
  • 5 Contoh Paragraf Narasi, Argumentasi, Eksposisi, & Deskripsi Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Artinya Terbaru

    5 Contoh Paragraf Narasi, Argumentasi, Eksposisi, & Deskripsi Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Artinya Terbaru

    5 Contoh Paragraf Narasi, Argumentasi, Eksposisi, Dan Deskripsi Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Artinya Terbaru

    Contoh Paragraf Narasi, Argumentasi, Eksposisi, dan Deskripsi dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Artinya Terbaru – Hai sahabat SBI yang super? Tentunya masih bersemangat belajar Bahasa inggris kan? Kali ini admin akan membagikan contoh paragraf paragraf narasi, kemudian ada juga argumentasi, hingga paragraf deskripsi dalam Bahasa Inggris.

    5 Contoh Paragraf Narasi, Argumentasi, Eksposisi, dan Deskripsi dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Artinya Terbaru

    Contoh Paragraf Narasi Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    When I was headed to class, I saw Syauqi who was strolling quickly. He looks as though sought after something, despite the fact that it was still in the early morning. Feeling inquisitive, I tailed him from behind. At the same time, I was so astonished in light of the fact that Syauqi did not go to class. I likewise felt suspicious due to his conduct. At that point I called him, and beyond any doubt enough Syauqi face looked extremely apprehensive and panicked. At that point, I realized that he needed to be missing from school, luckily, I exhorted him and he drop that terrible arrangement.


    Ketika saya sedang dalam perjalanan ke sekolah, saya melihat Syauqi yang sedang berjalan sangat sangat cepat. Dia tampak seolah-olah dikejar sesuatu, meskipun itu masih di pagi hari. Merasa penasaran, aku mengikutinya dari belakang. Tapi aku sangat terkejut karena Syauqi tidak pergi ke sekolah. Saya juga merasa curiga karena perilakunya. Lalu aku memanggilnya, dan cukup yakin wajah Syauqi tampak sangat gugup dan takut. Kemudian, aku tahu bahwa ia ingin menjadi absen dari sekolah, untungnya, saya menyarankan dia dan dia membatalkan rencana buruk.

    Contoh Paragraf Argumentasi Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    The following stride in the wake of having moved on from secondary school is proceeding to the University level. There you will choose a noteworthy that having a positive association with your ability. You have to be underline this part. You need to realize that picking a study or significant in the college is not simple as you think. Consider numerous parts genuinely so you won’t not be right in picking your own particular office. Pick a division that having an understanding with the hobbies and gifts of you, in light of the fact that on the off chance that you are incorrect in taking the majors, your life in the college will be extremely troublesome. What’s more, pick a noteworthy that has a brilliant prospect. In the event that picking a decent prospect office, then you will have no inconvenience in discovering work after graduation.


    Langkah selanjutnya setelah lulus dari sekolah tinggi terus ke tingkat Universitas. Di sana Anda akan memilih jurusan yang memiliki hubungan positif dengan bakat atau passion Anda. Anda harus menggarisbawahi bagian ini. Anda harus tahu bahwa memilih jurusan di universitas tidak semudah seperti apa yang Anda pikirkan. Mempertimbangkan banyak bagian yang sangat serius sehingga Anda tidak akan salah dalam memilih departemen Anda sendiri. Pilih departemen yang memiliki sesuai dengan minat dan bakat Anda, karena jika Anda salah dalam mengambil jurusan,perjalanan Anda di universitas akan sangat sulit. Selain itu, memilih jurusan harus yang memiliki prospek yang cerah. Jika memilih sebuah jurusan dengan prospek yang baik, maka Anda tidak akan kesulitan dalam mencari pekerjaan setelah lulus.

    Contoh Paragraf Eksposisi Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Milk is a drink that is exceptionally helpful for the body. This is on account of, milk contains numerous vitamins and minerals that are extremely valuable. The sustenance of the most generally in milk is calcium, the substance that makes our body and bones get to be more grounded and become higher. Notwithstanding calcium, drain likewise contains protein. Protein is required for building cells in the body. Last, drain additionally has fat that will be utilized as a vitality source as a part of the body. Along these lines, drinking milk is useful for our bodies.


    Susu adalah minuman yang sangat bermanfaat bagi tubuh. Hal ini karena, susu mengandung banyak vitamin dan mineral yang sangat berguna. Nutrisi yang paling banyak dalam susu adalah kalsium, zat yang membuat tubuh dan tulang kita menjadi lebih kuat dan tumbuh lebih tinggi. Selain kalsium, susu juga mengandung protein. Protein diperlukan untuk membangun sel-sel dalam tubuh. Yang terpenting, susu juga memiliki lemak yang akan digunakan sebagai sumber energi dalam tubuh. Oleh karena itu, minum susu sangat baik untuk tubuh kita.

    Contoh Paragraf Deskripsi Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Where I live is not exactly huge. My home has just a zone of around 72 m2. With that territory, I just have three rooms, a washroom, a lounge room, and a kitchen. The principle room is situated alongside the visitor room. While the others are close to the family room. Moreover, I have little kitchen; it is just around 8 m2. Amidst my kitchen, there is a feasting table made of wood. Last, our lavatory is likewise not exceptionally agreeable, in light of the fact that as the other room, it is not sufficiently wide. The washroom is situated by the kitchen.


    Di mana saya tinggal sekarang tidak cukup besar. Rumah saya hanya memiliki luas sekitar 72 m2. Dengan luas seperti itu, saya hanya memiliki tiga kamar tidur, kamar mandi, ruang tamu, dan dapur. Kamar tidur utama terletak di sebelah ruang tamu. Sementara yang lain berada dekat ruang keluarga. Selain itu, saya memiliki dapur kecil; itu hanya sekitar 8 m2. Di tengah-tengah dapur saya, ada meja makan yang terbuat dari kayu. Terakhir, kamar mandi kami juga tidak sangat nyaman, karena sebagai ruang lain, itu tidak cukup lebar. Kamar mandi terletak di sebelah dapur.

    Demikianlah Contoh Paragraf Narasi, Argumentasi, Eksposisi, dan Deskripsi dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Artinya Terbaru. Semoga bermanfaat buat sahabat SBI dirumah

  • Perbedaan No & Not Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Perbedaan No & Not Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Perbedaan No dan Not Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Perbedaan No dan Not Dalam Bahasa Inggris – Hai sahabat SBI yang baik hatinya? Bagaimana kabar anda? Baik bukan. Kali ini admin akan memosting tentang perbedaan penggunaan kata No dan Not.  Dalam Bahasa inggris No dan Not mempunyai arti yang sama, akan tetapi mereka digunakan dalam cara yanh berbeda. Naaa di dalam artikel ini  admin akan menjelaskan tentang perbedanya.

