
  • Kumpulan Soal Mid Semester Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP

    Kumpulan Soal Mid Semester Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP

    Kumpulan Soal Mid Semester Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP SekolahBahasaInggris.Com

    Kesempatan kali ini admin akan membagikan kumpulan soal bahasa inggris bagi adik-adik SBI kelas 8 SMP yang membutuhkan soal bahasa inggris untuk latihan belajar dirumah. Soal bahasa inggris kelas 8 ini berguna untuk mengasah pemahaman materi bahasa inggris yang telah dipelajari selama setengah semester. Semoga bermanfaat. Baca juga contoh soal ulangan harian bahasa inggris.

    Soal Mid Semester Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII

    Read the dialogue carefully and then answer the questions

    Feri                          : Hi, girls

    Nicole and Sandra: Hi, Ferri

    Ferri                         : Hey, long time no see you, Nicole. Where have you been?

    Nicole                      : I went travelling with my parents  last holiday

    Sandra                     : Where did you go Nicole?

    Nicole                      : Amsterdam

    Ferri                         : Good for you. I think Amsterdam is a beautiful city

    Nicole                      : I agree with you

    Sandra                     : Did you enjoy your trip?

    Nicole                      : Yep. Travelling is so much fun. I wish I had more time off.

    Sandra                     : I think so. Ferri, do you like travelling?

    Ferri                         :Ummm……..well, in my opinion, travelling is just wasting money.

    Nicole                      : I’m afraid I have to disagree with you. I believe that travelling is

                                         good for refreshing.

    1. Where did Nicole go last holiday?
    2. With whom did he go there?
    3. Does Ferri have the same opinion with Sandra? What does he say to express his mind?
    4. Beside so much fun,what does Nicole think about travelling?

    Read the text and answer the questions!

    VACANCYNative Speaker English Teachers

    Required Exp/C TEFL preferred

    Ph Lois 854701-92, 8 a.m – 8 p.m

    Monday to Saturday

    1. What job is required in the advertisement?
    2. Who may apply for the job?
    3. How long does the job application open everyday?
    4. Does the vacancy open on Sunday?
    5. The word ‘required’ is similar in meaning to: called, help, trained, needed

    Complete the dialogue with the expressions provided in the box

    -By the way                       – Congratulation                                          – It,s nice talking to you-Can I speak to Laila?       – Furthermore                                             – What a smart girl, you are-Can you call me Laila?   – Could you lend me your history book? – How smart are you

    Laila: Hello

    Ida   : Hello, (10)……………?

    Laila : Laila’s speaking

    Ida    : Laila, I didn’t join the class this morning. (11)…………..? I need to copy it.

    Laila  : Sure, please. Take it at my home. Why didn,t you go to school, Ida?

    Ida    : I joined the English Speech Contest.

    Laila  : Really?, (12)………, who was the winner?

    Ida    : Hmm….It,s me.

    Laila : Were you? Great! (13)……….for your achievement.

    Ida    : Thanks

    Laila : (14)………you have also won the math olympiad, right?

                (15)……….. I really want to be like you

    Ida   : Thanks a lot, Laila. You can also get the success if you always study and work

                hard. Well, I think that’s all enough. (16) ………….. See you

    Laila: See you.

    Complete the dialogue with suitable expressions!                                                      . Rere      : (17 )………..some cold water? I,m so thirsty now.                                                    Ayu       : Sure. Take it yourself in the refrigerator

    Rere     : Thanks. You look so busy with your work. What are you doing, Ayu?

    Ayu      : That,s right. I,m still finishing my English project.

    Rere    : (18)…………….?

    Ayu     : No, thanks. I can handle it by myself. Any way, were you happy with your

                  trip to Jakarta?

    Rere    : (19). Yes,…………

    Dimas : Do you agree if we go to the zoo next holiday?

    Tomi   : (20)………… We can see many kinds of animals there

    soal mid semester bahasa inggris smp

    Read the text and answer the questions

    Xtream Cream & Xtream white

    Skin whitening cream


    Now low price


    Buy one jar of Xtream Cream & Xtream white

    For only Rp 25,000.00


    Buy two jars and get the third one for free


    Xtream & Xtream White

    *Lighten the skin within two weeks (with continued use)

    *For  women of all skin tones

    *Contains vitamin C and E to protect your lighter tone

    1. What is the advertisement about?
    2. How many jars can we get if we buy with Rp 50.000 for the product?
    3. How long will our skin become lighter when using Xtream Cream & Xtream white?

