
  • Cerita Rakyat Jawa Tengah: “Rawa Pening” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Cerita Rakyat Jawa Tengah: “Rawa Pening” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Cerita Rakyat Jawa Tengah: “Rawa Pening” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    SekolahbahasainggrisPernakah kalian mendengar atau membaca kisah cerita rakyat tentang Rawa Pening dari Jawa Tengah dalam Bahasa Inggris? Jika belum, yuk disimak cerita berikut ini:

    Cerita Rakyat Jawa Tengah: “Rawa Pening” Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    Cerita Rakyat Jawa Tengah: “Rawa Pening” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    “Rawa Pening”

    Along time ago, the villagers of Ngebel surprised to see a very large snake. The snakes would attacked them and there was a villager who could catch snake named Klinting Baru. Having caught the snake was killed and the meat was eaten in a feast. Only one of the villagers who did not invited to enjoy the party, which was a poor old grandmother named Nyai Minyak.

    A few days later came a boy about ten years old. He looked disheveled and unkempt, even his skin was covered with the disease. The boy went to every house and asked for food to villagers. But nobody gave him food or drinking water. They even threw and mocking him.

    Finally he arrived at the house of the latter, home Nyai Minyak. In front of the flimsy houses Nyai were pounding rice with mortar.

    “Grandma,” the boy said, “I am thirsty. May I ask for water, Grandma? “

    Grandmother took the child to drink a glass of water with gusto. She looked at him with pity.

    “Want some more water? You want to eat? But I only had rice, no side dishes. “

    “Want it, Grandma. Rice is enough. I’m hungry, “said the boy.

    Grandma immediately fetch rice and leftover vegetables available. He also brought water again for the boy, boy was eating with gusto, until not a rice left.

    “What’s your name, son? Where is your father and mother? “

    “My name was Klinting Baru. My father and mother passed away. “

    “Would you like to stay here accompanying me?” asked Grandma.

    “Thank you, Grandma. But I went alone. People here evil, Grandma. Only grandmother just kind to me. “

    Klinting Baru then told about the story of villagers who were not friendly to him. Later, he also said goodbye. Before leaving, he advised Nyai Minyak.

    “Grandma, later if grandmother heard the sound of the gong, the grandmother went up to the top of the mortar. Grandma will be saved. “

    Although not understand the meaning of Klinting Baru, Nyai said yes.

    Klinting Baru entranced to the village again. He went to the children who were playing. He picked up a stick and plugged it in the ground. Then he called the children.

    “Come on … who can revoke this stick?”

    Klinting got mocking but when one by one tried to pull the stick, nothing worked. They also called the big one. All tried, all failed. The adults were gathered and tried to poke a stick. Remained nothing works.

    New ultimately revoked by Klinting to stick it by himself. From holes in the ground water gushing former stick sticked that grew more and more profusely. People were running around frantically, One ring the gong as a sign of danger. But the water quickly became flooded and drowned the whole village.

    Nyai heard the distant sound of the gong, he remembered the message of Klinting and immediately climbed to the top of the mortar. He just sat in the mortar, the water was coming and higher. Dimples was adrift. Nyai saw the neighbors had drowned.

    After some time, the water stopped rising and slowly began to recede. Nyai carried aside so She could get to the land. Only her who could survived from the flood. Other villagers were all dead.

    The water did not dry completely back but left wide puddle shaped lake that is now called  as Rawa Pening. Rawa Pening is located in Ambarawa, Central of Java. The End.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

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    2015 Contoh Berita Bencana Alam Terkini Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    55 Contoh Makalah Tentang Komputer Dalam Bahasa Inggris

  • 55 Contoh Makalah Tentang Komputer Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    55 Contoh Makalah Tentang Komputer Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    55 Contoh Makalah Tentang Komputer Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Pernahkah sahabat mendapatkan tugas untuk membuat sebuah makalah dalam bahasa Inggris? Membuat makalah bukanlah hal yang sulit jika kita mengetahui format-formatnya. Tentu saja tujuannya agar siswa ataupun mahasiswa mengetahui dan paham atas tugas yang diberikan.