    Perbedaan No dan not

    Penggunaan No

    No digunakan sebagai sebuah exclamation atau kata seru. Untuk lebih jelasanya perhatikan contoh kalimat berikut ini:

    • “What can I do for you?” “No. Everything is allright.” ( Apa yang dapat saya lakukan untukmu? “Tidak” Semuanya baik-baik saja)
    • “Do you like this movie?” “No.” ( Apakah kamu menyukai film ini ?” “Tidak” )

    No  juga bisa digunakan sebagai adjective sebelum singular dan plural noun. Perhatikan contoh kalimatnya:

    • There is no girl at that party. ( Tidak ada wanita dalam pesta itu )
    • I have no time to talk to you. I’ll call you later. ( Aku tidak mempunyai waktu untuk bicara denganmu. Aku akan menghubungi mu nanti )

    Penggunaan Not

    Not digunakan sebagai adverb untuk membuat kalimat negative. Ini jarang digunakan dengan verb ‘be”. Perhatikan contoh kalimatnya:

    • Susi is not at home today. ( Susi tidak berada di rumah )
    • The Test was not easy. ( Tesnya tidak mudah )

    Not juga sering digunakan untuk membuat adjective atau adverb negative.  Perhatikanlah contoh kalimatnya:

    • Mulyadi plays the guitar, but not very well. ( Mulyadi bermain gitar, tetapi tidak terlalu baik )
    • “How do you fell?” “Not too bad.” ( Bagaimana perasaan mu? “Tidak terlalu buruk )

    Bagaimanapun, Kata sifat seperti “Good” dapat di gabungkan baik dengan not dan no:

    • “How was the story?” “No good at alll.” ( Bagaimana dengan ceritanya? Tidak Bagus sama sekali )
    • “How was the sotory?” “Not good at all.” ( Bagaimana dengan ceritanya? “ Tidak bagus sama sekali )

    Not juga sering digunakan dalam jawaban sengkat dengan sejumlah verbs:

    • “Was the story nice?” “I am afraid not.” ( Apakah ceritanya bagus? “saya takut tidak. )
    • “Is it going to be storm tomorrow?” “I hope not.” ( Apakah aka nada badai besok ? “ Saya harap tidak )
    • “Are you going out today?” “I think not.” ( Apakah kamu akan pergi keluar hari ini? Saya rasa tidak. )

     Demikian lah uraian penjelasan perbedaan penggunaan No dan Not. Baca juga Perbedaan kata Learn dan Study pada postingan sebelumnya. Terima kasih.

  • Contoh Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kesehatan Dan Artinya “Terbaru”

    Contoh Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kesehatan Dan Artinya “Terbaru”

    Contoh Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kesehatan Dan Artinya “Terbaru”

    Contoh Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kesehatan Dan Artinya Terbaru – Kesempatan kali ini admin akan memberikan contoh teks pidato dalam bahasa Inggris tentang kesehatan. Kita tahu kesehatan adalah hal terpenting dalam hidup kita yang harus kita jaga. Semoga contoh pidato Bahasa inggris dibawah ini bisa menjadi referensi buat sahabat SBI dirumah.

    Contoh Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kesehatan

    Assalamualaikum Wr .Wb!

    Hello Everybody

    Firstly, Let us say thanks to Allah SWT, which has given guidance and His blessing to us, so that we can gather here, without hindrance of any. Our Sholawat and greeting always deliver on our the Great Prophet Muhammad, which has brought us from the dark ages to the age-lit..

    Much thanks to you for the opportunity which is given to me so I can say a couple of words that may be helpful for every one of us. On this decent event, I will discuss the significance of general wellbeing for us.

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    Wellbeing is one of the imperative viewpoints in this life that if we keep on the grounds that it is to a great degree extravagant. We can be solid on the off chance that we keep up the cleanliness in our group in light of the fact that cleanliness can reflect ourselves as a human that has sound body and contemplations. Widely, it can make us as a sound society and difficult to get sickness.

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    These days, quite a few people endure ailment on the grounds that there are such a variety of irresistible maladies in the group, for example, flying creature influenza, eyes illness, Ebola, and others that are prepared to contaminate us. In this way, we must deal with our wellbeing. There are a few components that can bring about human to get sick effortlessly. The primary is grimy environment; it is a spot for different illnesses to develop. So that is the reason, we must keep the cleanness in our surroundings which can be utilized as a home for awful infections and microbes.

    Ladies and Gentleman that I love,

    There are a few approaches to make our surroundings clean, those are, uprooting the junk in its legitimate spot, covering the unused things in the ground, and depleting the shower tub routinely. By doing those exercises, it can keep the ailment to contaminate us. The illnesses that can emerge in messy environment are tingling, skin infections, and numerous others.

    The second is air contamination; it can be delivered by smoke from engine vehicles, processing plants, and cigarettes. Additionally, the impacts of air contamination are substantially more higher on the grounds that there are such a variety of number of tress are cut and brought on our air is not new and clean any longer. Thusly, how about we set out for some greening by planting trees all around as air channel that can delivers oxygen for us.

    The third is an undesirable way of life; today, we don’t pay consideration on the great way of life for our lives. Truth be told, in the event that we benefit the way of life we will be sound and stay away from disease. In what capacity would we be able to do a solid way of life? It could be possible effectively in the event that we have great expectations in ourselves. The great way of life could be possible by abstaining from eating fast food, for example, moment noodles, garbage nourishment, and sustenances with elevated cholesterol; as we see that numerous others sustenance that cause a considerable measure of issue for our wellbeing. In spite of the fact that those sustenances are exceptionally delicious to teat, however they can bring about growth and different risky maladies when they are expended constantly. Other than keeping away from these nourishments, we likewise need to devour water routinely in light of the fact that water has a considerable measure of advantage for our body. As per the specialists, we ought to drink no less than 8 glasses of water every day.

    The latter is an absence of activity. Our bodies frantically need activity to keep our body fit as a fiddle. With a fit body, the resistant framework will be sufficiently solid to battle the sicknesses that may assault. The specialists prescribe us to require some investment for 30 minutes every day only for doing activity. There are such a variety of straightforward activities that we can do at home, for example, running, lifting weights, pushing-ups and numerous others. We could likewise do overwhelming activities, for example, swimming and getting it done at any rate once a week.

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    That is all discourse that I can convey. We should keep the cleanness in our surroundings in light of the fact that wellbeing is an exceptionally extravagant thing. By keeping cleanness, we will be solid as individual and group. Solid life can shield us from different ailments. A debt of gratitude is in order for your consideration. Ideally what I have said is gainful for us.

    Wassalamualikum Wr. Wb!

    Terjemahan Dalam Bahasa Indonesia

    Assalamualikum Wr, Wb!

    Halo semuanyaa….

    Pertama, Mari kita mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Allah SWT, yang telah memberikan bimbingan dan berkat-Nya kepada kita, sehingga kita bisa berkumpul di sini, tanpa halangan apapun. Sholawat dan salam kami selalu memberikan pada kita Nabi Besar Muhammad, yang telah membawa kita dari zaman kegelapan usia-menyalakan ..

