
  • Apakah Perbedaan Learn Dan Study Dalam Bahasa Inggris?

    Apakah Perbedaan Learn Dan Study Dalam Bahasa Inggris?

    Apakah Perbedaan Learn Dan Study?

    Perbedaan Learn dan StudyHai sahabat SBI yang super. Bingung apa yang sedang dilakukan oleh pria disamping Studying atau Learning? Jika teman-teman bingung tentang penggunaan kedua kata kerja Bahasa inggris ini, Ini karena dalam Bahasa Indonesia hanya terdapat satu kata kerja yaitu “Belajar” yang digunakan dalam context apapun. Untuk itu simak penjelasan penggunaan Learn dan Study dalam Bahasa Inggris.

    Learn VS Study


    Dalam Bahasa inggris, Learn berarti memperoleh ilmu pengetahuan atau skill. Sebagai contoh, jika teman – teman  berbicara Bahasa Inggris, akan tetapi lima tahun yang lalu teman – teman tidak dapat berbicar dalam Baasa Inggris, Lalu teman – teman dapat mengatakan:

    I learn English in 1 years. ( Saya belajar Bahasa Inggris dalam waktu satu tahun )


    Dalam Bahasa inggris, “Study” merujuk kepada sebuah proses mendapatkan pengetahuan atau skill, khususnya jika kalian adalah seorang pelajar yang mempersiapkan diri untuk ujian atau tes. Sebagai contoh kalian dapat mengatakan:

    Bagaimanapun, ketika kita berbicaratentang sebuah proses mendapatkan sebuah skill yang mengharuskan praktik, sebagai contoh mengendarai motor, berbicara di depan umum, atau bemain sepakbola, kita harus meggunakan “learn”. Sebagai contoh:

    • I have to learn how to drive a motorcycle.
    • I‘m learning how to play a football.

    Jadi, Sebenarnya apa yang pria itu lakukan? Studying atau learning?

    Baik, Jika kita ingin mengatakan bahwa dia sedang meningkatkan skill atau pengetahuannya, kita dapat mengatakan The boy is learning. Bagaimanapun gambar itu menggambarkan proses mendapatkan pengetahuan atau skill. Jadi, lebih alami jika mengatakan :

    • The boy is studying.

    Banyak sekali kesalahan umum yang dilakukan tentang penggunaan sebuah kata dalam Bahasa Inggris. Untuk itu ikuti terus

  • Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kenaikan BBM

    Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kenaikan BBM

    Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kenaikan BBM

    Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kenaikan BBM – Semenjak Bapak Presiden menyerahkan harga bbm ke harga pasar dunia, Sudah beberapa bulan terakhir ini Indonesia mengalami naik – turun harga BBM yang menurut admin malah kurang efektif. Bagaimana menurut sahabat SBI dirumah ? Untuk itu kali ini admin akan memberikan contoh pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang kenaikan BBM. Langsung saja simak naskah pidato berikut ini.

    Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kenaikan BBM

    Naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kenaikan BBM

    Good morning everybody

    My name …….., I come from ……,

    Dear the teachers and all of my friends proud.

    Firstly, Let us give thanks to the presence of Greatest ALLAH SWT, who has given us the blessing and guidance, so that we can gather here in this place. And I also I ask you to deliver your prayer and greetings to our prophet Muhammad SAW, who has brought us which has brought us from darkness to brightness, so we are always on the right path until the end of the world.

    In this occasion, I will deliver a speech on the theme of domestic fuel price hike by the government of Indonesia.

    With this opportunity, I will discuss about the rise in fuel prices announced by the government. Planned increase in fuel that will be planned by government received thousands of pro-cons by the people of Indonesia. But more cons of it, because they think it would be burdensome for them. Moreover, poor people.

    Because fuel economy in Indonesia influential for this, e.g. if fuel goes up, then the public transportation we commonly call such as public transport or others, it will increase the price. Herbs, and daily necessities are also bound to rise, and it will further burden the people.

    For some that agree with this increase, they hoped that the distribution of fuel to run properly, not as it used to, does not pitch well distribution. There is cheating in some Petrol Stations that little by little harm the state.

    Now, the students began to run his demonstrations in various cities. It is one of the actions of rejection by our society in broken down by students. As an action, they burn a lot of pictures of the government. And photo our President was not immune from the action. Many photos at Cora-graffiti and burned on the roadside.

     If the President still raise fuel, the students will decrease SBY became president that are often longer to be issue in some private TV. Because it is not easy to maintain price stability well, and should be considered carefully so as not to take decisions that could hurt yourself.

    President of the Republic of Indonesia has held a speech about the rise in fuel prices, but in my opinion, I also do not agree to this. This only makes the poor is getting poorer and the rich get richer. Behind this rise in fuel prices, there is also a BLT (Direct Cash Transfers) for the poor, but what? Those who want to get it should bother to queue up from early morning until late afternoon, in hot conditions, many are also some who fainted for the want that is not how it is.

    Indeed, the government is now less able to understand it people. They arbitrarily raise anything, while the citizens were in distress. Should have been held before the school run in the villages. In order for Indonesia, Our country became independent state of ignorance and poverty. Causes of poverty of ignorance that does not know anything. Who do not want to know about everything? Moreover, the school is supported by the higher costs.

    In this era of increasingly modern, all done by machine, in order to obtain satisfactory results, and faster and more practical. To operationalize these machines, certainly we all need fuel to move it. If not using gasoline, another alternative is the batteries. As already many examples we have seen in the capital, for example: Motorcycle, car, etc. They move should require fuel, has not it? If the fuel tariff rise, maybe some people choose to stop using private vehicles, and prefer to take public transportation.

    But for who cannot, those who rely solely on a motorcycle, and vehicle fuel going up, they want to take public transport, but public transport fares also increased rates. Yes, getting worse the people whose salary is only enough for a meal fit-fit’s now have to spend more of their funds only for fuel oil (BBM)

     So, from this conclusion, we can conclude together, the increase in fuel tariff does bring some advantages to our country, but the loss was certainly more. The government will get the bad news out of the community, lack of incompetence early on set up and manage oil materials in the country of Indonesia.