    55 Contoh Makalah Tentang Komputer Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    55 Contoh Makalah Tentang Komputer Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Jika kalian bingung seperti apakah makalah dalam bahasa Inggris, akan admin bagikan kepada kalian contoh referensi singkat makalah tenntang Komputer yakni tentang Komunikasi data dalam bahasa Inggris sebagai berikut:



     BY :




     PART I




    The rise of internet user already become part of our daily life. This is because the use of information in cyberspace will be important in everyday life. These characteristics are one of the effects of globalization in Indonesia.

    We often do a good interaction with other people in the exchange of information text, images and sound through the tools or devices that we use (electronic media or other media).

    Communication is what we use are almost always present in everyday life. The use of the Internet as one of the networks that we use in communicating data to the public free of charge makes it easy to communicate. To be sure, the Internet is one of the communication data very widespread among the general public. So what is a data communication? For more details about the data communication network based in the paper are We learn this.

     Basis Theory

    Computer Network

    Computer network (the network) is a system that consists of computers that are designed to be able to share resources (printer, CPU), communication (e-mail, instant messaging), and can access the information (web browser). [1] The purpose of the network computer is [1] In order to achieve its objectives, each part of the computer network may request and provide the service (service). [1] The party requesting / receiving services called client (client) and that provide / send service called the waiter (server). [1] This design is called a client-server system, and is used in almost all computer network applications. [1] Two computers, each of which has a network card, and then connected via a wired or wireless as a data transmission medium, and there are devices Network operating system software will form a simple computer network. [2]: If you want to create a computer network that is wider-reaching, it would require additional equipment such as Hubs, Bridges, Switches, Routers, Gateways as interconnection equipment.

    Data Communications

    Data communication is the process of sending and receiving data / information from two or more devices (tools, such as a computer / laptop / printer / and other communication devices) are connected in a network. Both local and wide, like the Internet.





    Data communication is the transmission or the process of sending and receiving data from two or more devices (source), through multiple media. The media can be a coaxial cable, fiber optic (fiber optic), microware and sebagainya.Komunikasi data is a combination of several data processing techniques. Where telecommunication means all activities relating to the transfer of information from point to another. While the data processing are all activities related to the processing yag.


    In general, the types of data communication are divided or classified into two kinds:

    1. terrestrialAksesnya infrastructures using wired and wireless media. To build this terrestrial infrakstuktur high costs, limited bandwitch capacity, high costs due to the use of cables is not diprngaruhi by weather factors so that the signal is strong enough used.
    2. Through the use of satellite satelit Aksesnya. Areas covered satelit wider access so as to reach a location that can not be reached. By terrestrial infrastructure but for a long time need for ongoing communication process. Because of the interference due to solar radiation (sun outage) the most severe occur once every 11 years

    Of both types can be divided into two forms of data communication. System communicates the data can also be formed offline communication system (communication system offline) and on line communication system (on-line communication system)

    1. 1. System communication offline

    Offline communication system is the process of sending data by using telecommunications to data processing center but will be processed first by using a modem terminal then sent via telecommunications and proceed directly by the CPU data is stored on a floppy disk, magnetic tape and other equipment necessary

    1. Terminal, 1/0 It is a device to send data and receive data remotely with telecommunication facilities. Terminal equipment is a magnetic tape unit, disk dirivepaper tape.
    2. Lines of communication, Track a communication facilities such as telephone, telegraph, telex etc.
    3. Modem, A device that transfers data from a digital code system analogous to the system code.





    Thus, based on the data communications network that is sending data that can not be separated from the performance of the device – an electronic device as a medium to transmit data from one terminal to another terminal or from one computer to another computer, one of which uses the internet.