    Terima kasih atas kesempatan yang diberikan kepada saya sehingga saya bisa mengatakan beberapa kata yang mungkin berguna bagi kita semua. Pada kesempatan ini bagus, saya akan berbicara tentang pentingnya kesehatan masyarakat bagi kita.

    contoh pidato dalam bahasa inggris tentang kesehatan

    Bapak-bapak dan Ibu-ibu,

    Kesehatan merupakan salah satu aspek penting dalam kehidupan ini yang harus kita tetap karena sangat mahal. Kami bisa sehat jika kita menjaga kebersihan di masyarakat kita karena kebersihan dapat mencerminkan diri kita sebagai manusia yang memiliki fisik yang sehat dan pikiran. Luas, dapat membuat kita sebagai masyarakat yang sehat dan sulit untuk mendapatkan penyakit.

    Bapak-bapak dan Ibu-ibu,

    Saat ini, banyak orang menderita penyakit karena ada begitu banyak penyakit menular di masyarakat seperti flu burung, penyakit mata, Ebola, dan lain-lain yang siap menginfeksi kita. Oleh karena itu, kita harus menjaga kesehatan kita. Ada beberapa faktor yang dapat menyebabkan manusia untuk mendapatkan sakit dengan mudah. Yang pertama adalah lingkungan yang kotor; itu adalah tempat untuk berbagai penyakit untuk tumbuh. Jadi itu sebabnya, kita harus menjaga kebersihan di lingkungan kita yang dapat digunakan sebagai rumah bagi virus dan bakteri buruk.

    Bapak-bapak dan Ibu-ibu, yang saya cintai,

    Ada beberapa cara untuk membuat lingkungan kita bersih, yaitu, menghapus sampah di tempat yang tepat, mengubur barang-barang yang tidak terpakai di dalam tanah, dan menguras bak mandi secara teratur. Dengan melakukan kegiatan tersebut, dapat mencegah penyakit menginfeksi kita. Penyakit yang dapat timbul dalam lingkungan yang kotor yang gatal, penyakit kulit, dan lain-lain.

    Yang kedua adalah polusi udara; dapat dihasilkan oleh asap dari kendaraan bermotor, pabrik-pabrik, dan rokok. Selain itu, efek dari polusi udara jauh lebih tinggi karena ada begitu banyak jumlah ikal dipotong dan menyebabkan udara kita tidak segar dan bersih lagi. Oleh karena itu, mari kita pergi penghijauan dengan menanam pohon di mana-mana sebagai filter udara yang dapat menghasilkan oksigen bagi kita.

    Yang ketiga adalah gaya hidup yang tidak sehat; hari ini, kita tidak memperhatikan gaya hidup yang baik untuk kehidupan kita. Bahkan, jika kita melakukan gaya hidup yang baik kita akan sehat dan menghindari penyakit. Bagaimana kita bisa melakukan gaya hidup sehat? Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan mudah jika kita memiliki niat baik dalam diri kita sendiri. Gaya hidup yang baik dapat dilakukan dengan menghindari makan makanan cepat saji seperti mie instan, junk food, dan makanan dengan kolesterol tinggi; seperti yang kita lihat bahwa banyak orang lain makanan yang menyebabkan banyak masalah bagi kesehatan kita. Meskipun makanan tersebut sangat lezat untuk dot, tetapi mereka dapat menyebabkan kanker dan penyakit berbahaya lainnya ketika mereka dikonsumsi terus menerus. Selain menghindari makanan ini, kita juga perlu mengkonsumsi air secara teratur karena air memiliki banyak manfaat bagi tubuh kita. Menurut para ahli, kita harus minum setidaknya 8 gelas air per hari.

    Yang terakhir adalah kurangnya latihan. Tubuh kita sangat membutuhkan latihan untuk menjaga tubuh kita dalam bentuk. Dengan tubuh bugar, sistem kekebalan tubuh akan cukup kuat untuk melawan penyakit yang mungkin menyerang. Para ahli merekomendasikan kita untuk mengambil waktu selama 30 menit setiap hari hanya untuk melakukan latihan. Ada begitu banyak latihan sederhana yang bisa kita lakukan di rumah seperti jogging, angkat beban, mendorong-up dan banyak lainnya. Kita juga bisa melakukan latihan berat seperti berenang dan bermain bola setidaknya sekali seminggu.

    Bapak-bapak dan Ibu-ibu,

    Itu semua pidato yang saya dapat memberikan. Mari kita menjaga kebersihan di lingkungan kita karena kesehatan adalah hal yang sangat mahal. Dengan menjaga kebersihan, kita akan sehat sebagai pribadi dan masyarakat. Hidup sehat dapat melindungi kita dari berbagai penyakit. Terima kasih atas perhatiannya. Mudah-mudahan apa yang saya katakan ini bermanfaat bagi kita.

    Wassalamualikum Wr. Wb!

  • Kumpulan Contoh dan Soal Descriptive Text Beserta Kunci Jawaban Terlengkap

    Kumpulan Contoh dan Soal Descriptive Text Beserta Kunci Jawaban Terlengkap

    Kumpulan Contoh dan Soal Descriptive Text Beserta Kunci Jawaban Terlengkap –  Sahabat SBI Ingin berlatih mengerjakan soal-soal descriptive text dalam bahasa Inggris? Teman-teman bisa coba mengerjakan contoh soal descriptive text di bawah ini.

    Descriptive Text 1

    On the banks of the Chao Phraya, Bangkok’s “Waterway of Kings”, lies an inn that has effectively set new principles of neighborliness for this commended city.

    Set in sublimely landscaped tropical patio nurseries, the Shangri-La Bangkok furnishes visitors with all the appeal and warmth of the orient and, in the meantime, unbeatable scope of offices and relaxation exercises.

    There is a decision of 12 heavenly settings in which to go out on the town, a huge freestyle swimming pool that ignores the stream, convention and getting offices for together to 2000 individuals, and a 24-hourbusiness focus.

    Furthermore, from each and every visitor room and suite, there is a stunning perspective of all the extraordinary hurrying around of the mythical “Stream of Kings”.

    One may expect such an all-around prepared and situated inn to be miles far from the downtown area at the same time, at Shangri-La Bangkok the business region and principle shopping zones are insignificant minutes away.

    From over 200 years, Bangkok’s grandeur has been reflected in the waters of the Chao Phraya. Today, the Shangri-La Bangkok towers close to this glorious waterway, offers its visitors the brilliant guarantee of the East.