    If only this time the government can manage the results of fuel it properly, then the public should not hesitate and demonstrated again will this increase. However, from the experience already experienced a lot of years ago, the funds from the increase in fuel prices cannot be utilized properly by the government. That there is even today seediness about “corruption”. People in working together on a joint party on their behalf.

    I think that’s all speech that I can give to all of them, hopefully it become a means of self-reformation for the government and for us all. We are sorry if there are words that are less willing or less polite. Because perfection belongs only to Allah and the shortage of human belonging.

    Wassalamualaikum warrohmatullahi wabarokatuh

    Semoga Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kenaikan BBM bisa bermanfaat buat Sahabat SBI dirumah. Terima kasih.

  • Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris SMP Narrative Text

    Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris SMP Narrative Text

    Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris SMP  Narrative Text

    Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris SMP  Narrative Text – Hai sahabat SBI, khususnya yang baru saja melaksanakan Ujian Nasional? Lega Bukan ? Saya yakin semua sahabat SBI pasti bisa mengerjakan soal-soal UN dengan baik. Apalagi sol-soal Bahasa Inggris. Kesempatan kali ini admin akan memberikan contoh narrative text yang berasal dari Indonesia yaitu tentang Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih yang bisa dijadikan sebagai bahan ajar Bahasa Inggris SMP. Yuk langsung saja simak cerita tentang Bawang Putih dan Merah Dalam Bahasa Inggris.

    meninggal dunia. Itulah balasan buat orang-orang yang tamak.
    Contoh Narrative Text Bawang Merah and Bawang Beserta Artinya

    Once upon a time, there carried on a family which consisted of father, mother, and a wonderful little girl named Bawang Putih. They were a lovely family. Despite the fact that the father was just a ordinary shipper, they could live congruously and calmly.
    One day, the mother was wiped out intensely and in the end passed away. Bawang Putih and her dad were so miserable.

    In that village, there likewise carried on a widow and her little girl named, Bawang Merah. Since Bawang Putih’s mom passed away, Bawang Merah’s mom frequently went by Bawang Putih’s home. She frequently helped her to clean the house and brought some food for Bawang Putih, or even just go with Bawang Putih and her dad to visit. Inevitably, the father imagined that it may be better in the event that he wedded to Bawang Merah all together Bawang Putih didn’t feel forlorn any longer. So that, Bawang Putih’s dad wedded to Bawang Merah’s mom. Be that as it may, step by step, the genuine character’s of Bawang Merah and her mom demonstrated out. Toward the starting, they were extremely kind, then they got to be mean and regularly got furious with Bawang Putih and issued her overwhelming work when her dad went to work. She needed to do the greater part of the tasks, in the mean time they just sat and saw Bawang Putih. Surely, her dad didn’t realize that in light of the fact that Bawang Putih never let it know.

    One day, Bawang Putih’s Father was debilitated and afterward passed away. Since that day, Bawang Merah and her mom treated Bawang Putih all the more seriously. She never took a rest. She needed to wake up at sunrise and arranged water for Bawang Merah and her mom to shower. At that point, she needed to encourage pet, water the greenery enclosure, wash garments, and numerous others housework. By and by, Bawang Putih dependably did the greater part of the work cheerfully on the grounds that she trusted one day her stride mother would cherish her like her own particular little girl.

    One morning, Bawang Putih conveyed her garments bascket to wash to the waterway not surprisingly. She was singing while she was strolling through the edge of little woods. That day was splendid. Bawang Putih instantly washed the greater part of the messy garments. Yet, Bawang Putih didn’t understand that one of the garments was brought by the downpour of water. Lamentably, the fabric was her stride mother’s. When she understood it, she attempted to search for it along the stream. Be that as it may, she couldn’t discover it. Miserably, she backpedaled to home and instructed it to her stride mother. Her stride mother was exceptionally furious and advised Bawang Putih to discover it regardless.

    Bawang Putih quickly experienced along the stream once more. At that point, Bawang Putih saw a shepherd who was cleaning his wild ox. Said that he saw the fabric yet Bawang Putih ought to pursue it soon on the off chance that she would not like to miss it once more. She attempted to pursue it however until night, she began to surrender. She saw a hovel on the riverbank. She went to the hovel and thumped it. At that point a grandma turned out. Bawang Putih asked whether she saw her stride mother’s fabric or not. Luckily, she saw it and took it. She said that she loved that fabric. Be that as it may, Bawang Putih ought to go with her for a week in her cottage on the grounds that she felt desolate.

    For a week, Bawang Putih had lived with that grandma. Ordinary, she helped her to clean the hovel. Unquestionably the grandma felt upbeat. At last, she issued her stride mother’s fabric and an enormous yellow pumpkin. After that, Bawang Putih went home.

    When she touched base at home, Bawang Putih gave the material and after that she went to the kitchen to see the yellow pumpkin. She was so astonished when she cut it. There were such a large number of gold jewelleries in the pumpkin. Seeing that pumpkin, Bawang Merah and her mom forced Bawang Putih to tell where she could get it and she recounted the story.

    Listening to her story, they wanted to do likewise as Bawang Putih did. Anyhow, this time, Bawang Merah who might do it. Notwithstanding, Bawang Merah was not care for Bawang Putih. She was languid and never did the housework well. After a week, the grandma let her go home. Be that as it may, Bawang Merah didn’t get the pumpkin so she requested that the grandma issue her. Feeling constrained, inevitably, the grandma issued her the enormous pumpkin and Bawang Merah instantly went home.

    When she touched base at home, Bawang Merah met her mom and joyfully demonstrated the pumpkin. Since she was compelled to admit Bawang Putih would solicited a few sections from the pumpkin, they requested that Bawang Putih go to the stream. Fretfully, they opened the pumpkin. Rather than gold jewelleries, there were numerous toxic creature originated from the pumpkin. Those creatures specifically assaulted them and they at last passed on. That was the arrival for individuals who were insatiable.

    Arti Dalam Bahasa Indonesia
    Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih

    Dahulu kala, hiduplah sebuah keluarga yang terdiri dari ayah, ibu, dan seorang putri cantik bernama Bawang Putih. Mereka adalah keluarga yang bahagia. Meskipun pekerjaan ayahnya hanya seorang pedagang biasa, mereka dapat hidup harmonis dan damai.

