
  • Cerita Rakyat Singkat “Lutung Kasarung” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Cerita Rakyat Singkat “Lutung Kasarung” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Cerita Rakyat Singkat “Lutung Kasarung” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Kisah lutung Kasarung dan Purbasari menjadi kisah yang begitu inspiratif bagi masyarakat di seluruh Indonesia. Penasaran dengan kisah “Lutung Kasarung” dalam bahasa Inggris? Selamat membaca kisah berikut:

    Cerita Rakyat Singkat “Lutung Kasarung” Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    Cerita Rakyat Singkat “Lutung Kasarung” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    “Lutung Kasarung”

    In ancient times in Tatar pasundan in West Of Java, there was an empire led by a wise king, he was known as the Prabu Tapa Agung.

    Prabu Tapa Agung had two beautiful daughters, they were Purbararang and Purbasari.

    At the time of his death approached King Prabu Court pointed Purbasari, which was the youngest daughter to replaced him. “I’m too old, it’s time I abdicated, Purbasari….” said Prabu Tapa.

    Purbasari had an older sister named Purbararang. She disagreed that her sister would replace their father. “I am the eldest daughter, father should choose me as his successor!” grumbled Purbararang to her fiancée, who was named Indrajaya.

    As big as her Fury which had been accumulating, made her wanted to harm her sister. She met a witch to spell Purbasari. The witch spell Purbasari so right then suddenly Purbasari skin became mottled-black spots. Then After the moment, Purbararang so had a reason to evict Purbasari. “People who cursed as she does, not deserve to be a queen!” Said Purbararang.

    Then she sent a Patih to alienate Purbasari into the woods. But Patih was still kind enough to make a hut for Purbasari. He also advised Purbasari, “Be courage princess! This ordeal would have ended, the Almighty will always together Daughter “.Said him “Thank you uncle”, said Purbasari.

    While in the forest she had many friends that animals were always good to her. Among the animals there was a mysterious black hairy ape. But the apes was the most kind which cared attention to Purbasari. Lutung Kasarung was always encouraging Flowers to Purbasari. He got beautiful flowers and fruits with her friends just only for her.

    At the time of the full moon night, Lutung Kasarung acting strange. He walked to a quiet place and meditate. He was pleading something to the Gods. This proved that Kasarung not ordinary creatures. Not long after, the land near Lutung Kasarung broke and created a small lake, the water was clear enough. The water was containing drugs which were very fragrant.

    The next day Kasarung met Purbasari and asked her to bathe in the lake. “What’s in it for me?”, Thought Purbasari. But she was willing to obey. Shortly after she threw herself. Something happened to her skin. Her skin became clean asbeautiful as before and he became beautiful again. Purbasari very surprised and excited when she mirrored in the lake.

    In the palace, Purbararang decided to see her sister in the woods. She went with his fiancee and the guards. When they reached the forest, she finally met her sister and looked at each other. Purbararang disbelief seeing her again as beautiful as before. Purbararang do not want to lose her greatness, she wanted took a competition to Purbasari. “Who has the longest hair she has won!”, Said Purbararang. Originally Purbasari he did not want to, but because she got forced by her sister. Then, the person ho had longer hair was Purbasari.

    “Well I lost, but now let us show our handsome fiance, he is my fiance”, said Purbararang while pointing to Indrajaya. Purbasari became restless and confused. Finally she looked, and pull the hand of Lutung Kasarung. Kasarung was bobbing as by this. Purbararang laugh out loud, “So it is your fiance, monkey?”.

    At that time also Lutung Kasarung went immediately meditated. Suddenly there was a miracle. Lutung Kasarung turned into a young man who was looking extremely handsome, more than Indrajaya. All were surprised to see the incident as cheered. Purbararang finally admitted defeat and guilt over this. She apologized to her sister and begged not to be punished. “I am so sorry Purbasari.” Said Purbararang. Purbasari kindly forgive her. After the incident ended they all go back to the Palace.

    Purbasari became a queen, accompanied by a young man of her dreams. The young man who turns out had always been with her in the forest in the form of a monkey “Lutung Kasarung”. The End.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

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  • Cerita Rakyat Singkat: “Keong Mas” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Cerita Rakyat Singkat: “Keong Mas” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Cerita Rakyat Singkat: “Keong Mas” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Kisah cantik putri Keong Mas sangat terkenal di seluruh provinsi di Indonesia. Yuk selamat membaca sahabat SBI:

    Cerita Rakyat Singkat: “Keong Mas” Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    Cerita Rakyat Singkat: “Keong Mas” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    “Keong Mas”

    Once upon a time, Kertamarta king was the king of the kingdom of Daha. The  King had two daughters, their named Dewi Galuh Ajeng ad Candra Kirana who was kind and beautiful. Candra Kirana had been betrothed by  prince who named Raden Inu Kertapati who was good and wise.