    Interaction or relationship is in purpose to transmit or receive data between devices both within a narrow range or wide reach.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

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    Contoh Review Text Film Soekarno Dan Artinya Terupdate

  • Dongeng Singkat: “Manusia Kue Jahe” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Dongeng Singkat: “Manusia Kue Jahe” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Dongeng Singkat: “Manusia Kue Jahe” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris- Kisah manusia kue jahe yang begitu lincah lari kesana kemari sangat terkenal di berbagai Negara. Penasaran dengan kisahnya? Silahkan membaca dongeng Manusia Kue Jahe dibawah ini:

    Dongeng Singkat: “Manusia Kue Jahe” Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    Dongeng Singkat: “Manusia Kue Jahe” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Manusia Kue Jahe

    (Gingerbread Man)

    Once upon a time there was a pair of grandparents who lived in a small house on the edge of the forest. They were so lonely because only two of them without child. Grandma liked to sew, knit and made cakes to fill his days.

    One day, the grandmother made gingerbread. He mixed butter, eggs, flour, ginger powder, ground cinnamon and sugar.

    When the dough had finished, grandma liked form a cake. Grandma gave decoration of sugar to make the hair, mouth and clothes. Even eyes and buttons, grandma made of chocolate chips. Gingerbread looked so great.

    Grandma insert the cake into the oven. When the cake was cooked, grandmother opened the oven door.

    Grandmother surprised, gingerbread jumped up and ran out the door while singing,

    “Run, run as faster as you can!

    You can not catch me!

    I’m the gingerbread man!” Gingerbread sang

    Grandparents pursue gingerbread, but could not catch it.

    Gingerbread continued to run and run. He met a cow.

    “Mooo …!” Said the cow, “You look so delicious!” Cows tried chasing gingerbread too. Gingerbread run faster while singing,

    “I ran out of the grandmother

    I ran away from Grandpa

    I can run away from you

    I cannnn! ” he sang

    Gingerbread run continuously, and he met with a horse.

    “Iiiiee …!,” Said the horse to gingerbread, “You look so good. I want to eat you, “added the horse.

    “But you can not horse!” said gingerbread.

    “Grandma can not catch me

    Grandpa can not catch me

    Cows can not catch me

    You think you can catch me? “

    Gingerbread run while singing,

    “Run, run as faster as you can!

    You can not arrest

    I’m the gingerbread man! ” he sang happily

    Horse ran after the gingerbread, but could not catch it.

    Gingerbread ran and ran, laughing and singing. He met with a chicken.

    “Kokk, kokkk, Petokkk,” said chicken, “You seem suitable for my supper. I’m going to eat you, gingerbread.” Added chicken

    But gingerbread just laughed.

    “I ran out of the grandmother

    I ran away from Grandpa

    I ran out of cow

    I ran out of horse

    I also can run away from you

    Sure I cannnn …! “

    And gingerbread ran while singing,

    “Run, run as fast as you can!

    You can not arrest

    I’m the gingerbread man! “

    Chicken chased gingerbread, but could not catch it.

    Gingerbread proud of it because he can run faster. “No one can catch me.” So he kept running and met a fox.

    Gingerbread feel fox should know that he ran faster than the others.

    “Mr. Fox,” said gingerbread. “Although I look delicious, I will not let you catch and eat me.”

    “I ran faster than grandma

    I ran faster than grandpa

    I ran faster than cows

    I run faster than horses

    I ran faster than chicken

    You also can not catch me “

    But so unexpectedly, “Why do I have to catch you?” Said the fox. “I do not like gingerbread. I do not want to eat you. “

    “But you can no longer run away from the people who came after you,” said the fox. “Look at the river over there!”

    Gingerbread thought, when he crossed the river, his body would be wet and eventually destroyed. But he must go immediately to avoid arrested by the grandmother, grandfather, cows, horses and chickens were chasing him.

    “Let me help you cross. Come up to my tail, so your feet do not get wet. “

    Gingerbread rose to foxes. The fox took him across the river. Shortly thereafter, foxes began to sink.

    “Get on my back,” said fox to Gingerbread to climbed into the back.

    But a moment later, the fox began to wet backs. “My head is higher,” said the fox. Gingerbread jump to the head of a fox.

