
  • Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Sayur Asem yang Enak dan Gurih

    Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Sayur Asem yang Enak dan Gurih

    Berikut ini SBI akan berbagi contoh Prosedural Text. Rekan-rekan SBI akan melihat contoh text membuat suatu makanan yang sangat familiar dalam keseharian rekan-rekan semua. Dalam artikel kali ini kita akan membuat satu Prosedural Text yaitu How to Make Sayur Asem dalam bahasa inggris. Yuk kita liat saja prosedur textnya.

    Materials needed:

    • 100 grams of green papaya, cut into pieces
    • 50 grams melinjo
    • 50 grams of melinjo leaves
    • 5 rods long beans, cut into pieces
    • 4 pieces of cabbage, cored severity, cut into pieces
    • 2 tablespoons peanut
    • 2 liters of water
    • 1 piece of sweet corn, cut into 3 parts
    • ½ fruit squash, diced
    • ½ stem eggplant, cut into pieces

    Vegetable seasoning sour (mashed)

    • 6 grains hazelnut
    • 5 red onions
    • 3 cloves of garlic
    • 2 red chilies
    • 2 teaspoons tamarind
    • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
    • ½ teaspoon shrimp paste
    • salt to taste

    Contoh Procedure Text How To Make Sayur Asem yang Enak dan Gurih


    • 2 bay leaves
    • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
    • 1 knuckles galangal, crushed

    How to Make

    1. Cook the water until boils, put the material in advance
    2. First of all, put the hard vegetables such as corn, betel nut and peanuts, boiled until the vegetables soft
    3. Put a spice that has been mashed, bay leaves and galangal, wait until the water boil.
    4. Add the remaining vegetables that have not been included. Taste it.
    5. Add when less – salt or fresh tamarind
    6. Remove from stove and serve it.

    In addition to vegetable seasoning tamarind, tamarind can also be replaced with the tomatoes which are still green. Brown sugar can also be replaced with sugar, but the result is the so more clear … for spicy flavors can be added or subtracted by removing red chili seeds.

    Nah seperti itulah contoh Prosedur Text how to make sayur asem. Simak terus sekolah bahasa inggris untuk contoh-contoh Prosedural Text berikutnya, Semoga bermanfaat.

  • Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 5

    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 5

    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 5

    Sekolahbahasainggris In this reading section you will have a new text of reading comprehension to enrich your skill on reading.

    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 5
    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 5
    • Text 5:

    Radio and Television

    There are many homes in our country today which have either a radio or television set. Both of them have become essential part of our daily life. They inform us the news of the day, instruct us in many fields of interest, and entertain us with singing, dancing, and acting.

    When we consider the effects of the radio broadcast we realize that a radio is more than a form of entertainment. It is in fact a very powerful instrument of communication which can influence our lives very deeply.

    Television is another major instruement of communication. It permits us to see as well as to hear the performer. Since its appearance, TV has had a great effects on the daily life of people everywhere.

    Improvement of all kinds are constantly being made in television so that receprtion will be as perfect as possible. Perhaps the most recent advancement is the use of satellites. Those specially equipped capsules orbit the globe and make the entire world closer than ever before.


    1. One function of radio which is NOT mentioned in the passage is..

    A.To inform

    B.To instruct

    C.To make the world closer

    D.To entertain

    E.To influence people

    1. The practical difference between radio and television is that….

    A.Radio is smaller than television

    B.Radio uses only alittle service of satellites

    C.Television is constantly improved

    D.Television permits us to see as well as to hear the performer

    E.Radio can influence our lives very deeply

    1. Them in “Both of Them have become……” (line 2) refers to…


    B.Our Country

    C.Radio and Television

    D.The news and fields of interest

    E.Our lives

    1. Capsules in “Those specially-equipped capsules……….” (line 17) refers to..



    C.All kinds

    D.Medical substance

    E.Radio and Television broadcasts

    Semoga Bermanfaat para pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    1000 Contoh, Pengertian, dan Rumus Kalimat Present Perfect Tense

    Materi Pronunciation 11: Latihan Listening Pronunciation CD 03

  • Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 4

    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 4

    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 4

    SekolahbahasainggrisIn this reading section you will have a new text of reading comprehension to enrich your skill on reading.