    Suatu hari, ibu bawang putih sakit akut dan akhirnya meninggal dunia. Bawang Putih dan ayahnya sangat sedih.

    Di desa itu,ternyata ada juga l seorang janda dan anak perempuannya yang bernama, Bawang Merah. Sejak ibu Bawang Putih meninggal dunia, ibu Bawang Merah sering berkunjung ke rumah Bawang Putih itu. Dia sering membantunya membersihkan rumah dan membawakan makanan untuk Bawang Putih, atau bahkan hanya menemani Bawang Putih dan ayahnya mengobrol. Akhirnya, ayah bawang putih berpikir bahwa mungkin lebih baik jika ia menikah dengan ibu Bawang Merah, Bawang Putih tidak merasa kesepian lagi.

    Sehingga, ayah Bawang Putih ini menikah dengan ibu Bawang Merah ini. Namun, hari demi hari, Munculah karakter yang sebenarnya dari Bawang Merah dan ibunya . Pada awalnya yang mereka sangat baik, mereka berubah menjadi sering marah dengan Bawang Putih dan memberi pekerjaan berat ketika ayahnya pergi bekerja. Bawang putih harus melakukan semua tugas-tugas, sementara mereka hanya duduk dan melihat Bawang Putih. Tentu saja, ayahnya tidak tahu karena Bawang Putih tidak pernah mengatakan tentang itu.

    Suatu hari, ayah Bawang Putih sakit dan kemudian meninggal. Sejak hari itu, Bawang Merah dan ibunya memperlakukan Bawang Putih lebih buruk. Dia hampir tidak pernah beristirahat. Dia harus bangun saat subuh dan menyiapkan air untuk Bawang Merah dan ibunya untuk mandi. Kemudian, ia harus memberi makan hewan peliharaan, menyirami taman, mencuci pakaian, dan pekerjaan rumah tangga yang lainnya. Namun demikian, Bawang Putih selalu melakukan semua pekerjaan dengan senang hati karena dia berharap suatu hari langkah ibunya akan mencintainya seperti seperti anaknya sendiri.

    Suatu pagi seperti biasa Bawang Putih membawa keranjang pakaian untuk mencuci ke sungai. Dia bernyanyi saat dia sedang berjalan melalui tepi hutan kecil. Hari itu cerah. Bawang Putih segera mencuci semua pakaian kotor. Tapi, Bawang Putih tidak menyadari bahwa salah satu pakaian terbawa oleh air. Sayangnya, kain itu punya ibu tirinya. Ketika dia menyadari hal itu, ia mencoba untuk mencarinya di sepanjang sungai. Tapi, dia tidak bisa menemukannya. Putus asa, ia kembali ke rumah dan mengatakan itupada ibu tirinya. Ibu tirinya sangat marah dan mengatakan kepada Bawang Putih untuk menemukan itu tidak peduli apapun alasannya.

    Bawang Putih segera pergi melalui sepanjang sungai lagi. Kemudian, Bawang Putih melihat seorang gembala yang sedang membersihkan kerbaunya. Mengatakan bahwa ia melihat kain tetapi Bawang Putih harus mengejar segera jika dia tidak mau ketinggalan lagi. Dia mencoba mengejar tapi sampai malam, dia mulai menyerah. Dia melihat sebuah gubuk di tepi sungai. Dia datang ke pondok dan mengetuk. Kemudian nenek keluar. Bawang Putih ditanya apakah ia melihat kain ibunya atau tidak. Untungnya, ia melihat itu dan mengambilnya. Dia mengatakan bahwa dia menyukai kain itu. Tapi, Bawang Putih harus menemaninya selama seminggu di pondok karena dia merasa kesepian.

    Selama seminggu, Bawang Putih tinggal bersama neneknya itu. Setiap hari, dia membantu dia untuk membersihkan pondok. Tentu saja nenek merasa senang. Akhirnya, dia memberi kain ibu tirinya dan labu kuning besar. Setelah itu, Bawang Putih pulang.

    Ketika dia tiba di rumah, Bawang Putih memberi kain dan kemudian dia pergi ke dapur untuk melihat labu kuning. Dia begitu terkejut ketika ia diiris itu. Ada begitu banyak perhiasan emas di labu. Melihat labu itu, Bawang Merah dan ibunya memaksa Bawang Putih untuk mengatakan di mana ia bisa mendapatkannya dan dia menceritakan kisah itu.

    Mendengarkan ceritanya, mereka berencana untuk melakukan hal yang sama seperti Bawang Putih lakukan. Tapi kali ini, Bawang Merah yang akan melakukannya. Namun, Bawang Merah tidak seperti Bawang Putih. Dia malas dan tidak pernah melakukan pekerjaan rumah tangga dengan baik. Setelah seminggu, nenek membiarkan dia pulang. Tapi, Bawang Merah tidak mendapatkan labu sehingga dia meminta nenek untuk memberinya. Merasa dipaksa, akhirnya, nenek memberinya labu besar dan Bawang Merah segera pulang ke rumah.

    Ketika dia tiba di rumah, Bawang Merah bertemu ibunya dan dengan senang hati menunjukkan labu. Karena dia takut Bawang Putih akan meminta beberapa bagian dari labu, mereka meminta Bawang Putih untuk pergi ke sungai. Sabar, mereka membuka labu. Alih-alih perhiasan emas, ada banyak hewan beracun berasal dari labu. Hewan-hewan langsung menyerang mereka meninggal dunia. Itulah balasan buat orang-orang yang tamak.

    Itulah tadi Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris SMP  Narrative Text. Semoga bermanfaat buat sahabat SBI. Terima kasih.