    1. The content primarily concentrates on… …..

    A. Bangkok’s granduer

    B. Shangri-La Bangkok

    C. Bangkok’s “Stream Kings”

    D. the water of the Chao Praya

    E. the lofty waterway in Bangkok

    1. The sort of content above is an/a… …

    A. report

    B. relate

    C. story

    D. story

    E. graphic

    1. For what number of individuals the getting offices are together to?

    A. 6000 individuals

    B. 4000 individuals

    C. 2000 individuals

    D. 5000 individuals

    E. 1000 individuals

    1. The informative reason for this content is… …

    A. to portray Chao Praya

    B. to retell occasions for amusement

    C. to present no less than two perspectives about an issue

    D. to tell the advantage of Shangri-La Bangkok

    E. to advise perusers, audience members, or viewers about occasion

         5. The text above is included form of………….

    a. hortatory exposition
    b. narrative
    c. description
    d. report
    e. explanation

    kumpulan contoh dan soal desriptive text

    Kunci Jawaban






  • Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Untuk 5 Orang + Artinya Terbaru

    Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Untuk 5 Orang + Artinya Terbaru

    Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Untuk 5 Orang + Artinya Terbaru –  Buat sahabat SBI yang super, Yuk simak Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 5 orang di bawah ini.

    Conversation Between 5 People

    Andi: Hallo what’s up Reza, David? I have met you in long time. Where do want you go?

    Reza and David: We are so great Andi. We are going to go to Rizki home. Would you like to go along with us?

    Andi: what we are going to do there?

    Reza: we need to make our class gathering. We will hold a gathering with the greater part of our senior secondary school companion. We need to meet Rizki to advise this uplifting news.

    David: Yes, this will be a huge gathering we ever had. Gone ahead simply go along with us Andi.

    Andi: It sounds awesome. Alright hold up a moment, I will wear my shoes.

    Reza and David: Okay, simply hustle just a bit companion.

    Andi: Okay I have been prepared for going there. Should we go there by engine cycle or auto?

    Reza: No, Rizki’s home is not a long way from here. We can go there by strolling. We just need five minutes to go there.

    David: Okay how about we go there.

    Andi and Reza: All right my brothers.

    At Rizki’ Home

    David, Andi, Reza: greetings, anyone home?

    Rizki: Yes, I am impending. Who is there? Goodness my god, Andi, David, Reza, how are you all?

    David, Andi, and Reza: We are great, old buddy. You shouldn’t?

    Rizki: I am fine as well. Is there something that you need to educate me gentlemen?

    David: Yes obviously, we need to make a get-together with the majority of our senior secondary school companions. How would you consider that?

    Rizki: That is the splendid thought, as well as that makes my blessing from heaven. For long time I am continually sitting tight for the get-together. Meeting with our companion, that is a fascinating movement. When it will be held fellows?

    Andi: We haven’t got the ideal time. I need us to make a meeting to examine about that.

    Reza: Hey companion, don’t you recollect that we haven’t educated Dimas about this?

    David: Oh my god. Rizki, do you know where Dimas’s house is?

    Rizki: I don’t know where it is. Anyway, I have his telephone number. Perhaps we can call him to come here.

    Andi: That’s a smart thought. Gone ahead call him, Rizki.

    At the telephone…

    Rizki: Ok I am as yet attempting. Hi Dimas?

    Dimas: Yes I am Dimas here. Who is it?

    Rizki: This is me, Rizki your senior secondary school companion. Might you be able to go to my home at this point? There are Andi, David, and Reza here. We need to examine about gathering.

    Dimas: Rizki? Awesome. Stunning, sounds great. You should al, go to my home. Since my mom requesting that I keep my home. You can go to Kamboja Street Number 6B. Alright companion?

    Rizki: Okay Dimas. Simply sit tight us for 15 minutes.

    Rizki: Dimas requesting that we go his home on the grounds that he must keep his home. He can’t go all over the place. We should go there companion.

    Andi, Reza, David: Okay Let’s go

    Terjemahan Dalam Bahasa Indonesia

    Andi: Hallo apa kabar Reza, David? Sudah lama aku ga ketemu kalian. Kalian mau  kemana?

    Reza dan David: Kita sehat Andi. Kami mau pergi ke rumah Rizki. Kamu mau ikut dengan kita?

    Andi: Ada kegiatan kah?

    Reza: Iya Andi, kita ingin membuat acara reuni kelas kita. Kita akan mengadakan acara reuni dengan semua teman di kelas waktu SMA. Kita harus bertemu Rizki untuk memberitahu kabar baik ini.

    David: Semoga ini akan menjadi reuni besar. Ayo ikut dengan kita, Andi.

    Andi: Kedengarannya menarik. Oke tunggu sebentar, saya akan pakai sepatu terlebih dahulu.

    Reza dan David: Oke, ayo bro.

    percakapan 5 orang bahasa inggris

    Andi: Oke saya telah siap untuk pergi ke sana. Kita pergi ke sana dengan sepeda motor atau mobil?

    Reza: Tidak, rumah Rizki adalah tidak jauh dari sini. Kita bisa pergi ke sana dengan berjalan kaki. Kita hanya perlu lima menit untuk pergi ke sana.

    David: Oke mari kita pergi ke sana.

    Andi dan Reza: Oke bro.

    Di rumah Rizki..

    David, Andi, Reza: (Salam), ada orang di rumah?

    Rizki: Ya. Siapa ya? Oh Tuhan, Andi, David, Reza, bagaimana kabar kalian semua?

    David, Andi, Reza: Baik. Bagaimana dengan kamu?

    Rizki: Saya baik-baik saja. Apakah ada sesuatu yang  ingin kalian beritahu saya?

    David: Ya tentu, kami ingin mengadakan sebuah reuni dengan semua teman SMA. Bagaimana pendapat Kamu tentang itu?

    Rizki: Itu bukan saja ide yang baik, tapi itu membuat mimpi saya menjadi kenyataan. Sekian lama saya selalu menunggu reuni. Pertemuan dengan teman-teman kelas kita, merupakan kegiatan yang menarik. Kapan akan diadakan reuninya?

    Andi: Kita belum menemukan waktu yang tepat. Aku ingin mengadakan pertemuan untuk membahas tentang itu.

    Reza: Hei teman, kau tidak ingat  kita belum menceritakan Dimas tentang hal ini?

    David: Ya Tuhan. Rizki, apakah Kamu tahu di mana rumah Dimas?

    Rizki: Saya tidak tahu di mana itu. Tapi aku punya nomor teleponnya. Mungkin kita bisa menelponnya untuk datang ke sini.

    Andi: Itu ide yang bagus. Ayo telepon Dimas, Rizki.

    Di telepon

    Rizki: Ok. Saya akan menceritakannya. Halo Dimas?

    Dimas: Ya, Dimas berbicara. siapa ini?

    Rizki: Ini aku, Rizki, teman SMA Kamu. Bisakah kau datang ke rumahku sekarang? Ada Andi, David, dan Reza di sini. Kami ingin membahas tentang reuni.