    But her siblings, Galuh was very jealous of Candra Kirana, because Galuh put the heart on Raden Inu. Galuh met a witch to curse Candra Kirana. She also slandered Candra kirana,  so expelled from the palace. When Candra kirana walk down to the beach, the witch appeared and bewitched her into the golden snail and threw into the sea. But the magic would lost when Keong Mas met with her fiancee.

    One day an old woman were fishing with nets, and the Keong Mas transported. The Keong Mas be brought home and placed in jars. The next day the old woman fishing at sea again but not anything obtained. But when she arrived she was shocked because in her home already available cooking nice meals. The grandmother wondering who sent her this cuisine.

    Similarly, the following days  the grandmother undergo a similar incident. The next morning grandmother pretends she peered into the sea what happened, the golden snail turned into a beautiful girl, and directly cooked, then admonished grandmother “who the hell are you, beautiful daughters?”  “I am the daughter of the enchanted kingdom of Daha became Golden snail by my sister because she was jealous to me” said the Keong Mas, then turned back into the golden snail. Grandma was stunned to see it.

    While Inu Kertapati did not want to stayed without doing anything when kirana moon disappeared. He came to look for a way disguised as a commoner. The witch kne and turned herself into a crow to made a harm to Raden Inu Kertapati. Raden Inu Kertapati Shocked to see a crow that can speak and identify its purpose.

    He considers the raven was magic and believe in to obey it, but given the wrong direction. On the way, Raden Inu met with a grandfather who was starving, he gave grandfather meals. But the grandfather was a good man and had magic. Then he knew the crows was bad, and got away Raden Inu from crows.

    Grandfather was hit crows with his stick, and the bird turned into smoke. Finally Raden Inu was told where Candra Kirana was, he sent it away to the some village. After walking for days he arrived to Dadapan village. He approached a hut he saw to ask for water because hie was exhausted. But he shocked and very surprised, because he saw through the window of his fiancee.

    Finally, the magic was lost due to an encounter with Raden Inu. But at the moment it appeared that the granmother told him. In the different way, Candra Kirana turned again from golden snail to herself, she introduced grandma to Raden Inu who helped her before. Finally Raden Inu brought Candra Kirana into the king, and Candra Kirana told Galuh was the person behind this.

    King apologized to Candra Kirana and vice versa. Galuh got punishment. Galuh afraid to be thrown to the forest. She ran. But she stumbled and falls into the abyss. They shocked and lost Galuh. Years after that moment Finally Candra Kirana and Raden Inu Kertapati got married. They brought the good-hearted grandmother from Dadapan village to stayed in palace. They lived happily.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

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  • 40 Soal Ujian Semester 1 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD

    40 Soal Ujian Semester 1 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD

    40 Soal Ujian Semester 1 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Anak-anak SD kelas 2 sangat membutuhkan banyak latihan soal untuk mengasah kemampuan skillnya dalam bahasa Inggris. Oleh karena itu baik guru, orang tua maupun siswa dituntut untuk se-kreatif mungkin dalam mencari referensi soal bahasa Inggris.

    40 Soal Ujian Semester 1 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD
    40 Soal Ujian Semester 1 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD

    Nah kali ini admin akan membagikan soal Ujian Semester 1 bahasa Inggris kelas 2 SD. Selamat mengerjakan Sahabat SBI!



    Section 1.

    1. Choose the best and correct answer by crossing (X) a, b, or c!

    Pilihlah Jawaban Yang benar dan terbaik dengan menyilang (X) a, b, atau c!

    Text for number 1 to 5

    My name is Tri. I am seven years old.
    My father is Mr. Taadi, he is a mechanic
    My mother is Mrs.Endang, she is an entrepreneur.
    I have one sisters. She is Dewi.
    I have one brother, he is Yusuf.
    We are a happy family.