  • 10 Contoh Pembuka dan Penutup Pidato Dalam Bahasa Inggris Yang Baik Dan Benar

    10 Contoh Pembuka dan Penutup Pidato Dalam Bahasa Inggris Yang Baik Dan Benar

    10 Contoh Pembuka dan Penutup Pidato Dalam Bahasa Inggris Yang Baik Dan Benar

    10 Contoh Pembuka dan Penutup Pidato Dalam Bahasa Inggris Yang Baik Dan Benar  – Sahabat SBI dirumah sedang mencari referensi Contoh Pembuka atau Penutup Pidato Dalam Bahasa Inggris. Kebetulan sekali dibawah ini admin memberikan 7 contoh Pembuka dan Penutup Pidato Dalam Bahasa Inggris. Selamat Membaca dan Semoga bermanfaat!

    10 Contoh Pembuka dan Penutup Pidato Dalam Bahasa Inggris Yang Baik Dan Benar
    10 Contoh Pembuka dan Penutup Pidato Dalam Bahasa Inggris Yang Baik Dan Benar

    Contoh Pembuka pidato dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Opening speech (1)

    Good morning everyone

    First of all, Let us say thanks to Allah SWT, which has given guidance and blessing to us, therefore we can gather here to celebrate ……………, without hindrance of any. Our Sholawat and greeting are always delivered on our Great Prophet Muhammad SAW, which has brought us from darkness to brighter…


    Opening speech (2)

    The honourable Mr. Headmaster of SMP N 1 Metro and all of Teachers SMP N 1 Metro, and all of my beloved friends.

    First of all let us pray praise the presence of Almighty God for His blessings we can gather on this day in this event…………………..

    On this happy day allow me as…….. To deliver a word or two words to……..


    Opening Speech (3)

    Dear Principals SMAN 1 Kalirejo, all of the teachers SMAN 1 Kalirejo and all of beloved friends from first grade to third grade.

    Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

    Good Afternoon!!!

    First of all I would like to ask all of you to give thanks to the presence of Greatest ALLAH SWT, who has given us the blessing and guidance, so that we can gather here in this beautiful place. And I also I ask you to deliver your prayer and greetings to our prophet Nabi Muhammad SAW, who has brought us which has brought us from dark-age to the age-lit, so we are always on the right path until the end of the world.


    Opening Speech (4)

    Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

    The honourable Mr. Chairman of the Committee and all of audience who has come in this event for accepting the invitation,.

    In this happy day let us Praise the presence of Allah, who has given His grace and guidance to us. Because of His grace we can gather on this day in the event….


    Contoh Penutup Pidato Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Closing Speech (1)


    Perhaps enough so that I can say as ….., no more or less as well as mistakes that I said either intentionally or not, I really apologize. Thanks for attention and Good bye.

    Closing Speech (2)


    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    That is all speech that I can deliver. Ideally what I have said is gainful for us. I am so sorry if I had a mistake. Thank you for your nice attention.

    Wassalamualikum Wr. Wb!

    Closing Speech (3)


    Ladies and the audience who blessed by God

    Presumably enough up here a little speech that I can say. For all the mistakes and said words are less willing hearts in your heart, both of which I intentionally or not, I apologize profusely.

    Akhirun kalam,

    Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

    Itulah tadi 10 Contoh Pembuka dan Penutup Pidato Dalam Bahasa Inggris Yang Baik Dan Benar. Semoga bermanfaat buat Sahabat SBI yang sedang ingin membuat naskah pidato dalam Bahasa Inggris. Ikuti terus untuk mendapatkan referensi belajar online Bahasa Inggris. Terima kasih.




    Halo sahabat SBI, masih bersemangat belajar Bahasa Inggris. Baik pada kesempatan kali ini admin akan memberikan pembahasan, rumus, dan contoh passive voice dalam kalimat simple past tense. Passive voice atau kalimat pasif adalah Kalimat yang subjeknya dikenai oleh aktivitas atau perbuatannya. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, kalimat pasif memiliki ciri-ciri yaitu diawali dengan imbuhan ‘ter-‘ atau ‘di-‘. Kalimat pasif terbentuk dari kalimat aktifm yaitu dengan menjadikan subjek dalam kalimat aktif sebagai objek dalam kalimat pasif, begitu juga sebaliknya.

    Berbeda halnya dengan simple present tense yang menggunakan auxiliary verb (am‘is’are’). Passive dalam simple past tense oleh auxiliary verb ‘was’ atau ’were’. ‘Was’ digunakan untuk subjek singular (I, She, He dan It), Dan ‘were’ selalu digunakan untuk subjek plural (You, We dan they).

    kalimat pasif dalam simple present tense


    Untuk memudahkan kalian dalam  membuat passive voice dengan bentuk simple past tense,simak baik-baik  rumus dan contoh berikut:

    Contoh Kalimat Aktifnya :

    • Someone stole my friend’s car yesterday (Sesorang itu mencuri mobiltemanku kemarin)
    • Eliza wrote some articles last week (Eliza menulis beberapa artikel minggu lalu)

    Contoh Kalimat Passive nya :

    Rumus : Subjek + was/were + Verb III

    • My friend’s car yesterday was stolen by someone yesterday (Mobil temanku dicuri oleh seseorang kemarin)-
    • Some articles were written by Eliza last week (Beberapa artikel ditulis oleh Lisa minggu lalu)

    Kalimat Bentuk Negatif

    Apabila teman-teman ingin mengubah contoh kalimat pasif diatas menjadi bentk negatif, maka teman-teman tinggal menambahkan ‘not’ setelah ‘was’ atau ’were’.

    Rumus : Subjek + was/were + not + Verb III

    Contoh (Passive):

    • My friend’s car yesterday was not stolen by someone yesterday – Some poems were not written by Deby last month.
    • Some articles were not written by Eliza last week.

    Kalimat Tanya

    Jika contoh kalimat pasif ingin diubah menjadi kalimat tanya, maka teman-teman cukup memindahkan ‘was’ atau ’were’ di awal kalimat.

    Rumus : Was/were + subjek + Verb III + ?

    Contoh (Passive):

    • – Was my friend’s car yesterday stolen by someone yesterday?
    • – Were some articles written by Eliza last week?

    Demikianlah ulasan mengenai pembahasan, rumus, dan contoh passive voice dalam kalimat simple past tense. Semoga bermanfaat buat kita semua. Nantikan artikel grammar Bahasa Inggris terbaru hanya di Sekolah Bahasa Inggris.

