Contoh Soal Materi Procedure Text Dan Kunci Jawaban Serta Pembahasannya Lengkap
Referensi Soal Diambil Dari Buku : Panca Prastowo
Contoh Soal :
How to Make Starfruit Punch
250 gr yellow starfruit in slices
100 ml water 2 spoonful of vanilla
8 teaspoonful of lemonade extract Procedure
Put slices of starfruit and water in the blender. Wait until it’s soft. Skim it.
Add syrup, lemonade extract, and soda water. Stir thoroughly.
Pour it in the glass and put in the ice cubes.
What is the text about?
A. How to make starfruit punch
B. The ingredients of starfruit punch
C. How to use blender
D. How to stir thoroughly
E. How to slice starfruit
[Jawaban: (A)]
Pilihan (A) benar karena dinyatakan dengan jelas bahwa judul teks adalah “Starfruit Punch”. Sehingga, dapat dipastikan isi teks adalah cara membuat starfruit punch. Pilihan (B) salah karena hanya berupa aspek penjelas atau pengembang teks. Adapun pilihan-pilihan lain salah karena tidak dibahas di dalam teks.
2. …………………lemonade extract and soda water. Stir thoroughly.
The word printed in bold means….
A. to make smooth
B. to boil
C. to cut
D. to make dry
E. to move an object in order to mix it
(Jawaban: (E)]
Pilihan (E) benar karena arti kata stir adalah meng-aduk. Adapun to make smooth bermakna melem- butkan, to boil bermakna merebus, to cut bermakna memotong, serta to make dry bermakna mengeringkan.
3. Which of the following procedures is true?
A. Put slices of starfruit in the glass.
B. Put ice cubes in the blender.
C. Skim two spoonful of vanilla.
D. Skim the slices of starfruit and water which have already been softened.
E. Wait until the ice cubes are melted.
[Jawaban: (D)]
Pilihan (D) benar karena dinyatakan dengan jelas pada prosedur pertama, yakni skim it. Pilihan- pilihan lain salah karena tidak termasuk dalam prosedur yang disajikan pada teks.
Kita tahu banyak sekali keindahan alam yang dimiliki Negara kita ini. Dibawah ini adalah contoh artikel bahasa Inggris tentang keindahan alam di Indonesia yang dilengkapi dengan artinya. Selamat membaca!!!
The 5 Most Beautiful Natural Scenery in Indonesia
As a nation which is situated in the most deliberately place on the planet, Indonesia is enriched with such a large number of delightful natures from the end of west to the end of east. Those dazzling Landscape are given by our mom arrive as though it will never run out. Beginning from a line of mountains, valleys, oceans, lakes, timberlands and some more, which are holding up to be investigated.
Among the horde of those delightful nature, the writer will attempt to outline the loveliest scene which is claimed by Indonesia in this article. Here are 5 places that have the most lovely common landscape and should be gone by for making the most of its remarkable perspective.
Toba Lake, Sumatra Barat
Toba Lake is a volcanic lake which has been popular everywhere throughout the world. It is framed by 75 calderas, which its length is roughly 100 kilometers and its wide speaks the truth 30 kilometers from the frightening emission of Mount Toba a huge number of years prior.
It is the biggest lake in Southeast Asia and is situated in the region of North Sumatra. The lake shows the common magnificence of the green and glorious slopes. What’s more, its icy air and mist that showed up in the morning makes this spot is like the scenes in Northern Europe.
Rinjani Mountain
A Mountain which is situated in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, has extremely excellent views like: Green scene, Segara Anak Lake, and the gigantic caldera that enhance this mountain, so no big surprise it has dependably been a most loved spot for mountain climber sweethearts. Other than having a wonderful scene, Mount Rinjani has additionally a differing qualities of verdure that is inimitable.
The trek to investigate the magnificence of this mountain will be paid with the unfathomable perspectives that can be seen from its top that achieves 3,726 meters above ocean level. From up there, we will see the top of Agung Mount in Bali, Ijen Mount in Banyuwangi, and Tambora Mount in Sumba. Those mount crests show up from behind the delightful and white mists.
Raja Ampat Islands
Raja Ampat archipelago is known as a standout amongst the most excellent jumping place on the planet due to the magnificence of its submerged life. The archipelago, which is situated in West Papua, has 610 islands encompassed by enormously clear waters and occupied by a quarter of marine creature species that exist on the planet.
In light of its excellence, this spot turns into a shelter for nautical tourism beaus furthermore as a goliath whale shark environment. Besides, it has a manta point jump that is, a spot for jumpers to swim with titan manta beam that its wings achieves 9 meters in length. We can likewise discover wrecks and airplane from World War II utilized as a living space of elaborate fish and bright anemones.
Sianok canyon and valley Harau, West Sumatra
Western Indonesia likewise has a gigantic delightful nature, specifically Sianok gulley and valley Harau which are situated in West Sumatra. These valleys have green and dazzling scenes, encompassed by bluff which is as tall as structures in huge urban communities.
Likewise, both the valleys are additionally encompassed by common tropical backwoods, waterfalls which the water is extremely chilly, and there is additionally the Thousand Caves, situated amidst the timberland. Sianok gulley viewed as Indonesian Grand Canyon. In the mean time, Harau Valley is known as the most wonderful valley in Indonesia, which is encompassed by green and wide paddy fields, with the goal that it turns into a most loved spot for travelers to take pictures.
5. Baluran National Park, East Java
This national park is situated in Situbondo, East Java. It is otherwise called African Van Java on the grounds that about 40% of the zone is a savanna natural surroundings for wild widely varied vegetation. In spite of the fact that it is seen as a desolate and dry spot, truth be told it turns into the primary fascination of this spot.
Going by Baluran National Park means shooting the wild side of greenery life in Indonesia. You will discover around 444 types of plants, 26 types of well evolved creatures, and 155 types of winged creatures. Furthermore, there you likewise can see crowds of buffalo, bison, panther, deer, and significantly mousedeer.
5 Pemandangan Alam Terindah di Indonesia
Sebagai negara yang paling strategis di dunia, Indonesia dikaruniai alam yang sangat indah dari ujung barat ke ujung timur. Landscape indah yang diberikan oleh tanah ibu kita seolah-olah tidak akan pernah habis, mulai dari deretan gunung, lembah, laut, danau, hutan dan masih banyak lagi, yang menunggu untuk dijelajahi.
Di antara segudang alami kecantikan, penulis akan mencoba untuk meringkas alam terindah yang dimiliki oleh Indonesia dalam artikel ini. Berikut adalah 5 tempat yang memiliki pemandangan alam yang paling indah dan layak untuk dikunjungi untuk menikmati pemandangan yang luar biasa.
Danau Toba, Sumatera Barat
Danau Toba adalah sebuah danau vulkanik yang telah terkenal di seluruh dunia. Hal ini dibentuk oleh 75 kaldera, yang panjangnya sekitar 100 kilometer dan lebar sekitar 30 kilometer dari letusan Gunung Toba menakutkan jutaan tahun yang lalu.
Ini adalah danau terbesar di Asia Tenggara dan terletak di provinsi Sumatera Utara. Danau ini menyajikan keindahan alam perbukitan hijau dan megah. Selain itu, udara dingin dan kabut yang muncul di pagi hari membuat tempat ini mirip dengan pemandangan di Eropa Utara.
Gunung Rinjani
Gunung Rinjani yang terletak di Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat, memiliki pemandangan yang sangat indah seperti: landscape Hijau, Danau Segara Anak, dan kaldera besar yang mempercantik gunung ini, sehingga tidak heran gunung ini selalu menjadi tempat favorit untuk pendaki gunung. Selain memiliki pemandangan yang indah, Gunung Rinjani juga memiliki keanekaragaman flora dan fauna yang tak tertandingi.
Perjalanan menjelajahi keindahan gunung ini akan dibayar dengan pemandangan yang luar biasa yang dapat dilihat dari puncaknya yang mencapai 3.726 meter di atas permukaan laut. Dari atas sana, kita akan melihat puncak Gunung Agung di Bali, Gunung Ijen di Banyuwangi, dan Gunung Tambora di Sumba. Mereka puncak ketiga muncul dari balik awan yang indah dan putih.
Raja Ampat
Raja Ampat Nusantara dikenal sebagai salah satu tempat menyelam yang sangat indah di dunia karena keindahan kehidupan bawah lautnya. Tempat yang terletak di Papua Barat, memiliki 610 pulau yang dikelilingi oleh perairan intens jelas dan dihuni oleh seperempat dari spesies hewan laut yang ada di dunia.