    1. Who is Tri’s mother?
    a.Mrs. Dewi
    c.Mr. Taadi

    2. What is Tri’s mother?

    3. Who is Dewi? Dewi is Tri’s…

    4. How many sisters does Tri have?
    a. one
    b. two
    c. three

    5. Is Mr.Taadi a mechanic?
    a. Yes, she is
    b. Yes, he is
    c. No, he is not

    6. We meet Mr.Sutrisno in the morning. We say …
    a. Good afternoon
    b. Good bye
    c. Good morning

    7. A :”……………………?”
    B :”I’m fine, thank you.”
    a. How old are you?
    b. How are you?
    c. Where do you live?

    8. A :”Where do you live?”
    B :”………………………….”
    a. I live in Jalan Danau Towuti No.19
    b. I’m fine, thank you
    c. My name is Budi

    9. I have two …. (telinga)
    a. eyes
    b. ears
    c. nose

    10. I have ten …. (jari kaki)
    a. fingers
    b. toes
    c. cheeks

    11. Eye is for …
    a. seeing
    b. hearing
    c. walking

    12. There are … days in a week.
    a. five
    b. six
    c. seven

    13. Before Thursday is …..
    a. Wednesday
    b. Thursday
    c. Monday

    14. We attend the flag ceremony on ….
    a. Monday
    b. Tuesday
    c. Friday

    15. The colors of our uniform of elementary are ….
    a. White and Red
    b. White and Blue
    c. White and grey

    16. The students in SDN 2 Surabaya are reading books in the ….
    a. canteen
    b. toilet
    c. library

    17. We are always study at………
    a. School
    b. Canteen
    c. Park

    18. Mrs. Ayu goes to school everyday to teach students. She is a ….
    a. teacher
    b. doctor
    c. nurse

    19. I eat pempek in the …
    a. toilet
    b. classroom
    c. canteen

    20. Which days after these: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, ….
    a. Friday
    b. Wednesday
    c. Thursday

    Text for number 21 to 25

    Going to the Zoo

    This is holiday. Patrick and his family go to the zoo.
    There are many kind of animals in the zoo. There are crocodile, elephants, mokeys, cats
    deers, tigers, giraffe, horses, birds, lion and snake. In the zoo,
    there are 3 elephants, eleven birds, two giraffes, two horses, 4 deers, 4 tigers and
    nine gorillas. He is very glad to go to the zoo with
    his family.

    21. When does Patrick go to the zoo? On…..
    a. holiday
    b. Monday
    c. now

    22. With whom does Patrick go to the zoo?
    a. his family
    b. his teachers
    c. her family

    23. There are…..elephants in the zoo.

    24. How many horses are in the zoo?
    a. eight
    b. two
    c. ten

    25. Patrick is very … to go to the zoo with her family.

    26. …. likes to eat fish.

    27. …. has two legs.

    28. 6 + 5 = ….

    29. 10 – 3= ….

    30. 6 : 3 = ….
    a. two
    b. ten
    c. eleven

    [table id=32 /]

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

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  • 99 Contoh Teks Pembawa Acara Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    99 Contoh Teks Pembawa Acara Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    99 Contoh Teks Pembawa Acara Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris-Menjadi seorang MC (Master of Ceremony) mensyaratkan kemampuan yang cukup saat membawakan acara baik dari pembukaan, susunan acara, hingga penUtupan acara.

    99 Contoh Teks Pembawa Acara Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    99 Contoh Teks Pembawa Acara Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Teks pembawa acara pun haruslah bisa disesuaikan dengan situasi dan kondisi suatu acara. Nah admin kali ini akan membagikan teks pembawa acara dalam bahasa Inggris sebagai referensi kalian:


    Contoh Teks Pembawa Acara

    Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

    Good Morning ladies and gentleman, my name is Indria Lucky. It is a awesome and precious chance for me, to be your Master of Ceremony in this morning on Monday, 30th of March 2015 in our big event: “The aniversary of 22th of Dandelion English Course (DEC)”.

    First of all, let us say Thanks to Allah SWT, who has been giving us mercy, guidance, happiness, and healthy, so we can attend and participate in this event without any obstacles until now. Praise and salutation upon to our prophet, Muhammad SAW, the last messenger, the best figure of this universe. The person who was able to save us from Jahiliyah Era to Lightening Era.

    In this lovely moment, I would like to say welcome to Mr. Tri, the General Manager of Dandelion English Course and distinguished teachers, staffs, guesses and of course all of my beloved friends.

