


    100 SINONIM DAN ANTONIM DALAM BAHASA INGGRIS BESERTA ARTINYA – Sinonim dan Antonim merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan baik dalam Bahasa Indonesia maupun Bahasa Inggris. Kenalan dengan kosakata bahasa Inggris merupakan suatu keharusan bagi ekspresi yang efektif baik di tertulis atau dalam bentuk lisan.

    Sinonim tidak lain adalah makna yang sama dari sebuah kata tertentu atau hubungan semantiknya. Jadi, itu adalah kata atau frase yang berarti sama dengan kata lain atau frase dalam bahasa yang sama.

     Antonim adalah konotasi negatif dari kata tertentu. Sebuah Antonim adalah kata atau frase yang berlawanan berarti kata tertentu atau frase dalam bahasa yang sama. Pada artikel ini terdapat Contoh Sinonim dan Antonim dalam Bahasa Inggris. Membaca artikel ini akan sangat menyenangkan, dan memperluas kosakata para sahabat SBI pada waktu yang sama. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk membantu meningkatkan, para mahasiswa (yang sedang mempersiapkan berbagai ujian), penulis, jurnalis, sastrawan dan semua orang lain yang tertarik dalam meningkatkan keterampilan bahasa mereka.

    Dibawah ini adalah beberapa contoh Sinonim dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta artinya :

    • Beautiful = Attractive, Pretty, Lovely, ( ADJECTIVE )

    = Menarik, Cantik


    • Fair = Just, Objective, Impartial ( ADJECTIVE )

    = Adil


    • Funny = Humorous, Hilarious, Hysterical ( ADJECTIVE )

    = Lucu


    • Happy = Content, Joyful, Upbeat ( ADJECTIVE )

    = Bahagia


    • Hardworking = Diligent, Determined, Enterprising ( ADJECTIVE )

    = Rajin, pekerja keras


    • Honest = Honorable, Fair, Trustworthy ( ADJECTIVE )

    = Jujur


    • Intelligent = Smart, Bright, Brilliant, ( ADJECTIVE )

    = Cerdas


    • Introverted = Shy, Bashful, Withdrawn ( ADJECTIVE )

    = Pemalu


    • Kind = Thoughtful, Considerate, Amiable, ( ADJECTIVE )

    = Ramah, Baik


    • Lazy = Idle, Lethargic, Indolent ( ADJECTIVE )

    = Pemalas


    • Mean = Unfriendly, Unpleasant, Difficult ( ADJECTIVE )

    = tidak menyenangkan


    • Outgoing = Friendly, Sociable, Extroverted ( ADJECTIVE )

    = Mudah bergaul


    • Rich = Affluent, Wealthy, Well-off,  ( ADJECTIVE )

    = Kaya


    • Strong = Stable, Solid, Tough ( ADJECTIVE )

    = Kuat


    • Unhappy = Sad, Depressed, Melancholy, Miserable ( ADJECTIVE )

    = Sedih


    • Lucky = Auspicious, Fortunate ( ADJECTIVE )

    = Beruntung


    • Positive = Optimistic, Cheerful, Sanguine ( ADJECTIVE )

    = Optimis


    • Bossy = Controlling, Tyrannical ( ADJECTIVE )

    = Suka memerintah


    • Baffle = confuse, deceive ( ADJECTIVE )

    = membingunkan


    • Hypocrisy = falseness ( NOUN )

    = Kemunafikan


    • Pacify: appease, placate ( ADJECTIVE )

    = menenangkan


    • Recalcitrant: obstinate, stubborn ( ADJECTIVE )

    = Keras Kepala


    • Turbulent: disordered, violent ( ADJECTIVE )

    = Penyimpangan


    • Valid: authorized, legitimate ( ADJECTIVE )

    = Sah

    • Old : antiquated, ancient, extinct, past, prehistoric ( ADJECTIVE )

    = Tua


    • True: genuine, reliable, factual, correct, real ( ADJECTIVE )

    = Benar


    • Important: substantial, vital, essential, primary ( ADJECTIVE )

    = Penting


    • Weak: frail, anemic, feeble, languid, fragile ( ADJECTIVE )

    = Lemah




    Dibawah ini adalah beberapa contoh Antonim dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta artinya :


    • Fat and skinny ( Gemuk dan kurus )
    • Young and old ( Muda dan Tua )
    • Happy and sad ( Senang dan Sedih )
    • Hard and soft ( Keras dan Lembut )
    • Last and first ( Terakhir dan Pertama )
    • Foolish and wise ( Bodoh dan Bijak )
    • Fast and slow ( Cepat dan Lambat )
    • Warm and cool ( Hangat dan Dingin )
    • Wide and narrow ( Luas dan Sempit )
    • Abundant and scarce ( Berlebihan dan Kekurangan )
    • Joy and grief ( Kesenangan dan Kesedihan )
    • Dark and Light ( Kegelapan dan Terang )
    • Dangerous and safe ( Bahaya dan Aman )
    • Clever and foolish ( Pandai dan Bodoh )
    • Early and late ( Lebih Awal dan Terlambat )
    • Empty and full ( Kosong dan Penuh )
    • Smart and dumb ( Cerdas dan Bodoh )
    • Risky and safe ( Beresiko dan Aman )
    • Bad and good ( Buruk dan Baik )
    • Pretty and ugly ( Cantik dan Jelek )
    • Best and worst ( Terbaik dan Terburuk )
    • Simple and challenging ( Sederhana dan Menantang )
    • Soft and hard ( Lembut dan Keras )
    • Worried and calm ( Khawatir dan Santai )
    • Sane and crazy ( Normal dan Gila )
    • Rich and poor ( Kaya dan Miskin )
    • Cool and hot ( Dingin dan Panas )
    • Wet and dry ( Basah dan Kering )
    • Big and small ( Besar dan Kecil )
    • Optimistic and pessimistic
    • Excited and bored ( Mengagumkan dan Membosankan )