Karena keindahannya, tempat ini menjadi surga bagi pecinta wisata bahari dan juga sebagai habitat hiu paus raksasa. Selain itu, memiliki titik manta, tempat bagi para penyelam berenang dengan manta ray yang sayapnya mencapai 9 meter. Anda juga dapat menemukan bangkai kapal dan pesawat dari Perang Dunia II digunakan sebagai habitat ikan hias dan anemon berwarna-warni.
Ngarai Sianok dan Lembah Harau, Sumatera Barat
Western Indonesia juga memiliki alam yang indah besar, yaitu Ngarai Sianok dan Lembah Harau terletak di Sumatera Barat. Lembah ini memiliki pemandangan hijau dan cantik, dikelilingi oleh tebing yang setinggi bangunan di kota-kota besar.
Selain itu, kedua lembah ini juga dikelilingi oleh hutan tropis alami, air terjun yang airnya sangat dingin, dan ada juga Seribu Gua, yang terletak di tengah hutan. Ngarai Sianok dianggap sebagai Indonesian Grand Canyonnya. Sementara itu, Lembah Harau dikenal sebagai lembah yang paling indah di Indonesia, yang dikelilingi oleh ladang hijau dan sawah, sehingga menjadi tempat favorit bagi wisatawan untuk mengambil gambar.
Taman Nasional Baluran, Jawa Timur
Taman nasional ini terletak di Situbondo, Jawa Timur. Hal ini juga dikenal sebagai African Van Java karena hampir 40% dari daerah tersebut merupakan habitat savana untuk flora dan fauna liar. Meskipun taman dipandang sebagai tempat yang tandus dan kering, sebenarnya itu adalah daya tarik utama dari tempat ini.
Mengunjungi Taman Nasional Baluran berarti memotret sisi liar flora dan fauna hidup di Indonesia. Anda akan menemukan sekitar 444 spesies tumbuhan, 26 jenis mamalia, dan 155 jenis burung. Selain itu, di sana Anda juga dapat melihat kawanan bison, kerbau, macan tutul, rusa, dan bahkan kancil.
Semoga artikel diatas bisa bermanfaat bagi para pengunjung setia SBI!!!
Materi Causative Verb, Pengertian, Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat Dan Soal “LENGKAP”
Materi Ini Kami Ambil Dari Buku Diambil Dari Buku Toefl Self Preparation Course.
Kata kerja kausatif dalam bahasa Inggris adalah want, help, let, allow, make, have, get, permit. Kata kerja tersebut memiliki makna meminta seseorang untuk melakukan suatu kegiatan tertentu.
a. Kata kerja kausatif have dan make
My mother makes me sweep the floor.
Mr. Rio has his students submit the assignments on his desk.
I have my little sister study English vocabulary.
Rangga makes me wait at juanda international airport.
Kata kerja kausatif dalam bentuk pasif
My mother makes my bedroom decorated.
My brother has his old motorcycle sold.
b. Kata kerja kausatif allow, get, dan permit
Maria allowed me to stay in her boarding house yesterday.
Mario gets me to join English debate club.
My father permits me to drive his car.
Kata kerja kausatif dalam bentuk pasif
Sarah allows her new novels borrowed.
Michael gets his car fixed.
My mother permitted her old piano sold.
c. Kata kerja let dan help
My paren ts let me to study abroad.
My parents let me study abroad.
My assistant helps me to tidy up my documents.
My assistant helps me tidy up my documents.
Kata Kerja Kausatif dalam bentuk pasif.
Contoh :
I let my motorcycle borrowed.
Rumus Causative Verb Lihat Pada Materi DiBawah Ini :
Contoh Soal Dan Pembahasan Tips Dan Strategi Menyelesaikan Soal Causative Verb :
1. A: Wow… your bedroom is very neat and clean. Do you clean it by yourself?
B: No,………………..
A. I had cleaned it.
B. I have had cleaned it.
C. 1 have my maid cleaned it
D. I has my maid cleaned it.
Jawaban : C
Kalimat I have my maid cleaned it memiliki arti aku menyuruh pembantuku member-sihkannya. Sehingga, di dalam pola kalimat causative, kata have dapat memiliki arti menyuruh.
2. My brother will be transferred to Singapore for the time being by his office. Since there is none who’s staying in his apartment, he
A, Have his apartment rented
B. Has his apartment rented
C. Rented his apartment
D. Rents his apartment
Jawaban: B
Pola kalimat di atas adalah pola kalimat kausatif bentuk pasif.
3. Samuel………………… the field trip tomorrow.
A. Has his students join
B. Have his students join
C. Has his students joins
D. Have his students joins
Jawaban: A
Kalimat di atas, terutama kata has memiliki makna menyuruh. Karena subjeknya berupa subjek tunggal, maka kata kerja yang mengikutinya juga tunggal, has.
4. Since my sister will get married soon,………………..
A. My parents has the house renovated
B. My parents have the house renovate
C. My parents has the house renovate
D. My parents have the house renovated
Jawaban: D
Pola kalimat yang digunakan adalah pola kalimat causative berbentuk pasif.
5. A: I think my personal computer is broken. I can’t open my files.
B: Let me see it.
A: Sure. Can you repair it?
B: I think we have to bring this computer to the technician and…….
A. Has it repaired
B. Have it repaired
C. It is repaired
D. It is repairing
Jawaban: B
Pola kalimat yang digunakan adalah pola kalimat causative berbentuk pasif.
6. Mr Daniel has………………. handwriting English essay on his desk.
A. His students submit
B. His students submits
C. His students submitting
D. His students are submitting
Jawaban: A
Bentuk kalimat di atas pola kalimat kausatif aktif dan kata has memiliki arti menyuruh.
7. A: What are they doing?
A. I have them install the fountain.
B. I had them installing the fountain.
C. I has them install the fountain.
D. I has them installing the fountain.
Jawaban: A
Bentuk kalimat di atas pola kalimat kausatif aktif dan kata have memiliki arti menyuruh.
8. We have many old stuffs in our house which are not used anymore. Finally, my mother permits those old stuffs………..
A. Sell
B. Sells
C. Selling
D. Sold
Jawaban: D
Pola kalimat yang digunakan adalah pola kalimat causative berbentuk pasif.
9. Mrs. Sena had her daughter accompany her to the beauty salon.
What does this sentence mean?
A. Sena asked her daughter to accompany her to the beauty salon
B. Sena asks her daughter to go to the beauty salon
C. Sena goes to the beauty salon.
D. Sena comes to the beauty salon with her daughter.
Jawaban: A
Bentuk kalimat di atas pola kalimat kausatif aktif dan kata had memiliki arti menyuruh.
10. My father is very busy with his new investors. So, he……………….at the airport.
A. Pick me up with his secretary
B. His secretary pick me up
C. Gets his secretary pick me up
D. Made his secretary pick me up
Jawaban: C
Bentuk kalimat di atas pola kalimat kausatif aktif dan kata gets memiliki arti menyuruh atau meminta.
14 Contoh Report Text Singkat Tentang Binatang Dan Artinya
Pengertian Report text adalahjenis teks yang mengumumkan hasil penyelidikan atau mengumumkan sesuatu . Informasi yang diberikan dalam teks laporan adalah informasi yang sangat umum.
Apasih yang membedakan report text dan descriptive text? Jika Anda membandingkannya dengan seksama, bedanya adalah recont text menjelaskan sesuatu secara general atau umum sedangkan descriptive text menjelaskan sesuatu yang spesifik atau khusus. Report text juga biasanya bersifat ilmiah.
“Social function of report text is to present information about something generally to the reader.”
Social function dari report text adalah untuk menyajikan informasi tentang sesuatu secara umum kepada pembaca.
Secara umum, report text menggambarkan hal-hal yang berkenaan dengan fenomena alam , buatan manusia dan sosial di lingkungan kita , seperti : mamalia , planet-planet , batu , tanaman , negara-negara dan kota, budaya , transportasi , dan sebagainya. Dan report text bersifat ilmiah karena menyajikan fakta-fakta sebagai hasil penelitian atau observasi.
Generic Structure
General Classification
berisi pernyataan umum tentang subject yang dibicarakan atau dibahas.
merupakan bagian yang memberikan gambaran secara detail mengenai subject yang dibahas pada bagian general classification.