    On this special morning we have several agendas, So allow me to read several sequences of our agenda are:

    1. The first is the opening by cutting the annyversary tie.
    2. The second is Reciting Holy Quran
    3. The third is Singing Indonesia Raya
    4. The fourth is Greeting by General Manager of Dandelion English Course
    5. The fifth  is the speeches by Best student of the year.
    6. The sixth is announcement of English Competition which is held on 28-29th March 2015
    7. The seventh is Religious Lecture
    8. The eighth is the closing and prayer

     Reading The agendas:

    1. Well, to take advantage of the quality of the time, Let’s start this agenda by reciting “Basmalah” together.
    2. Then let Mr.Tri cut the anniversary tie, For Mr. Tri time is yours.
    3. Step on to the following agenda is reciting the holy Qur’an by student of DEC who will be recited by Annisa Dwi Putri (Time is yours)
      Thanks to our B Annisa Dwi Putri, Who has recited the Holy Qur’an for us, May Allah SWT Always gives us his Guidance and help. Amen.
    4. The fourth agenda is Singing the National Song “Indonesia Raya” who will be led by our student Nur Iswanto. The time is yours..
    5. The fifth agenda is Greeting by Mr. Tri as General Manager of Dandelion English Course, and now I would like to invite Mr.Tri. Please welcome..
      Thank you very much to Mr. Tri for the greeting.
    6. Now, the next agenda is Speeches.
      The first Speeches will be delivered by our best teacher of the year, “Tantowi Yunizar”……(Please, Time is yours)
      Thank you very much to “Tantowi Yunizar”…… for the speech, may it useful especially for her/ him, generally for all of us.
      The second Speeches will be delivered by student of the year “Dewi Wulan sari” ………, (Please, Time is yours)
      Thank you very much to “Dewi Wulan sari” …… for the speech, may it useful especially for her/ him, generally for all of us.
    7. Now, let’s continue to next Agenda, that is Religious Lecture, It will be delivered by our teacher “Mr. Yusuf Andika” …. (Please, time is yours).
      Thank you very much to our teacher who was gives us religious lecture knowledge, May it will be useful us in our daily life. Amen.
    8. The last agenda and as the closing agenda is closing and prayer. To close the program, Let’s recite “Hamdalah”

    Finally, from the deep of my heart I do an apologize for my mistakes while in presenting this event. Thank you very much for your attention and…

    Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

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  • 10 Tips Sukses Dalam Ujian Bahasa Inggris

    10 Tips Sukses Dalam Ujian Bahasa Inggris

    10 Tips Sukses Dalam Ujian Bahasa Inggris – Sukses dalam ujian ini ditentukan oleh banyak faktor dalam diri atau factor intrinsik. Karena motivasi merupakan unsur penting dalam  kesuksesan, haruslah diingat bahwa tidak ada  yang mungkin menghasilkan hasil yang positif jika Anda kehilangan atau tidak memiliki motivasi. Jadi hal pertama yang harus dilakukan adalah mencoba untuk bertanya pada diri sendiri apa yang memotivasi Anda untuk lulus ujian. Apakah Anda mencari pekerjaan menguntungkan secara finansial? Apakah Anda ingin diterima universitas bonafit? Atau itu hanya ingin mimpi? Apa yang pernah memotivasi Anda adalah kunci penting bagi keberhasilan Anda. Selain motivasi, Anda harus memiliki strategi yang realistis menuju kesuksesan. Hal ini melibatkan langkah-langkah sebelum dan selama ujian.

    Mengambil ujian bahasa Inggris berkualitas baik , seperti IELTS atau ITP , merupakan kunci untuk membuka  pintu karir baru atau mimpi belajar di luar negeri . Jadi , segeralah lakukan apa yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk memberikan diri Anda kesempatan terbaik untuk sukses ?

    Banyak siswa tiba di Inggris dengan rendahnya tingkat bahasa Inggris mengharapkan untuk menjadi fasih dalam waktu singkat . Apakah Anda pikir seseorang bisa menjadi fasih dalam bahasa Anda dalam tiga bulan ? Jadilah realistis dan tidak berencana untuk mengambil ujian sampai Anda pada tingkat yang tepat untuk sukses , bahkan jika itu berarti menunggu satu atau dua tahun . Saya telah bertemu banyak siswa yang telah meminta saya pertanyaan yang sama dan di sini adalah tips utama saya untuk sukses ujian .

     tips sukses ujian bahasa inggris

    Sebelum ujian:

