Di masa kini Paris, pengusaha kaya Diana Prince menerima foto era Perang Dunia I yang disampaikan oleh Wayne BUMN CEO Bruce Wayne di Louvre dan mengingat kecilnya. Dibesarkan di Pulau Themyscira, tanah Amazons, anak Diana bercita-cita menjadi prajurit Amazontapi ibunya Ratu Hippolyta melarang itu, menceritakan kisah tentangbagaimana Ares dewa perang rusak manusia dan membunuh semua dewa yang lain kecuali Zeus. Dengan kekuatan–Nya, Zeus meninggalkan Amazons senjata besar yang mampu menghancurkan Ares jikadia pernah kembali. Ibunya juga mengklaim bahwa dia terpahat putrinya bentuk dari tanah liat dan diberi kehidupan oleh Zeus sebelum ia meninggal. Diana namun mendurhakai ibunya dan diam-diam dilatih oleh bibinya Antiope.
Sebagai seorang wanita muda, Diana menyelamatkan pilot Steve Trevor setelah crash pesawat lepas pantai Themyscira. Amazons terlibat dan membunuh tentara Jerman dalam mengejar dia, tetapi Antiope meninggal melindungi Diana. Menginterogasi Lasso kebenaran, Steve mengungkapkan bahwa ia adalah mata-mata sekutu di PerangDunia I dan telah mencuri informasi dari sebuah fasilitas senjata di Kekaisaran Ottoman yang dijalankan oleh Jerman umum Erich Ludendorff, ilmuwan yang dokter Maru memproduksi baru, bentuk mematikan mustard gas. Tertentu yang Ares harus bertanggung jawab untuk“perang untuk mengakhiri semua perang”, Diana menentang perintah ibunya, dan membawa bersamanya pedang, perisai, Lasso kebenaran dan kostum yang akan mengubah dia menjadi Wonder Woman.Dia kemudian daun Themyscira dengan Steve untuk menemukan dan menghancurkan Ares.
Di London, Steve memberikan Maru’s Catatan kepada atasannya di kabinet perang Kekaisaran, termasuk Sir Patrick Morgan, yang mencoba untuk menegosiasikan gencatan senjata dengan Jerman. Steve percaya Ludendorff akan menyelesaikan dan menggunakan gas tanpa gencatan senjata, dan Diana menyimpulkan Ludendorff adalah Ares dirinya dan membunuh dia akan mengakhiri perang. Dengan berkat Sir Patrick, Steve dan Diana perjalanan ke garis depan untuk menghentikan Ludendorff, disertai oleh tim Steve: spy Sameer, penembak jitu Charlie, dan penyelundup kepala. Tiba di Western Front di Belgia, kelompok kemajuan dihentikan oleh musuh parit, sampai Diana mendorong sendiri melalui baris Jerman, mengumpulkan pasukan sekutu belakangnya untuk membebaskan sebuah desa dari Jerman kontrol. Diana dan tim merayakan kebebasan warga desa, dan Dianatumbuh dekat dengan Steve.
Belajar bahwa Ludendorff akan menghadiri gala di sebuah puri yang terdekat, Steve berakumulasi partai dan diikuti oleh Diana, yang bermaksud membunuh Ludendorff. Steve berhenti padanya untuk menghindari membahayakan misi untuk menghancurkan toko kimia, dan tak lama setelah Ludendorff menggunakan gas untuk bom desa terdekat. Diana hancur bahwa Steve mengganggu, menyalahkan dia karena hilangnya nyawa. Dalam kemarahan, Diana mengejar Ludendorff untuk sebuah komplek mana gas sedang dimuat ke seorang pembom untuk menyerang London. Diana perkelahian dan membunuh Ludendorff, tetapi terkejut ketika kematiannya tidak menghentikan perang. Sir Patrick muncul padanya, mengungkapkan bahwa ia adalah Ares benar; mengatakan bahwa meskipun dia telah halus mempengaruhi mereka untuk menghancurkan diri, manusia sendiri mengandung dorongan untuk menyebabkan perang dan kekerasan.
Ketika mereka bertengkar, Ares cuba meyakinkan Diana yang manusia tidak pantas untuk diselamatkan, dan mengungkapkan bahwa ia sendiri adalah Zeus di senjata: sebagai anak bungsunya dan dengan demikian ibunya penipuan ayah dan asal-usul. Seperti Ares mengalahkan Diana, Steve membajak pengebom yang mengandung gas danmengorbankan dirinya untuk di bakar pada jarak yang aman. Terinspirasi oleh Steve mementingkan diri dan kata–kata akhir, Diana mendedikasikan dirinya untuk membela umat manusia dan panggilan kekuatannya untuk akhirnya menghancurkan Ares dan cadangan kemanusiaan. Di London, tim sungguh-sungguh merayakan berakhirnya perang.