  • Cerita Rakyat Singkat “Bawang Merah Dan Bawang Putih” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Cerita Rakyat Singkat “Bawang Merah Dan Bawang Putih” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Cerita Rakyat Singkat “Bawang Merah Dan Bawang Putih” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris-Sifat Bawang Putih yang baik hati dan rajin serta selalu membantu dengan ikhlas membuatnya mendapatkan hadiah yang pantas. Penasaran hadiah apa yang akan di dapatkan Bawang Putih? Yuk simak artikel berikut tentang cerita rakyat “Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih dalam bahasa Inggris:

    Cerita Rakyat Singkat “Bawang Merah Dan Bawang Putih” Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    Cerita Rakyat Singkat “Bawang Merah Dan Bawang Putih” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    “Bawang Merah Dan Bawang Putih”

    A long time ago in Sumatra, tere was a village lived a family consisting of father, mother and a beautiful teenage girl named Bawang Putih. They were a happy family. Although Bawang Putih dad just ordinary traders, they lived in harmony and peace. One day Bawang Putih’s mother was seriously ill and eventually died. Bawang Putih was grieving as well as his father.

    In the village lived a widow who had a girl named Bawang Merah. Since mother died Bawang Putih, Bawang Merah’s mother often visited to the house of Bawang Putih. She often brought a food, helped cleaning the house and accompanied Bawang Putih. Father like with her. Finally father Bawang Putih thought that might be better if he married the Bawang Merah’s moher, Bawang Putih would feel so lonely anymore.

    With consideration of Bawang Putih, then the father married to Bawang Merah’s mother.At the first time, mother of Bawang Merah and Bawang Merah very kind to Bawang Putih. But time passed, they began to look their original nature.

    They often scold Bawang Putih and give her a tough job if father Bawang Putih was going to trade. Bawang Putih should be doing all the housework, while Bawang Merah and her stepmother just sitting around. Of course Bawang Putih father did not know it, because Bawang Putih never told.

    One day Bawang Putih father fell ill and later died. Since then, Bawang Merah and her mother became more powerful badly and persecution of Bawang Putih. Bawang Putih was almost never rested. She had to get up before dawn, to prepared the water for bathing and breakfast for Bawang Merah and stepmother.

    Then she had to feed livestock, watering the garden and washing clothes to the river. She still had to ironing, cleaning the house, and many other jobs. However Bawang Putih always did her job, because she hopes one day her stepmother would love her as her own child.

    This morning, as usual, Bawang Putih was carrying basket of clothes to be washed in the river. With little singing, she down a path at the edge of the usual small forest path. The day was very sunny weather. Bawang Putih immediately washed all the dirty clothes she carried.

    Because too much fun, Bawang Putih not realize that the clothes had washed, went away. Unfortunately the clothes was favourite clothes of her stepmother. When she realized it, her stepmother’s dress had drifted too far. Bawang Putih tried down to the river to look for it, but could not find it. In desperation, she returned home and told her mother.

    “Basic! Ugly! careless!” Snapped her stepmother. “I do not want to know, you have to look for the clothes! And do not dare to go home if you have not found it. Understand?!”

     Bawang Putih was forced to obey her half overlying desire. She directly down the river where she washed before. Sun began to set, but the Bawang Putih had not find the clothes. She put up her eyes, carefully examined every overhung roots jutting into the river, that known where she washed the clothes, may be she could find there.

    After stepping away and the sun was leaning to the west, Bawang Putih saw a shepherd who was bathing the buffalo. Bawang Putih then asked him: “O my good uncle, uncle doyou see the red dress drifting through here? Because I need to find and bring it home. “” Yes, I had seen my daughter. If you chase quickly, maybe you can catch itu, “said the uncle.

    “Well uncle, thank you!” Said Bawang Putih and ran back down. It was getting dark, Bawang Putih was getting desperate. Soon the night would arrived. From a distant looked light emanating from a hut on the banks of the river. Bawang Putih soon approached the house and knocked.

    “Excuse me …!” Said Bawang Putih. An old woman opened the door.

    “Who are you, girl?” Asked the old woman.

    “My name is Bawang Putih, Grandma. Now I’m just looking for my mother’s clothes were washed away. And now it was benighted. Can I stay here tonight? “Asked Bawang Putih.

    “Sure, girl. Are you looking for clothes that are red? “Asked the grandmother.

    “Yes Grandma. Did grandmother find it? “Asked Bawang Putih.