    But soon, the water was about gingerbread’s legs. “Come up to my nose. You’re safe here. “

    Gingerbread jumped to the nose, but … “HA!” The fox biting ginger cake and ate it up.

    “Gingerbread is delicious,” said

     fox in his mind. “Who does not like gingerbread?” he said.

    The End.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

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  • Contoh Kalimat Expression of Ability or Disability dan Penjelasannya  Terlengkap

    Contoh Kalimat Expression of Ability or Disability dan Penjelasannya Terlengkap

    Contoh Kalimat Expression of Ability or Disability dan Penjelasannya  Terlengkap – Expression of Ability or Disabilty adalah Ekspression yang kita gunakan jika kita ingin mengungkapkan dan menyatakan tenang kemampuan atau ketidakmampuan:

    Dibawah ini adalah contoh kalimat yang kita gunakan untuk menyatakan kemampuan atau ketidakmampuan ( Ability or Disability ):

     Expression of Ability or Disability

    • Asking if someone can do something:
    • Can you…?
    • Are you good at…?
    • Is he able to…?
    • Are you able to…?
    • Are you capable of…?
    • Do you know how to…?
    • Do you think you can…?
    • Do you know anything about…?
    • Do you have the experience or ability to…?

    • Saying you are able to do something:
    • I can…
    • I am able to…
    • I know how to…
    • I feel capable of…
    • I might be able to…
    • (Yes), no problem…
    • I would I am able to…
    • I know something about…
    • I have the experience of…
    • I am pretty good at the job…
    • I would say I am capable of…
    • (I think) I have the qualification or experience or ability to…


    • Saying you can not  to do something:
    • I cannot…
    • I am hopeless…
    • I am not good at…
    • I have no idea how…
    • I have no experience of…
    • No, I don’t know how to…
    • I don’t know anything about…
    • I am not sure I can/ know how to…
    • (I am afraid) I cannot cope (with)…
    • I would not know where to begin or start…
    • I don’t think I have qualification or experience or ability to…

     contoh kalimat Expression Ability Terlengkap

    Contoh Dalam Kalimat:

    Andy   : Can you explain me about the process of extraction in the laboratory?

    Dony   : Yes, no problem.

    Andy   : Do you have experience to lead the physics seminar?

    Dony   : No, I have no experience to lead physics seminar.

    Ya demikian ulasan mengenai contoh kalimat ekspression of ability dan penjelasannya terlengkap.

    Semoga Bermanfaat buat sahabat SBI!!!1

  • Contoh Essay Cause and Effect (Sebab-Akibat) Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Contoh Essay Cause and Effect (Sebab-Akibat) Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Contoh Essay Cause and Effect (Sebab-Akibat) Dalam Bahasa Inggris – Oke sahabat SBI yang baik hatinya! dibawah ini adalah Essay atau karangan Sebab-Akibat tentang Sepeda, Bagaimana sepeda bisa mengakibatkan kecelakaan dan membuat kita cidera. Chekidot!!!

    People around the world has known bicycle since a long time ago. When bicycle invented for the first time, it has function as transportation equipment, people used it to go everywhere, but now bicycle can be used as exercises equipment, or just for hobby. When people ride a bicycle, accident can happened . This bicycle accident can be caused by the broken equipment, weather condition, or the biker’s carelessness.

    The failure of the equipment can be one of the cause of the bicycle accident. For example, if the brake of the bicycle do not work well, it can be problem for a biker, because without a brake, bicycle can not controlled well too, especially when a biker rides in steep descent, or if a biker wants to hit something. There are many another equipments of the bicycle can be the root of the problems in a bike, such as handlebar, tire, etc. The equipment also can not work proper if it or they have been out of their work time, too old. The bikers should take care and give attention to the bike’s equipment to keep away the accident from them when they ride their bike. Therefore it is important for the biker to check everything before they ride their bicyle. This is can be the best way for the biker to avoid the accident caused by the failure of the bike’s equipment. The safety of  riding bicycle can create by the biker itself.