Di masa kini, Diana e-mail ke Wayne berterimakasih untuk foto dirinya dan Steve dan menegaskan kembali misinya untuk melindungi semua kehidupan.
Wonder Woman is a 2017 American superhero film based on the DC Comics character of the same name. Distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures, it is the fourth installment in the DC Extended Universe. The film is directed by Patty Jenkins, with a screenplay by Allan Heinberg and a story by Heinberg, Zack Snyder and Jason Fuchs. Gal Gadot stars as the titular character with Chris Pine, Robin Wright, Danny Huston, David Thewlis, Connie Nielsen and Elena Anaya in supporting roles. Wonder Woman is the first live action theatrical film starring the character, following her first live action theatrical appearance in 2016’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. In the film, after American pilot Steve Trevor crashes on the island of Themyscira and tells Diana Prince about World War I, Diana leaves her home to try to stop the war.
Development for the film was on-going since 1996, with Jenkins signing on to direct in 2015. Principal photography began on November 21, 2015 with filming taking place in the United Kingdom, France, and Italy before wrapping up on May 19, 2016. Additional filming also took place in November 2016. Wonder Woman is the first summer tent pole superhero film directed by a woman, and Jenkins is the first woman to direct a superhero film with a female protagonist.
Wonder Woman premiered in Shanghai on May 15, 2017, and was released in the United States on June 2, 2017 in 2D, 3D, and IMAX 3D. It received positive reviews from critics, with many praising Gadot’s performance
In present day Paris, wealthy entrepreneur Diana Prince receives a World War I-era photograph delivered by Wayne Enterprises’ CEO Bruce Wayne at the Louvre and recalls her childhood. Raised on the island of Themyscira, the land of the Amazons, the child Diana dreams of becoming an Amazonian warrior but her mother Queen Hippolyta forbids it, telling her the story of how Ares the god of war corrupted mankind and killed all the other gods except Zeus. With the last of his strength, Zeus left the Amazons a weapon capable of destroying Ares if he ever returned. Her mother also claims that she sculpted her daughter’s form from clay and given life by Zeus before he dies. Diana nevertheless disobeys her mother and is secretly trained by her aunt Antiope.
As a young woman, Diana rescues pilot Steve Trevor after his plane crashes off the coast of Themyscira. The Amazons engage and kill the German soldiers in pursuit of him, but Antiope dies protecting Diana. Interrogated with the Lasso of Truth, Steve reveals that he is an Allied spy in World War I and has stolen information from a weapons facility in the Ottoman Empire run by German general Erich Ludendorff, whose scientist Doctor Maru is producing a new, deadlier form of mustard gas. Certain that Ares must be responsible for the “war to end all wars,” Diana defies her mother’s orders, and takes with her the sword, shield, Lasso of Truth, and costume that will turn her into Wonder Woman. She then leaves Themyscira with Steve in order to find and destroy Ares.
In London, Steve delivers Maru’s notes to his superiors at the Imperial War Cabinet, including Sir Patrick Morgan, who is trying to negotiate an armistice with Germany. Steve believes Ludendorff will complete and use the gas regardless of an armistice, and Diana concludes Ludendorff is Ares himself and slaying him will end the war. With Sir Patrick’s blessing, Steve and Diana travel to the front lines to stop Ludendorff, accompanied by Steve’s team: spy Sameer, marksman Charlie, and smuggler Chief. Arriving at the Western Front in Belgium, the group’s progress is halted by enemy trenches, until Diana pushes alone through the German lines, rallying the allied forces behind her to liberate a village from German control. Diana and the team celebrate the freedom of the villagers, and Diana grows close to Steve.
Learning that Ludendorff will attend a gala at a nearby castle, Steve infiltrates the party and is followed by Diana, who intends to kill Ludendorff. Steve stops her to avoid jeopardizing the mission to destroy the chemical stores, and shortly after Ludendorff uses the gas to bomb the nearby village. Diana is devastated that Steve interfered, blaming him for the loss of life. In rage, Diana pursues Ludendorff to a complex where the gas is being loaded into a bomber to attack London. Diana fights and slays Ludendorff, but is stunned when his death does not stop the war. Sir Patrick appears to her, revealing that he is the true Ares; he tells her though he has subtly influenced them to destroy themselves, humans themselves contain the impulse to cause war and violence.
As they fight, Ares attempts to convince Diana that humanity does not deserve to be saved, and reveals that she herself is Zeus’s weapon: his youngest child and thus her mother’s deception of her paternity and origins. As Ares overpowers Diana, Steve hijacks the bomber containing the gas and sacrifices himself to incinerate it at a safe distance. Inspired by Steve’s selflessness and his final words, Diana dedicates herself to defending mankind and summons her power to finally destroy Ares and spare humanity. In London, the team solemnly celebrates the end of the war.
In the present day, Diana e-mails to Wayne thanking him for the photograph of her and Steve and reaffirms her mission to protect all life.