    23.Who is the product offerred for?

    Complete the following text with the correct words provided in the box

    museum                              holiday                                  town

    amazing                               attractions                           festival

    Dear Monica


    Hi, Monic! I am in Manado, in my uncle’s (24)…….. I arrieved here two days ago. Yesterday, I went to the art (25)…….held in the town square. I could see many (26)……..performed. I think it is true that people here are creative and (27)…….


    Anyway, I hope you also have a great (28)………






                               Please join us as we selebrate

    Our parents’ 40th Anniversary Paul and Opal Wright

    Friday, May 7th, 6.30 p.m – 10 p.m

    Our New Home

    Komplek TSI Duri Kosambi


    (dinner will be served)

    RSVP 54390186 ( Elsa/Natalia/Eliza)


    Diah Ayu


    1. What is the purpose of the text?
    2. Who has the party?
    3. What is the invitation about?
    4. From the text we know that Diah Ayu is Mr. Paul’s………
    5. Will the party be held in the morning, in the afternoon or in the evening?


    Semoga bermanfaat Para Pembaca Setia SBI 🙂

  • Pengertian Jenis Dan Contoh 8 Parts Of Speech Terlengkap

    Pengertian Jenis Dan Contoh 8 Parts Of Speech Terlengkap

    Penjelasan Pengertian Jenis Dan Contoh 8 Parts Of Speech Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terlengkap

    Sekolah Bahasa Inggris – Kata-kata digunakan untuk membentuk pola tata bahasa Inggris dan syntax. Setiap kata termasuk ke dalam salah satu dari delapan kategori disebut Part Of Speech. Berikut adalah delapan bagian umum dikenal sebagai Part Of speech.

    Kata-kata tertentu memiliki kategorisasi lebih lanjut seperti

     Adverbs of frequency: always, sometimes, and often. Or determiners: this, that, these, those. Bagaimanapun, dasar kategori kata-kata Bahasa inggris dibagi menjadi delapan kategori.

    8 Parts of Speech

    1. Noun

    Kata – kata seperti orang, tempat, benda, ide, atau lebih disebut sebagai kata benda dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Baca Perbedaan countable noun dan uncountable noun.


    Mount Kilimanjaro, pencil, horse, Dani, power, car, Empire State Building, Indonesia, house, Human

    2. Pronoun

    Pronoun adalah kata-kata yang digunakan untuk menggantikan kata benda. Ada beberapa jenis-jenis pronoun seperti number subject pronouns, object pronouns, possessive and demonstrative pronouns.


    I, we, they, their, ourselves, itself, you, your, my, nobody, who, which, him

    3. Adjective

    Kata yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan sebuah kata benda atau pronoun. Ada beberapa tipe adjective atau kata sifat yang dapat dipelajari lebih dalam.


    victory, yellow, Swedia, little, this, big, happy, second, none, rude

    4. Verb

    Kata kata yang mengindikasikan sebuah action, keadaan dari subjek.


    read, run, think, learn, smell, wait, write, drive, renounce, say,

    5. Adverb

    Kata yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan kata kerja yang menceritakan bagaimana, dimana atau kapan sesuatu terjadi.


    Seldom, carefully, always, often, very, quickly, well, too, rarely, never,

    6. Conjunction

    Kata yang dugunakan untuk menggabungkan kata atau kelompok kata. Conjunction digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua kalimat kedalam satu lagi kalimat complex.


    But, and, or, but, neither, because, while, since, although

    part of speech

    7. Preposition

    Kata yang digunakan untuk mengindikasikan hubungan anaara noun atau pronoun dengan kata yang lainnya. Ada banyak jenis preposition yag sering digunakan.


    at, until, on, in, from, after, under, beyond, for, toward

    8. Interjection

    Kata tunggal yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan emosi yang kuat. Kata ini selalu di akhiri dengan tanda seru


    Oww! Ah! Oh! Wow! No! Yes!

  • Soal Ulangan Harian Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Terbaru

    Soal Ulangan Harian Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Terbaru

    Soal Ulangan Harian Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Terbaru

    Sekolah Bahasa Inggris – Kesempatan kali ini admin akan memberikan contoh soal ulangan harian bahasa inggris terbaru. Untuk para sahabat SBI mungkin soal-soal dibawah ini dapat membantu dalam persiapan Ujian Nasional. Check This Out!

    Read the dialogue and then answer the questions

    Baim         : Sandra, have you heard a rumor about Dion?

    Sandra      : No, I haven’t. What is it about?