    1. Anda perlu merencanakan dan mengatur jadwal belajar dengan cara yang teratur .
    2. Anda perlu mengatur persiapan jadwal dan menetapkan tujuan yang terukur, dapat dicapai dan realistis.
    3. Masing-masing subjek harus diberikan pentingnya haknya.
    4. Anda harus menggunakan mind-mapping, catatan ringkasan singkat untuk merevisi pelajaran.
    5. Ujian sebelumnya dapat sangat membantu bagi siswa dengan membaca mereka dan mengakrabkan diri dengan format yang, menandai skema, bahasa, terminologi, jenis pertanyaan.
    6. Anda juga harus mengatur waktu untuk tidur dan relaksasi.
    7. Sambil duduk untuk ujian, Anda harus membaca instruksi dengan seksama dan periksa semua halaman.
    8. Siswa harus mempertimbangkan pertanyaan-pertanyaan mereka akan menjawab pertama dan yang mereka harus meninggalkan untuk nanti. Sebagai contoh, mungkin akan membantu untuk mulai merencanakan pertanyaan yang paling sulit, tetapi menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan mudah pertama.
    9. Hal ini juga lebih baik untuk merencanakan waktu mengerjakan sesuai dengan jumlah pertanyaan dan tanda untuk masing-masing pertanyaan.
    10. Mengelola stres merupakan faktor penting. Salah satu tips yang mungkin bekerja untuk siswa adalah mengambil napas dalam-dalam sekarang dan kemudian.


    Apapun situasi anda dan dimanapun anda duduk di ruang pemeriksaan atau ruang ujian, tidak ada kata terlambat untuk mulai bersiap-siap untuk tes tersebut. Persiapan yang matang akan memberikan Anda dasar yang kuat dan akan memberikan Anda kepercayaan diri dan keyakinan yang dapat Anda lakukan  bahwa Anda akan mendapatkan nilai yang Anda inginkan. Dan hal yang paling terpenting adalah berdoa kepada tuhan YME agar diberi kelancaran dan kemudahan dalam mengerjakan ujian. Semoga Beruntung Sahabat SBI!!!!




  • Dongeng Little Red Riding Hood (Gadis Berkerudung Merah) Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Dongeng Little Red Riding Hood (Gadis Berkerudung Merah) Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Dongeng Little Red Riding Hood (Gadis Berkerudung Merah) Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Pernah membaca kisah dongeng gadis berkerudung merah atau dalam bahasa Inggris (Little Red Riding Hood)? Admin kali ini akan membagikan kisahnya dalam bahasa Inggris. Selamat membaca:

    Dongeng Little Red Riding Hood (Gadis Berkerudung Merah) Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    Dongeng Little Red Riding Hood (Gadis Berkerudung Merah) Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Little Red Riding Hood

    (Gadis Berkerudung Merah)

    In ancient times, there was a little girl who lived in the nearby woods. By the time she came out as she always uses a red veil. So everyone in the village called her a “red riding hood” girl. One morning, a red riding hood said to her mother “I want to go visit my grandmother’s house.” Her grandmother lived in near with forest.

    “It was a good idea” said her mother. She also brought some snacks which put in the basket to her grandmother. “Remember, go ahead, do not go anywhere else, and do not talk to strangers! Forest is very dangerous place!”

    But when the red riding hood saw some flowers in the garden, she forgot her mother’s message. Suddenly, the wolf came up beside her. “What are you doing little girl ??” Ask wolf

    “I’m in my way to visiting my grandmother’s house!” Red riding hood replied, and when the red riding hood realized that she could be late to her grandmother’s house, she just quickly said goodbye to the wolves.

    Meanwhile, the wolf took a shortcut to get up at Grandma’s house before the red riding hood. ‘Tok tok tok’ wolf was knocking on the door.

    “Please come in, I’ve been worried something happened to you, in the woods!” Said grandmother thought that knocking on doors was her grandson, red riding hood.

    Unfortunately, the grandmother did not have time to say a word, the wolves straight in and devoured  grandmother.

    A few minutes later a red riding hood came and knocked on the door ‘Tok tok tok’ “Who is it?” Wolves asked, imitating the sound of her grandmother. “It’s me…., red riding hood”

    “Oh, dear! Come in, I have been waiting for you for long time!” Then a red riding hood entered the hut.

    “Grandma …., Why your voice are strange, are you sick?” Red riding hood asked,

    “Oh, I just feel not well!”

    “But grandmother, why do you have big ears?”

    “Of course, in order to hear your beautiful voice!”

    “But grandmother, Why do you have big eyes?”

    “Of course, in order to see you well, dear!”

    “But grandmother, why do you have a large and sharp teeth?”

    “Of course, to eat you! Hahahaaha” the wolf run and chase the little girl.