14 Contoh Report Text Singkat Tentang Binatang Terbaru – Sahabat SBI sedang mencari referensi reading text jenis Report. Kali ini admin akan membagikan 14 Contoh Report Text Singkat Tentang Binatang Terbaru. Selamat membaca dan semoga bermanfaat buat Sahabat SBI.
14Contoh Report Text Singkat about animal
Report Text about Panda ( 1 )
Panda bear is a standout amongst the most jeopardized creatures and on the edge of eradication. Anyway, a group of researchers has been framed around the backwoods in China to help spare the panda bear populace. This report will let you know about the panda bear and why they are imperiled.
Pandas live in territories with a ton of different creatures yet have couple of foes. They lived in Southeast China. They live in the cool backwoods on the inclines of the dim mountains. There are a considerable measure of bamboo trees to eat.
Pandas invest energy to eat for around 10 to 12 hours a day, around 40-80 kg. Panda nourishment comprises of 99% bamboo yet infrequently they eat different plants or meat furthermore nectar. Honey bee stings would not hurt Panda on the grounds that they have a tough skin. Pandas eat in a sitting position. Panda does not rest like other bear sorts.
Pandas just have one foe. Their foes are wild puppies. At the point when the wild canines assaulted them. Panda will climb trees to evade battles.
Panda generation rate is truly low. Female pandas don’t breed until 5 to 7 years. Female pandas can just have up to 3 children at one time. The infant panda are as little as child cat. Children normally leave their mom following 18 months.
Panda is imperiled in view of a few issues. First and foremost, the reproducing season just happens in the middle of March and May. Second, the panda living space is not sufficiently enormous. The latter is poaching. Some of the time the pandas stuck in the trap which is made for different creatures
Presently you know the data about panda and why it is imperiled. The pandas ought to be helped and spared or these excellent creature will be terminated.
7 contoh report text tentang binatang terbaru
Contoh report text about lion ( 2)
Lion lives in prairie, bushes, and open forests of Saharan, Africa. Lion is the second biggest feline on the planet. Its size is marginally littler than tiger. Be that as it may, they are nearly related and have fundamentally the same body. Lion is unique in relation to other enormous felines. They are extremely amiable creatures. They live in gatherings. There are around 30 lions in a gathering comprising of three guys, twelve females, and whatever remains of their kids. The quantity of gathering individuals is dictated by the accessibility of nourishment and water.
They thunder one another to track their spot. Male and female lions have a capable thunder that can be heard up to 8 km. Male and female lion have an altogether different part in the gathering. Male lions invest their energy to keep their domain and their youngsters. They keep up their limits. While female lions or lioness is the primary seeker bunch. They are littler and more spry than male lions. Anyway, they cooperate in getting their prey.
They generally chase around evening time. Their prey are gazelle, bison, zebra, rhinos, hippos, wild pig, crocodile, youthful elephants, and giraffe. At the same time, in some cases they likewise eat the littler prey, for example, rodents, flying creatures, rabbits, reptiles, and turtles.
In the wake of getting their prey, all the lions in the gathering impart their prey. However, there is a pecking request. The male lions take the first claim, trailed by lionesses, and the latter is their kids.
Report Text about Dolphin ( 3 )
Dolphins are very intelligent animals and they are benign to humans. This water mammals are able to fascinate us in many different ways. These mammals live in a group. They have been known to help humans in a variety of circumstances including rescue and fishing.
There are 36 species of dolphins that have been found. 32 species are dolphins the sea is already well known by the people and 4 species are river dolphins. It’s very interesting to see and learn about the dolphin species
Dolphins can be very entertaining. They can jump out of the water. Some of them can jump up to 30 feet in the air. The dolphins are grayish blue and his skin is very sensitive to human touch and other objects.
Although the dolphins have 100 teeth, they don’t use their teeth to eat. They use it to get fish then they swallow the fish. They can consume fish up to 15 kg per day. They always gather in a group to hunt fish.
Report Text about Cat (4)
Cats are similar in anatomy to the other felids, with a strong, flexible body, quick reflexes, sharp retractable claws, and teeth adapted to killing small prey. Cat senses fit a crepuscular and predatory ecological niche. Cats can hear sounds too faint or too high in frequency for human ears, such as those made by mice and other small animals. They can see in near darkness. Like most other mammals, cats have poorer color vision and a better sense of smell than humans. Cats, despite being solitary hunters, are a social species and cat communication includes the use of a variety of vocalizations (mewing, purring, trilling, hissing, growling, and grunting), as well as cat pheromones and types of cat-specific body language.
Cats have a high breeding rate. Under controlled breeding, they can be bred and shown as registered pedigree pets, a hobby known as cat fancy. Failure to control the breeding of pet cats by neutering and the abandonment of former household pets has resulted in large numbers of feral cats worldwide, requiring population control. This has contributed, along with habitat destruction and other factors, to the extinction of many bird species.
Cats have been known to extirpate a bird species within specific regions and may have contributed to the extinction of isolated island populations. Cats are thought to be primarily, though not solely, responsible for the extinction of 33 species of birds, and the presence of feral and free ranging cats makes some locations unsuitable for attempted species reintroduction in otherwise suitable locations.
Kucingdalamanatomimirip dengan felidslainnya,dengankuat,fleksibelbody,reflek yang cepat,tajamditarikkuku,dangigidiadaptasiuntukmembunuhmangsanyakecil.KucingIndracocokkrepuskulardanpemangsaekologisceruk.Kucingdapatmendengarsuaraterlalusamaratauterlalutinggidifrekuensiuntuktelingamanusia,sepertiyangdibuatolehtikusdanbinatangkecillainnya.Merekadapatmelihatsecaradekatkegelapan.SepertikebanyakanMamalia,kucingmemilikimiskinvisiwarnadanrasabauyanglebih baikdaripadamanusia.Kucing,meskipunsoliterpemburu,adalahspesiessosialdankomunikasikucingmencakuppenggunaanberbagaimacamvokalisasi(mengeong,mendengkur,trilling,mendesis,menggeramdandengusan),sertaferomonkucingdanjenisbahasatubuhkucing-spesifik.
Kucingmemilikitingkattinggipemuliaan.Di bawahdikontrolpeternakan,merekadapatdibesarkandanditampilkansebagaiterdaftarsilsilahhewan peliharaan,hobidikenalsebagaikucingmewah.Kegagalanuntukmengontrolpeternakanhewan peliharaankucingdenganneuteringdanditinggalkannyamantanhewan peliharaanrumah tanggatelahmenghasilkansejumlahbesardi seluruh dunia,membutuhkanpengendalianpopulasikucingliar.Initelahmemberikan kontribusi,penghancuranhabitatdan faktor-faktorlain,kepunahanbanyakspesiesburung.
Snakes are elongated, legless, carnivorous reptiles of the suborder Serpentes that can be distinguished from legless lizards by their lack of eyelids and external ears. Like all squamates, snakes are ectothermic, amniote vertebrates covered in overlapping scales. Many species of snakes have skulls with several more joints than their lizard ancestors, enabling them to swallow prey much larger than their heads with their highly mobile jaws. To accommodate their narrow bodies, snakes’ paired organs (such as kidneys) appear one in front of the other instead of side by side, and most have only one functional lung. Some species retain a pelvic girdle with a pair of vestigial claws on either side of the cloaca.
Living snakes are found on every continent except Antarctica, and on most smaller land masses; exceptions include some large islands, such as Ireland and New Zealand, and many small islands of the Atlantic and central Pacific. Additionally, sea snakes are widespread throughout the Indian and Pacific Oceans. More than 20 families are currently recognized, comprising about 500 genera and about 3,400 species. They range in size from the tiny, 10 cm-long thread snake to the reticulated python of up to 6.95 meters (22.8 ft) in length. The fossil species Titanoboa cerrejonensis was 13 meters (43 ft) long. Snakes are thought to have evolved from either burrowing or aquatic lizards, perhaps during the Jurassic period, with the earliest known fossils dating to between 143 and 167 Ma ago.The diversity of modern snakes appeared during the Paleocene period (c 66 to 56 Ma ago). The oldest preserved descriptions of snakes can be found in the Brooklyn Papyrus.