    Baim        : You know that Linda has just lost her cell phone.

    Sandra     : O…Yeah, tell me more about it

    Baim       : Well, there is a rumor that Dion has stolen it.

    Sandra    : Oh gosh, it’s unbelieveble. I’m not sure that Dion stole it. I know him very well.

                      He is an honest boy.

    Baim      : I agree with you. I was shock when I heard the rumor.

    Sandra   : Has Dion heard about it? If he hasn’t, we should tell him, so he can clarify this matter.

    Baim     : You are right. Let meet him. I ,m certain Dion didn’t do that .

    Answer the questions

    1. What are Baim and Sandra talking about?
    2. Whose phone has been lost?
    3. According to the rumor, who has stolen the phone?
    4. Is Sandra sure that Dion stole the phone?
    5. According to Sandra’s opinion, Dion is ………, he never steal anything.
    6. What does Sandra say to show her attention?
    7. Write down the expression of Baim’s certainty about Dion’s behavior
    8. “ I’m not sure that Dion stole it”. What does the word it refer to?

    Complete the dialogue with the suitable expressions/words provided in the box

    -What’s the matter    -fantastic   – Never mind then     – I am sure   -I doubt    -the study club

    -you repeat again      -illness      – how diligent you are –what is diligent student –call me again

    Doalogue 1

    Zian          : Where are you going, Marsya?

    Marsya     : I am going to the library. I will do our assignment there.

    Zian          :(1)……………… You always submit your assignment on time. (2)………..

                       you will be the best student in your class.

    Dialogue 2

    Zaskia      : Hello, who is speaking ,please?

    Fajar        : Hello Zaskia, it’s me, Fajar.

    Zaskia     : Hi, Fajar, (3)……………..?

    Fajar       : I’d like to tell you that (4)………..this afternoon is deferred to tomorrow, after school.

    Zaskia    : Sorry, I hardly hear you, it’s very noisy here, could (5) ……….., please?

    Fajar      : Bayu told me that our study club this afternoon has been deferred to tomorrow.

    Zaskia   : Well, I see, but (6)……… I can join it tomorrow because I must accompany my mother

                     to the hospital.

    Fajar     : (7)…………, you can join the activity next time. By the way, what (8)………does your

                    mother complain?

    Zaskia  : She will only check up her condition include her blood pressure and  collesterol

    Fajar    : I see..

    Dialogue 3

    Arum   : Hey, look at this Korean film, have you ever seen it?

    Dian    : Let me see, wow, (9)…………I think the artists are beautiful and handsome .

    Arum   : That’s right

    soal ulangan harian bahasa inggris

    Arrange the jumbled dialogue to be a good dialogue

    1. Robby         : Do you really think she will come? She is busy with her new film
    2. Soegandi    : Robby, don’t forget to come to our study club tomorrow afternoon.
    3. Soegandi    : Five students, including Nikita.
    4. Robby         : Okay. How many students will come?
    5. Soegandi    : I am absolutely sure she will come.
    6. Robby         : What makes you so sure?
    7. Soegandi     : Good, it means that all  member of our study club will come tomorrow.
    8. Soegandi     : She told me yesterday. She doesn’t have a shooting schedule tomorrow.
  • Kumpulan Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawaban Terbaru : WH Question

    Kumpulan Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawaban Terbaru : WH Question

    Kumpulan Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawaban Terbaru : WH Question

    Sekolah Bahasa Inggris – Halo sahabat SBI yang baik hatinya, Sebelumnya admin telah memosting penjelasan tentang WH Question dan kali ini admin akan memberikan contoh soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 SMP.

    1. A: ………….. do you save your money?                               6. A: ………….do you come late?

        B: I save my money in a bank                                                      B: Because my bicycle was broken

    1. A:……………bag is it?                                                              7. A: …………do you go to school?

        B: It is Daniel’s bag                                                                         B: I go to school on foot

    1. A:…………..will you go to Jakarta?                                      8. A: ………….will you stay in Jakarta?

        B: I will go to Jakarta next month                                              B: I will stay there for a week.

    1. A: ……………gives you this T. Shirt?                                   9. A:………… you play foot ball in a week?

        B: My father gives me this T. Shirt                                              B: I play foot ball twice in a week

    1. A:…………….do you prefer, orange or apple?                    10. A: ………..butter do you need for cake?

        B: I prefer apple to orange                                                              B: I need two spoonful of butter

    11.A: ………students are there in your class?                                 14.A: ……….do you put in your bag?