    Almost too late, red riding hood realized, that the parents were on the bed not her grandmother, but the wolf which were hungry.

    Red riding hood ran out of the room and closed the door. “Please, please don’t eat me” red riding hood shouted. A handyman near grandmother’s house heard her voice and ran fastly toward home as he could and asked red riding hood, “Where is the wolf?”

    “Over there, it is in huts and eating my grandmother’s!” Red riding hood said while crying.

    Finally the handyman directly into the hut and shoot the wolf, also issued a grandmother of stomach of the wolf. Grandmother was save. They said thanks to handyman. After that moment, grandmother and red riding hood having lunch and chatting each other. The End.

    Semoga Bermanfaat para pembaca SBI!!!

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  • Cerita Rakyat Kerajaan Majapahit Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terupdate

    Cerita Rakyat Kerajaan Majapahit Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terupdate

    Cerita Rakyat Kerajaan Majapahit Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terupdate

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Pernah dengar kisah tentang Kerjaan Majapahit? Pasti pernahdong ketika mengikuti pelajraan sejarah di sekolah. Kisah nya begitu terkenal. Nah untuk versi Inggrisnya yuk disimak cerita berikut:

    Cerita Rakyat Kerajaan Majapahit Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terupdate
    Cerita Rakyat Kerajaan Majapahit Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terupdate

    Kerajaan Majapahit (The Kingdom Of Majapahit)

    The kingdom of Majapahit in which located in Java was at its peak in the 12- 13th century. Hayam Wuruk who was famous as wise king in Majapahit. He was intelligent, kind, young, and brave. He had a prime minister whose name as Gajah Mada. Under the controlled by Hayam Wuruk, Majapahit was very prosperous in Indonesia.

    The palace of Majapahit was so big and luxurious. And instead of the palacethere was aspecial building which called as ‘Gedong Pusaka’. It was a precisely luxurious warehouse  which to store all the treasure of Majapahit. The building was thigh guarded. Soldier was everywhere and neverlet anyone came in to Gedong Pusaka.

    One day, the situation was different, the temperature which warm as usual to cool. It was so rare in Majapahit. People of Majapahit believe in that there would be a great event came to the palace.

    King Hayam Wuruk called Gajah Mada immediately. They had a general discussion, and called the chief of army to come. The king told to the army that they were in alert. Soon they give a warning to all the soldier that they must keep eyes opened. Soldier were guarded doubled.

    But someday in night to dawn something happened, a group of soldier saw the door of Gedong Pusaka opened. When they came to check the collections was missing.They reported it to Gajah. Mada.

    Gajah Mada ordered the commander of the guard must arrested just because of the moment. But the commander refused that someone else did the wrong doing. The King was just silent when Gajah Mada reported.

     In different night when the sky was clear and temperature was warm, the soldier saw someone ran very fast near gate of Gedong Pusaka. They chased him, but they could not catch him. They just saw he ran toward the king’s compound.

    Along time after those moment happened the new era had come to Kingdom Of Majapahit.

    In 1522 Majapahit no longer as kingdom, but only a city. It is just because of the collapse of the Majpahit kingdom by the more widespread the influence of a small kingdom of Demak in the north coast of Java. Government in Java had been switched to Demak under the rule of Duke Unus, son of Raden Patah, founder of the kingdom of Demak, which still descendants Bhre Kertabhumi.

    He destroyed the Majapahit because his grandmother wanted to avenge the hurt, defeated king Girindrawarddhana Dyah Ranawijaya. So then in 1478 crushed the kingdom of Majapahit as a ruler of the archipelago and turned its status as king conquered areas of Demak. Also ended the series mastery Hindu kings in East of Java.

    Ironically, family disputes and ongoing grudge led to the collapse of this kingdom, not caused by the invasion of other nations who occupied the island of Java.

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    120 Contoh Kata Prepositional Idioms Beserta Contoh Kalimatnya Part 1

  • Dongeng Rapunzel Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terupdate

    Dongeng Rapunzel Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terupdate

    Dongeng Rapunzel Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terupdate

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Apakah kalian menyukai kisah tentang Rapunzel? Rapunzel adalah kisah sang gadis berambut panjang. Nah untuk lebih jelasnya, silahkan baca dongeng berikut:

    Dongeng Rapunzel Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terupdate
    Dongeng Rapunzel Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terupdate


    Once upon a time, there were a couples who are eager to have a child. They were Feeling sad and lonely which covered all the time they have. But someday, surprisingly, the wife had a sign which indicated her was in pregnant. They were so very happy about it. They jump and say yes.