    Paragraph cause and effect

    Weather condition can be another cause of the bicycle accident, such as in the rainy and windy situation. In the rainy situation, the water may impair the brakes and obstruct the brakes. Besides of it, in the rainy weather, a biker also has difficulties in controlling the bike because of the wet road they through. In windy weather I think it is imposible to handle the bicycle as good as in the good weather, because it may cause the bicycle unsteady. The bikers should pay attention in weather if they want to ride for exercise or just riding around a place. They should not ride after the big rain or when the wind flow fast around the bikers.

    The last cause of the bicycle accident is the carelessness of the biker. If the reason above are include to non human factor, this is the human factor that can cause bike accident. This is the most happen to the bikers when they ride. Sometimes they do that by their awareness or they do that just because it is a habit. Sometimes the bikers do not care about the traffic signs. They stop in the place where they should not stop. This carelesness is the number one of the cause of bicycle accident in riding bike. To avoid the accident which caused by this factor, the bikers should give attention more in traffic sign and focussed well when they ride a bike.

    In conclusion, there is some factor which can caused bicycle acccident such as the broken equipment of the bike, the weather, and the human carelessnes. Actually this aciident can be avoid if every biker check their bike’s equipment before they go by bicycle, do not ride in bad weather, and improve their awareness of traffic sign. It is better to prevent than we have to treat. We can make ourselves safe if we can create the safety way in riding bicycle.

  • Penjelasan Hortatory Exposition Text Beserta Contoh

    Penjelasan Hortatory Exposition Text Beserta Contoh

    Penjelasan Hortatory Exposition Text Beserta Contoh  – Buat Sahabat SBI yang pernah membaca sebuah artikel dan isi artikel tersebut merupakan sebuah ajakan atau bujukan untuk melakukan sesuatu?? Tidak salah lagi itu adalah teks yang tergolong Hortatory Exposition Text.

    Untuk lebih memahami mengenai apa itu hortatory exposition text dan bagaimana cara membuat teks jenis ini. Baca dan Pahami Kerangka dan Text hortatory tentang mempunyai sebuah perpustakaan pribadi dirumah seutuhnya. Check this out!!!


    Thesis Statement : Having a private library at home is a good decicion.

    1. It brings satisfaction by collecting books. ( Paragraph 1 )

    – It is challenging.

    –  Collecting books is an interesting hobby.

    2. It ornates our home.  ( Paragraph 2)

    – A home which has a private library looks more artistic.

    – It brings people who visit the home exited.

    3. Get more knowledge.  ( Paragraph 3 )

    – By collecting book we will be motivated to read book.

    – Get communicated with world.

     hortatory exposition

    It is a good decision for people who have extra-money to shop some books and make a private library at their homes. What many Indonesian people  might never strive to complete their beautiful life is making a library at their homes. Library which many people consider as a boring place to visit or to spend their time for actually is a nice interesting place which in some modern countries has been set in their homes. Having a library at home can bring many advantages. The first is it brings satisfaction for us when we can collect many books like collecting stamps. Next it ornates our homes. It also makes us get more knowledge.

    Why I said that it brings satisfaction is that because when we have successfully collected many good books, there is a kind of feeling proud of ourselves, because collecting books which have good quality is not easy, such these books must be expensive or difficult to find. It is like collecting something which needs effort to get it. It is challenging and amusing. Many people spend their money to buy stamps, paintings, pictures, or something unique. So are books, books are considered as valuable, useful, and precise things to be collected which are arranged  in the bookshelf tidily, then it becomes a library. So that’s why I said that it is an interesting hobby.

    No matter whether we have read all our books collection or not, having many books keeps giving advantages. People who have read many books are considered have much knowledge, so are we if we have a library at our home.we will be considered intellectual by people who visit our home and see our books collection, eventhough we haven’t read the books, at least for first impression. It can be a good ornament for our homes and it makes our homes looks more artistic. Although it can fool people who visit our home but it makes them exited to our home.