          B: There are 32 students                                                              .B: I put a new hand phone in my bag

    12.A: ……….is your house from school?                                         15.A: ……… this parcel for?

          B: It is 2 kilometers from school                                                   B: It is for my sister

    13.A: ………is Handoko?                                                                       16. A: ……… Rian?

          B: He is 150 cm                                                                                   B: He is 12 years old




    3.whenkumpulan soal bahasa inggris



    6.why long often much many far tall


    15.what old

  • Cara Jitu Mendeskripsikan Seseorang Dalam Bahasa Inggris ( Describing Person )

    Cara Jitu Mendeskripsikan Seseorang Dalam Bahasa Inggris ( Describing Person )

    Tips Dan Cara Jitu Mendeskripsikan Seseorang Dalam Bahasa Inggris ( Describing Person )

    Sekolah Bahasa Inggris –  Jika Sahabat SBI kesulitan saat ingin menceritakan ciri – ciri atau karakter teman, sahabat, keluarga atau siapapun dengan Bahasa Inggris. Berikut ini adalah daftar kata-kata yang digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan seseorang dalam Bahasa inggris.

    Appearance ( Penampilan/Rupa )

    •  Tall = Tinggi
    •  Small = Kecil
    •  fat = Gemuk
    •  slim = Kurus
    •  young = Muda
    •  old = Tua
    •  beautiful / pretty = Cantik
    • handsome (Junge / Mann) = Ganteng
    •  sun-tanned
    •  pale = Pucat
    •  blue / green / grey / brown eyes =Mata berwarna Biru / Hijau / Abu-abu
    •  freckles = Jerawat atau bitnik pada wajah
    •  a beard = Jenggot
    •  a full beard = brewok atau jambang
    •  a moustache = Kumis
    •  a goatee = Janggut menggantung
    •  blond hair = Rambut Pirang
    •  red hair = Rambut merah
    •  brown hair = Rambut coklat
    •  black hair = rambut hitam
    •  dyed hair =rambut kehijauan
    •  blond highlights = rambut pirang hitam
    •  short hair = rambut pendek
    •  long hair = rambut panjang
    •  straight hair = rambut lurus
    •  curly hair / curls = rambut keriting
    •  a bald head = berkepala botak
    •  a square / round / triangular / oval face = Berwajah kotak / bulat/ segitiga / lonjing
    •  a big / small / long nose = berhidung besar/ kecil/ mancung
    •  big / small ears = Bertelinga besar/ kecil

    Contoh Kalimat :

    1. I have a beard. ( aku memiliki jenggot )
    2. She has blond hair. ( Dia berambut pirang )
    3. My uncle has bald head. ( Pamanku berkepala botak )
    4. My mother is fat.

    Clothing and Accessories ( Pakaian dan Aksesoris )

    •  Glasses = Kacamata
    •  contact lenses = Kontak lensa
    •  Earrings = Anting-anting
    •  a necklace = Kalung
    •  a wristband = Manset t
    •  a bracelet = Gelang
    •  a cap = topi
    •  a red scarf = sal merah
    •  a tie = dasi

    Contoh Kalimat :

    1. I wear glasses.
    2. My mother wears earrings.
    3. She wears a gold necklace.

    (Character)  Karakter atau Sifat  Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    •  Shy = Pemalu
    •  Quiet = Pendiam
    •  Lively = Lincah
    •  Active = Aktif
    •  Easygoing = mudah bergaulMenjelaskan seseorang dalam bahasa inggris describing person
    •  Outgoing = Ramah
    •  Nice = Baik
    •  Friendly = Ramah
    •  Funny = Lucu
    •  Happy = bahagia
    •  Annoying = mengganggu
    •  Sad = sedih
    •  Aggressive = agresif
    •  a little chatter box = cerewet
    • sassy = cerewet

    Contoh Kalimat:

    1. She is sassy girl.
    2. He is very funny.
    3. He is very annoying.
  • Cara Tepat Memberi Saran Dalam Bahasa Inggris : Giving Suggestions / Advice

    Cara Tepat Memberi Saran Dalam Bahasa Inggris : Giving Suggestions / Advice

    Tips Dan Cara Jitu Memberi Saran Dalam Bahasa Inggris : “Giving Suggestions /Advice”

    Sekolah Bahasa Inggris – Untuk sahabat SBI dirumah dapat menggunakan kata-kata dibawah ini dalam sebuah percakapan yang berisi memberi saran kepada seseorang dalam Bahasa Inggris.