    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 4
    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 4
    • Text 4:

    A Geyser is the result of underground water under the combined conditions of high temperatures and increased pressure beneath the surface of the earth. Since termperature rises approximately one degree F for every sixty feet under the earth’s surface, and pressure increases with depth, water that sweeps down in creaks and fissures until it reaches very hot rocks in the earth’s interior becomes heated to a temperature in excess of 290 degrees F. Because of the greater presuure, it shoots out of the surface in the form of steam and hot water. The result is a geyser.

    For the most part, geysers are located in three regions of the world; New Zealand, Iceland, and the Yellowstone National Park area of the United Staes. The most famous geyser in the world is old faithful in Yellowstone Park. Old Faithful erupts almost every hour, rising to a height of 125 to 170 feet and expelling more than ten thousand gallons during each eruption


    1. In order for a geyser to erupt

    A.Hot rocks must rise to ther surface of the earth

    B.Water must flow underground

    C.It must be a warm day

    D.The earth must not be rugged or broken

    1. Old faithful is located in…

    A.New Zealand


    C.The United States


    1. Old Faithful erupts

    A.Every 10 minutes

    B.Every 125 minutes

    C.Every 60 minutes

    D.Every 170 minutes

    1. A geyser is……

    A.Hot water and steam

    B.Cracks and fissures

    C.Hot Rocks

    D.Great pressure

    1. As depth increases..

    A.Pressure increases but temperature does not

    B.Temperature increases but pressure does not

    C.Both pressure and temperature increase

    D.Neither pressure nor temperature increases

    Semoga Bermanfaat para pembaca SBI!!!

    Further Reading:

    English For Nursing-Unit 5: Questions +Dialogue For Nursing

    Ucapan Hari Valentine Bahasa Inggris dan Kata-kata Cinta Romantis

  • Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 3

    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 3

    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 3

    SekolahbahasainggrisIn this reading section you will have a new text of reading comprehension to enrich your skill on reading.

    Aturan untuk pertanyaan sebab akibat:

    A.Jika pernyataan Betul, alas an Betul dan Keduanya menunjukkan hubungan Sebab Akibat.

    B.Jika pernyataan Betul, alas an Betul tetapi keduanya tidak menunjukkan hubungan sebabt akibat.

    C.Jika pertanyaan Betul tetapi alasannya Salah.

    D.Jika pernyataan Salah dan alasannya Betul.

    E.Jika pernyataan dan Alasannya keduanya Salah.

    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 3
    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 3
    • Text 3:

    Einstein’s Law Of Relativity

    The most people it is not easy to explain why Einstein’s theory eventually shook the whole scientific and intellectual world. But because of it, scientist never egain regarded the world as they had before.

    Basically, the theory proposed, among other things, that the maximum speed possible in the universe is that of light; that mass appears to increase with speed; that the rate of a clock moving through space will decrease as its speed increases; and that energy and mass are equal and interchangeable.

    This letter claim, based on the formula E= m.c2 (energy equals mass times the square of the speed of the light) was later proved by atomic fission, on which the atomic bomb is based. Later in his life, when Einstein was asked to explain his law of relativity to a group of young students, he said.

    ‘When you sit with a nice girl for two hours, you think it’s only a minute. But when you sit on hot stove for a minute. You think it’s two hours. That’s relativity’.


    1. It u “……it is not easy to explain……” (line 1) refers to

    A.Einstein’s theory

    B.Most people

    C.Not easy

    D.To explain why Einstein’s theory……

    E.The scientific and intellectual world

    1. Scientist’ view of the world before and afeter Einstein’s was

    A.The same


    C.Not very clear



    1. One of Einstein’s propositions NOT mentioned in the passage is that

    A.The general theory of realtivity is based on atomic fission

    B.The maximum speed possible in the universe is that of light

    C.Mass appears to increase with speed

    D.The rate a clock moving through space will decrease as its speed increases

    E.Energy and mass equal and interchangeable

    1. That in “……..the maximum speed possible in the universe is that of light…….” In Bahasa Indonesia Means




    D.Yang Mana

    E.Kecepatan (refers to speed)

    1. “This latter claim,………..” (line 10) means

    A.Einstein’s theory eventually shook scientic world

    B.The maximum speed possible in the universe is that of light

    C.That mass appears to increase with speed

    D.That energy and mass are equal and interchangeable

    E.The atomic bomb is based on atomic fission

     Semoga Bermanfaat para pembaca SBI!!!