    The most important thing that we must set as a main purpose of having a library at our home is getting the contents of the books. Having many books without reading the books is like saving garbages at our homes. For many people, reading book is a boring activity and some think that it makes sleepy, but having many books will drive us feel guilty to not reading the books. It will motivate us to read more and more, and finish all the books. The more we have  books that we have not read the more we feel guilty. Beside that we can also broaden our knowledge. Books give many information about world. We can get communicated with world as if we open the window of the world.

    Having a library at home is however considered important. Collecting books and building a library at home offer many profits. Those who have had their own library with their favourite books spend their leisure time to increase their knowledge. They tend to speak confidently since they are more intellectual. No matter they have consumed all their collection, it keeps giving profit. Those who displayed their collection get more respect from people who visit their home. So there is no doubt to make a library at home.


  • Langkah – Langkah Belajar Translate Inggris Indonesia

    Langkah – Langkah Belajar Translate Inggris Indonesia

    Langkah – Langkah Belajar Translate Inggris Indonesia – Dalam menerjemahkan sebuah artikel atau bahkan buku berbahasa Inggris kita perlu belajar dari dasar untuk menghasilkan sebuah terjemahan yang baik dan tidak rancu. Simaklah dengan baik langkah dalam menerjemahkan sebuah teks dari Inggris ke Indonesia.


    Another thing we wish to advise you about, gentle reader, is that we have not bound ourselves to any uniformity of phrasing or to any identity of words. Perhaps some, noticing that some scholars have been as exact as possible that way, would wish that we did the same. Most assuredly we were extremely careful. We made it a matter of conscience as was our responsibility. When the word meant the same thing in both places, we did not vary from the sense from what we had translated before. For there are some words that do not have the same meaning everywhere.

    STEP 1 (Lexical)

    Lainnya sesuatu kami harapkan untuk menasihati kamu tentang, ramah pembaca, adalah bahwa kami belum mengikat diri kami sendiri untuk apa saja keseragaman penyusunan kata-kata atau untuk apa saja identitas dari kata-kata. Barangkali beberapa, berpesan bahwa beberapa sarjana telah se eksak mungkin cara itu, akan ingin itu kami mengerjakan sama. Yang paling menjamin kami sungguh berhati-hati. Kami membuat ini sebuah masalah dari hati nurani seperti kita tanggung jawab. Ketika kata mengartikan sama sesuatu di dalam kedua tempat-tempat. Kita tidak dapat membedakan rasa dari apa kita telah terjemahkan sebelumnya. Untuk ada beberapa kata-kata bahwa tidak mempunyai sama arti dimanasaja.

    STEP 2 (Grammar)

    Lain hal kami ingin untuk menasihati tentang kamu, ramah pembaca, adalah bahwa kami telah tidak mengikat diri kami sendiri untuk apa saja keseragaman penyusunan kata-kata atau dari apa saja identitas dari kata-kata. Barangkali beberapa, berpesan bahwa beberapa sarjana-sarjana telah sama tepat sama mungkin cara itu, akan ingin bahwa melakukan yang sama. Yang paling menjamin telah sangat berhati-hati. Kami membuat ini masalah kata hati sebagai tanggung jawab kami. Ketika kata berarti sama hal di kedua tempat,kami tidak dapat berubah dari rasa dari apa yang kami telah terjemahkan, untuk ada beberapa kata-kata bahwa tidak dapat arti yang sama dimanasaja.

    STEP 3 (Communication)

    Hal lain yang ingin kami ingin nasihati anda, pembaca yang baik, adalah bahwa kami telah tidak membatasi kami sendiri untuk apa saja keseragaman penyusunan kata-kata atau dari apapun beberapa identitas kata-kata. Barangkali beberapa, memberitahu bahwa beberapa sarjana telah sama tepat sama mungkin cara itu, akan ingin bahwa kami melakukan yang sama. Yang paling menjamin kami telah sangat berhati-hati. Kami membuat ini masalah kata hati sebagai tanggungjawab kami. Ketika kata berarti sama hal dengan kedua tempat, kami tidak mampu merubah dari rasa dari apa yang telah kami terjemahkan, untuk ada beberapa kata-kata yang tidak mempunyai arti sama dimana saja.