Ularmerupakanreptil yang memanjang,legless,karnivoradarisubordoSerpentesyangdapatdibedakandarikadalleglessolehkurangnyakelopak matadantelingaluar.Sepertisemuasquamates,ularectothermic,amniotevertebratatercakupdalamskala yang tumpang tindih.Banyakspesiesularmemilikitengkorakdenganbeberapasendilaindarileluhurnyakadal,memungkinkanmerekauntukmenelanmangsa yang jauhlebih besardaripadakepalamerekadenganjawssangatmobilemereka.Untukmengakomodasitubuhmerekasempit,ular organ-organberpasangan(sepertiginjal)munculsatudi depanyanglainbukanberdampingan,dansebagian besar memilikihanyasatufungsionalparu.Beberapaspesiesmempertahankanpanggulikat pinggangdengansepasangvestigialcakardikeduasisikloaka.
HidupularyangditemukandisetiapbenuakecualiAntartika,danpadasebagiankecilmassatanah;pengecualian ini mencakupbeberapapulaubesar,sepertiIrlandiadanSelandiaBaru,dan pulau-pulaukecilbanyakAtlanticdantengahPasifik.Selain itu,ularlauttersebar di seluruhSamudraHindiadanPasifik.Lebihdari20keluargasaat inidiakui,terdiri darisekitar500generadanspesiessekitar3.400.Berbagaiukurandarikecil,10cm panjangbenangulardesis ularpitonhingga6.95meter(22.8kaki)panjangnya.SpesiesfosilTitanoboacerrejonensisadalah13meter(43ft). Ulardianggaptelahberevolusidarikadalbaikmenggaliatauair,mungkinselamamasaJurassic,denganfosilyangdiketahuiawaldatingkeantara143dan167Mayang lalu.KeragamanmodernularmunculselamaperiodePaleosen(c66–56Mayang lalu).DeskripsitertuadiawetkanulardapatditemukandalamBrooklynPapyrus.
Report Text About Donkey (6)
The donkey or ass (Equus africanus asinus), is a domesticated member of the horse family, Equidae. The wild ancestor of the donkey is the African wild ass, E. africanus. The donkey has been used as a working animal for at least 5000 years. There are more than 40 million donkeys in the world, mostly in underdeveloped countries, where they are used principally as draught or pack animals. Working donkeys are often associated with those living at or below subsistence levels. Small numbers of donkeys are kept for breeding or as pets in developed countries.
A male donkey or ass is called a jack, a female a jenny or jennet; a young donkey is a foal. Jack donkeys are often used to mate with female horses to produce mules — the biological “reciprocal” of a mule, from a stallion and jenny as its parents instead, is called a hinny.
Asses were first domesticated around 3000 BC, probably in Egypt or Mesopotamia, and have spread around the world. They continue to fill important roles in many places today. While domesticated species are increasing in numbers, the African wild ass and another relative, the onager, are endangered. As beasts of burden and companions, asses and donkeys have worked together with humans for millennia.
Naik keledaiataupantat(Equusafricanusasinus),adalahpeliharaananggotakeluargakuda,Equidae.LeluhurliarkeledaiadalahkeledailiarAfrika,E.africanus.Keledaitelahdigunakansebagaihewanbekerjauntuksetidaknya5000tahun.Adalebihdari40jutakeledaididunia,terutamadi negara-negaraterbelakang, di manamerekadigunakanterutamasebagaiDamataupakethewan.Bekerjakeledaiseringdikaitkandengan orang-orang yang hiduppadaataudi bawahtingkatsubsistensi.Sejumlahkecilkeledaidisimpanuntukberkembang biakatausebagaihewan peliharaandinegaramaju.
Keledaipertamatelahdijinakkansekitar3000SM,mungkindiMesiratauMesopotamia,dantelahmenyebardiseluruhdunia.Merekaterusmengisiperan yang pentingdibanyaktempathari ini.Sementaraspesiespeliharaanmeningkatdalamjumlah,keledailiarAfrikadan yang lainrelatif,onager,yangterancam punah.Sebagai binatang-binatangbebandansahabat,keledaidankeledaitelahbekerjabersama denganmanusiaselamaribuan tahun.
Report Text About Tiger (7)
The tiger (Panthera tigris) is the largest cat species, reaching a total body length of up to 3.38 m (11.1 ft) over curves and exceptionally weighing up to 388.7 kg (857 lb) in the wild. Its most recognisable feature is a pattern of dark vertical stripes on reddish-orange fur with a lighter underside. The species is classified in the genus Panthera with the lion, leopard, jaguar and snow leopard. Tigers are apex predators, primarily preying on ungulates such as deer and bovids. They are territorial and generally solitary but social animals, often requiring large contiguous areas of habitat that support their prey requirements. This, coupled with the fact that they are indigenous to some of the more densely populated places on Earth, has caused significant conflicts with humans.
Tigers once ranged widely across Asia, from Turkey in the west to the eastern coast of Russia. Over the past 100 years, they have lost 93% of their historic range, and have been extirpated from southwest and central Asia, from the islands of Java and Bali, and from large areas of Southeast and Eastern Asia.
Tiger(Pantheratigris)adalahspesieskucingterbesar,mencapaipanjangtubuhtotalhingga3.38m(11.1ft)ataskurvadansangatberatsampai388.7kg(857lb)dialam liar.Fituryangpalingdikenaladalahpola garis-garisvertikal yang gelappadabulujingga kemerahandenganbawahlebih ringan.SpesiesdiklasifikasikandalamgenusPantheradengansinga,macan tutul,jaguar, danmacan tutulsalju.Harimauadalahpuncakpredator,terutamapreyingpadaungulatessepertirusadanbovids.Merekaadalahhewanteritorialdanumumnyasolitertapisosial,seringmembutuhkandaerahberdekatanbesarhabitatyangmendukungkebutuhanmangsamereka.Ini,ditambahdenganfaktabahwamerekaadatuntukbeberapatempatlebihpadatpendudukdibumi,telahmenyebabkansignifikankonflikdenganmanusia.
Elephants are large mammals of the family Elephantidae and the order Proboscidea. Two species are traditionally recognised, the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) and the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), although some evidence suggests that African bush elephants and African forest elephants are separate species (L. africana and L. cyclotis respectively). Elephants are scattered throughout sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. Elephantidae is the only surviving family of the order Proboscidea; other, now extinct, members of the order include deinotheres, gomphotheres, mammoths, and mastodons. Male African elephants are the largest extant terrestrial animals and can reach a height of 4 m (13 ft) and weigh 7,000 kg (15,000 lb). All elephants have several distinctive features the most notable of which is a long trunk or proboscis, used for many purposes, particularly breathing, lifting water and grasping objects. Their incisors grow into tusks, which can serve as weapons and as tools for moving objects and digging. Elephants’ large ear flaps help to control their body temperature. Their pillar-like legs can carry their great weight. African elephants have larger ears and concave backs while Asian elephants have smaller ears and convex or level backs
GajahadalahmamaliabesardarikeluargaElephantidaedanOrdoProboscidea.Duaspesiessecaratradisionaldiakui,gajahAfrika(Loxodontaafricana)danGajahAsia(Elephasmaximus),meskipunbeberapabuktimenunjukkanbahwagajahAfrikabushdanhutanAfrikagajahspesiesterpisah(L.cyclotisdanL.africanamasing-masing).Gajahyangtersebar di seluruhsub-SaharaAfrika,AsiaSelatandanAsiaTenggara.Elephantidaeadalahsatu–satunyakeluarga yang bertahandariOrdoProboscidea;anggota yang lain,kinipupusurutanmeliputideinotheres,gomphotheres,MammothdanMastodon.Laki-lakigajahAfrikahewandaratterbesarwujuddandapatmencapaiketinggian4meter(13kaki)danberat badan7.000kg(15.000lb).Gajahsemuamemilikibeberapaciriyangpalingterkenaladalahbatangpanjangataubelalai,digunakanuntukberbagaikeperluan,terutamapernapasan,mengangkatairdanmemegangbenda.Gigi serimerekatumbuhmenjadiGading,yangdapatberfungsisebagaisenjatadansebagaialatuntukmemindahkan barang-barangdanmenggali.TelingabesarGajahmengepakkanmembantuuntukmengendalikansuhutubuhmereka.Kakitiang-sepertimerekabisamembawamerekaberat badan yang besar.GajahAfrikamemilikitelinga yang lebih besardancekungpunggungsementaraGajahAsiamemilikitelinga yang lebih kecildancembungatautingkatpunggung
Report Text About Eagle (9)