    “Yes I Do. The clothes had been stuck in front of my house. Unfortunately, even though I liked the clothes, “said the grandmother. “Well I’m going to return it, but you must first join me here for a week. I have not been talking to anyone, how? “Asked the Grandma

    During the week Bawang Putih lived with the grandmother. Every day Bawang Putih helped to do housework. Of course grandmother was happy. Until finally even been a week. Grandma gave Bawang Putih reward, but she must choose one of them. Finally Bawang Putih choose the smallest pumpkin. “I’m afraid not bring a big one,” she said. Grandma smiled and delivered Bawang Putih up to the front of the house.

    At home, Bawang Putih handed her stepmother’s red shirt while she went to the kitchen to split the yellow pumpkin. Surprise, when Bawang Putih gourd split, it contained gold jewels very much. She was so excited and shouting this magical thing to tell her stepmother and Bawang Mera. But they greedy grab the gold and jewels. They forced Bawang Putih to tell them how she could get the prize. Bawang Putih also told the truth.

    Heard Bawang Putih’s story, Bawang Merah, and her mother was planning to do the same thing but this time the Bawang Merah that would do it. In short, Bawang Merah eventually got old grandmother’s house on the edge of the river. Such as Bawang Putih, Bawang Merah was asked to accompany her during the week. Unlike Bawang Putih, Bawang Merah during the week just lazing and not helping Grandma.

     If anything is done then the result was never good because it is always done at random. Finally after a week Bawang Merah went to go. “Grandmother, you must give me a pumpkin as a gift because accompany you during the week?” Asked Bawang Merah. The old woman had ordered Bawang Merah choose one of two pumpkins on offer. Quickly Bawang Merah take a big one and without thanked she walked away.

    At home, Bawang Merah immediately to her mother and happily showed pumpkin. For fear of Bawang Putih would asked a part of jewelry, they asked Bawang Putih to go to the river. Then they could not wait to cut the pumpkin. They in hurry cut it. But unfortunately, it was not gold or any jewels in of the pumpkin, but venomous animals such as snakes, scorpions, and others. The animals were immediately attacked Bawang Merah and her mother. They cried and screamed. But no one helped them. They were died after that moment. That is the reward for those who are greedy. The end.

    Semoga Bermanfaat para pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    10 Contoh Puisi Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terpopuler Tentang Cinta Beserta Artinya

  • 14 Cerita Rakyat Singkat: “Timun Mas” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    14 Cerita Rakyat Singkat: “Timun Mas” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    14 Cerita Rakyat Singkat: “Timun Mas” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Cerita rakyat Timun Mas banyak sekali mengajarkan kita akan pesan moral yang terkandung di dalamnya. Nah selamat membaca ya cerita rakyat Timun Mas berikut dalam Bahasa Inggris:

    14 Cerita Rakyat Singkat: “Timun Mas” Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    14 Cerita Rakyat Singkat: “Timun Mas” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    “Timun Mas”

    In ancient times in Java, there lived a couple of farmers. They lived in a village near the forest. They live happily. Unfortunately they have not only blessed with a single child.

    Every day they pray to the Almighty. They prayed for having a child. One day a giant pass their residence. The giant heard the prayer of the couple. A giant then gave her Timun seed.

    “Plant this seed. Later you will get a girl, “said the Giant. “Thank you, Giant,” said the husband and wife. “But there are conditions. At age 17 the child should leave you and come to me, “said the Giant. Just because the husband and wife were waiting so long for having  a child, they agrred without thought twice.

    The farmer’s wife husband then plant the seeds of the Timun in the garden. Every day they took care of the plants start to grow it as good as possible. Months later grew a golden Timun.

    Timun was increasingly became large and heavy. When the fruit was ripe, they pick it. They carefully cut the fruit. How surprised they were, in the fruit they found a very beautiful baby girl. The husband and wife were very happy. They named the baby Timun Mas.

    Years passed. Timun Mas had grown into a beautiful girl. Both parents are very proud of her. But they became very afraid because when the anniversary Timun Mas reached 17th, the giant would come back. The giant asked their promise to take Timun Mas.

    The farmer was trying to calm down. “Wait a minute. Timun Mas Should go to the forest!” “My wife would you call her” he said. Timun Mas cameto her father. “Daughter, take this,” he said, handing a cloth bag. “It will help you fight the giant. Now flee as soon as possible, “he said. So Timun Mas immediately fled.

    The husband and wife were saddened by the departure of Timun Mas. But they were not willing to have their daughter became a food of giant. Giant waited long enough. He became impatient. He knew that they had lied to him. Then he destroyed the farmer’s cottage. In addition, he chased Timun Mas into the woods.

    Giant immediately ran after Timun Mas. Giant was closer and closer. Timun Mas scared. She immediately took a handful of salt from the cloth bag. Then she thew salt, and the salt was sprinkled in the direction of the Giant. Suddenly a vast sea was spread. Giants forced had to swim with difficulty. But he stiil could run after her.

    Timun Mas ran again. But then the Giants almost caught up her. Timun Mas back take a magical object from his pocket. She took a handful of chili. The chili was thrown in the direction of the giant. Instantly tree with branches and sharp thorns giant trap. Giant was screaming in pain. Then Timun Mas still ran to save herself.

     But the Giant was really strong. He ran and again almost caught Timun Mas. So Timun Mas also issued the third magical objects. She casted a magic cucumber seeds. Instantly grew very wide cucumber field. Giant very tired and hungry. He also ate a fresh cucumber it with gusto. Because of too much eating, giant fell asleep.