    But the pleasure they have did not run long. The wife fell ill. The husband also confused because there was no cure or heal that can help her. But suddenly there was an old woman who suggested taking rampion flower that only grew in the hills.

    The husband also went to take rampion flowers to be used to cure his wife. Turns out of the place where the flowers grew was a region of an evil wizard stayed. The husband had not have another option, if he did not get it, his wife would die. He finally ventured to take the rampion flower. But unfortunately his efforts failed, the evil which kept the rampion flower caught him stealing flowers in the garden.

    “How dare you are stealing flowers in the garden!!!” Said the wizard’s wrath.

    “Please forgive me. My wife is pregnant and now she is ill. The only medicine that can help curing her is Only rampion flower.” The husband pleaded

    “Hahahahahha … Hahahahah … Hahahahah …” suddenly the witch laugh.

    “You may bring rampion flowers from my garden as much as you need. And I also forgive your acts on this. But on one condition. You have to give the child that would be born to me. And Do not worry, I will treat the child as a child as my own “said the wizard.

    The husband also confused. Eventually he chose to approve the requirement for safety’s wife, herself and the children were later born. And when the baby is born, the witch appeared and gave the baby’s name was Rapunzel and pick it up from the arms of their parents.

    Rapunzel grew into a very beautiful girl. When she was 12 years old, the wizard locked in a high tower in the middle of the forest. The tower did not have stairs or doors, only a small window at the top of the tower. And when the witch came to visit, she ordered Rapunzel to lose her hair.

    Yup, Rapunzel was blessed with a very beautiful hair, long and shiny as gold. Rapunzel must derive the hair through the window down and with Rapunzel’s hair was the wizard can climb to the top of the tower.

    After several years of living in the tower, a handsome prince who was hunting in the woods accidentally heard beautiful singing coming from the tower. He tried to found out and wanted to get into the tower but did not find the door or stairs to climb to the top. The prince was desperate and decided to go home. But he heard singing which touched his heart. Therefore, every day he went into the woods and heard. One time he saw a magician came to the tower and said:
    “Rapunzel, Rapunzel ,, Extend your hair down for me.”

    As always Rapunzel lowered the hair to the witch went upward.

    To the next day, the prince came and tried the same way as the magician was doing. He said
    “Rapunzel, Rapunzel ,, Extend your hair down for me.”

    Successfully! Rapunzel’s hair fell down and the prince climbed to the top.

    Rapuzel was shocked and scared when it turns out a handsome prince, who rise to the top. Rapunzel had never met anyone other than the witch. But the prince’s speech smoothly and friendly making sure Rapunzel. The prince told why he venture into the tower. They talked so happily. And they was falling in love each other in the first impression. Rapunzel was very surprised when later the prince asked her to marry him. And Rapunzel told yes.

    “I will go with you, but I do not know how to get out of here.” Said Rapunzel. “Bring me a roll of silk every time you come in. And I’m going to weave the silk rope. When the rope was ready, I will come down and take you to the palace.” Said Prince.

    They also agreed and asked the prince to come at night because the wizard would come during the day. But one day, when the wizard wanted to climb to the top, Rapunzel thought it was the prince whom she loved.
    “My dear Prince, why are you so heavy today?” Rapunzel said.

    “Prince ???” Witch surprised. “I think, I have separated you from the outside world. I was wrong.” Wizard said angrily.

    By the wrath of the Witch took the scissors and cut Rapuzel’s long hair and throw into the desert. Then the wizard would find out who the people that visit Rapunzel every day by having hair like Rapunzel. Sure, the prince was coming, the wizard also lowered Rapunzel’s hair which had been cut.

    When the prince climbed to the top, he was surprised, it was not Rapunzel, It was the evil witch.

    “Hahhha..Rapunzel has gone. You’ll never seen her forever.” Said wizard.

    The prince was sad and desperate. Finally he jumped from the tower to escape from the witch. But unfortunately, the thorns pierced into two eyes when falling. The prince became blind. He felt hurt and walked aimlessly lament his fate whose lost the woman he loved. So long running aimlessly; up to take him to the desert where Rapunzel in the exhaust. That’s where the prince heard beautiful singing that will never be forgotten. Yes, it belongs to his girlfriend was singing well, Rapunzel.

    They both finally reunited. Rapunzel cease to cry, conditions whom she loved was scarred and blind. The miracle happened, Rapunzel’s tears dripped into the eyes of the prince, and the magic to the two eyes of the prince opened and he could see again. The prince was brought Rapunzel returned to the palace, and they both lived happily forever.

