –Rekan SBI semua, dalam artikel kali ini kita akan memperdalam lagi pengetahuan kita tentang adjectives. Langsung aja yuk kita simak.


    Adjectives digunakan untuk menggambarkan orang, tempat, dan hal.


    Kata sifat(adjectives) menggambarkan aspek dari kata benda. Ketika kata sifat menggambarkan kata benda, kita mengatakan bahwa kata sifat “memodifikasi” kata benda tersebut. Kata sifat dapat:

    Menggambarkan perasaan atau kualitas


    • She is a lonely woman.
    • Mr. Edwin are honest.

    Menjelaskan kebangsaan atau daerah asal


    • I heard a Japanese song.
    • This clock is Russian.
    • Our house is Italian.

    Menjelaskan lebih lanjut tentang karakteristik suatu hal


    • This is a glossy car.
    • The sword is sharp.

    Menjelaskan tentang usia


    • She’s a young woman.
    • My Jumper is old.

     Menjelaskan tentang ukuran dan pengukuran


    • Jerry is a tall man.
    • This hair is long.

    Menjelaskan tentang warna


    • Paul wore a black sweater.
    • The sunset was crimson.

     Menjelaskan sesuatu terbuat dari apa


    • The wardrobe is wooden.
    • Armelita wore a cotton dress.

    Menjelaskan tentang bentuk


    • Jerry sat at a round chair.
    • The box is square.

    Mengungkapkan putusan atau nilai


    • That was a fantastic place.
    • Love is complicated.

     Macam-macam Adjectives dan Cara Penggunaannya Lengkap


    Ketika sejumlah kata sifat digunakan bersama-sama, maka urutan penempatannya tergantung pada fungsi kata sifat tersebut. Urutan biasanya adalah:

    Kuantitas, Quantity, nilai / pendapat, Value/opinion, Ukuran, Size, Suhu, Temperature, Umur, Age, Bentuk, Shape, Warna, Colour, Asal, Origin, Material, Material.

    What the adjective expresses Examples
    Quantity four, ten, a few, several
    Value/Opinion delicious, charming, beautiful
    Size tall, tiny, huge
    Temperature hot, cold
    Age old, young, new, 14-year-old
    Shape square, round
    Color red, purple, green
    Origin Swedish, Victorian, Chinese
    Material glass, silver, wooden


    • We have a lovely old red chest-box.
    • The meeting room has eight small square plastic tables.
    • Mr. Ramdani bought some charming Italian silver ornaments at the flea market.
    • Jerry is selling his flashy 6-year-old Italian bike.
    • It was a beautiful cold day.

    Sudah paham?
    jika sudah paham, yuk kita lanjut lagi pembahasan kita tentang Penggunaan Adjectives dalam bahasa Inggris.
    Lets Check It Out!!!

  • Grammar Exercise 3: Combination With Go and Come

    Grammar Exercise 3: Combination With Go and Come

    Grammar Exercise 3: Combination With Go and Come – Grammar adalah sub materi yang mengharuskan kita untuk banyak berlatih mengerjakan soal. Nah kali soalnya tentang Go dan Come.

    Grammar Exercise 3: Combination With Go and Come
    Grammar Exercise 3: Combination With Go and Come


    1. She goes………a lot because she is popular and has a good many friends.

              Jawab: She goes out a lot because she is popular and has a good many friends.

    Yuk berlatih soal dibawah ini:

    1. It was some time before Sonny came……. last year after being knocked out.
    2. Hendry had to wait for permission from Town Council before Hendry could go……..with his plans.
    3. He came……… my way of thinking after a good deal of argument.
    4. The bull went……the dog and tossed him over the wall.
    5. He had a sandwich and a cup of coffee, then went……… working till twelve.
    6. It’s no use trying to keep it secret; it’s sure to come…………in the end.
    7. I went…….the proposal very carefully with my solicitor and finally decided not to accept their offer.
    8. The gun went…….by accident and wounded him in the leg.
    9. The question of salary increase will be coming……….at the next forum meeting.
    10. Long skirts went…… years ago.
    11. She went………. A beauty contest she only got a consolation prize.
    12. Those rust marks will come…… if you rub them with lemon.
    13. The price of fruit usually goes……in summer in England.
    14. If there isn’t enough soup to go in this breakfast…….just put some juices in it.
    15. She saw me across the room, she came……, and said that someone wanted to see me.
    16. The early colonist went…….many hardships.
    17. You can’t go…….your promise now; we are depending on you.
    18. I have changed my mind about marrying him; I simply can’t go………it.
    19. The aeroplane crashed and went……in flames.
    20. He came…….. a fortune last year.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!