    Further Reading:

    1000 Contoh, Pengertian, dan Rumus Kalimat Present Perfect Tense

  • Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 2

    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 2

    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 2

    SekolahbahasainggrisIn this reading section you will have a new text of reading comprehension to enrich your skill on reading.

    Aturan untuk pertanyaan sebab akibat:

    A.Jika pernyataan Betul, alas an Betul dan Keduanya menunjukkan hubungan Sebab Akibat.

    B.Jika pernyataan Betul, alas an Betul tetapi keduanya tidak menunjukkan hubungan sebabt akibat.

    C.Jika pertanyaan Betul tetapi alasannya Salah.

    D.Jika pernyataan Salah dan alasannya Betul.

    E.Jika pernyataan dan Alasannya keduanya Salah.

    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 2
    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 2
    • Where is God?

    When the russian astronauts were first in space they mockingly said, ‘look! There is no God HERE’.

    Indeed, those who believe in God have never said that God in space. Christians, for example, believe that God is in Heave; other believers may have different opinions as to where God is. But one thing they have in common is that God exists in this universe.

    A moslem philosopher illustrates the existence of God in this universe as the existence of the soul in our body. We do not know for sure in which part of the body the soul is – in the head, breast, or limbs? But we know that those parts are living- they move and develop – we can feel it. The soul is there, everywhere in our body.

    It is quite similar to the existence of God in this universe. Everywhere we can see his creation – on green land, in the blue sky, even in the blackest deep of the sea or in the center of the earth. God is only one, but he is there, everywhere in this world; there is nothing to resemble Him. And God is very close to those who have faith in their hearts.


    1. The existence of God in the universe is

    A.Precisely the same as the existence of the soul in the body

    B.Now questionable

    C.Indicated by the existence of His creation in this world

    D.accepted by Russian astronauts

    E.Perceived in the same way by people who believe in Him

    1. Which of the statements is correcr according to the passage?

    A.God is in heaven

    B.God is in space

    C.God is everywhere

    D.God is in our body

    E.God is nowhere

    1. The blue sky,the green land, the large oceans and all other things in the world are God’s






    1. The existence of God in this universe is similar to the existence of the soul in our body


              The creations of the God and the live movement of the body are everywhere in this life.

     Semoga Bermanfaat para pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    1000 Contoh, Pengertian, dan Rumus Kalimat Present Perfect Tense

    1000 Contoh CV Professional Dalam Bahasa Inggris

  • Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 1

    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 1

    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 1

    SekolahbahasainggrisHai sahabat SBI Akoh…….! Api khabakh?! (Apa kabar?!) Semoga hari-hari nya indah ya sahabat SBI! Bagaimana skill dalam bahasa Inggris nya? Apakah sudah bertambah? Apakah kalian semakin paham dan lancer sahabat?

    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 1
    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 1

    Yak, bahasa Inggris membutuhkan banyak latihan loh sahbat untuk memperkaya skill kalian. Tak cukup satu kali atau dua kali jika ingin benar-benar fluent dalam bahasa Inggris. Harus berates-ratus bahkan beribu-ribu kali loh sahabat!

    Selamat mengerjakan soal Reading Comprehension 1 ini yak:

    Aturan untuk pertanyaa no 1 dan 2:

    A.Jika pernyataan Betul, alas an Betul dan Keduanya menunjukkan hubungan Sebab Akibat.

    B.Jika pernyataan Betul, alas an Betul tetapi keduanya tidak menunjukkan hubungan sebabt akibat.

    C.Jika pertanyaan Betul tetapi alasannya Salah.

    D.Jika pernyataan Salah dan alasannya Betul.

    E.Jika pernyataan dan Alasannya keduanya Salah.