  • 5 Contoh Surat Cinta untuk Ibu dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru

    5 Contoh Surat Cinta untuk Ibu dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru

    5 Contoh Surat Cinta untuk Ibu dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru

    5 Contoh Surat Cinta untuk Ibu dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru – Sahabat SBI dirumah ingin menulis surat cinta kepada Ibu dalam Bahasa Inggris. Berikut ini admin akan membagikan 5 contoh surat cinta untuk Ibu dalam Bahasa Inggris. Semoga bisa menjadi referensi buat sahabat SBI dirumah. Check This Out!

    Surat Cinta untuk Ibu dalam Bahasa Inggris ( 3 )

    Dear mother..

    Numerous years I have lived in this world with your love. The unlimited affection, without dissention. Just sweet grin that dependably embellish your face when we meet.

    Mother, now I am occupied with my own particular world, until I overlook that you are getting more seasoned.

    Mother, I am sorry for overlooking you most. Indeed, even L neglect to recollect that you.

    Mother, overlook your blemished child, please. I will never have the capacity to reimburse the majority of your consideration. O don’t even know how to thank you, mother.

    I can just say,”Mom, I adore you for all my life”…

    Contoh surat cinta untuk Ibu
    Contoh surat cinta untuk Ibu

    Surat Cinta untuk Ibu dalam Bahasa Inggris ( 4 )

    Mother, how are you? You are find, right?

    Mother. I recollect how I went through my youth with you. I recollect when I approached you to purchase a toy for me. I recollect when I declined to help you to clean up the yard. I denied when you requesting that I purchase some every day need at conventional business sector. Since I felt humiliated if my companions saw me.  A considerable measure of recollections of my adolescence are overlooked as I am occupied with my reality now. Until I overlook how your face at this time. In any case, you will always remember each of our story. Despite the fact that you’re getting more seasoned, your memory never blurs.

    Mother, up to this point regardless I get your incredible fondness. Notwithstanding, I haven’t been capable or never have the capacity to reimburse the greater part of your love with anything.

    Mother, if my tongue had harmed your heart, I just expect your absolution and your sweet grin, mother.

    Mother, if my conduct created your tears of trouble streamed, help me to change it into tears of bliss.

    Much obliged to you mother. A debt of gratitude is in order for giving a beautiful love in my life. I will dependably cherish you until the end of time.


    Surat Cinta untuk Ibu dalam Bahasa Inggris ( 5 )

    Dear Mom,

    I love you so much Mom. I’m continually considering your beautiful face that constantly imagined in my heart of late. Considering you makes these tears tumbling down on my cheeks. My miss and affection to you can’t be composed all in this letter on the grounds that this paper won’t have the capacity to suit every one of these emotions.

    I am extremely thankful to God in light of the fact that he has sent one of his blessed messengers without wings to turn into my mom in this world. For me you are a wonder that he provided for me. Your grin is busting all my tired, your chuckling evacuates the greater part of my agony and your arms gives energy for my spirit. Without you I most likely can’t be similar to this even I may not have the capacity to live in this world on the grounds that you are my main motivation to continue battling in this affection. I really love you mother.

    Loaded with adoration and love,

    Your child

    Itulah tadi 5 Contoh Surat Cinta untuk Ibu dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru. Ikuti terus Sekolah Bahasa Inggris untuk mendapatkan materi-materi Bahasa Inggris terbaru. Terima Kasih.

  • Contoh Introduction Bab 1 Skripsi Bahasa Inggris Terbaru

    Contoh Introduction Bab 1 Skripsi Bahasa Inggris Terbaru

    Contoh Introduction Bab 1 Skripsi Bahasa Inggris

    Contoh Introduction Bab 1 Skripsi Bahasa Inggris – Buat Teman-teman SBI yang sudah dihadapkan dengan skripsi, kali ini admin akan membagikan contoh isi bab 1 skripsi Bahasa Inggris. Kebetulan sekali admin adalah alumni jurusan pendidikan Bahasa inggris jadi admin akan memberikan contoh introduction Bab 1 Skripsi Bahasa inggris tentang pengajaran Bahasa Inggris. Oke langsung saja simak contoh Bab 1 skripsi Bahasa Inggris dibawah ini

    contoh bab 1 skripsi bahasa inggris
    contoh bab 1 skripsi bahasa inggris



    This chapter desribed the reasons for conducting the research and it deals with several points : introduction that concerns with background of the problems, identification of the problems, limitation of the problems, formulation of the problems, objectives of the research, significance of the research, and definition of terms as will be elaborated in the following sections.

    1.1.   Background of the Problems

    In learning English, students are expected to be able to master all language skills of English; listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It is based on  the goal of teaching English. To be able to use English well, reading is one of the important skills. English reading becomes a more and more important in intenational communication. However, teachers of English often ignore the importance of reading in the classroom. Whereas, students need reading skill to get information from books, magazines, novels, essays, and internet. Therefore, the need for reading and taking out the information from  various text above seems to be extremely important.

    English is taught as a foreign language in Indonesia. Hence, there are some problems in  teaching reading. One of the problems that can be found is the method used by the teachers. Many kinds of teaching method may result bad or negative effects on students’ reading skill. So many students are hard to get the idea or meaning of the text. Another problem is lack of the students’ participation in the classroom. For example when the teacher dominates the activity in the classroom, the students may feel like they do not have enough chance to participate actively.  The lack of participation may result in lack of motivation. And lack of motivation may influence students’ reading comprehension.

    Based on the researcher’s pre-observasion at SMAN 2 Bojong Kenyot, it was found that the students were still confused in determining the main idea of the text, making reference and inference, finding synonyms and vocabulary. From the teacher’s information in that school, it was reported that most of students still had problems in comprehending the text. Many students got under the KKM and they had difficulties to comprehending the English text.

    One of the problems may be that the students feel bored because the techniques used by the teacher are monotonous. There are many students who felt sleepy when the teacher explained the materials. It may be because the teachers do not use good technique or method in the class. It is necessary for English teacher to make reading materials more interesting and motivating so that the students can progress in reading.