    Baca Juga:

    1000 Penjelasan Lengkap Spoof Text Dan Contohnya

    1000 Tips Belajar Grammar Bahasa Inggris Mudah dan Cepat!

  • Grammar Exercise 2: Combination With Look and Keep

    Grammar Exercise 2: Combination With Look and Keep

    Grammar Exercise 2: Combination With Look and Keep – Grammar adalah submateri yang mengharuskan kitauntuk banyak berlatih mengerjakan soal. Nah kali soalnya tentang Look dan Keep.

    Grammar Exercise 2: Combination With Look and Keep
    Grammar Exercise 2: Combination With Look and Keep


    1.Adi looks…… me because I spend my holidays in Blackpool instead of going abroad.

    Jawab: Adi looks down on for me because I spend my holidays in Blackpool instead of going abroad.

    Yuk berlatih soal dibawah ini:

    1. Rony wanted to talk to Sony but Sony kept…….. working and refused to listen.
    2. Aldi is a good secretary but Aldi is kept……. By his ignorance of languages.
    3. The country was in state of rebellion in 1945 and was only kept…….by in 1945 repressive measures.
    4. Look……. The cute boy baby while I am out.
    5. Budi kept…… all the persons who had come to school late.
    6. You must look….. and make plans for the future.
    7. ‘Keep……..!’ he said. ‘Don’t come any nearer.’
    8. If Budi and I look……it carefully Budi and I will see the mark.
    9. Rara told the children in room 202 to keep……….the room 201 that was being painted yesterday.
    10. Looking……..Dody and I see now all the mistakes Sony and I made when we was younger.
    11. I have started getting up at Four a.m. to study but I don’t know if I can keep this………
    12. Renaldy had an unhappy childhood and Renaldy never looks……. On it every moment with any pleasure.
    13. The man with red T-shirt walked so fast that Budi couldn’t keep………him.
    14. Anita looked…… see who was following her.
    15. There were so many panes of glass broken that the windows in our green class couldn’t keep…….the rain on last Monday.
    16. We’ve been looking……. a cup to match the one we broke.
    17. Look…….. him at the station. He’ll be at the bookstall.
    18. Look………. You and Willy nearly knocked my cup out of my hand.
    19. He was kept……in his research by lack of money.
    20. Look….. on your way home and tell me what happened.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    1000 Tips Belajar Grammar Bahasa Inggris Mudah dan Cepat!

    100 Slogan dalam Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pendidikan+Artinya

  • Grammar Exercise 1: Combination With Get and Be

    Grammar Exercise 1: Combination With Get and Be

    Grammar Exercise 1: Combination With Get and Be – Grammar adalah sub materi yang mengharuskan kita untuk banyak berlatih mengerjakan soal. Nah kali ini soalnya tentang Get dan Be.

    Grammar Exercise 1: Combination With Get and Be
    Grammar Exercise 1: Combination With Get and Be

    Yuk berlatih soal dibawah ini:

    1. A: Is Annisa in?

              B: No,She is………. And will not be……..till 7.20a.m

    1. A: What shall Doni and I do now?

              B: You all are ……… keeping quite and saying nothing

    1. If Susi got……..Susi works instead of talking, she’d be finished in half the time
    2. Sammy promised to act as keeper, so Sonny afraid he can’t get…………it now.
    3. Sally wants to do all the work herself but I don’t think she is………….it.
    4. Agil leaves her car at a parking meter for over three hours and always gets ………it. When I do that, I am fined.
    5. Father doesn’t think they’ll be……yet. It’s only 6 o’clock in the morning.
    6. They didn’t want the news of their party to get…….till it was officially announced.
    7. The office closes early on Saturday and we get……… at Six o’clock instead of six.
    8. If Mina and Soib don’t give the children something to do in that case, it’ll be……….. some mischief.
    9. The red bike stopped in front of the exchange office and three men with revolvers got….
    10. Winda is a friendly girl who gets…… everyone she meets.
    11. As soon as the examinations are…… We are going awayon holiday.
    12. It took her along time to get……. A case of the death of her father.
    13. We usually get…….a play among ourselves at the end of the term.
    14. I’m going to Berlin on business and I shall be….. for aweek.
    15. Tommy hasn’t been working; Tommy won’t get…….. his exams.
    16. The police knew Budi had committed the crime but Budi got……. As there was not enough evidence on the investigation against him.
    17. A: Shall I marry her?

              B: Well it is…… you. I can’t very well decide for you.

    1. Shinta and I tried to ring him up but we couldn’t get…….. Shinta and I think some of the lines in that moment are down after last night’s storm.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Further Posts:

    20 Vocabulary Corner: Around home (Di Sekitar Rumah)

    1000 Contoh, Pengertian, dan Rumus Kalimat Present Perfect Tense