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    25 Questions Prepositions/ Adverb Combination With Clear, etc.

  • Reading Comprehension: Exercise Text 8

    Reading Comprehension: Exercise Text 8

    Reading Comprehension: Exercise Text 8

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Soal reading ada berbagai bentuk, mulai dari short passage,long passage, dan juga fill the blank. Nah kali ini admin akan membagikan soal fill the blank. Yuk sahabat berlatih mengerjakan soal reading comprehension ini:

    Reading Comprehension: Exercise Text 8
    Reading Comprehension: Exercise Text 8

    Complete the passageusing phrasal verbs. The words and phrases in brackets indicate the meaning of the verbs required:

    Text 8

    When war………….(1)(began) William Smith was……………….(2)(conscripted).He didn’t exactly…………(3) ? (accept with enthusiasm) the chance of being a soldier, but he hadn’t any choice in the matter. His mother, however,……………….(4)(anticipated with pleasure) seeing him in his uniform and his son would …………..(5)it like a duck to water, and…………..(6) very well.

    They both………….(7) him…………at the station and waved handkerchiefs as the train pulled out. William ………..(8)his hat and waved that. Unfortunately a gust of wind blew it out of his hand and it fell on the platform. His mother ………..(9) it………………and called, “I will ………………(10) it…………” (post if to you/ forward it to you).

    Don’t, shouted William, “I won’t need it.” But it was clear that his mother couldn’t ………..(11) what he was shouting so after a couple of attempts he………..(12)(ceased trying) and just waved.

    He never really…………..(13) being a soldier. He learnt to …………..(14) his rifle and his uniform and to ……………..(15) (obey) orders, but it didn’t interest him very much and he was glad when peace was made and he was demobilized.

    A week after return home Mr. White, a friend of his parents and the manager of the local grocery shop,………..(16) his house. “One of my assistants is leaving next week.” He said to William “How would you like to………………(17) his job?”

    “I don’t know anything about the grocery trade.” Said William “Oh, you’d soon……. (18) it ……..?(learn it). It’s not difficult. Anyway,………….(19) it…………..(consider it) and…………..(20) it…………..(discuss it) with your parents and let me know soon . “Goodnight.”

    William’s mother was pleased. “Don’t …………(21) it……………(refuse it), William”, she said. “It’s quite a good job to start with and should do you very well till something better……..(22) (appears). So William accepted and started work at once. At first he enjoyed it. He was a friendly, talkative man who………(23) well with the customers. He was allowed to bring his dog to the shop with him.” He’ll keep down the rats”, He said to Mr. White.

    “There were rats a when I ……….(24) (assumed responsibility)”,  said Mr. White, “but I soon got rid of them. Still, you can bring your dog.”

    One da, however, Mr. White was moved to a bigger branch and new man, Mr. Green, was appointed. Unluckily he hada dog too, a bad-tempered animal which………(attacked) William’s dog. The customers……(26) (recoiled) from the fighting dogs and Williams leapt over the counter and separated them. Mr. Green told William that he must………….(27) bringing his dog to the shop.

    Very soon Mr. green and Mr. William …………(28) (quarreled) over another matter. “You spend too much time talking to customers, Brown,” he said.

    “But they like talking,” said William……..(28)

    “Don’t …..(29) me…………(reply imprudently); from now on there is to be less talk and more work. You must………(30) (compensate) the time you’ve wasted.

    “I was………….(31) (given too many commands) for five years in army,” said William angrily, “But I didn’t expect to have it civilian life, and I’m not going to ……….(32) (endure) it.”

    “Smith sells as much as any of us,” said another assistant, trying to ………(33) (support) William.

    “You ……….(34) of (remain outside) this,” said the manager.

    William was angry enough about this but when he ,………(35)(discovered) that Mr. Green was advertising for a new assistant, he…………..(36) with rage (could not conceal his rage). “I’d like to……….(37) (destroy by explosives) the whole place,” he said to his mother.

    His mother was horrified. “Couldn’t you and Mr. Green………(38) it ……………..(make peace)? She asked.

    “No, Mother.” Said William, “he’s got this knife in me, and I may as well start………..(39) (seeking) another job.”

    “Quite right, my boy,” said his father. “Always……….(40)(oppose) a bully. Anyway it’s time you …….(41) (considered the future) and began to think of a job with more prospects.”

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    100 Kosa Kata Bahasa Inggris + Cara Pengucapannya