    Based on the statement above, the writer applied cooperative learning in teaching reading comprehension. Cooperative learning is one of learning strategies which is considered applicable and useful in increasing students’ reading comprehension and make the students active during the learning process (Majid, 2007). Students must work in groups to complete tasks collectively. Furthermore, the teacher’s role changes from giving information to facilitating students’ learning. Everyone succeeds when the group succeeds. Cooperative learning has some technique, they are; STAD, discussion, mind mapping, think pair and share, jigsaw, role playing etc.

    In this research, he researcher wants to make a situation where the students feel enjoy in learning process so that they will be motivated to read the text. The researcher tries to apply the technique that may be effective to improve the students’ reading ability to solve the problems in comprehending the text. the writer applied jigsaw technique in teaching reading. Jigsaw technique is a special form of information gap in which each member of a group is given some specific information and the goal is to pool all information to achieve some objectives (Brown, 2001:179). Jigsaw cooperative learning is one of the cooperative learning methods. Jigsaw cooperative learning is developed by Aronson. Jigsaw is used firstly in 1971 in Austin, Texas. The purpose of jigsaw reading is to develop student’ mindset to think creatively. It makes the students to be independent. It also keeps existence of high level responsibility.

    Furthermore, this research will be focused on the implementation of jigsaw in teaching reading toward reading skills. The researcher used this technique to investigate what is aspects of reading most improved when jigsaw is implemented in teaching reading. This strategy is choosen since the Senior High School students have monologue/essay, i.e. descriptive, report, recount, narrative, procedure texts and functional texts, i.e. advertisement, brochure, schedule, message, notice, invitation. Based on the information from the teacher, Jigsaw Cooperative Learning has not applied yet by teacher of SMAN 2 Bojong Kenyot.

    They were as problem and since the technique had never been used there, the writer was really interested in “Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Using Jigsaw Cooperative Learning and Which Aspect of Reading significantly improve After Being Taught by Jigsaw Cooperative Learning at the Second Grade of SMAN 2 Bojong Kenyot.

    1.2.   Identification of the problems

    In relation to background of the problem above, the following problems can be identified:

    1. The students get difficulties in comprehending the reading text, finding the main idea, getting information from the text, finding the details, finding synonyms or antonyms in particular words, getting the answer to the questions based on the text and making inference from the text. Based on Pre-Observation, in learning process, the teachers only apply the same technique for all types of reading texts.
    2. The teacher do not realize the appropriate technique or method of teaching reading especially which deals with active learning which needs to be applied in various types of  text the students’ interaction.
    3. In learning process, the teachers only apply the same technique for all types of reading texts. The result is that the students do not have any ideas in their mind of their reading.
    4. The students get bored while learning process because the technique used by the teacher are monotonous.
    5. The students are lazy to memorize the words and practice English in their daily life. So that they are lack of  vocabulary.

    1.3.   Limitation of the Problem

    In line with the identification of the problems, the focus of the research was on the teaching reading comprehension using Jigsaw technique. The decision was taken by considering the importance of Jigsaw technique as one of Cooperative Learning’s strategies that was useful to increase students’ reading comprehension achievement. The writter assumed that there should be some suitable techniques in teaching reading which could motivate the students to read all the text so they could understand the information.

    1.4.  Formulation of the Problems

    Based on the limitation of the problem above, the researcher formulates the research problems as follows:

    1. Is there any significant improvement of students’ reading comprehension achievement after implementing Jigsaw Cooperative Learning  in teaching reading narrative text at the second year students of SMA Negeri 2 Bojong kenyot?
    2. Which aspects of reading significantly improve after using Jigsaw in teaching reading at the second year of SMAN 2 Bojong Kenyot?

    1.5.   Objectives of the Research

    Based on the formulation of the problems above, objectives of the research is as  follows :

    1. To  find  out  whether  there is an improvement of the students’ reading comprehension achievement after being taught through  Jigsaw Cooperative Learning.
    2. To investigate which aspects of reading significantly improve when Jigsaw used in teaching reading .

    1.6.         Significances of the Research

    The results of this study are expected to be beneficial both theoretically and practically elaborated in the following section.

    1. Theoretically

    The results of the research are expected to support theories dealing with Jigsaw Cooperative Learning, as disscussed in chapter 2

    1. Practically
    • The results of this research are expected to give information to the English teachers, especially in guiding students to read text effective way.
    • It is also expected to encourage students’ awareness of identfying the sepcific information in various types of reading texts through Jigsaw Cooperative Learning.

    Demikianlah contoh isi bab 1 skripsi Bahasa Inggris. Semoga bisa sedikit mebantu sahabat SBI dalam membuat Skripsi. Ikuti terus untuk referensi belajar bahasa inggris terlengkap. Terima kasih.

  • 5 Contoh Conversation Bahasa Inggris Dalam Berbagai situasi Beserta Artinya

    5 Contoh Conversation Bahasa Inggris Dalam Berbagai situasi Beserta Artinya

    5 Contoh Conversation Bahasa Inggris Dalam Berbagai situasi Beserta Artinya

    5 Contoh Conversation Bahasa Inggris Dalam Berbagai situasi Beserta Artinya – Berikut ini adalah kumpulan contoh conversation Bahasa Inggris Dalam Berbagi situasi. Untuk sahabat SBI yang ingin melatih speaking skills simak baik-baik 5 Contoh Conversation Bahasa Inggris Dalam Berbagai situasi dibwah ini.

    Conversation at restaurant (3)

    Liza: Excuse me, sir. I’m searching for a spot to eat. Can you let me know whether there are any eateries in this shopping center?

    Lady at Information Booth: Sure. There are a few. What sort of nourishment would you say you are supposing about?

    Liza: I’m not certain. Anything besides fast food.

    Lady: There is a decent Japanese eatery upstairs. It’s a bit pricey however the sustenance is great.

    Liza: Oh. Sounds great, however I ate Japanese sustenance the previous evening. I’d rather have a go at something else.

    Lady: Okay. What about Italian*? On the other hand perhaps Chinese?

    Liza: Italian sounds great, however so does Chinese. I just can’t choose. Are there any American puts here?