    • The Effect Of Televisison Violence On Children

    Parents and Teacher in Bandar Lampung are worried about the effect of TV violence on children. Many children watch TV for several hours everyday; even though they are watching children’s programs, they are still confronted with scenes of violence and terror. Many cartoons include violence like Spongebob, Tom and Jerry, Shinchan, etc. Whether this will encourage children to act more violently themselves is not certain.

    There has been a general increase in violence in society in recent years, but experts haver not been able to trace ths trend directly to TV. Yet, they point out that the situation is dangerous because TV, and films as well, teaches children at an early age to accept violence as anatural part of life.

    1. Parents and teachers are worried about the effect of TV programmes on children.


              Not all the programmes. Even children programmes, are always suitable for them


    1. There has been a general increase in violence in society in recent years certainly


               TV, and films as well, teaches children at an early age to accept violence as a natural part of life.

    1. This in “Whether this will encourage children……” (line 5) refers to..

    A.Children’s watching Televisison for several hours

    B.Children’s TV programmes

    C.Children’s watching TV violence

    D.the Effect of television

    E.A general increase in violence

    1. “…….TV, and films as well, ………” (line 10) means

    A.TV is as well as films

    B.TV is as good as films


    D.TV and films are equally good

    E.TV and also films

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    English For Nursing-Unit 1: Affirmative

    English For Nursing-Unit 2: Suffix

  • 8 Units Modul Bahasa Inggris Untuk Mahasiswa Keperawatan (English For Nursing)

    8 Units Modul Bahasa Inggris Untuk Mahasiswa Keperawatan (English For Nursing)

    8 Units Modul Bahasa Inggris Untuk Mahasiswa Keperawatan (English For Nursing)

    SekolahbahasainggrisHai sahabat SBI! How are you nih! Semoga wawai gawoh ya….. Apakah kalian masih semangat dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris? Semoga kalian masih joss aja ya belajarnya! Nah kali ini admin akan membagikan kepada kalian modul loh.

    8 Units Modul Bahasa Inggris Untuk Mahasiswa Keperawatan (English For Nursing)
    8 Units Modul Bahasa Inggris Untuk Mahasiswa Keperawatan (English For Nursing)

    English For Nursing atau bahasa Inggris untuk Keperawatan itu memiliki perbedaa layaknya English For Bussiness. Perbedaan nya tentu saja pada pengguanaan kata atau kalimat yang disesuaikan dengan dunia keperawatan.

    Biasanya berhubungan dengan rumah sakit, pasien, doctor, penyakit, serta istilah-istilah di dalam dunia keperawatan dalam bahasa Inggris. Untuk lebih jelasnya yuk disimak 8 bab units materi modul bahasa Inggris dibwah ini yang bisa kalian pelajari satu per satu:

    1. English For Nursing-Unit 1: Affirmative

    2. English For Nursing-Unit 2: Suffix

    3. English For Nursing-Unit 3: WH Questions

    4. English For Nursing-Unit 4: Yes/No Questions

    5. English For Nursing-Unit 5: Questions +Dialogue For Nursing

    6. English For Nursing-Unit 6: Present Tense

    7. English For Nursing-Unit 7: Diagnostic Post Test

    8. English For Nursing-Unit 8: Diagnostic Post Test 2

    Pada bab- bab diatas terdiri dari 6 bab materi dan latihan dan 2 bab post test yang dapat kalian guankan sebagai bahan belajar kalain.


    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    Materi Pronunciation 13: Latihan Listening Pronunciation CD 05

    10 Contoh Brosur Bahasa Inggris Terbaik+Terupdate

  • 99 Contoh Puisi Bahasa Inggris Tentang Persahabatan+ Artinya

    99 Contoh Puisi Bahasa Inggris Tentang Persahabatan+ Artinya

    99 Contoh Puisi Bahasa Inggris Tentang Persahabatan+ Artinya

    Sekolahbahasainggris- Semua orang di dunia ini pasti memiliki sahabat. Tak terkecuali….. Sahabat menjadi bagian dari puing- puing kehidupan yang tersusun membentuk bintang bersinar di malam kita.

    99 Contoh Puisi Bahasa Inggris Tentang Persahabatan+ Artinya
    99 Contoh Puisi Bahasa Inggris Tentang Persahabatan+ Artinya

    Puisi untuk persahabatan yang kita bina pun seakan menjadi perwakilan isi hati masing-masing setiap anggotanya. Kita kadang berdekat-dekatan kaya kepompong sahabta. Kadang juga kita berjauh-jauhan kayak kecebong. Hehe….