Eagles are large, powerfully built birds of prey, with a heavy head and beak. Even the smallest eagles, like the booted eagle (Aquila pennata) (which is comparable in size to a common buzzard (Buteo buteo) or red-tailed hawk (B. jamaicensis)), have relatively longer and more evenly broad wings, and more direct, faster flight – despite the reduced size of aerodynamic feathers. Most eagles are larger than any other raptors apart from some vultures. The smallest species of eagle is the South Nicobar serpent eagle (Spilornis klossi), at 450 g (0.99 lb) and 40 cm (16 in). The largest species are discussed below. Like all birds of prey, eagles have very large hooked beaks for ripping flesh from their prey, strong muscular legs, and powerful talons. The beak is typically heavier than that of most other birds of prey. Eagles’ eyes are extremely powerful, having up to 3.6 times human acuity for the martial eagle, which enables them to spot potential prey from a very long distance.This keen eyesight is primarily attributed to their extremely large pupils which ensure minimal diffraction (scattering) of the incoming light. The female of all known species of eagles is larger than the male
Elangbesar,kuatdibangunburungpemangsa,dengankepalaberatdanparuh.Bahkaneaglesterkecil,sepertielangbooted(Aquilapennata)(yangsebandingdalamukuranumumbuzzard(Buteobuteo)ataumerah – berekorhawk(B.jamaicensis)),punyasayaprelatiflebih lamadanlebihmerataluasdanlebihlangsung,cepatpenerbangan–meskipunukuranmengurangiaerodinamisbulu.Kebanyakanelangberukuranlebih dariraptorsapapunselainbeberapavultures.SpesiesterkecileagleadalahSelatanNikobarelangular(Spilornisklossi),450g(0.99lb)dan40cm(16in).Spesiesterbesaryangdibahasdi bawah ini.Sepertisemuaburungpemangsa,elangmemilikiparuhketagihan yang sangatbesaruntukmerobekdagingdarimerekamangsa,kuatototkakidancakar yang kuat.Paruhbiasanyalebih beratdaripadakebanyakanlainnyaburungpemangsa.Mataelangsangatkuat,harus3,6kalimanusiaketajamanuntukeaglebela diri,yangmemungkinkanmerekauntuktempatcalonmangsadarijarakyangsangatpanjang.[2]initajampenglihatanterutamadikaitkandengan murid-muridsangatbesarmerekayangmenjaminminimalDifraksi(penyebaran)cahayamasuk. Laki-lakidarisemuaspesieselanglebihbesardaripadalaki-laki
Report Text About Giraffe (10)
The giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) is an African even-toed ungulate mammal, the tallest living terrestrial animal and the largest ruminant. Its species name refers to its camel-like shape and its leopard-like colouring. Its chief distinguishing characteristics are its extremely long neck and legs, its horn-like ossicones, and its distinctive coat patterns. It is classified under the family Giraffidae, along with its closest extant relative, the okapi. The nine subspecies are distinguished by their coat patterns.
The giraffe’s scattered range extends from Chad in the north to South Africa in the south, and from Niger in the west to Somalia in the east. Giraffes usually inhabit savannahs, grasslands, and open woodlands. Their primary food source is acacia leaves, which they browse at heights most other herbivores cannot reach. Giraffes are preyed on by lions; their calves are also targeted by leopards, spotted hyenas, and African wild dogs. Adult giraffes do not have strong social bonds, though they do gather in loose aggregations if they happen to be moving in the same general direction. Males establish social hierarchies through “necking”, which are combat bouts where the neck is used as a weapon. Dominant males gain mating access to females, which bear the sole responsibility for raising the young.
Jerapah(jerapahcamelopardalis)adalahAfrikabahkan-berujungmamaliaberkuku,hewandarathiduptertinggi, danternak ruminansia yang terbesar.Namaspesiesmengacu pada nyaleopard-sepertiwarnasertabentuknyaseperti unta.Karakteristiknyamembedakankepalayangsangatpanjangleherdankaki,dengantanduk sepertiossicones,danpolakhasmantelyang.Itudiklasifikasikandi bawahkeluargaGiraffidae,bersama denganrelatifwujudterdekat,okapi.Subspesiessembilandibedakanolehpolamantelmereka.
JerapahtersebarkisaranmeluasdariChaddiUtarakeAfrikaSelatandiSelatan,dandariNigerdisebelahBaratkeSomaliadiTimur.JerapahbiasanyamenghuniSavana,padang rumput,danmembukahutan.Sumbermakananutamamerekaadalahdaunpohon akasia,yangmerekabrowsingdikebanyakanherbivorlainnyatidak dapatmencapaiketinggian.Jerapahberburuterhadapolehsinga;merekajugaditargetkanolehmacan tutul,spottedHyena,dananjingliarAfrika.Jerapahdewasatidakmemilikiikatansosial yang kuat,meskipunmerekaberkumpuldiagregasilonggarjikamerekakebetulanbergerakkearahumum yang sama. Laki-lakimembentukhirarkisosialmelalui“necking”,yangmemerangiseranganmanaleherdigunakansebagaisenjata. Laki-laki yang dominanmendapatkankawinakseskebetina,yangmenanggungtanggung jawab untukmembesarkananak.
Report Text About Crocodile (11)
Crocodiles (subfamily Crocodylinae) or true crocodiles are large aquatic reptiles that live throughout the tropics in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Australia. Crocodylinae, all of whose members are considered true crocodiles, is classified as a biological subfamily. A broader sense of the term crocodile, Crocodylidae that includes Tomistoma, is not used in this article. The term crocodile here applies only to the species within the subfamily of Crocodylinae. The term is sometimes used even more loosely to include all extant members of the order Crocodilia, which includes Tomistoma, the alligators and caimans (family Alligatoridae), the gharials (family Gavialidae), and all other living and fossil Crocodylomorpha.
Although they appear to be similar to the untrained eye, crocodiles, alligators and the gharial belong to separate biological families. The gharial having a narrow snout is easier to distinguish, while morphological differences are more difficult to spot in crocodiles and alligators. The most obvious external differences are visible in the head with crocodiles having narrower and longer heads, with a more V-shaped than a U-shaped snout compared to alligators and caimans.
Meskipunmerekatampakmirip dengan mata yang tak terlatih,buaya,buayadangharialmilikkeluargabiologis yang terpisah.Gharialmemilikimoncongsempitlebihmudahuntukmembedakan,sementaraperbedaanmorfologilebihsulituntuktempatdibuayadanbuaya.Perbedaanyangpalingjelaseksternalterlihatdikepaladenganbuayamemilikikepala yang lebih panjangdansempit,denganlebihberbentuk Vdarimoncongberbentuk U yang dibandingkandenganbuayadancaimans.
Report Text About Mousedeer (12)
Chevrotains, also known as mouse-deer, are small ungulates that make up the family Tragulidae, the only members of the infraorder Tragulina. The 10 extant species are in three genera, but several species also are known only from fossils. The extant species are found in forests in South and Southeast Asia, with a single species in the rainforests of Central and West Africa. They are solitary or live in pairs, and feed almost exclusively on plant material.Depending on exact species, the Asian species weigh between 0.7 and 8.0 kg (1.5 and 17.6 lb), and include the smallest ungulates in the world. The African chevrotain is considerably larger at 7–16 kg .
Chevrotains,jugadikenalsebagaimouse-rusa,yangkecilungulatesyangmembentukkeluargaTragulidae,satu–satunyaanggotadariinfraorderTragulina.10spesiesdalamgenustiga, tetapibeberapaspesiesjugadikenalhanyadarifosil.spesiesyangditemukandihutandiSelatandanAsiaTenggara,denganspesiestunggaldenganhutan hujan di AfrikaTengahdanBarat.merekasoliteratauhidupdipasang,danhampirsecara eksklusifmemakanbahantanaman.tergantungpadaspesies yang tepat,spesiesAsiaberatantara0.7dan8.0kg(1.5dan17.6lb),dantermasukungulatesterkecildidunia.[4chevrotainAfrika]jauhlebih besarpada7 – 16kg(15 – 35lb).
Report Text About Penguin (13)
Penguins (order Sphenisciformes, family Spheniscidae) are a group of aquatic, flightless birds living almost exclusively in the Southern Hemisphere, especially in Antarctica. Highly adapted for life in the water, penguins have countershaded dark and white plumage, and their wings have evolved into flippers. Most penguins feed on krill, fish, squid and other forms of sealife caught while swimming underwater. They spend about half of their lives on land and half in the oceans.
Although all penguin species are native to the Southern Hemisphere, they are not found only in cold climates, such as Antarctica. In fact, only a few species of penguin live so far south. Several species are found in the temperate zone, and one species, the Galápagos penguin, lives near the equator.