    Giving Suggestions ( Memberikan Saran)

    Should ( Seharusnya )

    • “You should try to practice English. everyday” ( Kalian seharusnya memraktikkan Bahasa inggris setiap hari)
    • “You should not translate too much.” ( Seharusnya kalian jangan terlalu mengartikan menggunakan kamus )

    Why don’t you ( Mengapa Kamu Tidak )

    • “Why don’t you join an English club to improve your skill?” ( Mengapa kamu tidak ikut English club )

    Ought to (Seharusnya Kamu )

    • “You ought to study hard.” ( Kamu seharusnya belajar dengan giat )

    If I were you, I would… ( Jika saya kamu, Saya akan ….)

    • “If I were you, I would accept the challenge.” ( Jika saya kamu saya akan menerima tantanganya )

    *Semua Expresson diikuti oleh Verb, tanpa To. Sebagai contoh: All these expressions are followed by a verb, without to. For example: “She should visit Petronas Tower.” (Bukan “She should to visit Petronas Tower.”)

    suggest and recommend ( Merekomendasikan )

    bisa menggunakan  verb + ing
    “I suggest visiting the Petronas Tower.” (We should all go.)

    Atau bisa menggunakan  that + a verb tanpa to
    “I suggest that you visit the Petronas Tower.” (I’m not going.)

    Atau menggunakan noun
    “I recommend  this food.” (It’s a very good to choose this food in this restaurant.)

    Advice ( Memberi Saran )

    Pertama ingatlah selalu perbedaan antara Verb dan Noun untuk kata ini.

    advise = Kata Kerja (verb)

    “I advise you to watch this movi.” (pengucapannya ; ad – vaiz)

    advice (noun)

    “Would you mind to give me some advice?” (Pengucapannya  ad – vais)

    Advice adalah uncountable noun. Ini artinya bahwa kita tidak bisa mengatakan an advice. Tetapi lebih tepatnya, kita dapat mengatakan some advice.

    Contoh Kalimat Giving Advice:

    • “I will give you some advice.”
    • “He gave me a very useful some advice: to watch this movie.”

    Memberi saran dalam bahasa inggris

    Tips Dalam Memberikan Saran Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Banyak orang tidak suka mendapatkan nasihat jika mereka belum meminta untuk itu! Untuk menghindari memberikan kesan yang salah, Anda dapat mencoba beberapa ekspresi dibawah ini.

    “You could always…”

    “Have you considered…”

    “Perhaps we could…”

    “Do you think it’s a good idea to…”

    “Have you thought about…”

    “In your position, I would…”

    “You should perhaps…”


  • Pengertian Dan Contoh Ordinal Number Dalam Bahasa Inggris TERLENGKAP

    Pengertian Dan Contoh Ordinal Number Dalam Bahasa Inggris TERLENGKAP

    Pengertian Dan Contoh Ordinal Number Dalam Bahasa Inggris TERLENGKAP

    Sekolah Bahasa Inggris – Dalam bahasa Inggris, Nomor atau Angka dibagi  menjadi dua buah, yaitu Cardinal number dan Ordinal number.

    Cardinal number adalah nomor yang menyatakan jumlah dan biasa dipakai dalam hitungan matematetika sehari-hari, contohnya satu, dua, tiga, empat, dan seterusnya. Sedangkan Ordinal number merupakan nomor yang menyatakan sebuah tahapan, misalnya pertama, kedua, ketiga, keempat, kelima, keenam, dan seterusnya. Tetapi saya yakin masih banyak sahabat SBI yang bingung cara penulisan ordinal numbers dalam Bahasa Inggris. Untuk itu simak penjelasan dibawah ini.

    Tabel Ordinal Number

    Ordinal Numbers dari 1 sampai 1,000,000

    1 st first 11 th eleventh 21 st twenty-first 31 st thirty-first
    2 nd second 12 th twelfth 22 nd twenty-second 40 th fortieth
    3 rd third 13 th thirteenth 23 rd twenty-third 50 th fiftieth
    4 th fourth 14 th fourteenth 24 th twenty-fourth 60 th sixtieth
    5 th fifth 15 th fifteenth 25 th twenty-fifth 70 th seventieth
    6 th sixth 16 th sixteenth 26 th twenty-sixth 80 th eightieth
    7 th seventh 17 th seventeenth 27 th twenty-seventh 90 th ninetieth
    8 th eighth 18 th eighteenth 28 th twenty-eighth 100 th one hundredth
    9 th ninth 19 th nineteenth 29 th twenty-ninth 1,000 th one thousandth
    10 th tenth 20 th twentieth 30 th thirtieth 1,000,000 th one millionth