    STEP 4 (Culture  )

    Hal lain yang ingin kami sarankan pada anda, pembaca yang budiman, adalah bahwa sudah tidak membatasi diri kami pada apa saja keseragamaan penyusunan kata-kata atau dari identitas kata apapun. Barangkali beberapa,memberitahu bahwa beberapa mahasiswa telah setepat mungkin seperti itu, akan kami harapkan bahwa kami melakukan hal yang sama. Yang paling menjamin, kami telah sangat berhati-hati. Kami membuatnya masalah kata hati ini sebagai tanggung jawab kami. Ketika kata berarti hal yang sama dengan kedua tempat, kami tidak mampu merubah dari apa yang telah kami terjemahkan, karena ada beberapa kata-kata yang tidak mempunyai arti sama dimana saja.

     belajar translation inggris indonesia

    STEP 5 (Analyzing)

    Hal lain yang ingin kami sarankan pada anda, pembaca yang berbudi bahasa, adalah bahwa belum membatasi terhadap keseragaman susunan kata-kata apapun atau identitas kata apapun. Barangkali beberapa, memberitahu bahwa beberapa mahasiswa telah setepat mungkin dengan cara itu, akan kami sarankan bahwa kami melakukan hal yang sama. Yang paling menjamin, kami sudah sangat berhati-hati. Kami membuatnya masalah kata hati ini sebagai sebuah tanggung jawab. Ketika kata diartikan sesuatu yang sama di kedua tempat, kami tidak mampu merubah dari apa yang telah kami terjemahkan, karena ada beberapa kata-kata yang tidak mempunyai arti sama dimana saja.

    STEP 6 ( Reconstruction )

    Hal lain yang ingin kami sarankan pada anda, pembaca yang berbudi bahasa, adalah belum membatasi terhadap keseragaman susunan kata-kata apapun atau identitas kata apapun. Barangkali beberapa, memberitahu bahwa beberapa mahasiswa telah setepat mungkin dengan metode tersebut, akan kami sarankan bahwa kami melakukan hal yang sama. Kami sudah sangat menjamin bahwa kami sangat berhati-hati. Kami membuatnya sebuah hal dari kata hati sebagai sebuah tanggung jawab. Ketika kata diartikan  sesuatu yang sama di kedua tempat, kami tidak mampu merubah dari apa yang telah kami terjemahkan, karena ada beberapa kata-kata yang tidak mempunyai arti sama dimana saja.

  • 100 Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense Dan Artinya

    100 Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense Dan Artinya

    100 Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense Dan Artinya

    Oke sahabat SBI, Jika teman-teman mendapatkan tugas atau pekerjaan rumah  untuk membuat contoh contoh Kalimat simple present tense dari guru disekolah,baik kalimat verbal atau kalimat nominal.  Dibawah ini adalah contoh kalimat simple present tense jenis verbal maupun nominal beserta artinya yang bisa dijadikan pilihan teman-teman dalam mengerjakan tugas tersebut:


    Verbal Sentences

    1. I like a smart girl
    2. My father sit on luxurious chairs
    3. Rina watch tv every morning
    4. My parents swim every day of the week
    5. We go to the field every afternoon
    6. You sweep floor every day
    7. Rani sleeps in the room
    8. Roni listen to the radio every night
    9. I learn English every day
    10. SBY run to the park every morning

    Nominal sentences

    1. I am a smart student
    2. They are my friend
    3. You are a naughty boy
    4. That car is Ferrari
    5. He is my boyfriend
    6. David is an actor
    7. Mr. Rudi is our teacher
    8. My uncle was a farmer
    9. Rini is a smart and beautiful girl
    10. We are handsome and intelligent students