    Dimas: Rizki? Wow, terdengar menarik. Bagaimana jika kalian semua, datang ke rumahku. Karena ibuku meminta saya untuk menjaga rumah. Kamu dapat pergi ke Kamboja Jalan Nomor 6B. Oke teman?

    Rizki: Oke Dimas. Tunggu saja kami sekitar 15 menit.

    Rizki: Dimas Meminta kita untuk pergi rumahnya karena ia harus menjaga rumahnya. Dia tidak bisa kemana-mana. Mari kita pergi ke rumahnya teman.

    Andi, Reza, David: Oke, Mari kita pergi kesana.

  • Kumpulan Contoh Soal Recount Text Beserta Kunci Jawaban “TERBARU”

    Kumpulan Contoh Soal Recount Text Beserta Kunci Jawaban “TERBARU”

    Kumpulan Contoh Soal Recount Text Beserta Kunci Jawaban “TERBARU”

    Kumpulan Soal Recount Text Beserta Kunci Jawaban Terbaru – Buat sahabat SBI yang ingin mencari bahan soal recount text untuk latihan. Kesempatan kali ini admin akan memberikan contoh soal seputar recount text. Check This Out!


    Last holiday my students and I went to Jogjakarta. We stayed at Morison Hotel which is not a long way from Malioboro. On Friday, we went to the sanctuaries in Prambanan. There are three major sanctuaries, the Brahmana, Syiwa and Wisnu sanctuaries. They are truly stunning. We went by just Brahmana and Syiwa sanctuaries, on the grounds that Wisnu sanctuary is being remodeled. On Saturday morning we went to Yogya Kraton. We spent around two hours there. We were fortunate on the grounds that we were driven by a brilliant and amicable aide. At that point we proceeded with our adventure to Borobudur. We touched base there at four p.m. At 6 p.m. we heard the declaration that Borobudur entryway would be closed. In the evening we left Jogjakarta by bus.

    1. The content above basically talks about ……..
      a. the writer’s trip to Yogyakarta
      b. the writer’s first visit to Prambanan
      c. the writer’s impression about the guide
      d. the writer’s experience at Yogya Kraton
      e. the writer’s impression about Borobudur

          2 The content is composed as an/an ………
    a. recount
    b. narrative
    c. report
    d. anecdote
    e. spoof

    1. What is purpose of the text……….
      a. tell past events
      b. entertain readers
      c. describe the smugglers
      d. report an event to the police
      e. inform readers about events of the day
    2. What else the big temples in Prambanan?
      a. angkor wat, syiwa, and sudra temples
      b. paria, brahmana, and temples
      c. brahmana, syiwa, and wisnu temples
      d. wisnu, syiwa, and borobudur temples
      e. borobudur, syiwa, and brahmana temples
    3. When did they go home?
      a. On Saturday morning
      b. On Friday evening
      c. On Thursday evening
      d. On Friday afternoon
      e. On Saturday evening
    4. Why did they just visit Brahmana and Syiwa sanctuaries?
      a. because there was no wisnu temple
      b. because wisnu temple was amazing
      c. because wisnu temple was too small
      d. because wisnu temple was being repaired
      e. because wisnu temple was being destroyed

    soal recount text

    Kunci Jawaban

    1.    A
    2.    A
    3.    A
    4.    C
    5.    E
    6.    D

    Semoga Bermanfaat Buat Sahabat SBI dirumah!

  • Contoh Explanation Text About Earthquake dan Artinya “TERBARU”

    Contoh Explanation Text About Earthquake dan Artinya “TERBARU”

    Contoh Explanation Text About Earthquake dan Artinya “TERBARU”

    Contoh Explanation Text About earthquake dan Artinya – Earthquake atau gempa bumi sering menyebabkan kerusakan dahsyat bagi daratan di bumi. Baru-baru ini terjadi gempa bumi di Nepal yang menyebabkan kematian 4000 lebih jiwa. Berikut ini, terdapat sebuah contoh explanation text mengenai Gempa bumi.


    An earthquake (also called a shake, tremor or temblor) is the aftereffect of a sudden arrival of vitality in the Earth’s hull that makes seismic waves. The seismicity or seismic action of a range alludes to the recurrence, sort and size of quakes experienced over a time of time.

    Earthquakes are measured utilizing perceptions from seismometers. The minute size is the most widely recognized scale on which earthquakes bigger than more or less 5 are accounted for the whole globe. The a greater number of various seismic tremors littler than size 5 reported by national seismological observatories are measured for the most part on the nearby extent scale, additionally alluded to as the Richter scale. These two scales are numerically comparative over their scope of legitimacy. Extent 3 or lower tremors are basically practically impalpable or powerless and size 7 and over possibly cause genuine harm over bigger ranges, contingent upon their profundity. The biggest tremors in notable times have been of greatness marginally more than 9, albeit there is no restriction to the conceivable extent. The latest substantial tremor of extent 9.0 or bigger was a 9.0 greatness quake in Japan in 2011 and it was the biggest Japanese tremor since records started. Force of shaking is measured on the changed Mercalli scale. The shallower a seismic tremor, the more harm to structures it causes, all else being equivalent.

    At the Earth’s surface, tremors show themselves by shaking and infrequently uprooting of the ground. At the point when the epicenter of an extensive seismic tremor is found seaward, the seabed may be uprooted sufficiently to bring about a torrent. Earthquakes can likewise trigger avalanches, and sporadically volcanic movement.

    In its most general sense, the word tremor is utilized to depict any seismic occasion — whether characteristic or brought on by people — that creates seismic waves. Seismic tremors are created generally by burst of geographical deficiencies, additionally by different occasions, for example, volcanic action, avalanches, mine impacts, and atomic tests. A quake’s purpose of beginning break is called its center or hypocenter. The epicenter is the point at ground level specifically over the hypocenter

    explanation text earthquakes

    Arti Dalam Bahasa Indonesia

    Gempa bumi merupakan hasil dari pelepasan energi secara tiba-tiba dalam kerak bumi yang menciptakan gelombang seismik. Kegempaan atau aktivitas seismik dari daerah mengacu pada frekuensi, jenis dan ukuran gempa bumi mengalami selama periode waktu.

    Gempa bumi diukur dengan menggunakan pengamatan dari seismometer. Saat besarnya adalah skala yang paling umum di mana gempa bumi besar dari sekitar 5 dilaporkan untuk seluruh dunia. Semakin banyak gempa bumi berkekuatan lebih kecil dari 5 yang dilaporkan oleh observatorium seismologi nasional diukur sebagian besar pada skala besarnya lokal, juga disebut sebagai skala Richter. Kedua skala yang sama selama rentang numerik mereka valid. Besaran 3 atau gempa bumi rendah yang sebagian besar hampir tak terlihat atau lemah daripada yang besarnya 7 dan lebih berpotensi menyebabkan kerusakan serius di daerah yang lebih besar, tergantung pada kedalaman mereka. Gempa bumi terbesar pada zaman sejarah telah besarnya sedikit lebih dari 9, meskipun tidak ada batasan untuk kemungkinan besarnya. Gempa bumi besar terbaru berkekuatan 9,0 atau lebih besar adalah gempa berkekuatan 9,0 di Jepang pada tahun 2011 , dan itu adalah gempa Jepang terbesar sejak pencatatan dimulai. Intensitas gemetar diukur pada skala Mercalli dimodifikasi. The dangkal gempa bumi, semakin kerusakan struktur itu menyebabkan, semua sederajat.