    Timun Mas back escape. She ran hard. But over time the power runs out. Worse because the giant awoke from his sleep. Giant again almost caught her. Timun Mas very almost frightened. She also threw the last weapon, a handful of shrimp paste. Again, a miracle occurred. An extensive mud lakes lied. The giant fell into it. Hands almost reached Timun Mas. But the lake was pulled to the bottom mud. Giant panic. He could not breathe, and then sank.

    Timun Mas relief. She had survived from giant. Timun Mas was returned to her parents’ house. Mom and Dad Timun Mas was so happy to see Timun Mas survived. They greet him. “Thank God. You saved my daughter, “they said happily.

    Since then Timun Mas could live in peace with her parents. They could live happily without fear again.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Sahabat SBI!!!

    Further Reading:

    Metode Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Yang Efektif Dengan Menggunakan Teknik Jigsaw Teknik

  • 13 Cerita Rakyat Singkat: Danau Toba Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    13 Cerita Rakyat Singkat: Danau Toba Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    13 Cerita Rakyat Singkat: Danau Toba Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Pernah terpikir kenapa Danau Toba bisa terbentuk? Danau Toba merupakan salah satu danau yang terkenal arena kisah nya, yuk disimak cerita rakyat berikut tentang Danau Toba:

    13 Cerita Rakyat Singkat: Danau Toba Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    13 Cerita Rakyat Singkat: Danau Toba Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Along time ago, in North of Sumatra there lived a farmer who was very diligent to working. He lived alone all the days. Every day he worked on the livestock and fishing tirelessly. This was done to meet the needs of his life.

    One day the farmer went to the river near his home, he intends to fishing for his dish today. With only armed with a hook, bait and fish, he went straight to the river. Once when he got in the river, the farmer immediately threw the hook. While waiting for the hook eaten fish, farmers prayed, “God, I hope I can fish a lot today”. Some time after the prayer, he throws a hook was apparent wobbling. He immediately pulled the hook. Farmers are very happy, because he gets very large fish and beautiful.

    After a while staring caught the fish, the farmer was very surprised. The fish he caught turn out and could talk. “Please, do not eat!! Let me live “, shouted the fish. The fish asked to return to the water. After restoring the fish into the water, the farmers surprised, because the fish suddenly turned into a very beautiful woman.

    “Do not worry sir, I will not hurt you”, said the fish. “Who are you? Are not you a fish ?, asked the farmer. “I was a princess who was cursed for violating the rules of the kingdom,” the woman replied. “Thank you’ve freed me from the curse, and because you helped me I am willing to make you as my husband”, she said. Farmer was so happy and agreed.

    They then become husband and wife. However, there was a promise that had been agreed, that the farmer should not tell that the origin of the Princess of fish to anyone. If the promise was broken there would be a terrible disaster.

    After a while they were married, farmer and his wife finally happiness increased, because they had a son. Their child grew into a son who was very handsome and strong. He had a habit that makes everyone wonder with his magic. The child was always hungry, and never felt full. All food rations be eaten so fast.

    Until one day the farmer’s son was given the job by his mother to deliver food and drinks to the field where his father was working. But the task was not fulfilled. All the food was supposed to be devoured his father out, and after that he was asleep in a hut. The farmer was waiting for the arrival of his son, while holding thirst and hunger. Unable to bear hunger, then he went straight home. On the way home, pack farmer saw his son was sleeping in the hut. The farmer directly to wake him. “Hey, wake up !, cried the farmer.

    After his son woke up, the farmer immediately asked his food. “Where is the food for me?”, Asked the farmer. “I am sorry father, I have just eaten it”, replied the boy. The farmer was so angry with the high notes. The farmers immediately scold him. “How dare you are!! Son of fish! Basic juveniles!” vituperation the Farmers unknowingly had said abstinence from his wife.

    After the farmers say these words, instantly son and his wife vanished without a trace and trace. By then, the former stamping his feet, suddenly very heavy water sprite. Water overflows very high and wide so as to form a lake. And finally form a lake of this now known as Lake Toba.

    Semoga Bermanfaat para pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    Contoh Percakapan Greeting Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Penjelasannya Terbaru

  • 12 Cerita Rakyat Singkat: Jaka Tarub And 7 Bidadari Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    12 Cerita Rakyat Singkat: Jaka Tarub And 7 Bidadari Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    12 Cerita Rakyat Singkat: Jaka Tarub And 7 Bidadari Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Pernah mendengar cerita rakyat Jaka Tarub dan 7 Bidadari? Yuk disimak cerita rakyat berikut:

    12 Cerita Rakyat Singkat: Jaka Tarub And 7 Bidadari Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    12 Cerita Rakyat Singkat: Jaka Tarub And 7 Bidadari Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Once upon a time Jaka Tarub, , there lived a man named Nyi Randa Tarub, he lived with his son Jaka Tarub who like to hunt in the woods.

    Jaka Tarub: Mom, I want to hunt deer in the forest

    Nyi Tarub: Okay son, but be careful

    Jaka Tarub who lived in Java went hunting in the area of ​​Mount Sacred. On the mountain there were lake where seven nymphs bathing.