    Lady: Yes, there’s a decent steak house ground floor, and you’ll discover TGI Friday’s** over the parking garage. Shouldn’t something be said about both of those?

    Liza: I’m sorry to be such a trouble, however nothing strikes my extravagant. I figure I just won’t eat anything for some time.

    Lady: Well, I’m unable to avoid the fact that’s all there is here in the shopping center.

    Liza: That’s too awful. I’m sorry about my uncertainty. I think about what, what I truly need is a decent smorgasbord.

    Lady: Hmmm…. I recollect setting off to a smorgasbord not a long way from here. They have nourishments from a few distinct nations. It’s around two squares away. It’s great, as well.

    Liza: That sounds awesome. Perhaps I ought to do that.

    Arti Dalam Bahasa Indonesia

    Liza: Permisi, Pak. Saya mencari tempat untuk makan. Dapatkah Anda memberitahu saya jika ada restoran di mall ini?

    Wanita di Informasi Booth: Tentu. Ada beberapa. Jenis makanan apa yang anda inginkan?

    Liza: Saya tidak yakin. Makanan apa pun tapi makanan cepat saji.

    Wanita: Ada sebuah restoran Jepang yang bagus di lantai atas. Ini sedikit mahal tapi makanananya

    Liza: Oh. Kedengarannya bagus, tapi aku makan makanan Jepang tadi malam. Saya lebih suka mencoba sesuatu yang lain.

    Wanita: Oke. Bagaimana Italia *? Atau mungkin Cina?

    Liza: Italia terdengar bagus, tapi begitu juga Cina. Aku hanya bingung untuk memutuskan. Apakah ada tempat-tempat Amerika di sini?

    Wanita: Ya, ada rumah steak yang enak di lantai bawah, dan Anda akan menemukan TGI Friday ** di tempat parkir. Bagaimana salah satu dari mereka?

    Liza: Saya minta maaf telah mengganggu waktu anda, tapi tidak ada yang membuat saya tertarik. Saya kira saya tidak akan makan apa-apa untuk sementara waktu.

    Wanita: Yah, baik mungkin  itu semua tidak ada di sini.

    Liza: Itu terlalu buruk. Aku minta maaf tentang kebingungan saya. Saya kira apa, apa yang saya benar-benar butuhkan adalah restauran yang menyediakan prasmanan.

    Wanita: Hmmm…. Saya ingat ada prasmanan tidak jauh dari sini. Mereka memiliki makanan dari beberapa negara yang berbeda. Ini tentang dua blok jauhnya. Ini cukup enak, juga.

    Liza: Kedengarannya bagus. Mungkin aku harus melakukan itu

    5 Contoh Conversation Bahasa Inggris Dalam Berbagai situasi Beserta Artinya
    5 Contoh Conversation Bahasa Inggris Dalam Berbagai situasi Beserta Artinya

    Conversation at Movie Theater (4)

    Jono: Hey, Mira, how might you want to go see a motion picture this evening?

    Mira: Sounds awesome! What might you want to see?

    Jono: I don’t have the foggiest idea… what about that new blood and gore flick at the Misbar Theater?

    Mira: Oh, I caught wind of that. It sounds somewhat unnerving to me. I’m more into sentimental films. Then again perhaps a lighthearted comedy.

    Jono: No way! I despise that sort of stuff!

    Mira: Really? Well then, what sorts of motion pictures do you like?

    Jono: I figure I’m truly enthusiastically and experience kind of films.

    Mira: Oh definitely, well I figure they are OK, the length of they aren’t too wicked. I likewise caught wind of this incredible new musical that just turned out. What do you think about that?

    Jono: Musical? I don’t have a clue. That doesn’t sound excessively energizing. Is there anything we can concede to?

    Mira: It doesn’t appear like it. Gracious, I recollect another motion picture that turned out a week ago. It’s a puzzle and it had a little sentiment and some activity, as well. I heard its really energizing in light of the fact that no one can think about who the executioner is and it has a shock finishing. What do you think about that one?

    Jono: I figure that doesn’t sound too terrible. What time does it begin?

    Artinya dalam Bahasa Indonesia:

    Jono: Hei, Mira, Maukah Anda pergi menonton film malam ini?

    Mira: Kedengarannya bagus! Apa yang akan Anda ingin tonton?

    Jono: Aku tidak tahu … bagaimana jika film horor baru di Teater Misbar?

    Mira: Oh, aku mendengar tentang itu. Kedengarannya agak menakutkan bagi saya. Aku lebih suka  ke film romantis. Atau mungkin sebuah komedi romantis.

    Jono: Tidak mungkin! Aku benci hal semacam itu!

    Mira: Benarkah? Kalau begitu, apa jenis film yang kamu suka?

    Jono: Kurasa aku benar-benar menyukai aksi dan petualangan jenis film.

    Mira: Oh ya, baik saya piker itu bagus, selama mereka tidak terlalu berdarah. Saya juga mendengar tentang musik baru yang besar yang baru saja keluar. Apa pendapatmu tentang itu?

    Jono: Musik? Saya tidak tahu. Itu tidak terdengar terlalu menarik. Apakah ada yang bisa kita sepakati?

    Mira: Rasanya tidak seperti itu. Oh, saya ingat film lain yang keluar minggu lalu. Ini misteri dan itu sedikit romance dan beberapa tindakan, juga. Aku mendengar itu cukup menarik karena tidak ada yang bisa menebak siapa pembunuhnya adalah dan memiliki akhir yang mengejutkan. Apa pendapat Anda tentang itu?

    Jono: Saya kira itu tidak terdengar terlalu buruk. Jam berapa mulainya?

    Conversation at Birthday Party (5)

    Jane: Hey Tika, hold up! I’ve needed to have an opportunity to converse with you.

    Tika: Hi! What’s up?

    Jane: This weekend I’m hosting a birthday gathering for Ted. I’d like you to come.

    Tika: I’d love to. At the point when is it?

    Jane: We’re having it this Saturday at 8:00 at my home. We’re going to request a pizza and play a few amusements. At that point whoever needs to stay longer can hang out and watch a feature.