    Pada permukaan bumi, gempa bumi menampakkan diri dengan gemetar dan kadang-kadang perpindahan dari tanah. Ketika episentrum gempa bumi besar yang terletak di lepas pantai, dasar laut dapat dipindahkan cukup untuk menimbulkan tsunami. Gempa bumi juga dapat memicu tanah longsor, dan aktivitas gunung berapi sesekali.

    Dalam pengertian yang paling umum, gempa bumi kata digunakan untuk menggambarkan setiap peristiwa seismik – apakah alami atau disebabkan oleh manusia – yang menghasilkan gelombang seismik. Gempa bumi yang sebagian besar disebabkan oleh pecahnya kesalahan geologi, tetapi juga oleh peristiwa lain seperti aktivitas gunung berapi, tanah longsor, ledakan tambang, dan tes nuklir. Titik gempa yang pecah awal disebut fokus atau hiposenter. Pusat gempa adalah titik di permukaan tanah tepat di atas hiposenter tersebut

  • Pengertian Jenis Dan Contoh Short Functional Text Dalam Bahasa Inggris “Terlengkap”

    Pengertian Jenis Dan Contoh Short Functional Text Dalam Bahasa Inggris “Terlengkap”

    Pengertian Jenis Dan Contoh Short Functional Text Dalam Bahasa Inggris “Terlengkap”

    FUNGSIONAL Text adalah tulisan yang dimaksudkan untuk membantu pembaca menyelesaikan tugas sehari-hari. Contoh teks fungsional mungkin termasuk resep untuk memasak; petunjuk ke suatu lokasi; Memberitahukan memo dari perubahan alamat perusahaan, atau waktu pembukaan sebuah toko; jadwal acara dan lokasi selama seminar; direktori alamat, nomor telepon atau alamat e -mail ;petunjuk sebuah tes; menu dari restoran; pamflet untuk memberitahu publik dari pembukaan, penutupan toko, atau penyitaan.

    Teks fungsional digunakan untuk informasi sehari-hari. Hal ini disebut fungsional karena membantu Anda melakukan sesuatu dalam kehidupan sehari- hari Anda. Sebagai contoh, jika saya ingin membuat kue brownis, saya akan membaca resep. Jika saya ingin tahu nomor telepon teman saya, saya akan melihat dalam buku telepon. Jika guru bahasa Inggris saya memberi ujian, saya perlu membaca petunjuknya.

    Beberapa Contoh functional texts yaitu:

    1. Announcements
    2. Advertisements
    3. Greeting cards
    4. Short messages
    5. Notices
    6. Cautions
    7. Invitation cards
    8. Postcards
    9. Shopping lists
    10. Food labels

    CONTOH SHORT functional text

    1. Announcement

     Announcement adalah pernyataan penting atau resmi yang memberikan sebuah informasi orang-orang tentang sesuatu.

    Contoh announcement text:

    School Announcements


    There will be a flag ceremony next Friday to celebrate independence day. All students must wear white-grey uniforms. Be punctual!


    To        : All grade X & XI Students

    From    : Principal

    Please choose one of the sports activities: swimming, football, basketball, volleyball or badminton. Report to your leader of the class the sport you choose.

    A Wedding Announcement

    Mr Affriyansyah Ekko Sarjono


    Miss Ratna Purnamasari

    Announce their marriage on Sunday, the sixth of December two thousand and ten

    Chesterfield, Derbyshir


    Outdoor Program Announcement

    Weekend Outbound

    Let’s have weekend outbound!

    If you are the outstanding traveler, please join us on “Jalan Jalan Yuk”. It will be held on Sunday, 15 December 2014 in Lembah Hijau. The opening ceremony will be held at 8 a.m. If you are interested, please come and join us.

    Contact us and register your group of five. Wear your jeans and green T-shirt. Don’t forget to bring necessary equipment’s, foods and drinks are provided by the committee.

    The chairman,

    Budi G

    Contact Person: Abdul Haris(085814143801)

    Jl. Kintamani 70, Kemiling




    Bagi adik-adik sahabat SBI yang ingin latihan soal ujian Bahasa inggris. Dibawah ini adalah prediksi soal UN Bahasa Inggris SMP beserta kunci jawaban. Semoga bisa membuat adik-adik sekalian lebih siap menghadapi Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris.

    Prediksi Soal Ujian Bahasa Inggris

    Choose the correct answer!
    1. Read the notice.


    This sign means …
    A. We are allowed to pass only in the weekend
    B. We must not pass the road until the weekend
    C. We are supposed to pass on Saturday
    D. We are not allowed to close the road in weekend

    Read the text for no. 2 to 4

    Semarang, August 5th 2008

    Dear, Ayu
    Please come to my thirteenth birthday party on Sunday,
    August 10th 2008 at 7 p.m in my house.
    I’ll be happier if aunt Lina and uncle Herman come too.
    Thanks for coming.


    2. What year was Windy born?
    A. 1992 C. 1994
    B. 1993 D. 1995

    3. Windy hoped that Ayu …
    A. brought a present
    B. attended the party
    C. wore new dress
    D. saw the party

    4. The party was held in …
    A. in the morning
    B. in the afternoon
    C. in the evening
    D. in the mid night

    5. Read the notice.


    This notice means …
    A. This place is for those who do not smoke
    B. This place is special for non-smokers
    C. Smoking in this room is allowed
    D. Smoking in this place is forbidden

    Read the text for no. 6 to 7

    Attention, please!
    All the students of nine grade are invited to come to the meeting which will be held at 10 a. m tomorrow in the hall of our school. Please come on time. Don’t be late

    Chief of Students Association

    6. What is the announcement about?
    A. Information to come to the meeting.
    B. Information for not being late.
    C. Instruction for coming on time.
    D. Time to attend the meeting.

    7. Which of the following statements is true based on the text?
    A. All the students must come to the meeting.
    B. The students are allowed to be late.
    C. The meeting will be held in the classroom.
    D. The meeting will start at 10 a. m

    Read the text for no. 8 to 11

    Sarah Jeanette Davies is Miss World Australia 2004. She is twenty four years old and graduated with a Bachelor of Business in Communication and Public Relationship.
    Sarah is also a model and sport woman. She has also been in many advertising campaigns and television commercial. She was state champion of Queensland in the Rhythmic Gymnastic in 1998 and 2006.
    Sarah’s first duty after becoming Miss World Australia was visiting a charity called “variety” in Tasmania. “Variety” is children’s charity and also did a lot of work with disabled people.
    After this, Sarah would be a television presenter. She said that media industry very competitive in Australia.