    Angel 1: sisters here we will be having a bath

    Angel 2: Okay

    Angel 3: Okay, the air is too cool

    Angel 4:Wonderful

    Angel 5: yeah ….

    Angel 6: It sounds good

    Bidadri 7: yes sister

    Jaka Tarub took shawl one angel. When the seventh angel had gone out of the shower, six of the seven angel back to heaven.

    Jaka Tarub: all girls – this girl is gorgeous. Is it possible they are angels, huh …. What is that? I must have the essence of them.

    Angel 1: Sister the sky goes dark let’s go back to the heaven

    Nawang Wulan: shawl ……? Oh god, I lost my shawl.

    She shocked what happened that she lost her shawl, because without it he could not afford to fly to heaven.

    Angel 1: What, You miss it?

    Angel 2: how is it possible?

    Angel 4: let us search it!

    Angel 3: oh …. It was dark, we had to go from here

    Nawang Wulan (Angel 7): How about me?

    Angel 5: we can not do anything, sister … we had to leave you

    Nawang Wulan: Please, don’t leave me alone

    All sis Angel had gone back to heaven and leaved Angel 7 as Nawang Wulan.

    Jaka Tarub: hi … girl, what happened to you?

    Nawang Mulan: lord help me, I’m an angel of the heaven, I lost my shawl, my sisters had gone. I had no one here.

    Jaka Tarub: oh, so sorry to her that. I intend to help you,  would you want to come to my home?

    Nawang Wulan: thanks, Oh, I’m forget my name is Nawang Wulan, what’s your name?

    Jaka Tarub: people call me Jaka Tarub

    Jaka Tarub appeared to come to her any they had have conversation. The seventh angel, named Dewi Nawangwulan was falling in love with with Jaka Tarub, either he did. They willing had married and got a daughter named Dewi Nawangsih.

    Over the life of a householder, Nawangwulan always weared her power. Everything was easier. She Grain of to cook rice magically only with her power. One day so unexpectedly, Jaka Tarub cut the rules  of Nawangwulan’s rules that  not unscrew the rice cooker. Consequently Nawangwulan lost her magic. Since then she was cooking rice like most ordinary women.

    Thus, supply of rice becomes quickly exhausted. When rice is low, Nawangwulan found shawl inheritance hidden in the barn. By seeing this, Nawangwulan was too angry to know that her husband, was the person who had stolen the object.

    Jaka Tarub begged her not to go back to heaven. But Nawangwulan determination was made. Just for the sake of the baby Nawangsih she was willing to come down to earth to feed alone.

    Someday, Jaka Tarub later became leaders of village, as Ki Ageng Tarub, and friends with UB king of Majapahit. On a day UB sent keris Kyai Mahesa contagious so treated by Ki Ageng Tarub.

    UB messenger who delivered the dagger named Ki Ageng Masahar and Bondan Kejawan, his adopted son. Ki Ageng Tarub know if Mariah Kejawan actuallly by biological was a son of UB. So, the young man was asked to stay together in the village.

    Since then Bondan Kejawan be adopted by Ki Ageng Tarub, and renamed Ox Peteng. When Nawangsih growing up, they were married.

    After Jaka Tarub died, Ox Peteng would Bondan Kejawan replacet to Ki Ageng Tarub. Nawangsih itself gave birth to a son, who named Ki Getas Pandavas.

    Ki Ageng Getas Pandavas then had a son named Ki Ageng Sela, who was as the great gran father of Panembahan Senapati, founder of the Sultanate of Mataram.

    Semoga Bermanfaat para pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    120 Contoh Kata Prepositional Idioms Beserta Contoh Kalimatnya Part 1

  • Contoh Pidato Dalam Bahasa Inggris Tentang Dunia Pendidikan Terupdate

    Contoh Pidato Dalam Bahasa Inggris Tentang Dunia Pendidikan Terupdate

    Contoh Pidato Dalam Bahasa Inggris Tentang Dunia Pendidikan Terupdate – Pidato dalam bahasa inggris sering menjadi sebuah cabang lomba. Pada  ini saya akan memberikan beberapa contoh pidato dalam bahasa inggris. Pidato biasanya disampaikan dalam acara sambutan- sambutan atau perpisahan. Ada juga pidato yang dilakukan untuk keperluan lain. Ada banyak sekali tema yang bisa kita pilih dalam membuat teks pidato bahasa inggris, diantaranya adalah : pidato tentang pendidikan, kesehatan, bahasa merokok, bahaya narkoba, dan masih banyak lagi yang bisa kita pilih. Dan yang terpenting harus uptodate ya teman – teman.

    Pidato dibawah ini bisa anda jadikan sebagai referensi teman-teman dalam membuat naskah pidato. Anda juga harus memperhatikan gaya bahasa yang akan teman-teman gunakan dalam naskah pidato nantinya. Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan baca dan pelajari contoh pidato dalam bahasa di bwah ini.

     contoh pidato dalam bahasa inggris tentang dunia pendidikan

    Contoh Pidato bahasa Inggris Tentang pendidikan

    The Importance of Learning English

    The honourable Principals SMAN 2 METRO, all of the teachers SMAN 2 METRO and all of my friends from class 10 to 12.

    Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

    Good Morning !!!