    Nah buat sahabat yang sedang mencari referensi puisi bahasa Inggris tentang persahabatan yuk disimak contoh dibawah ini:



    9 Years 5 Person 1000 love

    By Muhammad Tri Sutrisno

    I remembered the winds flow me

    On that time we didn’t know

    Among another

    I remembered on 2 may

    This date when we formed

    It called 5fc

    I got you more

    In childish way

    We gather by 5 person

    I remembered it

    2 boys 3 girls

    It is complicated

    We can’t make us be one

    In our selfish character

    We just respect

    To all

    It is totally adorable


    You are irreplaceable

    9 years we have run

    One knew one

    Added in another year

    It is not easy, huh!

    It is so hard

    But we can

    Be forever

    5 Family Cartoon



    9 Tahun 5 Orang 1000 Sayang

    By Muhammad Tri Sutrisno

    Aku ingat sekali angina mengalirkanku

    Pad waktu kita dulu tak saling tahu

    Satu sama lain

    Aku ingat tentu pada tanggal 2 mei

    Tanggal saat terbentuk

    Yang disebut 5FC

    Aku tahu lebih

    Bagaimana kita begitu kekanak-kanakan

    Kita berlima bersama

    Aku ingat betul….

    2 Laki-laki 3 Wanita

    Sangat rumit

    Kita tak kan bisa jadi satu

    Dalam karakter egois kita

    Hanya saling menghargai

    Ke semuanya

    Sangat manis sekali


    Kalian tak tergantikan

    9 tahun berjalan

    Satu persatu saling tahu

    Hingga bertambah di tahun lain

    Tidaklah mudah, huh!

    Sangat sulit

    Tetapi kita bisa

    Selamanya bersama

    5 Family Cartoon


    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    1000 Ucapan Selamat Untuk Kelahiran Bayi Dalam Bahasa Inggris+ Artinya

    101 Istilah Akuntansi dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Artinya

  • English For Nursing-Unit 8: Diagnostic Post Test 2

    English For Nursing-Unit 8: Diagnostic Post Test 2

    English For Nursing-Unit 8: Diagnostic Post Test 2

    SekolahbahasainggrisIn this section you will have a n exercise in Diagnostic Post Test 2. So just do it by your self.

    English For Nursing-Unit 8: Diagnostic Post Test 2
    English For Nursing-Unit 8: Diagnostic Post Test 2


    1. He specializes in administering…….





    1. I suggest you to visit….





    1. Hadi works in the……..ward.





    1. My father is a…………





    1. Hilda cares for patients during a………..





    1. Excuse me nurse, I want to see a dentist. Where is the………..unit.





    1. My leg is fracture and I need to be X-Rayed. Can you show me where the……..





    1. My father has a pain on his chest and I need to visit the cardiologist. Show me the way to………unit.





    1. There are many children hospitalized in…………wards.





    1. The obstetricians work in…………..wards





    1. Where…………Mrs…… Shinta live?





    1. Where did you…………





    1. ………………do usually bowel matrion? In the morning





    1. (Injecting – what – call – medical instrument – you – do – used for )

    a.What is used for injecting medical instruments?

    b.What do you call for medical instruments used for injecting

    c.What do you call medical instruments used for injecting

    d.What injecting medical instruments used for

    1. Am – right – the – ward – in

    a.Am I the right wards?

    b.I am in the right wards

    c.In the right wards I am

    d.In the right ward am i



    1. Part 2

    With who, what, or where, write the questions on the blanks.

    1. A nurse give the injection to the patient.

    What ………(does a nurse give to the patient)

    Who ……….(does give the injection to the patient)

    1. The nurses treat the casualty in the emergency room.



    1. The maternity unit is across from the pediatric wards



    1. The patient wants something to eat.



    1. The doctor orders you to go to the radiological unit




    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    Materi Pronunciation 13: Latihan Listening Pronunciation CD 05

    3 Cara 11 Langkah Membaca Bahasa Inggris Yang Baik Dan Benar