    100 contoh kalimat present tense terbaru


    Verbal Sentences

    1. Saya menyukai seorang gadis pintar
    2. Ayah saya duduk diatas kursi yang mewah
    3. Rina menonton tv setiap pagi
    4. Orang tuaku berenang setiap hari minggu
    5. Kami pergi ke lapangan setiap sore
    6. Kamu meyapu lantai setiap hari
    7. Rani tidur di kamar
    8. Roni mendengarkan radio setiap malam
    9. Saya belajar bahasa inggris setiap hari
    10. SBY berlari ke taman setiap pagi

    Nominal sentences

    1. Saya adalah murid pintar
    2. Mereka adalah teman saya
    3. Kamu adalah anak nakal
    4. Mobil itu adalah Ferrari
    5. Dia adalah pacar saya
    6. David adalah seorang aktor
    7. Rudi adalah guru kami
    8. Paman saya adalah seorang petani
    9. Rini adalah seorang gadis pintar dan cantik
    10. Kami adalah siswa yang tampan dan cerdas


    Demikianlah 100 Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense beserta Artinya. Semoga bermanfaat bagi teman-teman SBI semua. Terima Kasih.

    Simak Juga Materi SBI Lainnya :

    _____Good luck_____








  • Contoh Naskah Interview Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru

    Contoh Naskah Interview Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru

    Contoh Naskah Interview Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru – Menginterview seseorang dalam sebuah acara “Talkshow” memang tidak mudah. Teman-teman dituntut untuk harus percaya diri dan interaktif dalam memberikan pertanyaan secara jelas dan dimengerti. Oke simaklah dengan baik Contoh Naskah Interview Dalam Bahasa Inggris ini.


    Audience nice to see you again. You’re still with me in our favorite TV program Black and White. Audience, life is not always beautiful. There are black and white life. Today we will talk about prostitution happens in indonesia.

    We will get a guest from Lampung who works in prostitution. He is the head of those sinful actifities. He is the pimp.

    Please welcome Mr. X. He doesn’t want to tell his name, so we ought to call him Mr. X.

    Good afternoon Mr. X

    How are you?

    How about your bussines?

    Mr. X could please tell me what your job is?

    When did you start this job?

    Do you aware that it is a sinful job?

    Do your children know about your job?

    What is the factor which makes you do this job?

    Do you believe in god?

    Do you ever think to quit from that sinful job?

    Have you ever got a problem with the people around your environment ?

    How much is your income per month?

    How many prostitutes do you have?

    Where did you get those girl?

    What can make those girls want to be prostitutes?

    Contoh Naskah Interview Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Arti Dalam Bahasa Indonesia


    Pemirsa senang untuk melihat Anda lagi. Masih dengan saya dalam program TV favorit kita Hitam dan Putih. Pemirsa, hidup tidak selalu indah. Ada kehidupan hitam dan putih. Hari ini kita akan berbicara tentang prostitusi yang terjadi di Indonesia.

    Kami akan mendapatkan tamu dari Lampung yang bekerja di prostitusi. Dia adalah kepala atau pimpinan dari sebuah prostitusi. Dia adalah germo.

    Silakan menyambut Mr X. Dia tidak ingin memberitahu namanya, jadi kita harus memanggilnya Mr X.

    Selamat siang Pak X

    Bagaimana kabarmu?

    Bagaimana tentang bisnis Anda?

    Mr X bisa tolong katakan padaku apa pekerjaan Anda?

    Kapan Anda mulai pekerjaan ini?

    Apakah Anda menyadari bahwa itu adalah pekerjaan yang berdosa?

    Apakah anak-anak Anda tahu tentang pekerjaan Anda?

    Apa faktor yang membuat Anda melakukan pekerjaan ini?

    Apakah Anda percaya pada tuhan?

    Apakah Anda pernah berpikir untuk berhenti dari pekerjaan berdosa?

    Apakah Anda pernah punya masalah dengan orang-orang di sekitar lingkungan Anda?

    Berapa penghasilan Anda per bulan?

    Berapa banyak pelacur yang Anda miliki?

    Dari mana Anda mendapatkan gadis itu?

    Apa yang bisa membuat gadis-gadis ingin menjadi pelacur?