    Pembentukan Sebuah Ordinal Number

    tambahkan th to the cardinal number:

    • four – fourth
    • six – sixth
    • eleven – eleventh

    Exceptions ( Pengecualian ):

    • one – first
    • two – second
    • three – third
    • five – fifth
    • eight – eighth
    • nine – ninth
    • twelve – twelfth

    Dalam nomor urut majemuk, diketahui bahwa hanya angka terakhir ditulis sebagai nomor urut:

    • 541st = Five hundred and forty-first
    • 6,111th = Six thousand, one hundred and eleventh

    Jika Ordinal Number Ditulis Dalam Angka

    Ketika dinyatakan sebagai angka , dua huruf terakhir dari kata-kata tertulis ditambahkan ke nomor urut :

    • first = 1stPenjelasan dan contoh ordinal number
    • second = 2nd
    • third = 3rd
    • fourth = 4th
    • twenty-sixth = 26th


    Dalam nama untuk raja dan ratu, nomor urut yang ditulis dalam angka Romawi. Dalam bahasa Inggris lisan , tulisan yang pasti digunakan sebelum nomor urut :

    • Charles II – Charles the Second

    • Edward VI – Edward the Sixth

    • Henry VIII – Henry the Eighth

  • Kisi – Kisi Soal Ujian Bahasa Inggris SD Terbaru

    Kisi – Kisi Soal Ujian Bahasa Inggris SD Terbaru

    Kisi – Kisi Soal Ujian Bahasa Inggris SD Terbaru

    Kisi – Kisi Soal Ujian Bahasa Inggris SD Terbaru – Sahabat dan adik-adik SBI, kesempatan kali admin akan membagikan Kisi – kisi soal ujian bahasa inggri tingkat SD. Semoga bermanfaat.



    1. Teacher : Okay, students. I think the time is up. Thank you for your attention.
    Good bye.
    Students : ….
    a. Daaaa b. Good bye c. See you d. Farewell

    2. Anto : I forgot to bring my pen
    May I have yours ?
    Anita : of course, ….
    a. here b. Please c. here you are d. here is the money

    3. Tika and Lisa are speaking loudly in the classroom. What will the teacher says ….
    a. don’t litter b. don’t be coward c. stop d. don’t be noisy

    4. Dita : Excuse me, Sir. …… go to the bathroom ?

    Teacher : Yes, please
    a. May I b. Can I c. Would you mind d. Would you

    5. Students : How to make a descriptive text, Sir ?
    Teacher : Okay, …. !
    Do it this way !. Stretch your arms and hold your hand each other
    a. Follow me b. come here c. take me d. here it is

    6. Retno : I need a pen. But I don’t bring my pencil case
    Can I …. yours ?
    Bayu : Sorry, I only have one
    Yunita : Never mind
    a. want b. make c. be d. have

    7. Ahmad : Will we have a test tomorrow, Sir ?
    Teacher : Pardon
    Ahmad : ….
    Teacher : Sure, you should study hard tonight.
    a. Thank you b. May I have a test c. No way d. Will we have a test tomorrow

    8. A : Where is the bank ?
    B : It is …. the school
    a. beside c. behind b. accross d. in front of

    9. A : May I have this ?
    B : …. , I only have one
    A : Never mind. I will borrow my brother
    a. Sorry b. Sure c. Yes, you may d. No, you can not

    11. A : This room is so hot
    Would you mind ….the window ?
    B : No, of course not
    A : Thanks
    B : You are welcome
    a. open b. to open c. opened d. opening

    12. In April 2015, there was a big flood in Jakarta. It destroyed everything there. It claimed five persons in death. A lots of people lost their wealth and cost a deep sadness.
    What is the conclussion of the text above ?
    a. flood cost a deep sadness c. lots of people lost their wealth
    b. it claimed 5 persons in death d. in June 2011

    13. 1. Pour the coffee and sugar into the glass
    2. Stir well
    3. Prepare a glass
    4. Pour hot water
    The best arragement is ….
    a. 3-1-2-4       b. 1-2-3-4    c. 4-3-1-2         d. 3-1-4-2

    14. Udin : The weather is so hot
    Dika : Anything i could do for you ?
    Udin : Would you help me ….the fan ?
    Dika : Sure
    a. turn off b. close c. open d. turn on