    Firstly I’d like to invite all of you to give thanks to the presence of Almighty God, ALLAH SWT, who has given us the blessing and guidance, therefore we can gather here in this blessed place. And I also do not forget to submit your prayer and greetings to our prophet Nabi Muhammad SAW, who has brought us from darkness to brighter, so we are always on the right path until the end of the world.

    Now I stand here in this stage to deliver my speech, entitled “The Important of Learning English. “Is it important to learn English?” some people maybe say that the important of learning English with a various opinions and reasons.

    Ladies and Gentlemen

    Why do we learn English? All languages ​​without exception used for communication. The essence of language learning, in general term, is to learn to communicate. We also know that the English language has been admitted as an international language. People from various backgrounds geography, culture and religion has been put together by an international language agreed to communicate with each other, namely English. In this globalization era, language skills (English) must  be able to compete. So, we learn English because this language is an international language.

    Of course, we learn a foreign language for a specific purpose. People learn English also has a specific purpose, they have a specific purpose in learning the language because they know exactly what benefits they will get from the English. There are many benefits of English that we know even still much that is unknown. The concept of thinking we had been too narrow in addressing the sense of learning English as a learning activity in school with the only purpose to get the value of the standard (pass the exam). This then makes us feel lazy, sleepy and hunger are often felt in the hour English lesson begins. Is that true my friend?????

    To motivate and stimulate our interest in learning English, of course, English learners must know what benefits they will get if they are proficient in English.

    Ladies and Gentlemen.

    Learning English is very IMPORTANT. Each individual has their view and reason about important or not learning English. But in common ways, there is no reason not to improve your English language skills. So the reason the classical reason that limits you to learn English.

    You are too busy, English is too difficult or you do not need foreign language skills that one can not be accepted in view of the importance of learning English in the Globalization Era  Globalization nowadays.

    You can imagine my friend. if you could speak English, so you can communicate with more than 3 billion people all over the world. This means that five of the ten people in this world can speak in English, and the amount of learner continues to grow. For example, in China itself, the number of learner English has exceeded the total population of the United States. If you speak English, you can chat online, write a letter and around the world using a foreign language!

    Most international business is conducted in English. If you want a managerial positions in multinational companies, most likely you will be required to be able to speak English. A number of prestigious companies even now set the IELTS or TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is the minimum for potential job applicants. The world of technology, aviation, tourism and diplomatic depend closely on the English language. You can also become a translator of English, etc.

    English is the official language, or at least have a special status in 80 countries and used in more than 100 countries. English is the international language of business, sports, academic, science, technology, and advertising. You do not need to use the service of the English translator.

    Many of the foreign language books are only translated into English. If you can read English, you will have the option of reading a much more diverse; same is the case with the movie. Now,  the role of the greater English translator as well.

    You might think that a lot of sites that are translated into Indonesian. But the fact is, 90% of electronic information is only available in English. While 10% of the others was not all dominated by Indonesian, but also foreign languages ​​other non-English, such as Chinese, Japanese, Germany, and so on. So imagine just how many percent of all the information on the internet that is presented in Indonesian. You do not need tools / translator in English .

    Researcher and scientists around the world to communicate with each other in English. Scientific conferences was held in English and the research results are also published in English language journals. More than two or thirds of scientists around the world read in English.

    English in the business world it is used for business , correspondence and meetings with Caucasians Caucasians who do not want to learn and do not speak Indonesian. But the most important purpose of my writing is, It is enough to speak to foreigners who can not and do not want to learn Indonesian. It is do not need to proceed in conversation everyday, do not over- reacting and thinking that by being able to speak English in public places you feel you are a higher degree than others .

    If you are more comfortable with English, please speak English fully (full and complete conversation in English ), do not talk hodgepodge. It was very humiliating and underestimating yourself.

    Therefore, it is important to learn the English language  school to upper level students and students that have the nation’s next international outlook which will determine the future of our country Indonesia.

    I think that’s all., that I can say to you on this occasion, thank you so much for your nice attention and I apologize for my mistakes that I had made and I say the final word:

    Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

  • 100 Contoh Gerunds Dan Infinitives Beserta Penjelasannya Terlengkap

    100 Contoh Gerunds Dan Infinitives Beserta Penjelasannya Terlengkap

    100 Contoh Kalimat Gerunds Dan Infinitives Beserta Pengertian Dan Penjelasannya Terlengkap

    Oke sahabat SBI kali ini saya akan membahas apa itu Gerund dan Infinitive dan bagaimana penggunaanya dalam kalimat. Oke simak baik-baik penjelasan dibwah ini,

     Gerund adalah kata benda yang terbuat dari kata kerja dengan menambahkan “-ing“. Bentuk gerund dari kata kerja “play ” adalah ” playing”. Anda dapat menggunakan gerund sebagai subjek , melengkapi , atau objek kalimat.  Jika sebuah kalimat dengan [ verb + ing ] ( Gerund ), Verb ( Kata Kerja ) harus singular.

    Contoh Kalimat :

    • Reading helps you learn English. subject dari sebuah kalimat
    • His hobby is swimmingcomplement atau pelengkap dari sebuah kalimat
    • I enjoy travellingobject dari sebuah kalimat
    • Writing article is his job.
    • Dieting is good for your health.

    Gerunds dapat menjadi bentuk negative dengan menambahkan “not.”