    8. How has Sarah been in television?
    A. freely
    B. commercially
    C. willingly
    D. interestingly

    9. Why would she be TV presenter? Because …
    A. media industry is very commercial.
    B. media industry is very competitive.
    C. she wanted to be more popular.
    D. she wanted to be a manager of media.

    10. “Variety” is children’s charity and did a lot of work with disabled people.
    The word”disabled people” means people who …
    A. are unable to use their body properly
    B. do not have parts of the body
    C. are unable to use tools properly
    D. got accident

    11. From the text, we know that Sarah …
    A. is businesswoman.
    B. is not the Miss World Australia 2004.
    C. has just finished high school.
    D. is also in many advertising campaigns.

    Read the text for no.12 to 15

    Once upon time, when drinking at the side of stream, a thirsty little ant fell into the water and got carried away. “Help, help. I cannot get out!” cried the ant.
    Fortunately a kind bird, a dove saw that the ant is in danger. She plucked a leaf of tree with her beak and placed it on the water just in front of the ant.”Get on the leaf ant and I’ll carry you to safety.” said the dove. Then, the ant quickly climbed on the leaf and the dove immediately rose into the air with the leaf in her beak.
    Some days later, when the ant was searching for food at the bottom of a tree, he suddenly heard a cruel looking man stalking forward the tree. He had a big gun, which he kept pointing up in the air, ready to shoot.
    Quickly and with all strength, the ant ran up the tree, calling to the bird to fly away. The bird was out of sight in a moment.
    The ant was so happy because he had been able to warn his friend, the bird and so save it from terrible death.

    12. What does the story tell us?
    A. A helpful dove
    B. A good ant and the cruel man
    C. A cruel looking man
    D. The dove and the ant

    13. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
    A. The ant was in danger.
    B. The dove saved the ant’s life.
    C. The ant climbed on the leaf.
    D. The dove rose into the air.

    14. How did the dove go away after knowing the danger?
    A. patiently
    B. angrily
    C. fast
    D. slowly

    15. Some days later, when the ant was searching for food …
    The phrase “searching for” means …
    A. looking for C. looking after
    B. looking at D. looking up

    16. Arrange the jumbled words into a good sentence.
    the traffic light – broke – the driver – but also – accident – had – not only
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    A. 3 – 7 – 2 – 4 – 6 – 5 – 1
    B. 5 – 7 – 6 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1
    C. 5 – 7 – 6 – 3 – 4 – 2 – 1
    D. 3 – 7 – 2 – 1 – 4 – 6 – 5

    Read the text for no. 17 to 19

    Australian International School Jakarta
    AIS Jakarta is looking to fill the following full time junior school teaching positions:
     English/History
     Information Technology
     Mathematics
     Science biology/Chemistry/Physic
     Kindergarten with Early Childhood Qualifications
    Experience in teaching in international schools and dealing with students with non-English background would be advantageous. Applicants must have relevant teaching
    qualifications and teaching experience. Competitive salary package.
    Applications should be sent to the head of School,Dr. Peter Walbran via email at [email protected]. Or Fax at (6221)717790937

    17. What must applicants have to fill in the positions?
    A. Relevant teaching qualifications and experience.
    B. Experience in teaching English in International school.
    C. Experience in teaching non-English students.
    D. Relevant teaching all subject and teaching experience.

    18. Which statements is true based on the text?
    A. Application must be sent by email.
    B. Part time job is available.
    C. Dr. Peter Walbram is the chief of school committee.
    D. The school offers competitive salary

    19. “ …with a non-English background would be advantageous …
    “Advantageous” means something useful that …
    A. puts you to gain more money
    B. puts you in better position than other people
    C. makes you in the highest position
    D. makes you gain more benefit

    Read the text for no. 20 to 24

    Lions belong to cat family. They are large strong fresh eating animals.
    A group of lions consist of 2 to 13 adult females and young lions. All of the females are related; sister, mothers, aunts and cousins. A female will stay in it for life although a large group may split into smaller ones
    Female lions care for young lions for together, hunt and eat together. They also aggressively defend from other groups. Equally important, a group of females must often defend young lions from group of males.
    Unlike females, young lions are driven from group lions when they are between two and four years old. If they are lucky, they leave with brothers and cousins; if not, they work together with unrelated males. These groups of two to six males are called coalition.

    20. Which paragraph tells about the difference of young from female lions?
    A. paragraph 1
    B. paragraph 2
    C. paragraph 3
    D. paragraph 4

    21. How do the female lions defend their selves?
    A. They defend their selves together.
    B. They asked a help male lions to defend.
    C. Each female defends itself.
    D. They defend their selves with male lions.

    22. Why do lions live in group? To make …
    A. other groups defeat
    B. their group safe
    C. separate from other group
    D. their group bigger than other group

    23. “…although a large may split into smaller ones.”
    The underline word has synonym …
    A. divide C. collect
    B. break D. fall

    24. The writer wrote the text in order to …
    A. entertain the readers about the group of lions
    B. describe the lions look like
    C. inform the lions and their lives
    D. tell how the lions defend their group

    Read the text for no. 25 to 26

    My hometown is Makasar, the capital of South Sulawesi.
    It is one of the most attractive cities in Indonesia because it is right on the water’s edge. We can see a magnificent view and many picturesque island from promenade at the city’s Losari beach. Additionally, on Losari beach we can also eat and enjoy the traditional food of Makasar, such as “pisang epe” while we watch the sun go down in a ball of flaming red and orange.It is a magical place to be in the cool of the evening with the fresh smell of the ocean air and spicy aroma of delicious meals cooking in carts around.

    25. What can attract us in Makasar mostly?
    A. The water’s edge
    B. Magnificent view and picturesque island
    C. Delicious meals
    D. Carts in everywhere

    26. Which statements is true based on the text?
    A. We can find traditional food in supermarket.
    B. Losari beach is cool every time.
    C. Makasar is right on the water’s edge
    D. We find delicious meal cooking all around

    Read the text for no. 27 to 31

    Last week, my wife and I went to visit the town where we both grew up. We had not been there since we were married ten years ago.
    First, we went to the neighborhood where my wife, Jane spent her childhood. It had not changed very much. The house where she was born still there, but it is now different color.. They were very glad to see Jane and asked us to come in and had a cup of coffee.
    We learned about all neighbor, old and new. Jane had very good time. As far as one question was answered, she would ask the next.
    Then, we went to see the neighborhood where I grew up. What a disappointment! It was all changed. All the old houses I remembered were gone. I did not know any of the people where lived there.
    Someone had said to me that I could not go home again. Jane might think so, but I believed that was true.