    16. Student : The floor is dirty
    Let us …. the yard together ?
    Teacher : Yes, of course
    a. mop b. sweep c. take d. clean

    19. Andi : The suitcase is heavy
    Could you …. me lift up this suitcase ?
    Saras : Of course, my pleasure.
    a. helping b. take c. borrow d. help

    21. A : It’s time for English lesson
    I don’t bring my ruler a. borrow
    B : Can I help you ? b. like
    A : Sure. May I …. your ruler ? c. sweep
    B : Of course, here you are d. send

    22.                                                                                               Go to school
    I am Icha. I study in Teladan elementary school. Today I go to school on foot because my bicycle is damage. I bring my white bag. In my bag, there are books and pencil case. In my pencil case, there are two pencils, three pens, one rubber, and one correction pen.
    What is the title of the text above ?
    a. Icha b. My pencil box c. My school d. Going to school

    23. Where does Icha study ?
    a. elementary school c. Nusantara elementary school
    b. at school d. today

    24. Does she go to school by motorcycle ?
    a. Yes, she does b. No, she does not c. No, she is not d. No, she does

    25. Why does Icha go to school on foot ?
    a. because her bicycle is broken                                              c. go to school on foot
    b. because she study in Nusantara elementary school      d. because she is sick

    26. What is the conclussion of the text above ?
    a. Keysha’s school c. Nusantara elementary school
    b. Keysha’s bag      d. Keysha and her school equipment

    29. Onceupon a time, there was couple near the top of mount Bromo. They were JokoSeger and Roro Anteng. They did not have a child for long time married. He dreamed that he would get descendant on one condition that he had to sacrifice his child to crater of Bromo. Finally, Roro Anteng gave birth twenty five children in a year. But he forgot to sacrifice his child so that mount of Bromo was angry and exploded. The explosion stopped when one of his child, Kusuma fall down to the crater. Since then people of Tengger held an annual ceremony to give offerings.
    What is the topic or mainidea of the text above ?
    a. History of Tengger people held an offerings ceremony
    b. Joko Seger and Roro Anteng didn’t have a child
    c. There lived a couple near Bromo
    d. People of Tengger

    30. A : How to make a glass of tea Guys?
    B : It is easy. ………………
    B : 1. Pour the tea into the glass
    2. Pour hot water
    3. Stir well, and
    4. It is ready to serve
    a. do like this      c. It is good
    b. It’s delicious   d. Take it, please

    31. Andika : I want to go to the bathroom,
    but it is dark there. I am afraid
    Can you help …. me to the toilet, please !
    Anton : Sure, come on !
    Andika  : Thanks
    Anton : You are welcome
    a. give    b. to    c. go     d. take

    Kisi - kisi ujian bahasa inggris SD

    33. A : The blackboard is full of writing
    B : Yes, you are right
    A : Would you please …. the blackboard ?
    B : Sure, I would
    a. mop    b. clean     c. take     d. sweep

    34. Next month will be a holiday for the fifth  grade students of SDN Teladan Metro. They plan to go to Mutun Beach, Lampung. They want to see a beautiful ….
    a. beach     c. waterfall
    b. cafe        d. swimming pool

    35. Last month I was in Paris for my holiday. I went to walk around the city of Paris with all my family. The scenery was very beautiful and the people were really friendly. I was glad to be there because I learnt English so much. That was my beautiful experience.
    The conclusion of the text above is ?
    a. the city of Paris                  c. beautiful experience in Paris
    b. I learnt English so much  d. the scenery was very beautiful

    Semoga Bermanfaat !!!

  • Contoh Recount Text Tentang Liburan Ke Kebun Binatang + Artinya Terbaru

    Contoh Recount Text Tentang Liburan Ke Kebun Binatang + Artinya Terbaru

    Contoh Recount Text Tentang Liburan Ke Kebun Binatang + Artinya Terbaru

    Contoh Recount Text Tentang Liburan Ke Kebun Binatang + Artinya Terbaru – Berikut terdapat sebuah contoh recount text bahasa Inggris tentang liburan terbaru. Semoga bisa menjadi referensi dalam belajar buat teman-teman SBI dirumah.

    Go To The Zoo

    Last Holiday, my sister and went to the zoo. She’s a genuine animal lover. At home she spent all her energy playing and strolling our pet dog, and in all honesty, she’s been approaching me to take her for some time.

    At first I wasn’t certain about going in light of the fact that I’ve generally been uncomfortable with zoo. I considered them to be similar to detainment facilities for wild creatures that ought to be sans running, not secured up pens.