    • Abdul enjoys not working.
    • I am not smoking.
    • Not studying has caused your score bad.



    1. Infinitive adalah penambahan ” to” sebelum kata kerja. Bentuk infinitif dari “learn” adalah ” to learn”. Anda juga dapat menggunakan infinitif sebagai subjek ,Pelengkap , atau objek dari sebuah kalimat.


    • To learnis very important. subject dari sebuah kalimat
    • The most important thing is to givecomplement sebuah kalimat
    • She wants to readobject dari sebuah kalimat

    Infinitives dapat menjadi bentuk negative dengan menambahkan “not.”


    • She decided not to go.
    • The most important thing is not to give up.


    1. Baik Gerund dan infinitive dapat digunakan sebagai subjek atau complement dari kalimat. Namun, sebagai subyek atau pelengkap, Gerund biasanya terdengar lebih seperti biasa, berbicara bahasa Inggris, sedangkan infinitive terdengar lebih abstrak . Dalam kalimat-kalimat berikut ,gerund terdengar lebih alami dan akan lebih umum dalam bahasa Inggris sehari-hari. Infinitif menekankan kemungkinan atau potensi untuk sesuatu dan terdengar lebih filosofis. Jika ini terdengar membingungkan , ingatlah bahwa 90 % dari waktu, Anda akan menggunakan gerund sebagai subjek atau pelengkap kalimat


    • Reading is important. normal subject
    • To read is important. abstract subject – kurang umum
    • The most important thing is givingnormal complement
    • The most important thing is to giveabstract complement – kurang umum

     1000 Contoh dan Penjelasan Gerund dan Infinitive terbaru

    1. Sebagai objek dalam sebuah kalimat, lebih sulit untuk memilih antara gerund atau infinitive. Dalam situasi seperti itu, gerund dan infinitive biasanya tidak dipertukarkan . Biasanya , kata kerja utama dalam kalimat menentukan apakah teman-teman sekalian menggunakan gerund atau infinitive.


    • Aris enjoys reading. Kata “Enjoy” memerlukan sebuah  gerund.
    • She wants to swim. Kata “Want” memerlukan sebuah  infinitive.


    1. Beberapa kata kerja yang diikuti Gerund yang berfumgsi sebagai Object.


    • He suggested going to a movie.
    • Abdul keep stalking about his achievement.


    1. Beberapa kata kerja yang diikuti Infinitive.


    • She wants to go to a movie.
    • Gilang needs to talk about his problems to us.


    Terima Kasih Semoga Bermanfaat Para Sahabat SBI 🙂

    Lihat Juga Materi Yang Berhubungan :


  • Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Artinya Terbaru

    Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Artinya Terbaru

    Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Artinya Terbaru – Apakah sahabat SBI ingin membuat surat permohonan lamaran kerja? Tujuannya tentu adalah anda ingin mendapatkan kesempatan untuk mengikuti seleksi yang di adakan oleh perusahaan atau instansi tempat anda melamar. Surat lamaran kerja selalu menjadi poin pertama yang dinilai sebelum kita diberi kesempatan untuk mengikuti seleksi. Dibawah ini adalah contoh surat lamaran dalam Bahasa Inggris dan artinya dalam Bahasa Indonesia.

    Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Dalam Bahasa Inggris


    Metro, February 3rd , 2015

    To          : LPK. Airlangga
    Subject : Application for being a new English teacher staff

    Dear Sir or Madam,
    I am applying for the position of teacher on your institution. Here is my brief data:

    Name                                : Erfan Saputra
    Place and Date of Birth : Metro, April 15th, 1991
    Education                        : English Department of FKIP of Lampung University

    Currently, I am studying at English Department of Lampung University. 22 years old with a GPA 3,3o and also experienced in private-teaching. Therefore, I feel confident that my educational background, experience, and career interest will meet your expectation and institution recruitment requirements.

    Hereby apply to you to be able to participate in the selection referred to above, the position of English Teacher.

    For your consideration, father / mother, I enclose here with:
    1. Curriculum Vitae (CV).
    2. KTP.
    3. Certificate Bachelor (S1) and transcripts that have been legalized.
    4. Copy of the certificate. (Results Scan)
    I would be available to have an interview at anytime and look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

    Yours faithfully,


    Dani Erfan Saputra


    contoh surat lamaran dalam bahasa inggris beserta artinya terbaru

    Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Dalam Bahasa Indonesia


    Metro, 3 Februari 2015

    Kepada : LPK. Airlangga
    Hal         : Lamaran untuk menjadi Guru Bahasa Inggris

    Dengan Hormat,
    Sehubungan dengan dibukanya kesempatan di institusi Bapak/Ibu. Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini :

    Nama                               :  Erfan Saputra
    Tempat Tanggal Lahir : Metro, 15 April 1991
    Pendidikan                     : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Lampung

    Saat ini, saya belajar di Jurusan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Lampung dengan IPK 3,3o dan berusia 23 tahun juga berpengalaman dalam mengajar priva. Oleh karena itu, saya merasa yakin bahwa latar belakang pendidikan , pengalaman, dan minat karir saya akan memenuhi harapan dan perekrutan sesuai kebutuhan institusi Bapak/Ibu.