Penguin(urutanSphenisciformes,keluargaSpheniscidae)adalahsekelompokburungair,flightlesstinggalhampirsecara eksklusifdibelahan bumiselatan,khususnyadiAntartika.Sangatdisesuaikanuntukhidupdidalamair,Penguinmemilikicountershadedgelapdanputihbulu,dansayapmerekatelahberevolusimenjadisirip.Kebanyakanpenguinmemakankrill,ikan, cumi-cumidanbentuklaindarisealifetertangkapsambilberenang di bawah.Merekamenghabiskansekitarsetengahdarikehidupanmerekaditanahdanseparuhdilautan.
Bears are mammals of the family Ursidae. Bears are classified as caniforms, or doglike carnivorans, with the pinnipeds being their closest living relatives. Although only eight species of bears are extant, they are widespread, appearing in a wide variety of habitats throughout the Northern Hemisphere and partially in the Southern Hemisphere. Bears are found on the continents of North America, South America, Europe, and Asia.
Common characteristics of modern bears include large bodies with stocky legs, long snouts, shaggy hair, plantigrade paws with five nonretractile claws, and short tails. While the polar bear is mostly carnivorous, and the giant panda feeds almost entirely on bamboo, the remaining six species are omnivorous with varied diets.
Karakteristikumumberuangmoderntermasukbesartubuhdengankakikekar,pintarpanjang,rambutshaggy,plantigradecakarcakarnonretractilelima,denganekorpendek.Sementaraberuangkutubkebanyakankarnivora,danpandaraksasafeedhampirseluruhnyapadabambu,enamspesiestersisamakhluk omnivoradengandiet yang bervariasi.
Demikianlah 7 contoh report text tentang binatang. Baca juga contoh reading text jenis narrative, descriptive, recount dll hanya di Terima kasih.
Dibawah ini admin akan membagikan beberapa contoh surat resmi yang memakai bahasa Inggris yang dikeluarkan oleh perusahaan dan juga sekolah.
Contoh Surat Resmi dalam Bahasa Inggris (1)
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman no. 94 Bandar Lampung
No telp. (0721)4721067
Number: 065/Nov/2015 eighteenth April, 2015
Subject: Meeting Request
Reference section: –
Mr. Haris Adnan
Director Marketing PERSADA RAYA
With deference,
To praise the commemoration function of our organization, through this letter we welcome all administrators of PT. PERSADA RAYA to go to the arrangement meeting which will be hung on:
Day/date: Thursday/twentieth April 2015
Hours: 9:00 to 12:00 pm
Venue: LCC Hall
Since you are a panel in this plan, we trust that you will have the capacity to come. Much obliged for your consideration.
Rozi P
Administrator of the Committee
Contoh Surat Resmi dalam Bahasa Inggris (2)
No: 14/N21.6.8/DIN/KP/1.2015
Subject: Follow-up Workshop
Reference section: 2 (two) Sheets
Jl. Raya Gele Harun No. 06 Bandar Lampung
Having examined about the thought of leading workshops together with PT ANGKASA RAYA, through this letter we welcome PT BINTANG SEJAHTERA to direct the workshop together.
The workshop will be hung on 30th September 2015 in Angkasa Raya Hall. The material which will be examined in this workshop is the procedure of making a glimmer activity. For more detail, we will give additional data about the aggregate expense and the specialized execution of the workshop.
For additional data, we join a proposition Workshop with this letter.
The principle executive of PT. ANGKASA RAYA
Dr. Jumlianto, M.pd
Contoh Surat Resmi dalam Bahasa Inggris (3)
SMA Negeri 7 METRO
Jalan Ir. Sidoel No. 24 METRO TENGGARA
No. Telephone. (0725) 4321633
No: 65/SMAN 7 METRO/17/2015
Connection: –
Subject: Announcement
Folks of Class XII
SMA Negeri 7 Metro
With deference,
To expand the understudies’ learning of SMA Negeri 7 Metro particularly class XII. So as of now we expect to lead a field study for understudies of both social studies and science outside of school. The occasion will be hung on:
Day/Date: Saturday, August twentieth, 2015
Time: 8:45 till 12:45
Place: Botanical Gardens, Metro
Occasion: Rare Plants Research
We trust you can offer consent to your kids to join this action. Much obliged for your consideration.
The Principal of SMAN 7 Metro
Sunanto Dihardjo, M. pd
Contoh Surat Resmi dalam Bahasa Inggris (4)
SMA Negeri 7 Metro
Jalan Ir. Sidoel No. 24 METRO TENGGARA
No. Telephone. (0725) 4321633
No: 92/SMAN 7 Metro/18/2015
Connection: –
Subject: warning
Folks of Class XII
SMA Negeri 7 Metro
With deference,
Through this letter we declare that on Saturday, 28thAugust 2015 will be holding a dissemination understudies” reports book to all understudies of SMA Negeri 7 Metro. Accordingly we trust you could come to take your kids’ reports book.
Much obliged to you for your consider
The Principal of SMAN 7 Metro
Sunanto Dihardjo, M. pd
Demikianlah 10 Contoh Surat Resmi dalam Bahasa Inggris Singkat Padat Dan Jelas. Ikuti terus sekolah bahasa inggris untuk mendapatkan materi materi bahasa inggris terupdate.
Pengertian Dan Penjelasan Report Text (Full Materi) Contoh Report Text “Tsunami” Beserta Artinya
Report text adalahjenis teks yang mengumumkan hasil penyelidikan atau mengumumkan sesuatu . Informasi yang diberikan dalam teks laporan adalah informasi yang sangat umum.
Apasih yang membedakan report text dan descriptive text? Jika Anda membandingkannya dengan seksama, bedanya adalah recont text menjelaskan sesuatu secara general atau umum sedangkan descriptive text menjelaskan sesuatu yang spesifik atau khusus. Report text juga biasanya bersifat ilmiah.
“Social function of report text is to present information about something generally to the reader.”
Social function dari report text adalah untuk menyajikan informasi tentang sesuatu secara umum kepada pembaca.
Secara umum, report text menggambarkan hal-hal yang berkenaan dengan fenomena alam , buatan manusia dan sosial di lingkungan kita , seperti : mamalia , planet-planet , batu , tanaman , negara-negara dan kota, budaya , transportasi , dan sebagainya. Dan report text bersifat ilmiah karena menyajikan fakta-fakta sebagai hasil penelitian atau observasi.
Generic Structure
General Classification
berisi pernyataan umum tentang subject yang dibicarakan atau dibahas.
merupakan bagian yang memberikan gambaran secara detail mengenai subject yang dibahas pada bagian general classification.
Contoh Report Text Tsunami – Sahabat-sahabat SBI yang super, kali ini admin akan memberikan contoh Report Text Tentang Tsunami Beserta Artinya. Chekidott!
Contoh Report Text Tentang TSUNAMI
The word “tsunami” comes from the Japanese language meaning Great Waves (Tsu: port and Nami: wave). Adapan agreed definition many people is a tsunami is a natural disaster caused by rising sea waves to the mainland at high speeds due to the earthquake centered under the sea. The quake could have been caused by soil erosion, the plates were shifting, volcanic eruptions and who experienced meteor that crashed in the ocean. This usually happens when the tsunami earthquakes exceeding magnitude 7 on the Richter scale. Tsunami is quite dangerous, especially for those who live in Area beach. With great power, he will sweep everything in its path.
When talking about the tsunami, then we would have to start from the cause, namely the earthquake in the ocean. Tsunami always preceded a powerful movement that we commonly call the earthquake. Although it is known that there are various types of this earthquake, but 90% of the tsunami caused by the movement of the plates in the earth that happened to be located in areas of the oceans. It should be also mentioned, the history of tsunamis ever recorded due to the eruption of Krakatoa.
An earthquake in the bowels of the earth will result in the emergence of pressure to the vertical direction so that the bottom of the sea will rise and fall in a short time span. This will then lead to an imbalance in the ocean water which is then pushed into a large wave that moves reached the mainland.
With great power there in the water waves, naturally if the buildings on the mainland can be washed away easily. The tsunami waves propagate at speeds unimaginable. He could reach 500 to 1000 kilometers per hour at sea. And when it reaches the shore, the speed is reduced to 50 to 30 kilometers per hour. Although reduced rapidly, but the pace was able to cause severe damage to humans.
If we look at the tsunami, of course we understand that there is no human intervention in it. Thus, we do not have control to prevent these causes. However, the preparation and maximum vigilance, we can minimize the impact of the tsunami itself. A good example has been shown in Japan. Although prone to tsunamis, but the awareness of people able to reduce the number of victims of the disaster.