    All things considered, I need to say current zoos are vastly improved than I recollect, the creatures have bunches of space, they appear to be well dealt with and we took in a ton.

    The main thing we saw were the gorilla. They look so human, it’s anything but difficult to how we are identified with them. They don’t have tails like chimpanzees and can walk upright a bit.

    Next were the elephant. It’s stunning how they can get nourishment with their trunks. I learned you can tell in the event that they are African or Indian by the extent of their ears – African ones have greater ears.

    After that it was the lions, nicknamed the ‘king of the jungle’. We didn’t hear any of them thunder, however we did get the opportunity to see them stroll about. The guys have wonderful manes of hair around their necks. Evidently it’s to ensure them in battles. I additionally read that the females do the vast majority of the chasing.

    My little girl was a bit frightened of the snakes, I figure quite a few people don’t care for reptiles. I need to concede any creature with a long thin body and no arms or legs is abnormal!

    The penguins made we chuckle, they are so charming! It’s unusual to believe they’re a feathered creature that can’t fly. While different winged animals have wings for flying, they have adjusted their flippers for swimming.

    Alternate flying creatures I loved taking a gander at were the owl. They have gigantic eyes, delightful quills, and they can turn their necks the distance around. I read their extensive eyes are to help them see during the evening, when they are generally dynamic.

    My girl was interested with the giraffe and their long, long necks. She asked me for what reason they have long necks rather than long legs – great inquiry!

    With everything taken into account, it was an awesome day. Next time I’ll take her to the aquarium to see the dolphins and sharks.

    Terjemahan Dalam Bahasa Indonesia

    Liburan lalu, kakak saya dan pergi ke kebun binatang. Dia seorang penyayang binatang nyata. Di rumah dia menghabiskan seluruh waktunya bermain dan berjalan anjing peliharaan kita, dan jujur, dia sudah meminta saya untuk membawanya untuk sementara waktu.

    Pada awalnya saya tidak yakin tentang pergi karena aku selalu tidak nyaman dengan kebun binatang. Saya menganggap mereka menjadi seperti penjara untuk hewan liar yang harus berjalan bebas, tidak dikurung dalam kandang.

    contoh recount text terbaru liburan ke kebun binatang

    Yah, aku harus mengatakan kebun binatang modern yang jauh lebih baik daripada yang saya ingat, hewan memiliki banyak ruang, mereka tampak diurus dan kami belajar banyak.

    Hal pertama yang kita lihat adalah gorila. Mereka terlihat begitu manusia, sangat mudah untuk bagaimana kita berhubungan dengan mereka. Mereka tidak memiliki ekor seperti simpanse dan dapat berjalan tegak sedikit.

    Berikutnya adalah gajah. Sungguh menakjubkan bagaimana mereka dapat mengambil makanan dengan koper-koper mereka. Saya belajar Anda bisa tahu jika mereka adalah Afrika atau India dengan ukuran telinga mereka – yang Afrika memiliki telinga yang lebih besar.

    Setelah itu singa, dijuluki ‘raja-raja hutan’. Kami tidak mendengar salah satu dari mereka mengaum, tapi kita tidak bisa melihat mereka berjalan sekitar. Jantan memiliki surai indah rambut di leher mereka. Rupanya itu untuk melindungi mereka dalam perkelahian. Saya juga membaca bahwa wanita melakukan sebagian besar berburu.

    Putri saya agak takut ular, saya kira banyak orang tidak suka reptil. Saya harus mengakui binatang dengan tubuh kurus panjang dan tanpa lengan atau kaki yang aneh!

    Penguin membuat kita tertawa, mereka begitu lucu! Ini aneh untuk berpikir mereka burung yang tidak bisa terbang. Sementara burung lainnya memiliki sayap untuk terbang, mereka telah beradaptasi sirip mereka untuk berenang.

    Burung-burung lain yang saya suka melihat yang burung hantu. Mereka memiliki mata besar, bulu yang indah, dan mereka dapat mengubah leher mereka semua jalan di sekitar. Saya membaca mata besar mereka untuk membantu mereka melihat di malam hari, ketika mereka yang paling aktif.

    Putri saya terpesona dengan jerapah dan panjang, leher panjang mereka. Dia bertanya mengapa mereka memiliki leher panjang, bukan kaki panjang – pertanyaan yang bagus!

    Semua dalam semua, itu adalah hari yang besar. Lain kali aku akan membawanya ke akuarium untuk melihat lumba-lumba dan hiu.