    Dengan ini mengajukan permohonan kepada bapak/ibu untuk dapat diikutsertakan pada seleksi sebagaimana dimaksud di atas, pada posisi Guru Bahasa Inggris.
    Sebagai bahan pertimbangan , bapak / ibu, saya lampirkan:
    1. Curriculum Vitae ( CV ) .
    2. KTP .
    3. Ijazah Sarjana ( S1 ) dan transkrip nilai yang telah dilegalisir .
    4. Fotokopi sertifikat .
    Aku sangat bersedia untuk mengikuti sebuah wawancara kapan saja dan berharap untuk mendengar dari Bapak/Ibu segera mungkin. Terima kasih.

    Hormat Saya
    Dani Erfan Saputra


    Simak Juga Materi SBI Lainnya :

  • Metode Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Yang Efektif Dengan Menggunakan Teknik Jigsaw Teknik

    Metode Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Yang Efektif Dengan Menggunakan Teknik Jigsaw Teknik


    Metode Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Yang Efektif Dengan Menggunakan Teknik Jigsaw – Dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris dalam kelas hanya sebagian guru yang menggunakan metode mengajar yang  efektif. Mereka sering mengabaikan perlunya situasi pembelajaran yang menyenangkan dalam kelas sehingga para siswa tidak merasa bete dan ngantuk sehingga proses pembelajaran dalam kelas jauh dari kata efektif. Ini mungkin karena teknik atau metode yang digunakan oleh guru itu hanya itu- itu saja. Sebagai contoh guru mendominasi aktivitas dalam kelas, guru hanya berdiri di depan kelas dan menjelaskan materi sampai waktu pelajaran habis. Sangat jarang sekali siswa terlibat dalam proses pembelajaran karena mereka berpikir tidak mempunyai  kesempatan untuk berpartisipasi dalam kelas. Tentunya ini akan mempengaruhi pemahaman mereka terkait materi yang diberikan.

     Oleh karena itu sebagai guru bahasa inggris wajib menggunakan teknik atau metode yang mendukung proses terjadinya kegiatan belajar mengajar yang efektif. Salah satunya adalah menggunakan pendekatatan cooperative learning.  Banyak guru tidak tahu bahkan mengabaikan pendekatan ini.  Di dalam pendekatan Cooperative Learning, para siswa harus bekerja dalam grup untuk menyelesaikan tugas. Disini peran guru berubah yang tadinya memberi informasi  atau pusat informasi menjadi fasilitator dalam proses pembelajaran.  Jadi guru hanya berperan menyediakan lingkungan yang kondusif, menyiapkan materi,  membentuk kelompok, mengawasi kerja kelompok dan di akhir pembelajaran menugaskan dan membantu siswa menyimpulkan dan menngabungkan material. Ada banyak teknik yang termasuk dalam pendekatan Cooperative Learning, mereka adalah Diskusi grup , STAD, Mind Mapping, Role play  dan Jigsaw.

     Nah.. Pada artikel ini saya akan mengulas Jigsaw teknik yang termasuk pendekatan Cooperative Learning. Dibawah ini adalah ilustrasi bagaimana jigsaw bekerja.

    Setiap potongan dari jigsaw puzzle sangat penting untuk membentuk sebuah gambar yang sempurna. Begitu juga dengan setiap siswa memiliki peranan penting untuk membentuk kelompok dan mendukung terciptanya pembelajaran yang efektif.  Untuk itu teknik ini sangat membantu para siswa untuk berpikir kreatif dan tidak bergantung pada lainnya.

    metode pembelajaran bahasa inggris yang efektif

    Ada  10 (sepuluh) langkah penting untuk menerapkan Jigsaw teknik di dalam kelas( :

    1. Pembagian kelompok yang berisi 5 atau 6 orang. Sangat ideal untu kelas yang berisi 30 siswa. Kelompok awal ini bisa dinamakan jigsaw grup.
    2. Setiap grup harus memilih ketua yang bisa di katakan paling berani berbicara di kelompoknya.
    3. Materi di bagi menjadi 5 – 6 bagian( untuk setiap anggota grup).
    4. Setiap siswa di berikan satu bagian dari materi untuk dipelajari.
    5. Siswa harus diberikan waktu untuk membaca dan memahami bagiannya paling tidak dua kali.
    6. Satu siswa dari setiap jigsaw grup yang memiliki bagian materi sama membentuk grup atau kelompok yang disebut grup ahli atau expert grup. Dalam expert grup mereka diberikan waktu untuk mendiskusikan poin penting dan menyiapkan materi yang akan mereka sampaikan pada grup awal mereka.
    7. Para siswa kembali ke grup awal atau jigsaw grup.
    8. Siswa menyampaikan bagian materi yang mereka diskusikan pada grup expert secara berurutan sesuai materi. Anggota kelompok yang lain dapat bertanya pada siswa yang sedang menyampaikan materi.
    9. Guru mengawasi proses diskusi dan mengatasi masalah yang terjadi pada grup.
    10. Kuis harus diberikan di akhir sehingga para siswa sadar kegiatan belajar tersebut tidak hanya untuk kesenangan dan permainan tetapi juga ada penilaian untuk proses tersebut.


    Demikian ulasan tentang salah satu teknik yang dapat membantu terjadinya proses pembelajaran bahasa inggris yang efektif.

    Semoga Bermanfaat untuk para sahabat SBI.