Terjemahan Dalam Bahasa Indonesia
Kata “Tsunami” sendiri berasal dari bahasa Jepang yang berarti Ombak Besar (Tsu : pelabuhan dan Nami : gelombang). Adapan definisi yang disepakati banyak orang adalah tsunami merupakan bencana alam yang disebabkan oleh naiknya gelombang laut ke daratan dengan kecepatan yang tinggi akibat adanya gempa yang berpusat di bawah lautan. Gempa tersebut bisa saja diakibatkan oleh tanah yang longsor, lempeng yang bergeser, gunung berapi yang mengalami erupsi serta meteor yang jatuh di lautan. Tsunami ini biasanya terjadi apabila besarnya gempa melebihi 7 skala richter. Tsunami ini cukup berbahaya, utamanya bagi mereka yang bermukim di sekitaran pantai. Dengan kekuatan besar, ia akan menyapu apa saja yang dilewatinya.
Jika berbicara mengenai proses terjadinya tsunami, maka kita tentu harus memulai dari penyebabnya, yakni gempa di wilayah lautan. Tsunami selalu diawali suatu pergerakan dahsyat yang lazim kita sebut gempa. Meski diketahui bahwa gempa ini ada beragam jenis, namun 90% tsunami disebabkan oleh pergerakan lempeng di dalam perut bumi yang letaknya kebetulan ada di dalam wilayah lautan. Akan tetapi perlu juga disebutkan, sejarah pernah merekam tsunami yang dahsyat akibat meletusnya Gunung Krakatau.
Gempa yang terjadi di dalam perut bumi akan mengakibatkan munculnya tekanan ke arah vertical sehingga dasar lautan akan naik dan turun dalam rentang waktu yang singkat. Hal ini kemudian akan memicu ketidakseimbangan pada air lautan yang kemudian terdorong menjadi gelombang besar yang bergerak mencapai wilayah daratan.
Dengan tenaga yang besar yang ada pada gelombang air tersebut, wajar saja jika bangunan di daratan bisa tersapu dengan mudahnya. Gelombang tsunami ini merambat dengan kecepatan yang tak terbayangkan. Ia bisa mencapai 500 sampai 1000 kilometer per jam di lautan. Dan saat mencapai bibir pantai, kecepatannya berkurang menjadi 50 sampai 30 kilometer per jam. Meski berkurang pesat, namun kecepatan tersebut sudah bisa menyebabkan kerusakan yang parah bagi manusia.
Jika kita mencermati proses terjadinya tsunami, tentu kita paham bahwa tak ada campur tangan manusia di dalamnya. Dengan demikian, kita tak memiliki kendali untuk mencegah penyebab tersebut. Namun, dengan persiapan dan kewaspadaan yang maksimal, kita bisa meminimalisir dampak bencana tsunami ini sendiri. Contoh yang baik sudah diperlihatkan Jepang. Meski rawan tsunami, namun kesadaran rakyatnya mampu menekan jumlah korban akibat bencana tersebut.
Pengertian,Rumus Dan Contoh Conditional Sentence Tipe 1 2 3 Dan Belajar Conditional Sentences Terlengkap
Materi Dikutip Dari BUKU : MEGA BANK OF GRAMMAR – Halo sahabat SBI yang baik hatinya, kali ini kita akan sama-sama belajar mengenai Conditional sentence, baik tipe 1, 2, ataupun 3. Buat yang masih bingung dengan conditional sentence, simak baik-baik penjelasan dibawah ini.
Pengertian conditional sentences
Conditional sentence (kalimat pengandaian) adalah kalimat yang mengandaikan suatu keinginan, harapan, rencana, dan Iain-lain yang masih bisa terjadi [possible), sesuatu yang tak terpenuhi/angan-angan (unreal), dan tak ter- wujud (impossible).
If I work hard, I will have a lot of money. (Jika aku bekerja keras, aku akan memiliki banyak uang)
If I study English, I will get good score in TOEFL. (Jika aku belajar bahasa Inggris, aku akan mendapatkan nilai yang bagus dalam tes TOEFL)
If I had a lot of money, I would buy an expensive car. (Jika aku memiliki banyak uang, aku akan menibeli mobil yang mahal)
If i were you, I would work in that foreign company. (Jika aku jadi kamu, aku akan bekerja di perusahaan asing itu)
If I had got high score in the national examination, I would have studeid in a state university. (jika aku mendapatkan nilai yang bagus di ujian nasional, aku akan belajar disebuah perguruan tinggi negeri)
We would have got the ticket if we had come earlier. (Kita akan mendapatkan tiket jika kita datang lebih awal.)
Terdapat dua bagian di dalam struktur kalimat pengadaian. yaitu mduk Kalimat (main clause) dan anak kalimat (dalam bentuk if clause).
If I work hard, 1 will have a lot of money.
If clause main clause
Struktur atau posisi induk dan anak kalimat pada kalimat pengandaian dapat diubah-ubah.
If I had got high score in the national examination, 1 would have entered state university.
1 would have entered state university If I had got high score in the national examination.
Ketika posisi induk kalimat berada di depan, maka tidak perlu adanya pemisah berupa tanda koma (,) di antara induk dan anak kalimat.
Ketika posisi anak kalimat (if clause) berada di depan, maka digunakan pemisah berupa tanda koma (,).
Kalimat pengandaian (conditional sentence) terbagi menjadi tiga, yaitu:
If I study hard, I will pass the final examination. (jika aku belajar dengan sungguh-sungguh, aku akan lulus dalam ujian akhir)
> Kalimat pengandaian (conditional sentece) tipe 1 digunakan untuk mengungkapkan atau mengandaikan sesuatu yang belum terjadi pada waktu sekarang dan memiliki kemungkinan untuk terjadi dalam waktu dekat. Kalimat semacam ini menjelaskan untuk menyatakan suatu pola sebab dan akibat.
Kalimat pengandaian tipe 2 (type 2)
Pola kalimat pengandaian tipe 2:
If + subject + V2/simple past tense + Subject + would + Vl/past future tense
If + subject + were + adjective/noun + Subject + would be + adjective/noun
Rony would buy a new car if he got the job in foreign company. (Rony akan membeli mobil baru jika ia mendapatkan pekerjaan di perusahaan asing)
If I passed the company entrance test, I would treat you a plate of steak. (jika aku lulus dalam tes masuk perusahaan, aku akan mentraktirmu sepiring bistik)
If I were you, I would apply for that scholarship. (jika aku jadi kamu, aku akan melamar untuk beasiswa itu)
Kalimat pengandaian (conditional sentence) tipe 2 merupakan kalimat yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan sesuatu yang tidak mungkin terjadi atau yang bertentangan dengan kenyataan pada waktu sekarang. Kalimat dengan tipe ini biasanya digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu khayalan.
Fakta: fakta yang diungkapkan oleh kalimat pengandaian tipe 2 adalah bahwa saat ini apa yang diandaikan itu tidak terjadi.
Condotional Sentence:
If I had long holiday, I would visit your home. (jika aku libur panjang, aku akan mengunjungi rumahmu)
Fakta/Fact :
I have not long holiday. (Aku tidak libur panjang)
Conditional Sentence:
If I were you, I would go to that party. (Kalau aku jadi kamu, aku akan pergi ke pesta itu)
I am not you. (Aku bukan kamu)
Catatan : were digunakan baik oleh subjek tunggal maupun jamak. Namun. ada kalanya bentuk was digunakan pada subjek (I , he, she, it) ketika digunakan pada percakapan tidak formal.
Misalnya : If I wasyou. I would accept his invitation.
Kalimat pengandaian tipe 3 (type 3)
Pola kalimat pengandaian tipe 3:
If + subject + had + V3/past perfects + subject + would have + V3/past perfect
if + subject + had been + adjective/noun + subject + would have been + adjective/noun
If I had had enough time, I would have come to your wedding party. (Kalau saja aku punya waktu yang cukup, aku akan datang ke pesta pernikahanmu)
Ifl had worked hard, I would have got the promotion for manager position. (Kalau saja aku bekerja keras, aku akan mendapatkan promosi untuk jabatan manajer)
If I hadn’t gone to the mountain, I wouldn’t have had an accident. (Kalau saja aku tidak pergi ke gunung, aku tidak akan mengalami kecelakaan)
Kalimat pengandaian (conditional sentence) tipe 3 adalah kalimat yang mengandaikan sesuatu yang sudah terjadi dan tidak terjadi di masa lalu. Tipe kalimat ini biasanya digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu penyesalan.