    27. The writer wrote the text …
    A. to describe a particular events
    B. to presenting points of view about an activity
    C. to inform a past event
    D. to entertain the readers with a funny story

    28. When did the writer and his wife visit the town?
    A. Ten years ago before getting married
    B. Ten years after getting married
    C. Ten years ago
    D. Last week

    29. How did the neighbors meet Jane?
    A. sadly C. angrily
    B. curiously D. gladly

    30. From the text, we know that …
    A. The writer felt disappointed
    B. The neighbors did not recognize Jane at all
    C. All the houses are still the same
    D. The neighbors welcomed strangely

    31. We learned about all neighbors, old and new.
    The underlined word means …
    A. saw C. understood
    B. observed D. looked at

    Read the text for no. 32 to 35

    How to make Sticky Date Pudding

    • 200
    • 1 cup water
    • 50 gr.butter
    • 2 eggs
    • 190 gr.white sugar
    • 190 gr.flour
    • 1 tsp soda
    • ½ tsp vanilla essence

     Put dates and water in saucepan and heat until coagulate
     Beat in the other ingredients
     Line pan with greased baking paper
     Bake at 19° celcius for 30 minutes
     Serve with sauce and cream

    32. What is the purpose of the text?
    A. To see the ingredients of sticky date pudding.
    B. To prepare everything to make date pudding.
    C. To inform how to serve sticky date pudding.
    D. To tell how to make sticky date pudding.

    33. What does the last thing we do in making sticky date pudding?
    A. Beat in other ingredients.
    B. Line pan with greased baking paper.
    C. Put dates and eat in saucepan.
    D. Serve with sauce and cream.

    34. Why do we use a saucepan?
    A. To serve sticky date pudding.
    B. To bake sticky date pudding.
    C. To put date and water
    D. To beat in other ingredients.

    prediksi soal UN bahasa inggris SMP

    35. “Line pan with greased baking paper”
    The underline word means …
    A. fry C. wrap
    B. cover D. put

    36. Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph
    1. People like to keep them, not as breeding animals.
    2. Therefore, people do not need their meat and eggs
    3. There are several animals people look for as pets.
    4. People like pets because they can be nice and funny
    5. They are birds, the cocks, the cats, the dogs and the horses

    A. 3 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 4
    B. 3 – 5 – 2 – 1 – 4
    C. 4 – 1 – 2 – 5 – 3
    D. 4 – 2 – 1 – 5 – 3

    Read the text for no. 37 to 39

    Reog Ponorogo is a very spectacular dance. …(37) wear bright, colorful costumes and are accompanied by gamelan music. …(38) is always performed out in the open such as in a town square or park. Reog dates back during the Hindu period in East Java. The story is …(39) with the legend in Ponorogo Kingdom about 70 kms south east of Solo City.

    37. A. Musicians C. People
    B. Groups D. Dancers

    38. A. Its C. They
    B. It D. Their

    39. A. related C. brought
    B. performed D. protected

    Read the text for no. 40 to 43

    Delta Good rem is a young Australian singer and song writer.
    She is well known in many countries, especially in Europe and of course in Australia. Delta has been singing and acting since she was very young. She has been in
    many television commercials and television shows in Australia.
    At the age of seven, Delta was in America advertisement for gallop Toys. Delta is classically trained pianist and plays guitar and drums. In 1996, she recorded a demo with five number one hit songs that she wrote herself. That’s when she got contract with a record company and made hit first album Innocent Eyes.
    Finally, in 2004 she recorded the second album, Mistaken Identity. On the album, Delta recorded a beautiful duet with Brian McFadden from Westlife. The song is called Almost Here.

    40. What is the text about?
    A. a singer
    B. a song writer
    C. a singer and song writer
    D. a musician

    41. How many songs did she write in the first album?
    A. One C. Four
    B. Three D. Five

    42. From the text, we know that Delta …
    A. is a popular in all countries in the world
    B. got contract with a record company
    C. has two songs with another singer
    D. plays music in every concert

    43. “She is well known in many coutries, ..”
    The word “well known” have similar meaning with …
    A. bad C. famous
    B. good D. successful

    44. Which one is the best arrangement of the sentences below!
    1. During training, when they do something correctly, they squeal excitedly.
    2. Furhermore, they help each other when they are in trouble.
    3. When they make a mistake, however they droop noticeably and more around their
    4. Dolphins are interesting animals.
    5. For example, they display the human emotion of joy and sadness.
    6. They display almost human behavior at times.

    A. 6 – 1 – 5 – 3 – 2 – 4
    B. 4 – 6 – 5 – 1 – 3 – 2
    C. 6 – 4 – 5 – 1 – 3 – 2
    D. 4 – 6 – 5 – 2 – 1 – 3

    Read the text for no.45 to 47

    Jl. Kartini 56, Karanganyar
    April 25th, 2008

    Dear Susi,
    It will be great pleasure to meet you on our holiday next week. I’ll tell you where I’m going to take you. I’m going to take to “Grojogan Sewu”.It’s beautiful waterfall, about kms from my house.
    We can go there in my father’s car. Then we’ll have to walk about ten minutes to reach the waterfall. It’s really beautiful. The water is crystal clear and very cold.
    Believe me, you will love it and don’t worry. I’ll take you the other interesting places too.
    See you.
    Yours truly,

    45. When will the writer have a holiday?
    A. Next week
    B. April 25th, 2008
    C. Next holiday
    D. Next year

    46. How will they reach the waterfall?
    A. By motorcycle
    B. By car
    C. On foot
    D. By bus

    47. Which of the following statements is not true about the writer?
    A. She is Susi’s aunt.
    B. She is Susi’s friend.
    C. The writer wants to show interesting places.
    D. The writer lives at Jl. Kartini, Karanganyar.

    Read this notice!


    48. It means …
    A. We are forbidden to read anything
    B. We have to read the instruction before using it
    C. We are possible to read instruction
    D. We may read instruction before using it.

    Read the text for no. 49 to 50

    Hi, friends! We are having
    Farewell Party

    On Wednesday June 15th in class IX B at 8 a.m

    Come and join us
    Don’t forget to bring something special for us and
    wear your funniest clothes to make the party fun


    49. What do the students have to bring?
    A. The funniest clothes
    B. All friends
    C. Much money
    D. Something special

    50. When will the party be held?
    A. In the evening
    B. In the morning
    C. At midnight
    D. In the afternoon


    1. B    11. D   21. A  31. B 41. D
    2. D    12. D   22. B  32. D 42. B
    3. B    13. B   23. B  33. D 43. C
    4. C    14. C   24. C  34. C 44. B
    5. C    15. A   25. B  35. B 45. A
    6. A     16. D  26. C  36. A 46. C
    7. D     17. A  27. C  37. D 47. A
    8. B     18. D  28. D  38. B 48. B
    9. B     19. B  29. A  39. A 49. D
    10.A    20. D  30. A  40. C 50. B

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