    Tika: It seems like a great deal of fun. Yet, now that I consider it, I guaranteed I would do something with Nathan Saturday night.

    Jane: Well why not bring him along? It would be enjoyable. Ted would truly like that. I’m certain.

    Tika: Really? That would be extraordinary. Alright, I’ll request that Nathan go along. *What would I be able to bring?

    Jane: Nothing. Simply bring yourselves. No presents are vital and everything else has been arranged.

    Artinya Dalam Bahasa Indonesia:

    Jane: Hey Tika, tunggu sampai! Aku ingin memiliki kesempatan untuk berbicara dengan Anda.

    Tika: Hi! Ada apa?

    Jane: Akhir pekan ini saya mengadakan pesta ulang tahun untuk Dani. Aku ingin kau datang.

    Tika: Aku bisa. Kapan itu?

    Jane: Acaranya Sabtu pada jam 8:00 di rumah saya. Kita akan memesan pizza dan memainkan beberapa permainan. Kemudian siapa pun yang ingin tinggal lebih lama dapat keluar bersama dan menonton video.

    Tika: Kedengarannya sangat menyenangkan. Tapi sekarang aku berpikir tentangsuatu hal, saya sudah punya janji dengan Gilang Sabtu malam.

    Jane: Nah kenapa tidak Anda membawanya bersama? Ini akan menyenangkan. Dani benar-benar seperti itu. Saya yakin.

    Tika: Benarkah? Itu akan menjadi menyenangkanr. Oke, saya akan meminta Gilang untuk datang. * Apa yang bisa saya bawa?

    Jane: Tidak ada. Hanya membawa diri. Tidak ada hadiah yang diperlukan dan segala sesuatu yang lain telah direncanakan.

    Selamat Membaca dan Semoga bermanfaat!

  • 3 Contoh Essay Bahasa Inggris tentang Kesehatan Masyarakat Terbaru

    3 Contoh Essay Bahasa Inggris tentang Kesehatan Masyarakat Terbaru

    3 Contoh Essay Bahasa Inggris tentang Kesehatan Masyarakat Terbaru

    3 Contoh Essay Bahasa Inggris tentang Kesehatan Masyarakat Terbaru – Halo sahabat SBI yang sedang mencari contoh-contoh essay Bahasa Inggris tentang kesehatan masyarakat. Kesempatan kali ini admin akan membagikan teks essay bahasa Inggris. Artikel – artikel berikut ini berisi tentang pembahasan tentang pentingnya kesehatan bagi masyarakat di Indonesia in.  Langsung saja simak essay tentang kesehatan masyarakat terbaru dibwah ini.

    3 essay bahasa inggris tentang kesehatan
    3 essay bahasa inggris tentang kesehatan

    Contoh Essay Bahasa Inggris tentang Kesehatan Masyarakat (2)

    As of now Public Health in Indonesia can be said to be in a condition which is as of now showing signs of improvement, albeit there are still a few individuals who are living a long way from a sound way of life. The change in the state of Public Health in Indonesia is an indication of the media which frequently give instructive data so that the individuals are taught naturally. The significance of general wellbeing makes the science training secure a workforce which spends significant time in the field of general wellbeing. The administration desires on this workforce is to examine the general wellbeing for the future, so that the general public are fit for conveying a sound and insightful individuals in keeping up their own particular wellbeing and gang.

    The art of general wellbeing has an importance as the science and craft of averting infection, enhancing physical and emotional well-being. The point of keeping up productivity through composed group is to enhance ecological sanitation, the association of medicinal administrations and consideration, singular instruction on individual cleanliness for right on time analysis, preventive and social parts of advancement, which will bolster everybody in the group to have a solid expectations for everyday comforts to keep up their wellbeing.

    The Scope of Public wellbeing science in Indonesia is the Nutrition Society, the examination identified with sustenance has turned into an intriguing subject, in light of the fact that there are numerous individuals who are in consistence with the wholesome yet near to typical. It implies that the dietary ampleness rate in Indonesia, particularly in country groups are still low. Numerous individuals are as yet expending the nourishment which are not ideal supplements, it likewise causes numerous instances of ailing health et cetera.

    Great HR gets from a decent general wellbeing. Wholesome issues in Indonesia is an extraordinary issue which still cannot be tackled totally. Actually, there are numerous different parts of general wellbeing, for example, Epidemiology, Bio-insights, Environmental Health, Health Education and Behavior, Public Health Administration, Occupational Safety and Health and Reproductive Health which are still expected to be concerned.

    The significance of general wellbeing in Indonesia ought to truly get more consideration, in light of the fact that society is an impression of a nation. However the Country will keep developing on account of the presence of its Human Resources.

    Contoh Essay Bahasa Inggris tentang Kesehatan Masyarakat (3)

    Indonesia is one of the developing country that have a great deal of wellbeing issues. As individuals who have a sympathy toward this nation, we ought to give an answer. In place for having a simpler arrangement, then we have to separation the wellbeing issues into a few segments so that the tackling issue is less demanding to discover. The primary thing that causes a ton of wellbeing issues is individuals’ conduct. They are continually littering and don’t eating solid nourishments. Essentially, the absence of open mindfulness is likewise impacted by instruction or learning about wellbeing that they get which is little. In this manner, to change their awful wellbeing practices, we ought to first change their outlook and set strict principles for individuals who hurt general wellbeing, for example, for the individuals who toss trash and waste plants heedlessly.

    A portion of the wellbeing issues that regularly we find in Indonesia is waste, waste transfer subjective, and the absence of clean water. One arrangement that we have created is waste reusing. At present, we have seen numerous business visionaries or organizations utilization waste to be reused and after that made as a movement for acquiring cash. There are numerous business visionaries who are effective on account of waste reusing into family unit machines, furniture, et cetera.

    Wellbeing experts are not put everywhere throughout the regions in Indonesia and just centered around enormous urban areas. We regularly see numerous villagers who need wellbeing specialists so they are hard to be dealt with. There are numerous passings happen in the secluded towns because of a deficiency of wellbeing specialists.

    There are numerous wellbeing considerations in Indonesia which are sufficiently bad in HR, structures, and offices.