Fakta yang diungkapkan dalam kalimat pengandaian ini adalah bahwa apa yang diandaikan tidak pernah terjadi di masa lalu.
Conditional sentence:
If I had studied English well, I would have got good score in TOEIC. (kalau aku belajar bahasa Inggris dengan baik, aku akan mendapatkan nilai yang baik di TOEIC.
I did not study. Therefore, I had bad score in TOEIC. ( Aku tidak belajar. Maka dari itu, aku mendapatkan nilai yang buruk di TOEIC. )
Kalimat pengandaian (Conditional Sentence) juga dapat menggunakan bentuk progressive atau continuous jika memang menerangkan proses yang sedang terjadi.
Conditional Sentence:
If I were working in England, I would be living together with my family. (jika aku bekerja di Inggris. aku akan dapat tinggal bersama dengan keluargaku)
I am not working in England. I am not living together with my family. (Aku tidak bekerja di Inggris. Aku tidak tinggal bersama dengan keluargaku)
Conditional Sentence:
If it were not raining right now, I would go to the music concert. (kalau sekarang tidak hujan, aku akan pergi ke konser musik)
It is raining right now, so I will not go the music concert. (Sekarang sedang hujan, jadi aku tidak akan pergi ke konser musik)
Conditional sentence:
If I had been working in England last year. I would have been living together with my family. (Kalau aku bekerja di Inggris tahun kemarin, aku pasti tinggal bersama dengan keluargaku).
I was not working in England. I was not living together with my family (aku tidak bekerja di Inggris. Aku tidak tinggal bersama dengan keluargaku)
Conditional sentence:
If it has not been raining, I would have gone to the music concert. (kalau tidak hujan, aku pasti pergi ke konser musik)
It was raining yesterday, so 1 did not go to the music concert. (Kemarin hujan, jadi aku tidak pergi ke konser musik)
Conditional sentence (kalimat pengandaian) dapat mengungkapkan kejadian atau pengandaian yang terjadi pada waktu yang berbeda. Misalnya, klausa if (anak kalimat) mengungkapkan kejadian pada waktu lampau [past), sedangkan induk kalimat mengungkapkan kejadian yang sekarang [present).
Conditional sentence:
If I had prepared some foods several hours ago, I would not be hungry right now. (Jika aku mempersiapkan makanan beberapa jam yang lalu, aku tidak akan lapar sekarang)
I did not prepare some foods several hours ago so 1 am hungry right now. (Aku tidak mempersiapkan makanan beberapa jam yang lalu, jadi aku lapar sekarang).
Jika terdapat penggunaan were, had (past perfect), dan shouldterkadang terdapat penghilangan if.
Were I you, I would attend the state university entrance test.
Were I you = if I were you
Terdapat pola suatu kalimat yang mengindikasikan suatu kalimat pengandaian (conditional sentence)
I would have come to your party, but I had to go to my sister’s wedding party. (Kalau aku tidak harus pergi ke pesta pernikahan kakakku aku pasti akan datang ke pestamu).
Ada kalanya di dalam suatu kalimat tidak menyebutkan klausa IF secara eksplisit. Ketika klausa if disebutkan secara eksplisit maka kalimat di atas akan menjadi : If I had not had to go to my sister’s wedding party, 1 would have come to your party.
Perbedaan Kata Ask, Inquire, & Require Dalam Bahasa Inggris
Perbedaan Ask, Inquire Require Dalam Bahasa Inggris – Tentunnya teman – teman dirumah sering menemui kata Apa perbedaan antara ASK, INQUIRE dan REQUIRE. Kapankah kita harus memakainya? Dan bisakah kita memakai kata yang satu untuk menggantikannya dengan yang lain?
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan seperti itu sering muncul. Dan untuk menunjukkan sejumlah keunikkan yang menarik dalam bahasa Inggris. Pada kesempatan kali ini pun kita akan membahas mengenai perbedaan ketiga kata tersebut. Pertama, Kalian harus memahami bahwa Inquire dan Require terdengar dan terlihat mirip, sedangkan Ask adalah suatu kata yang benar-benar brbeda. Hal ini mmbuka celah kecil kedalam sejarah kata itu.
Perbedaan Ask, Inquire Require Dalam Bahasa Inggris
Terdapat banyak hal yang bisa dibahas tentang topik tersebut, tapi yang perlu Kalian ketahui di sini adalah bahwa “inquire” dan “require” berakar dari bahasa Latin, sedangkan “ask” berasal dari bahasa Inggris Kuno.
Pada zaman dahulu, sebagian besar kata bahasa Inggris adalah campuran dari brbagai bahasa di Eropa. Lalu bahasa Inggris mendapat pengaruh besar dari bahasa Perancis, dan bahasa Perancis itu brakar kuat dari bahasa Latin.
Sebagai hasilnya, bahasa Inggris yang modern mempunyai akar dari campuran bermacam – macam bahasa, sehingga memberikan kita bermacam – macam cara dan kata untuk mengekspresikan suatu arti yang sama.
Pada zaman sekarang, kita sering mencampuradukan kata baru dan kata lama dalam bahasa Inggris modern tanpa memperhatikannya secara detail. Tetapi sebenarnya, dengan mengetahui perbedaan dari kata-kata tersebut dapat membantu Kalian membuat pilihan yang lebih tepat saat menulisdanberbicara, termasuk juga saat belajar menguasai kata benda dan bentuk jamak yang tiak beraturan yang seringkali mmbuat pusing kepala. Kata-kata itu sebenarnya bukan tidak beraturan: tapi hanya dipengaruhi oleh aturan bahasaInggris kuno!
Pada umumnnya, kata-kata yang brasal dari bahasa Latin lebih panjang dan bisa dipenggal menjadi bberapa bagian, seperti awalan, akhiran dan kata dasar. Contohnya, “inquire” dan “require” memiliki kata dasar yang sama, yaitu “quire.” “Quire” berakar dari bahasa Latin yang berarti mencari. Awalan “in” dan “re” mngubah arti dari masing-masing kata. Sebaliknya, “ask” adalah contoh yang sempurna dari kata bahasa Inggris kuno: pendek, fleksibel dan brmakna jelas. Tiga kata yang kita bahas disini brarti mminta informasi atau aksi, tapi mereka dipakai dalam konteks yang berbeda.
Kata “Ask” adalah yang paling fleksibel di antara ketiga kata trsebut, dan Kalian dapat mnggunakannya dalam bermacam – macam konteks berbeda. Kata “Ask” dapat dipakai baik sebagai kata kerja transitif atau juga intransitif, sebagai contoh:
– ask someone todo something
– ask for the bill
– askto leave
– ask around
Kata “Inquire” memiliki arti meminta informasi. Kata ini juga bisa digunakan sebagai katakerja transitif ataupun intransitif. Dengan kata ini Kalian dapat:
– inquire about theweather (menannyakan cuaca )
– inquire why they are leaving
– inquire after his grandmother (menanyakan kesehatanya)
Sedangkan kata “Require” berarti membutuhkan atau butuh. Kata ini hanya brperan sebagai transitif, jadi Kalian selalu mmbutuhkan objek saat memakainnya:
– require somenew supplies
– require her to finish on time
Sekarang admin berharap Kalian mengerti arti dari ketiga kata tersebut. Mengetahui kapan dan bagaimana cara memakai kata tersebut memang adalah hal yang tidak mudah bagi Kalian yang belajar bahasa Inggris. Kata “Ask” sebenarnya dapat dipakai dalam hampir seluruh contoh di atas. Sedangkan kata “inquire” dan “require” dipakai hanya dalam konteks tertentu saja.
Penuturasli bahasa Inggris acapkali menganggap bahwa kata-kata yang brasal dari bahasa Latin dan Yunani mempunyai arti yang lebih jelas dan tepat dan terkesan lebih pas digunakan dalam konteks percakapan, terlebih dalam menulis. Akan tetapi bagi mereka yang baru belajar bahasa Inggris dapat memakai kata-kata ini terlalu sering dan mengakibatkan bahasa Inggris mereka terkesan tidak alami. Lebih baik bila Kalian mnjaga struktur kalimat Kalian sederhana dan jelas, dan sebelum Kalian menyadarinya, Kalian akan tahu kapan Kalian dapat menambahkan kata-kata yang lebih bervariasi. Terima kasih semoga bermanfaat.